EBook Guide to Identify Your Life Purpose - Amazon S3 · written by Stephanie Relfe B.Sc. (Syd.), Kinesiologist. This is a great summary of Fuller’s work and I encourage you read

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Guide to Identify your Life Purpose and to define your Mission, Vision, and Goals

© 2010 Robert Martinez, The Geld Group, Entrepreneur Learning Center. All Rights Reserved. 2  

Guide to Identify your Life’s Purpose and to define your Mission, Vision, and Goals © 2010 Robert Martinez and The Geld Group. All Rights Reserved. Information in this documentation is the property of Robert Martinez and The Geld Group. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any

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Guide to Identify your Life Purpose and to define your Mission, Vision, and Goals

© 2010 Robert Martinez, The Geld Group, Entrepreneur Learning Center. All Rights Reserved. 3  

Congratulations for taking action… …. and obtaining, “Guide to Identify your Life Purpose and to define your

Mission, Vision, and Goals”

Identifying one’s life purpose, although a very significant undertaking, is

not as daunting a task as you may think. In fact, it is a very straight

forward process that will sometimes yield remarkable learning’s about

you, and have a remarkable impact on your life, and success.

In this “how to” guide I take you through a series of probing questions to

aide in your self-discovery of your true purpose in life, and to then

translate your purpose in a very meaningful way to define and document

a clear mission to satisfy that purpose, to create an inspirational vision to

achieve your mission, and to set clear and measurable goals to guide

your actions as you move toward, and through, your vision.

Always remember that success leaves clues, so whether you are a new

Entrepreneur or have an existing Small Business, and are looking to

increase your profitability and growth, if you learn and practice the things

successful Entrepreneurs do, it’s likely you will begin to experience more

success as well.

What you are about to learn and discover is what all successful

entrepreneurs have learned at one stage or another on their journey.

Being aware of who you are, and what needs to get done, day in and day

out, is what living on purpose and succeeding in life is all about.

Success is not an accident. Let’s get started.


Guide to Identify your Life Purpose and to define your Mission, Vision, and Goals

© 2010 Robert Martinez, The Geld Group, Entrepreneur Learning Center. All Rights Reserved. 4  

Live On Purpose to Achieve Business Success

One of the common themes I see in successful entrepreneurs is a desire

to explore and clearly define for themselves, what they are truly meant to

do with their life. The truly successful and happy ones are those that

search deep within themselves, identify their true calling, and define their

life’s mission, their vision to achieve that mission, and then set clear and

measurable goals, all aligned to achieve a happier life and a successful


Life Purpose

As you know, there are so many books, websites, and blogs dedicated to

teaching and guiding people on how to live a more purposeful life. Some

are based in religion, some in science, but they all share the common

objective of showing individuals how to get more in tune with their higher

self and to get connected to a mysterious and powerful force of an

abundant universe. It does not matter who, or what, helps you to define

this for yourself. What matters is that you do it. Find a process that

resonates with you and follow it. Your life, and your business, will benefit

greatly. What resonates with me in terms of understanding and

identifying my life’s purpose is the work of Buckminster Fuller. In the

pages that follow, I’ll share a brief summary of Fuller’s work, and then

take you through a simple process for you to identify your life’s purpose.

Most of us have a sense that there is a better, more meaningful way to

live our lives, but we can't seem to tap into what that really means. We

go about our daily lives doing what is required, but continue to carry

around a sense that there must be something more.

The search for a greater sense of life's purpose is a very common one,

particularly amongst small business owners. If you have ever found

yourself asking questions like these, you’re on the right track.

Guide to Identify your Life Purpose and to define your Mission, Vision, and Goals

© 2010 Robert Martinez, The Geld Group, Entrepreneur Learning Center. All Rights Reserved. 5  

• How can I find more meaning in my life?

• How can my work be more fulfilling?

• How do I find out what life I am meant to live?

I spent many years asking myself these very questions and it was only

shortly after I started the process to understand my life’s purpose, and to

define my life’s mission, that I truly began to enjoy my work more and to

achieve greater success. As you will learn below, the process to define

one’s purpose is a personal one, and many of the by-products of this

process are not to be shared. However, your final stated mission is

something you can and should share, and something to be very proud of.

Sometimes your purpose and mission simply jump out and are clearly

defined in a matter of hours. Personally, once I started the process, it

took me about three weeks of tweaking to finalize my personal mission

statement (below), which now serves as my fundamental purpose and is

the “why” behind all the things I do.

“To empower and inspire others to achieve their unique vision

of success through trusted guidance and purpose driven

transformation of the individual, and their business”

Buckminster Fuller

We all know of the many problems facing the earth and its people. And I

believe that most people would like to do something about it, but they

don't do much about it because they believe that what they do will not

make any difference. That was how I used to feel.

Then one day I attended a seminar where I learned about the teachings

of American Buckminster Fuller. I learned about my life purpose, and how

I can make a big difference.

Guide to Identify your Life Purpose and to define your Mission, Vision, and Goals

© 2010 Robert Martinez, The Geld Group, Entrepreneur Learning Center. All Rights Reserved. 6  

Buckminster Fuller is one of the greatest inventors and thinkers of the

twentieth century. There is a story that his life was once like most people,

full of going to parties, football etc. He was a bit of a “wild lad" in the

early days. Then something happened which changed his life forever.

His daughter Alexandra who was only around 6 years old was very sick at

that time. He left the house one day, promising to be back soon. Before

he left, he promised Alexandra he would bring her back one of the small

flags that they have at the football, as it was her birthday.

Buckminster Fuller didn't return home after the football. He didn't return

home for three days. Presumably he was partying. When he finally

arrived home, his wife told him to not waste time apologizing to her, but

to go upstairs and see his daughter immediately. Alexandra had taken a

turn for the worse. When Fuller picked his daughter up in his arms, he

said hello to her. Then she asked him if he had it. This disappointment

was enough to end her slender hold on life. She died in his arms.

After that Fuller felt so bad he went for a walk, and decided to end his

life. But, the story goes that he heard a voice saying something along the

lines – “You do not have the right to end your life. It is not yours to end.

Your life has a purpose. You have not yet done what you came here to

do". After that he began to search for the purpose of life, God and the

universe. He sought to discover what, if anything could be done by a

penniless, unknown man working on behalf of all humanity.

First of all, he stopped talking for two years! He realized that words had

tremendous power. Words had often got him into trouble. He vowed to

not speak until he was sure exactly what was the effect and meaning of

any word.

He believed that there was a force (call it evolution, great spirit, God)

which is intent upon making people so successful that they can all live at

Guide to Identify your Life Purpose and to define your Mission, Vision, and Goals

© 2010 Robert Martinez, The Geld Group, Entrepreneur Learning Center. All Rights Reserved. 7  

a standard of living much higher than that achieved by ANYONE else


He wanted to know what rules God used in setting up this universe. He

went onto to discover what he called "Generalized Principles" of the

universe. These are principles that are true in all cases.

Using these principles will help you to:

1. Make a big positive difference in the world.

2. Increase the amount of happiness and blessings in your life.

3. Fulfill your life's purpose.

The above description of Buckminster Fuller’s work comes from an article

written by Stephanie Relfe B.Sc. (Syd.), Kinesiologist. This is a great

summary of Fuller’s work and I encourage you read the entire article and

to research more about Buckminster Fuller’s teachings. You can read the

full article at http://www.relfe.com/life_purpose.html

Finding Your Life’s Purpose

Finding your life’s purpose lies in reflection and self discovery. It’s about

knowing your core values and using them to drive your decision making.

It’s about identifying the peak moments in your life that made you feel

like a million bucks and what made those moments different for you.

These peak moments will always help point to your underlying values.

When you know your core values and use them to guide your decision

making, you can expect your fulfillment to increase, dramatically. It is

just that simple, but to experience very high levels of fulfillment you must

ensure all your core values are being honored.

Finding Your Life’s Purpose - EXERCISE

Here’s an exercise to help you reflect and discover your core values.

Guide to Identify your Life Purpose and to define your Mission, Vision, and Goals

© 2010 Robert Martinez, The Geld Group, Entrepreneur Learning Center. All Rights Reserved. 8  

The following are a list of questions that can assist you in discovering

your purpose. They are meant as a guide to help you get into a frame of

mind that will be conducive to defining your personal mission.

A few simple Instructions:

• Find a place where you will not be interrupted. Turn off your cell

phone, T.V, radio, etc.

• Sit comfortably with a few sheets of loose paper and a pen, not a


• Write your answers to each question down. Write the first thing

that pops into your head, without editing. It is very important to

write out your answers to each question.

• Write quickly. Give yourself no more than 60 seconds for each

question. Preferably less than 30 seconds.

• Be very honest with yourself, nobody will read it.

• Enjoy the process and smile while you write.

Ready? OK, answer the following questions;

1. What are your favorite things to do in the past? What about now?

2. What activities make you lose track of time?

3. What makes you smile? (Activities, people, events, hobbies,

projects, etc.)

4. What makes you feel great about yourself?

5. Who inspires you most? (It can be anyone you know or do not

know - family, friends, authors, artists, leaders, etc.) Which

qualities inspire you in each person?

6. What are you naturally good at? (Skills, abilities, gifts etc.)

7. What do people typically ask you for help with?

8. If you had to teach something, what would you teach?

Guide to Identify your Life Purpose and to define your Mission, Vision, and Goals

© 2010 Robert Martinez, The Geld Group, Entrepreneur Learning Center. All Rights Reserved. 9  

9. What would you regret not fully doing, being, or having in your


10. Take a minute to really put yourself into the following scenario;

Imagine you are now 90 years old, sitting on a rocking chair on

your porch; you can feel the spring breeze gently brushing against

your face. You are blissful and happy, and are pleased with the

wonderful life you’ve been blessed with. Looking back at your life

and all that you’ve achieved and acquired, all the relationships

you’ve developed; what matters to you most? List them out.

11. What are your deepest values? Select 5 (See the list of value

words below to help you) and prioritize the words in order of

importance to you.

12. What were some challenges, difficulties and hardships you had to

overcome, or are in the process of overcoming? How did you do it?

13. What causes do you strongly believe in or connect with?

14. If you could get a message across to a large group of people. Who

would those people be? What would your message be?

15. Given your talents, passions and values. How could you use these

resources to serve, to help, to contribute? (To people, causes,

organization, environment, planet, etc.)

List of value words;

Abundance Acceptance Accessibility Accuracy Achievement Activeness Adaptability Adoration Adroitness Adventure Affection Affluence Agility Alertness Altruism Ambition Amusement Anticipation Appreciation Articulacy Assurance Audacity Availability Awareness Bliss Boldness Bravery Brilliance Buoyancy Calmness Camaraderie Candor Capability Care Carefulness Celebrity Certainty Challenge Charity Charm Chastity Clarity Cleanliness Cleverness Closeness Compassion Completion Composure Confidence Conformity Congruency Connection Consistency Continuity Contribution Control Conviction Conviviality Coolness Cooperation Cordiality Correctness Courage Courtesy Craftiness Creativity Credibility Cunning Curiosity Daring Decorum Deference

Guide to Identify your Life Purpose and to define your Mission, Vision, and Goals

© 2010 Robert Martinez, The Geld Group, Entrepreneur Learning Center. All Rights Reserved. 10  

Delight Depth Desire Devotion Devoutness Dexterity Diligence Direction Directness Discipline Discovery Discretion Diversity Dominance Dreaming Drive Duty Dynamism Eagerness Economy Ecstasy Education Effectiveness Efficiency Elation Elegance Empathy Endurance Energy Enjoyment Enthusiasm Excellence Excitement Exhilaration Expectancy Expediency Experience Expertise Exploration Extroversion Exuberance Fairness Family Fascination Fashion Fearlessness Ferocity Fidelity Fierceness Firmness Fitness Flexibility Flow Fluency Focus Fortitude Frankness Freedom Friendliness Frugality Fun Gallantry Generosity Gentility Giving Grace Gratitude Growth Guidance Happiness Harmony Health Heart Helpfulness Heroism Holiness Honesty Honor Hopefulness Hospitality Humility Humor Hygiene Imagination Impact Impartiality Industry Ingenuity Integrity Intelligence Intensity Intimacy Introversion Intuition Intuitiveness Joy Justice Kindness Knowledge Leadership Learning Liberation Liberty Logic Longevity Love Loyalty Majesty Mastery Maturity Meekness Mellowness Modesty Motivation Obedience Openness Optimism Order Organization Originality Passion Peace Perfection Perkiness Persistence Philanthropy Piety Playfulness Pleasure Poise Polish Popularity Potency Power Practicality Pragmatism Precision Presence Privacy Prosperity Prudence Punctuality Purity Reason Recreation Refinement Reflection Relaxation Reliability Resilience Respect Rest Restraint Reverence Richness Sacrifice Sagacity Saintliness Sanguinity Satisfaction Security Self-control Selflessness Self-reliance Sensitivity Sensuality Serenity Service Sexuality Sharing Shrewdness Significance Silence Silliness Simplicity Sincerity Skillfulness Solidarity Solitude Soundness Speed Spirit Spirituality Spontaneity Spunk Stability Stealth Stillness Strength Structure Success Support Supremacy Surprise Sympathy Synergy Teamwork Thankfulness Thrift Tidiness Timeliness Trust Truth Uniqueness Unity Valor Victory Virtue Vision Willfulness Willingness Wisdom Wittiness Wonder Zeal

Once you’ve completed a little self discovery, you will have a better

understanding of your core values and begin to see what your life

purpose might be.

You should now summarize your life purpose based on what you have

learned about yourself. You will want to refine and clarify your purpose a

few times until it feels right. It’s that simple.

Guide to Identify your Life Purpose and to define your Mission, Vision, and Goals

© 2010 Robert Martinez, The Geld Group, Entrepreneur Learning Center. All Rights Reserved. 11  

Now, it is one thing to truly know your life purpose, but how you apply it

every day is something entirely different. Let me give you a hint – it

starts with you. In fact, it is you. What I mean is that everything you

have ever needed to fulfill your life purpose is already within you. You

must learn how to trust, and to be your true and authentic self. It is in

the sharing of yourself, who you really are, guided by your life purpose

that is a major factor in your success. I have seen this with my own eyes

time and time again. My most successful clients are those that are very

clear on their life’s purpose and have a profound understanding of who

they truly are, and a great acceptance for showing up as that individual

every day, and in everything they do.

Once you have a better understanding of your life purpose, you will want

to gain a deeper understanding of who you truly are, then learn how to

accept and freely share that unique individual with the world.

Your Mission, Vision, and Goals

Again, the most successful Entrepreneurs know their purpose in life and

have answered the below questions, continually measuring themselves

against the answers and revising them as needed along the way.

1. What is my mission, my primary objective?

2. What is my vision of how I will fulfill my mission?

3. What short/long term goals are needed to live my vision?

Discovering and Creating your Mission

I can tell you that the most successful Entrepreneurs I have worked with

have a very clear understanding of their life’s purpose, and have found a

way to incorporate that into every business ventures they pursue. They

have also defined for themselves a very clear mission statement that

describes their purpose.

Guide to Identify your Life Purpose and to define your Mission, Vision, and Goals

© 2010 Robert Martinez, The Geld Group, Entrepreneur Learning Center. All Rights Reserved. 12  

Your mission is your “why”. It is a statement that defines your

fundamental purpose, philosophy, and values. A stated mission answers

the basic questions of why you exist, and describes the needs you were

created to fill. Without the guidance of a stated mission, priorities are

difficult to establish.

Your mission will help to verify if you are on the right track and making

the right decisions. It also provides direction when you must adapt to new

market or customer demands. Maintaining attention to your mission helps

you adhere to your primary purpose and serves as a point of reference

for decision making. It also will attract investors, partners, employees,

and yes; customers. I cannot overstate the overall value and importance

of having a powerful mission.

Discovering and Creating your Mission - EXERCISE

Let’s take a look at how to define your mission.

A personal mission is based in action and defining one can be

accomplished by following these four (4) steps:

1. What do I want to do?

Write down 3-5 verbs that inspire or excite you.

Some examples of action words would be;

Accomplish Acquire Act Administrative Advise

Alleviate Brighten Build Call Change

Combine Compel Compose Connect Deliver

Discover Distribute Drive Educate Embrace

Excite Facilitate Forgive Foster Generate

Guide Help Host Improve Inform

Involve Launch Learn Make Manifest

Model Motivate Nurture Organize Participate

Prepare promote Reduce Reflect Restore

Revise Satisfy Sell Support Teach

Guide to Identify your Life Purpose and to define your Mission, Vision, and Goals

© 2010 Robert Martinez, The Geld Group, Entrepreneur Learning Center. All Rights Reserved. 13  

…and the list goes on and on. What resonates with you? Create a list.






2. Who do I want to help?

Who is it that you want to help? people in general specific group of people babies children

students the poor elderly disabled

entrepreneurs a specific organization organizations sales people

churches animals trees the ocean

…and the list goes on and on. Create a list.






3. What is the result? What value will I create?

Identify your end goal. How will the ‘who’ you identified above benefit

from what you ‘do’?

Guide to Identify your Life Purpose and to define your Mission, Vision, and Goals

© 2010 Robert Martinez, The Geld Group, Entrepreneur Learning Center. All Rights Reserved. 14  

4. Combine steps 1-3 into 2-3 short sentences.

Spend the next few hours/days/weeks reviewing and refining your new

mission statement. Within a very short amount of time you will have a

powerful and energizing stated mission.

You will know when it’s complete.

Identifying Your Vision

A vision is a vivid description of a desired outcome. It should inspire,

energize and help you create a mental picture of your objective. The best

vision statements describe outcomes that are five to ten years away,

although some may look even further out.

Your vision should describe the best possible outcome. Remember that

the purpose of the vision statement is to inspire, energize, motivate, and

stimulate your creativity. It is not to serve as a "real" target that you are

going to measure against to determine if you have succeeded or failed.

You should use your goals and objectives to do that. Instead, the purpose

of your vision is to open your eyes to what is possible.

As you are creating and defining your vision, keep in mind that you

should describe your vision in the present tense and make it an emotional

statement. If you have never done this before, please believe me that

there is power and commitment to achieve, when you write things down,

so write all that you can and have fun with it.

Guide to Identify your Life Purpose and to define your Mission, Vision, and Goals

© 2010 Robert Martinez, The Geld Group, Entrepreneur Learning Center. All Rights Reserved. 15  

You should write the statements as if you have successfully removed all

barriers between you and success. Imagine you are now a successful

entrepreneur and business owner. As a successful person, others in the

world are interested in what you have to say about your success.

Identifying Your Vision - EXERCISE

To help you begin to formulate the new vision you will have for your life,

answer the following questions as though you have achieved everything

in life that you had hoped. You are now in the future. You should use the

present tense when describing your accomplishments and life. If the

questions don’t fit exactly, feel free to adjust them.

1. Where and how do you live?

2. What are your personal qualities?

3. What material things do you own?

Guide to Identify your Life Purpose and to define your Mission, Vision, and Goals

© 2010 Robert Martinez, The Geld Group, Entrepreneur Learning Center. All Rights Reserved. 16  

4. What is your desire for health, fitness, and anything to do with your


5. What types of relationships do you have with friends, family, and


6. What is your ideal profession or vocation? What impacts do your

efforts have?

7. What would you like to create for your life in the arena of individual

learning, travel, reading, or other activities?

Guide to Identify your Life Purpose and to define your Mission, Vision, and Goals

© 2010 Robert Martinez, The Geld Group, Entrepreneur Learning Center. All Rights Reserved. 17  

8. What is your vision for the community or society you live in?

9. What else, in any other area of your life, would you like to create?

Now, imagine that your life has a unique purpose, fulfilled through what

you do, your interrelationships, and the way you live. What is your


Describe that purpose.

Keep in mind that your personal vision statement can also change over

time, depending upon what is happening in your life. You will be amazed,

however, at how many components remain consistent over time.

Your New Vision

Use as many additional sheets of paper as you need.

Guide to Identify your Life Purpose and to define your Mission, Vision, and Goals

© 2010 Robert Martinez, The Geld Group, Entrepreneur Learning Center. All Rights Reserved. 18  

Setting Goals

The fact is that goal setting works! Goals give you a compass in order to

direct your path through life. Goals focus your thoughts and actions on

areas that have precise purpose and meaning. A clear direction can help

reduce your stress. Why? Because you not only know exactly where you

want to end up, but you are also working towards an achievable goal

without wasting time or having misdirecting energy.

Research studies have shown a direct link between goal setting and

enhanced performance in both sports and business. People who do not

use goal setting may have accomplishments, but they will usually

accomplish much less than they are capable of achieving. I am not

suggesting that those people have no accomplishments, just that if they

had set goals, they could have accomplished a lot more. Goals help you

to use your time more efficiently and effectively.

Setting clear and measurable goals is critical for understanding your

intended results, developing effective strategies, and for reaping financial

rewards. Well-stated goals guide your daily decision-making and are the

basis for tracking and measuring your progress.

What is a Goal?

A goal is a general statement of what an individual intends to accomplish,

but always remember that goals should be – short, achievable,

measurable, positive, and time sensitive.

Short – A goal should be brief and to the point.

Achievable – Set goals that are realistic for you. They should be high

but not so high that you can never attain them.

Guide to Identify your Life Purpose and to define your Mission, Vision, and Goals

© 2010 Robert Martinez, The Geld Group, Entrepreneur Learning Center. All Rights Reserved. 19  

Measurable – Make your goals quantifiable. Don’t use vague or

unclear terms. If you set a goal to increase sales, state by how much.

“We will increase our sales by 20% in the next quarter.”

Positive – State what you want to accomplish, not what you want to

avoid. This will help you work towards your goal.

Time sensitive – You will need to create objectives that determine

the exact action that will be taken to achieve your goals. These

objectives must have a definitive completion date.

Goal Setting Process

The process to create successful goals is not a difficult one.

There are many different theories, styles, and ideas that exist for

individuals to set and track goals, but writing them down is a critical

component to all of them. You will need to find a method that suits you.

Whatever process you choose or devise on your own, to capture and

track your goals, the following outline should help you establish your

goals. For your reference, I have included below the goal form that I

created, and use, to capture and track my goals. You are welcome to use

this form, or again, create something that works best for you, but you

must use a process and write your goals down.

Remember, no matter what goals you set, make sure they are

measurable so at the end of the day/week/month/quarter/year, whatever

your goal timeline, you can clearly determine if you have been successful.

Guide to Identify your Life Purpose and to define your Mission, Vision, and Goals

© 2010 Robert Martinez, The Geld Group, Entrepreneur Learning Center. All Rights Reserved. 20  

Goal Setting Outline

Define your current state

• Define where you are today and what challenges you currently face.


• What do I need to work on? • What areas can I focus on? • What has been successful / unsuccessful? • What are some potential roadblocks? • What resources do I have available to accomplish my goals?

Guide to Identify your Life Purpose and to define your Mission, Vision, and Goals

© 2010 Robert Martinez, The Geld Group, Entrepreneur Learning Center. All Rights Reserved. 21  

Refine brainstorming to create goals

• I will improve X over the next year. • I will do X over the next month.

Establish objectives

• I will be responsible for hiring two new people by February 1. • I will reach 50 people by April 30. • I will participate in at least one Networking event per week.

Guide to Identify your Life Purpose and to define your Mission, Vision, and Goals

© 2010 Robert Martinez, The Geld Group, Entrepreneur Learning Center. All Rights Reserved. 22  

Coordinate activities

• I will present at meetings to introduce people to me and my business.

• I will distribute free tickets to events for those who attend the presentations.

• I will create a standard logo and implement an awareness campaign via the Internet and through known contacts.

Determine accountability

• I will be responsible for keeping track of each employee’s progress.

• The Marketing Manager (perhaps you) will coordinate all informational meetings and related social events with the primary purpose of growing my list.

• The Marketing Manager will be responsible for coordinating the web page, logo creation, and any other related marketing.

Post Goals and Objectives

• I will post my goals and objectives where I can see them every day.

Goal Evaluation

• At the end of the day/week/month/quarter/year, review the goals to determine if you succeeded in achieving them. Remember, the goal process does not end until this final evaluation. After the evaluation, you can set new goals for the next time period.

Guide to Identify your Life Purpose and to define your Mission, Vision, and Goals

© 2010 Robert Martinez, The Geld Group, Entrepreneur Learning Center. All Rights Reserved. 23  

My Goal Form


Using the above form as a template, I create a number of these and rename each at the top for my 1 Year, 2 Year, 3 Year, 5 Year, and 10 Year goals. I insert as many additional lines as I may need and check off each goal as it is completed. You could also use this form to track monthly or weekly goals.

In conjunction with my goal form, I also use what I call my Actions list, which contains all the specific tasks needed to accomplish each goal. I track the action, who’s responsible (usually me), my target completion date, and any comments or status I want to capture along the way.

The important thing is to adopt a process that works for you.

Make it your own, own it, and have fun with it. It will change your life!


Guide to Identify your Life Purpose and to define your Mission, Vision, and Goals

© 2010 Robert Martinez, The Geld Group, Entrepreneur Learning Center. All Rights Reserved. 24  

A Few Closing Words… Time, and time again, I have seen that it’s the most successful

Entrepreneurs that know their life’s purpose, who define a clear mission

to satisfy that purpose, who create an inspirational vision and vehicles to

achieve their mission, and who set clear and measurable goals to guide

their actions.

I’ll say it again; Being aware of who you are, and what needs to get done,

day in and day out, is what living on purpose and succeeding in life, and

business, is all about. Success is not an accident.

I have found that the people who are clear about who they are, what they

want, and take the necessary actions to communicate it effectively, have

no trouble attracting the right clients to their business and providing the

products or services that those clients are excited to buy.

Through my small business consulting over the past decade, I have

identified five traits or characteristics that all successful entrepreneurs

share. Identifying and aligning yourself with your life purpose is most

definitely one of them.

Keep reading for some top-notch resources to support you in achieving

your vision of success, in your life and in your business.

In success,

Robert Martinez

The Street Smarts Consultant


Guide to Identify your Life Purpose and to define your Mission, Vision, and Goals

© 2010 Robert Martinez, The Geld Group, Entrepreneur Learning Center. All Rights Reserved. 25  

About the Author

Robert Martinez is an inspirational speaker, a

highly regarded teacher, a skilled and

effective coach, and an entrepreneur who is

widely known as the Street Smarts

Consultant. Robert is a Business Consultant

and Certified Productivity Coach that assists

success minded Small Business Owners to get

the most out of their current business and to

become a master in the use of their time. His

objective with each client is to be a true

strategic business partner, helping to improve

their personal and business efficiency and effectiveness.

Robert brings more than twenty years of business management and

executive leadership experience, to his roles as Founder of The Geld

Group, a Small Business Consulting practice; as well as President of the

Entrepreneur Learning Center, which provides educational programs and

products to Small Business Owners.

Through the Entrepreneur Learning Center, Robert shares his

Entrepreneur Achievement Model:

Purpose, Mind, Body, and Solution

This model teaches entrepreneurs how to identify and align their true life’s

purpose, with a focused mind, a healthier body, and their individual skills

and solutions to achieve a happier life and more successful business.

Robert is also equally confident, competent, and comfortable mentoring

and consulting one-on-one to success minded professionals, as he is

sharing his knowledge and experience at seminars and workshops.

Guide to Identify your Life Purpose and to define your Mission, Vision, and Goals

© 2010 Robert Martinez, The Geld Group, Entrepreneur Learning Center. All Rights Reserved. 26  


My approach to my small business consulting and coaching has created

powerful results over many years. You’re in the right place, because

having helped dozens of other small business owners achieve their vision

of success, I know I can help you create amazing results in your

business, too!

One of the first things to understand is how to define, then to align your

life’s purpose with your mind, body, and solutions to achieve your vision

of success. I have a suite of business success products and programs

that incorporate how to address the most common challenges that I have

encountered —whether it’s a group program or a personalized plan, I

have a solution for you.

Business Success Tips

Once a month, receive my FREE business success tips delivered to you

via email, packed full of success tips and suggestions to help you achieve

your vision of success in your business. Click here to subscribe >>

Courses and Workshops

Register for our ELC courses and workshops to learn through hands-on

exercises what needs to be addressed in your life and business, and what

to do about it. Learn more about our ELC Courses >>

Get MORE Time Blueprint The “Get MORE Time Blueprint” is filled with powerful and practical

strategies and systems for you to maximize the value of your Time. This

program will dramatically improve your productivity and get you more

time. Whether you desire more time to spend on personal desires or to

Guide to Identify your Life Purpose and to define your Mission, Vision, and Goals

© 2010 Robert Martinez, The Geld Group, Entrepreneur Learning Center. All Rights Reserved. 27  

grow your business, that’s up to you, but this is a “must have” program

to round out the entrepreneur’s library to gain valuable, hands-on

strategies on how to manage your Space, your Mind, and your Time; so

you can achieve your vision of success. Learn more about the Get MORE Time Blueprint >>  

One-on-One Consulting and Coaching Services

Ensure that you create consistent results by adding support that helps to

put your business knowledge into action. I have found that consistent

actions and guidance are the true secrets to success and in creating

powerful results. Whether we schedule 30 minute weekly calls, or get

maximum results by investing in a more comprehensive package, One-

on-One sessions are available to help get you to your next level of your

success. Learn more about One-on-One Consulting >>

Keep in Touch

Most of all please keep in touch and let me know how your are

progressing in your business.

Email - [email protected]

