Ebola is an acute viral infection. Once infected these symptoms would show up in 2 to 21 days! If you have any of these symptoms consult with your doctor immediately especially if you or someone near you has returned from Ebola affected countries! Stay informed & stay safe!

Ebola is an acute viral infection. Once infected these symptoms would show up in 2 to 21 days! If you have any of these symptoms consult with your doctor

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Ebola is an acute viral infection. Once infected these symptoms would show up in 2 to 21 days! If you have any of these symptoms consult with your doctor immediately especially if you or someone near you has returned from Ebola affected countries! Stay informed & stay safe!

There has been a flood of unreliable information being passed around about Ebola. It has not yet been detected in India and we hope it stays that way but here is some reliable information for you to stay health and stay safe!

This post is part of our series on how to have a calmer blood test experience. One of the simplest things you can do is distract yourself!

We try to make the blood collection process as simple and painless as possible, but for a lot of people it is still an anxiety filled experience. We are going to have a series of posts with tips for you to have a calmer experience!

With career topping the priority list, many women push motherhood to 30’s.

Did you know: Chemicals present in cranberry juice resist many of the bacteria that cause urinary infections! If your urine test results are positive for infection, then your doctor might actually prescribe you some cranberries.

If you notice sudden changes in a mole or new ones crop up, consult your doctor immediately.

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During pregnancy, urinary infections are very common. Follow these simple tips to avoid them.