EBI Certificates and Review Courses

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  • 7/28/2019 EBI Certificates and Review Courses





    Year: 2012 - 2013

  • 7/28/2019 EBI Certificates and Review Courses


  • 7/28/2019 EBI Certificates and Review Courses


    Banking &




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    Investement and Treasury packageBanking & Finance


    Credit Certifcate

    Certifcate Hours: 255

    Target Audience:

    This credit certicate is intended or credit department and nancial institution employees,such as junior credit ocers and portolio and relationship managers.

    Certifcate Description:

    The credit certicate provides participants with the undamentals o accounting andnancial statements. It also enables them to understand lending techniques or eectivecredit decisions as well as other techniques involving risk o trade operations rom a creditperspective. Moreover, it gives the candidates perspective on the legal issues that governthe scope o credit activities. It is worth noting that EBI is applying up to date instructionalmethods; among them is Trial Desk, which allows participants to successully completethe nal desk based on real case studies.

    Certifcate Objectives:

    Prepare a nancial statement analysis

    Describe how to take a credit decision, through industry analysis, nancial statementanalysis, cash fow statement analysis, projections and lending rationales

    Identiy the international trade services, documentary credits and letters o guarantee Identiy the dierent nancial institutions and the elements o bank risk appraisal Explain the advantages and limitations o the implementation o Basel II Explain credit risk ratings and discuss how to manage credit risk Prepare a credit acilities report

    Identiy the role and unction o credit administration

    Explain the banking inormation duties and responsibilities

    List the legal aspects and regulations o credit and nance

    Detect non-perorming loans and discuss how the bank handles them

    Accredited by: TGIF (The Global Institute o Finance) in New York, USA

    Language: English

    CEUs: 20

    For inquiries please contact

    Banking and Finance department

    Direct number: 02 - 24026943Mr. Mohamed Yousse (Ext. 552)Mobile number: 01000019167Email: [email protected]

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    New Trends o Internal Audit in

    BanksCertifcate Hours: 100

    Target Audience:

    All employees o supervision, inspection and internal audit departments

    Certifcate Description:

    Identiy the undamental determinants o the internal control system in the light o

    instructions issued by the Basel Unit o the Control and Supervision Sector o the CentralBank o Egypt.

    Certifcate Objectives:

    List the undamental determinants o the audit system in light o Basel Accord

    Explain how to inspect departments and branches o the bank using the risk approach Identiy the compliance unit and the responsibilities o senior management

    Dene check provisions and the mandatory conditions to be met in the check

    Explain the legal aspects o banking operations and credit

    Apply case studies on anti-money laundering

    CEUs: 8.2

    Language: Arabic

    For inquiries please contact

    Banking and Finance department

    Direct number: 02 - 24026943Mr. Ahmed Teleb (Ext. 570)Mobile number: 01000019167

    Email: [email protected]

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    Principles o Banking Certifcate

    Certifcate Hours: 100

    Target Audience:

    This certicate is designed or undergraduates and resh graduates aiming to join thebanking eld

    Certifcate Description:

    The certicate provides participants with an overview o banking with an introductionto the nancial and banking sector through an explanation o the roles and servicesprovided by banks; also they will gain knowledge about the code o ethics which aectsthe banking sector. In the meantime, the certicate will provide participants with somebasic skills in sales and customer services. Finally, the participant will learn how to writeproessional curriculum vitae.

    Certifcate Objectives:

    Explain the development o the banking sector.

    List the concept and denitions o the customer service.

    List the dierent bank accounts and types o deposits. Discuss the legal aspects o commercial paper and the clearing settlements. List the various operations o retail banking. Dene basic communication skills. Explain the basics or the analysis o credit and nance. Explain the concepts o SME Banking and tools o nance. Explain oreign trade operations.

    Demonstrate proessional Writing through CV and Interview skills.

    Discuss Business Awareness: Written Communication, Etiquette at Workplace,and Presentation Skills.

    Language: English

    CEUs: 8.2

    For inquiries please contact

    Banking and Finance department

    Direct number: 02 - 24026943

    Mr. Bishoy Yousse (Ext. 557)Mobile number: 01000019167Email: [email protected]

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    Review Courses

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    Investement and Treasury packageBanking & Finance

    Review Courses

    Certifed Management Accountant

    CMA Part ICertifcate Hours: 120

    Target Audience:

    This review course is tailor-made or nance proessionals at all levels, whether you wantto enhance your value to your current organization or expand your career potential.

    Certifcate Description:

    This review course is the advanced proessional certication specically designed tomeasure the accounting and nancial management skills that drive business perormance.Achieving the CMA credential demonstrates your mastery o nancial planning, analysis,control, and decision support, as well as proessional ethics.

    Certifcate Objectives:

    By the end o part 1 the participants will be able to:

    Prepare budgeting, planning and orecasting.

    Dene perormance measurement.

    Make cost management.

    Assess internal controls. Apply proessional ethics.

    Language: English

    In cooperation with IMA (Institute o Management Accountant)

    Schedule: Q2 Q 3

    For inquiries please contact

    Banking and Finance department

    Direct number: 02 - 24026943Mr. Mohamed Hussien (Ext. 506)

    Mobile number: 01000019167Email: [email protected]

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    Review Courses

    The Association o Chartered

    Certifed Accountant (ACCA)F7 Financial Reporting

    Certifcate Hours: 54

    Target Audience:

    This review course is intended or accountants and auditors who work or are aiming towork in banking (accounting and auditing department) or in the nancial sector.

    Certifcate Description:

    This is a review course or one section o the ACCA examination or global certicationo accountants. It is designed to develop knowledge and skills in understanding and

    applying accounting standards and the theoretical ramework in the preparation onancial statements o entities, including groups and how to analyze and interpret thosenancial statements.

    Certifcate Objectives:

    Discuss and apply a conceptual ramework or nancial reporting Describe the regulatory ramework or nancial reporting Prepare and present nancial statements that conorm to international accounting


    Dene and apply the consolidated nancial statements

    Analyze and interpret nancial statements

    Language: English

    In cooperation with ACCA (Association o Chartered Certied Accountant) in UK

    Schedule: Q1 Q 3

    For inquiries please contact

    Banking and Finance department

    Direct number: 02 - 24026943Mr. Mohamed Hussien (Ext. 506)Mobile number: 01000019167Email: [email protected]

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    Review Courses

    The Association o Chartered

    Certifed Accountant (ACCA)F8 - Audit and Assurance

    Certifcate Hours: 54

    Target Audience:This review course is intended or accountants and auditors who work or are aiming towork in banking (accounting and auditing department) or in the nancial sector.

    Certifcate Description:This is a review course or one section o the ACCA examination or global certicationo accountants. It is designed to develop knowledge and skills in understanding andapplying accounting standards and the theoretical ramework in the preparation onancial statements o entities, including groups and how to analyze and interpret thosenancial statements.

    Certifcate Objectives: Explain the nature, purpose and scope o assurance engagements including the

    role o the external audit and its regulatory and ethical ramework Explain the nature o internal audit and describe its role as part o overall

    perormance management and its relationship with the external audit Demonstrate how the auditor obtains an understanding o the entity and its

    environment, assesses the risk o material misstatement (whether arising romraud or other irregularities) and plans an audit o nancial statements

    Describe and evaluate inormation systems and internal controls to identiy andcommunicate control risks and their potential consequences, making appropriaterecommendations

    Identiy and describe the work and evidence required to meet the objectives oaudit engagements and the application o the International Standards on Auditing

    Evaluate ndings and modiy the audit plan as necessary Explain how the conclusions rom audit work are refected in dierent types o audit

    report, explain the elements o each type o report

    Language: English

    In cooperation with ACCA (Association o Chartered Certied Accountant) in UK

    Schedule: Q1 Q 3

    For inquiries please contact

    Banking and Finance department

    Direct number: 02 - 24026943Mr. Mohamed Hussien (Ext. 506)Mobile number: 01000019167

    Email: [email protected]

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    InvestementandTreasurypackageBanking & Finance

    Review Courses

    The Association o Chartered

    Certifed Accountant (ACCA) F9Financial Management

    Certifcate Hours: 54

    Target Audience:

    This review course is intended or accountants and auditors who work or are aiming towork in banking (accounting and auditing department) or in the nancial sector.

    Certifcate Description:

    This is a review course or one section o the ACCA examination or global certicationo accountants. It is designed to develop knowledge and skills in understanding and

    applying accounting standards and the theoretical ramework in the preparation onancial statements o entities, including groups and how to analyze and interpret thosenancial statements.

    Certifcate Objectives:

    Discuss the role and purpose o the nancial management unction

    Assess and discuss the impact o the economic environment on fnancial management Discuss and apply working capital management techniques

    Carry out eective investment appraisal

    Identiy and evaluate alternative sources o business nance

    Explain and calculate the cost o capital and the actors which aect it Discuss and apply principles o business and asset valuations Explain and apply risk management techniques in business

    Language: English

    In cooperation with ACCA (Association o Chartered Certied Accountant) in UK

    Schedule: Q1 Q 3

    For inquiries please contact

    Banking and Finance department

    Direct number: 02 - 24026943Mr. Mohamed Hussien (Ext. 506)Mobile number: 01000019167Email: [email protected]

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    Review Courses

    CFA - Chartered Financial Analyst

    Level ICertifcate Hours: 100

    Target Audience:

    The CFA is a qualication or nance and investment proessionals, particularly in theelds o investment management and nancial analysis o stocks, bonds and theirderivative assets.

    Certifcate Description:The CFA designation was rst awarded in 1963 as o August 2010. CFA Institute hasmore than 100,000 members around the world, including more than 90,000 CFA charterholders.

    Certifcate Objectives:

    Focusing on portolio management and nancial analysis Providing the participants with general knowledge about other areas o nance

    Language: English

    In cooperation with CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst)

    Schedule: Q2 Q 3

    For inquiries please contact

    Banking and Finance department

    Direct number: 02 - 24026943Mr. Ahmed Teleb (Ext. 570)Mobile number: 01000019167Email: [email protected]

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    Review Courses

    CIA Certifed Internal Auditor

    Part I: Certifcation Review CourseAccording to The IIAs CIA Learning

    SystemCertifcate Hours: 54

    Target Audience: Internal Auditors

    Certifcate Description:

    The CIA is the only globally accepted designation or internal auditors and the standardby which internal auditing proessionals demonstrate their knowledge and competenceto acilitate and manage todays complex internal audit responsibilities.

    Certifcate Objectives:

    Dene The Internal Audit Activitys Role in Governance, Risk, and Control. Conduct the Internal Audit Engagement. Explain business analysis and inormation technology List business management skills

    Language: English

    In cooperation with IIA (Institute o Internal Auditors) in Florida, USA

    Schedule: Q2 Q4

    For inquiries please contact

    Banking and Finance department

    Direct number: 02 - 24026943

    Mr. Mohamed Hussien (Ext. 506)Mobile number: 01000019167Email: [email protected]

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    Review Courses

    Certifed Islamic Proessional

    Accountant (CIPA)Certifcate Hours: 81

    Target Audience:

    The CIPA course is intended or accountants who currently work or aim to work in theeld o Islamic banking and nancial institutions.

    Certifcate Description:

    The CIPA certicate aims to provide a blend o theoretical concepts and practicalapplications to introduce the Islamic nance body o knowledge to the pool o proessionalaccountants involved in the nancial services industry, in addition to providing them withspecialized knowledge in this area.

    Certifcate Objectives:

    Explain the Islamic nancial system List the Islamic law and Sharia standards or nancial transactions

    Identiy the objectives and concepts o nancial accounting or Islamic banks andnancial institutions

    Describe the accounting standards Identiy the objectives and the principles o auditing and ethics or Islamic nancial


    Language: English / Arabic

    In cooperation with AAOIFI (Accounting and Auditing Organization or IslamicFinancial Institution) in Bahrain

    Schedule: Q2 Q4

    For inquiries please contact

    Banking and Finance department

    Direct number: 02 - 24026943Mr. Mohamed Hussien (Ext. 506)Mobile number: 01000019167Email: [email protected]

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    Review Courses

    Certifed Documentary Credit

    Specialist (CDCS)Certifcate Hours: 108

    Target Audience: This review course is intended or those who are working in thedocumentary credit and international trade elds and aim to become internationalpractitioners.

    Certifcate Description:

    CDCS is the proessional certication that demonstrates specialist knowledge o, andability to apply, the skills required or competent practice in documentary credits. Thiscerticate is endorsed by the International Chamber o Commerce.

    Certifcate Objectives:

    Identiy documentary credit groups, types, parties, and risks. List the characteristics o documentary credits. Apply and practice documentary credit procedures.

    Dierentiate between nancial and commercial documents.

    Demonstrate knowledge o the international chamber o commerce rules.

    Language: English

    In cooperation with IFS (Institute o Financial Services) in UK

    Schedule: Q2

    For inquiries please contact

    Banking and Finance department

    Direct number: 02 - 24026943Ms. Heba Mohamed (Ext. 548)

    Mobile number: 01000019167Email: [email protected]

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    Year: 2012 - 2013