Holy Family & St Mary of the Angels Easter Week 8th-15th April 2018 2nd Sunday of Easter Year B 2nd Sunday of Easter Vigil Mass 6pm Treanor Family 11.00 Canon Patrick Kerrick Thursday 9.30 Ann Murray 3rd Sunday of Easter Vigil Mass 6pm Ann Murray 11.00 Karen Ash Confessions available before each Mass. 2nd Sunday of Easter 10.00 Veronica McCarthy 12.00 Cushieri Family 2.00 Wedding (Hannah Rowley/Michael Harrison) 6.00 Michael Burke Monday The Annunciation of the Lord (Solemnity) 9.30 Gwyn Thomas Tuesday 10.00 Catherine Ann Flynn (Requiem Mass) 12.15 Elizabeth Watkins Wednesday St. Stanislaus B & M 9.30 Canon Lawrence Kelly 12.15 Peggy Dooley Thursday 9.30 Teresa & Frances Murray Friday St Martin B & M 9.30 Louis Treays Ints 12.15 Hiram Jones Saturday 12.15 Elizabeth & John Dwyer 3rd Sunday of Easter 10.00 Frances & Stan Trigg 12.00 People of the Parish 6.00 Harrington/Thompson Families Confessions: Saturday 9.30 - 10am and Holy Family Masses St Mary’s Masses All parishioners, newcomers and visitors are very welcome to visit St Mary’s Parish Hall for a cup of tea or coffee after 10am Mass today. 2nd Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday) Mass pages Collect 730 1st Readings 732 2nd Reading 734 Gospel 737 First Reading (Acts of Apostles 4:32-35) One week on from the resurrection the world seems transformed! “No one claimed for his own use any- thing that he had…” “None of the members were ever in want..” There is a vitality and freshness about the early church. The early Christian would have clearly risen! Second Reading (St. John 5:1-6) This passage reminds us that the love of God is linked with the love of each other and the way in which we live our life. Those who love God keep his commandments. It is through our faith that we have been begotten in the Lord and through the same faith in the risen Lord we overcome the world. The values of the Kingdom of God are different to the values of the world and it is with the help of the spirit of truth that we overcome. Gospel Reading (John 20:19-31) This appearance to the disciples neatly expresses the Easter message. The risen Jesus was a transformed person. Otherwise, how could he suddenly ‘appear’ in a locked room? Here, once again, John shows a preference for faith over physical signs of God’s presence. Thomas’ profession, ‘My Lord and my God’, is a highpoint of New Testament Christology. But Thomas was standing before a wounded man, a reminder of the lowliness as well as the sovereignty of God’s Word. The breath of Jesus is a symbol of his Spirit: his mission of bringing God’s mercy now belongs to the Church. Prayer over the Gifts 738 Preface 42 Communion Prayer 738 The disciples in today’s Gospel must have been so excited to tell Thomas their news: “We have seen the Lord”. Sometimes, when we try to share something of our faith experience with others, we can meet similar responses-doubting, cynicism-we can even be made fun of. The Risen Jesus bears the wounds of his suffering and even invites Thomas to touch them, to get in touch with the reality of his suffering. We might recall times when we have been overwhelmed by pain but looking back on those times we can see that they sometimes brought us to a different place, to new life. Perhaps today we recall those times of “wound-ness”-and hear Jesus say Peace be with you”, the promise that he is with you. The word “peace” (Shalom) is more that a wish for a good evening or peaceful day. It expresses the desire that the person receiving the blessing might be whole in body, mind and spirit. The Risen Lord brings a peace that is life-giving. The disciples were locked away, afraid, closed off from the world. When Jesus is present with them, their hearts are opened again, they rejoice. The Risen Jesus in today’s Gospel moves the disciples from total fear and despair to “rejoicing “. The same Risen Jesus is active in all our lives and in the world around us. Life will always prevail, through all the layers of death in which we try to contain it,” Margaret Silf The Priory 67 Talbot St. Canton, Cardiff Mgr. Canon John Maguire Fr. Andy Bord Deacon Professor Maurice Scanlon Contact no: (029) 2023 0492 Email: [email protected] Website: cardiffwestcatholics.org.uk

Easter Week Holy Family & St Mary of the Angels · Holy Family & St Mary of the Angels Easter Week 8th-15th April 2018 2nd Sunday of Easter Year B 2nd Sunday of Easter Vigil Mass

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Page 1: Easter Week Holy Family & St Mary of the Angels · Holy Family & St Mary of the Angels Easter Week 8th-15th April 2018 2nd Sunday of Easter Year B 2nd Sunday of Easter Vigil Mass

Holy Family & St Mary of the Angels

Easter Week

8th-15th April 2018 2nd Sunday of Easter Year B

2nd Sunday of Easter Vigil Mass 6pm Treanor Family

11.00 Canon Patrick Kerrick

Thursday 9.30 Ann Murray

3rd Sunday of Easter Vigil Mass 6pm Ann Murray 11.00 Karen Ash

Confessions available before each Mass.

2nd Sunday of Easter 10.00 Veronica McCarthy 12.00 Cushieri Family 2.00 Wedding (Hannah Rowley/Michael Harrison) 6.00 Michael Burke

Monday The Annunciation of the Lord (Solemnity) 9.30 Gwyn Thomas


10.00 Catherine Ann Flynn (Requiem Mass) 12.15 Elizabeth Watkins

Wednesday St. Stanislaus B & M 9.30 Canon Lawrence Kelly 12.15 Peggy Dooley


9.30 Teresa & Frances Murray

Friday St Martin B & M 9.30 Louis Treays Ints 12.15 Hiram Jones

Saturday 12.15 Elizabeth & John Dwyer

3rd Sunday of Easter 10.00 Frances & Stan Trigg 12.00 People of the Parish 6.00 Harrington/Thompson Families

Confessions: Saturday 9.30 - 10am and

Holy Family Masses

St Mary’s Masses

All parishioners, newcomers and visitors are very welcome to visit St Mary’s Parish Hall for a cup of tea or coffee after 10am

Mass today.

2nd Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday) Mass pages

Collect 730 1st Readings 732 2nd Reading 734 Gospel 737

First Reading (Acts of Apostles 4:32-35) One week on from the resurrection the world seems transformed! “No one claimed for his own use any-thing that he had…” “None of the members were ever in want..” There is a vitality and freshness about the early church. The early Christian would have clearly risen!

Second Reading (St. John 5:1-6) This passage reminds us that the love of God is linked with the love of each other and the way in which we live our life. Those who love God keep his commandments. It is through our faith that we have been begotten in the Lord and through the same faith in the risen Lord we overcome the world. The values of the Kingdom of God are different to the values of the world and it is with the help of the spirit of truth that we overcome.

Gospel Reading (John 20:19-31) This appearance to the disciples neatly expresses the Easter message. The risen Jesus was a transformed person. Otherwise, how could he suddenly ‘appear’ in a locked room? Here, once again, John shows a preference for faith over physical signs of God’s presence. Thomas’ profession, ‘My Lord and my God’, is a highpoint of New Testament Christology. But Thomas was standing before a wounded man, a reminder of the lowliness as well as the sovereignty of God’s Word. The breath of Jesus is a symbol of his Spirit: his mission of bringing God’s mercy now belongs to the Church.

Prayer over the Gifts 738 Preface 42 Communion Prayer 738

The disciples in today’s Gospel must

have been so excited to tell Thomas

their news:

“We have seen the Lord”.

Sometimes, when we try to share something

of our faith experience with others,

we can meet similar responses-doubting,

cynicism-we can even be made fun of.

The Risen Jesus bears the wounds of

his suffering and even

invites Thomas to touch them,

to get in touch with the

reality of his suffering.

We might recall times when we have been

overwhelmed by pain but looking back

on those times we can see that

they sometimes brought us to a

different place, to new life.

Perhaps today we recall those times of

“wound-ness”-and hear Jesus say

“Peace be with you”,

the promise that he is with you.

The word “peace” (Shalom) is more that a

wish for a good evening or peaceful day.

It expresses the desire that the person

receiving the blessing might be whole

in body, mind and spirit. The Risen Lord

brings a peace that is life-giving.

The disciples were locked away, afraid,

closed off from the world.

When Jesus is present with them,

their hearts are opened again, they rejoice.

The Risen Jesus in today’s Gospel

moves the disciples from total fear

and despair to “rejoicing “.

The same Risen Jesus is active in

all our lives and in the world around us.

“Life will always prevail,

through all the layers of death

in which we try to contain it,”

Margaret Silf

The Priory 67 Talbot St. Canton, Cardiff

Mgr. Canon John Maguire Fr. Andy Bord

Deacon Professor Maurice Scanlon Contact no: (029) 2023 0492

Email: [email protected] Website: cardiffwestcatholics.org.uk

Page 2: Easter Week Holy Family & St Mary of the Angels · Holy Family & St Mary of the Angels Easter Week 8th-15th April 2018 2nd Sunday of Easter Year B 2nd Sunday of Easter Vigil Mass

Thank you to all who played an active role in the Easter services, to those who helped prepare the church and to all who attended in such large numbers.

Red Mill Hill Mission Boxes Would you please count and bag

the contents with name and amount and return to Phil Smith or Chris Davey after Mass.

SVP news The SVP will be holding a Coffee Morning after 11am Mass in the church hall on Sunday 29th April.

Church cleaning - Group B w/b 9th April

A Big Thank You to all who helped to ensure that all the Holy Week and Easter cere-monies were a great success. The choir, music group, altar servers, readers, ministers, welcomers and all those work-

ing behind the scenes in various ways.

Also a very special thank you to all those who turned up on Monday evening for the “Big Clean”; it was really a marvellous turn out. Thank you.

News and activities from St. Mary’s Parish

News and activities from Holy Family Parish

Holy Family: Padraig Murphy, Michael Gallagher, Edward Brown, Gary Sutton, Kay & Paul Parris, Mary Bodman, Bernard Perry, Henry & Tony Fernandez, Brian Webster, Collette Griffin, Vivian Miller, Anne Murray, Vincent MacCormac, Valentine, Martin, Debbie Radford.

St. Mary’s: Madison Lane, Will Johnson, Cecily Hughes, Jean Hayman, Laurence Tobin, Nadasiri Ifada, Heugette Skinner, Jean Allen, Elisa O’Doherty, Cath Kemp, John & Marian Lamb, Jonathan Gomez, Teresa Francis, Tom Hopkins, James Church, Bets Sullivan, Betty Smith, Ivan Sadka, Margaret Griffiths, Anthony Jackson, Freda Burns, Joanne Coakley, Karan Donovan, Maria Gomez.

Pray for the Sick

First Holy Communion Meetings for parents of Children making their First Communion this year.

Holy Family Tuesday 24th April 6.30 St Mary’s Wednesday 25th April 6.30 Please note that both meetings will be held in the respective schools.

First Holy Communion will take place in St Mary’s on Sunday 20th May at 2pm.

First Holy Communion will take place in Holy Family on Saturday 9th June at 10.30am.

Your prayers are asked for those who died recently: Catherine Ann Flynn Requiem Mass on Tuesday 10th April St. Mary’s at 10 am Ceri Scoble Funeral Service April 12th at Wenallt Chapel, Thornhill at 2pm Owen John Lawrence Funeral Service at Thornhill Crematorium Friday 13th April at 3.45pm Karen Ash Requiem Mass at St. Werburgh’s

Church, Grosvenor Park Rd, Chester CH1 1QJ Wednesday 11th April 12 noon Maureen Murray St. Mary’s Monmouth on 11th April Joan Owen Funeral Service in St. Mary’s at 10.30 on April 23rd We offer their families our sincerest sympathy. May they rest in peace.

Recently died

I wish to ask parents to put forward the name of their child in Year 2 or above for preparation for the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion in 2019. Please fill in the application form at the back of the church and return it to St Mary’s Priory, 67 Talbot St, Cardiff CF11 9BX

First Holy Communion 2019

Fr John and Fr. Andy wish to thank you for

your very generous Easter offerings and for

your good wishes for the Easter season. Very

much appreciated. Thank you.

Easter Offerings

Baptism preparation

Baptism Preparation for parents requesting Baptism for their children. First session on Wednesday 18th April, second session on Wednesday 25th April both at 7.00pm in the Priory. Both sessions must be attended.


The Sacrament of Confir-mation will be celebrated on Saturday 12th May in St. Mary’s church at 6pm Next session will resume on Tuesday 17th April in the Priory at 6.15pm. ‘Time to Reflect’ on Sunday 30th April at 3pm in the Parish Hall, followed by Mass.

PACs Chair Person Holy Family Neville Rookes

St. Mary’s Sally Power

Parish Safeguarding Reps Patricia McCormac Ellerie Hennessy

Primary Headteachers:

Holy Family Louise Mills Tel: 20565354

St. Mary’s Claire Russell Tel: 2022 5680

Secondary Headteachers:

Corpus Christi, Acting Headteacher, Pat Pavlovic Tel: 20761893

Mary Immaculate, Headteacher, Huw Powell, Tel: 2059 3465

St. David’s 6th Form College Principal, Mark Leighfield, Tel: 20461920

This year the Wives

Group plus SVP

members are trying

a new format. The

celebration will be

an Afternoon Tea

Party on 15th April starting at 3pm. Our

‘regulars’ will be receiving their tickets soon, but

newcomers will be warmly welcomed. If you

would like a ticket then please leave your name

and contact details on the list at the back of the

church. Please ‘phone 20562508 I f you haven’t

had your invitation by 7th April or if you

have any queries.

A Big welcome to our New Members

Frances Coyle, Emilia Da Silva Conte and Esmiralda Da Silva Conte who received the Sacraments of Initiation and Gary Fry, David Ivins, Jane Newman Jones, Paula Jones and Walter Henry Trevelyan who were received into full communion with the Catholic church. Congratulations to all of you and may you receive many blessings.

First Holy Communion 2018

Forthcoming Wedding

We wish to announce the forthcoming wedding of Hannah Louise Rowley and Michael Andrew Harrison who will be married in St Mary’s on 8th April. We wish them every happiness for the future.

Help with cleaning the church urgently needed! Only one hour every 4 weeks to keep our beautiful church clean. I will be contacting each of the exist-ing groups to find out their requirements. One lady recently dropped out very reluctantly due to a bad shoulder; she had been helping since 1989. We desperately need people to step up to the plate and help out. Please ring Pat Davey on 029 20214882 if you can spare one hour a month from your busy life.

Plasdwr development public meeting

Members of the team from Plasdŵr will be

hosting a community drop in session at Holy

Family School Hall on Thursday 26th April

2018 from 3pm to 7pm. Please come along to

this public event to meet members of the team

and ask any questions you have about the

Plasdŵr development. If you are unable to

make this session, future events will be held in

Llandaff, Pentyrch, Radyr and St Fagans.

Please sign up to the e bulletin below to be kept

informed. http://plasdwr.co.uk/contact/