7/29/2019 Easter Scripture Study Series http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/easter-scripture-study-series 1/21 Easter Scripture Study Series One -The Anointing at Bethany Read John 12:1 1. When is this event taking place? 2. Where does it take place? 3. Even though we don’t often consider this dinner a part of the “Easter” tradition, it is crucial.  Read John 12:2-3 1. What is Jesus doing with those in Bethany? 2. Notice who is serving!  3.  What is Lazarus doing? 4. What does Mary do? 5. What significance does anointing have? Read “Anoint” in the Bible Dictionary 1. What are some of the reasons for anointing? 2. Who else is anointed, as mentioned in the second paragraph? There are three in particular. 3. How does Christ fulfill each of these roles: King, Priest, and Prophet? 4. Although Mary didn’t anoint Christ to be a prophet, priest, or king, what do you read in John 12:3 that suggests that Mary understood Christ’s roles as she anointed Him? Read John 12:4-6 and Matthew 26:8-9 1. What was Judas’s reaction to Mary’s service? 2. Why did Judas respond this way?  Read John 12:7-8 and Matthew 26:10-13 1. How did the Savior respond to Judas’s criticism? 2. Of course the Savior could discern Judas’s thoughts, and, according to the account told in John, we get a little insight of Judas’s true motive. Do you think that it would have mattered either way? Let’s say that Judas truly was concerned for the poor. Do you think that the Savior would have had the same response? Why or why not? 3. What is the Mary anointed Jesus? 4. What do you think really motivated Mary to serve the Lord in the way that she had? 5. What are the ways that you can show your understanding (and gratitude) that Christ is our Savior, Our Prophet, Our Priest, and our King?

Easter Scripture Study Series

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Easter Scripture Study Series

One -The Anointing at Bethany

Read John 12:1

1.  When is this event taking place? 

2.  Where does it take place? 

3.  Even though we don’t often consider this dinner a part of the “Easter”

tradition, it is crucial. 

Read John 12:2-3

1.  What is Jesus doing with those in Bethany? 

2.  Notice who is serving! 

3.  What is Lazarus doing? 

4.  What does Mary do? 

5.  What significance does anointing have? 

Read “Anoint” in the Bible Dictionary 

1.  What are some of the reasons for anointing? 

2.  Who else is anointed, as mentioned in the second paragraph? There are

three in particular. 

3.  How does Christ fulfill each of these roles: King, Priest, and Prophet? 

4.  Although Mary didn’t anoint Christ to be a prophet, priest, or king, what do

you read in John 12:3 that suggests that Mary understood Christ’s roles as

she anointed Him? 

Read John 12:4-6 and Matthew 26:8-9

1.  What was Judas’s reaction to Mary’s service? 

2.  Why did Judas respond this way? 

Read John 12:7-8 and Matthew 26:10-13

1.  How did the Savior respond to Judas’s criticism? 

2.  Of course the Savior could discern Judas’s thoughts, and, according to the

account told in John, we get a little insight of Judas’s true motive. Do you

think that it would have mattered either way? Let’s say that Judas truly was

concerned for the poor. Do you think that the Savior would have had thesame response? Why or why not?

3.  What is the Mary anointed Jesus?

4.  What do you think really motivated Mary to serve the Lord in the way that 

she had?

5.  What are the ways that you can show your understanding (and gratitude)

that Christ is our Savior, Our Prophet, Our Priest, and our King?

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Two - The Triumphal Entry

Read Matthew 21:1-7

  What has the Lord commanded his disciples to do?

  Why did he have them go and get the donkey’s colt? 

Read Zechariah 9:9

  What had Zechariah prophesied, centuries before? 

  What does this show about Christ’s knowledge and understanding of the


Read through a similar account of the Triumphal entry in Luke 19:28-35

  What does the Lord tell the apostles to say if anyone questions them as they

retrieve the colt? 

  Did anyone ask them as the apostles went to get the donkey? How did they

respond?   What do you think that those who went to retrieve the colt were thinking?

Do you think that they understood what was happening then (at Christ’s

triumphal entry) verses what would happen to the Savior (Gethsemane,

death) in a few days?

Read Luke 19:36-38

  What do the people do as Christ enters into Jerusalem?

  Why were they rejoicing in the Lord?

  What are some of the mighty works that you have seen that may cause you to


  What do you do to rejoice?

  Why was this considered a “triumphal” entry? Who is Christ in relation to

Israel and the entire world?

Read Luke 19:39-40

  What was the reaction of the Pharisees to the praise that the Lord was


  What did Jesus say in response to their attempt to quell the praise of the


  Do you think that the Pharisees understood that Christ was their king? 

 Why do you think that they had a hard time recognizing this fact?

  What can we do to better recognize the Savior as our King and praise Him


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Three - Cleansing of the Temple/Cursing of the Fig Tree

Read Mark 11:12-14

  Why did the Savior approach the fig tree? 

  As he further inspected the tree, was there anything to be found on thebranches? 

  What did Jesus then proclaim would happen with the fig tree?  

  Why do you think that He was frustrated with a fruitless tree? What good is

a tree that should bear fruit but does not? What good is a tree that bears bad


Read Luke 19:41-44

  As Jesus came near to Jerusalem and beheld the city, what did he do? 

  Why was he weeping over Jerusalem? 

  What did the people of Jerusalem refuse to know and see - even though it was

presently before them? 

Read Luke 19:45-46

  After lamenting over Jerusalem and His people, where did Christ go?

  How do you think the cleansing of the temple relates to his remorse over


Read Mark 11:15-19 - This is another account of Christ’s cleansing of the temple

with a few other details.

  When the Lord got to the temple, what did he do? 

  Why do you think that the Lord was so upset with what was happening at the


  In verse 17, what does Christ teach that His house should be? What had they

made it instead? 

  In the account in Mark, what happened prior to Christ’s going t o the temple?

(See Mark 11:12-14.) 

  What do you think that the fruitless fig tree and the desecrated temple have

in common? 

  Finally, how do the priests and scribes react to Christ’s cleansing of the


  Why were they truly threatened by the Savior? 

Read Matthew 21:12-16

  In verses 12-13, Christ overthrows the tables of the moneychangers and

reminds them that the House of the Lord is a House of prayer. 

  What does the Lord do in verse 14? 

  How does this compare to what he had done earlier? 

  What do we learn is the true purpose of the temple? 

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  What do the chief priests and scribes do when Christ performs these

miracles? Why do you think that they were so upset? 

Read Mark 11:20-26

  When passing by the fig tree that Christ had cursed, what did Peter notice? 

  What did Jesus say in response to Peter?   What does Jesus then teach about faith? 

  We learn a few lessons from the fig tree. First in regards to the fig tree, why

is it important to bear fruit? What do we do in order to bear fruit ? Is it 

enough to simply bear no fruit? In other words, if we have no fruits, are we

still exempt from the justice of the Lord? 

  We also learn a lesson from the perspective of the apostles. They were

amazed by the power of the Savior. Where does he say is the source of such


  The Savior teaches faith and prayer. Earlier, when cleaning the temple, what 

did he teach that the temple should be a house of? When you think of your

own life, the temple, how you treat it, the fruits you are bearing, and the faiththat you have, what lessons can you apply from this time that Christ spent 

cleansing the temple and cursing the fig tree? 

  Why do you think that these events are important to learn - before the

coming death and resurrection of the Lord? 

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Four - Teachings in the Temple

Read Matthew 21:23-27

  What is it that the priests and elders want to know in verse 23? 

  Does Jesus answer their question outright? Instead, what does He ask?   Are the priests able to answer His question? Did they genuinely want to

know where His authority came from? Why do you think they asked him

where he received His authority? 

Read Matthew 21:28-32

  After the discussion with the Pharisees about authority, the Lord tells a

parable. What does the man ask the first son? What does the son do? 

  What happens with the second son? 

  Jesus asks the Pharisees which did the will of the Father? 

  Why is the first son’s response, then subsequent change of heart more in line

with the will of the father than the second son’s response and refusal to

follow through? 

  Jesus tells the Pharisees that the publicans and harlots (not known to be

pious) would go to Heaven before the Pharisees did. Why is this so? What 

does this proclamation have to do with the parable that He taught? 

Read Matthew 21:33-46

  What happens in this next parable that Christ teaches? 

  At the end, Christ asks the Pharisees what they thought the Lord of the

vineyard would do unto the husbandmen. What was their answer to the


  After this parable, Christ asks the Pharisees if they had read in the scriptures

about the stone that had been rejected by the builders. What do you think 

that He meant by this question? Why would he ask it to the Pharisees? 

  How did the Pharisees feel about the parables that had been taught by the


  According to verse 46, what did the Pharisees want to do to Christ? How is

this like the husbandmen mentioned in the second parable taught by the


Read Matthew 23:13-33

 In this set of verses, the Lord pronounces woes on the scribes and Pharisees.What does the Lord denounce in these verses? 

  Why do you think that the Lord was so upset with them for their hypocrisy?

Whose gospel did they proclaim to uphold? 

  In verse 23, the Lord says that they have paid tithes of mint, anise, and cumin,

but they have omitted the weightier matters of the law. What were they

weightier matters that the Lord lists in this verse? Why do these things

matter more than the tithe that the Pharisees were giving? 

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  The Lord then says that the Pharisees are like “whited sepulchres appearing

beautiful on the outside. What is within them, though? (See verse 27.) 

  How are the Pharisees like these outwardly beautiful vessels? 

  Why does the Lord call the Pharisees a “generation of vipers”? 

  How do we keep ourselves from becoming like the Pharisees: spiritually

blind, unfruitful, and outwardly beautiful while inwardly disgusting?

Matthew 23:34-37

  Finally, the Lord explains how the Pharisees had been sent prophets and

wise men. How had the Pharisees treated the prophets and wise men? Think 

back on the parable of the Lord and the husbandmen. How are the Pharisees

like the husbandmen? 

  Even though the Pharisees were not able to kill Christ at that time - in the

temple as He taught - what, like the wicked husbandmen, would the

Pharisees later do to the Savior? 

  Why is the killing of the prophets and eventual slaying of the Son of God

hypocritical for the Pharisees to do? In whom did the Pharisees claim tobelieve? Did they understand their God? Did they recognize Jehovah - as he

was among them? The Pharisees were not “unbelievers.” What 

differentiates an “unbeliever” from a hypocrite? 

  How can you, at Easter make a bigger commitment to be true to the

covenants that you have made with the Savior? What can you do to be sure

that you are not acting like the Pharisees? What can you do to make sure

your inner vessel is clean? What can you do to show that you recognize your


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Five - Olivet Discourse

Read Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:1-4

  In verse 1, what do Christ’s disciples finally begin to understand? 

  What do the disciples then ask Christ? (See verse 2-4.) What do they want toknow? 

Read Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:5-37

  Christ gives many of the signs that will happen before His coming. Notice the

prophecies He gives them. Which ones stand out to you? 

  Which of these prophecies have you seen happen? 

  Which of these prophecies are still to come? 

  Why do you think that it is important to understand these signs? 

  What is the difference between Christ’s first coming - as a babe in Bethlehem,

and His second arrival? 

Read Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:38-40

  This is the parable of the fig tree. How does it relate to the information that 

the Savior has given throughout this chapter? 

  Just as one recognizes summer is close by looking at the signs - of the fig

tree’s progress, how will we know that Christ’s coming is soon? 

  According to verse 40, when, exactly, will the Savior come again? 

Read Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:41-55

  What do we learn about Christ’s final coming from these verses? 

  As you read these verses, how are you impressed to prepare for His coming? 

  Do you think that it is important to prepare for the coming of Christ - even if 

He doesn’t come in your lifetime? Why or why not? 

Read Matthew 25:1-13

  The Lord, in response to the disciples question (in Matthew 24:3 - the signs

of Christ’s second coming and the end of the world) gave the parable of the

ten virgins. You may be familiar with it. 

  In verse one, it says that the kingdom of heaven is likened to 10 virgins. If 

this is so, then what could you say was the religion of each of the ten virgins?

Did they all belong to the Lord’s church? 

 Even though they all were part of the Lord’s church, or Kingdom, not all of them treated the gospel the same. What was a distinction between the ten


  What did the foolish do? 

  What did the wise do? 

  What did they all do while the bridegroom tarried? 

  Finally, a cry was made - that the bridegroom was coming. What were they

then bidden to do? 

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  What did all of the virgins do in verse seven?

  Were they all able to have light in their lamps?

  Why did the foolish virgins have to leave?

  Did they regret their decision?

  Did the bridegroom know them when they knocked at his door? 

  Finally, Christ ends with a warning. What is it?   If we relate this parable to our lives and preparing for when the Savior

returns again, what can we do to prepare - and make sure that there is

sufficient “oil” in our lamps? 

Read Matthew 25:14-30

  Which parable does the Lord relate in this set of verses? 

  As the parable starts, what do the three people do with the talents that they

have received? 

  According to the context of this parable, what is a talent? 

  In this parable, talents are money. When applying this parable, talents can

mean any gift. It can mean the gift of knowledge, the gospel, money, or evenother “talents.” There are many ways to interpret “talents” in our lives. What 

are some of the blessings or “talents” the Lord has given you? 

  In verse 19, what finally happens? 

  For each of us, there will be a day of reckoning. We may not know when it 

will happen, but what can we do to prepare for it? 

  What happened with each of the people at the day of reckoning? 

  Why do you think that the Lord taught this parable when explaining the

second coming to His apostles? 

Read Matthew 25:31-46

  Here, Christ gives the parable of the sheep and the goats. How does He divide

the two? 

  Why are the sheep and goats divided? 

  What do the righteous inherit? 

  What does the Lord say that the righteous did for Him? 

  How do the righteous respond to the Lord in His praise for their works? (See

verses 37-39.) 

  What does the King say in response? 

  What do you think that this response means, “Inasmuch as ye have done it 

unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me?” 

  Why do you think God considers our service of others to be a service to Him?   How does serving God prepare us for His coming?

  Why do you think that serving God enables us to be counted as His “sheep”

rather than the goats? 

  What happens to those who were judged and put on the “left hand?” 

  Why do you think that the Lord taught this parable when explaining the

second coming to His apostles? 

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Why do you think that the Olivet discourse was important for the Savior to give during

the last week of His mortal ministry? 

How does understanding these signs before His second coming and the teachings given

in the parable help you to gain a greater understanding and appreciation for Easter? 

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Six - The Last Supper

Read Luke 22:7-14

  According to verse 7, what holiday are Jesus and the apostles about to

observe?  Where does Jesus tell his disciples to go to find a place for them to keep the


  Were the apostles able to find the room and prepare for this meal? 

  If you desire, read more about the Passover in Exodus 12:1-27. The Passover

is deeply symbolic - pointing to Christ. He is the lamb that was slain so that 

we could escape death. Record anything that you notice about Passover and

Christ. It is important to make a note of the fact that the Lord’s last supper isthe Passover meal. 

Read Luke 22:15-16

  Why did the Savior want to eat this Passover with His apostles?   What does the Lord say about his future? 

Read Luke 22:17-20

  Notice, before he partakes of wine or the bread, what does the Savior do? 

  What do the bread and the wine represent? 

Read John 13-17

  There is so much in these chapters. We could spend weeks studying them.

All of these chapters make up the teachings that the Lord gave to His

disciples at the last supper. I will bring up a few study points, but don’t limit 

your study to the questions that I provide.

 John 13:1-17 

  In John 13:1-17, what does the Lord do for the apostles?

  Why does He wash their feet when He is their King, Priest, and Master?

  What is He teaching them about being a Priest, or Leader?

 John 13:18-30

  In verse 18, the Lord says, “He that eateth bread with me hath lifted up his

heel against me.” What do you think this means? 

  The Lord continues then explains that one of the apostles will betray Him.

Which apostle is it?   Did the other apostles really grasp what Judas was going to do? 

 After Judas leaves, the Lord then teaches the disciples more.

 John 13:31-36

  The Lord says that they will seek Him. Can they go where He is going? (see

verse 33) 

  What is the commandment that the Lord gives the disciples? 

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  Why do you think that it is so important to love one another? 

  What do you think it means to love as Jesus has loved us? How can you love

others in a manner similar to how Jesus has loved you?

 John 14:1-14

 The Lord comforts the apostles telling them not to let their hearts betroubled. Why were their hearts troubled? 

  The Lord tells them that they will know where He goes and the way to get 

there. What does He mean by this? Where Is He going? How do we get 


  The Lord also explains His relationship with Heavenly Father. What do you

learn about this relationship? How can the Savior bring us to Heavenly


 John 14:15-31

  What does the Lord promise to His apostles? 

  What are some of the things that you learn about the Comforter in theseverses? 

  Again the Lord gives them comforting words. What does this show us about 

His feelings towards the apostles? 

  Have you felt the peace of the Lord in your life? How does it differ than the

peace that the world gives? 

 John 15:10-17 

  What does the Savior promise to those who keep His commandment? 

  Why is Jesus taking the time to teach the apostles all of these things? 

  The Savior again commands the apostles to love one another. What does the

Lord teach about “greater love”?   How do we become “friends” with the Savior? 

 John 16

  Jesus teaches more about the Holy Ghost. Why do you think the Lord is

teaching the apostles so much about the gift of the Holy Ghost?

  Finally, in verse 33, Jesus tells the apostles why He has taught them so much

at this Last supper. Think about what He has taught them and what is about 

to happen to the Savior in a matter of days - Why has he spoken so much to


  How have you experienced peace through the gospel? How does knowing

the Lord has overcome the world as you wade through tribulation?

 John 17 

  Christ offers the intercessory prayer. Read through the prayer. Ponder the

points that strike you. How does it make you feel to know that the Lord

prays for us?

Think of the Savior’s last supper. The upper room, the blessing and braking of bread 

and water, the flight of Judas, Christ’s washing of the Apostles feet, and the amazing

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teachings He gave the apostles. How can remembering this event help you to more

reverently approach the sacrament - which is in commemoration of the Sacrament of 

the Lord’s Last Supper?  

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Seven - Gethsemane

Today, we’re going to do a scripture chain. Not only will we read through Christ’s

experience, but we’ll also read a few other scriptures that treat the topic of 


Read Mark 14:32-39, be sure to also read the JST for these verses (in the


  According to the JST, what were the disciples wondering about Christ?

  What did Jesus have the disciples do?

  Which of the apostles did He take with Him?

  What did He ask them to do?

  What happened to the Lord as he “went forward a little”? 

  What did the Lord ask His Father to do?

 Notice, that Christ prayed to be relieved from His intense trial. Do you think that it is okay to pray for escape from trial?

  Although Jesus asked to let the trial pass from Him, what did He also


  Why do you think it was the Father’s will for Jesus to go through such


  When Jesus came back to the apostles, what did He see them doing?

  How do you think He felt to see that they had fallen asleep - that He had no

real support?

Read Luke 22:41-46

  What did Christ do in the Garden of Gethsemane as He suffered?   How do you think that Prayer helped Him in His time of extreme trial? 

  How has prayer helped you in your seasons of trial? 

  When Christ prayed to have the cup removed, did Heavenly Father remove

it? Did Heavenly Father altogether ignore Christ? What did Heavenly Father

bless the Savior with? 

  Even while receiving strength from an angel, we learn that Christ’s suffering

went on - in the miserable trial. How does Luke describe it (in vs. 44)? 

To be honest, the actual suffering in Gethsemane is really hard for me to understand.

The idea of Jesus Christ suffering for all of us overwhelms me. So, I have found a few 

scriptures that help to treat the meaning of the events that took place in the Garden of Gethsemane. I hope you find the scripture chain useful! 

Read Mosiah 3:7

  What does King Benjamin teach about the atonement in this verse? 

  Is there any kind of pain that the Savior does not understand? 

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Read Doctrine and Covenants 19:18

  In this verse, Christ describes what He went through in Gethsemane. What 

are some of the things that you find striking? 

Read Isaiah 53:3-5

  What has Christ gone through in His life?   What do you think “borne our griefs,” “carried our sorrows” “wounded for

our transgression” and “t he chastisement of our peace was upon Him” mean? 

  How does Christ heal us? 

Read Alma 7:11-12

  What does Christ experience in these two verses? 

  What is the purpose of His suffering? 

  How do you feel to know that He suffered personally for you? 

How do you think that understanding more about the Garden of Gethsemane and what 

happened there can help you with your overall testimony? 

How do you work to really internalize what the Lord did for you there on that lonely 


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Eight - Betrayal, Judgment, Denial, and Abuse

Read Doctrine and Covenants 88:6

  Jesus Christ has ascended up on high. What has He also done? 

  Why was it necessary for Him to descend below all things? Even though the Lord had suffered in Gethsemane, He wasn’t finished with the work of 

the atonement. There was still lower to go. Today, we’ll read about His betrayal,

 judgment, the Denial of Christ by Peter, and General Abuse

Read Mark 14:43-45

  What did Judas come to Gethsemane to do? 

  What was the token Judas gave to the priests, scribes and elders - to tip them

off on the identity of Christ? 

Read Luke 22:48  What was Christ’s reaction to Judas’s kiss? 

  Notice in Mark 14:41-42, Jesus is already apprised of what Judas is going to

do. Was Christ really caught off-guard by Judas’s betrayal? 

  Why do you think that Christ allowed Himself to be brought into the hands of 

the chief priests, scribes, and elders?

Read Matthew 26:57-66

  Why was Jesus taken to Caiaphas, the high priest? 

  What were they finally able to accuse Jesus of? 

  In verse 63, whom does Caiaphas make Jesus swear by (adjure)? What is the

irony in this? 

  How did Caiaphas react to Christ’s declaration? 

  What was the judgment of Christ? 

Read Luke 22:54-62

  In this set of verses, what is Peter doing? 

  Why do you think that Peter had denied Christ? 

  How many times did Peter deny Christ? 

  The rooster crowed, the Lord looked at Peter, and then what did Peter


 How did Peter feel about His denial of the Savior?


  How did Peter’s denial of Christ differ from Judas’s betrayal? 

  Although Peter denied Christ, do you think that he truly repented and

learned something from this experience? What do you think He learned? 

Read John 18:28-40

  After being judged by Caiaphas, where is Jesus taken? 

  Why do the priests take Jesus to be judged by Pilate? 

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  When Pilate asks Jesus if He is the king of the Jews, how does the Lord

answer? What do you think that Jesus means?

  Why does Jesus say, “My kingdom is not of this world?

  What is Jesus’s kingdom? 

  Does Pilate find any kind of fault with Jesus? 

  When Pilate offers to free one of the people sentenced to death, which persondo the Jews let go free? 

Read John 19:4-7

  Again, Pilate emphasizes that he finds no fault in Christ. What do the chief 

priests say in reaction? 

Read John 19:8-15

  The more that Pilate learns about Jesus being the Son of God, the more He is

afraid and tries to release Christ. The Savior is quiet, and doesn’t say much to

Pilate’s questions. Pilate tells Christ that he has t he power to crucify Him or

let Him live. Is this really true?   What does Jesus tell Pilate about power? 

  What does Pilate try to do after Jesus tells him this? 

  How do the Jews end up getting their way with Pilate? 

  When Pilate asks, “Shall I crucify your King?” How do the chief priests and

scribes answer? 

  As you read this, what are some of your reactions?

  Pilate, obviously, wouldn’t know much about Christ, but think about the

priests. Why do you think that they were so set on killing their own Messiah? 

Read Mark 15:15-20

  Whom did Pilate release?  After Barabbas’s release, Jesus was scourged. What does it mean, to be


  After being scourged, the soldiers led him into the hall. What did they do


  Why do you think they placed a robe and crown on Crhist?

  Why were they saluting Christ, saying, “Hail, King of the Jews?” 

  After this mockery, what did they do?

  Finally, they led Him to be crucified.

Today’s reading is pretty depressing, but I wonder, what do we do to keep from being

like the priests and scribes? Christ was crucified by His people. They should haveknown Him. What can we do to make sure that we aren’t like the Pharisees?  

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Nine - Death of the Lamb of God

Read Mark 15:20-23

  After mocking the Lord, they led Him to be crucified. Who is Simon - the

Cyrenian? What did he do?   Where did they take Jesus? 

Read Luke 23:27-35

  As Christ goes to Golgotha, what does he say to those who “bewailed and

lamented” him? 

  Why do you think that he told them not to weep for Him? 

  When Christ was being crucified, what did He ask the Father to do for the


Read John 19:18-22

  What did Pilate write on the Savior’s cross?   What did the Jews think of this transcription? 

  What do you think of it?

Read Matthew 27:39-46

  As Christ hung on the cross, people passed Him by. What were they doing? 

  What were they asking Christ? 

  Note: verses 42-43 are quotes from the priests, scribes and elders.

  Is it true that Christ couldn’t save Himself? 

  Why didn’t Christ “save” himself? He could have proven a point to the

revilers. Why did he allow himself to be mocked and crucified? 

  The revilers mock him, saying “He trusted in God; let him deliver him.” Did

Christ trust in God? Did God deliver Christ? 

  Think about this situation. Who, exactly, was mocking Christ, the Messiah?

Whom did the priests and scribes claim to believe? These supposed

believers were blaspheming their own God . 

  What can you learn from them, how do you keep yourself pointed to the Lord

and loyal to Him? Obviously the priests and scribes were acquainted with

the gospel, how do you keep from being like them and missing the mark?  

Read Luke 23:39-45

 After being reviled by the priests, who began to join in the railing?


  What did the other malefactor say in regards to the reviling? 

  What did he then ask Christ as they hung together? 

  What did Christ say to the criminal? 

  How does this criminal, who justly hung next to Jesus, differ than the scribes

and priests who claimed to know God? 

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Read John 19:25-27

  While Jesus hung on the cross, he looked down and saw His mother. What 

does He say as He looks down at her? 

  How do you think that the Savior felt about His mother? 

  What does this teach us about Christ’s love and respect for His parents? 

  Imagine Mary for a moment - bringing the Savior into the world, raising Him,taking Him to the temple, watching as He matured and then eventually began

His ministry, then finally, seeing Him die. What do you think that she may

have felt throughout this? 

  As you think about Mary, how does her example teach you about the

importance and elevation of Motherhood? 

Read Matthew 27:45-46

  In the ninth hour, what does Jesus cry out? 

  What do you think that this means? How had God forsaken Christ? 

  Why do you think that God “forsook” Christ? 

  How does this compare with the spiritual pain Christ experienced in

Gethsemane and the physical pain that Christ experienced through the


Read the following quote by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland:

“ Now I speak very carefully, even reverently, of what may have been the most 

difficult moment in all of this solitary journey to Atonement. I speak of those

 final moments for which Jesus must have been prepared intellectually and 

 physically but which He may not have fully anticipated emotionally and 

spiritually —that concluding descent into the paralyzing despair of divine

withdrawal when He cries in ultimate loneliness, “My God, my God, why hast 

thou forsaken me?”  

“ The loss of mortal support He had anticipated, but apparently He had not 

comprehended this. Had He not said to His disciples, “Behold, the hour … is now 

come, that ye shall be scattered, every man to his own, and shall leave me

alone: and  yet I am not alone, because the Father is with me” and “The Father 

hath not left me alone; for I do always those things that please him”?  

With all the conviction of my soul I testify that He did please His Father 

 perfectly and that a perfect Father did not forsake His Son in that hour. Indeed,

it is my personal belief that in all of Christ ’s mortal ministry the Father may 

never have been closer to His Son than in these agonizing final moments of 

suffering. Nevertheless, that the supreme sacrifice of His Son might be as

complete as it was voluntary and solitary, the Father briefly withdrew from

 Jesus the comfort of His Spirit, the support of His personal presence. It was

required, indeed it was central to the significance of the Atonement, that this

 perfect Son who had never spoken ill nor done wrong nor touched an unclean

thing had to know how the rest of humankind —us, all of us—would feel when

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we did commit such sins. For His Atonement to be infinite and eternal, He had 

to feel what it was like to die not only physically but spiritually, to sense what it 

was like to have the divine Spirit withdraw, leaving one feeling totally, abjectly,

hopelessly alone. - Jeffrey R. Holland ( “None Were with Him”, April 2009

General Conference).

  How does this quote help you to better understand what Christ meant whenHe was “forsaken” by God? 

Read John 19:28-30

  After taking care of His mother, and having God’s Spirit leave Him

completely, Christ knew that his work was done. What did he say in order to

fulfill scripture?

  How did the people help to quench His thirst?

  Finally, Christ proclaimed, It is finished. What did he do then?

Notice, Christ chose to die - He gave up the Ghost. He did this for us because He had the

 power not to die - ever! 

Read 2 Nephi 26:24

  As you read this scripture, think of what you know about Christ:

o  His pre-mortal life as Jehovah, the creator of the World, the God of the


o  His mortal life and ministry - healing the sick, comforting the afflicted,

teaching the disciples

o  His suffering in Gethsemane so that He would know how to succor us

o  His submission to Caiaphas, Herod, and Pilate - to be judged of the

world, scourged and crucified

  Why did He do these things? Whose cause has been at the core of every

single thing He has done?How do the events leading up to the Cross, and on the cross, help you to gain more of a

love for the Savior - especially at this time of year? 

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Ten - Empty Tomb/Risen Lord

Read Luke 24:1-12

  When the women who were going to anoint the body of the Savior came to

the tomb, what did they find?   What did the two men in shining garments (the angels) ask the Women? 

  What did the angels mean when they said, “Why seek ye the Living among the

Dead?  “   Are there ways that we look for the living Christ among the dead? What can

we do to remember that Christ is living?   Then angels reminded the women the prophecy that Christ made - it says

that they “remembered” it. What is the significance of the word “remember”?

(See John 14:26.)   What did the women do when they “remembered” the prophecy that Christ 

had given?   Which women had first seen the empty tomb?   What did Peter and the apostles think about the women finding an empty

tomb?   Did any of them truly understand what had happened to Christ yet? 

Read John 20:1-10

  When Peter and John run to the sepulcher, do they find the Savior? 

  Did they understand, yet, what had happened to Christ? 

Read John 20:11-18

 As you read through this account of Mary and Jesus, what strikes you?


  When Christ utters Mary’s name, how does she respond?

  Imagine you are Mary, and the Lord has called your name. Would you

recognize Him? 

  How do you think that you would respond if the Master revealed Himself to

you, calling you by name? 

  Had the Lord shown himself to anyone else yet? 

  What do you think that the significance is that He showed Himself, as a

resurrected being, first to Mary? 

Read Luke 24:13-32

  While walking along the road to Emmaus, what were two of the disciplesdiscussing? 

  Who joined these two on their journey? 

  They recounted that Jesus had been crucified then they said that they trusted

that He would have redeemed Israel. Did they still seem confident? 

  Why were they worried? What had they discovered about the tomb where

Jesus’ body had been placed? 

  What does Christ say in response? 

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  Do they understand that they are talking to Christ? 

  As Christ teaches them the gospel, then gives them the sacrament, what 

happens to them and their understanding? 

  What makes the difference - for both Mary and the two on the road to

Emmaus - as far as being able to recognize Christ? 

  What do you need in order for you to receive witness of the Savior? 

Read John 20:19-22

  Finally, to whom does Christ show Himself?

  What does He show the apostles?

  The Lord “breathes” on them, what do they receive? 

  Why do you think that it makes a difference - to have the Gift of the Holy


  How do you think that the apostles, those on the road to Emmaus, and Mary

must have felt to see and know that Christ was not dead - but living?

Read John 20:31  What does John exhort us to believe? 

  What does Christ offer us? 

  Is there any way that Christ could offer us life if He was not a living God? 

Read Doctrine and Covenants 76:22-23

  What is the testimony that we receive from Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon? 

  Why does it matter to you - to know that Christ lives? 

  How do you think that this knowledge will help you to better worship Him?

How do you think understanding that Christ lives will help enable your faith

and strength? 

Read the following:

We bear testimony, as His duly ordained Apostles—that Jesus is the Living Christ, the

immortal Son of God. He is the great King Immanuel, who stands today on the right 

hand of His Father. He is the light, the life, and the hope of the world. His way is the

 path that leads to happiness in this life and eternal life in the world to come. God be

thanked for the matchless gift of His divine Son.

  What is your testimony of the Living Christ?