THE UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD AGE Leisure & Learning Groups January 2019 East Lothian U3A

East Lothian U3Aeastlothianu3a.org.uk/ELU3AWP01/wp-content/uploads/2019/... · 2019. 4. 7. · Kathy Fairweather -01620 890853 [email protected] Fortnightly, Friday

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    Leisure & Learning Groups

    January 2019

    East Lothian U3A

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    THE AIM OF THE U3A is to provide for its members the opportunity to develop their interests with others who share them.

    This booklet lists the groups offered by East Lothian U3A. Up-to-date information about groups is sent in regular newsletters and bulletins and is posted to the website.

    New subject suggestions are always welcome.

    Please keep this booklet for future reference.

    JOINING A GROUP To join a group, or to find out more about it, contact the group leader direct. Members may join as many groups as they wish.

    GROUPS are listed under the following subject areas:

    Arts and crafts Computing Games Get physical History Languages Literature Mind and Body Music Sciences and philosophy Visits

    GROUP LEADERS East Lothian U3A uses the general title ‘leader’ for any member who offers to run a group, but it is used in its widest sense, from meaning just the main contact person, through to the organiser of a group programme, and for some, the actual teaching of a subject. It is up to those who volunteer to run groups to decide, in consultation with the group’s members, how they wish to ‘lead’ their group.

    WEBSITE For more information about East Lothian U3A visit our website: www.eastlothianu3a.org.uk

    Published by East Lothian U3A January 2019

    Scottish Charity number SC028953


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    Full details of each group can be found at the page numbers listed below.

    All group meetings take place in the daytime. Some groups run throughout the year, others are seasonal.

    Arts & Crafts 1 Art in the drawing room Art out of doors Looking at paintings Needlework and craftwork

    Computing 1 Apple Mac users iPad users forum

    Games 2 Basic bridge Bridge for improvers GO Mah Jong 1 Mah Jong 2 Modern board games Scrabble

    Get Physical 3 Ballroom dancing Ceilidh dancing and more Circle dance Intermediate walking Simply strolling Wednesday walkers

    History 5 Archaeology, history and genealogy projects

    Languages 5 French conversation French intermediate Gaelic (beginners) German language and culture

    Latin for beginners Latin intermediate Beginners’ Italian Parliamo Italiano Spanish conversation

    Literature 7 Bookworms Book Tuesday Contemporary fiction Play reading

    Mind and Body 8 Tai Chi Qi gong Mindfulness

    Music 9 Classical music appreciation Folk music Jazz appreciation Opera Recorder playing 1 Recorder playing 2

    Sciences and Philosophy 10 Biology as though life matters Exploring philosophy Geology Science

    Visits 11 Gardening Lunch club Museums and places of interest

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    ARTS AND CRAFTS ART IN THE DRAWING ROOM Liz Cunningham – [email protected] – 01620 823227 Mondays 2nd and 4th of each month – 1.30 – 3.30 Venue: Members’ homes on rota basis For anyone with an interest in resuming drawing or perhaps trying out some different tech-niques using a variety of pencils and other media. Basic drawing materials will be required. Although these will not be teaching sessions, much can be learned with regular practice and by sharing ideas and experience with each other ART OUT OF DOORS Bill Low—01875 870932—[email protected] Weekly, Thursdays 10.30 till early afternoon (weather permitting) May to September, at various locations usually in East Lothian This pleasant summer activity is for members interested in sketching or painting. A break for a picnic lunch allows would-be artists to discuss points with more experienced mem-bers. LOOKING AT PAINTINGS Janette Redmond - 01875 853543 – [email protected] Pat Edwards - 0131 665 3290 Twice monthly 1st and 3rd Thursdays am and/or pm October - April at various exhibitions in Edinburgh and East Lothian This group learns about artists and their work through looking at paintings in permanent collections, exhibitions, slides and videos. Costs: Travel and some entry fees. NEEDLEWORK/CRAFTWORK Rona Gow - 01620 842869 - [email protected] Thursdays 2.00 - 4.00, October - March Venue: Longniddry Community Centre Members share their interest in needle and craft work and are hopeful of attracting mem-bers with new skills to share with us. Before Christmas we tend to concentrate on making cards, small gifts and some decorations. We would also encourage anyone who has a skill to come and demonstrate this to us.

    COMPUTING APPLE MAC USERS David Elder - 01620 825697 - [email protected] Monthly, 2nd Friday of the month, 2.00 – 4.00 Venue: Bridge Centre, Haddington (Pool Hall) Members learn how to use their Apple Macs for many and varied purposes such as digital photography, word processing and surfing the internet. Mutual self-help is also available for solving any problems members may have.

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    iPAD USERS’ FORUM Robin MacEwen – 01620 894654– [email protected] Monthly, 1st Monday of the month, 10.00 – 12.00 September to April Venue: North Berwick Library A forum for the discussion of ideas about the various ways an iPad can be used, and to ex-change information about favourite apps.

    GAMES BASIC BRIDGE Marian Chambers - 01620 842242 - [email protected] Weekly, Thursdays 2.00 - 4.00 Venue: Lammerview House, Main St., Gullane A relaxed and friendly approach to bridge - a game that anyone can learn at any age. 'Bridge is the most stimulating, most intriguing, most fascinating, most challenging of all card games. It will give you more lasting pleasure than any other recreation because of it s un-ending variety’ (Acol Bridge Made Easy).


    Alma Anderson - 01620 861166 - [email protected] Weekly, Thursdays 2.00 - 4.00 Venue: Nungate and Haddington Community Centre, Haddington If you have played Bridge for years or have been attending lessons for beginners and are ready to move on, this may be the group for you. We attempt to improve our bidding and play in a relaxed atmosphere by using a variety of hand evaluation methods and improving our knowledge of playing techniques. This is a fun group for folk who want to play better Bridge. New Members welcome

    GO Neil Sandford – 01620 824335 – [email protected] First Wednesday of the month, 2pm, and at other times by agreement Venue: Neil Sandiford’s house in Haddington Go (Weiqi) is a three thousand year old game for two players from China with just a few sim-ple rules. You start with an empty board and then place pieces alternately, vying to map out more territory. However, if you overstretch, your pieces can be captured and taken off the board. MAH JONG 1 Judith Ford—01368 864516—[email protected] Twice monthly, 2nd and 4th Tuesday mornings Venue: Members’ homes Mah Jong is a fascinating ancient Chinese game played with tiles, which can be enjoyed by all. Whether you are an expert or a complete novice (or somewhere in between) you are welcome to join our group. Maximum number 10

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    MAH JONG 2 Margaret Wastie - 01620 822371 - [email protected] Monthly, First Fridays 10.30 – 12.30 Venue: Members‘ homes Come and enjoy this ancient game. Maximum number 10 MODERN BOARD AND CARD GAMES Richard Adams - 01620 824019 - [email protected] Weekly, Friday mornings Venue: Members‘ homes Members meet together to socialise and enjoy learning and playing “modern” games which have emerged from the recent renaissance in board gaming. These modern games (sometimes called “Euro games”), are competitive but not aggressive; you don’t win by attacking other players and there is no player elimination. Having fun is the goal rather than winning.

    SCRABBLE Joan Bell - 01620 860092 - [email protected] Monthly, First Mondays 2.00 - 4.00 Venue: Members’ homes

    GET PHYSICAL BALLROOM DANCING Bil Fulton - [email protected] Weekly, Thursdays 10.30 - 12.00 Venue: Haddington Corn Exchange At present, we have professional input on alternate weeks and use the intervening weeks for practice under the guidance of the more competent members of the group. To date we have danced Tango, Jive, Rumba and Waltz. We are looking forward to tackling Foxtrot and Quickstep and to improving our skills in all the dances. “Strictly Come Dancing” we are not, but who knows - watch this space! CEILIDH DANCING AND MORE Sheila Sergeant - 01620 825127 - [email protected] Weekly, Tuesdays 11.00-12.30 Venue: Bridge Centre, Haddington (Alistair Grant Hall) Bring comfortable/soft shoes for dancing in. No previous experience is necessary. Come along to benefit from the exercise, have some fun in good company and enjoy the music. INTERMEDIATE WALKING

    Kathy Fairweather - 01620 890853 - [email protected] Fortnightly, Friday mornings (Alternate weeks from ‘Simply Strolling’) 4 to 6 mile walks in and around the East Lothian area. Members are encouraged to socialise over a cup of coffee/tea at the end of each walk where and when possible.

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    SIMPLY STROLLING Laura Mole—01620 824129—[email protected] Fortnightly, Fridays, meet 10.15 for 10.30 start (Alternate weeks from ‘Intermediate Walking’) A walking group which offers less demanding routes than the Wednesday Walkers. Walks are around 3 miles on easy terrain, usually followed by coffee or lunch at one of the excellent cafés in the area. Dogs welcome. WEDNESDAY WALKERS Terry Smith – 01368 860308 - [email protected] Weekly, Wednesdays The group was founded in 1999, and now consists of around 50 active members, with an av-erage turnout of about 18. We completed our 600th walk in September 2015. Walks are led by group members and are always very sociable occasions. They take place throughout the year, with a three-week break over Christmas. A small, elected committee looks after the common interests of the group, and collates programmes of walks in the Lothians and Borders three times a year. Walks are usually between 8 and 10 miles, moderately demanding, sometimes including steep gradients, and with al fresco stops for coffee and lunch. It isn’t a requirement, but all members are encouraged to take a turn at planning and leading a walk. Walkers normally assemble in time to leave Haddington at 9am, and share transport to the starting point.

    HISTORY ARCHAEOLOGY, HISTORY AND GENEALOGY PROJECTS Graeme Bettison—[email protected] Monthly, usually third Mondays Venue: Bridge Centre, Haddington We undertake project work covering the three above disciplines jointly or separately. These projects can be our own, not requiring outside finance (e.g. our work on East Lothian graveyards and on Yester Castle) or can involve providing a team of volunteers to work on defined parts of larger projects organised and financed by other organisations (e.g. our contribution to buildings archaeology work on Yester Chapel, and to archaeological digs). In both cases our project team is co-ordinated by a member of the Group. We prepare reports on our projects and in some cases publish them. We also contribute to the East Lothia n Ar-chaeology Fortnight each September. We meet at the Bridge Centre as required to share experiences and co-ordinate work. Appropriate training sessions are arranged as needed. Occasional talks and visits to places of interest are arranged by members of the Group. We see ourselves as a resource with a variety of skills and experience which can be used to advantage in East Lothian.

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    FRENCH CONVERSATION WEDNESDAYS: Fortnightly - 10.30 - 12.00, September - June Marie-Florence Macdonald - 01368 830460 – [email protected] Valerie McAdam - 01620 895255 - [email protected] MONDAYS: Fortnightly – 2.00 – 4.00, September - June Alison Craven - 01620 826247 - [email protected] Venue: Members’ homes Members of this group have some experience of speaking French and have decided on various enjoyable means to encourage fearlessness in communication! Maximum practice and a little preparation are encouraged. The aim is to have more vocabulary and more confidence when speaking to French people. FRENCH INTERMEDIATE Harry Hamilton - 01620 860852 - [email protected] Weekly, Tuesdays 10..00 - 12.00 Venue- Leader’s home, East Linton The group is using a course guide ‘Façon de Parler’ and is led by a tutor who is fluent and has teaching experience. No one in the group is a complete beginner but we all lack conver-sational skills. We are enjoying very good progress and the atmosphere in the group although earnest is relaxed and can be quite light-hearted on occasions. GAELIC Mary Alexander - 01620 248541 - [email protected] Fortnightly, Mondays 10.00 - 12.00 Venue: Members' homes For beginners in learning Gaelic. New members are very welcome from complete beginners to those who may have some fluency in Gaelic. GERMAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE Isobel Pilkington - 01620 822515 - [email protected] Fortnightly, Mondays 10.00 – 11.30 Venue: Leader’s home, Haddington Concentrating on listening and speaking skills, the group’s aim is to build up confidence in communication. Varied methods are used to increase members’ knowledge of vocabulary and structures.

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    ITALIAN—BEGINNERS Terry Smith – 01368 860308 - [email protected] Fortnightly, Fridays 10.00 – 11.30 Thursdays 14.30—16.00 Venue: Members’ homes For members with little or no Italian language capabilities who want to get by on trips to Ita-ly. We are following a course of lessons developed by a U3A member, Len Gibb, which uses on-line learning aids together with other material which is used during the lessons. Emphasis is on developing the ability to communicate in simple messages. Formal grammatical instruc-tion is kept to a minimum. Hopefully, those who are interested in developing their Italian fur-ther will move on to the Parliamo Italiano group. Newcomers welcome but may need some catch-up instruction.

    ITALIAN – INTERMEDIATE Terry Smith – 01368 860308 – [email protected] Fortnightly, Fridays 10.00 – 11.30 Venue: Members’ homes

    The group is a carry on from Beginners’ Italian. We follow various, different strands of pub-lished material, visual, audio and written, for course content. Some knowledge of Italian vocabulary, and grammatical constructs is required. Emphasis is on developing the ability to communicate in Italian on a trip to Italy.

    LATIN FOR BEGINNERS Laura Mole - 01620 824129 - [email protected] Monthly, third Tuesday 10.45 - 12.00 We are a self-help group learning some Latin from the beginning. This might interest you if you’ve never studied it before or if, like me, you have some knowledge of Latin from school but are very rusty. LATIN INTERMEDIATE Rosemary Brannan - 01620 825208 - [email protected] Fortnightly, 2nd and 4th Monday of the month - 2.00 - 3.30 Venue: Whitegates, Liberty Hall, Haddington This group has progressed and is now reading actual Latin texts, albeit diffidently.

    PARLIAMO ITALIANO Rosemary Brannan - 01620 825208 - [email protected] Fortnightly, 1st and 3rd Thursdays 2.00 - 4.00 Venue: Members’ homes The aim is to provide members with the basic communication skills for simple conversations in e.g. holiday situations. Good pronunciation and fluency take precedence over grammatical accuracy. New members are welcome, but some previous knowledge of Italian is necessary. We use CDs and varied passages for translation, with members contributing accounts of their experiences.

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    SPANISH CONVERSATION John Revuelta—01620 826113—[email protected] Fortnightly, Tuesdays 2.00 - 4.00 Venue: Members’ homes This group provides members, who should already have a basic grasp of spoken Spanish, the opportunity to practise their conversational skills and extend their vocabulary. New members are welcome.


    BOOKWORMS Evelyn Cassini - 0131 665 8554 - [email protected] Monthly, except August & December, Tuesdays 10.30 – 12.00 Venue: Members’ homes Each year Bookworms select a reading programme drawn from Fiction - novels and short stories from all periods, and Non-fiction - history, biography, travel, etc. We read and dis-cuss one book a month, members taking it in turn to introduce a book. BOOK TUESDAY Maggie Stevenson - 01620 861776 - [email protected] Monthly, 3rd Tuesdays 2.30 - 4.00 Venue: Members’ homes Two books supplied each month by East Lothian Library. One book is selected for reading and discussion and members take it in turn to lead discussions. We meet in members’ homes on a rota basis. CONTEMPORARY FICTION Elizabeth Galt—01620 825706—[email protected] Monthly, last Tuesdays 2.00 - 4.00, September - May Members read and discuss a wide range of literary novels published mainly, though not exclusively, in the last twenty years. Books are chosen with the aim of stimulating thought and debate as well as entertainment. The group reads and discusses one book a month. PLAY READING Wendy Fraser - 0131 664 4198 - [email protected] Fortnightly, Thursdays 2.00 - 4.00 Venue: Various members’ homes, usually Haddington.

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    MIND AND BODY CIRCLE DANCE Anna Keir - 01620 249164 Weekly, 1.30 - 3.00 Venue: Bridge Centre, Haddington (Alistair Grant Hall) Circle Dance fosters a spirit of inner calm, friendship and harmony, as all the dancers move in unison – each dependent on another”; “Circle Dance; music and rhythm, folk dances, exer-cise, co-ordination, meditation, togetherness”; “Good exercise but low impact”; “Gives me dance steps that allow me to move to familiar songs and to new rhythms”; “Eclectic music reminds us of our holidays abroad”; “I find it therapeutic”; “I go into a mindfulness zone. QIGONG FOR BEGINNERS Claire East – 01620 824760 - [email protected] Weekly, Thursdays 12.30 - 1.45 Venue: Bridge Centre, Haddington (Upper Hall) Qigong exercises (often incorrectly called Tai Chi) have been practised in China for thousands of years, and are based on the five element theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine. They are done slowly and co-ordinated with controlled breathing. The group will learn some simple exercises with the aim of improving body awareness, balance and mind and body well-being. MINDFULNESS Chris Roberts – 01368 863299 – [email protected] Weekly, Mondays 2.00 – 4.00

    Venue: Gibb Room 1, The Bleachingfield Community Centre, Dunbar. Our group looks at the practices in the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction course, intro-duced 40 years ago by Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts School of Medicine, to deal with pain relief. The varied techniques are based on Buddhist meditations but are in no way religious; the neuroscience coming out recently shows the benefits of rewiring the brain: increased immunity, decreased tension, even anti-ageing!

    TAI CHI Claire East - 01620 824760 - [email protected] Weekly, Thursdays 10.00 – 12.00 Venue: Bridge Centre, Haddington (Upper Hall) A 24 movement form devised for those of us who are not 21 anymore! Chi Kung exercises, gentle repeated movements to stimulate circulation and respiration are part of the session too. There are two different classes: An intermediate class for anyone with some previous experience of Tai Chi. We practise the 24 Step Yang style form and therapeutic Qigong.

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    MUSIC CLASSICAL MUSIC APPRECIATION Raymond Dodd - 01620 824618 - [email protected] Monthly, Fridays 2.00 - .00 Venue: Bridge Centre, Haddington (Pool Room) For all those lovers of classical music who want to learn more about it and to share experi-ences and knowledge. Members are encouraged to contribute as they feel able. We are open to ideas for developing new activities, e.g. inviting outside speakers and performers, concert going, etc. FOLK MUSIC Robert Russel - 01620 860702 (mob. 07751 392966) - [email protected] 2nd and 4th Thursdays 2.00—4.00 Venue: Bridge Centre, Haddington (Upper Hall) This group plays and sings folk music from Scotland and around the world. For those who like having relaxing fun creating music with others on flute, fiddle, whistle, guitar, concertina, clarsach, bodhran, chanter, etc.; or with your voice. JAZZ APPRECIATION Glen Gibb - 01368 864715 - [email protected] Every four weeks, Tuesday afternoons, October - April Venue: Leader’s home, Spott The Jazz group is studying the history of this important music, from its roots in the fields and towns of the Southern states of North America, with its early prominence based in New Orleans, up to the present day. It is hoped to cover all aspects from ragtime, the swing era, bebop, the Avant Garde and the improvised music of today. It will pose the question 'What is Jazz?' which has been asked ever since the music left New Orleans and will explore the highways and byways en route with interesting diversions and amusements, all with good music and discussion and with enough variety to hopefully satisfy all (musical) tastes.

    OPERA Estelle Morton - 01620 825979 - [email protected] Anne Rarity - 01620 823933 - [email protected] Monthly, Fridays 2.00 - 4.00 Venue: Bridge Centre, Haddington (Pool Room) The group enjoys viewing opera on DVD, listening to occasional speakers and attending some live performances. We organise an annual visit to Perth Festival of the Arts to see English Touring Opera perform. We are not elitist, some of us are more knowledgeable than others and we all enjoy exploring this rewarding art form. Our meetings are held in the Pool Room at the Bridge Centre, Haddington, which benefits from a large screen, data projector and state-of-the-art sound system.

    RECORDER PLAYING 1 Tom Pitcairn - 01875 870593 - [email protected] Weekly, Fridays 3.00 - 5.00 Venue: Bridge Centre, Haddington. (Upper Hall) For moderately competent players of descant, treble, tenor and bass recorders. Ability to read music essential.

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    RECORDER PLAYING 2 Celia Coulson - 0131 665 3779 - [email protected] Fortnightly, Fridays 1.00 - 3.00pm Venue: Bridge Centre, Haddington (Upper Hall) We are a small group of post-beginners, playing descant, treble, tenor and bass recorders. We play a variety of pieces from Early Music to Gershwin. On occasions we join forces with Group 1 and with U3A Recorder groups from Edinburgh.


    BIOLOGY AS THOUGH LIFE MATTERS Ulrich Loening - 01875 340541 - [email protected] Monthly, 2nd Mondays 2.00 - 4.00, October - June Venue: Bridge Centre, Haddington (Upper Hall) There is much confusion in public and political discussions owing to a misunderstanding of the biological basis of life. By looking at the underlying biology this group endeavours to distin-guish certainty from the unknown and uncertain and thereby gain some new perspectives on matters related to health, the environment and farming, and distinguish where it is good to tread and where it is unwise to meddle. It will question what biological science is about, and marvel yet more at life around us.

    EXPLORING PHILOSOPHY Gill Colston - 01620 823400 - [email protected] Monthly, last Tuesdays 2.00 - 3.30 Venue: Bridge Centre, Haddington (Pool Hall) A wide range of methods are used within this group to facilitate discussion, including DVDs, podcasts, books and members introducing topics of interest. Group members have the opportunity to participate in the advance planning of the programme.

    GEOLOGY David McAdam - 01620 895255 - [email protected] Monthly, 1st and/or 3rd Tuesdays am and/or pm Venue: Field trips and Bridge Centre, Haddington (Pool Hall) Geology is 'the science which deals with the physical structure and substance of the earth'. How, when and what are the questions the group is asking. The answers come by way of illustrated talks, videos and guided museum visits in the winter months, but mainly by short field trips in the summer months to places of particular geological interest in and beyond East Lothian. SCIENCE Peter Ramage - 01620 822554 - [email protected] Monthly 4th Monday (September - June) 2.00 - 4.00 Venue: Bridge Centre, Haddington (Upper Hall) We offer a programme of talks by visiting speakers on a variety of topics in sciences, medicine and the environment. Visits to places of scientific interest are an occasional feature. Suggestions or contributions from group members are always welcomed.

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    VISITS GARDENING Sue Hawthorne—01620 829243—[email protected] Fortnightly, Mondays 10.30 - 12.30 April - September. Winter meetings approx. monthly Spring and summer events are usually visits to a member’s garden or to a public/private gar-den or nursery. These are mostly in East Lothian, but can be a bit further afield. Plants, infor-mation and questions are exchanged throughout the year using email. Over the winter, we meet less frequently, approx. monthly. We use the sessions to view DVD’s, practical demon-strations, discuss books and have brought in speakers. We aim to share our own knowledge and ideas within the group. LUNCH CLUB Elsie Oliver - 01620 824284 - [email protected] Monthly on consecutive weekdays Venue: various The Lunch Club has been running since 1999. Between 15 and 20 members attend once a month at various venues within East Lothian. New members are welcome. MUSEUM VISITS AND PLACES OF INTEREST Colin Mackie – 01620 892517 - [email protected] Monthly, 2nd Thursdays, am and/or pm, February - October Suggestions from group members for museums, galleries and places of interest to visit are listed. Volunteers then take turns to arrange one visit each per year, collecting all the infor-mation required and organising a guide to take our group if possible. A programme i s arranged for the year. Costs: Entry fees if applicable and travel.

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