In This Issue Masjid Improve- ments Free ECIC Clinic Speaker of the Month Cemetery Update Friday Sermons Upcoming Events: Imam Eesa Wood (April 8th Friday khut- bah and Saturday evenenig talk at ma- ghrib) and Imam Siraj Wahhaj (June 11th, Friday khutbah and evening talk) are scheduled to address ECIC community. East Cobb Islamic Center 1111 Braswell Rd. Marietta GA 30062 ec-ic.org NEWSLETTER: MARCH 2016 Assalamu Alaikum, We hope and pray this newsletter finds you in the best of your conditions both physically and spiritually. Here is an update on what has been happening at ECIC during this month. We successfully completed the initiatives from last month to support the food drive and the Hunger Run/Walk. A huge thank you to all those who participated in these efforts. May Allah reward you generously. The focus during the month of March has been to get the ECIC Clinic started and the Cemetery project permitted. A lot has been done on these fronts and we are very close to getting these projects to comple- tion. These two projects will continue to be focus of our attention in April. Then, in May we will turn towards preparing the masjid and ourselves for Ramadan. ECIC Management has been working hard to improve the business side of masjid. We have reached out to many community members for month- ly donation pledges so we can raise enough money to pay all our bills without dipping into the reserve funds for masjid capital improvement. Alhamdulillah, with so many of you responding to the call for help, we are almost there. Thank you for supporting your masjid. Masjid Improvements: Every month, some budget is allo- cated to improve the masjid facility where it is needed most. This month, we have fixed an issue near the dumpster pad. Dump trucks picking up and delivering dumpsters were eroding the dirt between the asphalt driveway and the dumpster location. We were able to fix this situation by covering this area with large stones. Spring is around the corner and na- ture will be in full bloom, including weeds. We have changed our landscape contractors and the type of service provided to improve maintenance of masjid grounds. ECIC Membership (2016) Please sign up to be a member of ECIC. Forms are available on the web- site and in the masjid.

East Cobb Islamic Center - ECICec-ic.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Print-March-2016...Br. Mahdy Amine, a graduate of Zaytuna College, from Calfifornia addressed our community on Saturday,

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In This Issue

Masjid Improve-


Free ECIC Clinic

Speaker of the


Cemetery Update

Friday Sermons

Upcoming Events:

Imam Eesa Wood

(April 8th Friday khut-

bah and Saturday

evenenig talk at ma-

ghrib) and Imam Siraj

Wahhaj (June 11th,

Friday khutbah and

evening talk) are

scheduled to address

ECIC community.

East Cobb Islamic Center 1111 Braswell Rd. Marietta GA 30062

ec-ic.org NEWSLETTER: MARCH 2016

Assalamu Alaikum,

We hope and pray this newsletter finds you in the best of your conditions both physically and spiritually.

Here is an update on what has been happening at ECIC during this month.

We successfully completed the initiatives from last month to support the

food drive and the Hunger Run/Walk. A huge thank you to all those who

participated in these efforts. May Allah reward you generously.

The focus during the month of March has been to get the ECIC Clinic

started and the Cemetery project permitted. A lot has been done on

these fronts and we are very close to getting these projects to comple-

tion. These two projects will continue to be focus of our attention in April.

Then, in May we will turn towards preparing the masjid and ourselves for


ECIC Management has been working hard to improve the business side

of masjid. We have reached out to many community members for month-

ly donation pledges so we can raise enough money to pay all our bills

without dipping into the reserve funds for masjid capital improvement.

Alhamdulillah, with so many of you responding to the call for help, we are

almost there. Thank you for supporting your masjid.

Masjid Improvements:

Every month, some budget is allo-

cated to improve the masjid facility

where it is needed most. This

month, we have fixed an issue near

the dumpster pad. Dump trucks

picking up and delivering dumpsters

were eroding the dirt between the

asphalt driveway and the dumpster

location. We were able to fix this

situation by covering this area with

large stones.

Spring is around the corner and na-

ture will be in full bloom, including

weeds. We have changed our landscape contractors and the type of

service provided to improve maintenance of masjid grounds.

ECIC Membership (2016) Please sign up to be a member of ECIC. Forms are available on the web-site and in the masjid.

The ECIC Clinic is planning to provide free health care to

the underserved/uninsured members of the community.

The goal of the program is to not only provide a free clinic

visit for patients, but also to cover the expenses of labora-

tory work. We are also looking into providing prescription

assistance programs to patients who need them.

ECIC Clinic is partnering with The Georgia Volunteer

Health Care Program (GVHCP) of the Georgia Depart-

ment of Public Health to provide Free Sovereign Immunity

(SI) protection to ECIC and licensed health care profes-

sionals who volunteer to treat uninsured/underserved pa-

tients. The ECIC Free Clinic is supporting GVHCP’s vision

of having a healthy and safe Georgia.

How can you help?

Volunteer your time to provide assistance

Provide financial support (Leave a check in the donation box with “clinic” mentioned in the memo)

If you have any new and used medical equipment that you would like to donate, please contact Br.

Maged or Br. Mugees

Please support the clinic with your duas. May Allah (swt) accept our efforts.


The clinic will function in the basement rooms

of ECIC on Saturdays from 9 am to 12 pm.

The planning is well underway at this time and

insha’Allah, the Clinic will be open to the com-

munity towards the end of April. There will be

an official date announced soon. The carpet

flooring will be replaced by tiles to maintain

hygienic conditions. We are currently in the

process of acquiring the necessary medical

equipment and supplies. It is estimated to cost

$4,000 to $5,000.


Dr. Maged Awad will lead the clinic as the ad-

ministrative manager and Dr. Karim Gani as

the Medical Director. We are very blessed to

have so many doctors in the community.

Many thanks to those doctors who have al-

ready signed up to serve in this clinic. Many

volunteers have also signed up to help the

doctors in the clinic. If you are a health care

professional or a volunteer and would like to

help, please contact Br. Maged

([email protected]) or Br.

Mugees ([email protected]).

Br. Mahdy Amine, a graduate of Zaytuna College, from

Calfifornia addressed our community on Saturday,

March 12th on the topic: Community Service and Insti-

tute Building. Here is a summary of his message:

The Prophet Muhammad (upon him blessings and

peace) was the pinnacle of service - never saying

no. When requested, he allowed a little girl to walk him

around Madinah, gave away a brand new robe, gave

away the shirt off his back, gave away the bite of food in

his mouth, and once when he had nothing to give, he gave away his "credit card" allowing the companion

to purchase anything in the marketplace and forward the bill to the Messenger (upon him peace and

blessings). Let's revive this sunnah of always saying yes, and if it's not possible to say yes, then the way

to still say yes is to provide an alternative! Keep in mind that such giving is actually giving to oneself -

the generosity goes through a "portal" to the metaphysical unseen realm where we will receive it on the

Day of Judgment. Finally, institution building is critical to preserve our religion; one example is Zaytuna

College, the first accredited Muslim liberal arts college in the USA & the Western world - beautifully fus-

ing East & West, tradition & modernity, text & context.

Speaker of the Month: Mahdy Amine



Detailed design plans have been completed and submit-ted to Cobb County and Georgia DOT to obtain per-mits. Insha’Allah we should be receiving the permits shortly.

We have been able to col-lect only $205,000 so far. The actual construction cost may be higher. So, we are seeking donations to com-plete this important project in the second quarter of 2016. Please donate for this cause.

Friday sermon on March 11th by Br. Mahdy Amine

Man, the rational animal, is gifted with intellect - in Arabic

the 'aql. 'Aql derives from the same word used in historic Arabia for

the hobbling cord that restrains a beast from running away. So what

is the proper place, role and function of the intellect?

First, it is to restrain the lower self - namely anger and desire. Sec-

ond, however, the intellect is also restrained by naql, which is Arabic

for revelation, representing the Qur'an as well as the sunnah of Mu-

hammad (upon him peace and blessings). Just like a man with

20/20 vision will trip and fall without light, and just like on a beautiful

sunny day a blind man can also trip and fall, we need to properly bal-

ance the light of revelation alongside the insight of our intel-

lects. Third and finally, if a man is not in balance with intellect in con-

trol, likewise a Muslim community is not in balance if the role of quali-

fied scholarship is not honored and valued. Recognizing the proper

place of the 'aql, will help us all restore balance and beauty individu-

ally and communally.

Friday sermon on March 18th by Br. Omar Kamal

As Muslims one of our goals is to live our a life full of ihsaan. Ihsaan is worship Allah (Swt) as if we see

Him, and if we cannot see Him then we know He is watching us. Ihsaan demands that we excel at what-

ever we do for the pleasure of Allah swt. In order to excel we must by necessity remove toxic qualities

from our lifestyle as they hinder us from living our life with Ihsaan. One of these toxic habits is procrasti-


To help battle procrastination, remember Allah swt and make His pleasure your goal. Secondly make

your goal or task specific. If your goal is vague break it into smaller obtainable tasks. For example if your

goal is to improve your relationship with the Quran, then break it up into the following sub goals as tasks

a) improve reading of Quran by attending Quran Reading class twice a week b) improve understanding

the Quran by listening to two tafseer lectures a week.”

Friday sermon on March 4th by Imam Sulemana

The Kutbah reminded believers to stay away from two social poisonous habits: spying (looking to find the

faults of others) and backbiting. He explained that unfounded suspicion leads to spying which leads to

backbiting (worse than eating the flesh of a dead brother); all must be avoided for a healthy, loving, and

caring society Islam seeks to establish.

Allah the exalted said in the Holy Quran: “O those who believed, abstain from many of the suspicions.

Some suspicions are sins. And do not be curious (to find faults of others), and do not backbite one anoth-

er. Does one of you like that he eats the flesh of his dead brother? You would abhor it. And fear Allah.

Surely Allah is Most-relenting, very -Merciful(49:12).” Hudhaifah (RAA) narrated that the Messenger of

Allah (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص)said: “A backbiter will not enter Paradise.” Agreed upon. May Allah protect us from this habits.


Get involved:

Please volunteer at

ECIC to improve the pro-

grams we offer and reap

the rewards.


Contact Us

[email protected]


[email protected]



Please provide your feedback on contents of this newsletter to:

[email protected].

Friday sermon on March 25th by Imam Sulemana

Friday sermon on March 25th reminded believers that after having com-

mitted the mistake of unfounded suspicion, spying and backbiting or any

other mistake/sins believers need to quickly do Tawbah (repentance).

Sincere Tawbah must fulfill three conditions 1.Regret having committed

the sin (in the Past) 2. Give up the sin (in present times) 3. Resolve

never to go back to that sin again (in the future). If the sin involves the

rights of other people then a fourth condition is to restore the rights of

that person, etc.

It was narrated from ‘Abdullah bin ‘Amr that the Prophet (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص)said: “Allah

accepts the repentance of His slave so long as the death rattle has

not yet reached his throat.”[Sunan Ibn Majah].

Brothers and sisters, the doors for acceptance of repentance are open,

so run to it.