EAST AFRICA UNDER UPD Joint Engineering Team SLC By Kevin Network KEN KEN http://www. RSEA CONNECTIVITY DATE Meeting JT Internet2- 2010 G. Chege Manager NET NET kenet.or.ke

EAST AFRICA UNDERSEA CONNECTIVITY UPDATE Joint … · 2010. 10. 5. · Pre 2 z100% satellite connect zVery expensive – price per Mb (Megabit) up toper Mb (Megabit) up to zIn country

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Page 1: EAST AFRICA UNDERSEA CONNECTIVITY UPDATE Joint … · 2010. 10. 5. · Pre 2 z100% satellite connect zVery expensive – price per Mb (Megabit) up toper Mb (Megabit) up to zIn country


Joint Engineering Team SLC

By Kevin Network



Meeting – JT Internet2-2010

G. ChegeManager


Page 2: EAST AFRICA UNDERSEA CONNECTIVITY UPDATE Joint … · 2010. 10. 5. · Pre 2 z100% satellite connect zVery expensive – price per Mb (Megabit) up toper Mb (Megabit) up to zIn country

What I'llWhat I ll

R i l dRegional undersea conand as at the end of 20

What connectivity for thby the end of 2010 andby the end of 2010 and

East African NREN sta




ti it b f 2009nnectivity before 2009 009

he region may look like d beyondd beyond


Page 3: EAST AFRICA UNDERSEA CONNECTIVITY UPDATE Joint … · 2010. 10. 5. · Pre 2 z100% satellite connect zVery expensive – price per Mb (Megabit) up toper Mb (Megabit) up to zIn country



Page 4: EAST AFRICA UNDERSEA CONNECTIVITY UPDATE Joint … · 2010. 10. 5. · Pre 2 z100% satellite connect zVery expensive – price per Mb (Megabit) up toper Mb (Megabit) up to zIn country

Pre 2100% satellite connect

Very expensive – priceper Mb (Megabit) up toper Mb (Megabit) up to

In country fiber was avalocal loop and not far re

In Kenya only one stroIn Kenya, only one stroUTL for Uganda

In Tanzania, Tanesco (TTCL but not much preISPs with own fiber


es starting from $2,000 o $7 000 per Mbo $7,000 per Mb

ailable but expensive eaching

ong PDNO (KDN) andong PDNO (KDN) and

(Power company) and esence, several small

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Pre-2009 cPre-2009 c

U d ti itUndersea conectivity wthe region were skeptic

The three main cables SEACOM TEAMS andSEACOM, TEAMS and

SEACOM to connect E

TEAMS to connect Ken

EASS f i i tEASSy focusing on intethe rest of the world


i b t iwas coming but many in cal

on the way were: d EASSyd EASSy

ast Africa to London

nya to UAE (Fujairah)

Af i ti it ter-Africa connectivity to

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SOURCE: http://www.habari.co.tz/node/bulletins/agm2005/eascs.html

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Cables compCables compSEACOM reaches Kenand activates in June 2

TEAMS l t li kTEAMS completes link and activates in July 20

For Kenya, a lot of excregards to drop in bandregards to drop in band

Seacom is more favourh i hwhere prices are cheap

Kenya with provider to country and to Uganda

pleted in 2009pleted in 2009nyan port of Mombasa y p2009

f K t F j i hfrom Kenya to Fujairah 009

itement especially in dwidth pricesdwidth prices

red, lands in Europe d h t t iper and has a contract in

distribute its capacity in a

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SEACOM SEACOM cheaper per

TEAMS is more expensmonopoly prices in UAEmonopoly prices in UAEbut is currently in use

TEAMS encountered so

Some of its shareholdeSome of its shareholdeand went to court to chathrown out with their shthrown out with their shamong the larger share

vs TEAMSMegabit for the ISPs

sive, because of E took time to take offE, took time to take off

ome problems

rs were unable to pay uprs were unable to pay up allenge their being ares being distributedares being distributed


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As at endAs at end

SEACOM d TEAMSSEACOM and TEAMS still in progress, estima2010

SEACOM Fiber in UganSEACOM Fiber in Ugancommercial ISPs via UT

Same story in Tanzania

Rwanda also served byRwanda also served bySeptember 2009

of 2009of 2009....

l t d b t EASScompleted but EASSy ted completion is mid

nda is available tonda is available to TL

a available via TTCL

y SEACOM via RTL fromy SEACOM via RTL from

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Th i dThere is undersea capa

Still maintain VSAT for St a ta S o

Traffic passing via Kenytiti i Kcompetition in Kenya so

ISP sabotage and Uganunfortunately suffer

Route is via Kenya endRoute is via Kenya end


it b t d dacity but no redundancy

backupbac up

ya and the stiff ti l d t i tometimes leads to inter

nda and Rwanda

ding up in Mombasading up in Mombasa

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Source: RENUSource: RENU

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KenKenThe best served in termreach of the three coun

Prices have reduced buPrices have reduced bubecause ISPs still have

Best current price per MMb with a buy one get 4y g

Mainly because in counreally ready to absorb areally ready to absorb ahave much more than t

ll d treally reduce cost very contracts

nyanyams of bandwidth and


ut not to expected levelsut not to expected levels e Satellite contracts

Megabit around $120 per 4 arrangementg

ntry infrastructure is not all the bandwidth ISPsall the bandwidth, ISPs hey can sell but can't

h d t VSATmuch due to VSAT

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TanzTanzSEACOM capacity is a

No other planned undemoment apart from EAmoment apart from EA

EASSy have estimated2010

zaniazaniaavailable via TTCL

er sea cables at the SSySSy

d completion time of mid

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EASSy design f

SOURCE: http://www.habari.co.tz/node/bul

for East Africa..


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SOURCE: http://www.habari.co.tz/node/bulletins/agm2005/eascs.html

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UgandaUganda RENU is not yet activeRENU is not yet activeproject in collaboration under sea capacity at 1under sea capacity at 1

Have partnered with UTinfrastructure to reach m

Their equipment was toTheir equipment was tobut has been delayed f

No permanent staff as but have established th

Have ASN and /18 IP s

- RENU- RENU, is participating in a, is participating in a with IEEAF to acquire


TL to use its existing member universities

o be provided by USAIDo be provided by USAID for sometime

yet, mainly volunteers heir structures

space from Afrinic

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Tanzania -Tanzania -TERNET also not activterminated at University

Th SEACOM blThe SEACOM cable wasame time as Kenya's delays mainly in purchaand signing up to SEAC

However, as of mid Janwith SEACOM was reawith SEACOM was rea

Will probably lease capprovider, have acquired

- TERNET- TERNETve but SEACOM is y of Dar Es Salam

d d thas ready around the but there have been asing fiber equipment COM

n 2010, an agreement achedached

pacity from existing d own IP space

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KenKENET has undersea c(SEACOM partner) and(SEACOM partner) and2010, direct connectivitySTM 1 IRU (20 year NRSTM 1 IRU (20 year NR

KENET has been activeand has grown from havlease line fiber chargedlease line fiber charged(Megabit) local loop

50 t d i tit ti50 connected institution

Enjoys massive supporEnjoys massive suppor– free hosting!

nyaycapacity via KDN d as of 28th Januaryd as of 28th January y to London via acquired

REN price)REN price)

e for a number of years yving lease line copper to

d at $16 per 10Mbd at $16 per 10Mb

t ll fibns not all on fiber

rt from large Universitiesrt from large Universities

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A bit on the consumA bit on the consumMade the big leap fromg p

Member campus netwol b bi <1were only absorbing <1

Even on VSAT, campu, pdesigned and equipped

KENET di t ib t d itKENET distributed switto help mitigate this, weallowing students to be

Campuses still poorly dCampuses still poorly dplanned this March with

mption in KENETmption in KENET...m VSAT to Fiber

orks were not ready –10Mb h10Mbps each

ses were poorly p yd

t h d t d b NSRCtches donated by NSRC ere a big success e reached better

designed, trainings aredesigned, trainings are h NSRC and UoO

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More onMore on

R t i iRun a training programBandwidth Managemenhas grown to include mZambia, Sudan, Tanza

Focuses on teaching nemanage and optimise tmanage and optimise t

Has carried out E-Readregion to evaluate how are to absorb capacity p yhttp://eready.kenet.or.k


d ili li t ll dm and mailing list called nt and Optimisation and

members from Malawi, nia and Rwanda

et admins to monitor, heir linksheir links

diness surveys in the prepared the countries -


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Even more oEven more o

U i l d li t• Using leased lines to

• Government has donaGo e e t as do ato Fujairah – STM 4 bsoonsoon

• Will also benefit from Backbone Infrastructu

• Currently only HEIs bCurrently only HEIs bschools

• Also have 200Mbps Vretain some capacity f

on KENETon KENET....

h breach members

ated its TEAMS capacity ated ts S capac tybut not activating this

National Fiber Optic ure NOFBI project

ut may expand to includeut may expand to include

VSAT till Jan 2011 but will for redundancy

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NREN coUganda are very close soon as their equipmenbeen more than a year when their equipment wq p

Tanzania are also closet i t d O i tterminated. Once internthey should come up b

KENET is up and couldNREN. UbuntuNet hasNREN. UbuntuNet hasthis end and this could

N i l b kb bNational backbones beand will be completed s

onclusionand will be active as

nt arrives. The delay has r and it is difficult to say will arrive.

e and SEACOM have l i t dnal issues are sorted,

efore the end of 2010

d function as the regional contracted KENET to contracted KENET to be a reality soon

i d i ll ieing dug in all countries soon and NRENs to

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The UbuntuNet Alliance

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What is UbuntWhat is Ubunt

A i l i tiA regional association oand Education Network

Established in the latterestablished and emergestablished and emergand Southern Africa witMoRENet (MozambiquMoRENet, (MozambiquRwEdNet (Rwanda) an

The driving vision was speed and affordable Inpthe African research anin Gb/s rather than in K

unet Alliance?unet Alliance?

f N ti l R hof National Research ks (NRENs) in Africa.

r half of 2005 by five ing NRENs in Easterning NRENs in Eastern th: MAREN (Malawi), ue) KENET (Kenya)ue), KENET (Kenya), nd TENET (South Africa).

that of securing high nternet connectivity for ynd education community Kb/s.

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Source http://www.ubuntunet.net

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UbuntuNetUbuntuNet• * Eb@le DRC• Eb@le, DRC

• * EthERNet, Ethiop

• * KENET, Kenya

* MAREN M l i• * MAREN, Malawi

• * MoRENet, Mozamo e , o a

• * RwEdNet, Rwand

• * SomaliREN, Som

• * SUIN Sudan• SUIN, Sudan

• * TENET, South Af

t memberst members


mbiqueb que




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Current Ubun

• Prof Zimani KadzamiraCh i– Chairperson

• Mr Albert NsengiyumvaMr Albert NsengiyumvaChairperson

P f M li K h d (F• Prof Meoli Kashorda (F

• Dr Iman Abuel Maaly ADr Iman Abuel Maaly A

• Mrs Margaret Ngwira (

• Dr Duncan Martin (from

• Mr Steve Song (Shuttle• Mr Steve Song (Shuttle

• Prof John Kondoro (Fr

ntuNet Board

a, VC, University of Malawi

a (from Rwanda) – Vicea (from Rwanda) Vice

F K )From Kenya)

Abdelrahman (from Sudan)Abdelrahman (from Sudan)

(from Malawi)

m South Africa)

eworth Foundation)eworth Foundation)

rom Tanzania)

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UbuntuNet NRENUbuntuNet NREN

S th Af i 10Gb• South Africa: 10Gbps

• KENET: 155Mbps on 55 bps ototal

R EdN t 155Mb d• RwEdNet: 155Mbps dgovernment on SEAC

• RENU: Working on 10SEACOM with USAIDSEACOM with USAID

• Offers on the table forTERNET; MoRENet, a

connectivity so farconnectivity so far


SEACOM, 500Mbps S CO , 500 bps

d ti fdonation from COM to London (pending)

0Gbps connectivity on D and IEEAFD and IEEAF

r from SEACOM for and UbuntuNet Alliance

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Current aCurrent a

Source http://www.ub


buntunet.net 2008

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TENET (SA) t t• TENET (SA) contracteAfrican NOC

• KENET contracted to

I t NREN t ffi ill• Inter NREN traffic will now but will change aready

• More advanced NRENMore advanced NRENemerging ones

d activityd activity

d t h t S thed to host Southern

host East African hub

h i L d fexchange in London for as soon as the NOCs are

Ns to help out theNs to help out the

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UbuntuNet huUbuntuNet hu

Ci 7609 t dCisco 7609 router dona

UbuntuNet’s rack contaUbu tu et s ac co taother equipment is host

H b b ti i 2Hub became active in 2

UbuntuNet has own AS

TENET has been activetisometime

ub in Londonub in London

t d b Ci S tated by Cisco Systems

aining the router and a g t e oute a dted by DANTE



ely using the hub for

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UbuntuNet hucontin

KENET h j t• KENET has just conn2010

• Link is via SEACOM S

MTU h b t t• MTU has been set at

• Best latency 184msy

• Latency should improl t S C lcomplete Suez Canal

• No current update on p

ub in London ued....

t d f J 28thected as of Jan 28th

STM 1 155Mbps

9216 B t9216 Bytes

ve once SEACOM troute

when that will be done

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• TENET has been peealready doing MultiCaalready doing MultiCa

• Most prepared NRENand TERNET (Tanzanconnected to UbuntuNend of the year

• Could look like:• Could look like:


ithcan now peer with

ering for sometime and is astast

s are RENU (Uganda) nia) and could be Net London before the

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SOURCE: https://wiki.cac.washington.edu/dispplay/ieeaf/Nairobi+Workshop+October+2008

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Source http://www.ubbuntunet.net 2009

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k you!

kenet or kekenet.or.ke

kenet or kekenet.or.ke
