Earth-717: Ms. Marvel Vol 1 Chapter 10: One Woman Army Rocketing over the Kree-Lar skyline, Mar-Vell flew the shuttle towards the edge of the city. Over top a port used for storing and constructing starships, a set of six floating node stations could be seen in a circular pattern. They were connected by a purple energy field, creating a translucent portal. This was the warp gate. The Imperator, a ship even larger than the Helion, was hovering close to the warp gate. At the front end was a spherical cannon. “Whoa,” said Carol. “You guys got a stargate!” “It's called a warp gate, actually,” said Mar-Vell. “I'm calling it a stargate.” “But it has nothing to with stars . . . .“Stargate!” “Nerd!” shouted Salia. “And can we please focus on the problem at hand?” “Any ideas on how to take out that ship?” asked Carol. “Just one,” answered Mar-Vell. “Not sure you're gonna like it.” “Let's hear it.” “This shuttle doesn't have enough firepower to destroy the glass cannon, but I know a ship that does.”

Earth-717: Ms. Marvel Vol 1-10

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An alternate time. An alternate world. Major Carol Danvers has always been a hero, but she never realized how great she would become. After confronting an otherworldly menace, Carol's life is transformed when she is imbued with cosmic powers. Working with an alien spy she is unsure she can trust, Carol must stop a galactic empire before they annihilate all life on Earth.

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Earth-717: Ms. Marvel Vol 1

Chapter 10: One Woman Army

Rocketing over the Kree-Lar skyline, Mar-Vell flew the shuttle towards the edge of the city. Over top a port used for storing and constructing starships, a set of six floating node stations could be seen in a circular pattern. They were connected by a purple energy field, creating a translucent portal. This was the warp gate.

The Imperator, a ship even larger than the Helion, was hovering close to the warp gate. At the front end was a spherical cannon.

Whoa, said Carol. You guys got a stargate!

It's called a warp gate, actually, said Mar-Vell.

I'm calling it a stargate.

But it has nothing to with stars . . . .


Nerd! shouted Salia. And can we please focus on the problem at hand?

Any ideas on how to take out that ship? asked Carol.

Just one, answered Mar-Vell. Not sure you're gonna like it.

Let's hear it.

This shuttle doesn't have enough firepower to destroy the glass cannon, but I know a ship that does.

Which one?

The prototype.

What?! said Carol and Salia in unison.

Mar-Vell pointed at the warp gate.

That warp gate is set for Earth's co-ordinates, said Mar-Vell. We can't stop the Imperator from arriving . . . . but if we get you back to the base, and you take the prototype and use the tactical nuke . . . .

Mar-Vell, said Carol. That's one hell of a long shot.

It's the only chance we have of saving Earth.

Carol paused for a moment.

Then let's be the big damn heroes.

Just as Carol finished speaking, laser cannons attached to the side of the Imperator started targeting the shuttle. Mar-Vell flew side to side in an irregular pattern to avoid being shot down. Carol looked directly at the glass cannon. Mar-Vell launched a volley of missiles at the Imperator before boosting directly towards the warp gate.

* * * *

Coulson, Fitz, Simmons and a handful of soldiers rushed out of the base upon seeing the Kree shuttle heading towards them. Once it landed, Carol kicked open the back door and flew out, with Mar-Vell and Salia right behind her.

I'm not sure I even wanna ask, said Coulson.

Good, cause we don't have time, said Carol. Short version. The Kree are sending a ship towards us right now. It's gonna fire a laser that can destroy the whole planet. We probably have less than ten minutes.




I'm taking the jet, said Carol.

* * * *

The cockpit sealed around Carol as she strapped herself in. Giving a thumbs up to everyone watching her, she then tightened the knot on her scarf.

Alright, Grandpa. Let's see what we can do.

Pushing the throttle forward, Carol took off and boosted straight into the sky. She had never actually flown the prototype, but given her natural aptitude for piloting and that she had been consulted for every step of the design process, the jet felt like a natural extension of her body. As she rocketed through the clouds, her communications channel opened.


Go ahead, Coulson.

Hell of a day, he said. Can't believe it's all happening so fast.

You're telling me.

Just don't forget . . . . fate of the whole world's in your hands. No pressure.

Carol weakly laughed.

Always knew how to put a girl on the spot, Phil.

Yeah, well . . . . end of the world. Might as well laugh, right?


Look, Carol . . . . we don't know how much time we have. Science Team's in tears, and everyone else is just . . . .

Carol gulped as she heard Coulson sigh.

Salia wanted to say something, he said. Should I put her on?

Yeah, I guess.

A moment later, Salia's voice came through the speaker.


Heh. Hey.

Made sure to turn on your targeting computer, right?

Carol and Salia both laughed.

Can't stay serious even for a minute, can you? asked Carol.

Figured I'd get in one last jab, ya big nerd.

Thanks, Sal.

Honestly, Carol . . . . I don't know what to say.

That really is a first.

There's no other way, is there? asked Salia.

Nope. And no other choice.

Is this goodbye?

Carol paused.

I don't know. But Sal, promise me something. If I don't make it back . . . . you stay alive, you hear me? You stay alive . . . . and you take care of Mike. Keep him . . . . happy. Keep both of you happy. For me, you hear?

Salia audibly burst into tears.

I-I w-will . . . . Mar-Vell, Mar-Vell w-wants to say s-something.

Put him on.

Carol took in a deep breath as the jet soared through the atmosphere.


Hey, Mar-Vell.

This is it, isn't it?

Seems like.

Mar-Vell sighed.

What is it? asked Carol.

I just . . . . I just wish things could have been different.

I think we all wish that.

I know . . . . but after everything we've been through . . . . the time where you knew the truth about me was so short. There were so many things I wanted to see, wanted to do . . . . so many things I wanted to share with you.

Carol sniffled as tears started falling from both of her eyes. The jet finally broke free of the atmosphere, and she could see the Imperator heading towards her.

I know, said Carol. And Mar-Vell, I want you to know . . . . that yes, I would have shared those things with you.

Carol couldn't see it, but Mar-Vell smiled through his tears.

Listen closely, Mar-Vell. I don't want you blaming yourself like you did with Una. This wasn't your fault. The parameters changed. This is my decision, my duty. I know that . . . . that the captain in you knows that this is what I need to do.

You're right, he said. Get it done, Major.

Copy that, Captain.

The Imperator's cannons started firing at Carol's jet. With dozens of green lasers coming her way, Carol turned off the communication link and put her full focus on evasive manuevers. Her reflexes honed over thousands upon thousands of hours of training and combat experience, she managed to artfully dodge all of the lasers and still make her approach.

In this moment, she didn't just believe that she was the greatest fighter pilot on the planet.

Now, she knew it.

Still, the sheer volume of laser fire made her realize something: there was no way to guarantee that the tactical nuke wouldn't get shot down if she launched it from this distance. She could see the glass cannon sphere glowing brighter and brighter, indicating that it was charging. Launching a set of twin missiles, Carol watched as the laser cannons quickly shot them down, causing a large explosion. Carol used the explosion as cover to dive under, giving her the chance to shoot at them with her own lasers. Blasting apart several in a row with her unwavering accuracy, Carol then performed a barrel roll to dodge more incoming fire before boosting forward, heading straight towards the glass cannon sphere.

While she could not see the people on the bridge, Carol did experience a small amount of pleasure just from imagining what Ronan and his cohorts might be thinking at that moment. Right now, a single human in a jet was going up against one of the most powerful vessels in the galaxy.

And she was winning.

The glass cannon sphere grew even brighter as she got closer and closer. Carol flicked open the trigger that would activate the tactical nuke as she finally got close enough to ensure that the defensive cannons didn't have a good angle on her. Sighing and bracing herself, she knew what she had to do, and she didn't hesitate.

As her finger wrapped around the trigger, she took a brief moment to look out at the wondrous sights of the stars that she had studied for so long. She then pressed the button, and the nuke launched, rocketing forward for only a few seconds before it struck the glass cannon. There was a moment of sound, light and heat, and everything after that was silence.