EarlyChild StonesSlingsGiantThings wk1-4 LeadGuide ...leaders.life.church/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Early...Questions Ages 4-K What’s this Picture Pass? Ear! ! Week 1 Picture Pass

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Questions Ages 4-K What’s this Picture Pass? Ear


Week 1 Picture Pass Review


Week 2  

Say With Me Ages 2-3 Say With Me Ages 2-3  This is the Bible!

Read God’s Bible! Stones, Slings, and Giant Things David and Goliath

This is the Bible!  

Read God’s Bible!  

Questions Ages 4-K

What To Do 1. Take one Picture Pass out of the

Adventure Bag. 2. Hold up Picture Pass for all small

groups to see. 3. Ages 2-3: Speak Say With Me

statements out loud with the kids. 4. Ages 4-K: Ask review Questions

for the current week. 5. Repeat with remaining

Picture Passes.    

Questions Ages 4-K  What’s this Picture Pass? Bible

Whose words are in the Bible? God’s  What’s this Picture Pass? Bible

Who do you get to know when you read the Bible? God  


Week 3   Week 4  

Say With Me Ages 2-3     Say With Me Ages 2-3  This is the Bible!  

Read God’s Bible!  

  This is the Bible!  

Read God’s Bible!  

Questions Ages 4-K   Questions Ages 4-K  What’s this Picture Pass? Bible

Why did God give us His Bible? So we can get to know Him  

  What’s this Picture Pass? Bible

When we read the Bible, our hearts grow to match God’s heart. A heart

that matches God’s heart is ready to … do good things!





Questions Ages 4-K What’s this Picture Pass? Ear


Week 1 Picture Pass Review


Week 2  

Say With Me Ages 2-3 Say With Me Ages 2-3  This is a guitar!

Sing to God! Stones, Slings, and Giant Things David and Goliath  

This is a guitar!  

Sing to God!  

Questions Ages 4-K

What To Do 1. Take one Picture Pass out of the

Adventure Bag. 2. Hold up Picture Pass for all small

groups to see. 3. Ages 2-3: Speak Say With Me

statements out loud with the kids. 4. Ages 4-K: Ask review Questions

for the current week. 5. Repeat with remaining

Picture Passes.    

Questions Ages 4-K  What’s this Picture Pass? Guitar

What does Mr. Music do to get to know God? He sings and plays his guitar.  

What’s this Picture Pass? Guitar

Do you have to have a guitar to make music for God? No.


Week 3   Week 4  

Say With Me Ages 2-3     Say With Me Ages 2-3  This is a guitar!  

Sing to God!  

  This is a guitar!  

Sing to God!  

Questions Ages 4-K   Questions Ages 4-K  What’s this Picture Pass? Guitar

What happens to your heart when you sing songs to God? It grows to match God’s heart.  

  What’s this Picture Pass? Guitar

Why does Mr. Music like David from the Bible? David wrote new songs for

God, and Mr. Music does, too.  




Questions Ages 4-K What’s this Picture Pass? Ear


Week 1 Picture Pass Review

Praying Hands   Week 2  

Say With Me Ages 2-3 Say With Me Ages 2-3  This shows praying hands!

Talk to God! Stones, Slings, and Giant Things David and Goliath  

 This shows praying hands!  

Talk to God!  

Questions Ages 4-K

What To Do 1. Take one Picture Pass out of the

Adventure Bag. 2. Hold up Picture Pass for all small

groups to see. 3. Ages 2-3: Speak Say With Me

statements out loud with the kids. 4. Ages 4-K: Ask review Questions

for the current week. 5. Repeat with remaining

Picture Passes.  

Questions Ages 4-K  What’s this Picture Pass? Praying hands

When you pray, who are you talking to? God  

What’s this Picture Pass? Praying hands

When you pray to God, does it help your heart grow to match God’s heart?



Week 3   Week 4  

Say With Me Ages 2-3     Say With Me Ages 2-3  This shows praying hands!  

Talk to God!  

  This shows praying hands!  

Talk to God!  

Questions Ages 4-K   Questions Ages 4-K  What’s this Picture Pass? Praying hands

What is it called when you talk to God to get to know Him better? Praying  

    What’s this Picture Pass? Praying hands

When can you pray to God? Every day, all the time