EARLY REPUBLIC THE FIRST FIVE PRESIDENTS. MORE ON GEORGE WASHINGTON Alexander Hamilton and the creation of a national bank -Suggested the nation pay off

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GEORGE WASHINGTON THE WISHKEY REBELLION -Pennsylvania Farmers wanted to rebel against the tax on corn used to make whiskey. -Shay’s rebellion lasted only a year because there was no army to stop them. -Washington called on the army and the Whiskey Rebellion was immediately stopped.

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EARLY REPUBLIC THE FIRST FIVE PRESIDENTS MORE ON GEORGE WASHINGTON Alexander Hamilton and the creation of a national bank -Suggested the nation pay off the war debt from the American Revolution -Many, including Thomas Jefferson and James Madison opposed the a national bank because they believed it would only benefit the wealthy. -Hamilton proposed a national capital be built in the South to draw Southern support for his financial plan -Benjamin Banneker was a free African American mathematician who helped designed the geographical layout of Washington, D.C. GEORGE WASHINGTON THE WISHKEY REBELLION -Pennsylvania Farmers wanted to rebel against the tax on corn used to make whiskey. -Shays rebellion lasted only a year because there was no army to stop them. -Washington called on the army and the Whiskey Rebellion was immediately stopped. GEORGE WASHINGTON WASHINGTONS FAREWELL ADDRESS -Washington decided not to run for a third term of office -Set a precedent, tradition for future presidents. (Only one president in history has ever served more than two terms.) -Washington urged the country and future politicians to avoid permanent foreign alliances with other countries and not to form political parties. II. FIRST POLITICAL PARTIES AND THE WINNER IS 1796 Election AND THE WINNER IS.. A. All candidates ran for president. B. The runner up became vice president. III. JOHN ADAMS 2 nd President of the U.S. Federalist III. JOHN ADAMS A. XYZ Affair i. France was at war with Britain. ii. France was seizing American ships 1. so they couldnt trade with England 2. so that they could steal the shipments for money iii. Adams sent men to France to negotiate and make peace. 1. French Foreign Minister Charles de Talleyrand sent three intermediaries to meet with the officials to force them to pay money for bribes and loans or he wouldnt meet with them. 2. The American envoy refused and sent word to President Adams. YouTube- The XYZ Affair.wmv III. JOHN ADAMS A.XYZ Affair iv.President Adams prepared for war against France. 1. Democratic-Republican leaders in Congress did not trust what the Adams and the Federalists were saying and asked for copies of the correspondence. 2. To protect the names of the people involved Adams replaced the French names with the letters X, Y, and Z. JOHN ADAMS Adams responded, a billion in defense, not a cent in tribute! Meaning he would spend all Americas money on a war before he would pay a bribe to the French. III. JOHN ADAMS B. Alien and Sedition Acts ***Sedition: conduct or speech that encourages people to rebel against the authority of the government. ***Alien: a person who is not a citizen of the country i. Democratic-Republicans and their supporters spoke out against John Adams and other Federalist party members. To combat this, the Federalist-run Congress passed the Sedition Act which made it illegal to protest or speak out against the government or its policies. III. JOHN ADAMS B. Alien and Sedition Acts ii. Many Federalists believed that immigrants that came to the country caused unrest- and they tended to join the Democratic- Republic party. To protect American interests the Alien Act was passed which allowed the President to imprison or deport any alien or other person he considered dangerous to the country. III. JOHN ADAMS C. VIRGINIA AND KENTUCKY RESOLUTION i. Many state governments argued that the Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional. ii. Virginia and Kentucky Resolution stated that if the laws were unconstitutional, then they could be nullified or cancelled by the states. THOMAS JEFFERSON 3 RD PRESIDENT (1801 1809) THOMAS JEFFERSON I. Election of 1800 A. All of the Republican electors voted for both Jefferson and Burr, so that both candidates earned the same number of electoral votes for president. B. The task of choosing the president now fell on the House of Representatives. After seven days the House elected Thomas Jefferson. C. To prevent future deadlocks of this sort, the twelfth amendment, ratified in 1804, changed the election process so that candidates must be clearly listed as running for president or vice president D. This was known as the Revolution of 1800 because it began an era of Democratic- Republican leaders. THOMAS JEFFERSON II.MARBURY V. MADISON A. John Adams made some last minute judicial appointments that would favor the Federalist party even though he was leaving office and Jefferson was a Republican. (Democratic-Republican) B. Thomas Jefferson told the Secretary of State (James Madison) not to deliver the letters of appointment including that of William Marbury; Marbury sued for his job. C. Chief Justice John Marshall ruled: i. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. - ii. The judicial branch has a duty to uphold the Constitution. D. This ruling was know as judicial review. THOMAS JEFFERSON III. THE LOUSIANA PURCHASE 1803 A. France was at war and Napoleon Bonapart needed money to fund his war. B. Thomas Jefferson purchased the Louisiana territory from Napoleon of France for $15 million. C. The purchase doubled the size of the United States. D. Jefferson commissioned Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore, survey, and map the area. E. Lewis and Clark took Sacagawea, a Shoshone Indian, with them who served as an interpreter and guide. LOUISIANA PURCHASE 1803, DOUBLED THE SIZE, WOW WEE! THOMAS JEFFERSON EMBARGO ACT 1807 (Just the facts) -A. War between Britain and France, U.S. remained neutral- which angered both countries. -B. Impressment Britain and France kidnapped and forced American sailors to serve in their navy. - C. Jefferson attempts to hurt British and French economy by cutting of trade with British. - D. British doesnt really need us, but we need them! - E. EPIC FAIL by Thomas Jefferson. Seriously hurts U.S. economy. JAMES MADISON 4 TH PRESIDENT ( ) JAMES MADISON I. WAR OF 1812 (use other sheet for detailed notes) -Inherited the disputed between the U.S. and the British. (This dispute actually had been lingering since Washington was in office.) -The War Hawks were a group of young Republicans who insisted that Madison declare war against the British. -Madison finally did declare war in the spring of THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER - During a battled at Fort McHenry, Francis Scott Key penned the Star Spangled Banner-a poem that described the battle scene Scott saw through a prison window. The poem was later set to music and became the United States national anthem. JAMES MADISON II.AMERICAN SYSTEM designed to protect American economy. (Devised by Henry Clay- from the west) A. Protective Tariffs on imported goods B. National Banks with one common currency C. Railroad and Transportation system that made international travel easier. ***This could lead to problems!*** JAMES MADISON III. COURT CASES Established that the Constitution had the right to incorporate a bank pursuant to the Necessary and Proper clause MCCULLOCH V. MARYLAND GIBBONS V. OGDEN Established that states could not enact laws that would interfere with Congress power over interstate (state-to- state) commerce. JAMES MADISON IV. ADAMS-ONIS TREATY 1819 A. Agreement between Spain and the U.S. B. John Quincy Adams and Luis de Onis C. Spain gave up claims to Florida, territory was ceded (gave up) to the United States and U.S. gave up rights to Texas. JAMES MONROE 5 TH PRESIDENT ( ) JAMES MONROE I. The Era of Good Feelings A. Americans viewed the War off 1812 as a great success. B. Americans lost faith in the Federalist Party that was against declaring war. C. Madison, a Republican, won a very easy victory. D. The Federalist Party was almost non- existent after the passing of Hamilton. JAMES MONROE II. MONROE DOCTRINE A. Declared that the U.S. would not interfere with any existing European colonies in the Americas, but that it would oppose any new ones. B. Similarities between Washingtons Farewell Address and the Monroe Doctrine 1. Washington urged the country to avoid permanent foreign alliances (mind our business and stay out of theirs). 2. Monroe told Europeans we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere, as dangerous to our peace and safety. (stay out of the Western Hemisphere or we will take it as an act of war.) JAMES MONROE III.Missouri Compromise of 1820 A.There were 22 states- 11 free, 11 slave B.Missouri requested to be admitted as a slave state. C.Henry Clay (Kentucky Senator) wrote the plan in 2 parts. 1. Missouri would be admitted as a slave state and Maine would be admitted simultaneously as a free state. 2.All territories north of the latitude line 36 30 in the Louisiana Purchase would be considered a free state, while anything below would be considered a slave state. Southerners believed that this was an abuse of power by the federal government. TO BE CONTINUED MISSOURI COMPROMISE OF 1820