Early Cold War

Early Cold War

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Early Cold War. Founding of the U.N. Idea from League of Nations and Atlantic Charter Begins in 1945 General Assembly Security Council – 15 nations Permanent members with US, USSR, France, Britain, China. Europe – Post WWII. Nuremberg Trials 1945-6 Top Nazi leaders tried for war crimes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Early Cold War

Early Cold War

Page 2: Early Cold War

Founding of the U.N. Idea from League of Nations and Atlantic Charter Begins in 1945 General Assembly Security Council – 15 nations

o Permanent members with US, USSR, France, Britain, China

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Europe – Post WWII Nuremberg Trials 1945-6

o Top Nazi leaders tried for war crimeso Showed cooperation between allies

Satellite nations in Eastern Europeo Communist manipulated elections o “Soviet Bloc” of Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania,

Hungary, and Czechoslovakia Occupation of Germany

o Split 4 ways by US, France, Britain, and USSRo Soviet controlled area becomes East Germanyo Other 3 sectors – West Germany

“Iron Curtain” – Communist Eastern Europe

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Asia – Post WWII Japan – Under control of US occupation until 1951

o US troops stayed (against communists?) Philippines – 1946 became independent country China

o Civil War• Nationalists led by Chiang Kai-Shek (for Democracy, but

corrupt)• Communists led by Mao Zedong

o Two Chinas• Peoples Republic (Red China)• Formosa/Taiwan - Nationalists

• Guess which one US supported?• What was the effect on Truman?

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Marshall Plan After war and harsh 1946-7 winter, Europe in bad

shape George Marshall outlined program of economic

helpo Economic aid to European countrieso Soviets and Eastern Bloc turned down aido Western Europe economic growing by 1950s

Was the Marshall Plan actually a plan against communism?

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Cold War Conflict between the USSR and US from mid-1940s to early

1990s Early Roots

o Red Scare after WWIo Potsdam Conference

• How was the relationship of Truman different than FDR?o Truman’s policies

• Some saw it as reasonable response to USSR effort to increase communism

• Conservatives said he was soft on communism• Others say he overreacted to USSR’s historic need for

border security

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Truman Doctrine After threat of communist takeover in Greece and

Turkey ’46 Truman asks Congress for economic aid to assist

freedom Idea was to Contain communism. Containment idea - Dean Acheson and George

Kennan (Mr. X) NSC-68 (1950- after China) – secret at time

o Increase defense spendingo Alliances w/ non-communist countrieso Work against “domino effect”

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Restructure of the Military

Atomic Energy Commission established in 1946 National Security Act – 1947

o Organized Military under Department of Defense – “Pentagon”

o CIA – Central Intelligence Agencyo National Security Council – coordinate foreign policy in

Executiveo Fell in line with Truman Doctrine and cold war strategy

Selective Service System and peacetime draft – 1948

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Early “shots” of Cold War

Berlin Airlift 1948o Soviets cut off land

access to West Berlin

o Massive Airlifto “candy bombers”o Soviets later open


Atomic Arms raceo Soviets test atomic

bomb in 1949• Rosenbergs/Hiss

o US – H-bomb in 1952

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Good guys vs. Bad guys

NATO - 1949o North Atlantic Treaty

Organizationo Military alliances with

Western Europe, Canada, and US

o What would Washington think of this?

Warsaw Pact – 1955o Military alliance of

Communist nations of Eastern Europe

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Korean War 1950 – North Korea (Communist) invade South

Korea UN authorized force to defend South Korea

o Why did USSR not use their veto vote of Security Council?

Gen. MacArthur stops invasion and pushes backo But goes beyond orders including bombing Chinao Truman removes MacArthur despite public approval

Armistice would establish 38th Parallel in 1953 More than 54,000 Americans killed

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Brinkmanship Eisenhower’s policy led by John Foster Dulles Idea of Massive Retaliation

o Dulles advocated more reliance on nuclear weapons

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Suez Crisis 1956 – Egypt got funds for Aswan Dam from Soviet

Union. Egypt then nationalized French/British-owned Suez

Canal. Britain, France, Israel attach Egypt and retake

Canal. Eisenhower was furious that allies had not

contacted him. U.S. joins U.N. and world in condemnation. After crisis, U.S. dominate force in middle east, not

Brit or Fra.

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Eisenhower Doctrine After Suez Crisis, Eisenhower pledged economic aid

to Middle Eastern counties. Also pledged to aid militarily against communism

spread. Builds upon Truman Doctrine with military and

middle east focus.

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Asia and Latin America Conflicts France retook control of

Indochina after WWII. U.S. aided France in Vietnam

against communist forces. SEATO – Southeast Asia

Treaty Organization – 1954o Made to try to prevent Indochina

from becoming Communist.

CIA involved in several overthrows in the 1950s.o Produced Anti-U.S.

feeling Cuba- 1959

o Dictator Batista overthrown by Fidel Castro-led communists.

o American-owned businesses nationalized and alliance with USSR

o Later Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile Crisis with JFK

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1950s Events 1956 – Hungarian Revolt – New gov’t established,

but Moscow sends in troops and restores communist gov’t.o US did not help as Ike feared WWIII

1957 - Sputnik I and II – shock U.S.o US National Defense and Education Act 1958o Explorer I – U.S. first satellite 1958o NASA started in 1958 to direct U.S. space effort

• 1961 – Alan Shepard in Space• 1962 – John Glenn first to orbit• 1969 – Neil Armstrong on moon

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1960 and 1961 U2 Crisis – U.S. spy plane w/ Frances Gary Powers

shot down.o Scheduled peace summit with Khrushchev and

Eisenhower cancelled Eisenhower’s Farewell address

o Warned about the “unwarranted influence…by the military-industrial complex.”