1 Early American Motorcycle Club EARLY AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE CLUB Issue 163 Views of correspondents may not necessarily be those of the club October 2014 Glen McAdam being presented with his Life Membership certificate by president Mike Tolj and Patron Wayne Elezovich This month we have more interesting stories including: Old Wogs on Tour – last days – page 3 Safety Article – page 7 For Sale – page 7 Saddle Up – page 5 Concessional licensing and Code 404 – page 8 Saddle Up- page 9 A.G.M. Meeting Minutes – page 10 Feature Article- Harley Bullet Sidecar

EARLY AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE CLUB - Wild Apricot...promises to return another time then rode down the Brockman Highway to Karridale. Our first stop ... since then the skies have been

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  • 1 Early American Motorcycle Club


    Issue 163 Views of correspondents may not necessarily be those of the club October 2014

    Glen McAdam being presented with his Life Membership certificate by president Mike Tolj and Patron Wayne Elezovich

    This month we have more interesting stories including: • Old Wogs on Tour – last days – page 3

    • Safety Article – page 7

    • For Sale – page 7

    • Saddle Up – page 5

    • Concessional licensing and Code 404 – page 8

    • Saddle Up- page 9

    • A.G.M. Meeting Minutes – page 10

    • Feature Article- Harley Bullet Sidecar

  • Early American Motorcycle Club

    Dedicated to the restoration and use

    of American made motorcycles manufactured before 1967.

    Committee Patron: Wayne Elezovich

    President: Michael Tolj

    Vice President: Stefan Heussey

    Secretary: Glen McAdam

    Treasurer: Jeremy Bromley

    Editor: Glen McAdam

    Events Coordinator: Andrew Scudds

    Scrutineers: Bill Walton & Wayne Elezovich

    Safety Coordinator: Brian Smallwood

    Property Officer: Chris Gielis

    Web Master: Michael Tolj

    PO Box 184, Tuart Hill, WA

    6939 Club fees are $35.00 per annum due 31 December.

    Nomination Fee of $20.00. Cheques made payable

    to Early American Motorcycle Club

    Foundation members Alan Anderson, Allan Eaton, Audrey Wood, Bill

    Walton, Bill White, Bob Green, Dave Bunning, Dave

    Pearcey, Ed Buegge*, George Wood, Graeme Davis,

    Graham Datson, Ian Fitzgerald, Ivor Wigley, Jeremy

    Bromley, John Griffin, Joseph Brajkovich, Ken Dickman,

    Linda Forsyth, Matthew Powell, Murray Morell,

    Norman Lewis, Rod Lewis, Rex McRae, Rod Payze*,

    Rolf Jorgensen, Stan Butler*, Stuart Fyfe, Sue Leitch,

    Ward Adamson, Wayne Elezovich

    * Deceased

    Life Members Rod Lewis 2009, Jeremy Bromley 2010, Ivor Wigley 2011, Geo Wood 2011, Wayne Elezovich 2012, Glen

    McAdam 2014

    Hello EAMC Members

    Big thanks go to all present at the AGM and also for

    the vote of confidence that saw me re-elected as

    President. In reflection I think that my first year has

    gone well and the club has gained some new

    members whilst sadly we have said goodbye to a

    few others.

    I must make recognition of our other hard working

    committee members and those that are vacating

    from office such as Glen for his ongoing role as club

    secretary and Jeremy for looking after the finances

    of the club and keeping everything in order. We

    say goodbye to Rob as editor of Flatchat magazine

    and thank him for his tremendous efforts under his

    own challenging circumstances. Rob has lifted the

    quality of our magazine to a new standard.

    Stefan has taken on the role of Vice President and I

    welcome him and thank him for all his previous

    years of contributions as a member and committee

    member. Andrew is back in the role of Events Co-

    ordinator. I thank him for his efforts in 2014 and I

    look forward to the 2014/2015 riding year. What

    new rides will he have in store for us? Remember

    any club member can nominate a ride and Andrew

    will be there to assist with the planning if you

    require assistance.

    Glen, our hard working secretary, has also taken on

    the role of Editor this year as well. Please continue

    sending through articles and photos, ride reports,

    and why you ride articles. All club members are

    interested to hear your story.

    Many thanks go to our other ongoing committee

    roles: Chris our Property officer; Brian our Safety

    Officer; Wayne and Bill our inspectors; Wayne our

    Club Patron and finally a big thanks to all the

    outgoing committee members. I extend a welcome

    to our new incoming committee members as well.

    Finally, hearty congratulations and thanks go to

    Glen for all that he has contributed over the years

    as a club member. Glen has been awarded the

    coveted Life Member for 2014 and will now join our

    other previous recipients.

    I look forward to an exciting new year ahead,

    continuing on with the rides and get togethers and

    the social and technical support that we as club

    give to each other.

    “No matter what you ride, it's all the same wind”



    President EAMC

    [email protected]

    0488 065 778

  • 3 Early American Motorcycle Club

    Old Wogs on Tour 2-9 Nov 2013 - Day 8-9 Alexandra Bridge – Bunbury - Home.

    Morning at Alexandra Bridge is a beautiful thing- the

    gentle flow of the Blackwood, the smell of the last

    remnants of the campfire from the night before, the

    stillness and quiet. Serenity. Until some men with

    motorcycles decide it is time to warm up their bikes

    for the day ahead.

    I am sure some of the campers that were enjoying

    their Saturday morning were happy to see us go. We

    packed camp and reloaded the trailer for the next

    leg of journey, Day 8. It was beautiful day with the

    destination being Busselton to meet up with Hamish

    before heading to his house just outside of Bunbury,

    to stay overnight.

    We said a fond farewell to Alexandra Bridge with

    promises to return another time then rode down

    the Brockman Highway to Karridale. Our first stop

    for the day was a fuel stop at the Karridale road-

    house. As per the norm the bikes attract a bit of

    interest and before you knew it Graham was coming

    to the rescue of a stranded motorist. A problem with

    the holiday vehicle- you know- the one that lives at

    the holiday house and is used once or twice a year.

    That well maintained and looked after vehicle that

    sits enjoying the sea air, to be used by the family

    when they come down on holiday. Seems the

    vehicle had an issue with the LPG/Petrol cut over

    solenoid. Up to bat was our resident mechanic.

    Wayne started to have a look and discovered that

    there was a problem with solenoid that allowed the

    Land cruiser to either run on petrol or gas. All that

    sea air is sometimes not good for cars. After about

    20 minutes of work on the car they managed to get

    it going. Wayne explained to the owner what needed

    to be done and that the fix was only temporary. I

    reckon if I saw that car today it would still have Wayne

    and Graham’s handiwork keeping it running.

    Fixing the Cruiser Bush Mechanic fix

    From Karridale we joined the Bussell Highway for a

    short run before heading onto the Caves Road and

    heading for Margaret River which was our first stop of

    the day. Today’s run was through the forests and

    included the Boranup Forest which is part of the

    Leeuwin Naturaliste National Park. We then went past

    the Lake and Mammoth caves and the swing through

    to our first stop in Margaret River.

    We stopped just off the main drag for a coffee at the

    Brew Shack one of many great little coffee places in

    Margaret River. There we had a great coffee and

    morning tea, enough to set us up for the next leg up

    to Busselton. Wayne had made arrangement to meet

    up with Hamish and to have lunch followed by a

    journey up to the shack to have a look what is the

    shed and what’s in the Bar.

    It was another beautiful day to be on the road and we

    reflected on how lucky we had been with weather on

    our riding days. We had the wet day in Albany, but

    since then the skies have been blue and the sun had



  • 4 Early American Motorcycle Club

    been shining on us. On the road today were Graham

    and Wayne on the Indians and Stefan on the

    Yamaha. I was following behind with the trailer.

    Caves Road – Margaret River

    We arrived at Busselton and headed down towards

    the Jetty to wait for the arrival of Hamish. We

    wandered around a bit then some had a sleep in the

    sun. Graham got some green thing from the

    smoothie van that looked like lawn clippings and

    milk. I am not sure that a grown man should be

    drinking such things. Eventually Hamish arrived and

    we made our way over the Esplanade Hotel for


    Wayne enjoys a nap

    Hamish arrives

    The Esplanade Hotel in Busselton

    After we had a great lunch at the Esplanade it was

    time to head up to Hamish’s house, drop off the car

    and get the Indian off the trailer. From here Hamish

    took us on a tour of his local area and downtown



  • 5 Early American Motorcycle Club

    Looking out to Bunbury Harbour

    Looking out to Sea from Bunbury

    Three Chiefs in one bay

    What a shed he has. It is all nicely sorted with plenty

    of room to work and plenty of different projects on

    the go including a 101 on the bench with the engine

    out getting a re-build, a 1915 Indian outfit, a 1947

    Chief, a Triumph and the beautifully restored 1913

    which has pride of place in the bar - a veritable

    Aladdin’s cave of things to do. After a few cleansing

    ales at the bar, a great dinner, red wine, and a vow to

    do it all again, everyone found somewhere to bed

    down for the night. Hamish we must thank you for

    your generosity in putting us up for the night, feeding

    and watering us and making us all feel so welcome.

  • 6 Early American Motorcycle Club

    The man cave at Hamish’s. I wish my shed

    looked like that.

    The 1913 Indian in the Bar area

    Last Day – Wogs on Tour

    Day nine was Sunday the 10th of November and the

    sun has risen brightly on the last day of the Wogs on

    Tour. What a ride we have had with a few stories to

    tell and some moments to treasure. Thanks to all who

    came and went, who joined and left, who had a beer

    or a red wine, shared a joke or a laugh and made our

    celebration of our 50th year one that will remain with

    us all for a while.

    Many thanks go to Wayne my friend of many years, Graham for stories and yarns and a true gentleman,

    Stefan for the great bloke that he is and Bruce for

    allowing me the use of his beautiful Indian Chief.

    Finally thanks go to my wife Julia and my boys, Luka

    and Jakob, for allowing me to make this journey to

    celebrate my 50th year. Also thanks go to all those who

    rode with us for a few days as your company was

    appreciated and enjoyed.

    Over the course of nine days we travelled 2031 kms

    from Perth to Albany and back. If you have the

    opportunity to go on a ride like this, take it and

    embrace it, for there is nothing else like it.

    “No matter what you ride, it's all the same wind”



    President EAMC

    Old Wogs on Tour

  • 7 Early American Motorcycle Club

    Safety Article

    Being out of the loop for a few months and not

    hearing of any problems or dramas as regards club

    members has me believing that all is well and no

    safety issues have arisen. So we are happy with that

    state of affairs. I am presently sitting at the Albany Rifle Club and

    after days of rain and cloud, the sun has decided to

    warm things up. Very pleasant indeed. Albany is

    undergoing a complete makeover in readiness for

    the 1st of November Anzac 100 year celebrations. It

    is indeed a busy place at the moment. There are

    plenty of road works happening with quite a few

    disruptions to daily routine so plenty of patience is

    needed when driving or riding about.

    Patience in fact is one of the most important aspects

    of road safety be it on two or four wheels and

    unfortunately an all too rare character trait for many

    people. I reckon I could put myself in the frustrated

    category as I am definitely short of patience far too

    often. So how do I counter this problem and

    attempt to be safer on the roads?

    I try to think of the other driver and accept the fact

    that some road users are completely out of touch

    with the world outside. I try to read the state of play

    in the hope that I can go with the general flow. I try

    to treat the drive or ride with the attention it

    requires and focus on the moment. Dianne will still

    say that quite often I get distracted and start to

    fume over the sheer stupidity of some of the idiots

    that you encounter every single day. In this case I try

    to let the angst pass through to the keeper but it

    ain't easy as you well know. I really try to not be one

    of the idiots. Difficult I know. Remember- only you

    can make yourself upset. So ride cool and stay safe

    and enjoy the moment.

    Now back to Albany albeit briefly. The hill climb and

    old bike activity in Albany this November should be

    fantastic and also represents a great chance to catch

    up with all the improvements down this neck of the

    woods so make the effort and join in with the EAMC

    club members who are making the trek south this

    year. Worth the trip? For sure.

    Be safe unless you have other plans. Brian S.

    For Sale

    1928 Chief

    Mike Beaufond has his 1928 Chief for sale.

    1928 Chief, 1200cc (74ci) nice condition, Restored by

    Mike, engine and gearbox restored by Wayne and only

    been ridden once (by Wayne for tune up). Runs and

    rides very well. $27k Contact Wayne or Mick (95816481)

  • 8 Early American Motorcycle Club

    Concessional licensing and Code 404

    We had some discussions at the AGM (yes you

    should have been there) about our (club)

    responsibilities with concessional licensing. This has

    always been a grey area that we’ve basically left

    alone, as long as we inspected the bike annually and

    sent our paperwork in - it was all good.

    Recently the DMV told us they no longer required

    the annual bike inspection list just a list of non-

    compliant members (no longer financial). Many

    clubs believed this meant we also no longer had to

    inspect machines annually (including us).

    As of this writing the changes to the 404 (club

    concessional rego) have not been finalised and

    technically we should be still working from the old

    regs, which means we should be inspecting annually

    even though we don’t need to lodge inspection lists.

    After lengthy committee discussions we have

    decided that we will continue with inspections until

    notified otherwise. The general consensus was that

    it’s a good excuse for a ride and catch-up and also a

    safety check for all of our club machines. Let’s face

    it folks, it doesn’t hurt to have a second set of eyes

    look over your machine from time to time, even just

    from a safety perspective.

    Another issue we discussed was people that have

    bikes club registered through us that we don’t ever

    see (the people or the bikes). Most clubs that I’ve

    talked to have the same issue: people just see it as

    cheap rego. We don’t want to draw DMV attention

    to the club by having people caught riding their

    bikes regularly (to and from work etc) on non club

    events (basically taking the piss) particularly with

    changes to the 404 underway. Under code 404,

    concession licensed bikes are to be used on club

    sanctioned events or the occasional tuning run, and

    if we think about this logically then going for regular

    non club rides is breaking the law, particularly if you

    are caught a long way from home on your own or

    with a bunch of non club machines.

    When we apply for club rego we need a form from

    the club that states that we are an “active” member

    in good standing. Defining active from the club’s

    point of view is a hard task and one we’ve been

    talking about for a while. We have decided

    (committee) that for a start we will ask that all

    members with 404 registered bikes attend at least

    one club ride per year with our view being if you

    can’t get out once a year then why do you need club

    concessional rego? We don’t need to see all of your

    bikes - just you on one of your bikes will be fine.

    This issue will be on-going and we will keep you up

    to speed when any changes happen but for now we

    believe it’s best for our club to stick to the rules as

    they now are and not draw unwanted attention to


    Any worries or questions give me a call.

    Wayne (Patron, machine inspector and DAM)

    Member #2

    Membership for

    2015 is now due.


    Preferred method is by electronic direct deposit to:-

    BSB: 066 100

    Account: 1021 0659

    Postal address is inside the front cover.

  • 9 Early American Motorcycle Club

    Hello all. I have returned as Ride Coordinator due to

    an overwhelming response at the AGM, a role that I

    not only enjoy, but feel privileged to hold. I would like to acknowledge that Stefan also nominated but

    withdrew his nomination in my favour. He is Vice

    president. So I want to say a massive thank you to

    the EAMC members and committee that voted for

    me. I’m very gratified that my position in the club is

    indeed valued.

    Well, straight back into things…

    September 18th saw a group of us attend the

    Distinguished Gentlemen’s Ride (DGR) and what a

    fantastic event it was. I believe that 150 was the

    final count of bikes, with the EAMC tendering 7 of

    our old machines to the count. They were; Michael,

    Glen, Wayne, Lyndon, Shayne, Jim, Bruce and

    myself in full period dress, looking very dapper

    indeed. Thank you all for your attendance. This will

    become an annual event for our club. We were very

    popular on the day with our bikes gaining a lot of

    attention. Make sure you make the effort next year.

    The AGM (Sunday 19th Oct) was planned to include

    our “events day” however due to some unfortunate

    weather we cancelled the event part. We had five

    keen punters turn up on their bikes; Glen, Chris,

    Matt, Barry and Tim, in the true spirit of all-weather

    motorcycling. Well done gents. But with a quick

    discussion the bikes were shuffled into the hall and

    we were off to the Mallard Duck for some breakfast

    and a coffee to warm the spirits. We then returned

    to the hall to commence the AGM. The day

    concluded about 11.30am and we all headed for our

    homes to dodge the weather. A big thank you goes

    to all who attended and special congratulations to

    Glen for his Life Member nomination. Thank you for

    your tireless work and commitment. We all

    appreciate it.

    Ahead we have some outstanding events planned,

    starting with Novembers “Albany and Beyond Tour”.

    Seven days of motorcycles, riding, swags, snoring

    and probably a couple of beers, which will showcase

    the Albany Hill Climb on the weekend of the 15th

    and 16th. All members and associates are welcome

    to attend to do the full ride (Wed 12th – Wed 19th

    Nov) or come down for the weekend to Albany.

    Either way, your presence is welcome. Please

    contact ride organizer Wayne Elezovich 0438 977

    741 or Michael Tolj. We currently have about eight

    people, so please come along and join in.

    Finally… thanks for wanting me back. Much


    REMEMBER - Keep up the maintenance, ride safe

    and stay upright…

    Andrew Scudds - 0477 310 989

    Ride Calendar

    November 12th – 19th - Albany and Beyond Tour!

    7 day bike adventure, leaving Wayne’s Wed 12th and

    returning Wed 19th. Planned overnighters along the

    way with accommodation arranged and a backup

    trailer will follow the whole run. Come for the whole

    seven days or make your own way down for the

    weekend. For more information, please contact

    Wayne 0438 977 741.

    December – Christmas run and lunch TBA

    Other Events February: Inspection day TBA

    Next year in February there will be ‘Wayne’s

    Workshop Weekend’ incorporating an inspection

    morning followed by an afternoon ride and


    7-8 March: Bunbury Two Day.

    Registration forms are now available from the

    Bunbury Indian Harley website.

  • 10 Early American Motorcycle Club

    A. G. M. Minutes 19 October 2014

    Present: Glen McAdam, Mike Tolj, Jeremy Bromley,

    Andrew Scudds, Jim Merkouris, Wayne Elezovich,

    Linda Elezovich, Abbie Elezovich, Geo Wood, Audrey

    Wood, Barry Pollard, Stefan Hussey, Regena Hussey,

    Matthew Powell, Chris Geilis, Tim Creighton, Greg

    Hamilton, Bill Walton, Rhod Arrieta, Kelly Arrieta.

    Apologies: Rob Veitch, Brian Smallwood, Lyndon

    Joyce, Alex Wilson, Shane Paton, Paul Ennis.

    Ordinary meeting opened: 10.41pm at West Swan


    President Mike welcomed all present. He thanked

    all members and family for attended the meeting.

    As the weather was inclement it was decided earlier

    to cancel the planned events. Those present at

    9.00am went up to the Mallard Duck restaurant for

    breakfast. He thanked those members who

    attended rides and contributed in any capacity to

    the running of the club throughout the year.

    Minutes of September Ordinary Meeting: Read.

    Moved Wayne, seconded Andrew. Passed.

    Business arising from Minutes: Nil.

    Correspondence In:

    Northam Swap Meet Feb. 2015 leaflet

    Correspondence Out: membership welcome and

    first time registration letter to John Johnson. Email

    from Indian Harley club advising that they have

    arranged hotel/ motel accommodation venues for

    the Albany Hill Climb. Condolences sent to the

    daughter of John Markham. Moved Wayne,

    Seconded Greg that the correspondence be

    received. Passed.

    The ordinary meeting was suspended and the AGM

    opened at 10.47pm with Mike in the chair.

    President’s Report: Mike commented on the good

    turnout at this meeting. He acknowledged the input

    of the committee members and thanked them for

    their efforts. He welcomed new members and

    encouraged them to attend rides. The weather was

    against us for several planned rides but he was

    grateful to those who planned rides and to those

    who turned up despite the weather. There was a

    good turnout at Whiteman Park with older

    machines drawing a crowd when they were fired up.

    An innovative event was the Distinguished

    Gentleman’s ride. Congratulations go to Andrew for

    his fund raising efforts being the second highest

    fund raiser. Mike acknowledged the passing of Ben

    Lawrence, Rod Payze and John Markham. He is

    looking forward to the November ride down south

    taking in the Albany Hill Climb. He extended

    congratulations and good wishes to the incoming

    committee members.

    Vice President’s report: Mike thanked Andrew for

    his talent in putting together rides. Wayne’s

    contribution via shed nights and bike rebuilding was

    acknowledged. Special mention was made of

    Matthew Powell who was a class Winner at this

    year’s Bunbury Two day event. All club members are

    encouraged to suggest rides and events.

    Secretary’s Report: New members Shane Paton,

    Graham Colvin and John Johnson are welcome and

    we look forward to them attending events. We

    acknowledge the passing of Ben Lawrence, Rod

    Payze and John Markham. Thanks are extended to

    office bearers and members who organised events.

    Congratulations are extended to Mike for his efforts

    as web master. Our club receives numerous hits

    from around the world. Thanks go to wives and

    families for supporting the club.

    Treasurer’s Report: A 2013/14 balance sheet is

    available from the treasurer. Currently the bank

    balance is $1871.00CR. Rob returned some funds

    today. There is no need to raise membership fees.

    Membership fees are now due. The badges for Life

    membership was the greatest expense this year.

    Mike thanked Jeremy for a job well done.

    Ride Coordinator Report: Mike said that it was

    pleasing to see a variety of venues and routes this

    year. Although some events were washed out there

    was good organisation and these could be repeated

    next year e.g. Chris’ round the Rivers Ride. An

    innovation was the Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride

    and the Indian 111 Ride. Thanks were extended to

    those who organised rides and members were

    encouraged to be more actively involved in

    proposing suggestions for rides. Thanks go to all for

    maintaining bikes and building new ones.

    Safety Officer’s Report: Brian is away. Mike said

    that members are respecting common sense safety

    and some have purchased new helmets and gear.

    There were some bike failures but they were not

    due to poor safety.

    Property Officer’ Report: All items accounted for.

    Editor’s Report. Glen read a report from Rob. Rob

    said that the magazine is a real asset to the EAMC

    and he thanks those who support it by providing

    material to fill the pages every month. He had

    extended the magazine size by including more

    photos and researched articles of general interest.

    Going online was a huge money saver and enabled

    members to print a colour magazine. However

    external commitments preclude him from

  • 11 Early American Motorcycle Club

    continuing so he is withdrawing from the role. The

    ride write ups are well received as well as Tech Tips

    and Q and A. Sincere thanks go to Rob for his efforts

    over the year.

    Election of Office Bearers: Mike declared all

    positions vacant with Glen to conduct the elections.

    No proxy votes had been received.

    President: Mike nominated by Linda. Seconded by

    Geo. Mike accepted. Unanimous vote. Mike elected

    President for 2015.

    Vice President: Glen nominated by Linda. Glen

    declined. Stefan nominated by Mike. Seconded by

    Chris Stefan accepted. Unanimous vote. Stefan

    elected Vice President for 2015.

    Secretary: Glen nominated by Linda. Seconded by

    Jim. Glen accepted. Unanimous vote. Glen elected

    Secretary for 2015.

    Treasurer: Jeremy nominated by Linda. Seconded

    by Bill. Jeremy accepted. Unanimous vote. Jeremy

    elected Treasurer for 2015.

    Editor: Wayne nominated by Linda. Wayne

    declined. Glen nominated by Wayne. Glen accepted.

    Unanimous vote. Glen elected Editor for 2015.

    Events/Ride Coordinator: Stefan nominated by

    Glen. Andrew nominated by Linda. Stefan withdrew

    his nomination to allow Andrew to stand for the

    position. Seconded by Mike. Andrew accepted.

    Unanimous vote. Andrew elected events

    coordinator 2015.

    Safety Officer: Brian nominated by Linda. Seconded

    Geo. Brian had previously accepted. Unanimous

    vote. Brian elected Safety Officer for 2015.

    Property Officer: Chris nominated by Linda.

    Seconded by Jeremy. Chris accepted. Unanimous

    vote. Chris elected Property Officer for 2015.

    Webmaster: Mike nominated by Linda. Seconded by

    Regina. Mike accepted. Unanimous vote. Michael

    elected webmaster for 2015.

    Committee members: The following had indicated

    their willingness to be Committee members- Jim

    Merkouris, Barry Pollard, Matthew Powell, Greg

    Hamilton and Shane Paton. All in agreement. All

    elected Committee Members for 2015.

    AGM meeting closed at 11.12am

    Ordinary meeting resumed with Mike in the chair.

    Mike congratulated all incoming office bearers and

    thanked those who had served in official positions

    during the past twelve months. He said he looked

    forward to seeing some new faces on future rides

    and encouraged members to be proactive and work

    with the events coordinator to plan rides and not

    leave it all up to Andrew. He thanked all those who

    were in attendance today and contributed to the

    club in whatever capacity.

    General Business:

    Inspection day

    Wayne proposed that we reintroduce an Inspection

    Day. Although it is not necessary to have bikes

    inspected so that a return could be sent to Dept.

    Infrastructure as was the case in the past, it was a

    good idea to have the bikes inspected for safety

    reasons. Bill and others supported this concept. The

    Bunbury Two day has a requirement that all

    entrants’ bikes have been inspected. The Council of

    Motoring clubs requires that all vehicles are

    roadworthy. It was also a good opportunity for a get

    together at the beginning of the year following the

    summer break. Therefore a “Wayne’s Workshop

    Weekend” has been proposed. Following the

    Inspection morning, members may like to stay on

    for a ride then have an overnighter.

    Code 404

    Wayne said that although legislation has not

    changed regarding Code 404 it is likely that it will be

    altered to include a statement to the effect that

    concessional license holders must be “active” club

    members. This is to discourage members from

    obtaining concessional licenses to save money by

    not having bikes on full registration. The Council of

    Motoring Clubs supports the concept of “ active”

    membership as it says that motoring clubs have a

    duty of care and a responsibility to monitor

    member’s use of concessional licenses. Code 404 is

    a privilege and abuses of the legal requirements

    attached to the license could mean that that Code

    404 is abolished. Clubs are required to forward to

    C.M.C. the number of vehicles on concessional

    license. Other members spoke in the affirmative of

    this. Wayne put the motion “That all concessional

    registration holders are encouraged to attend at

    least one ride per year”. Seconded by Rhod. Passed


    Membership fees are due. Electronic transfer is


    Life member

    Glen McAdam was presented with a Life

    Membership certificate and thanked for his

    commitment and contributions to the club.

    Meeting Closed 12.40pm. Next ordinary meeting:

    Mike’s place 11 November 27 Fordham Place

    Greenmount commencing at 7.15pm.

  • 12 Early American Motorcycle Club

    Harley-Davidson riders with a racing machine and a Bullet Sidecar

    In February of 1920, the Harley-Davidson racing team descended on Daytona Beach, Florida with a number of its

    racing machines and their star riders intent on setting the record books on fire. There they set up camp during

    the second week of the month and by the time it was over, the effort had set thirty world’s records. Expert riders

    Leslie Red Parkhurst and Fred Ludlow can be seen above posing with a Harley-Davidson 8-Valve racing machine

    and the newly-designed Bullet Sidecar rig that they used to set five records with.

    The pair set a new five mile record with an average speed of 87.52 m.p.h. and on the same run they set four more

    records in the sidecar class at the 1 kilometer, 1 mile, 2 mile and 3 mile marks. Without the sidecar, Parkhurst set

    a record of 111.98 m.p.h. with the machine in the kilometre and also set records at one, two and five-miles. The

    photos are courtesy of Harley-Davidson, and the period magazine article is courtesy of David Morrill. Learn more

    about the runs at Harley-Davidson.

    Reprinted from

    “The Old Motor” magazine

  • 13 Early American Motorcycle Club

  • 14 Early American Motorcycle Club

  • 15 Early American Motorcycle Club