Unit 3 Ear Training Basics

Ear Training Basics Lesson Hints This lesson involves extensive listening Sometimes hearing things can be difficult, remember DON’T PANIC! You will become

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Slide 2 Ear Training Basics Slide 3 Lesson Hints This lesson involves extensive listening Sometimes hearing things can be difficult, remember DONT PANIC! You will become more comfortable with all of the concepts with practice. As always please let me know if you have any questions Slide 4 Overview We take a break from reading music solely by sight and we focus exclusively on Ear Training and the way music sounds. This unit will give you the opportunity to experience many musical concepts both by sight and by ear. Focus will be on aurally (by ear) identifying, major and minor chords, all of the perfect intervals P4, P5, and the octave and cadences. You will be able to see what these look like and hear what they sound like. You will continue to add to your list of music terms to know. Slide 5 Objectives Distinguish between low and high pitches Determine whether pitches are heard harmonically or melodically Identify Aurally Major and Minor chord qualities Identify Aurally Intervals ( P4, P5, P8 and tri-tone) Define chord, interval, consonance, dissonance, pitch, cadence ( plagal, authentic, deceptive ) piano, mezzo piano, mezzo forte, and forte Slide 6 Dynamics- Volume of Music Piano- Soft ( P) Mezzo Piano- Medium Soft (MP) Mezzo Forte- Medium Loud (MF) Forte- Loud (F) Slide 7 Which note is higher A or B? A B Slide 8 The Answer is: B The next slide will give you the definition of pitches. Slide 9 Pitch and Types of Pitches Music terms to know Pitch -the perceived highness or lowness of a tone as determined by its vibrational frequency Harmonic pitches- Two or more tones played at the same time Melodic Pitches- Two tones played one at a time Slide 10 Examples of Melodic and Harmonic Pitches Melodic Harmonic Slide 11 I can listen to this all day Vs. PLEASE TURN THAT NOISE OFF! ITS HORRIBLE! Music in general can be either consonant or dissonant Consonant- A relatively smooth and stable sound ( Usually sounds very pleasing to the ear) Dissonant- A Rough and unstable sound ( Usually sounds very displeasing to your ear ** You may cringe**) Slide 12 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Example of Consonant and Dissonant music Consonant Dissonant Slide 13 Intervals Intervals- Refer to the distance from one note to the next. **There will be more about intervals in the next lessons, however this lesson will introduce you to the intervals that you hear almost daily. You will not need to know how to write them yet, just hear what they sound like and identify them.** Slide 14 Consonant Intervals the Perfect Intervals Perfect 4 th - ( p4) To identify this by ear think of the beginning of Here comes the bride Perfect 5 th - (p5) To identify this by ear think of the beginning of Twinkle, Twinkle little star Perfect Octave- ( p8) To identify this by ear think of the beginning of Somewhere over the rainbow Slide 15 Its the European Siren: The Tri- tone. )Dissonant Intervals The dissonant interval we will cover in this lesson is the tri-tone. Tri-tone- ( TT) To identify this by ear think of what a siren sounds like in Europe. Slide 16 Interval examples P4 P5 P8 TT Slide 17 Cords or Chords? Chords- are three or more notes played at the same time to form harmony. Chords can either be major or minor To identify major chords by ear these will usually sound happy To identify minor chords by ear these chords will usually sound sad Slide 18 Chord Examples Major Minor Slide 19 Cadences Cadences are used to mark the end of a phrase or section of music. The three common cadences are authentic, plagal, and deceptive. Authentic- Will sound like the piece is officially ending Plagal- Church cadence will end the piece Amen Deceptive- Will leave you wanting an ending. ( It will deceive you) Slide 20 Cadence Examples Authentic Plagal Deceptive Slide 21 Music Terms to Know chord interval consonance dissonance pitch cadence ( plagal, authentic, deceptive ) piano mezzo piano mezzo forte forte Slide 22 Congratulations! You have completed Unit 3 Please complete the Drill and Practice exercise by going to the Access page of the course. You may refer back to this lesson as many times as needed. Contact me with any questions you may have.