Eagles Come to What Eagle Experts Have Coined

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Dan Cheatham tells that Eagles know where to get good mentors, good advice and wisdom. They are teachable and have a strong desire for increase of knowledge.

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Eagles come to what Eagle Experts have coined "The Gathering" to feed together

Eagles come to what Eagle Experts have coined "The Gathering" to feed together.

Doing the right thing may take longer, but will stand stronger.

The task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us! (Author Unknown)

sin (sin) n 1. The Promise of Pleasure, but the Path to Pain. 2. The offer of a Cheap Thrill, but at the cost of a Cold Chill. 3. A Promise to Fulfill, but an Aim to Kill.

Sin informs you of a SHORTCUT, but fails to tell you the bridge is out up ahead.

Sin immediately tickles, But ultimately shackles.

Sin humors for a season, But then hurts beyond reason.

Sin SUGGESTS freedom, but DEMANDS bondage!

Sin may pay you something, but it will cost you everything!

Sin dangles a Sure Prize But O the Rude Surprise.

A Balanced Life is the proper proportions of three ingredients: PRAY, PAY & PLAY! First, PRAY is your spiritual life... your Bible reading, your church attendance, your ministries, your witnessing, your tithing, and your prayer life. PAY is your vocational or professional career... your job, your budget, your skills and talents. PLAY is your fun times spent with your family, your marriage, your recreation, your sleep, and your rest time. PRAY, PAY & PLAY! Do any one of these priorities to the exclusion of the others, and off balance... you will fall. But invite the Holy Spirit to continuously adjust you between these three life priorities, and balanced... you will rise and succeed in life!

It's actually easier to believe God despite the price to my flesh and the warfare that is involved, than it is to pay the costly consequences of doubt, fear and unbelief.

I DECIDE what I GIVE IN TO! I can just as easily decide to GIVE IN TO the Holy Spirit as I can to GIVE IN TO my flesh. I CHOOSE. I make up my mind. Its not God's choice; it's mine! I DECIDE. I SELECT. I CHOOSE. This is my right, as I am a free moral agent made in the image of God with freedom to choose. My flesh doesn't rule me. My emotions are not in charge here. Jesus is Lord of my life! My feelings are not dependable. I like it when I feel good without any effort, but sometimes I have to REFUSE to feel bad and CHOOSE to feel good. I don't have to succumb to every impulse or thought that crosses my mind. I CHOOSE FOR MYSELF! I decide who I am loyal to. I choose whom I love. I select which thoughts I wish to entertain. I decide what my values will be. I choose how I will feel this moment. I select my attitude today. I change my attitude and conform it to the Word of God. I select how I will respond to this situation. In Jesus Name!

Over time, the believer must train himself to YIELD to the Spirit of God and the Word of God, instead of yielding to his carnal desires and fickle emotions. This is accomplished by repetitively CHOOSING & REFUSING in prayer. After the passing of time, the believer's inner man slowly gains the mastery over his flesh, and it becomes easier and easier to obey God!

I cannot survive on Yesterday's Voice of God to my heart. No, I must have a Fresh Word TODAY! I must experience Him afresh today. I need Him to embrace me again and again and proportionate to what I will be facing TODAY! Today I must see His face, feel His embrace, revel in His grace, and establish His pace for today's race!

Treat your wife like a Queen and sooner or later she shall treat you like a King!

Concentrate on making your wife happy. In so losing yourself you shall discover your own happiness.

To make your marriage stronger and enduring, one must mature in their expectations over time, from merely wanting a THRILLING relationship, to wanting a FULFILLING relationship. If your measure of marriage happiness continues to be, "How much does this person THRILL me?" you are still immature and may be headed for a painful adulterous relationship and a nasty divorce. However, if your measure of marital happiness is, "How can I make this relationship more rich and fulfilling for my mate?" then you yourself are maturing as a person and you will, no doubt, experience a long and satisfying life together with your spouse.

Fear is the voice of the devil lying to you. Faith is the voice of God telling you the truth.

Question: How will you accomplish that noble dream or project God has placed in your heart? Luke 1:35!!!!! And the angel answered and said... The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.

Just Try It... and fail! Just Do It... and succeed! Test the waters... and you'll quit! Dive on in... and you'll swim!

Talent is commonplace. But Commitment is rare.

Giftings are abundant. But Character is harder to find.

Skills are everywhere. But where is Faithfulness?

POWER is the ability to keep on doing the right thing for a long time!

The Bible teaches us to "meditate" on God's Word, "memorize" God's Word, "study" God's Word, "read" God's Word, and to "listen" to God's Word as it is preached and taught to us. The word meditate means "to mutter back to oneself, to frame-in, to paraphrase in ones own vernacular, and to imagine." When we meditate God's Word our retention level is over 90%. When we memorize God's Word our level of retention is about 75%. When we study God's Word our retention level is around 60%. When we read God's Word our retention level is about 40%. When we listen to God's Word from someone else our level of retention is around 25%.

Seven Giftings spoken of in Romans chapter 12: Prophesiers, Helpers, Teachers, Preachers, Paymasters, Superintendents, and Mercy-naries. Would to God each of us stop trying to be someone we're not, and settle down into our true ministries. Prophesiers will be held accountable for their obedience to spontaneously utter the Spirit's voice when the saints are assembled. Helpers will be held accountable at the judgement seat of God as to their diligence to relieve spiritual leaders of time consuming details. Teachers must answer to God for whether they share their Bible knowledge with others on a consistent basis. Preachers will answer to God for their faithfulness to inspire and herald the message of salvation. Paymasters will have to give an account to God whether they generously funneled their wealth to the work of God and to the men of God and places God leads them. Superintendents or Organizers will answer for their faithfulness to lead, and to coordinate the efforts of others to accomplish the work of God. Mercy-naries will have to account for their faithfulness to relieve the poor, the sick, and the downtrodden from suffering.

If you're having difficulty being FRUITFUL, at least remain FAITHFUL.

If your life is not presently SENSATIONAL, at least let it be SIGNIFICANT.

If it seems you can do nothing GREAT, at least continue doing GOOD.

Life is a Set of Loyalties.

Faithfulness is the key that sooner or later unlocks even the most fortified door. Proverbs 28:20 "A faithful man shall abound with blessings..."

If you can rest your entire ETERNITY on nothing but His Word, surely you can rest your daily PROSPERITY on God's Word as well.

The Anointing is that Special Something from the Spirit of God that exhilarates the speaker, captivates the listeners, and charges the atmosphere with expectancy. It is a mere man being supersaturated and superempowered to speak and act for God. And it is mere men supernaturally hearing God's voice and receiving tangible changes from heaven.

The "Seven Pillars Of Wisdom" as revealed in Proverbs 9:1-6. 1)Advance Preparation. 2)Orderly Organization. 3)Wise Delegation. 4)Strategic Advertisation. 5)Irresistible Invitation. 6)Leadership Reparation. 7)Training Information. For more on the 7 Pillars, see http://devotionalnet.faithsite.com/content.asp?CID=29249

God's Standard for the propagation of the Gospel is not only Declaration, but Demonstration. Not just Speaking, but Signs following. Not just Confession of truths, but also Confirmation of the same. Not just Preaching, but Power as well. Words AND Wonders! Proclamation and Proof! The Message AND The Miracles!

God's Best: One Wife For The Rest Of Your Life!

Delegate and Increase yourself. Insulate and Decrease yourself.

God is more merciful than we are.

God is smarter than I am.

How do you spell Ministry? W.O.R.K.B.U.T.A.L.S.O.F.U.N.

You can't make it without a local church body! Hebrews 10:25 NIV - "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Sooner or later the wolf always catches a lone sheep. Christian TV can only SUPPLEMENT the local church, never SUBSTITUTE for it. Christian books can be life changing indeed. But Christian books alone are not enough. God cannot IMPART and DEPOSIT certain things within you without your PRESENCE in THE PRESENCE OF HIS PEOPLE that brings HIS PRESENCE in a corporate dimension that is different than when you are by yourself. If you think you can make it in life without a pastor and without a church home, you are self-deluded, definitely trapped in pride, possibly a spiritual sluggard, and you need to REPENT QUICKLY! Only Jesus had the Spirit of God, as the scriptures say, "without measure." But you and I have the Spirit "in a measure." Yes... I know that all of Him lives in you, but ALL of His abilities, experiences, and giftings DO NOT live in you! Don't even tell me you are following Jesus as His true disciple if you do not have a pastor that you can call your own and a local church you call can call "home." "But Pastor Dan, I love Jesus, but I just don't like church!" You can't say you love Jesus but don't care much for being around His people. That is a lie! The Bible teaches that Jesus is the head and we are the body. You can't love Jesus' head without loving His body. They are connected and one in the same. If you don't like church, you've probably been wounded by someone and have failed to forgive them aloud in prayer to God. Or either you want to persist in your own ways, your own ideas, your own bad relationships, or in the brief pleasures of your sins. If you've ever been hurt in church, perhaps you are using your hurt as an excuse to disobey God. Instead of reversing your hurt, perhaps you're nursing it. If you are bored in church, it might be because you have only tried going to one kind of church, a kind of church that God knows cannot really meet YOUR needs. But more often than not, if you're bored, it is an indication of your own heart's coldness an distance from God. You are in for a rude awakening if you don't change. You may think you can make it without the protection that the body of Christ affords, but you are dead wrong! You pride is setting you up for a fall! Satan is going to trip you up at some point of your life and you will wonder why all the pain happened. But it will only be because you have not submitted yourself to the objectivity of a godly pastor and godly friends. REPENT and find your pastor and church NOW, TODAY, THIS WEEK! Don't set yourself up for the fall of your life! Sooner or later the wolf always catches a lone sheep... always! Don't become a sitting duck! Admit your need for God and His people. Humble yourself. Acknowledge that you need to grow. Take personal responsibility for the condition of your soul by doing what's right! Success is a collection of relationships! Hebrews 10:25 NIV - "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching."