H. Bilgekul Eeng 224 Midterm I Exam, 11-12 Spring Eastern Mediterranean University Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department EEE224Circuit Theory II Midterm I Exam Date: 13 April 2012 Instructor: Hüseyin Bilgekul Spring (2011-2012) Duration: 110 Minutes Q1) (20 %) The sinusoidal voltage and current waveforms applied to an impedance Z is shown below, where each vertical division of the graph represents 1 Volt for v(t) and 1 A for i(t). c) Find the value of the impedance Z. d) Calculate the real average power P and the reactive power Q deleivered to Z. 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time (t) (milisec) v(t) (Volts) and i(t) (A) St. Number, Name & Surname __________________________________ “I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid” Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Total () vt () it

Eaasstterrnn rMMeeddiitteerraanneean UUnniivveerrssiittyy ... Quizzes/11... · H. Bilgekul Eeng 224 Midterm I Exam, 11-12 Spring . H. Bilgekul Eeng 224 Midterm I Exam, 11-12 Spring

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Page 1: Eaasstterrnn rMMeeddiitteerraanneean UUnniivveerrssiittyy ... Quizzes/11... · H. Bilgekul Eeng 224 Midterm I Exam, 11-12 Spring . H. Bilgekul Eeng 224 Midterm I Exam, 11-12 Spring

H. Bilgekul Eeng 224 Midterm I Exam, 11-12 Spring

EEaasstteerrnn MMeeddiitteerrrraanneeaann UUnniivveerrssiittyy

EElleeccttrriiccaall aanndd EElleeccttrroonniicc EEnnggiinneeeerriinngg DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt

EEEEEE222244––CCiirrccuuiitt TThheeoorryy IIII MMiiddtteerrmm II EExxaamm DDaattee:: 1133 AApprriill 22001122

Instructor: Hüseyin Bilgekul Spring (2011-2012) Duration: 110 Minutes

Q1) (20 %) The sinusoidal voltage and current waveforms applied to an impedance Z is shown below,

where each vertical division of the graph represents 1 Volt for v(t) and 1 A for i(t).

c) Find the value of the impedance Z.

d) Calculate the real average power P and the reactive power Q deleivered to Z.

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000-10











Time (t) (milisec)


) (V


and i(t

) (A


St. Number, Name & Surname

__________________________________ “I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid”







( )v t

( )i t

Page 2: Eaasstterrnn rMMeeddiitteerraanneean UUnniivveerrssiittyy ... Quizzes/11... · H. Bilgekul Eeng 224 Midterm I Exam, 11-12 Spring . H. Bilgekul Eeng 224 Midterm I Exam, 11-12 Spring

H. Bilgekul Eeng 224 Midterm I Exam, 11-12 Spring

Page 3: Eaasstterrnn rMMeeddiitteerraanneean UUnniivveerrssiittyy ... Quizzes/11... · H. Bilgekul Eeng 224 Midterm I Exam, 11-12 Spring . H. Bilgekul Eeng 224 Midterm I Exam, 11-12 Spring

H. Bilgekul Eeng 224 Midterm I Exam, 11-12 Spring

Page 4: Eaasstterrnn rMMeeddiitteerraanneean UUnniivveerrssiittyy ... Quizzes/11... · H. Bilgekul Eeng 224 Midterm I Exam, 11-12 Spring . H. Bilgekul Eeng 224 Midterm I Exam, 11-12 Spring

H. Bilgekul Eeng 224 Midterm I Exam, 11-12 Spring

Page 5: Eaasstterrnn rMMeeddiitteerraanneean UUnniivveerrssiittyy ... Quizzes/11... · H. Bilgekul Eeng 224 Midterm I Exam, 11-12 Spring . H. Bilgekul Eeng 224 Midterm I Exam, 11-12 Spring

H. Bilgekul Eeng 224 Midterm I Exam, 11-12 Spring