E401 Analysis

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  • 8/15/2019 E401 Analysis



    1. Are there regions between permanent magnets where the magnetic

    field lines intersect? If yes, where? If, no why?

    Based on the eperiment we!"e done, there are no regions where

    the field lines intersect. #his is beca$se net magnetic force has a $ni%$e

    direction, which is tangent to the magnetic field line. If there is s$ch an

    intersection, it wo$ld only mean that there co$ld be two or more possible

    directions of forces &which is impossible'. It!s ($st li)e throwing a same

     ball with the same hand in two or more different direction.

    *. +hat does the digital balance reading represent? +hat does the

    n$mber of magnets represent? +hat is the relationship between the two?

    #he digital balance reading represents the magnit$de of the

    magnetic force eerted by the magnetic field and the c$rrent passing

    thro$gh it. n the other hand, the n$mber of magnets represents or

    indicates the magnit$de of the magnetic field present. Based on theeperimental obser"ations on magnetic force on mo"ing electric

    charges, the magnit$de of the magnetic force &-' is directly proportional

    to the magnit$de of the magnetic field &B'. So if the magnetic force

    increases, the magnetic field will also increase and "ice "ersa.

    . +hat orientation of the magnetic field gi"es minim$m and maim$m

    magnetic force respecti"ely?

    #he form$la for the magnetic force &-' is -/%"Bsin0 where % is

    the charge of the particle, " is the "elocity, B is the magnetic field and 0

    is the angle between " and B. -or the sine f$nction to be minim$m the

  • 8/15/2019 E401 Analysis


    angle 0 sho$ld be or 12 degrees. #hen -/ which is the minim$m

    magnetic force. And when 0 is 3 degrees, -/%"B which is the

    maim$m magnetic force. #h$s, we can say that we can get a minim$m

    magnetic force if " and B are parallel or antiparallel to each other. nthe other hand, we get maim$m magnetic force if they are

     perpendic$lar to each other.