e Status Er Survey 2013 En

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  • 7/30/2019 e Status Er Survey 2013 En


    User satisfaction survey on key quality aspects for European

    statistics produced by Eurostat

    Dear user,

    How should we ensure that we are meeting your needs? The best way is to ask you directly and we would be grateful if you could

    spare some minutes to respond to the following questionnaire. This survey is an opportunity for us to better understand why and

    how you use European statistics and what your assessment of the quality of our data and products (publications, database,

    website,...) is. It also allows you to express your views and to participate in the further enhancement of our statistics and services.

    Your answers would be highly appreciated.

    The results of this survey will be published on Eurostat's website in an aggregated form.

    We assure you that your individual answer will be dealt with in strict confidence.

    Please note that this survey is an excellent tool to improve the quality of the services of Eurostat. In this you can find out thelink

    results of the 2012 survey.

    Questions marked with an asterisk require an answer to be given.*

    User type

    To which user group do you belong?*

    Private user

    Student or academic

    Commercial company

    Trade association

    Public administration

    Commission DG or service

    European Institution / body (other than the Commission)

    National Statistical Institute

    International organisation

    Political party / political organisation

    Redistributor of statistical information


  • 7/30/2019 e Status Er Survey 2013 En


    Please specify*

    Country of workplace

    Where do you work?*

    Belgium Italy Portugal

    Bulgaria Cyprus Romania

    Czech Republic Latvia Slovenia

    Denmark Lithuania Slovakia

    Germany Luxembourg Finland

    Estonia Hungary Sweden

    Ireland Malta United Kingdom

    Greece Netherlands Other

    Spain Austria

    France Poland

    Please specify

    Use of European statistics

    For the purpose of this survey European statistics should be understood as all statistical data published by


    Section A: General information about the use of European statistics provided by Eurostat

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    1. Which European statistics do you mainly use?

    Please mark all relevant datasets*

    Economy and finance - National accounts (including GDP, main aggregates, input-output tables)

    Economy and finance - European sector accounts

    Economy and finance - Price statistics

    Economy and finance - Government finance statistics

    Economy and finance - Balance of payments

    Economy and finance - Financial accounts and monetary indicators

    Industry, trade and services - Structural business statistics

    Industry, trade and services - Short-term business statistics

    Industry, trade and services - Tourism

    Industry, trade and services - Information society

    Population and social conditions - Labour market (including labour force survey)

    Population and social conditions - Population

    Population and social conditions - Health

    Population and social conditions - Education and training

    Population and social conditions - Living conditions and social protection

    International trade statistics

    Environment statistics

    Agriculture and fishery statistics

    Energy statistics

    Transport statistics

    Science, technology and innovation

    Regional statistics

    Europe 2020 indicators

    Sustainable development indicators

    Euro indicators / PEEIs (Principal European Economic Indicators)

    Globalisation indicators


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    Please specify*

    2. How do European statistics influence your work?*

    They are essential for my work They are of value as background


    They are of no use to my work

    They are important for my work They are of minor importance

    3. For what purposes do you use European statistics ?

    (Please mark all relevant uses)*

    Monitoring or formulating policy

    Preparing legislation


    Econometric model building and forecasting


    General background information

    Re-dissemination of statistical data

    Media use

    Market analysis

    Decision-making in business


    Please specify*

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    4. How often do you use European statistics?*

    Daily Monthly Annually

    Weekly Quarterly At other intervals

    5.1. What Eurostat products do you mainly use?

    (Please mark all relevant products)*

    Eurostat press releases

    Statistics Explained

    Statistics in Focus

    Other Eurostat publications

    Eurostat main tables accessible from its website

    Eurostat database accessible from its website

    Tailor-made Eurostat data

    Eurostat micro data

    Other products

    Please specify*

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    5.2. How do you rate the quality of Eurostat's publications and Statistics Explained?

    (1 = very good, 2 = good, 3 = adequate, 4 = poor, 5 = very poor)

    a: 1

    b: 2

    c: 3

    d: 4

    e: 5

    f: No opinion

    a b c d e f

    Statistics Explained*

    Eurostat Yearbook*

    Eurostat Regional Yearbook*


    Statistics in Focus*

    Press releases*

    Section B: Quality aspects of European statistics

    In this section we would like to obtain your opinion on some quality aspects of European statistics, such as

    , and .timeliness completeness comparability

    6. How do you rate the of European statistics for your purposes?timeliness(1 = very good, 2 = good, 3 = adequate, 4 = poor, 5 = very poor)

    a: 1

    b: 2

    c: 3

    d: 4

    e: 5

    f: No opinion

    a b c d e f

  • 7/30/2019 e Status Er Survey 2013 En


    Economy and finance - National

    accounts (including GDP, main

    aggregates, input-output tables)*

    Economy and finance - European

    sector accounts*

    Economy and finance - Price


    Economy and finance - Government

    finance statistics*

    Economy and finance - Balance of

    payments*Economy and finance - Financial

    accounts and monetary indicators*

    Industry, trade and services -

    Structural business statistics*

    Industry, trade and services -

    Short-term business statistics*Industry, trade and services -


    Industry, trade and services - Information



    Population and social conditions -

    Labour market (including labour force


    Population and social conditions -


    Population and social conditions -


  • 7/30/2019 e Status Er Survey 2013 En


    Population and social conditions -

    Education and training*

    Population and social conditions -

    Living conditions and social protection*

    International trade statistics*

    Environment statistics*

    Agriculture and fishery statistics*

    Energy statistics*

    Transport statistics*

    Science, technology and innovation*

    Regional statistics*

    Europe 2020 indicators


    Sustainable development indicators*

    Euro indicators / PEEIs (Principal

    European Economic Indicators)*

    Globalisation indicators*Your other European statistics (as

    specified under question 1)*

    6.a. How does the timeliness of data published on the Eurostat website compare with that of data on the

    websites of the EU Member States' National Statistical Offices?*

    Better Same Worse No opinion

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    7. How do you rate the overall of European statistics in terms of e.g. breakdowns availablecompleteness

    by countries, regions, components, etc?

    (1 = very good, 2 = good, 3 = adequate, 4 = poor, 5 = very poor)

    a: 1

    b: 2

    c: 3

    d: 4

    e: 5

    f: No opinion

    a b c d e f

    Economy and finance - National

    accounts (including GDP, main

    aggregates, input-output tables)*Economy and finance - European

    sector accounts*

    Economy and finance - Price


    Economy and finance - Government

    finance statistics*Economy and finance - Balance of


    Economy and finance - Financial

    accounts and monetary indicators*

    Industry, trade and services -

    Structural business statistics*

    Industry, trade and services -

    Short-term business statistics*

    Industry, trade and services - Tourism


    Industry, trade and services -

    Information society*

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    Population and social conditions -

    Labour market (including labour force


    Population and social conditions -


    Population and social conditions -


    Population and social conditions -

    Education and training*

    Population and social conditions -

    Living conditions and social protection*International trade statistics*

    Environment statistics*

    Agriculture and fishery statistics*

    Energy statistics*

    Transport statistics*

    Science, technology and innovation*

    Regional statistics


    Europe 2020 indicators


    Sustainable development indicators*

    Euro indicators / PEEIs (Principal

    European Economic Indicators)*

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    Globalisation indicators*

    Your other European statistics (as

    specified under question 1)*

    8. How do you rate the of European statistics among regions and countries?comparability

    (1 = very good, 2 = good, 3 = adequate, 4 = poor, 5 = very poor)

    a: 1

    b: 2

    c: 3

    d: 4

    e: 5f: No opinion

    a b c d e f

    Economy and finance - National

    accounts (including GDP, main

    aggregates, input-output tables)*

    Economy and finance - European

    sector accounts*Economy and finance - Price


    Economy and finance - Government

    finance statistics*

    Economy and finance - Balance of


    Economy and finance - Financial

    accounts and monetary indicators*

    Industry, trade and services -

    Structural business statistics*

    Industry, trade and services -

    Short-term business statistics*

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    Industry, trade and services -


    Industry, trade and services -

    Information society*

    Population and social conditions -

    Labour market (including labour force


    Population and social conditions -


    Population and social conditions -

    Health*Population and social conditions -

    Education and training*

    Population and social conditions -

    Living conditions and social protection*

    International trade statistics*

    Environment statistics*

    Agriculture and fishery statistics*

    Energy statistics*

    Transport statistics*

    Science, technology and innovation*

    Regional statistics*

    Europe 2020 indicators


    Sustainable development indicators*

  • 7/30/2019 e Status Er Survey 2013 En


    Euro indicators / PEEIs (Principal

    European Economic Indicators)*

    Globalisation indicators*

    Your other European statistics (as

    specified under question 1)*

    9. How do you rate the overall quality of European statistics?

    (1 = very good, 2 = good, 3 = adequate, 4 = poor, 5 = very poor)

    a: 1

    b: 2

    c: 3

    d: 4

    e: 5

    f: No opinion

    a b c d e f

    Economy and finance - National

    accounts (including GDP, main

    aggregates, input-output tables)*Economy and finance - European

    sector accounts*

    Economy and finance - Price


    Economy and finance - Government

    finance statistics*

    Economy and finance - Balance of


    Economy and finance - Financial

    accounts and monetary indicators*

    Industry, trade and services -

    Structural business statistics*

  • 7/30/2019 e Status Er Survey 2013 En


    Industry, trade and services -

    Short-term business statistics*

    Industry, trade and services -


    Industry, trade and services -

    Information society*

    Population and social conditions -

    Labour market (including labour force


    Population and social conditions -

    Population*Population and social conditions -


    Population and social conditions -

    Education and training*

    Population and social conditions -

    Living conditions and social protection*

    International trade statistics*

    Environment statistics*

    Agriculture and fishery statistics*

    Energy statistics*Transport statistics*

    Science and technology and


    Regional statistics*

    Europe 2020 indicators


  • 7/30/2019 e Status Er Survey 2013 En


    Sustainable development indicators*

    Euro indicators / PEEIs (Principal

    European Economic Indicators)*

    Globalisation indicators*

    Your other European statistics (as

    specified under question 1)*

    10. How does the quality of European statistics compare with that of statistics published by National

    Statistical Institutes, the IMF, OECD, UN/ECE, World Bank and FAO?*

    Better Same Worse No opinion

    Please briefly explain your rating, specifying advantages or shortcomings of European statistics in

    comparison with the other data sources.

    11. Personally how much do you trust the statistics produced by Eurostat?*

    Trust them greatly

    Tend to trust them

    Tend not to trust them

    Distrust them greatly

    No opinion

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    Please provide comments to explain you answer.

    Section C: Dissemination, metadata and services

    Release calendar

    12. Are you aware of the release calendar on Eurostat's website?*

    Yes No

    Do you think it contains sufficient and relevant information for your needs?*

    Yes No

    Partly No opinion

    Please say why

    Metadata is information that is needed to be able to use and interpret statistics. The statistics released by

    Eurostat are described by metadata according to standard formats covering the content, the production

    processes and the quality of the statistics.

    13. Do you use the metadata provided by Eurostat?*

    Yes No

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    Which metadata do you use?*

    Metadata explaining the


    Metadata describing the

    statistical production

    Metadata on quality

    Do you find the metadata sufficient for your purpose?

    Yes Partly No

    Metadata explaining the statistics*

    Metadata describing the statistical


    Metadata on quality*

    Do you find the metadata easily accessible?*

    Yes Partly No

    Please add any comments or opinions you would like to share with Eurostat on the metadata (e.g. problems,

    good examples, incidents, etc.)

    Website design and access

    14. Is it easy to access the European statistics you need on the Eurostat's website?*

    Yes Partly No No opinion

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    Please say why

    Please say why

    15. Are European statistics presented in a way that is easy-to-understand?*

    Yes Partly No No opinion

    Please say why

    Please say why

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    16. How do you rate the content of Eurostat's website in relation to your needs?*

    Very good Satisfactory Very poor

    Good Poor No opinion

    17. In which language do you access Eurostat's website?

    Please mark all relevant languages.*




    18. How would you rate the Eurostat's website?

    (1 - very good, 2 - good, 3 - adequate, 4 - poor, 5 - very poor)

    a: 1

    b: 2

    c: 3

    d: 4

    e: 5

    f: No opinion

    a b c d e f

    Navigation to required information*


    Database extractions tools*

    Help texts/help facilities*

    Search facilities*

    Alert and notification*

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    Please add any comments or opinions on the website that you would like to share with Eurostat.

    Support services

    19. How satisfied are you with the user support provided by Eurostat?*

    Very satisfied Unsatisfied Not known

    Satisfied Very unsatisfied

    Neither satisfied not unsatisfied No opinion

    20. How do you rate the of the data and services provided by Eurostat?overall quality *

    Very good Adequate Very poor

    Good Poor No opinion

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    21. Comparing with the situation in April 2012, when the previous survey was conducted, how do you

    rate the overall quality of the data and services provided by Eurostat in terms of...

    Better Same Worse No opinion

    Timeliness of data?*

    Comparability of data?*

    Completeness of data?*



    Support services*


    Please provide comments to explain your answer.

    22. Please add here any additional comments, including areas in which you see room for improvement,

    new ideas or concerns you would like to share with us.