TSMC Property © 2007 TSMC, Ltd 1 © 2009 TSMC, Ltd. e-ESH System: TSM Fang-Ming Hsu TSMC IHTESH 2011, AZ USA

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e-ESH System: TSM

Fang-Ming Hsu



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Total ESH Management System

TSM stands for

an integrated e-system still under


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Why go for TSM?

TSM basic concept

TSM major subsystems

TSM benefits



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Why go for TSM?

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Separated ESH e-Systems:

Separated portals: Independent systems have their own web portals. It’s difficult for users to remember all the accesses.

Owned by sites: Some ESH indicators were not promoted to entire company yet, making information sharing not easy.

Poor Action Item Tracing: Manually handling meeting notices, meeting minutes and action item tracking. Mistakes or missing tracking often happened even though dedicated server existed.

Prior to TSM

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3-stage development

Data/System integration

Information/Knowledge sharing

KPI setting


Comply with OHSAS 18001, TOSHMS (Taiwan)

Follow P-D-C-A cycle

Be integrative, consistent, convenient, for sharing, smart,

safe, simple and open.

TSMC Goes for TSM

Since 2007,

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•ETS (Execution Tracking System): Lesson learnt, meeting AR tracking

•Auto statistics

•Auto reporting

Reachable•Include overseas facilities (English version)

•Easy to search by managers

•All subsystems mutually linked


•Single Portal

•Integrate all ESH subsystems

•Easy to Query

Shaping TSM

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Home Page

ESHIndicatorsTo Do List


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TSM Overview Keying in “tsm” followed with a single click at company web portal

for all daily ESH related jobs. (29 subsystems)

Tool Safety Information

Tool Safety Notice




First AidESH Indicators

OccupationalInjury Statistics

ESH Program












Information MSDS


Training & Test

EP Reporting Audit



Risk Book






IR Scan

TSM Search

GHG Inventory

TSM System (Web-based)

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Grouped into P-D-C-A

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Risk Book


Improve ISO System integrity

Major Function

Identify and query potential incidents

Mapping and trending withPHA/SEMI S2 databaseESH Programs

Make Emergency Response Plans

Generate ISO/OHSAS Annual goals


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Note: Automatic e-mail alerts

Compliance Calendar Plan

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SMOC (Safety Management of Change)

NTCC (New Tool & Chemical Change)

Managing ESH Changes

For all changes of process tool design, safety interlock, piping, chemicals use.

Users applies for ESH risk assessment before installing them.

New tools and chemical will be reviewed by through special procedure.

Expert Review

Grading risks into 3 levels; inviting experts review risks; providing solutions of preventing or mitigating risks.

Tools can be energized or supplied with hazardous process materials only when critical risks all well controlled.


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ERIC (ERC Shift Report)

ERIC is the duty shift reports of the fabsite emergency response centers (ERC).

RecordingAll abnormal conditions, categorized into several levels, occurred or found within the shift must be recorded according to preset definitions.

Tracking The recorded events shall be traced for corrections until fully closed.

Statistical Analysis The functions of query, statistic and trend sketching provided to help managers to know high risk areas or work types on the previous day, let them make adequate plans of improvement.


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e-EM: Construction Safety

e-EM combined the construction work safety permit, contractor badge application, as well as correction tracking after site supervision:

Manager friendly: a glance over entire site constructions.

Saving engineers’ time

Finish all format preparation, approval application and contractor registration efficiently.

Time saving allows engineers to focus on real site work.

Supervision Databank provided

Engineers do better site supervision.

The cumulated experiences can then be transferred to new comers.


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ESH Indicators

Consist Safety Climate Indicators” Environmental Indicators”


No fully aligned KPIs ; Difficult to keep


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3-Level Indicators Safety Indicators Environmental Indicators

* Level-1/2/3 KPIs: Reviewed by Director/TB/ISEP Respectively

Level* Safety Indicators Reviewed by Frequency

1 Safety Performance Index Director Monthly

2 Accident Director/TB Monthly

2 Incident Director/TB Monthly

2 Abnormal Case Director/TB Monthly

2 Occupational Injury Director/TB Monthly

2 First Aid Director/TB Monthly

3 ETS/Lessons Learnt ISEP Monthly


3 Level-1 Work ISEP Monthly

3 ERT Basic Training ISEP Monthly

3 ERT Adv. Training ISEP Monthly

3 FP External Training ISEP Monthly

3 Corporate Audit ISEP Annually

3 ISO/OHSAS Audit ISEP Annually

2 Injury Frequency Rate TB Annually

2 Injury Severity Rate TB Annually

Level* Environmental Indicators Reviewed by Frequency

1 Power Consumption Director/TB Monthly

1 Water Use Director/TB Monthly

1 Process Water Recycled Director/TB Monthly

2 Total Water Recycled TB Monthly

2 Wastewater Discharged TB Monthly

2 Natural Gas Use TB Monthly

2 VOC DRE TB Monthly

2 VOC Emissions TB Quarterly

1 Waste Recycled Director/TB/LWM Quarterly

2 Total Waste Generated TB/LWM Quarterly

2 General Waste Generated TB/LWM Quarterly

2 Hazardous Waste Generated TB/LWM Quarterly

2 Recycling Waste Generated TB/LWM Quarterly

2 Landfill Waste TB/LWM Quarterly

1 PFC Emissions Director/TB Annually

1 GHG Emissions Director/TB Annually

2 GHG Emissions-Scope 1 TB Annually

2 GHG Emissions-Scope 2 TB Annually

1 GHG Emission Reductions Director/TB Annually


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Overall Performance Indicator

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Monthly KPI Report

Collect ESH Performance/Business Data

Normalize Data

Distribute Report for Sites’ Correction

Finalize Report

Distribute ESH KPI Report for Review

ESH KPI Report

ESH Indicators

ESH Performance Data/Business Data





Monthly Report: The system sends out

monthly reports to managers in colored lights. Fab directors can understand if they have to focus more on their own facilities.

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CAR (Corrective Action Request)

Create: For those cases conforming to the definitions of accident or incident, site ESH departments will record and post messages at the system.

PCDA Cycling: Case owners must take immediate actions to correct all errors related and close them according to the principle of P-C-D-A.

Statistics: In order to ensure corrective actions to be fully completed. Query and statistics are provide.


Create Reply Sign off

Query Incident Status Statistics

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Execution Tracking System (ETS)

Actions Following up: Meeting conclusions or other things to do can be put on this system to track their implementation progress.

The ETS will send alerts automatically should time schedule is over but the thing still not implemented. It’s very helpful!

The system can also show the implementation status of all action items assigned. Users can easily handle them.


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Execution Tracking System (ETS)

Action items were controlled by the sponsors, very time consuming and expensive, data query is not easy also.


The system shows sites’ progresses automatically, easy to query and control.



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Meeting Notice and Minutes


Subject: ISEPTB Monthly Meeting (December 2008)

Date/Time: 09:30AM-12:00PM, 12/11/08 Place: F7, #710 / F14, R450 / F10 / F11

Chairman: Y.S. Peng

Participants: ISEPTB: W.D. Hung

NFPED: Chenwu Cronus (absent) F14ISEP: C.C.Peng

F2&5ISEP: James Chou RMESH: F.M.Hsu

F3ISEP: M.C. Wen ESHP: Larry Sun

F6-ISEP: Y.F.Li 12P4CP: R.T. Wu

F8ISEP: Y.S. Peng VIS: W.Y. Chen

C-ISEP10 Eddy Hung VisEra: Carson Chen

F12ISEP: T.C. Lin

CC: NFPED: Arthur Chuang T/B: Y.J. Wang

FAB2: C.C.Chien FAB3: C.H. Chen

FAB5: Yun Chang FAB6: Marvin Liao

FAB8: Y.H. Liaw FAB10: Bob Tseng

FAB12: J.K. Lin FAB14: Y.L. Wang

WaferTech: Jim Short MTB: J. K. Wang

A. Contents and conclusions:


1. EP subgroup update / defense & alignment KPI review –A.C. Peng

2. Safety subgroup update / defense and alignment KPI review – James Chou

3. ERC subgroup update / defense and alignment KPI review – Y.F. Li

4. Heath subgroup update / defense and alignment KPI review – Larry Sun

5. ISEP management forum– WDHung


1. EP subgroup will summarize current OP and non-OP practice on PC turn off

execution and conclude the ground rule. RMESH will report to austerity committee to

get top management approval for companywide general practice.

2. The new added FAC level-1 work list, movable elevated loading/unloading platform,

吊籠作業, 5 meters and above scaffold assembly and dismentling work should be

presented to FTB for comment before the list takes effect.

3. The ground rule and alignment for EQ/FAC high risk work list should be reviewed

Meeting Minutes

Meeting Management





Manually save, send, query, share

Manually following up

Before Automatically save, send, query,


ETS for following up



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Meeting Action Item Tracking

Confirming Message Spreading

This subsystem is designed to confirm the final status after meeting minutes are spread out, and all people need to know have well received the message and are ready to respond.

Intranet TestShould a meeting has concluded something important, it will be

announced at the meetingThe system will inform all parties and people need to know

through intranet. A preset test will be posted and done after the related parties or

people have received and read that information.


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Info.Smart Tool Information

TSM allows users to query process tool information by a single click on the TSM homepage at “tool search by putting on the tool number. The ESH information of that tool will immediately show up, including:

Tool maker, type, gases/chemicals used, tool sign-off status, location inside the fab.

Linkage with other related information such as SMOC, high risk work, tool safety notice. This helps tools’ ESH management quite a lot.

TSM allows its sponsor to keep good information security.

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Smart Tool Information cont.

Tool data kept by sponsors.


Tool data kept on TSM






Photo Attachment

Tool ID/Location ID





Photo Attachment

Tool ID/Location ID


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Lessons Learnt

Companywide Learning

A cross-fab platform of experience sharing

Spread out Lessons learnt from a site to other fabs.

The learning recorded will be forwarded to all fabs and be closed only when managers of all fabs have applied and signed off the case.

On this platform, “no repeated error allowed” is the first target followed by “no new error allowed” .


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ESH subsystems are integrated, convenient, easy to use.

Efficiency Improved: AR following up, test system

All data can be tracked.


Benefits of

TSM ESH Indicator

shows current status and future trend.

4 Strengths

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Having achieved 4 targets after promoted to all facilities in Taiwan, China and the US:

Risk Reduced: Managers can reach all required information easily for prompt decision making, finally reduced accident counts.

Cost Reduced : Increases efficiency, paper less

Efficiency Enhanced: Widely decreased time for communication. All sites can get statistical data and activity records from the same platform.

Effectiveness Enhanced: Improving employees’ ESH awareness through this integrated database also improves working safety and quality.

4 Targets Achieved

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Thank you