www.bmwi.de E-Energy German Smart Grid Projects Overview EPRI Smart Grid Demonstration Advisory Meeting, June 2010 Paris/EDF www.e-energy.de Andreas Reinhardt and Lutz Steiner, Ancillary Research 2 Agenda f 1. E-Energy, ICT-based energysystem of the future f 2. Drivers and motivation f 3. Six E-Energy Model Regions f 4. Ancillary Research f 5. Standardization

E-Energy German Smart Grid Projects Overview

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E-Energy German Smart Grid Projects Overview

EPRI Smart Grid Demonstration Advisory Meeting, June 2010 Paris/EDF


Andreas Reinhardt and Lutz Steiner, Ancillary Research



1. E-Energy, ICT-based energysystem of the future

2. Drivers and motivation

3. Six E-Energy Model Regions

4. Ancillary Research

5. Standardization


E-Energy: The german program of smart grids

A four year term initiative by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and the German Ministry of Environment.Funding approx. €140 million Euro

E-Energy develops an Information and Communication Technology based Energy system

E-Energy develops intelligent Integration of Electric Vehicles (E-Mobility) through ICT into Smart grids


6 E-Energy projects & 7 integrated ICT for Electric Mobility projects


The German Bundeskanzlerin about E-Energy

E-Energy shall bring intelligent IT-support to energy production and consumption – from the generator in the power station way down to the customer.Dr. Angela Merkel, Chancellor, at IT summit in Darmstadt, November 2008


E-Energy Goals

Security of supply, efficiency and climate protection with digital networking of the power providing system

Optimisation of the energy supply system using modern information and communication technologies (ICT)

New interdisciplinary jobs in the fieldsof renewables and communication

New markets for hightech solutions

Progress in liberalization and decentralization of the energy market


Integration of two worlds: ICT and Energy

The Internet of Energies: from distribution to circulation grid


E-Energy makes grids smarter

Smart Generation Smart Grid

Smart Consumption Smart Storage

E-Energy makes grids smarter by linking all components of smart power systems with information and communication technologies



1. E-Energy, ICT-based energysystem of the future

2. Drivers and motivation

3. Six E-Energy Model Regions

4. Ancillary Research

5. Standardization


The European Situation


Water, WindBiomassOilGasCarbonnuclear

Expected power generation in EU-25 in 2030

Source: E.ON/Ruhrgas/IEA/Eurostat, DENA

Renewable Energies


Volatile structures

The energy generation structure is changing


Reasons for a changing energy generation structure

Expansion of renewable energies to reduce CO2 emissions

Compatibility to the environment

Political decisions and boundary conditionsNuclear power phaseout (Germany)Feed-In tariffs for renewable energy lead to a fast expansion of renewable energies (Spain and Germany)


German Energy Efficiency aims

Energy efficiency aims of the german government from 1990 until 2020:

About 40% reduction of CO2 emissions

About 25% increasing of renewable energies

About 14% increasing of renewable engeries in the heat sector

About 25% increasing of the cogeneration of heat and power

What are the consequences?


The secured power

119,4 GW Total power of all powerplants

-22,8 GW not usable power

-4,1 GW outages

-2,7 GW revisions

82,7 GW secured power

76,7 GW annual maximum load

6 GW residual power

Source: dena

The secured power from all power plants and renewable energies in Germany in 2005


The secured power in Germany until 2030

Secured power by cogeneration of heat and power

Secured power by renewable energies (incl. biomass)

Secured power by planned power plants (high probability of implemantation)

Secured power by actual builded powerplants in 2005Secured power by existing conventional power plants

Nuclear faceout No nuclear faceout

Nuclear faceout: In 2020 a lack of nearly 12GW occurs.No nuclear faceout: After 2025 a lack occurs.

Source: dena

The secured power does not cover the maximum annual load


What needs to be done?

Reducing the time shift between energy generation and consumption by ICT A new paradigma: Generation oriented consumptionEnergy efficiency strategies are neccessary to work against an increasing demand of energy and thus also against an increase of the annual maximum load

2005 2030

+ -

business scenarios needs to be focussed on for providing margins



1. E-Energy, ICT-based energysystem of the future

2. Drivers and motivation

3. Six E-Energy Model Regions

4. Ancillary Research

5. Standardization


.Roles of market placesPower generation and servicesBuisiness modellsICT electronic market placesVirtual power plantsForecast modellsICT of the generation managementE-MobilitySmart MeterTariffsBilling modellsICT Gateways…

E-Energy market activities


specifics:energy efficiency in the integrated house

instruments:smart metersprice incentives at the outletminimum emission certificatescentral platform to control and run the system

lead partner: EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AGother partners: IBM, ABB, SAP, Systemplan, University Karlsruhe

Model Region Baden


Model Region Rhein-Neckar

specifics:new business models and tariffe incentives

instruments:„energy butler“control devic es connected via powerline carrierCORE platform as a base for the electronic market place

lead partner: MVV Energie AGother partners: IBM, Power PLUS Communications, Papendorf Software Engineering

DREWAG, University Duisburg-Essen


Model Region Harz

specifics:multitude of renewbale energy plants and a pump storage power plant

instruments:Control system guarantee grid stabilityBidirectional Energy Management Interface“ (BEMI)Prediction system for wind energyNew business model:integration decentralized power generators

Lead partner:RegenerativKraftwerk Harz GmbH & CoPartners: Siemens, E.ON, in.power, ISET, Vattenfall


Model Region Cuxhaven

specifics:high percentage of renewable energies,cold stores and indoor swimming pools as energy storage

instruments:regional power portalplug&play networking of appliancesonline visualisationusing regulation capacities of big consumers

Lead partner: EWE AGPartners: OFFIS, energy & meteosystems, BTC, Fraunhoferverbund Energie


Model Region Rhein-Ruhr

specifics:cooperation of big supplier and municipal utility; intelligent household appliances

instruments:smart ICT gatewaysincentive systemsICT for grid management decentralized distribution networks

Lead partner: RWE Energy AGPartners: Siemens, Prosyst Software, Miele,

ef.ruhr, Stadtwerke Krefeld


Model Region Aachen

specifics:pricing signals at outlet, self regulation of grid

instruments:central data base, smartmeters and communication networkprognosis system and optimization algorithmselectronic device to upgrade household appliances and power supplies

Lead partner: Utilicount Partners: Stadtwerke Aachen, FIR at RWTH Aachen, PSI Büsing & Buchwald,

Kellendonk Elektronik



1. E-Energy, ICT-based energysystem of the future

2. Drivers and motivation

3. Six E-Energy Model Regions

4. Ancillary Research

5. Standardization


Specifics of E-Energy

E-Energy has an ancillary researchThe ancillary research works with cross sectional topics between the E-Energy Project The ancillary research project ends 2013 after the E-Energy Model Regions finish 2012Works on behalf of Federal Ministry of Economics & Technologies

Primary Task: Evaluation of Model regions efforts with regardtoWorking Program and TasksCommunicating and supporting Model regions


E-Energy Ancillary Research Group

B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH, München / Berlin

TU München, Institut für Informatik

TU Darmstadt, Institut für Elektrische Energiesysteme

incowia GmbH, Ilmenau

LoeschHundLiepold Kommunikation GmbH, München


Evaluation topics

How to measure the reached Energy Efficency savings through ICT?

Ancillary research will state whether the expected pradigma shift took place and a single intelligent real time interaction system did merge.

Validation of the security of supply of E-Energy technologies

Does Customer respond towards tariff incentives via Technical Devices & Applications?


Tool CO2: Kostenoptimierte Lastnachführung

High increasing of CO2Small decreasing of CO2

Quelle: CO2 Reduktion durch Lastverschiebung einer Waschmaschine, Dipl.-Ing. Steffen Schinz, TU Darmstadt


► Simulation of an existing local grid

► Installed PV-Power:• 2010: 26 kWp• 2020: 130 kWp

► Simulating of the influence of the PV generation to the Voltage Stability

Quelle: Modellbildung und Simulation von Energiespeichern im Niederspannungsnetz,Dipl.-Ing. Steffen Schinz TU Darmstadt

New Grid infrastructure: Does E-Energy help to avoid it?


► Voltage Increasing of 10% allowed

► Increasing of renewable energies would lead to a higher increase than 10% after 2020

Local grid, 400V voltage, with 81 households

Quelle: Modellbildung und Simulation von Energiespeichern im Niederspannungsnetz,Dipl.-Ing. Steffen Schinz TU Darmstadt


Cross Cutting Work in E-Energy Taskforces

System Architecture


Legal Framework

Market Development



data security?


market roles?



1. E-Energy, ICT-based energysystem of the future

2. Drivers and motivation

3. Six E-Energy Model Regions

4. Ancillary Research

5, Standardization


Finding Standards

Standards for software development: CMMISPICEISO/IEC 9126

Standards for software architectures:SOAESBWeb Services

IEC TC 57 Seamless Integration Architecture:IEC 61970 and IEC 61968IEC 61850 and derivatesIEC 60870

IEC 61131 and IEC 61499


Finding Standards

IEC 62361: Harmonization of Quality Codes across TC 57Security standards

NERC CIPBDEW White PaperIEC 62351: Power systems management and associated information exchange -Data and communications securityIEC 62443: Security for industrial process measurement and control

Standards for home automation:KNX, LON, X.10, Powerline, LCN, HS485, M-Bus, ProfibusWLAN, Bluetooth, ZigBee, KNX/RF, Infrared, EnOcean, Z-Wave, FS20

Standards for digital metering:DLMS, SML, M-BUS, ANSI C.12-18, PSTN, PLC, GPRS, GSM/CSD, WiMAX, KNX, LON, ZigBee, Z-Wave, Ultra-Wideband


Taskforce: Standardization

Establishing of standards for Europe as quick as possible by considering existing standards.

Home Automation: e.g. KNX, KNX-EEBus

Team Germany‘s Solar Decathlon 2009 solar home „surPLUShome“, an exemplar house for E-Energy (Firtst place awarded at Solar Decathlon 2009, Washington DC)


Demand Side Management

Appliances can be controlled by the building control via powerline communication.

Features (f.e. washer)Remote start/stopStatusProgramStageRemaining time


Standardisation Roadmap for E-Energy / Smart Grid Germany

DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDEIntroduction German Roadmap E-Energy / Smart Grid at Hannover Fair 2010Together with the standardisation committees on Smart Grids, it is recommended that a national coordination committee be established to deal with further topics such as market strategies, roles and responsibilities, business models, regulatory or legalframeworks, business processes…


Evaluation of 150 E-Mobility projects worldwide. An initial picture of research issues



1. E-Energy, ICT-based energysystem of the future

2. Drivers and motivation

3. Six E-Energy Model Regions

4. Ancillary Research



Dipl.-Vw. Andreas [email protected]

Dipl.-Ing. Lutz [email protected]

Ancillary Researchwww.e-energy.de
