http://portal.clubrunner.ca/3045 e-Bulletin May 23 , 2016 Issue# 35

e Bulletin - Microsoftclubrunner.blob.core.windows.net/00000003045/en-ca/...e-Bulletin May 23 , 2016 Issue# 35. Continuity of Service through Effective Leadership Rotary Club of Pudu

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  • Continuity of Service through Effective Leadership

    Rotary Club of Pudu 2015-16 Page 1



    May 23 , 2016 Issue# 35

  • Continuity of Service through Effective Leadership

    Rotary Club of Pudu 2015-16 Page 2

    Headings Hyperlinked Page #

    Editorial 3

    President’s Message 4

    Berita Pudu 5

    Pudu Events 6

    About The Speaker 7

    A Durian Story - by PP Tai Chin Peow 8

    Picture Gallery 10

    Announcement 14

    District News 15

    RI News 17

    Get Inspired! 19

    LOL... 20

    Motivational Quotes 21


    Lachezar Tsotsorkov of Bulgaria has visited the North and South Pole.

    Both times he raised the flag of his Rotary club.

    Where have you taken your Rotary flag?

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    I am leaving soon... It was a challenging one month for me as I had to decide which Rotary path I should take because of the changes that were happening in my career/business area. Do I stick with the same club, or should I change to a different one? Thankfully, quitting did not even appear to my mind as I was all happy and proud to be a Rotarian. I finally decided to move club. I then sent a message to all my fellow Pudu Rotarians on this membership transfer matter because I don’t want them to hear it from someone else. This I did because, they are pretty much my brothers and sisters. It was very difficult for me to do so, but I had to. Apart from all the well wishes from these people, I had a question asked by one of my dearest brother, on why I should move, as I can still attend the meetings on Mondays if I am available, else I can always

    make up for it elsewhere. I must say that through this question, I could only see the bond that we have created and the fear of losing it. Well, I can actually do that, and there’s no issue about it, but will I then be truthful and faithful to RC Pudu? Can I serve this club mindfully, soulfully and bodily? I say these three things because as a Rotarian serving a club, I believe that it is not only the meetings that need attention, but also the commitment in all the activities that are developed and hosted by the club. If I am not able to fulfil both my desire in getting involved in pretty much all the activities, and the club’s need in having me to assist wherever possible, then I believe that I have failed. Being a fellow Rotarian means committing to the club and its work, towards serving the community, be-sides fellowship. I personally think that I cannot do that if I am far away from RC Pudu, hence, I had de-cided to move to a club located within the vicinity of my home and workplace, so I can contribute more, and at the same time, be with my family.

    RC Pudu, being my ‘birthplace’, has given me remarkable experiences in being a good Rotarian. I am now going to move on to be with my ‘in-laws’ and gain more knowledge. At least, this is how I see it… My dear brothers and sisters, I will be missing you all dearly. Even though we are very close, but I think the time spent will be lesser than before. One thing for sure, is that we will meet whenever possible. Missing you already, RC Pudu!

    Puvaneswaran (Iswaran) Shanmugam Editor [email protected]


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    Wow. That was the week that was. So many things happened and I was away in Russia. However, with the smartphone, I was still contactable – to receive information or to issue instructions to the various people back home. But it did spoil my holiday somewhat; and I did wish that I had left the phone at home. First off, the good news that our Youth Service and Interactors did very well to win the following District awards, namely:

    1. World Class Interact Club Humanitarian Service Project (F15) for project SCARS (Stop Child Abuse and Raise Superheroes) by Interact Club of Methodist Boys Secondary School (MBSS) Kuala Lumpur

    2. World Class Interact Club (F21) to receive the World Class Youth Development Award – Interact Club of

    SMK (Perempuan) Pudu, and

    3. The Rotary Club of Pudu to receive a Special Recognition for exemplary guidance and services to Inter-act Clubs

    Then the bad news came that I had made a boo-boo with the nominees for the District Nominating Committee and the District Rules and Procedures Committee. I thought we voted them to be the electors for people nominated at to those committees rather than be nominated themselves. Well, I am deeply sorry to our two PAGs who missed the opportunity to be elected to sit on these two important District committees. It was my fault entirely, for holding two jobs as president and secretary of this rather busy Club; and getting confused in the meantime. Yes, we were busy at this time of year because of many District events to prepare and participate in, namely:

    1. The Presidential Citation – to satisfy the criteria set by Rotary International 2. The District Awards submission following the new format 3. Persuading members to attend the District Assembly 4. The Rotary Long Service medal ceremony 5. The Rotary Foundation recognition pins ceremony 6. Persuading members to attend the District Conference

    7. Organizing the Group 10 Joint Club meeting Except for the boo-boo, I am pleased that we successfully executed all items 1 to 7 above. My profound thank you to PP Alex Chang and his committee for coming forward to organize the Group 10 Joint Club meeting which brings the five clubs under Group 10 to-gether. Also a BIG thank you to PP Mike Tung and his dedicated committee in organizing this great event today for what I was told will be a great fellowship night. Dato’ Muslim Ayob President/Secretary RY2015/16 Rotary Club of Pudu [email protected]


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    Club Proceedings 1. Acting Sergeant-at-Arms VP Jeffrey called the meeting to order at 1:15PM on behalf of President Dato’ Muslim.

    He welcomed all Rotarians and guests. He then led in the singing of the National Anthem and the Loyal Toast.

    2. FINEMASTER- The Finemaster was Rtn Sannice Soh and the list of fines were:

    RM2 - Those who did not join the DisCon81.

    RM5 - Dato’ Muslim for all the awards received.

    RM2 - Rtn Laura for Best Vocational Service Award.

    RM2 - PAG Garry for Best Youth Development Award.

    RM1 - Members who came in after 1pm.


    PAG Garry Lim introduced the guest speaker Mr Mok Sin.

    4. THANKING -

    PP Sim Bee thanked Mr Mok Sin for a very very enlightening and educational presentation.

    He has shared with us the importance of a green environment by adding a fuel additive to engines to reduce pollution.

    PP Sim Bee then presented a memento to the speaker.

    Visiting Rotarians Club

    - -

    Guests Host

    Ir Lee Yee Seng Club - Speaker

    Mr Darren Yong Rtn Iswaran

    Mr Francis Liew IPP Daisy

    Ms Chestal Chin Rotaractor

    Ms Keatsuda PP Mike Tung

    Mr Mohsin Khan PP Mahmood

    Attendance Pax

    Club Members 24

    Visiting Rotarians -

    Guests 6


    Collections RM

    Birthday/Anniversary/Fines 60.00

    Paying Dinners 170.00

    Raffles/Others -

    TOTAL AMOUNT: 230.00


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    May 23, 2016

    Employer Employee Appreciation Night


    Mr Ang Kok Heng


    The Myths Of Investment

    Duty Table:

    Rtn Angela


    Rtn Shu Yi


    Rtn ST


    PP Sim Bee


    PP KH Low

    Date/Day Time Event Venue

    30 (Mon) 12:45pm Weekly Club Meeting Sentral Pudu Hotel, KL



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    Name : Sin Jee Wan ( normally known as Mok Sin/ JW)

    DOB : 06.06.1957.

    Academic Qualification: M.C.E.

    Past Involvements:

    Interactor of CHS, Rotarian of Pudu

    Red Cross Society of CHS, Red Crescent of

    Detachment 46 Puchong.

    Toastmaster of M & Y.

    Sport Played : Football,Hockey, Swimming,



    Resident Association of BSDRA.


    Just Retired from Retailing Electrical Home Appliance (35 years)

    Presently Promoting and Marketing an Organic Fuel Additive (3 years) partnering Mr

    Whang ,an Korean.

    Marital Status: Married for 32 years Since 1984.(Spouse :LIM MAY LEE)

    Children : 4 ( 3 girls + 1 Boy Between 26 - 31 years old)

    Eldest : Hui Pei .. CIMA . as an Account, In Schlumberger. oil & Gas.

    Second : Hui Yin . Degree in.Business Psychology, In SIA.

    Third : Hui Jing . ACCA, In SIA.

    Fourth : Guan Ming ... Degree in Hotel Hospitality, In SIA.

    Hobby and Interests:

    History ( Chinese and Local)

    Exercising Physical and Qi Kong.


    Socialising and Karaoke.

    Community Services ( volunteers/group activity/environmental activity)

    Surfing the net International News and Movies


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    1. Must know the Characteristic and ecology of the Tree & Clone

    Managing a successful durian farm was never easy.

    Firstly, you have to know the Characteristic and the ecology of the clone and

    the tree. Different durian clone produced at different areas, Example, Anghea

    and Chokeo in North of Penang, Perak may be good for Blackthorn, certain areas in Johore area good for Kum Fong Fung, which gives you many fruits but

    in small sizes, and Musang best grown in Raub but not all over Ruab.

    Only few small towns like Sungai Ruan, Sungai Klou, Dulai (Tras) and foot of Freaser’s hill. Even Musang grown in Karak area does not taste good.

    These are a lot to do with the soil, the environment, the needs of the clone. I want to touch on Musang King, because I am more interested in it.

    2. The output is totally depended on your Input

    Durian trees only give you durians when the trees are strong and healthy, just like human, if you want baby you have to make sure they are healthy to be produced.

    A healthy and strong durian trees may not necessarily give you fruit, because if the tree lack of mineral

    and important elements that needed to produce fruits, it won’t bare any fruit.

    Musang King durian is very rich as it contain at least 18 types of minerals, such as Nitrogen, Phosphorus,

    Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Sulphur, Zinc, Cobra, Baron, etc.

    So, if a Musang King durian dropped to the ground, it can also absorb other minerals from the soil.

    3. The Soil Management

    Good fruit can never come from a poor soil. The durian trees are different from other plant like coconut

    where its root goes directly to ground and grows tall. Durian trees follow the branches, and wherever the branches go, the root goes.

    Apart from big roots, there are many fine and small roots attached to the tree which enables to absorb the minerals from the soil.

    Remember that each time you take away durian; you also take away the minerals from the soil.

    Now, managing the soil is very important, as you already know, the output depends on the input. The soil

    has to be treated to the best condition for the roots to absorb the minerals from the soil at all time. If the

    soil has too much chemical fertilizer, it may be harden and affects the whole process.

    4. Now talk about Fertilizations of the farm Amino acid produces protein, just like human need protein to grow, you need calcium to strengthen your

    bone, durian tree needs to strengthen its trunk. Also needed will be humid acid , good bacteria, enzyme, chemical, hard soil. Protamine, egg white, etc. This is for the soil to be reconditioned with neutrons and

    other fertility elements for the process of the next round of production.

    The rich substances and neutrons in the Musang King durian are from the work done from the previous

    year, and not the current one.

    There is a need to add pure humid acid, just to activate the soil and allow the young roots to grow and become fertile. Organic enzymes are also added to balance the soil activity.

    A DURIAN STORY by PP Tai Chin Peow

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    5. Managing the Trees

    After all the durians drops from the tree and that will also complete the rainy season, you will then see the

    flower buds appear during the dry season. This is where the lime and calcium is further applied to neutral-ize the acidic soil which will help the trees.

    During the blooming period, another type of formulated fertilizer is applied to stimulate the process. The durian will begin to bloom only after two weeks of rainy season ends.

    At first you will see the buds at the branches, which may take slightly over a month, and then you’ll see

    the flowers bloom for about 3 to 4 days for pollination. The bats will then do its work where it will bring the pollen to the oval. The process takes a beautiful journey and if lucky, the durian will mature and drop

    in less than three months.

    6. Now, managing the growing fruits.

    When a tree full of durian, we may have to control the production in order not to burden the tree. Just to

    keep the numbers, the not so good shaped needs to be chopped to maximize the fruits.

    The grades are:

    Grade A = good looking round shaped, more than 1.8 kg Grade B = equally big but crooked

    Grade C = fruit looks good but below 1.8kg

    The high demand will be Grade A which is preferred to be sold in Singapore.

    Nowadays, Grade B & C will be stocked up into cool room to wait for higher price.

    7. The Challenges

    There are many challenges; 1% successful, 99% fail, why?

    When I first approach my durian specialist recommended by my friend, he asked the reason for me to in-

    vest in this durian business. I said that it is not an investment, but just a hobby. Then he was happy be-cause if there is no fruit, it is still okay.

    According to this friend, the bad news is that for the land which costs around RM12M, I have to suffer long until I break even.

    8. Marketing your fruits

    Normally the fruits will be sent to durian center.

    To share with you the current scenario of durian market, years back, only Singaporean and Malaysian eat durian, but now the Chinese from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong also enjoy eating durian. This creates a high

    demand, especially the Musang King durian.

    Those were the days where the durian farmers suffered because the dealers do not pay but takes the har-

    vest away and when they return from Singapore, they complaint that only half of their harvest is ripped and so they pay for half of the whole harvest. Now, the demand has made the farmers to be in control.

    9. Handling your harvest,

    All goes well, your durian falls accordingly, now is the time to manage the collection in crops and money. At the falling season, durians will be picked up at midnight or early morning 4:00 -6:00 am., from the col-

    lections and cleaning up till the preparation to send to business center.

    A DURIAN STORY by PP Tai Chin Peow

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    Weekly Club Meeting - Apr 25, 2016

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    Weekly Club Meeting - May 16, 2016

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    Group 10 Joint Club Meeting - May 09, 2016

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    Group 10 Joint Club Meeting - May 09, 2016

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    There are no words to describe our 81st District 3300 Conference held last weekend, except salute and kudos to Organising Chair, District Secretary PP Karthi and each and every member of the Organising Committee team and all who volunteered to assist on the day – the events from the meeting of the PDG Council to the Fellowship Night, the Opening the following day, the excellent speakers, the Governor’s Banquet & Rotary Awards, the Sunday’s Youth Award and the TRF Recognition. You raised the bar! This is the first time District is organising the conference and the volunteers from various clubs that came on board to assist were truly amazing. Thank you my friends.

    Despite the challenges, the event unfolded with a touch of class and the originality in its presentation made a difference. Mr Murphy was behind our back though,……but all ended well. RI President’s Personal Representative, Director Peter L Offer is happy and thoroughly enjoyed the fellow-ship with our Rotarians. To everyone who attended the conference or only for the Back to School Fellow-ship, or just an evening at the Governor’s Banquet, we appreciate your presence and thank you for being part of this memorable District conference. To our PDGs who attended the Council meeting, your advice and guidance much appreciated, with PDG Dato’ Dr Ravee as Council Chair and our Vice Governor this Rotary year and PDG Leslie for being the aide to Director Peter. The our other PDGs, we missed you. To Rotary Club of Puchong led by President Paramesh, thank you for the excellent theme – Back to School Fellowship. It was great fun with everyone in the theme dress and what great fellowship!. To Rotary Club of Kuala Lumpur DiRaja led by President Hardeep Singh and his men in black, the Gover-nor’s Banquet & Rotary Awards evening was what you promised, glamorous! A special recognition to one of your Senior Rotarians, PP Louis Paul for attending and participating in the entire conference – from his school shorts to his bowtie! PP Louis proved you are never too old to attend District Conference, and en-joying it. To Rotary Club of Melawati, thank you for partnering with my home club Rotary Club of Central Dam-ansara to operate “TimeOut”, the House of Friendship – with great music, the dance floor was packed both nights and the “in-house” bartenders were simply amazing. Complete with our customary nasi le-mak and bee hoon! Even the hotel did not have such a setting! To Awards Committee led by Chair PP Dato’ Ram Nair with PP Ananda (Membership), PP Samantha (PI), PP Arvind (Communications), PP Datin Sandra (Youth), thank you. It was a tedious task to review submis-sions and select winners. It was the Oscars – you recognised the best! To all winners, congratulations and to all who submitted, your projects were great too. Thank you for making the effort to submit. To TRF Committee led by Chair PDG Dr Rajindar and Annual Fund Chair, DGND Dr Baskaran, our TRF con-tributors deserved the recognition and you have presented it to them with pride. Thank you. For the first time we had the Youth Award to recognise the great work of our Rotaractors and Interac-tors. It was a proud moment for them being recognised for their contribution to service. My appreciation to Rotary Clubs who submitted their Rotaract and Interact Clubs projects for the awards. It motivates them.


    A Message From DG Siti Subaidah

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    To our emcees, Rtn Iswaran (RC Pudu), Rtn Ajmal (RC Kuala Lumpur DiRaja), PP Mani Raja (RC Bandar Sun-way) and PE Safinaz (RC Lake Gardens), you did great! To our Sgt-At-Arms let by PP Johnson Pang (RC Che-ras) and his team, some of whom imported from Ipoh, thank you for keeping all in order. To PP Tiffany (RC Titiwangsa) and all who volunteered to manage the registration desk, you were just awesome – your smile made everyone feel welcomed. In memory of our friends who have left us this one year and our late PDGs, we shared our feelings through this video. Sunday, May 15 was our Business Meeting and attached please find report on the Resolutions adopted and the results of the respective nominations, and the District Business Report of the District Secretary, District Treasurer and Governor adopted at the Conference. There is still much room for improvement in our District and I am sure our incoming Governors will take it on upon themselves to improve further as we progress. As the year comes to an end, my personal appreciation to our District Team: Executive Committee – PDG Paul Lee, PDG Dato’ Jimmy Lim, PDG Dato’ Dr Raveendra Kumar, District Sec-retary PP Karthi, District Treasurer PP CK Ooi, District Trainer PP Dato’ Siva, PP Ananda and AG Engad for their advice and guidance in planning the year. Our 17 Assistant Governors who provided the motivation and assisting our 77 Clubs in 17 Groups and the 77 Club Presidents for leading their clubs in this RY2015-16. Our District Training Team and Facilitators led by District Trainer PP Dato’ Dr Siva Ananthan in the preparation and execution of all the new training ethos into the district training programmes. Our District Administration Team, led by District Secretary, PP Karthi for overseeing the administration of the district in areas of club support, communications, website, social media, district awards and recogni-tion, district training assembly and district conference. Our District Officers who chaired the various Dis-trict Committees and their respective committee members for their leadership and time rendered to the District and the Clubs and for organising the various district projects for the benefit of the Clubs. My sin-cere appreciation to all the Clubs who have hosted district events, thank you for your support and gener-osity in your sponsorship. This 81st District Conference and in fact my journey as a District Governor would not have been made pos-sible without support of my home club, the Rotary Club of Central Damansara. From my nomination to sponsorships at the District Training Assembly and the District Conference was courtesy of my home Club. The conference bag was sponsored by RCCD and they co-partnered in managing the House of Friendship at the Conference. To all members of the Rotary Club of Central Damansara, thank you guys.

    Thank you my friends, Rotarians of District 3300 for contributing towards the success and making the 81st District 3300 Conference a memorable one, and for this wonderful year of Be a Gift to the World. Let’s continue this celebration in Seoul, Korea with todate 140 Rotarians and their spouse for the RI Con-vention! Yours in Rotary Service


    A Message From DG Siti Subaidah

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    Rotary International Convention





    Save the date! Take advantage of an extra-special early registration rate of $265 for the 2017 Rotary Convention, where we will celebrate the centennial of The Rotary Founda-tion.

    At the 1917 Rotary Convention in Atlanta, President Arch Klumph announced his dream

    of creating a Rotary endowment fund. In 2017, we will celebrate the good work Rotarians

    have done over the past 100 years -- because one man dared to dream.

    We're offering the special rate in honor of Foundation visionary Arch Klumph and his

    birthday of 6 June, as well as the $26.50 first contribution to the endowment fund that

    grew into The Rotary Foundation.

    Join us in Atlanta! Mark your calendar to take advantage of the special registration rate of $265, available only from 28 May to 6 June 2016 at riconvention.org


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    Canada & The Polio Story: A Will, A Way, And A Healthier World

    What connects $40 million, breakthroughs for global public health, and the future of Pakistan and Af-

    ghanistan’s children? The answer is Canada, which holds a special place in my heart.

    Today, I’m delighted to share the news of Canada’s latest contribution of C$40 million to Pakistan’s

    polio eradication program.

    As a past Chair of The Rotary Foundation as well as the International PolioPlus Chair, I have traveled

    often to polio-endemic countries, and now that group is down to just two countries, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Canada’s funds will help the World Health Organization and UNICEF to interrupt the trans-

    mission of polio in Pakistan and its neighbour this year. If this is achieved, we will be one huge leap closer to polio’s endgame.

    With this uplifting news, it’s worth reflecting on Canada’s role as a pioneer in fighting polio, which be-

    gan long before the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) )—one of the most successful public-private partnerships for global health-- even existed.

    You may wonder why Canada has been so committed to the cause of polio eradication for so long,

    given that it’s been almost three decades since Canada’s last case of polio. Well, the story begins in the 1950s, Canada’s initial innovation phase in the fight against polio, when the first polio vaccine was


    That first vaccine owes a lot to Canada, specifically to the unsung heroes at the University of Toron-

    to’s Connaught Laboratories (now Sanofi Pasteur) who met Jonas Salk’s need to produce enough quantities of his vaccine to conduct the largest medical experiment in history from 1954-55. With the

    help of the “Toronto technique”—a chemical process to mass produce a safe version of the vaccine—Salk’s field trials reached 1.8 million children in the U.S., Canada and Finland, and proved the safety

    of the first effective oral vaccine for polio.

    This set in motion the remarkable global progress against the disease. But Canada’s commitment to

    fighting polio didn’t stop there. Unfortunately, as we know too well, merely possessing a safe vaccine is not enough to eradicate a disease, and only one human disease in history (smallpox) has ever been

    completely wiped out, even though we possess effective vaccines for dozens of communicable diseas-


    Political leadership is also vital to the progress that has brought a 99.9% reduction in the global polio

    caseload over the last 30 years. Here again, Canada has led the way.


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    There once was a little boy who wanted to meet God. He knew it was a long trip to where God lived, so he

    packed his suitcase with Twinkies and a six-pack of root beer and started his journey. When he had gone

    about three blocks, he met an old woman. She was sitting in the park just staring at some pigeons.

    The boy sat down next to her and opened his suitcase. He was about to take a drink from his root beer

    when he noticed that the old lady looked hungry, so he offered her a Twinkie. She gratefully accepted it

    and smiled at him.

    Her smile was so pretty that the boy wanted to see it again, so he offered her a root beer. Once again she

    smiled at him. The boy was delighted! They sat there all afternoon eating and smiling, but they never said

    a word.

    As it grew dark, the boy realized how tired he was, and he got up to leave but before he had gone more

    than a few steps, he turned around, ran back to the old woman and gave her a hug. She gave him her

    biggest smile ever. When the boy opened the door to his own house a short time later, his mother was

    surprised by the look of joy on his face.

    She asked him, “What did you do today that made you so happy?” He replied, “I had lunch with God.” But,

    before his mother could respond, he added, “You know what? She’s got the most beautiful smile I’ve ever


    Meanwhile, the old woman, also radiant with joy, returned to her home. Her son was stunned by the look

    of peace on her face and he asked, “Mother, what did you do today that made you so happy?” She replied,

    “I ate Twinkies in the park with God.” But, before her son responded, she added, “You know, he’s much

    younger than I expected.”

    Little Boy’s Meeting With GOD...

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