18 h- jW [Boox I. trad. to be a remedy for every discase exce pt death, (TA,) i q. .j 1 lI [q. v.], (i,) as alE V aIat..JI, (TA,) [i. e.] this latter signifies 4i 4h;JI, (M,) or properly j.4)I, for thus th Arabs called it accord. to IA}r: or, as some gal i. q. l .Jl 'iJI [q. v. in art. ~], because ti Arabs [often] call black J. l, and green . (TA.)~ It is also used as an epithet denotin excess; but as such is anomalous, being forme from a verb whence the simple epithet is of th nmeasuro e; : so in the saying, J,. & .l.1$d [Blacker than the blacknes, or inten blackne, of the crow, or raven: see ejJ (I'Ak p. 237. [(ee also its contr. ,ia1, voc ual; and see ,Iar p. 286.]) ;i5.., fem. of .I, q. v., used as a subsl (S, M.) sle: ee ;jp.:I and I a nd a iJ..:- I l . I* ?_w1: rseeo %1, fourth sentence. .I, rel. n. of .. with the movent .re jected, Of, or relating to, [a blakeith colour, or a colour approachij to blaec. (L.) *A .* .. e. ./!I and ~$ 1: seeo .j., fourth sentence. l, A skin for clar;fJed butter, orfor konry (TA in this art. [See also art. ; and se ;l_ .in art. L.]) .,. One orer whom rule, or dominion, i exetled; or of whom unothelr is ,[or cAhic, lord, master, &c.]. (TA.) .- [act. part. n. of) .. I, q. v.:] with , i. e. s,:-:, A woman who bris forth black chil dren: the contr. is termed ,-- (Fr, 1] in art. W,) or, moro commonly) a.~... (O and TA in that art.) . IVater that is a caus of [the disease called] 1t, (M, ], TA) to such as drink it. (TA.) 1. - '/ . , , in the ]ur [xvi. 60 and xliii. 16], means t [His face becomes, or continues, or continum aU the day,] exprsiw tf srronw, or dixpleaswre. (Mgh. [See the verb, 9.]) And . means t [Days of] evil state or con- dition, and hardness, or dfficulty, of living. (lIar p. 304)_ [-'i. The first draught, or original copy, of a book, or the like: (not called 6*8* , ,* , j-; :) opposed to q. v.: probably post- clamical.] _. Guts (,;m~.) containing blood drawn by r~~ction firm a she-camel, bound at the head, roasted and eaten. (1Agr and ] as expl. by MF.) swjj,J1 The partisans of the dynasty of the 'Abbdwes; [so caUlled because they made their clothesblack;] opposed to the . ( and in qrL .) ;jl:. part. n. of . (1. (See 1, lut signifi. cation.]) 0o L ;.-, aor. , ($, M, E,) inf. ;,j-, (s,) or _ j., (M,) or both, (1,) or i", (Mgh,) [but this Le last is an inf. n. of un.,] He leaped or srang, Ys (?, M, A, Mgb, K,) s!i to, or towards, him, (, M, 1,) and *4s upon him. (A.) - lIe leayed, ;or sng, [Or committed an assault, upon . another,] like as he does who behaves in an annoy- ing manner towards his cup-companion in his d intoxication. (TA. [See also 3.]) -[Hence,] i 1> PZ1 ;,1 (;, M, A, KJ,) inf. n. L.C 2 and t. (M, K) and 4,, agreeably with the root, (M,) and ;1", (TA,) t [The witne ae uaulted, or rushed into, his head]: (A:) [or] the ine circulated in his head, and rose into it: (M, 1 :) or .jt ;CG, inf. n. j## and ;j, the t.wine had an overpoering it/lucnce upon the head: (Msb:) and b.wIl 1... Zo ; thefrc or ovrpowering in`uence, (;;Z,) [or fumes,] of the cup of wiNe mounted, or rose, to his head, or into his head. (TA in art. ~.) - And v1, > aor. as above, t He wao ang y. (Msb.) _ ] aor. as above, inf n. n.., also signifies lIe (a man) rose, or became elevated. (M.) * A .1 2 1 means I rose to him [upon the upiper, or upper- most, parts of the awal of the city or town &c.]. (TA.)- And one says to a man, , [Rise thou, ise tiwis, to eminence,] in enjoining aspira- wtion to the means of acquiring eminence, or nobility: (IA§r, 15,* TA:) from LSI_J1 ; meaning I ascended, or mounted, upon th walL (TA.) - See also 5, in two places. s4 M:] see 2 in art. pe. . 2. [j, inf. n. He walled a city or town &c. (See 2 in art. )A&..)] - See also 5. _ And i3;.., [in£ n. as above, (sce an ex. voce C A;1;,)] I put upon him [or decked him with] the jIg. [or bralts; or I decked him with bracelets]. (S.) 3. 5l signifies The laping, or sprnging, of two antagonists, each upon the other, or their arsaulting, or asailing, each other, in mutual fiJght. (Har p. 39.)_ And (1 , 1M, inf n. "j-C and t1;-, (M, 15,) He leaped, or sprang, upon him; he asaulted, or asailed, him; { syn. MIj. (1, N, ]5.) You say, ?L:S a,%ii [The .,rpent rngrs upon, or asgaults, t th rider]. (A.) And it is said in a trad. of t 'Omar, 1 ;l , meaning And I A was near to leaping upon hiim, or asaulting him, ' and fighting him, during praye. (TA.) [See a also 1.] You say alyo, JI u;;jL_ : [xieties o assaulted, or asailed, me]. (A.) Also i. q. 1 &.g& sI [which, as it is imentioned immediately afterjl:. in the last of the enses assigned to that word below, is app. aid of speech, or language,t meaning t It had an overpoering influence upon 6. *. He ascde,' or mounted, UpOn it; o (namely, a wall;) as also t.L , inf. n. ;: a (TA:) he climbed, ascended, or seakld, it, (namely, a wall,) like a thief; (IAgr, $,* M, A,* ,. TA;)as also i ;j; (M;)and *;;, inf. n. as above: (1g:) and he climbed, or ascended, and took, it; as also c, .J.3, and t 9.: (TA: [this last from a trad., in which, however, the verb is, in my opinion, probably mistranscribexl:]) he climbed, or ascended, its j_., [or wnall]. (B3! in xxxviii. 20.)~ Andj.3 lie piut on himself [or decked him~elf witA] the jl_ [or braclet; or he decked himself wit bracclet.]. (S.) 6. jL.J signifies The leaping, or rningity, one Nithi [or upon] another. (KL. [See also 3.]) _-And Q ;JIJ.J means ~ j; [I raised, or eletryted, l,y person to her, or it, or themR; or str,tched nstc'f upl &c.; like 4,jtl]. (TA.) 8. ;tr1: see ksp! in art. jj,, from which it is formed by transposition. ;j The wall of a city [or town &c.]: (S, M, A, Msb, 1 :) [properly] masc.; but Ibn-Jurmooz, in a verse, makes it fem., because it is a part of the 4.u.: (M :) pl. ;,.; (s, M, M,b, O1) and lje5..i. (e;, .) - And The upper, or uppermost, part of the head; occurring in a trad., as some relate it; or, accord. to others, it is t ;I ;. or O.1., which is said by some of the later authors to be the reading commonly known. (TA.).m See also ij.", in three places. ~And se jle . - Also An entertainment of a guett or ~g t; (1 ;) a relpst to whiceh eo~leare invited: (Abu- l-'Abbis, TA:) a Pers. word, honoured by the Prophet; (1.;) i. e. by his saying to his com- panions, as is related in a trad., M . 1 , 1$ 1./. [Arise ye, for Jdbir has made an enter- tainment, or a retpat]. Abu-l-'Abb/ss, TA.) [It is also the name of A species offiJ, called by Forskil (Flora Aegypt. Arab., pp. cxxiv. and 180,) ficus tiur, (not "mimosa sur," as in Freytag's Lex.,) observed by him at Jubleh, in El-Yemcn.] Jj. A lap, or *pring. (TA.) - t The amault of wine ulpon the head; or its rush into the head: and in like manner, the asault, or ruh, of venom, such as that of the sorpion: :) or the force, or st,'ength, of wine &e.; (M, I, Myb, and MF voce _ ;) as also ?;4.; (M, !;) and in like manner, of hunger: (Mqb:) ho overpocring in#uence of wine upon the ead: (Msb:) or t;jl, signifies the creeping of rine in the head: and - is said to signify the aatcult, or force, or intoxicating operation, or Otserp,er ng influence upon the head, (l,) Produced by the creeping of wine, in, or through, he driaker: and in like manner, {j; t jl- neans t a motion ofjoy like the creeing of wine , the head (TA.) - [t A paro"ysm of feer. -t An ebullition, a fircens, or an impetuo. ns, of anger; as when] one says j.J £ 1 tJ [ Verily hit anger ha an dnelition, a Jbe~ , r an impetuoumnem]: ($:) [t an outb~, or s,brea, of anger: and] t anger itself: [(or t a 1 (namciy, a wanj ithe a thief; (1Afr, ,0 M, A,' V.,* TA;) m also %&U' jjPj; (M;) and V in£ n. as above . (K.) and he climbed, or ascended, and took, it as also &,Jaj;J, and 11'O'~: (TA: [this last from a trad., in which, however, the verb is. in my opinion, probably mistranseribed:]) he climbed, or amen&d, iU j_g [or wall]. (Bd in xxxviii. 2O.) ~ And J;J 11e put on himsejf [or decked hip~lf witla] tJip il-w [or bi-actlet ; or he decketl ltimwlf bracekt.]. 6, --- 6. j.3Li signifies The lraping, or ".qing, one ivitis [or upon] anoliter. (KL. [See also 3J) -And Q #'Cj means , Q 'p *--- raised, or eletytted, ipty person to her, or it, or them ; or stretched n?,ymy'ul) &c. ; like (TA.) 8. 1 : am kslp, in art. jjd, from which it is forined by transimitioxi. The wall of a city [or town &c.]: M, A, Mqb, ].:) [properly] iiiasc. ; btat 1 hn-Jurmooz, in a verse, makes it fem., because it is a part of tile 4..: (M:) pi. (, M, Mqb, 1) and 'QS, ]-) -And The upper, or upper~, part of the licad; occurring in a tmd., as some relate it; or, aowrd. to others, it is or whicli is said by some of the later authors to be the 0, reading commonly known. (TA MEMB See also ij", in three places. ~And am Aloo An entertainment of a gumt or g~; (1;) a relost to witieh ~are incited: (Aba- IJAU6s, TA:) a Pers. word, honoured by the Prophet; (1;) i_ e. by his saying to his com- panions, as is related in a trad., p.;,* m [A;.ie ye, fop. Jdbir has 'm'-ade an mter- tainment, or a Abu-l-'Abb;ts, TA.)~ [It is also the nanic of A swrim of.fig, called by Fonkil (Flom Aegypt. Amb., pp. cxxiv. and 180J ficut mi., (iiot 11 miihosa stir," u in Freytag's Lex.,) observed by him at Jubleh, in. El-Yemen.] ij" A kap, or *pring. (TA.) -. t The mmult of wine iiljoki the head; or its ruM into !lw head: and in like maitner, die anault, or .uA, of venom. such as that of the amrpion . or the force, orstrenyth, of wine &c., (M, Mqb, and MF voce as alsorj (M, P;) and in like manner, of hunge!: (Mqb:) he o~wering inguence of wine upon the w,wd: (M8b:) or tj'IZ sign g ifies the c"*W of vine in tlw head: and ij" is said to signify the inatile., or form, or itifoxicating opemtim, or verpowering in tee-,) .fluence tipon th had, ('I" Produced ljy the creeping of wine, in, or thrmgh, he drbaker : ind in like manner, J V jf"-' neans t a motion ofjoy like tio ~ng of wine pi, the Amd. (TA.) - [t A pa"sm of~. An ebuRition, afwme", or an itnpetww& m, of anger; as when one says Verily his anger Am an ~ion, a jbrm~, r an impetuoumm]. ($:) [tan ou~, or m~/,, of anger: and] tanger itself: (or to 144

E,) 4i - StudyQuran · 2005. 11. 26. · and fighting him, during praye. (TA.) [See a also 1.] You say alyo, JI u;;jL_ : [xieties o assaulted, or asailed, me]. (A.) Also i. q. 1 &.g&

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  • 18 h- jW [Boox I.trad. to be a remedy for every discase exce pt death, (TA,) i q. .j 1lI [q. v.], (i,) as alE

    V aIat..JI, (TA,) [i. e.] this latter signifies 4i4h;JI, (M,) or properly j.4)I, for thus thArabs called it accord. to IA}r: or, as some gali. q. l .Jl 'iJI [q. v. in art. ~], because tiArabs [often] call black J. l, and green .(TA.)~ It is also used as an epithet denotinexcess; but as such is anomalous, being formefrom a verb whence the simple epithet is of thnmeasuro e; : so in the saying, J,. &.l.1$d [Blacker than the blacknes, or intenblackne, of the crow, or raven: see ejJ(I'Ak p. 237. [(ee also its contr. ,ia1, vocual; and see ,Iar p. 286.])

    ;i5.., fem. of .I, q. v., used as a subsl(S, M.)

    sle: ee ;jp.:I and I a nd a iJ..:- I .· l . I*

    ?_w1: rseeo %1, fourth sentence.

    .I, rel. n. of .. with the movent .rejected, Of, or relating to, [a blakeith colour, ora colour approachij to blaec. (L.)

    *A .* .. e../!I and ~$ 1: seeo .j., fourth sentence.

    l, A skin for clar;fJed butter, orfor konry(TA in this art. [See also art. ; and se;l_ .in art. L.])

    .,. One orer whom rule, or dominion, iexetled; or of whom unothelr is ,[or cAhic,lord, master, &c.]. (TA.)

    .- [act. part. n. of) .. I, q. v.:] with , i. e.

    s,:-:, A woman who bris forth black children: the contr. is termed ,-- (Fr, 1] in art.

    W,) or, moro commonly) a.~... (O and TAin that art.)

    . IVater that is a caus of [the diseasecalled] 1t, (M, ], TA) to such as drink it.(TA.)

    1. - '/ . , , in the ]ur [xvi. 60 and xliii.16], means t [His face becomes, or continues, orcontinum aU the day,] exprsiw tf srronw, ordixpleaswre. (Mgh. [See the verb, 9.]) And

    . means t [Days of] evil state or con-dition, and hardness, or dfficulty, of living.(lIar p. 304)_ [-'i. The first draught, ororiginal copy, of a book, or the like: (not called6*8* , ,* ,

    j-; :) opposed to q. v.: probably post-clamical.]

    _. Guts (,;m~.) containing blood drawn byr~~ction firm a she-camel, bound at the head,roasted and eaten. (1Agr and ] as expl. byMF.)

    swjj,J1 The partisans of the dynasty of the'Abbdwes; [so caUlled because they made theirclothesblack;] opposed to the . ( and in qrL .)

    ;jl:. part. n. of . (1. (See 1, lut signifi.cation.])

    0o L ;.-, aor. , ($, M, E,) inf. ;,j-, (s,) or_ j., (M,) or both, (1,) or i", (Mgh,) [but this

    Le last is an inf. n. of un.,] He leaped or srang,Ys (?, M, A, Mgb, K,) s!i to, or towards, him, (,

    M, 1,) and *4s upon him. (A.) - lIe leayed,;or sng, [Or committed an assault, upon. another,] like as he does who behaves in an annoy-

    ing manner towards his cup-companion in hisd intoxication. (TA. [See also 3.]) -[Hence,]

    i 1> PZ1 ;,1 (;, M, A, KJ,) inf. n.L.C 2 and t. (M, K) and 4,, agreeably with

    the root, (M,) and ;1", (TA,) t [The witneae uaulted, or rushed into, his head]: (A:) [or]the ine circulated in his head, and rose into it:(M, 1 :) or .jt ;CG, inf. n. j## and ;j, the

    t.wine had an overpoering it/lucnce upon the

    head: (Msb:) and b.wIl 1... Zo ; thefrcor ovrpowering in`uence, (;;Z,) [or fumes,] ofthe cup of wiNe mounted, or rose, to his head, orinto his head. (TA in art. ~.) - And v1,

    > aor. as above, t He wao ang y. (Msb.) _] aor. as above, inf n. n.., also signifies lIe (a

    man) rose, or became elevated. (M.)* A .1 2 1means I rose to him [upon the upiper, or upper-most, parts of the awal of the city or town &c.].(TA.)- And one says to a man, , [Risethou, ise tiwis, to eminence,] in enjoining aspira-

    wtion to the means of acquiring eminence, ornobility: (IA§r, 15,* TA:) from LSI_J1 ;meaning I ascended, or mounted, upon th walL(TA.) - See also 5, in two places. s4 M:]see 2 in art. pe.

    .2. [j, inf. n. He walled a city or town&c. (See 2 in art. )A&..)] - See also 5. _ Andi3;.., [in£ n. as above, (sce an ex. voce C A;1;,)]I put upon him [or decked him with] the jIg. [orbralts; or I decked him with bracelets]. (S.)

    3. 5l signifies The laping, or sprnging,of two antagonists, each upon the other, or theirarsaulting, or asailing, each other, in mutualfiJght. (Har p. 39.)_ And (1 , 1M,inf n. "j-C and t1;-, (M, 15,) He leaped, orsprang, upon him; he asaulted, or asailed, him; {syn. MIj. (1, N, ]5.) You say, ?L:S a,%ii

    [The .,rpent rngrs upon, or asgaults, tth rider]. (A.) And it is said in a trad. of t

    'Omar, 1 ;l , meaning And I Awas near to leaping upon hiim, or asaulting him, '

    and fighting him, during praye. (TA.) [See aalso 1.] You say alyo, JI u;;jL_ : [xieties oassaulted, or asailed, me]. (A.) Also i. q. 1

    &.g& sI [which, as it is imentioned immediately

    afterjl:. in the last of the enses assigned to that word below, is app. aid of speech, or language,tmeaning t It had an overpoering influence upon

    6. *. He ascde,' or mounted, UpOn it; o(namely, a wall;) as also t.L , inf. n. ;: a

    (TA:) he climbed, ascended, or seakld, it,(namely, a wall,) like a thief; (IAgr, $,* M,A,* ,. TA;)as also i ;j; (M;)and *;;,inf. n. as above: (1g:) and he climbed, orascended, and took, it; as also c, .J.3, andt 9.: (TA: [this last from a trad., in which,however, the verb is, in my opinion, probablymistranscribexl:]) he climbed, or ascended, itsj_., [or wnall]. (B3! in xxxviii. 20.)~ Andj.3lie piut on himself [or decked him~elf witA] thejl_ [or braclet; or he decked himself witbracclet.]. (S.)

    6. jL.J signifies The leaping, or rningity,one Nithi [or upon] another. (KL. [See also 3.])

    _-And Q ;JIJ.J means ~ j; [Iraised, or eletryted, l,y person to her, or it, orthemR; or str,tched nstc'f upl &c.; like 4,jtl].(TA.)

    8. ;tr1: see ksp! in art. jj,, from which itis formed by transposition.

    ;j The wall of a city [or town &c.]: (S, M,A, Msb, 1 :) [properly] masc.; but Ibn-Jurmooz,in a verse, makes it fem., because it is a part of

    the 4.u.: (M :) pl. ;,.; (s, M, M,b, O1) andlje5..i. (e;, .) - And The upper, or uppermost,

    part of the head; occurring in a trad., as somerelate it; or, accord. to others, it is t ;I ;. orO.1., which is said by some of the later authorsto be the reading commonly known. (TA.).mSee also ij.", in three places. ~And se jle .- Also An entertainment of a guett or ~g t;(1 ;) a relpst to whiceh eo~leare invited: (Abu-l-'Abbis, TA:) a Pers. word, honoured by theProphet; (1.;) i. e. by his saying to his com-panions, as is related in a trad., M . 1 ,1$ 1./. [Arise ye, for Jdbir has made an enter-tainment, or a retpat]. Abu-l-'Abb/ss, TA.)[It is also the name of A species offiJ, called byForskil (Flora Aegypt. Arab., pp. cxxiv. and180,) ficus tiur, (not "mimosa sur," as inFreytag's Lex.,) observed by him at Jubleh, inEl-Yemcn.]

    Jj. A lap, or *pring. (TA.) - t Theamault of wine ulpon the head; or its rush into

    the head: and in like manner, the asault, orruh, of venom, such as that of the sorpion:

    :) or the force, or st,'ength, of wine &e.; (M,

    I, Myb, and MF voce _ ;) as also ?;4.; (M,!;) and in like manner, of hunger: (Mqb:)ho overpocring in#uence of wine upon theead: (Msb:) or t;jl, signifies the creeping ofrine in the head: and - is said to signify theaatcult, or force, or intoxicating operation, orOtserp,er ng influence upon the head, (l,)Produced by the creeping of wine, in, or through,he driaker: and in like manner, {j; t jl-neans t a motion ofjoy like the creeing of wine, the head (TA.) - [t A paro"ysm of feer.

    -t An ebullition, a fircens, or an impetuo.ns, of anger; as when] one says j.J £ 1 tJ[ Verily hit anger ha an dnelition, a Jbe~ ,

    r an impetuoumnem]: ($:) [t an outb~, ors,brea, of anger: and] t anger itself: [(or t a




























    a thief; (1Afr, �,0 M,


    V.,* TA;) m also %&U' jjPj; (M;) and V


    n. as above . (K.) and he climbed, or


    and took, it as also &,Jaj;J, and


    (TA: [this last from a trad., in which,


    the verb is. in my opinion, probably


    he climbed, or amen&d, iU


    [or wall]. (Bd in xxxviii. 2O.) ~ And J;J


    put on himsejf [or decked hip~lf witla] tJip


    [or bi-actlet ; or he decketl ltimwlf




    j.3Li signifies The lraping, or ".qing,


    ivitis [or upon] anoliter. (KL. [See also 3J)


    Q #'Cj means , Q 'p *---


    or eletytted, ipty person to her, or it, or


    ; or stretched n?,ymy'ul) &c. ; like



    1 : am kslp��, in art. jjd, from which it


    forined by transimitioxi.


    wall of a city [or town &c.]: M,


    Mqb, ]�.:) [properly] iiiasc. ; btat 1 hn-Jurmooz,


    a verse, makes it fem., because it is a part of


    4.�.: (M:) pi. (�, M, Mqb, 1�) and


    ]�-) -And The upper, or upper~,


    of the licad; occurring in a tmd., as some


    it; or, aowrd. to others, it is or


    is said by some of the later authors


    be the 0, reading commonly known. (TA MEMB


    also ij", in three places. ~And am


    An entertainment of a gumt or g~;


    a relost to witieh ~are incited: (Aba-


    TA:) a Pers. word, honoured by the


    (1�;) i_ e. by his saying to his com-


    as is related in a trad., p.;,* m


    ye, fop. Jdbir has 'm'-ade an mter-


    or a Abu-l-'Abb;ts, TA.)~



    also the nanic of A swrim of.fig, called by


    (Flom Aegypt. Amb., pp. cxxiv. and


    ficut mi., (iiot 11 miihosa stir," u in


    Lex.,) observed by him at Jubleh, in.



    A kap, or *pring. (TA.) -. t The


    of wine iiljoki the head; or its ruM into


    head: and in like maitner, die anault, or


    of venom. such as that of the amrpion .


    the force, orstrenyth, of wine &c., (M,


    and MF voce as alsorj (M,


    and in like manner, of hunge!: (Mqb:)


    o~wering inguence of wine upon the


    (M8b:) or tj'IZ� sign


    ifies the c"*W of


    in tlw head: and ij" is said to signify the


    or form, or itifoxicating opemtim, or


    in tee-,)


    tipon th had, ('I"


    ljy the creeping of wine, in, or thrmgh,


    drbaker : ind in like manner, �J� V jf"-'


    t a motion ofjoy like tio ~ng of wine


    the Amd. (TA.) - [t A pa"sm of~.


    ebuRition, afwme", or an itnpetww&


    of anger; as when one says


    his anger Am an ~ion, a jbrm~,


    an impetuoumm]. ($:) [tan ou~, or


    of anger: and] tanger itself: (or to
