Dyson May 25 · 2015-06-22 · Mid-Hudson Energy Smart Hudson Energy Smart Communities / Mission Energy efficiency: “15 by 15” means reducing electric use by 15 percent from forecasted

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MANAGEMENTPatrice Courtney Strong

Mid-Hudson Energy Smart Communities/ NYSERDA


� Using innovation and technology to solve some

of New York's most difficult energy and

environmental problems in ways that improve the

State's economy.

� Goals: Build consumer demand for energy-efficient

products and services via:

� Technical assistance

� Loans and $$ Incentives

MidMid--Hudson Energy Smart Hudson Energy Smart Communities / MissionCommunities / Mission

� Energy efficiency: “15 by 15” means reducing electric use

by 15 percent from forecasted levels by 2015

� Renewable power generation

� Solar, Wind, Biofuels, Geothermal� Solar, Wind, Biofuels, Geothermal

� Economic development in Hudson Valley

� New jobs for New Yorkers

� Home Performance Contractors, HERS raters,

solar & wind installers

� Affordable utilities for businesses, homeowners

Courtney Strong Inc.

Promoting NYSERDA’s Energy $mart Communities in:

� Mid-Hudson

� Capital/Saratoga

� Bronx/Westchester



Tightening Tightening

and Shrinking


Limited Workforce



NYSERDA for NonNYSERDA for Non--ProfitsProfits

� Small Commercial Energy Audit

� Flexible Technical Assistance

� Existing Facilities

New Construction� New Construction

� Renewable Energy – Solar, Wind, Biomass

� Multifamily Program/Home Performance with ENERGY STAR

Small Commercial Energy AuditSmall Commercial Energy Audit

� Designed for any small business, non-profit, town, or house of worship

Focus on Energy Efficient Measures � Focus on Energy Efficient Measures

� Energy Bill $25K or less – $100

� Energy Bills $75K or less – $400

� Fee returned when measures are installed

Small Commercial Energy AuditSmall Commercial Energy Audit

� Objective:

� Help make informed decisions

� Install energy efficient systems

� Lower operating costs � Lower operating costs

� Audit Report Includes:

� Detailed recommendations

� Cost estimates

� Annual savings

� Simple payback analysis

Flex Tech / Technical Assistance Flex Tech / Technical Assistance

� Technical Assistance

� Implementation Assistance

Energy Feasibility

�Combined Heat & Power/Renewable

Generation Studies

� Energy Feasibility Studies

� Energy Efficiency Retro-Commissioning

� Peak-Load Reduction

�Energy Master Plans

�Energy Advisor Consulting

Flex TechFlex Tech

�Choose from 42 engineering firms

�Scope of work developed by NYSERDA Project Manager and NYSERDA Project Manager and Engineering Firm

�50/50 Cost Share with NYSERDA

Technical AssistanceTechnical Assistance

� Organization uses own service provider

� Organization & engineer submit application and detailed work scopeapplication and detailed work scope

� Organization pays 100% study cost

� NYSERDA reimburses customer 50% upon approval of final report

ENERGY STARENERGY STAR® ® Portfolio ManagerPortfolio Manager

� Benchmark: facilities, current operations, carbon footprint

Identify/prioritize energy initiatives� Identify/prioritize energy initiatives�Low cost, immediate

�Longer term, need established

�Longer term, to be investigated


Energy Master Planning Energy Master Planning

� Analyze Green Power purchasing options

� Centrally coordinate planned upgrades to incorporate energy efficiency incorporate energy efficiency


�New construction

� Develop long-term planning document aimed at sustainability, energy efficiency, and reliability

Existing Facilities ProgramExisting Facilities Program

� Pre-Qualified Incentives


� Performance Based Incentives

� (kW avoidance)






�Commercial Kitchen Equipment

�Electric Efficiency

�Gas Efficiency

�Demand Response

�Combined Heat/Power

Combined Heat and Power Combined Heat and Power GenerationGeneration

� Can significantly improve efficiency of electrical and heating systems

� Use same fuel combustion to produce thermal energy for heating and electricity

� CHP fuel savings are typically 35% higher than standard power stations and heat-only boilers

� CHP plants are 70–90% efficient, compared to efficiencies of 33–60% for standard power plants

Eligible through other NYSERDA programs:

Fuel cells, microturbines, systems smaller than 250 kW

Existing Facilities Existing Facilities Program ProcessProgram Process

1. Application (Customer or Contractor)

2. NYSERDA Reviews Application

3. Applicant submits Engineering Analysis

4. NYSERDA Consultant Reviews Analysis/Pre-Site InspectionInspection

5. Applicant Completes Project

6. Applicant notifies NYSERDA consultant /Schedule Post-Site Inspection

7. NYSERDA Consultant Conducts Site Visit/Collects Final Deliverables

8. NYSERDA Provides Payment

Existing FacilitiesExisting Facilities

� Easy participation process

� Minimum efficiencies set above standard practice

� Check efficiency requirements to make sure to choose eligible equipmentchoose eligible equipment

� NYSERDA will review for:

� Eligibility

� Conduct site visit

� Provide payment

New Construction ProgramNew Construction Program

� Apply early, before schematic design.

� NYSERDA pays for first $10K in TA

� If more, cost-share up to $100K� If more, cost-share up to $100K

� $$$ based on energy savings

� Up to 60% of incremental costs to build above energy code

� 75% incremental cost - Green Building

New Construction/ New Construction/ Substantial RenovationSubstantial Renovation

� Design incentives for exceeding code

� Green Building Services – Up to $50K

� Custom measures – max. $65K

� More $$ if LEED certified project

Energy ModelingEnergy ModelingNew ConstructionNew Construction

� Valuable diagnostic tool

� Evaluating design decisions before construction and operational issues after constructionand operational issues after construction

� Confirms design meets energy goal

� Gives examples and projections to help make case for high performance construction

� Can provide annual energy use data






Renewable Energy GenerationRenewable Energy Generation

� Reduce need to purchase energy

Directly supply electricity to buildings� Directly supply electricity to buildings

� Produce electricity to sell back to utilities

�Via NYS Net Metering

Photovoltaic Photovoltaic Energy GenerationEnergy Generation

� Modular—any size

� Designed to offset electricity purchases

Mounted on � Mounted on roofs/ground

� Warranties of 25+ years

Solar PV Incentives/ Solar PV Incentives/ Net MeteringNet Metering

Incentives vary between 15-70 % of installed cost

Net Metering- Effective 2009

� Commercial – $3/watt up to first 40 kW � Commercial – $3/watt up to first 40 kW

�$2/watt after first 40 kW up to max 80 kW per site/meter

� Not-for-Profit - $5 per watt up to first 25 kW then $4kW, up to max 50 kW per site/meter

Wind Energy GenerationWind Energy Generation

�10 mph + average wind speed (4.4 m/s)

�Consult AWS Truewind map

� Arrange permits to install and operate tower, turbines

� Assess wildlife, noise, historical, cultural, and visual impacts

Wind IncentivesWind Incentives

� Incentives vary between 15-70 % of installed cost

� Paid to eligible installers

� Base incentive levels for onsite small wind� Base incentive levels for onsite small wind

� Incentive levels vary depend on

�size of wind generation system

� tower height

�class of customer

Wind IncentivesWind Incentives


� X 1 Residences, Businesses, Institutional, Government

� X 1.2 Commercial Farms, Not-for- Profits, Municipalities or Counties Municipalities or Counties

� Paid in two installments

� 65% of the incentive paid after equipment is delivered and all required permits, approvals, are secured

� Final 35% is paid when wind system is grid-connected and approved by your utility

Wind Energy Tool Kit Wind Energy Tool Kit

� Comprehensive Plan

� Sample Ordinance Standards

� Biological/Other Environmental Impacts

�Legal Guidebook for Landowners

�Lease Agreements

� Identification & Land Environmental Impacts

� Electrical Grid and Wind Generation

� Wind Turbine Technology

� Identification & Land Requirements

�Types of Permits and Approvals Needed

�Small/Large Wind Fact Sheet


Geothermal Heat Pump Geothermal Heat Pump Energy GenerationEnergy Generation

� Incentives available through:

�New Construction

�Existing Facilities Program

�New York Energy $mart Loan Fund/homeowners

� Recommended: IGSHPA Certified Installer (International Ground Source Heat Pump Association)

Geothermal SystemsGeothermal Systems

� Couple the building's HVAC system to earth

� Provides nearly constant temperature source

� Eliminate need for boilers, cooling towers etc.Eliminate need for boilers, cooling towers etc.

� Best in buildings with both heating and cooling needs

� Energy can be efficiently recovered



Energy Performance ContractsEnergy Performance Contracts

Interest Rates Can be taxable or tax exempt

Financing Terms Typically 10 years

Other Costs Engineering

Approval Process RFP usually required, internal approval

Approval Time Flexible- Decision made by Institution

Funding Flexibility Flexible- Decision made by Institution

Budget Used Operating

Greatest Benefit Performance Guarantee

Greatest Challenge Identifying Project, Selecting Energy Service Provider

Performance Contracting Performance Contracting

� Energy Services Company (ESCO) assumes performance risk for developing upgrade work at identified facilitiesat identified facilities

� Compensation is directly tied to savings and performance results

� Method of performance measurement is chosen

Performance Contracting Performance Contracting BenefitsBenefits

� Costs of improvements are self-funded

� via energy and operating savings

� More modern, improved facilities with better � More modern, improved facilities with better occupant comfort

� Improve awareness in energy use and environmental responsibility

� Support from NYSERDA, US DoE

Benefits of Performance Benefits of Performance ContractingContracting

� Little or No Up-front Funding

� Allows Replacement of

� Guaranteed Performance

� Eliminates Technical and Financial RisksReplacement of

Outdated Equipment

� Helps Define, Acquire O&M Services

Financial Risks

� Allows Future Energy/ Operational Cost Avoidance Now


� Focused on Upgrading Facilities

� Conserve Energy, Improve Infrastructure

� Contract to Uncover and Address Needs� Contract to Uncover and Address Needs

� Design, Installation, Build, Monitor, Service

� Communications, Training & Awareness

� Measurement & Verification (M&V)

� Performance Guarantee

ESCO Types ESCO Types

� Manufacturers (Johnson, Trane, Siemens, Honeywell) � Interested in long-term facility partnerships� Expertise in training, maintenance and “long-term”


� Utility-Owned, Non-Regulated (Select, Vestar, Sempra, ConEd)� Interested in retail supply contracts� Expertise in providing power & gas

� Independent ESCOs more like general contractors� Get job done, get paid, complete obligations




Ulster County Community College

� Energy conservation project with Johnson

Controls, Inc.

� Aim: reduce costs/greenhouse gas


� Est. annual cost savings $210K

�Est. Total Cost of Project $2.6 M /Loan Fund: $2.3 M

�Est. payback period 15 years offset by annual savings

�Expected to lower University’s annual carbon dioxide emissions

by 537 metric tons

Ulster County Community College

� Project includes:

� solar domestic hot water system

� high efficiency lighting

� improved building insulation

� new energy management system

� installation of efficient equipment to control ventilation and


New Construction New Construction Delmar PlaceDelmar Place

� 94 unit assisted-living residence facility/Delmar, NY

� Recommendations included:

� High efficiency water-source heat pump system

� Variable frequency drives on pump and fan motors� Variable frequency drives on pump and fan motors

� Improved insulation, windows

� Heat recovery system

� High-efficiency lighting

Delmar: Incentives and Results Delmar: Incentives and Results

� NYSERDA’s incentive = $277,668

� Annual energy savings of 683,000 kWh

� Peak demand savings of 119 kW in summer and � Peak demand savings of 119 kW in summer and 175 kW in winter

� Annual cost savings of $78,000

� 1.66-year simple payback on owner’s investment

New Construction New Construction -- Equinox, Inc.Equinox, Inc.

� Not-for-Profit Shelter

� Provides assistance to homeless youths, troubled families

� Renovate 11,000 square foot building

� Objective:

� Implement energy efficient measures

� Reduce energy costs

� Provide residents, staff with comfortable environment

Equinox, Inc. Equinox, Inc. –– Incentives Incentives

� Recommendations:

� Zoned HVAC systems

� High-efficiency cooling equipment

Low-E windows � Low-E windows

� Occupancy sensors

� NYSERDA incentive= $12,788

� $4,224 (42,241 kWh) in annual electrical energy savings

ARRA Stimulus Information

� www.nyserda.org/economicrecovery/default.asp

� $123M from DOE to NYSERDA for State Energy Plan

� For municipalities, hospitals, schools, non-profits

� Criteria:

� Jobs created

� Energy saved

� Renewable energy installed

� GHG emissions reduced

� Funds leveraged

Types of Projects Sought - SEP

� Priority: Annual savings of >10 million source BTUs saved per $1,000 spent.

� Turn-key projects such as those offered by ESCOs and other entities such as New York ESCOs and other entities such as New York Power Authority.

� Performance project packages: audits, design, project management, implementation, commissioning

Stimulus Updates

� www.nyserda.org/economicrecovery/listserv.asp

Patrice Courtney StrongMid-Hudson Energy $mart Communities

[email protected]: 845-331-2238Cell: 914-338-7412

3 Field CourtKingston, NY 12401