Dynamic Discipleship: A Life Journey Of Choosing To A September 2013 Small Group Experience Last Revised: 8.27.13

Dynamic Discipleship€¦ · Dynamic Discipleship Overview & Schedule OVERVIEW The goal of Dynamic Discipleship is to encourage each of us to choose to be LOVING, GROWING, SERVING

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Page 1: Dynamic Discipleship€¦ · Dynamic Discipleship Overview & Schedule OVERVIEW The goal of Dynamic Discipleship is to encourage each of us to choose to be LOVING, GROWING, SERVING

Dynamic Discipleship: A Life Journey Of Choosing To

A September 2013 Small Group Experience

Last Revised: 8.27.13

Page 2: Dynamic Discipleship€¦ · Dynamic Discipleship Overview & Schedule OVERVIEW The goal of Dynamic Discipleship is to encourage each of us to choose to be LOVING, GROWING, SERVING
Page 3: Dynamic Discipleship€¦ · Dynamic Discipleship Overview & Schedule OVERVIEW The goal of Dynamic Discipleship is to encourage each of us to choose to be LOVING, GROWING, SERVING

Dynamic Discipleship Overview & Schedule

OVERVIEW The goal of Dynamic Discipleship is to encourage each of us to choose to be LOVING, GROWING, SERVING disciples who choose to live as Jesus lived and do as Jesus did. We hope this goal will be accomplished by having an intentional small group experience built around dialogue and community. These sessions are being designed to help each group explore and experience more deeply the power of God’s grace. Several sources were used by the Discipleship Ministries of FBC to uniquely craft this Love-Grow-Serve small group experience. During this process, we hope that each group and each person will experience discipleship and grow more deeply as disciples. Enjoy!! Brint SCHEDULE Session 1 Overview & Introduction Week of September 8 Session 2 LOVE Week of September 15 Session 3 GROW Week of September 22 Session 4 SERVE Week of September 29 AGENDA FOR EACH SESSION Each session will have three major parts: Start It Up, Fire It Up, Wrap It Up. Start It Up—Will be a time for icebreakers, fellowship, getting to know one another, and introduction to that particular session. It will end with the reading of Scripture together to setup the faith conversation that is to follow. Fire It Up—Questions, games, exercises, key points, etc. related to that particular session. These efforts are designed to create conversation and contemplation. The goal is that each person and the group will wrestle with the subject of the session. Wrap It Up—Final questions, parting thoughts, etc. The topic of the session will be “wrapped up” and a closing prayer or prayer exercise will finish the session.

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Page 4: Dynamic Discipleship€¦ · Dynamic Discipleship Overview & Schedule OVERVIEW The goal of Dynamic Discipleship is to encourage each of us to choose to be LOVING, GROWING, SERVING
Page 5: Dynamic Discipleship€¦ · Dynamic Discipleship Overview & Schedule OVERVIEW The goal of Dynamic Discipleship is to encourage each of us to choose to be LOVING, GROWING, SERVING

As you facilitate the discussion, do your best to focus less on task and more on process. As much as possible, focus more on our relationship with God and others and less on “knowing” and “doing” the right things so to speak. Try to do the following each week: Focus more on the experience and less on the task. While we want learning to take place, we also

want faith conversations that are guided by the Holy Spirit. Conversation is more important than finishing the material.

Focus more on the questions raised and less on the answers. Work hard to avoid the "right

answer" approach. Rather, encourage the discussion of many possible answers even if they may be questionable or even wrong.

Focus more on listening and less on talking. Often, we as leaders or facilitators want to control

the conversation. Resist this temptation and let the members of the group speak. Do whatever you can to allow for conversation.

Focus more on accepting and less on judging. Often, we want to "win people over" or even win a

debate. The Truth is important but a truth as advocated by us is not. We may be right or wrong but that is not the point. The point is to let the Holy Spirit do the convicting and convincing.

Focus more on respecting and less on fixing. Often, we want to "fix the problems" and issues

people are facing. However, we would better serve the participants and our world if we would focus more on helping others solve problems rather than telling them how to "fix them."

Focus more on God and less on politics. Often, we think that God is exactly like us and has our

exact views. Our discussions together should focus on the Kingdom of God, not the politics of the world. Politics are always changing, but God remains the same.

Focus more on silence and less on noise. Often, we as leaders or teachers are uncomfortable

with silence. We should not become concerned if silence happens but should welcome it. Silence, while at times uncomfortable, can also help us become more centered on God. If we jump to making noise or talking then we or someone else may miss God's message.

Make sure to block out extra time for preparation each week. Depending on your level of

comfort and expertise in leading small groups, it would be a good idea to schedule at least 2-3 hours for planning and preparation before each session.

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Dynamic Discipleship The Role of Facilitator

Page 6: Dynamic Discipleship€¦ · Dynamic Discipleship Overview & Schedule OVERVIEW The goal of Dynamic Discipleship is to encourage each of us to choose to be LOVING, GROWING, SERVING

It is important that your group listen together, learn together, and live it out together. While only 4-weeks, we hope this experience will help you develop a deeper sense of Christian community as well as a stronger appreciation for community. To help this listen, learn, and live happen, try to do the following each week: Priority: Block the time on your calendar and make sure you give time for the group and some

time for preparation. Participate: In order for this experience to be meaning for you and others, participate in the

discussion and do not let anyone dominate it. Respect:: Give respect to every person and their opinions. Right and wrong are not the focus,

relationships and faith building are. Confidentiality: What gets shared in the group stays in the group. If something needs to be

shared then get permission. Care & Concern: Care for every participant in the group and be willing to meet or take action

beyond the group meeting. Be concerned for everyone and work to create safe environment. Accountability: You should try to process the material together and with your group. You must

be willing to hold others accountable as well as be accountable. Ministry: As an individual and even as a group be willing to enter into ministry opportunities

together. In 4-weeks this may not happen but be open to it. God works all the time! Transformation: Take time to regularly assess your life and how it is lining up with this

experience. Encourage others in their pursuit of Christlikeness. *Adapted from Life Connections by Serendipity House small group tools and guides.

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Dynamic Discipleship The Role of the Group

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START IT UP (30-45 Minutes) Icebreaker (Facilitator & Participants; 10-15 Minutes)

EVERYONE start by reflecting on these questions. After a time of reflection, your facilitator

will ask everyone to share their thoughts. Take each question one at a time and then move on.

There are not any “right” or “wrong” answers. You may also choose to pass.

1. Why have you decided to participate in this small group experience?

2. In your own words, what does Dynamic mean?

3. In your own words, what does Discipleship mean?

A Game Of Definitions (Facilitator Directs; 20-30 Minutes)

Facilitator says: Dynamic Discipleship is focused on a journey for a lifetime, not on a one-time

event (examples: I was saved on this date, baptized on this date, married on this date, etc.).

To better understand what Dynamic Discipleship is or can be, we need some basic definitions.

Dynamic: Social, intellectual, or moral forces that produce activity and

change in a given sphere.

Discipleship: The process of following the teaching of another. The process of

embracing the teachings of Jesus so that we take on the character of Jesus

to such a degree that we intentionally spread His teachings to others.

As a group, work together to develop a group definition of Dynamic Discipleship. Please write

down final version in the space below. Please be prepared to share at a later date. Facilitator,

please send Brint a copy of your work.

READ TOGETHER: John 15:1-17

Dynamic Discipleship Session One: What Is Dynamic Discipleship?

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5. Some key points we can learn about Discipleship from John 15:

Discipleship is PROCESS, not a product.

Discipleship REQUIRES growth.

Discipleship is an INTENTIONAL process.

Discipleship expects COMPASSIONATE action.

Facilitator: take a few minutes to lead the group in a discussion about these key points from

John 15. Some key questions are:

Do you agree or disagree with these points? Why or why not?

How intentional do we need to be?

What does compassionate action look like?


WRAP IT UP (5-10 Minutes)

Facilitator: Help your group process the following statements and questions.

6. A Simple Discipleship process from John 15 and all of Scripture is:

Choosing to LOVE, GROW, SERVE

7. What is needed to make Dynamic Discipleship more important in your life?

8. Any final thoughts or question?

9. Close In Prayer

FIRE IT UP (20-30 Minutes)

Facilitator: Guide the discussion and encourage each participant to work through the

questions and give responses when called upon.

4. Write below some key words or phrases that stand out in John 15 that help you

understand Discipleship better. After everyone has worked on this for a few minutes,

the facilitator will lead your group in a time of reflection and sharing.

Page 9: Dynamic Discipleship€¦ · Dynamic Discipleship Overview & Schedule OVERVIEW The goal of Dynamic Discipleship is to encourage each of us to choose to be LOVING, GROWING, SERVING

START IT UP (15-20 Minutes)

Icebreaker (Facilitator and Participants; 10-15 Minutes)

EVERYONE start by reflecting on these questions. After a time of reflection, your facilitator

will ask you and everyone else to share your thoughts. Take each question one at a time and

then move on. There are not any “right” or “wrong” answers. You may also choose to pass.

1. In your own words, what does LOVE look like?

2. Why is love important?

3. How do love and discipleship go together?

READ TOGETHER: Colossians 3:1-17

FIRE IT UP (35-45 Minutes)

A Game of Words (The Facilitator Directs)

Facilitator: lead the group to ponder the significance of the words in Colossians. Have

everyone write down their thoughts. Keep the conversation flowing and moving.

4. Below are some key words and/or phrases from Colossians 3 that help us understand

discipleship. How do they help you better understand discipleship and especially love?

New resurrection life Look up...be alert

You’re done with the old life New wardrobe

Custom-made Everyone is defined by Christ

Life of love Wear love

Compassion Kindness

Humility Quiet strength

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Dynamic Discipleship Session Two: What’ s Love Got To Do With It?

Page 10: Dynamic Discipleship€¦ · Dynamic Discipleship Overview & Schedule OVERVIEW The goal of Dynamic Discipleship is to encourage each of us to choose to be LOVING, GROWING, SERVING

5. Love is critical to dynamic discipleship. As a group, why do you think it is important?

Discuss together and make sure everyone gets a chance to give their opinion.

Record some of the opinions below.

Facilitator: lead the group to go back to the words found in Colossians 3. Lead the group to

think more deeply about the power of love. Break the group into smaller groups of 2 or 3.

Have each smaller group discuss these statements about love. After 5-10 minutes, the

facilitator will bring the discussion to a close.

Love is the foundation upon which our faith is built

Love is from Christ and can only be fully understood through Christ

Love gives us the power to overcome all things

Love is the garment of God that is to cover our lives

Love is intentional and unconditional

Love is a command, not a suggestion

Love must be given way

WRAP IT UP (10-15 Minutes)

Facilitator: lead each group of 2 or 3 to care for one another through prayer. Have each

member share within their group of 2 or 3 one relational challenge or conflict. Take turns

praying for one another, remembering the concerns that have been shared.

6. Come back together as one group and close in prayer by reading together the words of

Jesus in John 17:25-26:

Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.

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START IT UP (25-35 Minutes)

Icebreaker—Responsible Me (Facilitator & Participants)

Facilitator: lead the discussion and make sure everyone is given an opportunity to participate.

Go around the group and let everyone share about question 1. Do the same for question 2.

1. Which of the following were you responsible for as a child? (check all that apply).

___ caring for younger sibling ___ yard work

___ cleaning my room ___ farm chores

___ seemingly everything! ___ nothing

2. What do you dislike being responsible for today?

___ making important decisions ___ picking up after others

___ balancing checkbook ___ other people’s happiness

___ myself! ___ Other: _________________

Whether we like it or not, growing up is a natural part of our lives. Some of us do it better

than others but nonetheless we all do it. We cannot be a 3-year old forever...although there

are more than a few adults who can give a 3-year old a run for their money!

Our faith, particularly our discipleship, is the same thing. God expects everyone who becomes

a Christ-Follower to also “grow up” in their faith. God, through His Son and the Holy Spirit,

expects continual transformation. In 2 Cor. 5:17, we are assured of this need for newness and

growth. It says “If anyone is in Christ, he [or she] is a new creation; the old has gone, the new

has come!” In short, we are all called to “grow up” and continually be growing. Let’s take

some time now to ponder growing and what that should mean for a Christian.

Facilitator: lead the group to discuss together the following questions. As always, give

everyone a chance to share but keep the discussion moving.

3. In general, what does it mean to grow up?

4. What does growing up look like for a Christian?

5. Why is growing up an important part of discipleship?

READ TOGETHER: Ephesians 4:1-16 Page 8

Dynamic Discipleship Session Three: Growing In Christ?

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FIRE IT UP (20-30 Minutes)

6. Ponder the following words and phrases from Ephesians 4.

How do they help you understand discipleship better?

Facilitator: lead the group to share their ponderings of the words and phrases from above.

Give plenty of time for this discussion. Dig deeper on those words or phrases that seem

difficult to understand or may need more attention.

Facilitator: after everyone has been given plenty of time to share, break the large group into

smaller groups of two or three. Have each group of two or three discuss amongst themselves

the following question:

7. How does “one God and Father of all, who rules over all, works through all, and is present in all” impact your life? If not, why not?

WRAP IT UP (10-15 Minutes)

Facilitator: lead large group to ponder some of the following verses from Ephesians 4.

8. Growing is critical to dynamic discipleship because:

We are meant to mature and be expanding our horizons

...fully mature adults, fully developed within and without... Discipleship necessitates movement and growth is movement

...all moving rhythmically and easily with each other... We are commanded to be like Christ and that is an ongoing process

...to know the whole truth and tell it in love—like Christ in everything… Growing helps us discover life and how to be alive.

...fully alive like Christ….We take our lead from Christ Growing expands our understanding of love and our ability to give love away

...nourishing us so that we will grow up healthy in God, robust in love...

9. Close In Prayer

*ALL Scriptures on this page from The Message Paraphrase. Page 9


Prisoner for the Master

Humility & Discipline

One Master, one faith, one baptism,

One God and Father of all

Permeated with Oneness

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START IT UP Group Exercise (Facilitators & Participants; Based on real experiences at FBCJC & other churches)

Facilitator: have the group read together the case study. Give everyone a few minutes to

consider the situation and then have them answer for themselves the following questions.

Everyone is a part of the committee mentioned in the case study. Each person should process

the situation and then share with the group. Facilitator will act as “Committee Chair” but

everyone will be given plenty of time to participate.

The Situation:

Over the last few weeks and months, the requests for benevolence assistance has

dramatically gone up. Money set aside for benevolence and needs-based ministry is

quickly depleted. Often the benevolence offering taken once a month is gone within

12 hours of receipt. Recently, several benevolence situations have arisen on Sunday

mornings when the offices are not open and everyone, especially ministerial staff, are

busy. Some examples are: need for money for bus tickets to get to work and/or family

in another city, food for a family for the day, temporary shelter for several individuals

and families, gas to get to and from work, help with utility bills. These requests are real

and the requests for help with these and other needs keep growing.

Your Assignment:

Your group are all members of the Benevolence Team. A meeting by your Team

Leader (the facilitator) has been called. The purpose of your meeting is to figure out

how to respond to these rising needs. Besides the random benevolence requests that

are on the rise, a local food bank focused on providing food for local families that

are starving needs $10,000 to cover food costs for next month.

Facilitator: Before tackling this dilemma as a group, have each person ponder these

questions. Remind everyone to be prepared to share their responses with the group

later on in this session.

What should be done? Something? Nothing? Everything?

How do you think the Team should respond to this situation?

How can you and perhaps the church intercede in this situation?

Dynamic Discipleship Session Four: Service With A Smile!!

Page 14: Dynamic Discipleship€¦ · Dynamic Discipleship Overview & Schedule OVERVIEW The goal of Dynamic Discipleship is to encourage each of us to choose to be LOVING, GROWING, SERVING

FIRE IT UP Facilitator: DO NOT let the group discuss their responses to the previous questions until

after they have read and processed together the following Scriptures and questions.

READ TOGETHER: Matthew 25:31-46

What does service mean to you?

What does good service look like to you?

Why is service a critical component of discipleship?

Facilitator: Return to the Benevolence exercise. Lead the group to respond together to the

previous questions and brainstorm real solutions together as if you are the Benevolence Team

(because you are!). Think “outside the box” and push the envelope on possibilities. After dis-

cussing, lead the group to develop a plan of action. Please write down that plan of action and

be prepared to share at a later date.

WRAP IT UP Facilitator: Share the following information with the group. After sharing the information,

lead the group to finish their discussion of service by responding to the last two questions.

Service is an essential part of discipleship.

Cannot merely have religion, must have faith

Faith important, but faith is “dead without works”

Service is Compassion in Action

Do you agree with these statements? If yes, why? If not, why not?

How is created plan of action from the Benevolence Team exercise really

“Compassion in Action”? If not, why not?

Close In Prayer Page 11