NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES DYNAMIC DIRECTED RANDOM MATCHING Darrell Duffie Lei Qiao Yeneng Sun Working Paper 21731 http://www.nber.org/papers/w21731 NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH 1050 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138 November 2015, Revised January 2018 Part of this work was presented at the Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society in Singapore in August 2013 and in Taipei in June 2014; at the PIMS Summer School on the Economics and Mathematics of Systemic Risk and the Financial Networks in the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, Vancouver, July 2014; and at the World Congress of the Econometric Society, Montreal, August 2015. We are grateful for comments from Peter Loeb. This version owes substantially to the careful reading and expository suggestions of an editor, an associate editor and the referees. The work was partially supported by the NUS grants R-122-000-227-112 and R146-000-215-112. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Bureau of Economic Research. NBER working papers are circulated for discussion and comment purposes. They have not been peer-reviewed or been subject to the review by the NBER Board of Directors that accompanies official NBER publications. © 2015 by Darrell Duffie, Lei Qiao, and Yeneng Sun. All rights reserved. Short sections of text, not to exceed two paragraphs, may be quoted without explicit permission provided that full credit, including © notice, is given to the source.

Dynamic Directed Random Matching - NBER · 2020. 3. 20. · Dynamic Directed Random Matching Darrell Duffie, Lei Qiao, and Yeneng Sun NBER Working Paper No. 21731 November 2015, Revised

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    Darrell DuffieLei Qiao

    Yeneng Sun

    Working Paper 21731http://www.nber.org/papers/w21731


    Cambridge, MA 02138November 2015, Revised January 2018

    Part of this work was presented at the Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society in Singapore in August 2013 and in Taipei in June 2014; at the PIMS Summer School on the Economics and Mathematics of Systemic Risk and the Financial Networks in the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, Vancouver, July 2014; and at the World Congress of the Econometric Society, Montreal, August 2015. We are grateful for comments from Peter Loeb. This version owes substantially to the careful reading and expository suggestions of an editor, an associate editor and the referees. The work was partially supported by the NUS grants R-122-000-227-112 and R146-000-215-112. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Bureau of Economic Research.

    NBER working papers are circulated for discussion and comment purposes. They have not been peer-reviewed or been subject to the review by the NBER Board of Directors that accompanies official NBER publications.

    © 2015 by Darrell Duffie, Lei Qiao, and Yeneng Sun. All rights reserved. Short sections of text, not to exceed two paragraphs, may be quoted without explicit permission provided that full credit, including © notice, is given to the source.

  • Dynamic Directed Random Matching Darrell Duffie, Lei Qiao, and Yeneng Sun NBER Working Paper No. 21731 November 2015, Revised January 2018JEL No. C78,D83,E41,G12


    We develop a general and unified model in which a continuum of agents conduct directed random searches for counterparties. Our results provide the first probabilistic foundation for static and dynamic models of directed search (including the matching-function approach) that are common in search-based models of financial markets, monetary theory, and labor economics. The agents' types are shown to be independent discrete-time Markov processes that incorporate the effects of random mutation, random matching with match-induced type changes, and with the potential for enduring partnerships that may have randomly timed break-ups. The multi-period cross-sectional distribution of types is shown to be deterministic and is calculated using the exact law of large numbers.

    Darrell DuffieGraduate School of BusinessStanford UniversityStanford, CA 94305-7298and [email protected]

    Lei QiaoNational University of Singapore10 Lower Kent Ridge RoadSingapore [email protected]

    Yeneng SunNational University of SingaporeDepartment of Economics1 Arts LinkSingapore 117570Republic of [email protected]

  • Contents

    1 Introduction 2

    2 Guide to the Main Results 42.1 The exact law of large numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52.2 Static directed random matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62.3 Matching functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72.4 Markovian mutation and match-induced type changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

    3 Static Directed Random Matching 93.1 Mathematical preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103.2 Static directed random matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

    4 Dynamic Directed Random Matching 134.1 Definition of dynamic directed random matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134.2 Markov conditional independence (MCI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154.3 The exact law of large numbers for MCI dynamical systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154.4 Existence of MCI dynamic directed random matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

    5 Discussion 17

    References 21

    A Dynamic Directed Random Matching with Enduring Partnerships 27A.1 Definition of dynamic directed random matching with enduring partnerships . . . . . . . . . . . 27A.2 Markov conditional independence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31A.3 The exact law of large numbers for MCI dynamical systems with enduring partnerships . . . . . 32A.4 Existence of MCI dynamic directed random matching with enduring partnerships . . . . . . . . . 34

    B Illustrative applications in monetary and labor economics 35B.1 Kiyotaki-Wright: Model A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35B.2 Matsuyama, Kiyotaki and Matsui . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37B.3 Matching in labor markets with multi-period employment episodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

    C Proofs of Theorem 4 and Proposition 4 41

    D A Brief Introduction to Nonstandard Analysis 48D.1 Non-standard number system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49D.2 General framework of nonstandard analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51D.3 Construction of hyperfinite Loeb spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53D.4 Transition probabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54D.5 Why hyperfinite agent spaces work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

    E Proofs of the Existence Results 55E.1 Proof of Theorem 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55E.2 Proof of Theorem 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61E.3 Proofs of Propositions 2 and 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71


  • 1 Introduction

    The economics literature is replete with models that assume independent random matching

    among a continuum of agents.1 The agents in these models are frequently motivated to conduct

    “directed search,” that is, to focus their searches toward those types of counterparties that offer

    greater gains from interaction, or toward those types that are less costly to find. For example,

    Rogerson, Shimer, and Wright (2005) describe cases in which “search is directed – i.e., workers

    do not encounter firms completely at random but try to locate those posting attractive terms

    of trade.” Our central marginal contribution is to provide a mathematical foundation for the

    existence and properties of directed search models.

    Independent directed random matching, which includes the popular “matching-function”

    approach, is the key to achieving tractability in many search-based models of financial markets,

    monetary theory, and labor economics.

    Previous work on mathematical foundations for random matching considers only search

    that is “undirected,” in the sense that, conditional on a match by a given agent at a given

    time, the probability that the match is with a particular “target” type of agents is merely the

    fraction of agents of the target type. Directed search can arise, for example, when one side of

    a market posts terms of trade that are especially attractive to specific types of agents.

    Despite heavy reliance in the economics literature on models of independent directed

    search,2 until now there has actually been no demonstration of the existence of such search

    models, nor of the assumed aggregate behavior of these models that is supposedly based on the

    law of large numbers. This paper demonstrates the existence and properties of general models

    of static and dynamic independent directed search, thus placing a complete mathematical

    foundation under the directed-search models assumed in the prior literature. Our results include

    new features and properties that may be useful in future research.

    Earlier foundational work on random matching in a dynamic setting, which we review

    in Section 5, also presumes that partnerships break up immediately after matching. Here, we

    allow for the potential of enduring partnerships, which may have randomly timed break-ups.

    In order to meet the objectives of this paper, a completely new methodology is required, for

    1Hellwig (1976) is the first, to our knowledge, to have relied on the effect of the exact law of large numbersfor random pairwise matching in a market. Other examples include Binmore and Samuelson (1999), Currarini,Jackson and Pin (2009), Duffie, Gârleanu, and Pedersen (2005), Green and Zhou (2002), Kiyotaki and Wright(1989), Lagos and Rocheteau (2009), Vayanos and Weill (2008), and Weill (2007).

    2Among the many applications of directed search in the economics literature, in addition to those citedelsewhere in this paper, are the models of Acemoglu and Shimer (1999), Albrecht, Gautier, and Vroman (2006),Burdett, Shi, and Wright (2001), Camera and Selcuk (2009), Eeckhout and Kircher (2010), Faig and Jerez (2005),Guerrieri, Shimer, and Wright (2010), Kiyotaki and Lagos (1993), Li, Rocheteau and Weill (2012) McAfee (1993),Menzio (2007), Moen (1997), Peters (1991), Shi (2002), and Watanabe (2010).


  • both static and dynamic settings.3

    We first consider a static setting in which search is “directed,” in the sense that the

    probability qkl that an agent of type k is matched to an agent of type l can vary with the

    respective types k and l, from some type space S. We first show, in Theorem 1, the existence

    of directed random matching in which counterparty types are independent across agents. It

    follows from the exact law of large numbers that the proportion of type-k agents matched

    with type-l agents is almost surely pkqkl, where pk is the proportion of type-k agents in the

    population. By allowing the matching probabilities {qkl}k,l∈S to depend on the underlyingcross-sectional type distribution p, we also encompass the “matching-function” approach that

    has frequently been applied in the labor literature, as surveyed by Petrongolo and Pissarides

    (2001) and Rogerson, Shimer, and Wright (2005), as well as over-the-counter models of trade

    in financial markets, as in Maurin (2015).

    In typical dynamic settings for random matching, once two agents are matched, their

    types change according to some deterministic or random rule. For example, when an unem-

    ployed worker meets a firm with a vacant job, the worker’s type changes to “employed.” When

    a prospective buyer and seller meet, their status as asset owners can change, and they can

    learn information from each other. Random mutation of agent types is also a common model

    feature, allowing for shocks to preferences, productivity, or endowments.4

    In practice, and in an extensive part of the literature, once a pair of agents is matched,

    they may stay matched for some time. Typical examples include the relationships between

    employer and employee, or between two agents that take time to bargain over their terms

    of trade.5 In this paper, we develop the first mathematical model for independent random

    matching that allows for potentially enduring partnerships.

    Our general model of independent dynamic directed random matching incorporates the

    effects of random mutation, random matching with match-induced type changes, and enduring

    partnerships. The agents’ types are shown to be independent discrete-time Markov chains.

    By the exact law of large numbers in the dynamic setting, the multi-period cross-sectional

    distribution of agents’ types is deterministic, and has a period-to-period update mapping that

    coincides with the transition function of the law of the Markov chain for individual agent types.

    For the special time-homogeneous case, we obtain a stationary joint cross-sectional distribution

    of agent types, incorporating both unmatched agent types and pairs of currently matched

    3See the discussions in the first two paragraphs of Subsection E.1 on the proof of the static results, and thesecond paragraph of Subsection E.2 on the proof of the dynamic results, respectively.

    4See, for example, Duffie, Gârleanu, and Pedersen (2005) and Lester, Postlewaite and Wright (2012).5See, for example, Acemoglu and Wolitzky (2011), Andolfatto (1996), Diamond (1982), Mortensen and

    Pissarides (1994), Tsoy (2014), and the references in the surveys of Petrongolo and Pissarides (2001), Rogerson,Shimer, and Wright (2005) and Wright et al. (2017).


  • types. This stationary cross-sectional distribution coincides with the stationary probability

    distribution of the individual agent type processes. Many previously studied search-based

    models of money, over-the-counter financial markets, and labor markets have relied on these

    and other properties, which we demonstrate here for the first time.

    We illustrate the applications of our model of directed random matching with four ex-

    amples taken, respectively, from Duffie, Malamud and Manso (2014) in financial economics;

    Kiyotaki and Wright (1989) and Matsuyama, Kiyotaki and Matsui (1993) in monetary eco-

    nomics; and Andolfatto (1996) in labor economics. These examples show how our model can

    be used to provide rigorous foundations for typical random-matching models used in these

    respective literatures.

    The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 is a brief guide to our

    main results in an easily accessible form. In Section 3, we describe a static model of inde-

    pendent directed random matching, including an existence result as well as an application to

    a typical over-the-counter financial market model. In order to capture the effect of enduring

    partnerships, we must separately treat legacy and newly matched pairs of agents. In partic-

    ular, we keep track of agents and their matched partners at each step (mutation, matching,

    and type changing), in every time period. Because the treatment of enduring partnerships

    is considerably more involved, its exposition is postponed to Appendix A. In Section 4, we

    treat the relatively simpler case of a dynamical system with random mutation, directed ran-

    dom matching, and match-induced type changing, but without enduring partnerships. This

    section includes results covering the existence and exact law of large numbers for a dynamical

    system with Markov conditional independence. Appendix B contains the remaining illustrative

    examples of applications of our main results, to models of monetary and labor economics.

    The proofs of the results on the exact law of large numbers and stationarity for a general

    dynamic directed random matching are given in Appendix C.6 The proofs for the existence

    results for static and dynamic directed random matching make extensive use of tools from

    nonstandard analysis, of which a brief introduction is provided in Appendix D.7 Those proofs

    are located in Appendix E. Section 5 offers a discussion of the prior foundational mathematical

    research on random matching models, and some concluding remarks.

    2 Guide to the Main Results

    We first offer a brief guide to the main results at an informal level, unburdened by many

    technical details that we postpone to later sections.

    6Nonstandard analysis is not needed in the proofs of those results.7The reader can also be referred to the first three chapters of Loeb and Wolff (2015) for basic nonstandard



  • We emphasize throughout the key effects of the exact law of large numbers. This law is

    largely responsible for the popularity of random-matching models, because of the tractability

    associated with deterministic, and explicitly computable, quantities of matches between given

    types of agents. In multi-period settings, key additional tractability is obtained via the deter-

    ministic and explicitly computable evolution of the cross-sectional distribution of agent types.

    For example, consider the stochastic dynamic programming problem faced by a given agent in

    an economy with interacting agents, whose respective types change randomly over time through

    various shocks, including those induced by matching. Without the effect of the exact law of

    large numbers, the state variable for a given agent’s problem would need to include not only

    that agent’s current type, but also the randomly evolving cross-sectional distribution of types

    of all other agents. In many settings, the high dimensionality of the resulting state variable

    would rule out any reasonable progress toward a tractable solution. However, with indepen-

    dent random matching and an application of the exact law of large numbers, a given agent

    can safely assume that the cross-sectional distribution of types of the other agents evolves over

    time deterministically (almost surely). This leaves a fixed-point problem, of finding agent-level

    policy rules that are consistent in equilibrium with optimality by each agent. In this paper,

    however, we take agent-level policy rules as given. We also provide supporting assumptions

    for stationarity, under which the cross-sectional distribution of types is actually constant and

    deterministic, further simplifying the analysis.

    In the context of random-matching models, the independence of matching outcomes is

    generally viewed as a behavioral assumption. That is, when agents conduct searches without

    explicit coordination, independence has been viewed as a natural assumption.

    2.1 The exact law of large numbers

    We fix a probability space (Ω,F , P ). An element of Ω is a state of the world. A measurablesubset B of Ω (that is, an element of F) is an event, whose probability is P (B). The agentspace is an atomless probability space (I, I, λ). An element of I represents an agent. The massof some measurable subset A of agents is λ(A). Because the total mass of agents is 1, we can

    also treat λ(A) as the fraction of the agents that are in A. In fact, we can take I to be the unit

    interval [0, 1] and λ to be an extension of the Lebesgue measure.8

    In order to obtain the exact law of large numbers (ELLN) for a collection {fi : i ∈ I}of agent-level random variables, we model such a collection as a function f : I × Ω → R thatis measurable with respect to a sufficiently rich set of measurable subsets of I × Ω, denoted

    8For measure-theoretic reasons, however, we need the set I of measurable sets of agents to be richer than theusual Lebesgue measurable sets. We also follow the convention that all probability spaces are countably additiveand complete, unless otherwise noted.


  • I � F , that extends the usual product σ-algebra I ⊗ F . The required properties of I � Fare given in the next section. The usual product σ-algebra I ⊗ F is not satisfactory for thispurpose. We will also use a weaker version of the notion of independence of the agent-level

    random variables. An I � F-measurable function f from I × Ω to R is said to be essentiallypairwise independent if for λ-almost all i ∈ I, the agent-level random variables fi and fjare independent for λ-almost all j ∈ I. As explicitly shown,9 this condition is weaker thanthe usual conditions of mutual independence (any finite collection of random variables are

    independent) and pairwise independence (any pair of random variables are independent). The

    weaker condition allows one to state a more general version of the exact law of large numbers

    for independent random matching.10 Unless otherwise noted, by “independence,” we mean

    “essential pairwise independence,” throughout this paper.

    From the exact law of large numbers of Sun (2006, Corollary 2.10) (or see Lemma 1

    below), if f is I � F-measurable, integrable (in that∫I E(|fi|) dλ(i) is finite), and essentially

    pairwise independent, then∫Ifi dλ(i) =

    ∫IE(fi) dλ(i) almost surely. (1)

    For example, if the agent-level random variables {fi : i ∈ I} are not only pairwiseindependent, but also have the same probability distribution with a finite expectation, then

    (1) implies that the cross-sectional average outcome∫I fi dλ(i) is almost surely equal to the

    expected outcome for any agent, E(fi).

    2.2 Static directed random matching

    Each agent has some type in S = {1, 2, . . . ,K}. These types are assigned by some measurablefunction, α : I → S. The initial fraction of type-k agents is thus pk = λ ({i : α(i) = k}). Thecross-sectional type distribution p = (pk) is thus an element of the space ∆ of probability

    distributions on S.

    A random matching is a function π : I × Ω→ I that assigns a unique randomly chosenagent π(i) to agent i. In the event that π(i) = i, agent i is not matched. Otherwise, π(i) is the

    agent to whom i is matched. We will consider matchings with the property that any agent of

    type k is matched to an agent of type l with some given “directed-matching” probability qkl,

    for any (k, l) ∈ S2. Of course, these parameters (qkl) must satisfy∑

    l∈S qkl ≤ 1. That is, forany agent i of type k, we have qkl = P (gi = l), where g(i) = α(π(i)) denotes the type of the

    agent to whom i is matched. In the event that i is not matched, we denote g(i) = J .

    9See Footnote 13.10On the other hand, Hammond and Sun (2006) shows that the essential versions of pairwise and mutual

    independence are equivalent even in the conditional setting.


  • A special case is uniform random matching, which means that qkl = pl. For reasons

    given in the Introduction, a rich body of prior research requires more generality than uniform


    For the specified matching probabilities (qkl) to be feasible, we must have

    pk qkl = pl qlk, (2)

    because the left and right hand sides are both equal to the expected total quantity of matches

    of agents of type k with agents of type l.

    A random matching π is said to be independent if the associated types {gi : i ∈ I} areessentially pairwise independent. In this case, it follows immediately from the exact law of large

    numbers that the quantity λ({i : α(i) = k, g(i) = l}) of agents of type k that are matched toagents of type l is almost surely equal to the expected quantity pkqkl. One of our main results

    in Section 4 states that for any given initial distribution p = (pk) of types and any feasible

    matching probabilities (qkl), there exists an initial type function α, a random matching π, and

    an associated I � F-measurable process g for partners’ types satisfying these key properties.We will show additional useful properties of such a directed random matching model.

    2.3 Matching functions

    Proposition 1 and Theorem 1 of Section 4 also provide a rigorous probabilistic foundation for

    the “matching-function” approach that is widely used in the literature of search-based labor

    markets. Matching functions allow the probabilities of matching to be directed and to depend

    on an endogenously determined cross-sectional distribution of types.

    In models of search-based labor markets, it is typical to suppose that firms and workers

    are characterized by their types. A commonly used modeling device in this setting is a matching

    function mkl : [0, 1]× [0, 1]→ [0, 1] that specifies the quantity of type-k agents that are matchedwith type-l agents, given any proportions of type-k agents and type-l agents. (See Petrongolo

    and Pissarides (2001) for a survey of the matching-function approach.) Clearly one must require

    that for any k and l in S and any p in ∆,

    mkl(pk, pl) = mlk(pl, pk),∑r∈S

    mkr(pk, pr) ≤ pk. (3)

    Let qkl = mkl(pk, pl)/pk for pk 6= 0, and let qkl = 0 for pk = 0. Then the requirements for amatching probability function are satisfied by (qkl). By our results in Section 4, there exists

    an independent directed random matching π with parameters (p, q). Moreover, for any types

    k and l, the mass λ({i : αi = k, gi = l}) of agents of type k that are matched to agents of typel is almost surely

    pkqkl = mkl(pk, pl),


  • as specified by the given matching function. This means that any matching function satisfying

    Equation (3) can be realized through independent directed random matching, almost surely.

    For the special case of only two types of agents (say, types 1 and 2), any nonnegative matching

    function m(p1, p2) with m(p1, p2) ≤ min(p1, p2) can be realized through independent directedrandom matching. For this, one can simply take q12 = m(p1, p2)/p1 and q21 = m(p1, p2)/p2.

    More general cases are considered in Footnote 31.

    A common parametric specification is the Cobb-Douglas matching function, for which

    mUV (pU , pV ) = ApαU p

    βV ,

    for parameters α and β in (0, 1), and a non-negative scaling parameter A. We emphasize that

    for some parameters α, β, and A, the inequality ApαU pβV ≤ min(pU , pU ) may fail for some

    (pU , pV ) ∈ ∆. In that case, one can let m(pU , pV ) = min(ApαUpβV , pU , pV ).

    2.4 Markovian mutation and match-induced type changes

    We now extend to a multi-period setting with time periods 0, 1, . . . Typically, models used in

    the literature allow for the following additional probabilistic specifications:

    • Before random matching occurs in each period, a random mutation causes an agent oftype k to become an agent of type l with a given probability bkl.

    • At any matching between agents of types k and l, the agent that was of type k becomesan agent of type r with probability νkl(r). Likewise, the agent that was of type l becomes

    an agent of type r with probability νlk(r).

    The complete list of model parameters is thus (p0, q, b, ν), where the initial type distri-

    bution p0 and the matching probabilities q = (qkl) are as described above for the static model.

    In the more general model of Section 4, we allow the parameters (q, b, ν) to vary with the time


    In each period, the mutations, random matchings, and match-induced type changes are

    assumed to be conditionally independent across agents, in the essential-pairwise sense. The

    initial types {α0i : i ∈ I} are assumed to be essentially pairwise independent, which includesthe special case of deterministic initial types.

    In period n, after any mutation and match-induced types changes that have occurred in

    that period, let αni denote the type of agent i and let pnk = λ({i : αni = k}) denote the fraction

    of agents of type k. Let p̈n be the expected type distribution E(pn). The initial conditionsα0 and p̈0 ∈ ∆ are given. The objective is to calculate the probability distributions and otherproperties of the agent-level type process αi = {α0i , α1i , . . .}, as well the cross-sectional typedistribution process p = {p0, p1, . . .}.


  • In Section 4, we show that the cross-sectional distribution pn of agent types in period n

    is almost-surely deterministic. We also demonstrate that, almost surely:

    1. pn = Γ(pn−1), where Γ : ∆→ ∆ is explicitly computed.11

    2. For λ-almost every agent i, the agent’s type process αi = {α1i , α2i , . . .} is a Markov chainwith the probability transition function Γ. That is, letting wni ∈ ∆ denote the probabilitydistribution of αni , we have w

    n+1i = Γ(w

    ni ).

    3. The agent-level type processes {αi : i ∈ I} are essentially pairwise independent.

    4. From the exact law of large numbers and the above three results, it follows that the cross-

    sectional type distribution pn is the same as its expectation p̈n with probability one. In

    addition, if almost every agent i has the same initial type probability distribution p̈0,

    then wni = p̈n for almost every agent i. That is, we can always arrange for the probability

    distribution of each agent’s type to coincide with the cross-sectional distribution of types.

    (In Section 4, we state this equivalence at the level of distributions on sample paths in


    5. There exists a stationary distribution p∗, defined by p∗ = Γ(p∗). Thus, if p∗ is the initial

    probability distribution of α0i for almost every agent i, then for almost every agent i, in

    every time period n, the type αni of agent i has a probability distribution wni = p

    ∗ equal

    to the cross-sectional type distribution pn = p∗.

    Theorem 2 provides additional characterization of the close relationship in this Markovian

    setting between agent-level type probability distributions and cross-sectional type distributions.

    We later generalize to allow for enduring matchings, by which a pair of agents, once matched,

    may stay paired for some duration whose probability distribution can depend on their respective

    types, in a sense that we make precise.

    3 Static Directed Random Matching

    This section begins the statement of our results at a more complete level. We start with some

    mathematical preliminaries. Then a static model of directed random matching is formally

    given in Subsection 3.2, where we present the exact law of large numbers, the existence of

    independent directed random matching, and an illustrative application to a model of over-the-

    counter financial markets.11 Letting ηr(p) = 1−

    ∑l∈S plqlr and p̄k(p) =

    ∑l∈S plblk, we have

    Γr(p) = prηr(p̄(p)) +∑k,l∈S



  • 3.1 Mathematical preliminaries

    Let (Ω,F , P ) be a probability space. The agent space is an atomless probability space (I, I, λ).While a continuum of independent random variables, one for each of a large population

    such as I, can be formalized as a mapping on I × Ω, such a function can never be measurablewith respect to the completion of the usual product σ-algebra I ⊗ F , except in the trivialcase in which almost all of the random variables are constants.12 As in Sun (2006), we shall

    therefore work with an extension of the usual product probability space that retains the crucial

    Fubini property.

    Definition 1 A probability space (I × Ω,W, Q) extending the usual product space (I × Ω, I ⊗F , λ⊗P ) is said to be a Fubini extension of this product space if, for any real-valued Q-integrablefunction f on (I × Ω,W),

    (1) For λ-almost all i ∈ I, fi = f(i, · ) is integrable on (Ω,F , P ).

    (2) For P -almost all ω ∈ Ω, fω = f( · , ω) is integrable on (I, I, λ).

    (3)∫I×Ω f dQ =


    Ω fi dP ) dλ =∫

    Ω(∫I fω dλ) dP .

    To reflect the fact that the probability space (I × Ω,W, Q) has (I, I, λ) and (Ω,F , P ) as itsmarginal spaces, as required by the Fubini property, it will be denoted by (I ×Ω, I �F , λ�P ).

    The Fubini extension could include a sufficiently rich collection of measurable sets to

    allow applications of the exact law of large numbers that we shall need. An I �F-measurablefunction f will be called a “process,” each fi will be called a random variable of this process,

    and each fω will be called a sample function of the process. As shown in Section 2 of Sun

    (2006), a sufficient condition for proving the exact law of large numbers is the condition of

    essential pairwise independence. A formal definition is as follows.13

    12See, for example, Proposition 2.1 in Sun (2006).13Here we state the definition of essential pairwise independence using a complete separable metric space X

    for the sake of generality; in particular, a finite space or an Euclidean space is a complete separable metric space.Fix any i ∈ I. If the singleton set {i} is measurable in I, then it is clear that {i} has measure zero (since (I, I, λ)is atomless). Note that a singleton set is not necessarily measurable in a general measurable space. However,such measurability follows from the atomless property and the convention that a probability space is complete.In particular, one can take, for each n ≥ 1, a I-measurable partition {Ank}2


    k=1 of I with λ(Ank ) = 1/2

    n suchthat Ank = A


    ⋃An+12k for 1 ≤ k ≤ 2

    n. For any n ≥ 1, there is a unique kn such that i ∈ Ankn , which impliesthat i ∈


    nkn . Since


    nkn has measure zero and (I, I, λ) is complete, the singleton set {i} is in I

    with measure zero. If the pairwise independence condition holds for f , namely, for any i 6= j ∈ I, fi and fj areindependent, then for each i ∈ I, fi and fj are independent except for j in the λ-null set {i}, which means thatf satisfies the condition of essential pairwise independence. The usual condition of mutual independence (anyfinite collection of random variables are independent) is even stronger than pairwise independence.


  • Definition 2 (Essential pairwise independence) An I �F-measurable process f from I ×Ωto a complete separable metric space X is said to be essentially pairwise independent if for

    λ-almost all i ∈ I, the random variables fi and fj are independent for λ-almost all j ∈ I.

    3.2 Static directed random matching

    We follow the notation in Subsection 3.1. Let S = {1, 2, . . . ,K} be a finite space of agent typesand α : I → S be an I-measurable type function, mapping individual agents to their types.For any k in S, we let pk = λ({i : α(i) = k}) denote the fraction of agents of type k. We canview p = (pk)k∈S as an element of the space ∆ of probability measures on S. Because (I, I, λ)has no atoms, for any type distribution p ∈ ∆, one can find an I-measurable type functionwith distribution p.

    A function q : S × S → R+ is a matching probability function for the type distributionp if, for any k and l in S,

    pk qkl = pl qlk,∑r∈S

    qkr ≤ 1. (4)

    The matching probability qkl specifies the probability that an agent of type k is matched to an

    agent of type l. Thus ηk = 1−∑

    l∈S qkl is the associated no-matching probability for an agent

    of type k.

    Definition 3 Let α, p, and q be given as above, and J a special type representing no-matching.

    (i) A full matching φ is a one-to-one mapping from I onto I such that, for each i ∈ I,φ(i) 6= i and φ(φ(i)) = i.

    (ii) A (partial) matching ψ is a mapping from I to I such that for some subset B of I, the

    restriction ψ|B of ψ to B is a full matching on B, and the restriction ψ|I\B of ψ to I \Bis the identity mapping. This means that agent i in B is matched to another agent ψ(i)

    in B, whereas any agent i not in B is unmatched, in that ψ(i) = i.

    (iii) A random matching π is a mapping from I × Ω to I such that

    (a) πω is a matching for each ω ∈ Ω.

    (b) g(i, ω) =

    {α(π(i, ω)) if π(i, ω) 6= iJ if π(i, ω) = i

    is measurable from (I × Ω, I � F , λ� P ) to S ∪ {J}.

    (iv) A random matching π from I × Ω to I is directed, with parameters (p, q) satisfying con-dition (4), if for λ-almost every agent i of type k, P (gi = J) = ηk and P (gi = l) = qkl.


  • (v) A random matching π is said to be independent if the associated type process g is essen-

    tially pairwise independent.

    For an agent i ∈ I who is matched, the random variable gi = g(i, · ) is the type of hermatched partner. Part (iv) of the definition thus means that for λ-almost every agent i of type

    k, her probability of being matched with a type-l agent is qkl, while her no-matching probability

    is ηk.

    The following result is a direct application of the exact law of large numbers. In par-

    ticular, letting Ik = {i ∈ I : α(i) = k}, the result follows from Theorem 2.8 of Sun (2006)(see Lemma 1 below) by working with the process gIk = g|Ik×Ω on the rescaled agent space Ik,where g|Ik×Ω is the restriction of g to Ik × Ω.

    Proposition 1 Let π be an independent directed random matching with parameters (p, q).

    Then, for P -almost every ω ∈ Ω, we have

    (i) For k ∈ S, λ({i ∈ I : α(i) = k, gω(i) = J}) = pkηk.

    (ii) For any (k, l) ∈ S × S, λ({i : α(i) = k, gω(i) = l}) = pkqkl.

    Let κ be the probability measure on S × (S ∪ {J}) defined by letting κ(k, l) = pkqkl forany (k, l) ∈ S × S and κ(k, J) = pkηk for k ∈ S. Proposition 1 says that the cross-sectionaljoint type distribution of (α, gω) is κ with probability one.

    Now we state our main existence result for the static setting.

    Theorem 1 For any type distribution p on S and any matching probability function q for p,

    there exists a Fubini extension (I×Ω, I�F , λ�P ) on which is defined a type function α and anindependent directed random matching14 π with parameters (p, q), which is measure preserving

    in the sense that for each ω ∈ Ω, λ(π−1ω (A)) = λ(A) for any A ∈ I.

    The proof of Theorem 1 will be given in Subsection E.1 for the case of a Loeb measure

    space of agents via the method of nonstandard analysis.15 Since the unit interval and the class

    of Lebesgue measurable sets with the Lebesgue measure provide the archetype for models of

    economies with a continuum of agents, the next proposition (proved in Subsection E.3) shows

    that one can take an extension of the classical Lebesgue unit interval as the agent space for the

    construction of an independent directed random matching.

    14As shown in the last paragraph in the proof of Lemma 7, one can take a subset Ĩ of I such that λ(I \ Ĩ) = 0,and the random types {gi}i∈Ĩ as constructed there satisfy a stronger independence condition in the sense thatany finitely many random variables from that collection are mutually independent.

    15A simple treatment of nonstandard analysis is given in Appendix D. We note that the proof of Theorem 1 issubstantially different from the corresponding existence result for the case of “undirected” search in Duffie andSun (2007); see the first paragraph of Subsection E.1.


  • Proposition 2 For any type distribution p on S and any matching probability function q for

    p, there exists a Fubini extension (I × Ω, I � F , λ� P ) such that:

    1. The agent space (I, I, λ) is an extension of the Lebesgue unit interval (L,L, χ).

    2. There is defined on the Fubini extension a type function α and an independent directed

    random matching16 π with parameters (p, q).

    The following example provides an illustrative application of Theorem 1 and Proposition

    1 to a model of over-the-counter financial markets.

    Example 1 In Duffie, Malamud and Manso (2014), the economy is populated by a continuum

    of risk-neutral agents. There are M different types of agents that differ according to the quality

    of their initial information, their preferences for the asset to be traded, and the likelihoods with

    which they meet each of other types of agents for trade. The proportion of type-l agents is

    ml, where l = 1, . . . ,M . Any agent of type l is randomly matched with some other agent

    with probability λl ∈ [0, 1). This counterparty is of type-r with probability κlr. In the presentcontext, we can take the matching probability qlr = λlκlr for any l and r in S. Theorem 1

    guarantees the existence of independent directed random matching with the given parameters

    ml, qlr. Proposition 1 implies that the total quantity of matches of agents of a given type l

    with the agents of a given type r is almost surely mlλlκlr = mrλrκrl. (See page 7 of Duffie,

    Malamud and Manso (2014).)

    4 Dynamic Directed Random Matching

    In this section we show how to construct a dynamical system that incorporates the effects

    of random mutation, directed random matching, and match-induced type changes with time-

    dependent parameters. We first define such a dynamical system in Subsection 4.1. The key

    condition of Markov conditional independence is formulated in Subsection 4.2. Based on that

    condition, we state in Subsection 4.3 an exact law of large numbers for such a dynamical

    system. The section ends with the existence of Markov conditionally independent dynamic

    directed random matching.

    4.1 Definition of dynamic directed random matching

    As in Section 3, we fix an atomless probability space (I, I, λ) representing the space of agents,a sample probability space (Ω,F , P ), and a Fubini extension (I × Ω, I � F , λ � P ). Let

    16In addition, there exists a sub-σ-algebra I′ of I and a Fubini extension (I × Ω, I′ � F , λ � P ) such thatI′�F ⊆ I�F and π is an independent directed random matching with parameters (p, q) on (I×Ω, I′�F , λ�P ),which is measure preserving in the sense that for each ω ∈ Ω, λ(π−1ω (A)) = λ(A) for any A ∈ I′. See thepenultimate paragraph of the proof of Proposition 5 in Subsection E.3.


  • S = {1, 2, . . . ,K} be a finite set of types and let J be a special type representing no-matching.We shall define a discrete-time dynamical system D0 with the property that at each integertime period n ≥ 1, agents first experience a random mutation and then random matching withdirected probabilities. Finally, any pair of matched agents are randomly assigned new types

    whose probabilities may depend on the pair of prior types of the two agents.

    At period n ≥ 1, each agent of type k ∈ S first experiences a random mutation, becomingan agent of type l with a given probability bnkl, with

    ∑r∈S b

    nkr = 1. At the second step, every

    agent conducts a directed search for counterparties. In particular, for each (k, l) ∈ S × S, thedirected matching probability is determined by a function qnkl on the space of type distributions

    ∆, with the property that, for all k and l in S, the function that maps the type distribution

    p ∈ ∆ to pkqnkl(p) is continuous and satisfies, for all p ∈ ∆,

    pk qnkl(p) = pl q

    nlk(p) and


    qnkr(p) ≤ 1. (5)

    The intention is that, if the population type distribution in the current period is p, then an

    agent of type k is matched to some agent whose type is l with probability qnkl(p). Thus,

    ηnk (p) = 1−∑

    l∈S qnkl(p) is the associated probability of no match. When an agent of type k is

    matched at time n to an agent of type l, the agent of type k becomes an agent of type r with

    probability νnkl(r), where∑

    r∈S νnkl(r) = 1. The primitive model parameters are (b, q, ν).

    Let α0 be the initial S-valued type process on the Fubini extension (I×Ω, I�F , λ�P ).For each time period n ≥ 1, the agents’ types after the random mutation step are given by aprocess hn from (I×Ω, I�F , λ�P ) to S. Then, a random matching is described by a functionπn from I×Ω to I. The end-of-period types are given by a process αn from (I×Ω, I�F , λ�P )to S. Thus the post-mutation type function hn satisfies

    P (hni = l |αn−1i = k) = bnkl. (6)

    For the directed random matching step, let gn be an I � F-measurable function defined bygn(i, ω) = hn(πn(i, ω), ω), with the property that for any type k ∈ S, for λ-almost every i andP -almost every ω ∈ Ω,

    P (gni = l |hni = k, p̌n) = qnkl(p̌n(ω)), (7)

    where p̌n(ω) = λ(hnω)−1 is the post-mutation type distribution realized in state ω. The end-of-

    period agent type function αn satisfies, for λ-almost every agent i,

    P (αni = r |hni = k, gni = J) = δk(r) and P (αni = r |hni = k, gni = l) = νnkl(r), (8)

    where δk(r) is 1 if k = r and is zero otherwise. Thus, we have inductively defined the properties

    required of a dynamical system D0 that incorporates the specified effects of random mutation,directed random matching, and match-induced type changes with given parameters (b, q, ν).


  • 4.2 Markov conditional independence (MCI)

    We now add independence conditions on the dynamical system D0, along the lines of thosein Duffie and Sun (2007, 2012). The idea is that each of the just-described steps (mutation,

    random matching, match-induced type changes) are conditionally independent across almost

    all agents.

    We say that the dynamical system D0 is Markov conditionally independent (MCI) if, forλ-almost every i and λ-almost every j, for every period n ≥ 1, and for all types k and l in S,the following four properties apply:

    • Initial independence: α0i and α0j are independent.

    • Markov and conditionally independent mutation:

    P (hni = k, hnj = l |α0i , . . . , αn−1i ;α

    0j , . . . , α

    n−1j ) = P (h

    ni = k |αn−1i )P (h

    nj = l |αn−1j ).

    • Markov and conditionally independent random matching:

    P (gni = k, gnj = l |α0i , . . . , αn−1i , h

    ni ;α

    0j , . . . , α

    n−1j , h

    nj ) = P (g

    ni = k |hni )P (gnj = l |hnj ).

    • Markov and conditionally independent matched-agent type changes:

    P (αni = k, αnj = l |α0i , . . . , αn−1i , h

    ni , g

    ni ;α

    0j , . . . , α

    n−1j , h

    nj , g

    nj )

    = P (αni = k |hni , gni )P (αnj = l |hnj , gnj ).

    4.3 The exact law of large numbers for MCI dynamical systems

    We define a sequence Γn of mappings from ∆ to ∆ such that, for each p ∈ ∆,

    Γnr (p1, . . . , pK) = p̄nr (p)η

    nr (p̄

    n(p)) +∑k,l∈S



    where p̄nk(p) =∑

    l∈S plbnlk for k ∈ S.

    The following theorem presents an exact law of large numbers for the agent type processes

    at the end of each period, and gives a recursive calculation for the cross-sectional joint agent

    type distribution pn at the end of period n.

    Theorem 2 A Markov conditionally independent dynamical system D0 with parameters (b, q, ν),for random mutation, directed random matching and match-induced type changes, satisfies the

    following properties.


  • (1) For each time n ≥ 1, let pn(ω) = λ(αnω)−1 be the realized cross-sectional type distributionat the end of the period n. The expectation E(pn) is given by

    E(pnr ) = Γnr (E(pn−1)) = p̄nr ηnr (p̄n) +∑k,l∈S



    where p̄nk =∑

    l∈S E(pn−1l )b


    (2) For λ-almost every agent i, the type process {αni }∞n=0 of agent i is a Markov chain withtransition matrix zn at time n− 1 defined by

    znkl = ηnl (p̄

    n)bnkl +∑r,j∈S



    (3) For λ-almost every i and λ-almost every j, the Markov chains {αni }∞n=0 and {αnj }∞n=0 areindependent.17

    (4) For P -almost every state ω, the cross-sectional type process {αnω}∞n=0 is a Markov chainwith transition matrix zn at time n− 1.

    (5) For P -almost every state ω, at each time period n ≥ 1, pn(ω) = λ(αnω)−1, and the realizedcross-sectional type distribution after random mutation λ(hnω)

    −1 is p̄n.

    (6) If there is some fixed p̈0 ∈ ∆ that is the probability distribution of the initial type α0iof agent i for λ-almost every i, then the probability distribution ζ = p̈0 ⊗ (⊗∞n=1zn) onS∞ is equal to the sample-path distribution of the Markov chain αi = {αni }∞n=0 for λ-almost every agent i. For P -almost every state ω ∈ Ω, ζ is also the cross-sectional jointdistribution λα−1ω of the sample paths of agents’ realized type process.

    (7) Suppose that the parameters (b, q, ν) are time independent. Then there exists a type

    distribution p∗ ∈ ∆ such that p∗ is a stationary distribution for any Markov conditionallyindependent dynamical system D0 with parameters (b, q, ν), in the sense that for everyperiod n ≥ 0, the realized cross-sectional type distribution pn at time n is p∗ P -almostsurely. all of the relevant Markov chains are time homogeneous with a constant transition

    matrix z1 having p∗ as a fixed point. In addition, if the initial type process α0 is i.i.d.

    across agents, then, for λ-almost every agent i, P (αni )−1 = p∗ for any period n ≥ 0.

    4.4 Existence of MCI dynamic directed random matching

    The following theorem provides for the existence of a Markov conditionally independent (MCI)

    dynamical system with random mutation, random matching, and match-induced type changes.

    17Two Markov chains with a state space S are said to be independent if they are independent as randomvariables taking values in S∞.


  • Theorem 3 For any primitive model parameters (b, q, ν) and for any type distribution p̈0 ∈ ∆,there exists a Fubini extension (I × Ω, I � F , λ � P ) on which is defined a dynamical systemD0 with random mutation, random matching, match-induced type changes, that is Markov con-ditionally independent with these parameters (b, q, ν), and with the initial cross-sectional type

    distribution p0 that is p̈0 with probability one. In addition, for any n ≥ 1, πn is measure pre-serving in the sense that for each ω ∈ Ω, λ((πnω)−1(A)) = λ(A) for any A ∈ I. These propertiescan be achieved with an initial type process α0 that is deterministic, or i.i.d. across agents.18

    With the next proposition, we show that the agent space (I, I, λ) can be an extensionof the classical Lebesgue unit interval (L,L, χ). That is, we can take I = L = [0, 1] with aσ-algebra I that contains the Lebesgue σ-algebra L, and so that the restriction of λ to L isthe Lebesgue measure χ.

    Proposition 3 Fixing any model parameters (b, q, ν) and any initial cross-sectional type dis-

    tribution p̈0 ∈ ∆, there exists a Fubini extension (I × Ω, I � F , λ� P ) such that:

    (1) The agent space (I, I, λ) is an extension of the Lebesgue unit interval (L,L, χ).

    (2) There is defined on the Fubini extension a dynamical system D0 that is Markov condi-tionally independent with the parameters (b, q, ν), where the initial cross-sectional type

    distribution p0 is p̈0 with probability one.

    (3) These properties can be achieved with an initial type process α0 that is deterministic, or

    i.i.d. across agents.19

    5 Discussion

    We finish with a discussion of the prior literature on the mathematics of random matching,

    and then offer some concluding comments about our main new results and some immediately

    available extensions of our results to more general type spaces, changing population sizes, or

    background “macro-economic” processes that cause random changes in the evolution of the

    cross-sectional type distributions.

    As mentioned in Section 2, when agents conduct searches without explicit coordination,

    it is reasonable to impose the assumption of independence of their searches. However, Footnote

    18This means that the process α0 is essentially pairwise independent, and α0i has distribution p̈0 for λ-almost

    all i ∈ I.19In addition, there exists a sub-σ-algebra I′ of I and a Fubini extension (I × Ω, I′ � F , λ � P ) such thatI′ � F ⊆ I � F , the dynamical system D0 on (I × Ω, I′ � F , λ � P ) is Markov conditionally independent, andfor any n ≥ 1, πn is measure preserving in the sense that for each ω ∈ Ω, λ((πnω)−1(A)) = λ(A) for any A ∈ I′.See the penultimate paragraph of the proof of Proposition 5 in Subsection E.3.


  • 4 of McLennan and Sonnenschein (1991) showed the non-existence of a type-free static random

    full matching that satisfies a number of desired conditions, when the agent space is taken

    to be the unit interval with the Borel σ-algebra and Lebesgue measure. That problem was

    resolved through the construction of an independent type-free static random full matching

    with a suitable agent space, as in Duffie and Sun (2007).20 Xiang Sun (2016) extended the

    results on independent static random partial matching in Duffie and Sun (2007) from finite type

    spaces to general type spaces. Duffie and Sun (2007) and Duffie and Sun (2012) go beyond the

    static case to present the existence of, and the exact law of large numbers for, discrete-time

    independent random matching.

    When the independence assumption for random matching is not required, one can con-

    struct many non-independent random full matchings with some desired matching properties,

    even for finitely many agents.21

    Based on the classical asymptotic law of large numbers, Boylan (1992) constructed a

    random full matching for a countable population. Gilboa and Matsui (1992) presented a par-

    ticular matching model of two countable populations with a countable number of encounters in

    the time interval [0, 1), where both the agent space N and the sample space are endowed withpurely finitely additive measures. A non-independent random full matching was constructed in

    Alós-Ferrer (1999) for a given type function on the population space [0, 1] by rearranging the

    intervals in [0, 1] through measure-preserving mappings. Rather than relying on particular ex-

    amples of a non-independent random matching that have certain desired matching properties,

    Duffie and Sun (2012) instead proved the exact law of large numbers for general independent

    random matchings.

    An independent random matching automatically involves a process with a continuum of

    independent random variables. The classical Kolmogrov consistency theorem (see, for example,

    Bogachev (2007, p. 95)) implies the existence of a continuum of independent real-valued random

    variables. Following Doob (1937), some measure extension leads to the fact that almost all

    sample functions differ from an arbitrarily given function h (whether measurable or not) at

    only countably many points.22 This implies that one can claim that the sample functions

    (and thus the sample means and distributions) are essentially arbitrary.23 Though it is not

    20See the main theorem of Podczeck and Puzzello (2012) for another construction. It is clear that an indepen-dent type-free static random full matching also provides a model of independent static random full matching forgeneral types; see Duffie and Sun (2012) and Podczeck and Puzzello (2012).

    21See Subsection 3.2 of Molzon and Puzzello (2010). However, the requirement that all the agents are matchedrandomly then leads to correlation among the finitely many agents. It therefore does not make sense to considerindependent random matching in the finite-agent setting. For a detailed discussion of the literature on “non-independent” random matching, see Section 6 of Duffie and Sun (2012).

    22See Subsection 6.1 in Sun (2006) for the detailed discussion.23That is, the sample means and distributions of an i.i.d. process can be essentially equal to the theoretical

    means and distribution, respectively, or any other arbitrarily given means and distribution. See Judd (1985)


  • possible to require an i.i.d. process to have essentially constant sample means and distributions

    at the coalitional level for an agent space based on the Lebesgue unit interval,24 one can

    simply use the transfer principle25 in nonstandard analysis to restate the classical law of large

    numbers for a sequence of i.i.d. random variables in a nonstandard model, and thus claim the

    existence of a process with the required properties.26 The essential difficulty associated with a

    continuum of independent random variables is that independence and joint measurability with

    respect to the usual measure-theoretic product are never compatible with each other except

    for the trivial case in which almost all of the random variables are constants.27 In Sun (2006),

    various versions of the exact law of large numbers, and their converses in both static and

    dynamic settings, are proved by direct application of simple measure-theoretic methods in the

    framework of a Fubini extension. Such a framework is adopted in this paper (1) to construct

    static and dynamic models of independent directed random matching that incorporate the

    effects of random mutation, random matching with match-induced type changes, and with the

    potential for enduring partnerships that may have randomly timed break-ups, and (2) to study

    various properties of a general independent directed random matching via the exact law of

    large numbers.28

    All of the papers on random matching mentioned above address the case of “undirected”

    search, in the sense that the matching probabilities are proportional to the population sizes of

    the matched agents with given types. The main purpose of this paper is to provide a suitable

    search-based model of markets in which agents can direct their searches, causing relatively

    higher per-capita matching probabilities with specific types of counterparties. Although mod-

    els with directed search are common in the literatures covering money, labor markets, and

    and Sun (2006, p. 53).24See Feldman and Gilles (1985).25See Proposition 7 in Subsection D.2.26See, for example, Hersh and Greenwood (1975), Keisler (1977), Hurd and Loeb (1985), Anderson (1991),

    and Footnote 46 below for the transfer of a sequence of i.i.d. random variables and relevant results. Green(1994) also provided an alternative construction for the existence of such a process with the required property.Note that the agent space as considered in those papers are not the Lebesgue type space while the relevantsample probability space is countably additive. On the other hand, one can still claim the existence of an i.i.d.process to have any kind of sample means/distributions at the coalitional level based on the usual Lebesgueagent space and some purely finitely additive sample probability space; see Berti, Gori and Rigo (2012). Giventhe various possibilities in claiming the stability of sample functions in specific examples, what one needs is tofind a suitable measure-theoretic condition to guarantee aggregate sample stability under independence.

    27See Proposition 2.1 in Sun (2006).28Dynamic independent random matching, as considered in this paper, needs a specific construction based on

    the framework of a Fubini extension, which allows us to apply the static and dynamic versions of exact law oflarge numbers shown in such a general framework in Sun (2006). However, this construction does not fit anyearlier examples on the existence of an i.i.d. process having essentially constant sample means/distributions.In particular, the condition of ∗-independence (see Hurd and Loeb (1985) and Footnote 46 below) holds for thetransfer of an i.i.d. sequence of random variables to the nonstandard model. As noted in Footnote 19 of Duffieand Sun (2007), ∗-independence, which is much stronger than the usual independence condition, is not satisfiedeven in the simple setting of static random full matching.


  • over-the-counter financial markets, prior work has simply assumed that the exact law of large

    numbers would lead to a deterministic cross-sectional distribution of agent types, and that this

    distribution would obey certain properties. We provide a model that justifies this assumed

    behavior, down to the basic level of random contacts between specific individual agents. We

    provide the resulting transition distribution for the Markov processes for individual agents’

    types, and for the aggregate cross-sectional distribution of types in the population, and show

    the close relationship between these two objects.

    By incorporating directed search, we are also able to provide the first rigorous proba-

    bilistic foundation for the notion of a “matching function” that is heavily used in the search

    literature of labor economics.

    A secondary objective of our paper is to allow for random matching with enduring

    partnerships. The durations of these partnerships can be random or deterministic, and can

    be type dependent. Earlier work providing mathematical foundations for random matching

    presumes that partnerships break up immediately after matching. Enduring partnerships are

    crucial for search-based labor-market models, such as those cited in Footnote 5, in which there

    are episodes of employment resulting from a match between a worker and a firm, eventually

    followed by a randomly timed separation.29 In some of these models, separation is i.i.d. across

    periods of employment. This is the case, for example, in Cho and Matsui (2013), Merz (1999),

    Pissarides (1985), Shi and Wen (1999), Shimer (2005), and Yashiv (2000), among many other

    papers. In other cases, the separation probability depends on the vintage of the match, and

    can depend on the quality of the match between the worker and the firm. Since the separation

    probabilities in our general model depend on the types of the matched agents, our results can

    cover such cases by introducing new types.

    We have verified that our results can be extended under mild revisions of the proofs

    to settings in which agents have countably many types, and can enter and exit (for example,

    through “birth” and “death”), allowing for a total population size that is changing over time

    without a fixed bound, as in Yashiv (2000).30 It is also straightforward to allow for a background

    Markov process that governs the parameters determining probabilities for mutation, matching,

    and type change (as well as enduring match break-ups). In this case, the background Markov

    state causes aggregate uncertainty, but conditional on the path of the background state, the

    cross-sectional distribution of population types evolves deterministically, almost surely.

    29Further such situations arise in the models of Cho and Matsui (2013), Flinn (2006), Haan, Ramey andWatson (2000), Hall (2005), Hosios (1990), Merz (1995), Merz (1999), Mortensen (1982), Pissarides (1985),Shimer (2005), Shi and Wen (1999), and Yashiv (2000).

    30Our results cover cases in which there is a fixed bound for the total population size in all time periods. Insuch cases, one can simply introduce a new type to represent the inactive agents and re-scale the total populationsize.


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  • Appendices

    The following appendices allow matches that result in enduring partnerships, offer some

    illustrative examples of applications of our main results to models from the literature on mon-

    etary and labor economics, provide a brief introduction to nonstandard analysis, and present

    proofs of the results.

    A Dynamic Directed Random Matching with Enduring Partnerships

    This appendix extends the model of dynamic directed random matching found in Section 4 so

    as to allow for enduring partnerships and for correlated type changes of matched agents. Unlike

    the more basic model of Section 4, in order to capture the effect of enduring partnerships we

    now must consider separate treatments of existing matched pairs of agents and newly formed

    matched pairs of agents.

    We first define such a dynamical system in Subsection A.1. The key condition of Markov

    conditional independence is formulated in Subsection A.2. Based on that condition, Subsection

    A.3 presents an exact law of large numbers for such a dynamical system. Subsection A.4

    provides results covering the existence of Markov conditionally independent dynamical system

    with directed random matching and with partnerships that have randomly timed breakups.

    We will show that all of our results can be obtained for an agent space that is a Loeb measure

    space as constructed in nonstandard analysis, or is an extension of the classical Lebesgue unit

    interval. This section has self-contained notation. In particular, some of the notation used in

    this section may have a meaning that differs from its usage in Section 4.

    The exact law of large numbers and stationarity for independent dynamic directed ran-

    dom matching, as stated in Theorem 2 in Section 4, is a special case of Theorem 4 and Proposi-

    tion 4 in Subsection A.3. The existence of independent dynamic directed random matching, as

    stated in Theorem 5 and Proposition 5 in Subsection A.4, extend respectively Theorem 3 and

    Proposition 3 in Section 4. Hence, the proofs of Theorems 2, 3, and Proposition 3 are omitted.

    The proofs of Theorem 4 and Proposition 4 do not use nonstandard analysis, and are given in

    Appendix C. The proofs of Theorem 5 and Proposition 5 need nonstandard analysis, and are

    presented in Subsections E.2 and E.3 respectively, after a brief introduction to nonstandard

    analysis in Appendix D.

    A.1 Definition of dynamic directed random matching with enduring partnerships

    As in Sections 3 and 4, we fix an atomless probability space (I, I, λ) representing the space ofagents, a sample probability space (Ω,F , P ), and a Fubini extension (I ×Ω, I�F , λ�P ). LetS = {1, 2, . . . ,K} be a finite set of types and let J be a special type representing no-matching.


  • The “extended type” space is Ŝ = S × (S ∪ {J}). An agent with an extended type of the form(k, l) has underlying type k ∈ S and is currently matched to another agent of type l ∈ S. If theagent’s extended type is instead of the form (k, J), then the type-k agent is “unmatched.” The

    space ∆̂ of extended type distributions is the set of probability distributions p̂ on Ŝ satisfying

    p̂(k, l) = p̂(l, k) for all k and l in S.

    Each time period is divided into three steps: mutation, random matching, match-induced

    type changing with break-up. We now introduce the primitive parameters governing each of

    these steps.

    At the first (mutation) step of time period n ≥ 1, each agent of type k ∈ S experiencesa random mutation, becoming an agent of type l with a given probability bnkl, a parameter of

    the model. By definition, for each type k we must have∑

    l∈S bnkl = 1.

    At the second step, any currently unmatched agent conducts a directed search for coun-

    terparties. For each (k, l) ∈ S × S, let qnkl be a function on ∆̂ into R+ with the property thatfor all k and l in S, the function p̂kJq

    nkl( p̂ ) is continuous in p̂ ∈ ∆̂ and satisfies, for any p̂ in ∆̂,

    p̂kJ qnkl(p̂) = p̂lJ q

    nlk(p̂) and


    qnkr(p̂) ≤ 1. (9)

    Whenever the underlying extended type distribution is p̂, the probability31 that an unmatched

    agent of type k is matched to an unmatched agent of type l is qnkl(p̂). Thus, ηnk (p̂) = 1 −∑

    l∈S qnkl(p̂) is the no-matching probability for an unmatched agent of type k.

    At the third step, each currently matched pair of agents of respective types k and l

    (including those who have just been paired at the matching step) breaks up with probability

    θnkl, where

    θnkl = θnlk. (10)

    If a matched pair of agents of respective types k and l stays in their partnership, they become

    a pair of agents of types r and s, respectively, with a specified probability σnkl(r, s), where∑r,s∈S

    σnkl(r, s) = 1 and σnkl(r, s) = σ

    nlk(s, r) (11)

    31Let ϕ be any continuous function from ∆̂ to itself. Assume that: (1) for any k, l ∈ S, ϕkl(p̂) ≥ p̂kl; (2)for any p̂ ∈ ∆̂, ϕ(p̂) and p̂ have the same marginal measure on S, that is, for any k ∈ S,

    ∑r∈S∪{J} ϕkr(p̂) =∑

    r∈S∪{J} p̂kr. If p̂ in ∆̂ is the underlying extended type distribution for the agents, then ϕ(p̂) represents the

    extended type distribution after matching. For any k, l ∈ S, let qkl(p̂) = (ϕkl(p̂)− p̂kl) /p̂kJ if p̂kJ > 0 andqkl(p̂) = 0 if p̂kJ = 0. Then, the function q satisfies the continuity condition as well as Equation (9), as requiredfor a matching probability function. In fact, any matching probability function can be obtained in this way.For the special case that all of the matched agents break up at the end of each period, we need only considercontinuous functions from ∆ to ∆̂. Let φ be any such continuous function with the property that for any p ∈ ∆,ϕ(p) has the marginal measure p on S. That is, for any k ∈ S,

    ∑l∈S∪{J} ϕkl(p) = pk. For any k, l ∈ S, let

    qkl(p) = φkl(p)/pk if pk > 0 and qkl(p) = 0 if pk = 0. Then, the function q satisfies the continuity condition aswell as Equation (5), as required for a matching probability function. Again, any matching probability functionfor this particular setting can be obtained in this way.


  • for any k, l, r, s ∈ S. The second identity is merely a labeling symmetry condition. If a matchedpair of agents of respective types k and l breaks up, the agent of type k becomes an agent of

    type r with probability ςnkl(r), where ∑r∈S

    ςnkl(r) = 1. (12)

    We now give an inductive definition of the properties defining a dynamical system D forthe behavior of a continuum population of agents experiencing, at each time period: random

    mutations, matchings, and match-induced type changes with break-up. We later state condi-

    tions under which such a system exists. The state of the dynamical system D at the end ofeach integer period n ≥ 0 is defined by a pair Πn = (αn, πn) consisting of:

    • An agent type function αn : I × Ω → S that is I � F-measurable. The correspondingend-of-period type of agent i is αn(i, ω) ∈ S.

    • A random matching πn : I × Ω → I, describing the end-of-period agent πn(i) to whomagent i is currently matched, if agent i is currently matched. If agent i is not matched,

    then πn(i) = i. The associated partner-type function gn : I ×Ω→ S ∪ {J} provides thetype

    gn(i) =

    {αn(πn(i)) if πn(i) 6= iJ if πn(i) = i

    of the agent to whom agent i is matched, if agent i is matched, and otherwise specifies

    gn(i) = J . As a matter of definition, we require that gn is I � F-measurable.

    We take the initial condition Π0 = (α0, π0) of D as given. The initial condition may, ifdesired, be deterministic (constant across Ω). The joint cross-sectional extended type distribu-

    tion p̂n at the end of period n is λ(βn)−1, where βn = (αn, gn) is the extended type process.

    That is, when ω ∈ Ω is a sample realization, p̂nω(k, l) is the fraction of the population at theend of period n that has type k and is matched to an agent of type l. Likewise, p̂nω(k, J) is the

    fraction of the population that is of type k and is not matched.

    For the purpose of the inductive definition of the dynamical system D, we suppose thatΠn−1 = (αn−1, πn−1) has been defined for some n ≥ 1, and define Πn = (αn, πn) as follows.

    Mutation. The post-mutation type function ᾱn is I �F-measurable, and satisfies, for anyk1, k2, l1, and l2 in S, for any r ∈ S ∪ {J}, and for λ-almost-every agent i,

    P (ᾱni = k2, ḡni = l2 |αn−1i = k1, g

    n−1i = l1) = b


    nl1l2 (13)


  • P (ᾱni = k2, ḡni = r |αn−1i = k1, g

    n−1i = J) = b

    nk1k2δJ(r), (14)

    where δJ(r) is one if r = J , and zero otherwise. Equation (13) means that a paired agent

    and her partner mutate independently. The post-mutation partner-type function ḡn is defined

    by ḡn(i, ω) = ᾱn(πn−1(i, ω), ω), for any ω ∈ Ω. We assume that ḡn is I � F-measurable.The post-mutation extended-type function is β̄n = (ᾱn, ḡn). The post-mutation extended type

    distribution that is realized in state ω ∈ Ω is p̌n(ω) = λ(β̄nω)−1


    Matching. Let π̄n : I × Ω→ I be a random matching with the following properties.

    (i) For each state ω ∈ Ω, let Aω = {i : πn−1(i, ω) 6= i} be the set of agents who are matched.We have

    π̄nω(i) = πn−1ω (i) for i ∈ Aω, (15)

    meaning that those agents who were already matched at the end of period n− 1 remainmatched (to the same partner) at this step, which implies that the post-matching partner-

    type function ¯̄gn, defined by

    ¯̄gn(i, ω) =

    {ᾱn(π̄n(i, ω), ω) if π̄n(i, ω) 6= iJ if π̄n(i, ω) = i,


    P (¯̄gni = r | ᾱni = k, ḡni = l) = δl(r), (16)

    for any k and l in S and any r ∈ S ∪ {J}, where δc(d) is zero if c 6= d and is one if c = d.

    (ii) ¯̄gn is I � F-measurable.

    (iii) Given the post-mutation extended type distribution p̌n, an unmatched agent of type k is

    matched to a unmatched agent of type l with conditional probability qnkl(p̌n), in that, for

    λ-almost every agent i and P -almost every ω,

    P (¯̄gni = l | ᾱni = k, ḡni = J, p̌n) = qnkl(p̌n(ω)), (17)

    which also implies that

    P (¯̄gni = J | ᾱni = k, ḡni = J, p̌n) = ηnk (p̌n(ω)). (18)

    The extended type of agent i after the random matching step is ¯̄βni = (ᾱni , ¯̄g

    ni ).

    Type changes of matched agents with break-up. This step determines an end-of-period

    random matching πn, an I �F-measurable agent type function αn, and an I �F-measurable


  • partner-type function gn so that we have gn(i, ω) = αn(πn(i, ω), ω) for all (i, ω) ∈ I × Ω, andso that, for λ-almost every agent i and for any k1, k2, l1, l2 ∈ S and r ∈ S ∪ {J},

    πn(i) =

    {π̄n(i), if πn(i) 6= ii, if πn(i) = i


    P (αni = l1, gni = r | ᾱni = k1, ¯̄gni = J) = δk1(l1) δJ(r) (20)

    P (αni = l1, gni = l2 | ᾱni = k1, ¯̄gni = k2) = (1− θnk1k2)σ

    nk1k2(l1, l2) (21)

    P (αni = l1, gni = J | ᾱni = k1, ¯̄gni = k2) = θnk1k2ς

    nk1k2(l1). (22)

    Equation (19) says that agent i cannot change her partner if she remains matched. Equation

    (20) mean that unmatched agents stay unmatched without changing types. Equations (21) and

    (22) specify the type changing probabilities for a pair of matched agents who stay together or

    break up. The extended-type function at the end of the period is βn = (αn, gn).

    Thus, we have inductively defined the properties of a dynamical system D = (Πn)∞n=1incorporating the effects of random mutation, directed random matching, and match-induced

    type changes with break-up, consistent with given parameters (b, q, θ, σ, ς). The initial condition

    Π0 of D is unrestricted. We next turn to the key Markovian independence properties for such asystem, and then to the exact law of large numbers and existence of a dynamical system with

    these properties.

    A.2 Markov conditional independence

    We now add independence conditions on the dynamical system D = (Πn)∞n=0, along the linesof those in Duffie and Sun (2007, 2012), and Section 4. The idea is that each of the just-

    described steps (mutation, random matching, and match-induced type changes with break-up)

    are conditionally independent across almost all agents. In the following definition, we will

    refer to objects, such as the intermediate-step extended type functions β̄n and ¯̄βn, that were

    constructed in the previous subsection.

    We say that the dynamical system D is Markov conditionally independent (MCI) if, forλ-almost every i and λ-almost every j, for every period n ≥ 1, and for all k1, k2 ∈ S, andl1, l2 ∈ S ∪ {J}, the following five properties apply:

    • Initial independence: β0i and β0j are independent.


  • • Markov and independent mutation:

    P(β̄ni = (k1, l1), β̄

    nj = (k2, l2)

    ∣∣ (βti)n−1t=0 , (βtj)n−1t=0 )= P

    (β̄ni = (k1, l1)

    ∣∣ βn−1i )P (β̄nj = (k2, l2) ∣∣ βn−1j ) . (23)• Markov and independent random matching:


    ¯̄βni = (k1, l1),¯̄βnj = (k2, l2)

    ∣∣ β̄ni , β̄nj , (βti)n−1t=0 , (βtj)n−1t=0 )= P

    (¯̄βni = (k1, l1)

    ∣∣ β̄ni )P ( ¯̄βnj = (k2, l2) ∣∣ β̄nj ) . (24)• Markov and independent matched-agent type changes with break-up:

    P(βni = (k1, l1), β

    nj = (k2, l2)

    ∣∣ ¯̄βni , ¯̄βnj , (βti)n−1t=0 , (βtj)n−1t=0 )= P

    (βni = (k1, l1) | ¯̄βni

    )P(βnj = (k2, l2) | ¯̄βnj

    ). (25)

    A.3 The exact law of large numbers for MCI dynamical systems with enduringpartnerships

    For each period n ≥ 1, we define a mapping Γn from ∆̂ to ∆̂ by

    Γnkl(p̂) =∑

    (k1,l1)∈S2p̃nk1l1(1− θ


    nk1l1(k, l) +


    p̃k1J qnk1l1(p̃
