Dynamic and Public Auditing with Group User Revocation for Cloud Data Gali Akhila 1 , Dr. V.Sireesha 2 1 M.E Student, Dept. of Computer Science, Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad, India 2 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, Vasavi College of Engineering Hyderabad, India Abstract Cloud is one common place for data to be stored and also shared across multiple users. Data integrity of the shared data is ensured by public auditing. Provision of adding new group members to an existing group, as well as revocation of the existing member from a group would be supported dynamically at runtime. Public auditing on shared data stored in the cloud storage is done using privacy-preserving mechanism. The auditing task is done by the third party auditor on behalf of the users without retrieving the entire file, and the identity of the signer on each block in shared data is kept private from the Third Party Auditor (TPA), who will then verify the integrity of shared data by someone in a particular group of people. This paper provides a privacy-preserving public auditing scheme that supports public auditing and identity privacy on shared data stored in the cloud storage service for enhancing its security and efficiency. Keywords: Public integrity auditing, Cloud service provider, Third party auditor, Group signature. 1. Introduction Cloud computing is the on-demand deliverance of computer power, database storage, applications etc., through a cloud services platform. Cloud provides services to improve storage limitation. Sometimes server returns an invalid result like server hardware software failure or a malicious attack. Therefore data integrity and accessibility necessary to protect the security and privacy of cloud user's data is required. Security in cloud is a challenging issue. The existing system mainly supports two schemes, firstly dynamic scheme which supports data modification and secondly static scheme which does not modify data and it provides data integrity for proprietors International Journal of Research. Volume VIII, Issue IV, April/2019 ISSN NO:2236-6124 Page No:2833

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Dynamic and Public Auditing with Group User Revocation for Cloud Data

Gali Akhila1, Dr. V.Sireesha2

1M.E Student, Dept. of Computer Science, Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad, India

2Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, Vasavi College of Engineering Hyderabad, India


Cloud is one common place for data to be stored and also shared across multiple users.

Data integrity of the shared data is ensured by public auditing. Provision of adding new group

members to an existing group, as well as revocation of the existing member from a group would

be supported dynamically at runtime. Public auditing on shared data stored in the cloud storage

is done using privacy-preserving mechanism. The auditing task is done by the third party auditor

on behalf of the users without retrieving the entire file, and the identity of the signer on each

block in shared data is kept private from the Third Party Auditor (TPA), who will then verify the

integrity of shared data by someone in a particular group of people. This paper provides a

privacy-preserving public auditing scheme that supports public auditing and identity privacy on

shared data stored in the cloud storage service for enhancing its security and efficiency.

Keywords: Public integrity auditing, Cloud service provider, Third party auditor, Group


1. Introduction

Cloud computing is the on-demand

deliverance of computer power, database

storage, applications etc., through a cloud

services platform. Cloud provides services

to improve storage limitation. Sometimes

server returns an invalid result like server

hardware software failure or a malicious

attack. Therefore data integrity and

accessibility necessary to protect the

security and privacy of cloud user's data is

required. Security in cloud is a challenging

issue. The existing system mainly supports

two schemes, firstly dynamic scheme which

supports data modification and secondly

static scheme which does not modify data

and it provides data integrity for proprietors

International Journal of Research.

Volume VIII, Issue IV, April/2019

ISSN NO:2236-6124

Page No:2833

Page 2: Dynamic and Public Auditing with Group User Revocation for ...ijrpublisher.com/gallery/365-april-1176.pdf · Dynamic and Public Auditing with Group User Revocation for Cloud Data

as well as TPA. Dynamic schemes allow

only the proprietor to modify the data. In a

development platform, multiple users in a

group need to share, access, modify,

compile and run the shared source code at

anytime and anywhere. In the existing

scheme, it supports only plaintext data and

not cipher text. Therefore the data secrecy of

group user's problem is not considered. It

does not allow proprietors to take part in the

user revocation phase. There by collusion

occurs in the server which gives a chance to

the attacker.

1.2 Motivation

The improvements and

enhancements in cloud computing motivates

organization as well as enterprises to

outsource their data to third-party cloud

service providers (CSP's) which will result

in improvements of the data storage

limitation of resource constrain local

devices. In the market, already some cloud

storage services are available like simple

storage service (S3) [1] on-line data backup

services of Amazon and software like

Google Drive, [2] Dropbox, [3] Mozy, [4]

Bitcasa and [5] Memopal built for a cloud


In some cases, cloud server

sometimes returns invalid results such as

hardware or software failure, malicious

attack and human maintenance. Security and

privacy of cloud user's data should be

protected by data integrity and accessibility.

To overcome the security issues of

today's cloud storage services, simple

replication and protocols like Rabin's [8]

data dispersion scheme are not sufficient for

practical applications. For achieving the

integrity and availability of remote cloud

storage, various solutions [10] [11] and their

different variants have been proposed.

2. Existing System

For giving the uprightness and

accessibility of remote cloud store, a few

arrangements and their variations have been

proposed. In these arrangements, when a

plan underpins information adjustment, we

call it a dynamic plan. If a plan is openly

evident, it implies that the information

uprightness check can be performed by

information proprietors, yet additionally by

any outsider examiner. However, the

dynamic plans spotlight on the situations

where there is an information proprietor and

just the information proprietor can adjust the


International Journal of Research.

Volume VIII, Issue IV, April/2019

ISSN NO:2236-6124

Page No:2834

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To further enhance the various client

information activity, Wang et al. proposed

[12] an information uprightness dependent

on ring mark.

To further improve the past plan and

care group client repudiation, Wang et al.

structured a plan dependent on intermediary


Another endeavor to improve the

past plan and make the plan effective,

adaptable and intrigue safe is Yuan and Yu,

[13] who planned a dynamic open

trustworthiness reviewing the plan with

gathering client repudiation. The creators

structured polynomial validation labels and

receive intermediary label update strategies

in their plan, which make their plan bolster

open checking and proficient client denial.

Disadvantages of the Existing System:

In the Wang et al. conspire, the client

renouncement issue isn't considered and the

examining cost is straight to the gathering

size and information estimate.

However, the plan accepted that the

private and verified channels exist between

each pair of elements and there is no intrigue

among them. Likewise, the evaluating cost

of the plan is straight to the gathering size.

However, in Yuan and Yu conspire; the

creators don't consider the information

mystery of gathering clients. It implies that,

their plan could effectively bolster plaintext

information update and uprightness

examining, while not considering cipher text

information. In their plan, if the information

proprietor inconsequentially shares a

gathering key among the gathering clients,

the deserting or denial any gathering client

will constrain the gathering clients to refresh

their mutual key. Likewise, the information

proprietor does not participate in the client

renouncement stage, where the cloud itself

could direct the client disavowal stage. For

this situation, the arrangement of the denied

client and the cloud server will offer the

opportunity to a malignant cloud server

where the cloud server could refresh the

information the same number of times as

planned and gives lawful information at long


3. Proposed System

The inadequacy of the above plans

inspires us to investigate how to structure a

productive and solid plan, while

accomplishing secure gathering client

renouncement. As far as possible, we

propose a development which not just

backings bunch information encryption and

International Journal of Research.

Volume VIII, Issue IV, April/2019

ISSN NO:2236-6124

Page No:2835

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decoding amid the information alteration

handling, yet in addition, acknowledges

productive and secure client repudiation.

Our thought is to apply vector duty plot

over the database. At that point, we

influence the Asymmetric Group Key

Agreement (AGKA) and gathering marks to

help figure content information base update

among gathering clients and proficient

gathering client disavowal individually.

Specifically, the gathering client utilizes

the AGKA convention to

scramble/unscramble the offer database,

which will ensure that a client in the

gathering will probably encode/decode a

message from some other gathering clients.

The gathering mark will keep away from the

arrangement of cloud and denied bunch

clients, where the information proprietor

will participate in the client disavowal stage

and the cloud couldn't deny the information

that last changed by the repudiated client.

Advantages of the Proposed System:

We investigate on the safe and proficient

shared information incorporate evaluating

for a multi-client activity for figure content


By fusing the natives of victor

responsibility, key understanding and

gathering mark, we propose a productive

information inspecting plan while in the

meantime giving some new highlights, for

example, traceability and accountability.

We give the security and effectiveness

examination of our plan, and the

investigation results demonstrate that our

plan is secure and efficient.

4. System Design

Cloud server: We structure our framework

with Cloud Server, where the reports are put

away comprehensively. Our system intended

to accomplish the following properties:

Public Auditing: A public verifier can

freely check the uprightness of shared

information without recovering the whole

information from the cloud.

Correctness: A public verifier can

effectively check shared information


Unforgeability: Only a client in the

gathering can create substantial check

metadata on shared information.

Identity Privacy: A public verifier can't

recognize the personality of the endorser on

each square in shared information amid the

procedure of examining.

International Journal of Research.

Volume VIII, Issue IV, April/2019

ISSN NO:2236-6124

Page No:2836

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Group of users: There are two kinds of

clients in a gathering: the first client and

various gathering clients. The first client at

first makes shared information in the cloud,

and offers it with gathering clients. Both the

first and gathering clients are individuals

from the gathering. Each individual from the

gathering is permitted to get to and modify

shared information. Shared information and

its confirmation metadata are both put in the

cloud server. A public verifier, for instance,

an outsider reviewer giving master

information examining administrations or an

information client outside the gathering

expecting to use shared information, can

freely check the honesty of shared

information put away in the cloud server.

Owner Registration: Here the proprietor

needs to transfer its records in a cloud

server, he/she should enroll first. At that

point just he/she can probably do it. For that

he needs to fill the details in the enrollment

structure. These details are kept up in a


Owner Login: In this module, proprietors

need to login, they ought to login by giving

their email id and secret password.

User Registration: If a client needs to get to

the information which is put away in a

cloud, he/she should enter their details first.

These details are kept up in a Database.

User Login: If the client is an approved

client, he/she can download the document

by utilizing the record id which has been put

away by information proprietor when it was


Public verifier: When a public verifier

wishes to check the honesty of shared

information, it initially sends a reviewing

challenge to the cloud server. In the wake of

accepting the inspecting challenge, the

Cloud server reacts to the open verifier with

a reviewing confirmation of the ownership

of shared information.

Then, this open verifier checks the

accuracy of the whole information by

confirming the rightness of the inspecting

verification. Basically, the procedure of

open inspecting is a test and-reaction

convention between A public verifier and

the cloud server.

Reviewing: If an outsider examiner TPA

(maintainer of mists) should enlist first. This

framework permits just cloud specialist

organizations. After outsider examiner gets

signed in, He/She can perceive what

numbers of information proprietors have

transferred their documents into the cloud.

International Journal of Research.

Volume VIII, Issue IV, April/2019

ISSN NO:2236-6124

Page No:2837

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Here we are giving TPA to looking after


We just think about how to review the

uprightness of imparted information in the

cloud to static gatherings. It implies the

gathering is pre-characterized before shared

information is made in the cloud and the

enrollment of clients in the gathering isn't

changed amid information sharing.

The unique client is in charge of

choosing who can share her information

before re-appropriating information to the

cloud. Another intriguing issue is the

manner by which to review the honesty of

imparted information in the cloud to

dynamic gatherings another client can be

included into the gathering and a current

gathering part can be repudiated amid

information sharing while as yet

safeguarding personality protection.

System Workflow:

When proprietor uploads their own

file into cloud unique file id will be

generated at that time of file uploading, that

extracted id knows the only proprietor and

those users who have selected by proprietor

only view the content of file but not have

access for all group users. So those users

have access and know about file content. In

this scheme, we propose only selected user

able to access the file, proprietor shows

result of files that belong from same group

users, but not all users to display file

content. Here, secrecy of data maintained by


Fig 1: System work Flow of Public Integrity

Auditing System

International Journal of Research.

Volume VIII, Issue IV, April/2019

ISSN NO:2236-6124

Page No:2838

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5. Results and Discussions

Fig 2: Uploading a file into the cloud

In Fig 2, the proprietor uploads the file into

the group, which can be downloaded by the

user who is registered for that group. To

download a file, the user must have a secret

key which will be sent to the user via E-mail

by the file proprietor.

Fig 3: File Key send to the user's email address

International Journal of Research.

Volume VIII, Issue IV, April/2019

ISSN NO:2236-6124

Page No:2839

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In Fig 3, we can see the secret key allotted

by the owner for his file, which the user gets

in his E-Mail after the registration process.

Only with this secret key, he can have

access to the files that have been uploaded to

the cloud.

Fig 4: File accessing or downloading process

In Fig 4, Here the user has to enter the secret

key which he got in his E-Mail from the

owner of the group during the registration

process. Once the user selects the file and

enters the secret key, he will have access to

download the file.

Fig 3: It displays information available in the file

International Journal of Research.

Volume VIII, Issue IV, April/2019

ISSN NO:2236-6124

Page No:2840

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Fig 5: File auditing process.

In Fig 5, the auditor checks the file for any

modification during the auditing process. If

the file has no modification, there will be a

message stating there is no modification in

the file as shown in Fig 6.


Fig 6: Message from the auditor

6. Conclusion

In the paper we have proposed a plan

to acknowledge productive and secure

information uprightness inspecting to

offering powerful information with multi-

client adjustment. We give security

examination of our plan, and it demonstrates

that our plan gives information privacy to

aggregate clients and it is additionally secure

against the intrigue assault from the

distributed storage server and disavowed

International Journal of Research.

Volume VIII, Issue IV, April/2019

ISSN NO:2236-6124

Page No:2841

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bunch clients. Additionally, the execution

investigation demonstrates that our plan is

likewise effective in various stages.

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International Journal of Research.

Volume VIII, Issue IV, April/2019

ISSN NO:2236-6124

Page No:2842