8/12/2019 Dylan Sues Folkways Weberman http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/dylan-sues-folkways-weberman 1/8  -  . I t 1 . .; ' NOTI  E OF ENTRY Sir: -l l ease take n otice that th e withi n is a certi f ied) tr ue copy of a duly entered in the office of the clerk of the within named court on Dat ed, ... Your s, etc. , DAVID S. MICHAELS tt om y fo r Office a d Post Offi ce Ad d ress 342 Madison Avenue 19 Borough of Manha ttan New Yor k, N. Y. 10017 To Att orney(s) for NOTI CE OF SETTL EMENT Sir: lease tak e n otice that an order of which the within is a true copy will be pr esented for settlement to the Ho n. one of the judges of the within named Cour t , a t on the at Dated, day of M. You rs, etc. , DAVID S. MICHAELS Atcnm e y fo r Office a nd P ost Office Address 342 Madison Avenue 19 Borough of Ma nhat tan New York, N. Y. 10017 To Attorn ey(s) for Year l9 No. 24085 77 surnn: coim·r : new YORK COUNTY CLS nod not DYL/a.ti f l 1 2 i ~ t i J : £ 0 - again.at- LKWAYS nrmm;s AND ~ R V I E CORP. AL.t~'i JULES ti. EBEl ~ H A N WSES AOOH , ROIJ>Sl.:OE 1'1.WAZX.t:E and ' COlUlCN r&lES iili ac .A Q 1E£ ~ l N G I W l i . d i v 1 l ~ 1 1 y ond o o l ~ buaiilil•• as xoo; or IDH Hhrv\7.l?tl , ancl JO r\Pl r o ~ ~ l q, t O uRh .... t to.e .: ...:: '~«lil ·J \ ; ' .. DAVID S. MICHAELS tto rney f or ' . ) "'t , 1 _., ' t . l t.:•' Office and Post ~ ~ M ~ s elepli 342 Madison Avenue Borough of Manhattan New Yor k, N. Y. 1001 7' (212) 867-11 70 To An orney( s) fo r Service o f a c opy of the witlli n is hereb y admitte d. Dated, At to m ey(s) fo r © 1 rl OO - EJl CEL S I ORLEQ .\L TATIONll :RY co INC . ea WH lT E T • u. T.

Dylan Sues Folkways Weberman

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1 .

.; '


Sir: -l lease take notice that the within is a certi fied)

true copy of a

duly entered in the office of the clerk of the within

named court on



Yours, etc.,


ttom y fo rOffice a d Post Office Ad dress

342 Madison Avenue


Borough of Manha ttan New Yor k, N. Y. 10017


Attorney(s) for


Sir:  lease tak e notice that an order

of which the within is a true copy will be presented

for settlement to the Hon.

one of the judges of the within named Cour t, at

on the



day of


You rs, etc.,


Office and P ost Office Address

342 Madison Avenu e


Borough of Manhat tan New York, N. Y. 10017


Attorn ey(s) for

Year l9No.24085 77

surnn: coim·r : new YORK COUNTY

CLS nod not DYL/a.ti •

f l 1 2 i ~ t i J : £ 0- again.at-


A L . t ~ ' i JULES t i . E B E l ~ H A N WSES AOOH,ROIJ>Sl.:OE 1'1.WAZX.t:E and 'COlUlCN r&lESiiliac .AQ1E£ ~ l N G I W l i . d i v 1 l ~ 1 1 y

ond o o l ~ buaii l i l•• as xoo; or IDHHhrv\7.l?tl , ancl JO r\Pl r o ~ ~ l q, t O uRh.... t to.e .: ...:: ' ~ « l i l ·J •

\ ; ' ..


tto rney for ' . ) "'t • , 1 _., ' t . l t.:•'

Office and Post ~ ~ M ~ s e l e p l i342 Madison Avenue

Borough of Manhattan New Yor k, N. Y. 1001 7'

(212) 867-1170


Anorney(s) for

Service of a copy of the witllin

is hereby admitted.


Attom ey(s) fo r

© 1 rlOO -E Jl C EL S I OR •L EQ . \L • TATIONll :RY co • INC . ea WH lT E • T • u. T.

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The undersigned, an attorney admitted to practice in the courts of New York State,


Certifica tion certifies that the within

By Attorney has been compared by the undersigned with the original and found to be a true and comp lete copy.

Attorn ey s

Affi rm•t ionshows : deponent is

the attorney (s) of record for

in the within deponent has read theand knows the contents thereof ; the same is

true to deponenl s own knowledge, except as to the matters therein slated to be a lle9ed on information and hclicf,and that as Lo those mallers deponent believes it to be tr ue. This verification is made by deponent and nol hy

The g rounds of deponent s belief as to all matters not stated upon dcponcnt s knowl edge arc as fo llows:

The un dersigned a fTirms that the fo rego ing statements ar e true, under the penalties of perjury.


The name signed must be printed beneath


D Individualc


. .

being duly sworn. deposes and says : deponent is

the in the within action ; deponent has read

the foregoing and knows the contents thereof ; the same is l rn todeponent  s own knowledge, except as to the ma tters therein stated to be alleged on informat io n and hcli t>f, an cl aslo those mat ters deponent believes it to be true

u 0 Corporate the ofu Verificat ion

a corporation, in the within act ion ; deponent has rcarl the

foregoing and knows the contents thereof ; an rl th  samr.is true to dcponent's own knowledge, except as to the matters therein slated lo be alleged upon information andbelief, and as to those matters deponent believes it to be true. This verification is made by deponent because

is a corporation and deponent is an o T icr r thereo f.

The grounds of deponcnt's belief as to all matters not stated upon deponent's knowledge are as fo llows :

Sworn to before me on 19The name signed musl be printed beneath


SS :

B• MEYD being duly sworn , deposes and says : deponent is not a party to th<' action,

is over 18 yea rs of age and resides a t Brooklyn , ftew York

Dd a ~ i On l.Wrch 19 78 deponent served the within




of Service b ANSVEB

By Man upon H ~ e e BABOVICK , ~ ~ . BaAtlf • SSQS . •atto rney(ST or r faint:iff s Ill l S act10n, at One D• o H ammar ak iold Pla zft


of Persona l

Mew York Sw-Yc.r1 1 17 the ada ress c l e s ~ t e e r y s-aid-a ti 6rnci(s ) fOr that. pur posel.iy <lepos itinp; a f rne copy of same enclosed in a post-pa id properly addressed wrapper, in - ' i 1 f ' . r ~ 1 f . e - - o   cial

deposito ry under the exclusive care and custody of the United States Postal Service with in the State of New York.

On 19 at

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Pla in t i f f s

-agains t-




and AGNES C U N N I N G H . ~ 1 individually and

doing business as BROADSIDE Jv AGAZINE,

and JOHN DOEs 1 through 100


--   -   -.--- -- -  -  - -   - -

Index No. 24085/77


Defendant> ALAN JULES WEBERHAN, by his attorney

DAVID S. MICHAELS, as and for his Answer to the complaint

herein s ta tes as follm·rn:

l . Defendant ALAl'l JULES WEBERJvLD.N is without knm·1ledge

suf f ic ient to admit or deny the al legat ions of Paragraphs l 2

and 3 of the complaint herein.


2. Defendant ALAN JULES WEBERMAN, admits the al legat ions

of Pargraph--4. o_f ~ l ] e

comelaint herein.

3. Defendant ALAN JULES WEBERL'1.AN, is without knowledge

suf f ic ient to admit or. deny the al legat ions of Paragraphs 5 6

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7 , 8 , 9 and 10 the the complaint here in .

4 . Defendant. ; 'ALAN JULES WEBERMAN, denies the al · lega t i ons

o f Paragraph 11 and spec i f i ca l l y denies the a l l ega t ions o f the

genera l paragraph t he reo f and o f a l l o f the a l l ega t ions o f sub-

paragraphs a through j ) o f the complaint here in .

5 . Defendant, ALAN JULES WEBER1'1AN, i s without knowledge

SJf f i c i en t to admit o r deny the a l l ega t ions o f Paragraphs 12, 13

nad 14 o f the complaint here in .

6. Defendant , ALAN JULES WEBER1'L<IJ'l, admits the a l l e ga t ions

o f Paragraph 15 o f the complaint herein to the e f f e c t t h a t CBS INC.

previous ly brought an ac t ion agains t t h i s defendant and admits

t ha t sa id defendant executed an agreement r ep resen t ing t h a t he

did not dup l i ca te , a dve r t i s e , d i s t r ibu te o r s e l l any recordings

o f p l a i n t i f f BOB D Y L . A l ~ S songs. Defendant , ALAN JULES W E B E P ~ A N ,

denies v io l a t i on o f t h a t agreement and a l l o ther a l lega t ions

o f Paragraph 15 o f the compla in t here in .

7 . Defendant , ALAN JULES WEBERMAN, denies the a l l e ga t ions

o f Paragraph 16 of the complaint here in .

8 . Defendant, ALAN JULES WEBERMAN, denies t ha t he performed

any o f the ac t s spe c i f i ed in Paragraph 17 o f the compla in t here in .

9. Defendant , ALAN JULES WEBE '1AN, admits t ha t the offending

record cons i s t s predominantly o f a conve rsa t ion between DYLAN

and WEBER.MAN. Defendant denies t ha t the recording i s abus ive ,

su r rep t i t i ous l y recorded, and denies a l l o f the o ther a l l e ga t ions

-2 -

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o f Paragraph 8 o f the complaint here in .

10. Defendant , ALAN JULES WEBERMAN, admits the a l l e ga t ions

o f Paragraph 19 of the complaint he re in to the e f fec t t ha t the

offending record conta ins no songs composed o r performed by

p l a i n t i f f DYLAN and defendant admits t ha t the conversa t ion between

WEB Efu'1AN and DYLAN occurred in 1970 o r 1971 and denies a l l the

o ther a l l eg ta ions o f sa id Paragraph 19.

11. Defendant , ALAN JULES WEBERHAl'l, denies the a l l e ga t ions

o f Paragraph 20 o f the complaint here in .

12. ·Defendant , ALAN JULES WEBERMAN, i s without knowledge

ruf f ic ien t to admit o r deny the a l lega t ions o f Paragraph 21 o f

the complaint here in .

13. Defendant , ALAN JULES WEBERHAN, admits t ha t the brochure

spec i f ied within Paragraph 22 o f the carpla int here in conta ins a

t r ansc r ip t o f an in terv iew betweenFRIESEN

and \IBBERMAN, bu t

defendant denies tha t any o f his s ta tements therewith in are

l i be lous o r defamatory . Further , defendant denies knowlege

s u f f i c i e n t to admit o r deny the a l lega t ions with regard to the

photographs r e f e r r e d to within Paragraph 22 and s p e c i f i c a l l y

denies t ha t a s ta tement t ha t Dylan i s one o f the w i lde s t ,

gones t , and f r e a k i e s t s tuds t ha t ever stomped through the pages

o f h i s t o r y , i s in f a c t defamatory o r l i be lous .

14. Defendant , ALAN JULES WEBERM.Ai'l, denies knowledge s u f f i c i e

to admit o r deny the a l l ega t ions o f Paragraph 23 o f the compla in t ,

-3 -

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15. Defendant ALAN JULES WEBERMAl l, i s without knowledge

s u f f i c i e n t to a t h e r admit o r deny t h ~ a l l ega t ions o f Paragraph

24 o f the comp l a id : herein to the e f f ec t t ha t the ·reco:r::ding com-

pla ined o f was furnished to FOLKSWAYS by BROADSIDE. Defendant

admits the a l l ega t ions o f Paragraph 24 to the e f fec t tha t he

furn ished a copy o f the recording to defendant FRIESEN.

16. Defendant ALAN JULES WEBEfil lAN, denies the a l l e ga t ions

o f Paragraph 26 o f the complaint here in to the e f f e c t t ha t he

performed any o f the ac t s complained o f therewith in .

17. Defendant ALAN JULES BEBEfillA.N, denies the a l l e ga t ions

o f Paragraph 27 o f the c o ~ p l i n t he re in to the e f f e c t tha t he

-performed any o f the ac t s complained o f t he rewi tb in Defendant

admits . the l l e g ~ t i o µ s o f the seconcj ~ e n t e n c e o f Paragraph 27 .. . - - • _ . . . . . . .

18. Defendant ALAN JULES WEBEfillAN, denies the a l l e ga t ions

o f Paragraphs 28 29 30 and 31 o f the complaint here in .

19. Defendant ALAN JULES ·wEBERMAN, denies the a l l e ga t ions

o f Paragraph 33 o f the complaint herein to the e f f e c t t ha t he

performed any o f the ac t s complained o f the rewi th in .

20. Defendant ALAN JULES WEBERMAN, denies the a l l e ga t ions

o f Paragrapsh 24 35 36 38 39 40 and 42 o f the compla in t

here in .

21. Defendant ALAN JULES WEBEfillAN, i s without knowledge

s u f f i c i e n t to admit o r deny the a l l e g a t i o n s o f Paragraph 43

o f the compla in t here in .


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22. Defendant, ALAN JULES WEBER.MAN, denies the l leg t ions

of Paragraphs 44, 45 and 46 of the complaint herein .

23. Defendant, ALAN JULES WEBER11AN, admits the l l eg t ions

of Paragraph 48 of the complaint herein to the effec t th t the

offending record 11 does not contain any songs writ ten or per-

formed by DYLAN, and in f c t pr incip l ly contains a record of

a telephone conversat ion between DYLAi'l and WEBER1, AN made in

1970 or 1971, but defendant denies l l of the other l l eg t ions

of Paragraph 48.

24. Defendant, ALAN JULES WEBERMAi'l, denies the l l eg t ions

of Paragraphs 49, 5 and 51 of the complSint herein .

25. Defendant,ALAN JULES WEBEfu'1AN, is without knowledge

s i f f ic ient to admit or deny the al legat ions of Paragraph 53 of the

complaint herein.

26. Defendant, ALAN JULES WEBERMAN, denies the l l eg t ions

of Paragraphs 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 69,

7 and 72 of the complaint herein .

27. De/ 'ndant , ALAN JULES

suf f i c i en t to admit or deny the

WEBERMAN, denies knowledge

al legat ions of Paragraph 74 of

the complaint herein.

28. Defendant, ALAN JULES WEBERI'LAN, denies the l l eg t ion

of Paragraph 75 of the complaint herein.

29. Defendant, ALAN JULES WEBERMAN, is without knowledge

suf f i c i en t to admit or deny the l leg t ions of Paragraph 77 of


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the complaint here in .

30, Defen6ant , ALAN JULES W E B E f i l L ~ N , denies the a l l e ga t ions

o f Paragraph 78, 79, 81, 82 and 84 o f the complaint here in .

31. Defendant , ALAN .JULES WEBERMAN, denies knowledge

s i f f i c i en t to admit o r deny the a l lega t ions o f Paragraph 86

o f the complaint here in .

32. Defendant, ALAN JULES WEBERMAN, denies the a l l e ga t ions

o f Paragraph 87 o f the complaint here in .

33. Defendant , ALAN JULES WEBETu. 1AN, denies the. a l l e ga t ion

o f Paragrq:h 89 o f the complaint herein and spec i f i ca l l y denies

t ha t the rep resen ta t ions re fe r red to the rewi th in were unt rue

and denies t ha t they were v i o l a t i ve . Fur the r , defendant denies

knowledge o f t he i r f a l s i t y and denies t ha t such rep resen ta t ions

were made with i n t en t to dece ive and defraud.

34. Defendant , ALAN JULES WEBEfil lAN, denies the a l l e ga t ions

o f Paragraphs 80, 92 and 93 o f the complaint here in ,


judgment dismissing the complaint herein as agains t him and fo r•

s.ich o ther and fu r the r r e l i e f as to the Court may seem j u s t and

proper toge ther with counsel fees and the cos t s and disbursements

incur red by sa id defendant in t h i s ac t ion .


Attorney . for Defendant


342 Madison Avenue

N e ~ v York, New York 10017

212) 867 - 1170