WANTED TO BUY FOR CASH---Two car loads of horses Bring the horses to J . B. Hayes' Livery Barn, Dwight, •zsaisor SATURDAY JANUARY 10, 1914 A good time to market your horses Repairs for all kind of furnaces Dealer also in tin, iron and slate roofing. T. J. MOLONEY PLUMBING, HEATING AND PUMP WORK Shop in rear of Bank of Dwight . Res. Phone 255-R •• • • • •• .... I CHRISTIANSEN & KNUDSEN TAILORS Cleaning and Pressing East Main St. ILLINOIS DWIGHT •••••••••• ■■••••••••••••••••••-•••••••••••••••••••••• 60 ••••••••••••••• J. W. GRADY BUS AND BAGGAGE TRANSFER For Efficient Carpenters for fine cabinet work or any kind of building construction see CLAUSEN & ANDERSEN CITY. CALLS MADE ANYWHERE IN PROMPT SERVICE. ••••• CO N LILA croit 8 AND BUILDERS Phones 156-W and 319-11 DWIGHT, ILLINOIS. I 233-11 Phones I 233-W I 39 Main •••-e-0--0--0--•--• 40* •••• ••••••••••••••••• ..PereehelemeessWerneWnesseseeessoeeemCa m e..eme.r.reeseraesed olitet eeerf e ,Or eCre ete•Ifele CrOseCe S•S<• •:-.6:- e- -Se.• •S e- e• *:• •:* C••:* •:":":":") 4.14:4 tr e te> 1 OUR CUSTOMERS t % 1. ti ti ti 4, ti ti Fine lettuce Adv. So Many ft People at the green house.— 60-4w Country sorghum at G. L. Hahn & Son.—Adv. Frank 'Lapps was a Pontiac visitor Saturday Cranberries, 10c per quart. Cash Grocery.—Adv. Fancy dressed chickens Saturday at W. R. Drew's.—Adv. Roy Brown, of Streator, called on friends here Monday. Mr. W. C. Bartholic is quite ill at his home on Seminole street. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Uebrick visited friends in Braidwood last week. Mrs. Geo. Brumbach spent Sunday with Mrs. E. J. Brumbach, of Odell. Mrs. O. B. Mickelson entertained the Card Club Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Madge Welker, of Oak Park, Ill., is visiting at the home of Geo. Uebrick. Danish Brotherhood masquerade, Tuesday evening, Jan. 6, at Mazon Hall.—Adv. 52-2w Mrs. Percy Brubaker and daughter, of Chicago, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. Brubaker. Oranges, 45c per peck or 23c per dozen, cheaper than apples. Cash Grocery.—Adv. Misses Louise Hansen and Irene Stevenson were Pontiac visitors Wed- nesday afternoon. The Danish Brotherhood will give a masquerade Tuesday evening, Jan. 6, at Mazon Hall.—Adv. 52-2w Mr. Muro Bartholic spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. Clarence Clover, at Bloomington. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Beyer, Mrs. Hans Smith and Drea Johnson were Pontiac callers Thursday. Dr. Hill will see eye, ear, nose and throat patients at Dwight Cottage Ho- tel, Friday, Jan. 9.—Adv. Mrs. Mary Hansen visited with her son, Arthur, Friday afternoon at the St. James Hospital at Pontiac. Wanted—Maid for general house- work by Jan. 15; family of two. Apply R. A. McClelland. Phone 22.—Adv. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knudsen and son, of Pontiac, spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Jens Knudsen and fam- ily. On Brothers recently furnished fix- tures for the handsome new home of John Moeller on East North stret- Adv. Mrs. James Bagnell was taken to the Streator Hospital last Saturday morning for treatment for pluro-pneu- monia. Our store will close evenings at 6 p. m. from Monday, Jan. 4, to April 1st, excepting Saturdays. Carey & Seabert.—Adv. Mrs. Harriet Reeb, of Chicago° and daughter, Dorothy, are spending a few days here with relatives and friends. Mrs. Luther Hahn returned home Sunday from the Hahnemann Hospi- tal in Chicago, where she has been for several weeks. Missionary meeting of the Congre- gational Church will be held at the home of Miss Lydia Fox Saturday aft- ernoon. Election of officers. L. A. Weicker and family went to Joliet Saturday afternoon to spend a few days with Mrs. Weicker's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McCarter, of Chi- cago, who have been visiting their relatives here, returned home Sunday. Mr. McCarter is a former resident of Dwight. The Dwight Midgets journeyed to Gardner last Wednesday evening, and played the basket ball team at that place, and were defeated by a score of 20 to 13. Mr. Floyd Orr, who is a city elec- trician in Chicago, was here Sunday and Monday attending to some busi- ness of the firm of On Bros., of which he is a member. A letter from Mr. John Buffham, of Lohrville, Ia , says he and his family are well, and that they have fine weather and good roads there. He says crops have been very fair this year. Miss Lydia Seabert, of Chicago, spent New Year's with her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Seabert. She has just returned from a delightful month's visit with relatives and friends in southern California. The Ancient Order of Hibernians gave a New Years ball the evening of Dec. 31, which was largely attended. All present enjoyed a pleasant even- ing, dancing to the strains of Paw- ling's orchestra, of Bloomington. Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Baker enter- tained the members of the Young Peo- ples Auxiliary of the M. E. Church gt their home on Chippewa street, at a Christmas party, Tuesday evening. Many games were played and a jolly, social evening was enjoyed by the many guests present, which numbered nearly eighty. Delectable refresh- ments were served by the host and hostess. DWIGHT W. A. CHESTER "Marco Grocer" ILLINOIS ti ti remark upon the convenience and satisfaction of trading here, that we are extremely anxious for everyone to learn about the big advantages of trading here. a.•%ma1a marn..a.r.:,1:1•%'•-••••••..%'..1m..W- a m'a1? ..1111a mem.•• •/ Grocery.—Adv. Samuel Farrel, of Kinsman, was on our streets Tuesday, Neal Coughlin, of Kinsman, autoed to our town Monday. W. R. Drew's, the place for fancy bulk mince meat.—Adv. Mr. and MTS. Gene Donovan spent last Sunday in Streator. Chas. Moore, of Odell, spent Sunday evening here visiting friends. Mr. Fisher, of Pontiac, spent Satur- day in our city visiting relatives. All coats and furs greatly reduced at Van Eman & Sondergaard's.—Adv. Mr. and Mrs. Martin spent Sunday with their son, T. E. Martin, of Odell. Orr Brothers are now wiring the garage of Brumbach & Boyer Bros.- Adv. Miss Lucile Smith spent a portion of Friday and Saturday with relatives in Pontiac. Nels Kair will sell at his auction on Jan. 5, four good cows, two of them fresh.—Adv. 52-2e Mr. Harold Phelps spent the holi- days on the farm with his cousin, Mr. W. J. Jeffries. Oranges, 45c per peck or 23c per dozen, cheaper than apples. Cash Grocery.—Adv. find they can get better Gro- ceries, better prices and better service here than elsewhere. If you want FINE FRESH GROCERIES you should deal with us. Try our canned goods, Soups, Vegetables, Meats, Fruits, etc. They are the best that money will buy. We make a specialty of TEA AND COFFEE and will guarantee every pound you buy here will please you. "."..Weimus. 0 1:11.%11. 0 %%"..m..W1Srun•SoN.W.40."eflun.romle‘WW•0 0 •PSINWAINS60.14014 1 Our constant aim is a better store service with bigger values at lower prices than you pay elsewhere. We're in a Position It will pay you to learn about these advantages In service, quality and price. 0 0 0 0 0 c} 00 0 {) 0 (1 9 G 0 0 0 Pine old violins. S. Goodspeed.—Adv. 0 1 !Joe Migliarini was a Pontiac visitor a DWIGHT NOTES 0 Tuesday. 0 t Cranberries, 10c per quart. Cash 000000000000000000 You are always welcome here whether you come sim- ply to look around or to buy something. to offer you the best the market affords in the way of meats. And our prices, you know, are always the lowest. We handle only prime stock. Quality and quantity guaranteed. Fine roast- ing pieces of beef or poultry. First class mutton, veal and pork equally low. Can't do bet- ter anywhere. Thos. Johnson, of Essex, spent part •:• , of Wednesday and Thursday with Dwight relatives. For Sale—i matched team of sor- rel horses; wt. about 1100 lbs. Inquire at this office.—Adv. 1-2 w Arthur Cunliffe and family and also Mildred Cupples spent New Years in Odell at the Bolin home Master George and little Miss Doro- thy Dyer spent the first of the week with relatives at Ottawa, Ill. 'P . W. R. Drew's Fulton Meat Market Phones 34 and ST AP X „t e e t , X latp.".Mrniurntitn.W.SWI TH STO E THAT SAT1SFIESY 't" • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •• Imp 4.44 0-0 •• •• • •• • • •• •• 4-• ••••• •• •• 4.• •• •• 4.• ••• 4•• •• •• 4.• •• ••••• •-• •• 044 •• 4.44 ♦• • • • • • • • • • • • • • 04 • • • 4. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • tr+SPI 04.0geseetc÷ :-44.-+CeleS4*--:**:*-:+4 0:e:eXeXeS4-SeteoleCeSeS-S-CeoSele:e:*<•• •• RADIATORS The radiator is one of the most important parts of a warm air furnace. A poorly construct- ed radiator will condemn an otherwise good furnace. We have given this part of Moore's Furnace particular at- tention and as a result the ra- diator on Moore's Furnace is very much larger than that used on other furnaces of the same size firepot and of similar construction JOSEPH D. COSGROVE ILLINOIS Remember the Date as I Come to Buy M. M. DEGEN eee.Gee: e0-44+• ••40-•:e: eSete): 14-Ce :eleX eVetter le>•:•4)44•• *, r:••••••:->GOWeest:004000 The Parent-Teacher Club will meet at the high school at 3:30 on Wed- nesday afternoon, the seventh. Wanted—Maid for general house- work by Jan. 15; family of two. Apply R. A. McClelland. Phone 22.—Adv. Mrs. Naffziger and son Oliver, and Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Harrison spent Christmas with friends in Lexington. Wanted—Dress making and sewing of all kinds done at home. Address The Misses Gillett, Nevada, Ill.—Adv. 1-tf. Mr. and Mrs. James Ketcham and family spent New Year's with the lat- ter's mother, Mrs. Snyder, at Kanka- kee. Arthur Brubaker, who has been spending the holiday week with his parents, returned to Chicago Thurs- day. Before purchasing elsewhere see the reduced prices on electrical articles on display in Adams & Orr's window. —Adv. Miss Olga Adams, of Joliet, is here spending the holidays with her grand- mother and aunt, Mrs. and Miss Adams. Miss Florence Wright, of Lexington, spent part of Saturday, Sunday and Monday with Mrs. Jos. Baker and daughters. Mrs. J. R. OugHton, Jr., and little son, Jack, spent the holidays with the latter's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Oughton. Mr. Herbert Adams, who has a posi- tion in the revenue office at Spring- field, was here spending Sunday with his mother, Mrs A E Adams. ••• ••• • •• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •• •••• •• •• ••• •••-••• ••••••••••••••-•"•••••• •••• ••441 444.• ••• •• •• •••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••• ••-•••••••—•—•4t• ••• Fw4F-••••• • ••• • • • • •-• 1F•Fw• ••••• F 1 ` BUSINESS . DIRECTORY t PROGRAM FOR THE Agricultural Extension School a. a. Mrs. W. E. Renfro, of St. Joseph, t Mo., spent a part of the Christmas week with Mr. and Mrs. F. A. liaise X e and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Martin. :• Keeley Lecture Hall, Dwight, Illinois JANUARY 12 to 16, 1914 •••••••••••••••••• Arthur Hansen, who was operated • on for appendicitis at the St. James Hospital at Pontiac Monday of this X week, is getting along nicely at this writing. WILLIAM RATTING MANUFACTURER OF RIGS *RADE CIGARS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Now back In our old stand on Franklin Street. Phone No. 26-R — DWIGHT, ILL. SEE THORWALD TOSTESEN —for— ELECTRICAL PLANTS AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS Office at Larsen & Son. Call or Phone "09-W. DWIGHT ILLINOIS -••••-•••••••••-•••••••• • • -• • • • • • • 41 •440•••••••••• • MONDAY, JANUARY 12. 9:00 - 9:50—Introductory Remarks by Instructors 10:00-10:50—Introduction to a Study of Soils F C. Bauer 11:00-11:50—Some Problems in Fruit Growing A W. Nolan 1:30 - 3 : 00---Organic Matter and the Nitrogen Supply in Soils F C. Bauer 7:30—Lecture: College of Agriculture and Experi- ment Station as Agencies of Service to the A W. Jamison State .144....•••••••.-.14...••••••••-t ••••••114..44..••••••• .. •,41. ••••••••••••••• ••••••••• •••... •• ••••••••••• •••••• -0-.•••••••••••••••440.406.......•••••••••••••••••••••••-•••••-•••••••••••••• WM HUGHES JAS L. DEEGAN LATHING, PLASTERING, CHIMNEY AND RUPAIR WORK ESTIMATES FURNISHED SHOE REPAIRER TUESDAY, SANITARY 13. 9:00-9:50—Insect Foes and Friends A. W. Nolan 10:00-10:50—Limestone in Soil Improvement F C. Bauer 11:00-11:50—The Farmers' Wood-lot A W. Nolan 1:30 -3:0a—Phosphorus in Soil Improvement F C. Bauer 7:30—Lecture: The Fighting Edge A W. Nolan WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14. 9:00-9:50—Farm Crops—Corn E E Hoskins 10:00-10:50—Illinois System of Permanent Agriculture.... F C. Bauer 11:00-11:50—Farm Crops Alfalfa E E Hoskins 1:30 - 3: 00—Animal Husbandry—Stock Judging. . . W. H Smith 7:30—Lecture: Industrial Education...R. E. Hieronymus THURSDAY, JANUARY 15. 9:00-9:50—Farm Crops—Corn E E. Hoskins 10:00-10:50—Silo Construction E A. White 11:00-11:50—Farm Crops—Meadows and Pastures E E Hoskins 1:30 -3:00—Animal Husbandry—Stock Judging.... W. H Smith 7:30—Lecture: Modern Conveniences in Farm Homes E A. White Phone 139-R Dwight, will move into the corner Burke Building on West Street, and be ready for business January 1. 641 -•-•••-••••••Y4.t.4•••• ••••••••••4•••••411 •••••••••••••••• 041 PIO •••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••• FRADAT, JANUARY 113. 9:00-9:50—Farm Crops—Oats and Small Grain E E Huskies 10:00.10:50—Equalizers and Hitches E A. White 11 : 00-11 : 50--Dairying W. W. Yapp 1:30-3:00—Judging Dairy Cows W. W Yapp 7:30—Lecture (To be supplied) Your Office Stationery DOES IT NEED REPLENISHING? DON'T YOU WANT SOMETHING NEW? CALL AT THE DWIGHT STAR AND HERALD OFFICE AND SEE OUR VARIOUS SAMPLES OF STOCK AND ARTISTIC PRINTING M. M. Degen wishes to buy for cash, two car loads of horses. Bring horses to John B. Hayes' Livery Barn Satur- day, Jan 10. See display adv. in this issue.—Adv.' 1-2w Mrs. Earl Hager entertained a few of her girl friends at a card party and luncheon Saturday afternoon. The house and table were beautifully deco- rated with Christmas decorations. Miss Jessie Davis returned to Chi- cago last Sunday, ? where she is in training for a nurse at the Hahnemann Hospital, after a week's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Davis. Mrs. Frank Leslie Smith entertain- ed at a Christmas party for her nephew, Clinton James Ahern, Jr.. Saturday, Dec. 27th. Miss Georgene Faulkner, the "story lady" of the Tribune, furnished the program. The school in District 231, of which Miss Ruth Brendley is the teacher, enjoyed a Christmas entertainment last week. They had a really Santa Claus and a tree, and a nice program was given. Several families were present to enjoy the festivities, six men being visitors, which was some- thing unusual. The little children certainly enjoyed the Santa Claus and helped distribute the presents. Some were frightened at his pisesence, but others joked with him, telling what they wanted in their stockings. All seemed to enjoy the occasion.

DWIGHT NOTES 0 So Many Peopledwight-historical-society.org/Star_and_Herald... · WANTED TO BUY FOR CASH---Two car loads of horses Bring the horses to J. B. Hayes' Livery Barn, Dwight,

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Page 1: DWIGHT NOTES 0 So Many Peopledwight-historical-society.org/Star_and_Herald... · WANTED TO BUY FOR CASH---Two car loads of horses Bring the horses to J. B. Hayes' Livery Barn, Dwight,

WANTED TO BUY FOR CASH---Two car loads of horses Bring the horses to

J . B. Hayes' Livery Barn, Dwight,



A good time to market your horses

Repairs for all kind of furnaces

Dealer also in tin, iron and slate roofing.




Shop in rear of Bank of Dwight .

Res. Phone 255-R

•• • • • •• ....


Cleaning and Pressing

East Main St. ILLINOIS


•••••••••• ■■••••••••••••••••••-•••••••••••••••••••••• • 60 •••••••••••••••


For Efficient Carpenters for fine cabinet work or any kind

of building construction see





Phones 156-W and 319-11 DWIGHT, ILLINOIS.

I 233-11 Phones I 233-W

I 39 Main

•••-e-0--0--0--•--• 40* •••• •••••••••••••••••


oliteteeerfe,OreCreete•IfeleCrOseCeS•S<• •:-.6:- e- -Se.• •Se-e•*:••:* C••:* •:":":":") 4.14:4 trete>



ti ti 4, ti ti

Fine lettuce Adv.

So Many ft


at the green house.— 60-4w

Country sorghum at G. L. Hahn & Son.—Adv.

Frank 'Lapps was a Pontiac visitor Saturday

Cranberries, 10c per quart. Cash Grocery.—Adv.

Fancy dressed chickens Saturday at W. R. Drew's.—Adv.

Roy Brown, of Streator, called on friends here Monday.

Mr. W. C. Bartholic is quite ill at his home on Seminole street.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Uebrick visited friends in Braidwood last week.

Mrs. Geo. Brumbach spent Sunday with Mrs. E. J. Brumbach, of Odell.

Mrs. O. B. Mickelson entertained the Card Club Wednesday afternoon.

Mrs. Madge Welker, of Oak Park, Ill., is visiting at the home of Geo. Uebrick.

Danish Brotherhood masquerade, Tuesday evening, Jan. 6, at Mazon Hall.—Adv. 52-2w

Mrs. Percy Brubaker and daughter, of Chicago, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. Brubaker.

Oranges, 45c per peck or 23c per dozen, cheaper than apples. Cash Grocery.—Adv.

Misses Louise Hansen and Irene Stevenson were Pontiac visitors Wed- nesday afternoon.

The Danish Brotherhood will give a masquerade Tuesday evening, Jan. 6, at Mazon Hall.—Adv. 52-2w

Mr. Muro Bartholic spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. Clarence Clover, at Bloomington.

Mr. and Mrs. Louie Beyer, Mrs. Hans Smith and Drea Johnson were Pontiac callers Thursday.

Dr. Hill will see eye, ear, nose and throat patients at Dwight Cottage Ho- tel, Friday, Jan. 9.—Adv.

Mrs. Mary Hansen visited with her son, Arthur, Friday afternoon at the St. James Hospital at Pontiac. •

Wanted—Maid for general house- work by Jan. 15; family of two. Apply R. A. McClelland. Phone 22.—Adv.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knudsen and son, of Pontiac, spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Jens Knudsen and fam- ily.

On Brothers recently furnished fix- tures for the handsome new home of John Moeller on East North stret- Adv.

Mrs. James Bagnell was taken to the Streator Hospital last Saturday morning for treatment for pluro-pneu- monia.

Our store will close evenings at 6 p. m. from Monday, Jan. 4, to April 1st, excepting Saturdays. Carey & Seabert.—Adv.

Mrs. Harriet Reeb, of Chicago° and daughter, Dorothy, are spending a few days here with relatives and friends.

Mrs. Luther Hahn returned home Sunday from the Hahnemann Hospi- tal in Chicago, where she has been for several weeks.

Missionary meeting of the Congre- gational Church will be held at the home of Miss Lydia Fox Saturday aft- ernoon. Election of officers.

L. A. Weicker and family went to Joliet Saturday afternoon to spend a few days with Mrs. Weicker's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Miller.

Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McCarter, of Chi- cago, who have been visiting their relatives here, returned home Sunday. Mr. McCarter is a former resident of Dwight.

The Dwight Midgets journeyed to Gardner last Wednesday evening, and played the basket ball team at that place, and were defeated by a score of 20 to 13.

Mr. Floyd Orr, who is a city elec- trician in Chicago, was here Sunday and Monday attending to some busi- ness of the firm of On Bros., of which he is a member.

A letter from Mr. John Buffham, of Lohrville, Ia , says he and his family are well, and that they have fine weather and good roads there. He says crops have been very fair this year.

Miss Lydia Seabert, of Chicago, spent New Year's with her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Seabert. She has just returned from a delightful month's visit with relatives and friends in southern California.

The Ancient Order of Hibernians gave a New Years ball the evening of Dec. 31, which was largely attended. All present enjoyed a pleasant even- ing, dancing to the strains of Paw- ling's orchestra, of Bloomington.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Baker enter- tained the members of the Young Peo- ples Auxiliary of the M. E. Church gt their home on Chippewa street, at a Christmas party, Tuesday evening. Many games were played and a jolly, social evening was enjoyed by the many guests present, which numbered nearly eighty. Delectable refresh- ments were served by the host and hostess.


"Marco Grocer" ILLINOIS

ti ti

remark upon the convenience and satisfaction of trading here, that we are extremely anxious for everyone to learn

about the big advantages of

trading here. a.•%ma1amarn..a.r.:,1:1•%'•-••••••..%'..1m..W- am'a1?..1111amem1°.•••/


Samuel Farrel, of Kinsman, was on our streets Tuesday,

Neal Coughlin, of Kinsman, autoed to our town Monday.

W. R. Drew's, the place for fancy bulk mince meat.—Adv.

Mr. and MTS. Gene Donovan spent last Sunday in Streator.

Chas. Moore, of Odell, spent Sunday evening here visiting friends.

Mr. Fisher, of Pontiac, spent Satur- day in our city visiting relatives.

All coats and furs greatly reduced at Van Eman & Sondergaard's.—Adv.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin spent Sunday with their son, T. E. Martin, of Odell.

Orr Brothers are now wiring the garage of Brumbach & Boyer Bros.- Adv.

Miss Lucile Smith spent a portion of Friday and Saturday with relatives in Pontiac.

Nels Kair will sell at his auction on Jan. 5, four good cows, two of them fresh.—Adv. 52-2e

Mr. Harold Phelps spent the holi- days on the farm with his cousin, Mr. W. J. Jeffries.

Oranges, 45c per peck or 23c per dozen, cheaper than apples. Cash Grocery.—Adv.

find they can get better Gro- ceries, better prices and better service here than elsewhere. If you want

FINE FRESH GROCERIES you should deal with us.

Try our canned goods, Soups, Vegetables, Meats, Fruits, etc. They are the best that money will buy.

We make a specialty of

TEA AND COFFEE and will guarantee every pound you buy here will please you.

"."..Weimus.01:11.%11.0%%"..m..W1Srun•SoN.W.40."eflun.romle‘WW•0 0•PSINWAINS60.140141 Our constant aim is a better

store service with bigger

values at lower prices than

you pay elsewhere. We're in a Position

It will pay you to learn

about these advantages In service, quality and price.

0 0 0 0 0 c} 00 0 {) 0 (1 9 G 0 0 0 Pine old violins. S. Goodspeed.—Adv. 0 1 !Joe Migliarini was a Pontiac visitor

a DWIGHT NOTES 0 Tuesday. 0 t Cranberries, 10c per quart. Cash 000000000000000000

You are always welcome here whether you come sim- ply to look around or to buy


to offer you the best the market affords in the way of meats. And our prices, you know, are always the lowest. We handle only prime stock. Quality and quantity guaranteed. Fine roast- ing pieces of beef or poultry. First class mutton, veal and pork equally low. Can't do bet- ter anywhere. Thos. Johnson, of Essex, spent part •:• ,

of Wednesday and Thursday with Dwight relatives.

For Sale—i matched team of sor- rel horses; wt. about 1100 lbs. Inquire at this office.—Adv. 1-2 w

Arthur Cunliffe and family and also Mildred Cupples spent New Years in Odell at the Bolin home

Master George and little Miss Doro- thy Dyer spent the first of the week with relatives at Ottawa, Ill.


W. R. Drew's Fulton Meat Market Phones 34 and ST AP







't" • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •• Imp 4.44 0-0 ■•• •••• • •• • • ••••• 4-• ••••• •• •• 4.• •• •• 4.• ••• 4•• •• •• 4.• •• ••••• •-•••• 044 ••• 4.44 ♦• •♦ • •

♦ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •04 • • • • • • • • • 4. • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • ••• • •

tr+SPI 04.0geseetc÷:-44.-+CeleS4*--:**:*-:+40:e:eXeXeS4-SeteoleCeSeS-S-CeoSele:e:*<••••


The radiator is one of the most important parts of a warm air furnace. A poorly construct- ed radiator will condemn an otherwise good furnace.

We have given this part of Moore's Furnace particular at- tention and as a result the ra- diator on Moore's Furnace is very much larger than that used on other furnaces of the same size firepot and of similar construction


Remember the Date as I Come to Buy

M. M. DEGEN eee.Gee:e0-44+•••40-•:e:eSete):14-Ce:eleXeVetterle>•:•4)44••*, r:••••••:->GOWeest:004000

The Parent-Teacher Club will meet at the high school at 3:30 on Wed- nesday afternoon, the seventh.

Wanted—Maid for general house- work by Jan. 15; family of two. Apply R. A. McClelland. Phone 22.—Adv.

Mrs. Naffziger and son Oliver, and Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Harrison spent Christmas with friends in Lexington.

Wanted—Dress making and sewing of all kinds done at home. Address The Misses Gillett, Nevada, Ill.—Adv.


Mr. and Mrs. James Ketcham and family spent New Year's with the lat- ter's mother, Mrs. Snyder, at Kanka- kee.

Arthur Brubaker, who has been spending the holiday week with his parents, returned to Chicago Thurs- day.

Before purchasing elsewhere see the reduced prices on electrical articles on display in Adams & Orr's window. —Adv.

Miss Olga Adams, of Joliet, is here spending the holidays with her grand- mother and aunt, Mrs. and Miss Adams.

Miss Florence Wright, of Lexington, spent part of Saturday, Sunday and Monday with Mrs. Jos. Baker and daughters.

Mrs. J. R. OugHton, Jr., and little son, Jack, spent the holidays with the latter's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Oughton.

Mr. Herbert Adams, who has a posi- tion in the revenue office at Spring- field, was here spending Sunday with his mother, Mrs A E Adams.

• • • •••••• ••• •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••-•••••••••••••••••••••••-•"•••••••••••••••••4414•44.• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

••-•••••••—•—•4t• ••• Fw4F-••••• • ••• • • • • •-• 1F•Fw• •••••■F 1` BUSINESS . DIRECTORY



Agricultural Extension School a.

a. Mrs. W. E. Renfro, of St. Joseph, t

Mo., spent a part of the Christmas week with Mr. and Mrs. F. A. liaise X


and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Martin. :•

Keeley Lecture Hall, Dwight, Illinois

JANUARY 12 to 16, 1914 •••••••••••••••••• Arthur Hansen, who was operated •

on for appendicitis at the St. James Hospital at Pontiac Monday of this X week, is getting along nicely at this writing.




Now back In our old stand on Franklin Street.

Phone No. 26-R — DWIGHT, ILL.





Office at Larsen & Son.

Call or Phone "09-W. DWIGHT

ILLINOIS •-•■•••-•••••••••-•••••••• • • -• • • • • • • 41 •440•••••••••• •


9:00 - 9:50—Introductory Remarks by Instructors 10:00-10:50—Introduction to a Study of Soils F C. Bauer 11:00-11:50—Some Problems in Fruit Growing A W. Nolan

1:30 - 3 : 00---Organic Matter and the Nitrogen Supply in Soils F C. Bauer

7:30—Lecture: College of Agriculture and Experi- ment Station as Agencies of Service to the

A W. Jamison State .144....•••••••.-.14...••••••••-t ••••••114..44..••••••• .. •,41. •••••••••••••••

••••••••••••... •• ••••••••••• •••■•■•••• -0-.•••••••••••••••440.406.......•••••••••••••••••••••••-•••••-••••••••••••••






9:00-9:50—Insect Foes and Friends A. W. Nolan 10:00-10:50—Limestone in Soil Improvement F C. Bauer

11:00-11:50—The Farmers' Wood-lot A W. Nolan 1:30 -3:0a—Phosphorus in Soil Improvement F C. Bauer

7:30—Lecture: The Fighting Edge A W. Nolan


9:00-9:50—Farm Crops—Corn E E Hoskins 10:00-10:50—Illinois System of Permanent Agriculture....

F C. Bauer 11:00-11:50—Farm Crops Alfalfa E E Hoskins

1:30 - 3: 00—Animal Husbandry—Stock Judging. . . W. H Smith 7:30—Lecture: Industrial Education...R. E. Hieronymus


9:00-9:50—Farm Crops—Corn E E. Hoskins

10:00-10:50—Silo Construction E A. White 11:00-11:50—Farm Crops—Meadows and Pastures E E Hoskins 1:30 -3:00—Animal Husbandry—Stock Judging.... W. H Smith

7:30—Lecture: Modern Conveniences in Farm Homes E A. White

Phone 139-R Dwight,

will move into the corner Burke

Building on West Street, and be

ready for business January 1.

641 -•-•••-••••••Y4.t.4•••• ••••••••••4•••••411 •••••••••••••••• 041 PIO •••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••

• • •


9:00-9:50—Farm Crops—Oats and Small Grain E E Huskies

10:00.10:50—Equalizers and Hitches E A. White

11 : 00-11 : 50--Dairying W. W. Yapp

1:30-3:00—Judging Dairy Cows W. W Yapp 7:30—Lecture (To be supplied)




M. M. Degen wishes to buy for cash, two car loads of horses. Bring horses to John B. Hayes' Livery Barn Satur- day, Jan 10. See display adv. in this issue.—Adv.' 1-2w

Mrs. Earl Hager entertained a few of her girl friends at a card party and luncheon Saturday afternoon. The house and table were beautifully deco- rated with Christmas decorations.

Miss Jessie Davis returned to Chi- cago last Sunday, ?where she is in training for a nurse at the Hahnemann Hospital, after a week's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Davis.

Mrs. Frank Leslie Smith entertain- ed at a Christmas party for her nephew, Clinton James Ahern, Jr.. Saturday, Dec. 27th. Miss Georgene Faulkner, the "story lady" of the Tribune, furnished the program.

The school in District 231, of which Miss Ruth Brendley is the teacher, enjoyed a Christmas entertainment last week. They had a really Santa Claus and a tree, and a nice program was given. Several families were present to enjoy the festivities, six men being visitors, which was some- thing unusual. The little children certainly enjoyed the Santa Claus and helped distribute the presents. Some were frightened at his pisesence, but others joked with him, telling what they wanted in their stockings. All seemed to enjoy the occasion.