Duquesne university Faculty Scholarship Report July 1, 2009 – December 31, 2009

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D u q u e s n e u n i v e r s i t y

Faculty Scholarship ReportJuly 1, 2009 – December 31, 2009

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Table of Contents

Introduction by Duquesne President Dr Charles J. Dougherty ............................................ 1

McAnulty College and Graduate School of Liberal Arts ....................................................... 2

Bayer School of Natural and Environmental Sciences ........................................................... 10

School of Law ............................................................................................................................. 13

A.J. Palumbo School of Business Administration and John F. Donahue Graduate School of Business ...................................................................... 15

Mylan School of Pharmacy and the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences ............ 17

Mary Pappert School of Music ................................................................................................. 18

School of Education ................................................................................................................... 19

School of Nursing ....................................................................................................................... 21

John G. Rangos Sr. School of Health Sciences ........................................................................ 22

Gumberg Library ....................................................................................................................... 25

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To the Faculty:

I am pleased to present our listing of faculty scholarly publications for July 1 through December 31, 2009. Congratulations to everyone whose work is cited here. Thank you for submitting information on your publications for inclusion. Thank you to the Deans for compiling the information from their schools and to the Provost for overseeing this publication. Special thanks to the Office of Research for coordinating this project.

This publication of publications is produced annually. There are a number of important goals achieved by this effort. First, it is a way for the University to publicly honor those whose active research has brought Duquesne University’s name into scholarly publications around the nation and the world. Faculty are enhancing our academic reputation and the University is grateful. Second, annual publication allows the University to record and mark progress in increasing our scholarly output. We are committed to increased publication and this effort allows us to track the increase. Third, faculty will discover in these pages colleagues who have similar and related interests to their own. It is hoped that these discoveries will lead to fruitful collaborations and new interdisciplinary scholarship. Finally, this compilation is a celebration of success in one of the pillars of our mission: academic excellence. These pages show how we are living our mission.

At Duquesne University, we value the scholar-teacher—a faculty member who is dedicated to excellence in both academic tasks. In teaching, we convey knowledge and shape our students’ lives. This is a powerful and important part of who we are and what we are committed to. In research, we create knowledge and we shape the world of the mind. Publication of research is evidence of the value of these contributions because our efforts are reviewed and accepted by our disciplinary and professional peers. The publications here demonstrate peer-reviewed achievements in new discovery, new perspectives, and new expressions.

It is more difficult to achieve excellence and balance when there are two goals than when there is only one. As you know, there are other universities where either scholarship or teaching is devalued for the sake of greater stress on the other. Duquesne seeks its institutional excellence the harder way, in the combined excellence of both scholarship and teaching in our faculty. Furthermore, we believe that an active research agenda and regular publication success is the surest way to keep teaching fresh and vital. Our students deserve to be taught and inspired by active, publishing scholars.

To those named in these pages and to those whose names will appear in future years, thank you for your scholarly accomplishments and your national leadership. You are helping to build an even greater Duquesne University.

Charles J. Dougherty, Ph.D.


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McAnulty College and Graduate School of Liberal Arts

Arneson, P. (2009). Axiology. In S. W. Littlejohn & K. Foss (Eds.), Encyclopedia of communication theory (Vol. 1, pp. 69-73). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Arneson, P. (2009). Epistemology. In S. W. Littlejohn & K. Foss (Eds.), Encyclopedia of communication theory (Vol. 1, pp. 349-352). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Arneson, P. (2009). Ontology. In S. W. Littlejohn & K. Foss (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Communication Theory (Vol. 2, pp. 695-698). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Arneson, P., & Dewberry, D. R. (2006-2009). Mapping free speech scholarship in the communication discipline: 1969-2006. Free Speech Yearbook, Free Speech Yearbook (Vol. 43, pp. 199-228).

Arneson, P., & Dewberry, D. R. (2009). Based in and focused on argumentation: Communicative and legal approaches to free speech and the first amendment. In S. Jacobs (Ed.), The fifteenth NCA/AFA conference on argumentation ;National Communication Association (pp. 158-165). Washington, DC.

Arnett, R. C., Fritz, J. M. H., Bell, L. M. (2009). Communication ethics literacy: Dialogue and difference. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Arnett, R. C. (2009). Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Courage versus Authority. In C. G. Christians & J. Merrill (Eds.), Ethical Communication: Moral Stances in Human Dialogue. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press.

Arnett, R. C. (2009). Emmanuel Levinas: Priority of the Other. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press.

Arnett, R. C. (2009). Paulo Freire: Face Saving and Communication. In C. G. Christians & J. Merrill (Eds.), Ethical Communication: Moral Stances in Human Dialogue. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press.

Bailey, J. P. (2009). Preemptive Wars., International Encyclopedia of Peace. New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Baird, M. (2009). Mysticism and the Playful Slippage of Symbols. Studies in Spirituality, 19, 183-197.

Bates, J. (2009). Interview of Jennifer Bates. In J. Lamert & J. Robinson (Eds.), Philosophical Apprenticeships: Essays on Contemporary Canadian Continental Philosophers.: University of Ottawa Press.

Bellamy, R., & Whitson, D. (2009). Going South: Professional Baseball’s Contraction in Canada. NINE: A Journal of Baseball History and Culture, 18(1), 86-106.

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Bennett, S., Nolan, J. J., & Conti, N. (2009). Defining and Measuring Hate Crime: A Potpourri of Issues. In B. Perry & B. Levin (Eds.), Understanding Hate Crime: Perspectives and Approaches (pp. 163-182). Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.

Beranek, B. (2009). Preface. In L. J. Boyle (Ed.), T. H. White’s Reinterpretation of Malory’s Le Morte Darthur: An Analysis of Shifting Meaning and Unstable Language. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press.

Bob, C. (2009 January - June). La problemática de los nuevos derechos humanos Colombia Internacional 69, 14-35.

Bordeianu, R. (2009). Orthodox-Catholic Dialogue: Retrieving Eucharistic Ecclesiology. Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 44(2), 239-265.

Bordeianu, R. (2009). Retrieving Eucharistic Ecclesiology. In G. E. Thiessen (Ed.), Ecumenical Ecclesiology: Unity, Diversity and Otherness in a Fragmented World, “Ecclesiological Investigations Series” (pp. 128-142). New York: T&T Clark/Continuum.

Brooke, R. (2009). Jung and phenomenology. Pittsburgh: Republished by Trivium Publishers.

Brooke, R. (2009). A Review of: Love’s Pivotal Relationships. Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, 8, 1.

Brooke, R. (2009). Self, psyche, and world: A phenomenological interpretation. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 54, 599-616.

Bucur, B. (2009). The Mountain of the Lord: Sinai, Zion, and Eden in Byzantine Hymnographic Exegesis, Symbola Caelestis: Le symbolisme liturgique et paraliturgique dans le monde chrétien. In B. Lourié & A. Orlov (Eds.), (pp. 139-182). Piscataway, NY: Gorgias.

Bucur, B. (2009). The Place of the Hypotyposeis in the Clementine Corpus: An Apology for ‘The Other Clement of Alexandria’. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 17, 313-335.

Burston, D. (2009). Anti-Semitism. In D. Leeming (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion (Vol. 1). New York: Springer Press.

Burston, D. (2009). The Authoritarian Personality. In D. Leeming (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion (Vol. 1). New York: Springer Press.

Burston, D. (2009). Faith, hope and R.D. Laing. The Psychotherapist, 12-14.

Burston, D. (2009). Karl Stern. In D. Leeming (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion (Vol. 2). New York: Springer Press.

Burston, D. (2009). Martin Luther. In D. Leeming (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion (Vol. 2). New York: Springer Press.

Burston, D. (2009). Nazism. In D. Leeming (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion (Vol. 2). New York: Springer Press.

Burston, D. (2009). R.D. Laing. In D. Leeming (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion (Vol. 2). New York: Springer Press.

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Burston, D. (2009). Reciprocidad, reconocimento y la politica de diagnostic en R.D. Laing. In F. Muller & M. Plot (Eds.), Ensayos sobre Reconocimiento e Intersubjectividad. Buenos Aires: Teseo.

Burston, D. (2009). Ressentiment and Religion. In D. Leeming (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion. New York: Springer Press.

Cochran, E. (2009). Review of Love and Objectivity in Virtue Ethics: Aristotle, Lonergan, and Nussbaum on Emotions and Moral Insight, by Robert J. Fitterer. Theological Studies, 70(2), 509-510.

Colecchia, F. M. (2009). Seis poemas de Meira Delmar. Caribe, 11(1), 137-144.

Colecchia, F. M., & Mayhew, J. (2009). Apocryphal Lorca: translations, pastiche, kitsch. Book Review. Choice, 46(12), 2322-2323.

Conti, N. (2009). A Visigoth System: Shame, Honor & Police Socialization. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 38, 409-432.

Dillon, M. (2009). The G-20 is Coming! The G-20 is Coming! Uh, What’s the G-20? Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (pp. G1). Pittsburgh, PA.

Drozdek, A. (2009). Democritus, Chrysippus, and the cone problem. Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 49, 117-125.

Drozdek, A. (2009). Solovyov: chaos and all-unity. Laval théologique et philosophique, 65(1), 55-66.

Dwyer, J. (2009). It’s About Time: The Restitution of Yaqui Indian Land and the Idea of Time. Journal of the West 48(3), 26-34.

Dwyer, J. (2009). Review of Jürgen Buchenau, Mexican Mosaic: A Brief History of Mexico. The Latin Americanist, 53(2), 82-84.

Dwyer, J. (2009). Review of Teresa Van Hoy, A Social History of Mexico’s Railroads: Peons, Prisoners, and Priests. Hispanic American Historical Review, 89(3), 547-548.

Engel, L. (2009). The Muff Affair: Fashioning Celebrity in the Portraits of Late Eighteenth-Century Actresses. Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body & Culture, 13(3), 279-298.

Fink, B. (2009). Bruce Fink ile Soylesi {Interview with Bruce Fink} MonoKL, 740-742.

Fink, B. (2009). Lacan’in Temel Fantazi Kavramina Bir Giris {An introduction to Lacan’s concept of the fundamental Fantasy}. MonoKL, 388-399.

Fischer, C. T. (2009). Individualized/Collaborative Psychological Assessment; Excerpts Illustrating Collaborative Discussion During Assessment; Answers to some FAQs. On In Pioneers of Collaborative /Therapeutic Assessment [DVD disc 2}. Falls Church, VA: Society for Personality Assessment.

Fischer, C. T. (2009). Interview with the Three Pioneers of Collaborative/Therapeutic Assessment. On In Pioneers of Collaborative/Therapeutic Assessment [DVD disc 4]. Falls Church, VA: Society for Personality Assessment.

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Fischer, C. T. (2009). Practical characterization of tests: Promoting the proposed retirement of misleading “projective” - “objective” distinction. SPA Exchange, 21(1), 12-13.

Fischer, C. T. (2009). Writing individualized psychological assessment reports. Pennsylvania Psychology Association Bulletin, 69(3), 16, 18.

Fried, J. (2009). This Treatment Isn’t In Any Way Cruel The Minnesota Review, 73, 65-79.

Frisch, M., & Slater, D. M. (2009). The Book of Nonsense. Variaciones Borges, 28, 245-246.

Fritz, J. M. H. (2009). Rudeness and incivility in the workplace. In S. Wright & R. Morrison (Eds.), Friends and enemies in organizations: A work psychology perspective (pp. 168-194). Hampshire, UK: Palgrave-Macmillan.

Gee, C. (2009). Environmental Series: East Tennessee journalists hold environmental conference; Farmer’s markets contribute to environment; Solar-powered pizza; Home shows getting greener; Professor has one of first homes to tap into solar power; Are You An Environmentalist? Knoxville News Sentinel.

Gee, C., & Bales, S. (2009). Fear and Loathing in Knoxvegas: Representations of the “Other” in the Official Press Before and During the 1982 Knoxville World’s Fair. Studies in Popular Culture, 31(2), 61-79.

Gibbs, W. J. (2009). An exploratory analysis of communication in peer-directed educational discourse. Journal of Computing Higher Education 21(2), 110-127.

Gibbs, W. J., & Bernas, R. S. (2009). Visual Attention in Newspaper versus TV-Oriented news Websites. . Journal of Usability Studies, 4(4), 147-165.

Harper, D. (2009). Cinema and Fascism: Italian film and society, 1922-1943, by Steven Ricci. Visual Studies, 24, 88-89.

Harper, D. (2009). The Tastes of Places (review essay). Society, 46, 286-288.

Harper, D., & Faccioli, P. (2009). The Italian Way: Food and Social Life. . Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Harrington, M., & Corrigan, K. (2009). Pseudo-Dionysius. In G. Oppy & N. Trakakis (Eds.), The History of Western Philosophy and Religion (Vol. 1, pp. 277-290). Chesham, UK Acumen.

Irani, J. S., Middleton, J.L., Marfatis, R., Omana, E.T., D’Amico, F. . (2009). The Use of electronic health records in the exam room and patient satisfaction: a systematic review. Journal of the American Board Family Medicine, September-October, 22(5), 553-562.

Irwin, L. (2009). Filling Irregular Warfare’s Interagency Gaps. . Parameters: U.S. Army War College Quarterly, 39(3), 65-80.

Jackson, J. C. (2009). Randomized arguments are transferable. Philosophia Mathematica 17, 363-368.

Jackson, J. C., & Wimmer, K. (2009). New results for random walk learning. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference on Learning Theory, Montréal, Canada Madison, WI.

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Juola, P. (2009). JGAAP: A System for Comparative Evaluation of Authorship Attribution. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer Science.

Kealy, S., Fr. (2009). An Interpretation of the Twelve Minor Prophets of the Hebrew Bible: Ther Emergence of Eschatology as a Theological Theme. New York: The Edwin Mellon Press.

Knowles, C., & Harper, D. (2009). Hong Kong: Migrant Lives, Landscapes, and Journeys. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Koro-Ljungberg, M., Gemignani, M., Chaplin, S., Hayes, S., & Hsieh, I. H. (2009). Mission Civilisatrice: Fixing scientific evidence and other practices of neo-colonialism in social sciences. International Review of Qualitative Research, 4, 491-513.

Light, A. (2009). Hick, Harris and the Demise of the Pluralist Hypothesis. The Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 44(3), 467-470.

Lucente, C. E. (2009). Wild Dreams: The Best of Italian Americana. Book Review. The Catholic World, 243, 1453.

Mackler, A. (2009). Jewish Perspectives on Abortion. In J. P. Lizza (Ed.), Defining the Beginning and End of Life: Readings on Personal Identity and Bioethics, (pp. 281-293). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

MacMillen, S. (2009). Listening to the Other/Inaudible: Levinas and Reconciliation in Israel/Palestine. In M. Salinas & H. Abu Rabi (Eds.), Resolving the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Perspectives on the Peace Process (pp. 241-262). Amherst, NY: Cambria Press.

Martín, G. C. (2009). Las costumbres y el punto de vista: Larra otra vez. Crítica Hispánica, 31(1), 115-125.

Mayer, H. A. (2009). Review of Loane, Nancy K. Following the Drum: Women at the Valley Forge Encampment. The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, 133, 444-445.

Mayer, H. A. (2009). Women and Wagoners: Camp Followers in the American War for Independence, History Now, Gilder Lehrman Institute’s quarterly online journal for history teachers and students. (Vol. 21). NY, NY: Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History.

Merenstein, D. J., Foster, J., D’Amico, F. . (2009). A randomized clinical trial measuring the influence of kefir on antibiotic-associated diarrhea: the measuring the influence of Kefir (MILK) Study. Archives of Pediatric Adolescent Medicine, August, 163(8), 750-754.

Michael, M. C. (2009). Telling History Other-Wise: Grace Nichols’ I Is a Long Memoried Woman. . In V. Theile & M. Drews (Eds.), Reclaiming Home, Remembering Motherhood, Rewriting History: African American and Afro-Caribbean Women’s Literature in the Twentieth Century (New edition ed) (pp. 212-234). London: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Michael, M. C. (2009). Writing Fiction in the Post-9/11 World: McEwan’s Saturday. . From Solidarity to Schisms: 9/11 and After in Fiction and Film from Outside the US (Internationale Forschungen Zur Allgemeinen & Vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft) 25-51.

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Miller, P. (2009). Socrates’ Irrational Rationality. Symploke, 16(299-303).

Newmyer, S. (2009). Animal Philanthropia in the Convivium Septem Sapientium. In J. R. Ferreira, D. Leão, M. Tröster & P. B. Dias (Eds.), Symposion and Philanthropia in Plutarch (pp. 496-504): Coimbra: Centro de Estudos Clássicos e Humanísticos da Universidade de Coimbra.

Parsons, J. (2009). Papauté, histoire, et mémoire gallicane au XVIe siècle Revue de l’Histoire des Religions, 29, 315-328.

Polansky, R., Adair, S., & Bagwell, G. (2009). The Fields of Virtue and the Feel of it. Skepsis, 20, 15-26.

Polansky, R., & Macfarlane, P. (2009). God, the Divine, and Nous in Relation to the De anima. In G. van Riel & P. Destrée (Eds.), Ancient Perspectives on Aristotle’s De Anima. Leuven: Leuven University Press.

Purdy, J. P. (2009). When the tenets of composition go public: A study of writing in Wikipedia. College Composition and Communication, 61(2), W351-W373.

Rockmore, T. (2009). Conceptual kantian de libertate. In Sfera politicii (pp. 139).

Rockmore, T. (2009). Discourse Ethics and the Problem of Begründung. . In J. Swindal & D. Rasmussen (Eds.), Habermas, II (pp. 343-360). London: SAGE.

Rockmore, T. (2009). Economic Globalization, 9/11 and Marx. Paper presented at the In Proceedings of International Conference (II), Traditions and Contemporary World—Toward Multi-Culture, Idea and Value Dialogue and Communication Beijing.

Rockmore, T. (2009). Foucault, Hegel, and the death of man. In C. G. Prado (Ed.), Foucault’s Legacy (pp. 42-67). London: Continuum Press.

Rockmore, T. (2009). Gegel o konstruktivizme. In V. A. Lektorskii (Ed.), Konstruktiviskii podxod, B epistemologii u naykax o tcheloveke (pp. 130-140). Moscow: Kanon-Plus.

Rockmore, T. (2009). Hegel, History and 9/11. In D. Losurdo & S. Azzarà (Eds.), Die Philosophie und die Idee einer Weltgesellschaft (pp. 142-156). Pisa: Millepiani.

Rockmore, T. (2009). Hegelci Fenomenoloji ve Kantçi Epistemoloji Üzerine. Monokl II, 3-4(112-118).

Rockmore, T. (2009). Heidegger, National Socialism and “Imperialism”, Symposium (Vol. 13, pp. 128-145).

Rockmore, T. (2009). Heidegger’in Nazism, Kant ve Dasein Üzerine. In Felsefe Yazin, Kasim-Atalik (pp. 25-31).

Rockmore, T. (2009). Kant, Hegel and phenomenological constructivism. Fenomenologia e società. Kant e Hegel tra Europa ed America, 2, 45-56.

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Rockmore, T. (2009). On Hegel, Husserl and epistemological phenomenology. In In Sushnost’ I slovo.Sbornik nauchnukh statej k iubileiu professora N. V. Motroshilovoj (pp. 402-414). Moscow: Fenomenologija-Germenevtika.

Rockmore, T. (2009). A proposito di Heidegger: Adorno e Lukacs. In L. Pastore & T. Gebur (Eds.), Theodor W. Adorno: Il Maestro Ritrovato (pp. 201-221). Italy: La Nuova Talpa.

Rockmore, T. (2009). Tom Rockmore ile Soylesi. Monokl II, 3-4, 474-479.

Rockmore, T., & Xiaoping, W. (2009). Again on the Relationship between Marx and Classical German Philosophy. In zhexue dongtai (pp. 14-19).

Rubin, C. T. (2009). The Call of Nature. Social Philosophy and Policy, 26(2), 173-192.

Rubin, C. T. (2009). Plato in Space. The New Atlantis, 25, 59-68.

Scheid, D. (2009). Common Good. In W. Jenkins (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Sustainability (Vol. 1 The Spirit of Sustainability, pp. 71-72). Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing Group LLC.

Schroeder, A., Schroeder, M.A., D’Amico, F. . (2009). What’s growing on your stethoscope? (And what you can do about it). Journal of Family Practice, August, 58(8), 404-409.

Simms, E. (2009). Eating one’s mother: Female embodiment in a toxic world. Environmental Ethics, 31, 263-278.

Suh, J. (2009). Fascism and Anti-Fascism in Twentieth-Century British Fiction. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Swindal, J. (2009). Review of Critique and Disclosure. [Review of the book Critique and Disclosure: Critical Theory Between Past and Future.] International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 17, 771-775.

Thames, R. (2009). Preaching What We Practice: Course Design Based on the Psychology of Form. . In P. M. Smuddee (Ed.), Humanistic Critique of Education: Teaching & Learning as Symbolic Action. West Lafayette, IN: Parlor Press.

Tolbert, C. M., Blanchard, T. C., & Irwin, M. D. (2009). Measuring Migration: Profiling Residential Mobility across Two Decades. Journal of Applied Social Science, 2, 24-38.

Troup, C. (2009). Ordinary people can reason: A rhetorical case for including vernacular voices In ethical public relations practice. Journal of Business Ethics, 87, 441-453.

Uzukwu, E. (2009). From Nobody to Somebody: The Pertinence of African Liberation Theology. In P. Claffey & J. Egan (Eds.), Movement or Moment? Assessing Liberation Theology Forty Years after Medellin. (pp. 97-123). Oxford, New York: Peter Lang.

Uzukwu, E. (2009 ). Die Kirche in Afrika im Dienst an Versöhnung, Gerectigkeitt un Frieden – Eine Antwort aus nigerianischer Perspecktive. Forum Welkiriche, 4 July/August, 17-22.

Vardy, S. B. (2009). A GULÁG-kutatás helyzete az Egyesült Államokban” [GULAG Research in the United States]. Valóság (Budapest), 52(10), 58-73.

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Vardy, S. B., & Vardy, A. H. (2009). German Contributions to Western Civilization. Pittsburgh, PA: Institute for German American Relations.

Veroli, P. (2009). Loie Fuller’s Serpentine Dance and Futurism: Electricity, Technological Imagination and the Myth of the Machine (S. Agin, Trans.). . Amsterdam: Rodopi.

Watkins, D. (2009, Summer). Romanticism and the Painful Pleasures of Modern Life. [Review of the book Romanticism and the Painful Pleasures of Modern Life by A. K. Henderson]. Studies in Romanticism, 48(2), 359-365, 368.

Wright, W. M., IV. (2009). Greco-Roman Character Typing and the Presentation of Judas in the Fourth Gospel The Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 71, 544-559.

Wright, W. M., IV. (2009). A “New Synthesis”: Joseph Ratzinger’s Jesus of Nazareth. Nova et Vetera (English ed.) 7, 35-66.

Wright, W. M., IV. (2009). Rhetoric and Theology: Figural Reading of John 9. Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 165. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.

Yancy, G. (2009). The Black Body: Under the Weight of White America’s Microtomes. In C. E. Henderson (Ed.), America and the Black Body (pp. 266-278). Madison: Farleigh Dickinson University Press.

Yancy, G. (2009). Robbing Black Identity. In In Racism in The Autobiography of Malcolm X (pp. 81-86). New York: Greenhaven Press.

Yancy, G., & Ryser, T. (2009). Whiting Up and Blacking Out: White Privilege, Race and White Chicks African American Review, 42, 1-6.

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Bayer School of Natural and Environmental Sciences

Baesman, S., Stolz, J. F., & Oremland, R. S. (2009). Enrichment and isolation of Bacillus beveridgei sp. nov., a facultative anaerobic haloalkaliphile from Mono Lake California that respires oxyanions of tellurium, selenium, and arsenic. Extremophile, 13, 695-705

Balili, M. N. C., & Pintauer, T. (2009). Persistent radical effect in action: kinetic studies of copper catalyzed atom transfer radical addition (ATRA) in the presence of free-radical diazo initiators as reducing agents. Inorg. Chem., 48, 9018.

Basu, P., & Johnson, M. E. (Eds.). (2009). The Integrated Approach to Chemistry Laboratory. Lancaster, PA: DEStech Publications.

Basu, P., Nemykin, V. N., & Sengar, R. S. (2009). Substituent effect on oxygen atom transfer reactivity from oxomolybdenum centers: synthesis, structure, electrochemistry, and mechanism. Inorg. Chem., 48(13), 6303-6313.

Bishop, A. C., Surlow, B. A., Anand, P., Hofer, K., Henkel, M., & Patton-Vogt, J. (2009). Neurofibromin homologs Ira1 and Ira2 affect glycerophosphoinositol production and transport Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Eukaryotic Cell 8, 1808-1811.

Cohen, S. M. (2009). Local and global statistical distances are equivalent on pure states. Phys. Rev. A, 80(032323 ), 1-4.

Eckenhoff, W. T., & Pintauer, T. (2009). Copper catalyzed atom transfer radical addition (ATRA) and cyclization (ATRC) reactions in the presence of reducing agents. Cat. Rev. - Sci. Eng. , 51, 1-59.

Elinson, R. P. (2009). Nutritional endoderm: a way to breach the holoblastic-meroblastic barrier in tetrapods. J. Exp. Zool. (Mol. Dev. Evol.) 312B, 526-532.

Evanseck, J. D., Gawalt, E. S., Hussio, A., Madura, J. D., Nunes, S. S., Oki, R. R., et al. (2009). Broadening participation in undergraduate research: fostering excellence and enhancing the impact. In K. Boyd & J. Wesemann (Eds.), (pp. 65-76). Washington, D.C.: Council on Undergraduate Research.

Faber, S., Zinn, G. M., Kern II, J. C., & Kingston, H. M. S. (2009). The plasma/zinc serum copper ratio as a biomarker in children with autism spectrum disorders. Biomarkers, 14(3), 171-180.

Franks, J., & Stolz, J. F. (2009). Flat laminated microbial mat communities. Earth Sci. Revs., 96, 163-172.

Frites, M., & Khan, S. (2009). Photoelectrochemical splitting of water to H2 and O2 at n-Fe2O3 nanowires and nanocrystalline Fe2O3 thin films ECS Trans. , 19, 137-145.

Frites, M., & Khan, S. (2009). Visible light active hydrogen modified (HM)-n-TiO2 thin films for photoelectrochemical splitting of water. Electrochem. Comm., 11, 2257-2260.

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Hadt, R. G., Nemykin, V. N., Olsen, J. G., & Basu, P. (2009). Comparative calculation of EPR spectral parameters in [MoVOX4]-, [MoVOX5]2-, and [MoVOX4(H2O)]- complexes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 11(44), 10377-10384.

Johnson, M. E., Pawlowski, S., Barry, K. E., Bole, M., Chestnutt, E. M., Daggett, J. L., et al. (2009). Solid phase extraction of lipids from a cellular lysate on a microfluidic device. In P. Basu & M. E. Johnson (Eds.), The Integrated Approach to Chemistry Laboratory. Lancaster, PA: DEStech Publishers.

Johnson, M. E., Pawlowski, S., Marbella, L. E., Dornon, K. A., & Hart, M. A. (2009). Protein unfolding kinetics. In The Integrated Approach to Chemistry Laboratory Lancaster, PA: DEStech Publishers.

Kail, B., Young, C. G., Johnson, M. E., & Basu, P. (2009). Understanding oxotransferase reactivity in a model system using singular value decomposition analysis In E. C. Long & M. Balwin (Eds.), Advances in Organic Chemistry: Cellular Systems and Synthetic Models (Vol. ACS Symposium Series No. 1012). Washington, DC: American Chemical Society.

Karyak, M., Bonislawsky, P. S., Locy, D. D., & Porter, B. A. (2009). Typical channel fish assemblage of the recovering Lower Allegheny River Navigation System, Pennsylvania, USA. J. Freshwater Ecol., 24(3), 509-517.

Khan, S. (2009). Guest Edited Special Volume J. Solid State Electrochem., 13, 975-1145.

Kovacs, J. R., Tidball, J., Ross, A., Jia, L., Zheng, Y., Gawalt, E. S., et al. (2009). Characterization of nickel-decorated PLGA particles anchored with a His-tagged polycation J. Biomaterials Science Polymer 20, 1307-1320.

Lekse, J. W., Moreau, M. A., McNerny, K. L., Yeon, J., Halasyamani, P. S., & Aitken, J. A. (2009). Second-harmonic generation and crystal structure of the diamond-like semiconductors Li2CdGeS4 and Li2CdSnS4. Inorg. Chem., 48, 7516-7518.

Lipay, J. M., & Mihailescu, M. R. (2009). NMR spectroscopy and kinetic studies of the quadruplex forming RNA r(UGGAGGU). Molecular BioSystems, 5, 1347-1355.

Mar, J. L. G., Reyes, L. H., Rahman, G. M. M., & Kingston, H. M. S. (2009). Simultaneous extraction of arsenic and selenium species from rice products by microwave-assisted enzymatic extraction and analysis by Ion Chromatography-Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57, 3005-3013.

McCormick, J. R. (2009). Cell division is dispensable but not irrelevant in Streptomyces. Curr. Opin. Microbiol., 12(6), 689-698.

Miljkovic, N. D., Cooper, G. M., Hott, S. L., DiSalle, B. F., Gawalt, E. S., Smith, D. M., et al. (2009). Calcium aluminate, RGD-modified calcium aluminate, and ß-tricalcium phosphate implants in a calvarial defect. J. Craniofacial Surgery, 20(5), 1538-1543.

Nagourney, S. J., Wilson, S. A., Buckley, B., Kingston, H. M. S., Yang, S.-Y., & Long, S. E. (2009). Development of a standard reference material for Cr(VI) in contaminated soil. J. Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 23, 1550.

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Oremland, R. S., Saltikov, C. W., Wolfe-Simon, F., & Stolz, J. F. (2009). Arsenic in the evolution of Earth and extraterrestrial ecosystems. Geomicrobiol. J., 26, 1-15.

Paluti, C., & Gawalt, E. S. (2009). Immobilized aza-bis(oxazoline) copper catalysts on SAMs: Selectivity dependence on catalytic site embedding. J. Catalysis, 267(2), 105-113.

Perera, E., & Basu, P. (2009). Synthesis, characterization and structure of a low coordinate desoxomolybdenum cluster stabilized by a dithione ligand. Dalton Transactions, 25, 5023-5028.

Pintauer, T. (2009). “Greening” of copper catalyzed atom transfer radical addition (ATRA) and cyclization (ATRC) reactions. ACS Symp. Ser. , 1023, 63.

Rahman, G. M. M., Reyes, L. H., Kingston, H. M. S., & Fahrenholz, T. (2009). Application of Speciated Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry to evaluate some literature methods with respect to efficiencies, recoveries, and quantification of mercury species transformations in human hair. J. Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 24, 83-92.

Ravikumar, P. C., Yao, L., & Fleming, F. (2009). Allylic and allenic halide synthesis via NbCl5- and NbBr5-mediated alkoxide rearrangements. J. Organic Chemistry, 74, 7294-7299.

Reyes, L. H., Rahman, G. M. M., & Kingston, H. M. S. (2009). Robust microwave-assisted extraction protocol for determination of totoal mercury and methylmercury in fish tissues Analytica Chimica Acta, 631, 121-128.

Reyes, L. H., Rahman, G. M. M., Seybert, B., & Kingston, H. M. S. (2009). Simultaneous determination of arsenic and selenium species in fish tissues by microwave-assisted enzymatic extraction and Ion Chromatography-Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry Talanta, 78, 980-990.

Shaban, Y. A., & Khan, S. (2009). Carbon modified (CM)-n-TiO2 thin films for efficient water splitting to H2 and O2 under xenon lamp light and natural sunlight illuminations. J. Solid State Electrochem., 13, 1025-1036.

Siddall, N., Hime, P., Pollock, J. A., & Batterham, P. (2009). Ttk69-dependent repression of lozenge prevents the ectopic development of R7 cells in the Drosophila larval eye disc. BMC Developmental Biology, 9, 64.

Sorescu, M. (2009). Mössbauer spectra fitting for undergraduate students. J. Materials Education, 31, 141-146.

Stolz, J. F., Reid, R. P., Visscher, P. T., Decho, A. W., Norman, R. S., Aspen, R. J., et al. (2009). The microbial communities of the modern marine stromatolites at Highborne Cay, Bahamas. Atoll Res. Bull., 567, 1-28.

Toth, E. E., Morrow, B., & Ludvico, L. (2009). Designing blended inquiry learning in a laboratory context: A study of incorporating hands-on and virtual laboratories. Innovative Higher Education, 33, 333-344.

Yao, J., Kline, C. N., Gu, H., Yan, M., & Aitken, J. A. (2009). Effects of Mn substitution on the structure and properties of chalcopyrite-type CuInSe2. J. Solid State Chem., 182, 2579-2586.

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School of Law

Barker, R. S. (2009). Constitutional Justice and the Separation of Powers: The Case of Costa Rica. Duquesne Law Review, 47, 871.

Fishman, J. (2009). Bibliography. In K. L. Moyer & M. W. Podvia (Eds.), Preparations for a Constitutional Convention in Pennsylvania; Prepared for the Constitutional Convention Commission (pp. 123-133): Civic Research Alliance.

Fishman, J. (2009). Bibliography, 2010 Pocket Part. In K. Gormley et al (Ed.), The Pennsylvania Constitution (pp. 87-93): George T. Bisel Co.

Fishman, J. (2009). Constitutional Amendments of the Pennsylvania General Assembly, from http://www.paconstitution.duq.edu

Fishman, J. (2009). The Court Reporters of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania: Part III: The Official Reporters (1845 to 1978). LH&RB Newsletter, 15, 12-17.

Fishman, J. (2009). Entries on Horace Binney, Stephen Du Ponceau, George Wharton Pepper, George Sharswood, and William Tilghman. In R. K. Newman (Ed.), Yale Biographical Dictionary of American Law (pp. 45-46, 176, 422-123, 491, 544-145): Yale University Press.

Fishman, J. (2009). Index to Pennsylvania Bar Association Quarterly Volumns 1-80 (1929-2009): Pennsylvania Bar Association.

Fishman, J. (2009). Index to the American Journal of Legal History Volumes 1-46 (1957-2006), Legal History & Rare Book Special Interest Section of Am. Assn. of Law Libraries Web Site

Fishman, J. (2009). Judges of Allegheny County, Fifth Judicial District, Pennsylvania (1788-2008): Pennsylvania Legal Resource Institute

Fishman, J. (2009). Matthew Hale (1609-1676): Four-Hundredth Anniversary. LH&RB Newsletter, 15(1), 4-7.

Fishman, J. (2009). The Opinions of Chief Justice Ralph J. Cappy of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (1990-2007). Duquesne Law Review, 47, 627.

Fishman, J. (2009). Pennsylvania Model Rules of Professional Conduct, Code of Judicial Conduct, and Code of Civility cited in Ethics Forum: Questions and Answers on Professional Responsibility by Samuel C. Stretton in the Pennsylvania Law Weekly (April 10,1995 to July 31,2009) DCLI/ACLL

Fishman, J. (2009). Punishment in the Harry Potter Novels: Carolina Academic Press.

Fishman, J. (2009). Review of the book Other People’s Money and How the Bankers Use It. LH&RB Newsletter, 15(17).

Fishman, J. (2009). Review of the book The First Century: One Hundred Years of AALL History, 1906-2005. LH&RB Newsletter 15(25).

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Fishman, J. (2009). Review of the book The Home Law School Series. LH&RB Newsletter 15(18).

Fishman, J. (2009). Review of the book The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History. Law Library Journal, 101, 534-536.

Fishman, J., & Krejci. (2009). Scales v. U.S., 376 U.S. 203 (1961). In D. Schultz (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the United states Constitution (Vol. 2, pp. 641): Facts on File.

Fishman, J., & Stefanoni. (2009). 2010 Supplement to New Jersey Municipal Lawsource: George T. Bisel Co.

Gormley, K. (2009). Archibald Cox. In Yale Biographical Dictionary of American Law.

Gormley, K. (2009). Chief Justice Ralph J. Cappy: An Epilouge. Duquesne Law Review, 47, 681.

Gormley, K., Bauman, Fishman, & Kozler. (2009). The Pennsylvania Constitution a Treatise on Rights and Liberties (2009 Supplement) George T. Bisel Co.

Gray, K., E. (2009). Mortgages in Pennsylvania (2009-2010 Supplement): Thomson Reuters.

Ledewitz, B. (2009). Charles Taylor ad The Future of Secularism. Expositions, 3(1).

Ledewitz, B. (2009, September 15, 2009). “God” is Just Another Word, from http://www.religiondispatches.org/archive/politics/1832/%E2%80%9Cgod%E2%80%9D_is_just_another_word%3A_a_report_from_a_panel_on_the_role_of_religious_speech_in_government

Murray, J. E., Jr. (2009). Biannual August Supplement to the Corbin on Contracts Treatise

Murray, J. E., Jr. (2009). Corbin Desk Edition Lexis.

Murray, J. E., Jr., & Flechtner, H. M. (2009). Sales Leases & Electronic contracts in National and International Transactions: West Group Publishing.

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A.J. Palumbo School of Business Administration and John F. Donahue Graduate School of Business

Carlson, W., & Lackman, C. (2009). An Alternative to the Pure Dividend Discount Model. Journal of Global Business Management, 5, 136-145.

Cataldo, M., Mockus, A., Roberts, J., & Herbsleb, J. (2009). Software Dependencies, Work Dependencies, and Their Impact on Failures. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 35, 864-878.

Chaudry, S., Singh, S., Phelps, A., & Vallejo, M. (2009). A 5-year audit of accidental dural punctures, postdural puncture headaches, and failed regional anesthetics at a tertiary-care medical center. Scientific World Journal, 1, 715-722.

Chen, S., Dick, R., Chie-Der, D., & Pi-Yun, T. (2009). Comparison of Spectators and Franchise Staff’s Perceptions on Effectiveness of Marketing Techniques Adopted by the Super Basketball League in Taiwan. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 7, 466-477.

Coyne, C., & Ryan, M. (2009). With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies? Aiding the World’s Worst Dictators. The Independent Review, 14(1), 26-44.

Davies, A. (2009). Human Development and the Optimal Size of Government. Journal Of Socio-Economics, 38, 326-340.

Denoue, M., & Saykiewicz, J. (2009). Brand Loyalty as a Tool of Competitive Advantage. Master of Business Administration, 36-45.

Garvey, R., & Wu, F. (2009). Location and Trading Performance in Electronic Markets. Journal of Investment Consulting, 10(1), 17-24.

Geylani, P. (2009). Policy Reforms and Productivity Differences in US Food Manufacturing:The Case of Meat, Dairy and Sugar Plants. Food Economics, 6, 43-55.

Hall, J., & Ryan, M. (2009). The Economics of Government Housing. In R. G. Holcombe & B. Powell (Eds.), Housing America: Building Out of a Crisis (pp. 157-181). Oakland, CA: The Independent Institute.

King, R., Hartzel, K., Schilhavy, R., Melone, N., & McGuire, T. (2009). Social Responsibility and Stakeholder Influence: Does Technology Matter During Stakeholder Deliberation with High Impact Decisions? Decision Support Systems, 48(4), 536-547.

Kumazawa, R. (2009). Promotion Speed and Its Effect on Attrition of Navy Enlisted Personnel: Addressing Heterogeneity in High School Credentials. Applied Economics, 99999, 14-Jan.

Lanasa, J., Ciletti, D., & Lackman, C. (2009). The Impact of Marketing Promotion on New Program Introduction: The Case of the Masters in Sports Leadership. Journal of International Management Studies, 4, 88-93.

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Pulito, J., & Davies, A. (2009). Does Liquor Store Privatization Increase Alchohol Consumption and Alcohol-Related Traffic Fatalities? Commonwealth Foundation Policy Brief, 21, 16-Jan.

Spangler, W., Hartzel, K., Gal-Or, M., & May, J. (2009). Modeling Complexity in Physically-Distributed Object-Oriented Systems. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 50(1), 74-81.

Wasieleski, D. (2009). Book Review: American Business Values: A Global Perspective 6th Edition by Gerald Cavanagh. Journal of Business Ethics Education, 6, 203-206.

Weber, J. (2009). Using Exemplary Business Practices to Identify Buddhist and Confucian Ethical Values Systems. Business & Society Review, 114, 511-540.

Williams, V., & Kollar, R. (2009). Incorporating A Simulated 404 Learning Experience Into the Auditing Classroom, Journal of Forensic Studies in Accounting and Business.

Yakevlov, P., & Davies, A. (2009). Myths and Realities Surrounding the Estate Tax: American Family Business Foundation.

Yakevlov, P., & Davies, A. (2009). Pennsylvania’s Flawed Film Tax Credit: What the ERA Study Won’t Tell You. Commonwealth Foundation Policy Brief, 21(2), 7 pp.

Yakovlev, P. (2009). War and Politics. Analysis of Political Regimes, Military Spending, and Economic Growth: Lambert Academic Publishing.

Yanochik, M., & Kumazawa, R. (2009). Interest Rate Manipulation, Environmental Damage and Loss Valuation. Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis, 4, 8.

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Mylan School of Pharmacy and the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Ahrens, E. T., & Janjic, J. (2009). Emulsions Containing Perfluoro Ethers for NMR Techniques and Other Applications. In E. P. Office (Ed.) (Vol. WO 2009134435).

Apte, S. P., Block, L. H., Creekmore, J. R., Moreton, R. C., Munson, E. J., Persaud, I. V., Sheehan, C., Wang, H., & Wendt, R. H. (2009). Co-Processed Excipients. Pharmacopeial Forum, 35(4), 1026-1028.

Buckner, I. S., Moore, M. D., Steinbach, A. M., Wildfong, P. L. D., . (2009). A Structural Investigation into the Compaction Behavior of Pharmaceutical Composites using Powder X-Ray Diffraction and Total Scattering Analysis. Pharmaceutical Research, 26(11), 2429-2437.

Cody, V., Gangjee, A., Green, D. W., Ihnat, M., Li, W., Lin, L., Pace, J., Queener, S. F., Warnke, L. A., & Zeng, Y. . (2009). Design, Synthesis, and X-Ray Crystal Structures of 2,4-Diaminofuro[2,3-d]pyrimidines as Multireceptor Tyrosine Kinase and Dihydrofolate Reductase Inhibitors. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 17, 324-336.

Desselle, S., Kamal, K. M., Parekh, R., Rane, P., Zacker, C. (2009). Content Analysis of FDA Warning Letters to Manufacturers of Pharmaceuticals and Biologics. Drug Information Journal, 43, 385-393.

Gedeon, P., Indarte, M., Surratt, C. K., Madura, J. D. (2009). Molecular dynamics of leucine and dopamine transporter proteins in a simulated cell membrane lipid bilayer. . Proteins, 78(4), 797-811.

Kamal, K. M., Yoder, J. L. (2009). A Systematic Review of Economic Analyses Studying Rituximab in R-CHOP Therapy in Patients with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. . The Open Cancer Immunology Journal, 2, 1-9.

Kamal, K. M., Kavookjian, J., Khanna, R., Miller, L. A., Neal, W. A., Scott, V. G. (2009). Using the Theory of Reasoned Action to Determine Physicians’ Intention to Measure Body Mass in Children and Adolescents. Research in Social Administrative Pharmacy, 5, 170-181.

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Mary Pappert School of Music

Abbott, E. (2009). Book Review: Music therapy: death and grief. Music Therapy Perspectives, 27(2), 135-136.

Becker, W., Fagen, D., & Tomaro, M. (2009). Kid Charlemagne - M.Tomaro, Arranger. Milwaukee: Hal Leonard Corporation.

Becker, W., Fagen, D., & Tomaro, M. (2009). Peg - M. Tomaro, Arranger. Milwaukee: Hal Leonard Corporation.

Bettis, J., Porcaro, S., & Tomaro, M. (2009). Human nature - M. Tomaro, Arranger. Milwaukee: Hal Leonard Corporation.

Binder, B. (2009). Kundry and the Jewish voice: anti-Semitism and musical transcendence in Wagner’s Parsifal. Current Musicology, 87, 47-131.

Cameron, R. (2009). The winds of summer: music of Duquesne composers. [CD]. Pittsburgh, PA: Duquesne University.

Coltrane, J., & Tomaro, M. (2009). Impressions - M. Tomaro, Arranger. Milwaukee: Hal Leonard Corporation.

Hardin Armstrong, L., Raye, D., & Tomaro, M. (2009). Struttin’ with some barbecue - M. Tomaro, Arranger. Milwaukee: Hal Leonard Corporation.

Jones, S., Wilson, G. (2009). Detroit [Sean Jones, trumpet]. [CD]. Grosse Point, MI: Mack Avenue Records.

Jones, S. (2009). The Search Within. [Sean Jones, trumpet]. [CD]. Grosse Point, MI: Mack Avenue Records.

Riley, C. (2009). Caring for the caregiver [2 CD series; 4 part cassette series]. Ohio: St. Paul Publication.

Riley, C. (2009). Spirituality of adult relationship [2 CD series; 4 cassette series]. Ohio: St. Paul Publication.

Rollins, S., & Tomaro, M. (2009). Pent-up house - M. Tomaro, Arranger. Milwaukee: Hal Leonard Corporation.

Tamar, E. (2009). Book Review: The complete musician (2nd edition), by Steve Laitz. Oxford University Press.

Tomaro, M. (2009). Lose the shoes. Elmhurst, IL: Doug Beach Music.

Tomaro, M. (2009). Samba Para Minha Avo. Elmhurst, IL: Doug Beach Music.

Tomaro, M., & White, J. (2009). Instrumental jazz arranging – a comprehensive and practical guide. Milwaukee: Hal Leonard Corporation.

Van Heusen, J., Cahn, S., & Tomaro, M. (2009). Come fly with me - M. Tomaro, Arranger. Milwaukee: Hal Leonard Corporation.

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School of Education

Brown, L. I., Kouyate, M., & Hopson, R. K. (2009). Making so big a dream near and dear to all African American males. Black American males in higher education: Diminishing proportions. Diversity in higher education, Vol. 6, 113-134.

Crothers, L. M., Kehle, T. J., Bray, M. A., & Theodore, L. A. (2009). Correlates and suspected causes of obesity in children. Psychology in the Schools, 46, 787-796.

Deleel, M. L., Hughes, T. L., Miller, J. A., Hipwell, A. E., & Theodore, L. A. (2009). Prevalence of eating disturbance and body image dissatisfaction in young girls: An examination of the variance across racial and socio-economic groups. Psychology in the Schools, 46, 767-775.

Heo, M. (2009). Digital storytelling: An empirical study of the impact of digital storytelling on pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy and dispositions towards educational technology. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 18, 405-428.

Heo, M., & Myrick, L. M. (2009). Girls’ computing club: Making changes of gender inequity in CS with informal, female learning community. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education, 5(4), 44-56.

Hyatt, K. J. (2009). Improving teacher preparation through an electronic data management system: A lens for reflective practice. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education, 5(4), 26-33.

Levers, L. L. (2009). A meta-theoretical framework for counselling people of African ancestry: An ecologically oriented response to the special section articles. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 19(4), 507-510.

Levers, L. L., Radomsky, L., & Shefer, T. (2009). Voices of African traditional healers: Cultural context and implications for the practice of counselling in sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 19(4), 501-506.

Moss, C. M., & Brookhart, S. M. (2009). Advancing formative assessment in every classroom: A guide for instructional leaders. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Neddenriep, C., Skinner, C., Wallace, M., & McCallum, E. (2009). Classwide peer tutoring: Two experiments investigating the generalized relationship between increased oral reading fluency and reading comprehension. Journal of Applied School Psychology, 25, 244-269.

Polat, N., & McKenna, C. (2009). Enhancing academic and language development of ELLS in English language arts classes. Texas Papers in Foreign Language Education, 12, 159-196.

Schmitt, A. J., McCallum, E., Obeldobel, E., & Dingus, K. (2009). Can text-to-speech assistive technology improve the reading comprehension of students with severe reading and emotional disabilities? Journal of Evidence Based Practice for Schools, 10, 95-119.

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Schmitt, A. J., McCallum, E., Obeldobel, E., & Dingus, K. (2009). Implementation guidelines: Using text-to-speech assistive technology to improve the reading comprehension of students with severe reading and emotional disabilities. Journal of Evidence Based Practice for Schools, 10, 120-123.

Scigliano, D., & Hipsky, S. (2010). The three ring circus of differentiated instruction. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 46(2), 82-86.

Theodore, L. A., DioGuardi, R. J., Hughes, T. L., Aloiso, D., Carlo, M., & Eccles, D. (2009). A class-wide intervention for improving homework performance. Journal of Educational & Psychological Consultation, 19, 275-299.

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School of Nursing

Lockhart, J. S., & Goodfellow, L. M. (2009). The Effect of a 5-Week Head & Neck Surgical Oncology Practicum on Nursing Students’ Perceptions of Facial Disfigurement: Part I. ORL Head and Neck Nursing, 27(3), 7-12.

Lockhart, J. S., & Goodfellow, L. M. (2009). The Effect of a 5-Week Head & Neck Surgical Oncology Practicum on Nursing Students’ Perceptions of Facial Disfigurement: Part II of II. ORL Head and Neck Nursing, 27(4), 7-14.

Resick, L. K., Leonardo, M. E., Kruman, B. J., & Carlson, M. R. (2009). The Retired Nurses Working in Neighborhoods (RN+WIN) Program: An Approach Toward Sustainability of an Academic Nurse-Managed Wellness Center. Home Health Care Management & Practice. Advance online publication. .

Turk, M. W., Burke, L. E., & Tuite, P. K. (2009). Cardiac Health: Primary Prevention of Heart Disease in Women. Nursing Clinics of North America, 44(3), 315-325.

Zungolo, E. (2009). Foreword. In N. Ard & T. Valiga (Eds.), Clinical Nursing Education: Current Reflections . (pp. ix-x). New York, NY: National League for Nursing.

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John G. Rangos Sr. School of Health Sciences

Albrecht, E. D., Lane, M. V., Marshall, G. R., Merchenthaler, I., Simorangkir, D. R., Pohl, C. R., et al. (2009). Estrogen promotes germ cell and seminiferous tubule development in the baboon fetal testis. Biol Reprod, 81, 406-414.

Barber, M. D., Brubaker, L., Menefee, S., Norton, P., Borello-France, D., Varner, E., et al. (2009). Operations and pelvic muscle training in the management of apical support loss (OPTIMAL) trial: Design and Methods. Contemporary Clinical Trials for the Pelvic Floor Disorders Network., 30, 178-189.

Burrows, A. M., & Cohn, J. F. (2009). Anatomy of the Face, Encyclopedia of Biometrics (pp. 16-23). New York: Springer.

Burrows, A. M., & Nash, L. T. (2009). Galago exudate-acquisition: it’s not about the toothcomb. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Suppl 48: 99.

Burrows, A. M., Waller, B. M., & Parr, L. A. (2009). Facial musculature in the rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta): Evolutionary and functional contexts with comparisons to chimpanzees and humans. Journal of Anatomy, 320-334.

Chen, Y. (2009). Examination of Motor Steadiness in American English Vowel Productions as Produced by Mandarin Speakers. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 39(2), 189-204.

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Gorse, K. M., Blanc, R., Feld, F., & Radelet, M. (2009). Emergency Care in Athletic Training: F.A. Davis Company.

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Reinholt, L. E., Burrows, A. M., Eiting, T. P., Dumont, E. R., & Smith, T. D. (2009). Histology and microCT as methods for assessing of facial suture patency. American Journal of Physical Anthroplogy, 138, 499-506.

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Rogers, C. R., Mooney, M. P., Smith, T. D., Weinberg, S. M., Waller, B. M., Burrows, A. M., et al. (2009). Comparative micro-anatomy of the orbicularis oris muscle between chimpanzees and humans: Evolutionary divergence of lip function. Journal of Anatomy, 214, 36-44.

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Simorangkir, D. R., Ramaswamy, S., Marshall, G. R., Pohl, C. R., & Plant, T. M. (2009). A selective monotropic elevation of FSH, but not that of LH, amplifies the proliferation and differentiation of spermatogonia in the adult rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) Human Reprod, 24, 1584-1595.

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