1. Ladies and gentlemen, our topic “should DUI homicide deserve death penalty?” Well, before discussing about it, I want you to understand what we’re talking about. First, DUI from Wiki, is short for “driving under the influence”, about the acting of driving a motor vehicle with blood levels of alcohol excess of a legal limit, such as 0.08% in Taiwan. Then back to our topic, “should we punish DUI homicide driver death penalty?” Our answer is yes! Doesn’t everyone know the dangers of driving drunk, the possibility of killing other innocent people and causing traffic problems? Of course they do. Then, why there’re still a lot of dunk drivers and many of them are repeated defendants? It’s strange, right? No, that’s because our penalty on DUI is not hard enough to aware them that drunk driving is a really serious issue and most important of all, the penalty is not a big deal. And then you might say, we all human beings, we made mistakes, why do we have to push so hard on this? Well, if you’re the drunk driver, you’re conscious before being drunk, right? And you know later you have to drive and also realize that drunk driving is not a good thing. But you still made the choice to get behind the wheel after drinking. The choice is the intent! Obviously you have a problem with alcohol! DUI is like firing a gun into a crowd of strangers. You don’t know who will you hit and kill, but there’s a good possibility that you will in fact kill someone. If you still fired, you must have some problem with your brain. However, we all know we wouldn’t do that because we might get in prison for many years or get executed if death penalty is allowed. So what cause the difference? The penalty! If we start executing people for crimes like drunk-

DUI Death Penalty Debate

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Page 1: DUI Death Penalty Debate

1.Ladies and gentlemen, our topic “should DUI homicide deserve death penalty?” Well, before discussing about it, I want you to understand what we’re talking about.First, DUI from Wiki, is short for “driving under the influence”, about the acting of driving a motor vehicle with blood levels of alcohol excess of a legal limit, such as 0.08% in Taiwan.Then back to our topic, “should we punish DUI homicide driver death penalty?”Our answer is yes!Doesn’t everyone know the dangers of driving drunk, the possibility of killing other innocent people and causing traffic problems?Of course they do. Then, why there’re still a lot of dunk drivers and many of them are repeated defendants? It’s strange, right?No, that’s because our penalty on DUI is not hard enough to aware them that drunk driving is a really serious issue and most important of all, the penalty is not a big deal.And then you might say, we all human beings, we made mistakes, why do we have to push so hard on this?Well, if you’re the drunk driver, you’re conscious before being drunk, right? And you know later you have to drive and also realize that drunk driving is not a good thing. But you still made the choice to get behind the wheel after drinking. The choice is the intent! Obviously you have a problem with alcohol!DUI is like firing a gun into a crowd of strangers. You don’t know who will you hit and kill, but there’s a good possibility that you will in fact kill someone. If you still fired, you must have some problem with your brain.However, we all know we wouldn’t do that because we might get in prison for many years or get executed if death penalty is allowed.So what cause the difference? The penalty!If we start executing people for crimes like drunk-driving homicides, people would think many more times before drunk driving, the very dangerous behavior and there would be much less victims.Therefore, we should take a look at the current laws for DUI. For this part, our second debater would analyze this for us.Further, why we should consider DUI homicide a crime, like a murder, rather just than an accident? So that we could have sentenced DUI homicide defendants at most death penalty? Is it necessary to do that hard? All these questions, our third debater would give us the reasons.Thank you.

Page 2: DUI Death Penalty Debate

2. Now, let's see the laws for DUI cause death in Taiwan. The most severe penalty is put the person who killed the people into jail for only 7 years. For example, you might hear about Mr. Yi DUI and caused the death of a innocent old man. But after the accident, he did not show any regret, but ask yourself, did he need to do that? The answer is absolutely NO, why? The penalties for DUI are irrelevant in Taiwan, if you have lots of money, you can hire a good lawyer, for the best condition, you don't even have to go to jail, simply pay the bill. You might think this is enough to make Murderers know what the Fxxx they have done and they will never do such things like that? But, the Survey conducted by polices in Hsinchu between January to September in 2011 showed that DUI cause death is the most common Traffic Accidents. And, compared to the survey in 2010, the rate of DUI is increasing rapidly, although polices have make their effort to persuade people not to DUI and continuously outlaw the people who DUI and take others' life as nothing. The situation seems to become worse. Then, take a look at other countries' law for DUI. In Japan, those who DUI and cause somebody lost their life would be put into jail for 20 years along with 1 billion fine, even those people who were on his or her car and the seller who sell wines to the murderer will suffer the same penalty. In California, America, can prosecute the murderer as Second-degree murder, which will put the murderer into jail up to 15 years, even the death penalty is applicable. Don't you think we should promote laws for DUI heavier like the penalty for murderer? Even the death penalty is applicable!!! Therefore, no one will ever lost their life under someone who DUI.3. There is a problem you might ask. Why should those homicides deserve death penalty? You can just sentence them for 30 years in prison or even a Life imprisonment. And we should not be so severe to those people. However, please remember what we are talking about. Our topic is should those homicides deserve death penalty, so we know that we are talking about some severe cases which driver may have done something terrible. Such as, because of his drunk-driving, dozens of people has death. And he is definitely responsible to those deaths. Therefore, we suggest this kind of driver should be sentence to death.If you don’t sentence him to death, but sentence him a 30 years in jail, something terrible might happen. That is, he may get out of the jail after 15years, because of the parole provisional release. Furthermore, you will not know if he will drive under influence again, and if he will cause others death again. That is what we are worried about. And there is a lot of example that some people who have been in prison have done the something again. Thus, we strongly suggest that those DUI drivers should deserve death penalty.

Page 3: DUI Death Penalty Debate

4.Innocent killing is the unlawful killing of a human being without malice aforethought, either express or implied.Intentional killing occurs either when the defendant kills with malice aforethought ( intention to kill or cause serious harm), or when the defendant kills only with an intent to cause serious bodily harm.Why we think DUI is not involuntary, but involuntary? You may ask me we don’t have the thought of killing people when you are in DUI. It just happened accidentally.However, in law innocent means that you should pay attention and can pay attention but you don’t pay attention and intent means you Foresee its occurrence and its occurrence is not contrary to your propose.For example, you throw a vase out the window and it may hurt some people. If it doesn’t, nothing will happen. But, if it does, in law you are intentional.However, if you are a doctor and you operate a surgery for a patient. All theprocedures are correct, but finally the surgery fail and patient was dead for some strange reasons. in this situation, in law you are innocent. Because not only we but also you don’t know what will happen next second for our lack of complete understand about human being.So, you may say I don’t think I will kill people when you are in DUI and I don’t know what will happen next second. You must think about that, OK. Because, DUI can be avoided and you are not the first one who killed people when you are in DUI. If you are the first, maybe I think you are innocent. Besides, in DUI, if nothing happen, Thank goodness, but when something happen, one of the happy families will be broken.This is because that DUI can be avoided. So I must emphasize that killing people when you are in DUI is not innocent killing, but intentional killing.In Taiwan, the responsibility of innocent killing is imprisonment for 2years below or fined. But the responsibility of intentional killing is Death penalty, life imprisonment or imprisonment for 10 years above. The responsibility of killing of drunk driving is imprisonment for 7 years below and 1 year above. So in my opinion the responsibility of killing of drunk driving is too lightweight and when they leave the prison they may do drunken driving again. Since, it is very hard to get rid of the habit of drinking. And people always neglect drunken driving is illegal after drinking to their hearts content. So, I think the responsibility of killing of drunk driving must be equal to the responsibility of intentional killing for consoling people who lost their family members or friends in DUI.