Dubai Municipality Building Regulations A)lTICLE (1) : ,the following regulalions are refemd as <' Building Regulations" ARTIq.E (2) : Ifthere is any ambigcity in any Article, the explanation issued by the Building Pennit .committeeshall be adopted. ARTICLE (3) -: The shall be considered as part of the Building & Housing Department-_regulations as follows: ' M Structural regulations Sewerage Road &. -parking spaces stuff establishment regulations Hotel estaOlishmemt r.eguJations and categories Fire fighting-and safety regulations Public regulatiPIlS Land classification regulations Thermal msulationregulations Any other regulations listed in the Building & Housing Dept. list DEPINITIONS : E.mirate : Emirate of D.ubai Municipality: Dubai Muo,icipality Gei1eod Manager; Dubai MlUticip.allty Manager Department.: Building & Housing Dept Concerned Department: Any department by the Building & Housing.Dept to give opinion About a issue . Owner: The person or institution. (government Of 'private) that owns or rents the land or building. Building Pennit Committee: The committed assigned to study the building permit

Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

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Page 1: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

A)lTICLE (1) : ,the following regulalions are refemd as <' Building Regulations"

ARTIq.E (2) :

Ifthere is any ambigcity in any Article, the explanation issued by the Building Pennit .committeeshall be adopted.

ARTICLE (3) -:

The buildingr~ons shall be considered as part of the Building & Housing Department-_regulations as follows: '

M Structural regulations Sewerage re~ations

Road &. -parking spaces r~gulations Foo~ stuffestablishment regulations Hotel estaOlishmemt r.eguJations and categories Fire fighting-and safety regulations Public saf~ regulatiPIlS Land classification regulations Thermal msulationregulations Any other regulations listed in the Building & Housing Dept. list



E.mirate : Emirate of D.ubai

Municipality: Dubai Muo,icipality

Gei1eod Manager; Dubai MlUticip.allty G~eral Manager

Department.: Building & Housing Dept

Concerned Department: Any department request~ by the Building & Housing.Dept to give opinion About a parti~ular issue .

Owner: The person or institution. (government Of 'private) that owns or rents the land or building.

Building Pennit Committee: The committed assigned to study the building permit appli~tions.

Page 2: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

En~ee(: Consultant

Contractor ; the ,company entrusted to C;afIy _out the wprks

Inspe~tor '; Building & Housi,ng De})t inspector

Special'needs p.eople : aU d\8.ab1~ people wbo need help

Building Pennit: permit issued by the Building & Housing Dept

Special Approval '; approval issued to disregards-orne regul~ons

Site: plot

plot: ~y land that has specific dimensions and number.

,Plot line: plot boundary

Plot Are_a ~ the total area of the plot

Site plan; plan:tbat clarifi~ the ~ea and boundaries of the plot

Road or Street: road .or-street.assigned for cars or ped~trian or -bo;th

Lane: any lane used to reach the plot on foot

Street line: the line between the street Md ,the _plot

Plot Front Line: plot line facing the Jane or the street

Plot sjde line : any plot line notfacmg the front or back .sid6$

Plot back lin~; .plot line _o_n the back -side ofthe plot

Mid-line: -mid-line of the street -or the .lane

elot Covering: .all the ,area b.etween the boundaries

'l),oundary- wall : fence

Adjacency: any ,adjacenrland ( not inoludin,g lrtreets or l.anJ'S )

Centr-al Area : old Dub$. area ( as shown in,Dubai .map)

Heritage Area: The area which includes historical buildings (,8$ ~hown in Dubai map)

Page 3: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

Heritage buildings :,~y builw,D,8S th~ have historical architectu.l:aI features ( It is not pemlitted to remove or demolish these buildings without prim permission from the Dubai Municipality.

'Building; any building constructed,aD the plot

Temporary .buildi.ng' : any building that shall be removed after a specific period

Main buildin~ : the building whi~h is mainly uS,ed

Annex: ; any building constructed for ,a supplementary usage

Building elevation: the distanc.e from the str.eet level to the rooftop

Buildin~ extensio.t;l : ouilcUng wall exten.sion ( up to the ground floor leyel only)

Building projection:

Setback: the distance between the building ,and,the plot boundary

Commerpial building: building for cQrnmercial use only

Pennitted us:age : use ofthe lands.in a specific.area

Main ,usage: the main usage.as per the land usage regulations

Secondary usages: secondary usage .Qn the plot (garages, maid room etc.)

C9J'IlQlercial mall : .8 group of shops or stores \!Sed for commercial use ( area not less than 10,000 sq f) or any departmeht store that has an ,area oflO,DOO sq for more.

Hotel establishment : hotel or hotel ,apart1n\mt

Hotel: ,any buRding or part ofb:uilding ( with 'at least 10 ,separate bedrooms with bathrOPtnS ) that provides the pay-residcncesmvi:ce . .

Hotel.apartnleots ,: a group of fWttished villas, flats Of studios 'that provide ( at least 8 ) that provide the 'pay-resid~ce.servi~

Motel: any building or part ofbuilding ( at least 10 j'()o~.> that provides the pay~

residence service, Bathrooms qm be shared between more than room.

Droup residence: a,buildins used as ·residence for a group of~ple who work or ~dy itt.an institution (unive~ity, college, s~hool, hospjta1. C9mPIJIiY etc.)

Labor camp : a building used as [e$idence for 8 company's labors .

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Inve;stlnertt vil~ : a group of villas (connected to each other or semi~connected). The ownership of these villas cannot be divided·unless enough setback is provided.

Private villa'; A'Villa that is assigned as one family residence. The villa has its oWl'l entrance and parking spaces.

Arabian house: a house without setbacks .assigned for one family. All windows should overlook on an internal courtyard ( 15 x 15 f in minimum) .

Showrppm : a space ( width ofthe side facing the street shouldn't be tess than 30 f) a$signed for commercial use only

Shop : aspace witf;l mW.i.mur;n 120 sq f. area.

Office: a space assigned for office use ( minimum area: 100 sq f)

Room : a space ass~gned individual residence ( minimum area : 100 sq.t)

Kitcben: asp.ace assigned for.makingJoad and drinks( miniwum area: 40 sq. f). One kitchen is permitte<J for one unit.

Preparation kitchen: aspace assigned for preparing drinks only.

Flat: 'aspace r.ented as -separate ·unit. The flat·shouLd consists of one room Or more + hall + spac.e for preparingfood + bathroom.

Studio: a space rented as separate mrit and consists of one room + space for prep.aring food + bathroom.

Watchman room: asp,ace assigned as the watchman r.esi~ence (.minimum·area: 70 sq. t)

Sen:ant accommodation; one -ropm onnare assigned to.accommodate the servants ( mini.rnum area of each room: 70sq f) , ,

Storehouse: a roofed sp~ 8$signed for storing m,ateriaIs in a proper w'o/.

Outside storehouse: unroofed space assi8J1ed for $tOring materials.

Garage : a sp.ace as$igned for ~ p.arking .

Corridor ~ roQfed pas.sageway and it may connect mo.re than one building .

C~opy ; snn$bade

Staircase: a space that ~ntains the stairway

Pergolas ; hollpw strllclirre ( 50% ofits area as 'holes)

Garbage room: a room assigned for storing .garbage temporarily.

Page 5: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

Balcony ~ projection ( roofed or not ) ~d can be reached from the building

Molding: elements can be added to the building as decoration.

Vents : vents that provide nat:unl1 ventilation or illumination.

Ancillary ventilation: ventilation provided to a room tha~ its depth is three times its width.

Internal courtyard: open to air space and surrounded with ,three sides.

Airsbaft : open to air space that only .service rooms overlpok on it.

Setback: the distance be.tween the building and the plot boundary line.

Total floor area.: the sum·of.all rOMed areas.

Floor ratio : total floor area/plot ar~

Unit .are.a : the internal ar.ea of a residential area

Floor: floor

Basement: a floor of which m()~ _than ·its elevation -is under street level and its ceiling is not higher than 3.5 [than the street level for all building an.d 4.5 for resiqential vinas.

Mezzanine: the floor between tb.egrouod floor and the first floor.

Reoccuning',floor: the floor which is sjmilar to the other floors

Upper floor ; ~e last floor

Roof: the floor above the upper floor. It is usually USed for service equipment and "water tanks. Its area shouldn't exceed 50% of1l1e upper floor.

Mechanical '$ervices floor: this floor is assigned to C9ntain the eleetri~ and mechMical equipment. Its .area"is not lncluded.in the floor ratio.

Floor elevation: the distance from :theiloor grOlmd to the next floor ground.

Net floor. elevation : the distance from the floor groWld to the bottom ofthe ceiling.

Floor level : the elevation from the street ground to the floor ground

Referen1iallevel: Thelevel of the first tile from the side of the street

Page 6: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

Sign board :any board hun~ for advertising

AR'l1CLE (S):

l~ Itisnpt permitted to constntct any bUilding lUlless iti8 as per the Planning & Surv~ regul.ations.

2.. Designs should comply with the Arabian and Islamic culture especially for building located in heritage areas.


A- Plot area should be as follows: 1- Diem and Bur Dubai : minimum area: l050.sq 1. 2- Other areas in Dubai : minimum area: 1600 sq f. 3~ The minimum width of the side facing a street or lane: 30 f

B- For',irregu.{ar shape or-Iand which its area ~ceeds the r:niQ.i.mu,m area, a square ( 30 x 30 f) should be contained within the land bOtttldaty.

Th~ B.uilding Permit Committee pan p~rmit projec.ts that don't comply with A ijJ1d B in condition that.sliitable desi80s subniitt~ for the usag~


A- The Ieferen.tial level is .measured as 300 mmabove the street edge.

Bw The .ground floor level $ho.uIdn't be lilorethan 4 fhi..Bher than the ~t edge. For vil~ it $houldD't ~ .tn,o.re than S f. In case that th~ plot is facing two streets, the ,gr:ound floor level shouldn't be more tlum 1.5 r: higher than the,(me them and 4 f than the ,other one.

c- Building ~ev.ation can be calculated by measuring·the ,dis1ance starting from.the a4jacent street surface and as per (B)

'D- The elevations offences and boundaIy w:a11s shouldn't exceed 10 f.


E- The internal elevation of.a floor sho.uld be calculated from the its floor to the bo~ODl of the ceiling as follows.:

M Residential and·office usages : Minimum: 9 f Maximum: 14 f.

Z. Commercial us~e: Sbops and S.howrooms: GrQund floor .: Minimum: 10 f Maximum:14 f.

Page 7: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

Mezzanine .: Minltn~ : 8 f 6 inch~s Maxim\'lllt to f.

Half- mezzanine: Minimum: 7 f 6' inches Maximum: 10 f

Malls: ,Minimum: 14 f Maximum: '20 f

3- I:n;dusttial & workshop usage: Minimum: 14 f MroPmum : 20 f

4- Roofed PArtdng 'spaces : Minimum ': 8 f Maximum lOr

5- Schools .and nurseries : MUurnUm: ior

Maximum: 14 f

6- Mosques: MinimUn'l: 12 f Maximum: as per desi8D­

7- Sp~olima buildings As per studies

F- It-is periUitted to djsregard some regulations In E for some buildings like cinemas, schools, commercial.t;nal.ls etc,

G- The following elements are ex.empted from :the elev~on regulations : 1- M.oldjng: mosqlle minarets., ornament tow~.etc

2- Water1aDks, ~le'Vators".landing strips, smok~tacks. ra4iQ .& TV transmjttet"$

3~ Advertising .commercial towers. 4~ Trusses are ~empted from the building elev~on limits

H- to disregard elevation regulations for'the above cases , the following should be taken .in cons)deration :

Page 8: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

1- None ofthesestru.etures should be used for hOU$ing or pommercial purpOSJ;ls.

2~ The elevation shouldn't exceed the range for the purpose


Minimum area Minimum ,side length Shop 120,sq f 8f Office 100 sq f 8f Residential roo.m 10,0 sq.f 9f Kitchen 40 'sq f 5f Bathroom 30sq f Sf Toilet 15 sq f 3f

It is allQwed that the minimum lU'ea of some,rooms ( maid,room or watchmanf<X)m) to be 70 sq f and the minimum side length 7 f.


The minimum width oflhe corridors as follow!!: I ~ Residential & office buildings :

- Plots e:1{c~g 2500 sq f: (5 f - Plots less than 2500 sq f: 5 f

z.. labor camps ~

- conidor with rooms on two sides: 6 f - .corridors with rooms on One side : 4.5 f

3- Commercial: - lOr

4- Scbools7 colleges, universities etc; - corridor with ro,O,lllS on two sides; 10.f • ,corridors with rooms on one side: 8.f

5- Other public ,buil~ : as per usage (not less than 8 1) 6-- Minimum width ofcorridors between rooms iJI residentlal buildin~ not less -than

3f. 7- It is permitted to ~ the corridor width in sIll8U area buildinBs 8- Itis permitted to 'put ,booths in 'the corridors ofconunercill1 use. In this case, the

corridor width sho)J1d be at least 5 f. The booth width shouldn't-be more than 6 f and the distan~ b~een a booth ,and th~ n~t one ~hou1dn't be l~s than 10 f

9- The minimum elevation of the corridor should .be 8$ follows : - Residential, office and l~bor buildings : 8 f

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- Commercial ,and educational buildings: 10 f Specialized buildings: in accordance to the building ,usage (no.t less than 8 t)


A- 1?? B- It is permitted to provide,ornamental projections inside the

stoops as follows: 1~ The ornaments should be 1-6 inches with

minimum height of -9 f from the stoop floor sJ,Uface.

2- The window pot~OP1S sho~ld not exceed 6 inches.

3- Signboard installation should be as per .regulations

c- 17-? D- The stoop should be designed to be used by the others


A~ Setback is detennined as per the regulations of the land classification system in the Emirate of Dubai

B- Setback is measured from the ,plot boundary for the side facing ~j~¢y and from the mid-,J.i.Q.e of-the street for the side facing lh,e street or lane.

C~ F.or all buildings ( but theconunercial oneS) setback is applied starting from the groWld floor. ,

D- In comme.rci,al buildings, setback 'is app1i~ from the fu:st floor above the ,commercial part. '

E- Incase that the groUJ,ld.is assigned for commercial purp'>Ses completely. setback of 1P f should apply on the b.ack and .adjaeency sid.es.

F· No ornamental projections can be made tn the setback G~ .Setback is calculated.on th~ basis that the floor elevation average is

10 r. in condition that the total elevation of the building 4oesn>t ~cee4 ,the number.offloors xl).. In case that the total elevation is bighe~ fuan,number of floors x 13, the'actual elevation ofilie building is adopte4.

.H~ Roof is not 1nclude~ in measuring the building elevatioo. when setback is ca1c~ated.

1- No ,constructions or ,buildings are permitted but the parking spaces and electrical trans(onners,on the setback area.

J- No proj~ons (but those Jisted'in Article 16) are'permitted in the setback area.

Page 10: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

K- It is permitted to provide a 'side shaft ins,tead of.setback on the ·side of the lane in condition it ,has the same depth of the:requested setback and its side 'parallel 10 :the lane should not be less than 30 f

,L- MaxJmum ~etback for'all building!! is 25'fregarl:Uess of the elevatioIL '

M- Minimum setbackfpr.aII b.uildings is 10 f on the /lide of a,graveyard regardless of the ehwalion.

N- Minimwns.et1>ack between two buildings in the same plot =sum of the setback of:eacll building to the,adjacency. For industria! building, s~tback between two buildings can b,e 10 f.


A- Vent: any part of a window that can ~ opened or any door .that ,can be kept open. A v~t should be provide'natural ventilation or ilIwnination and any apparatus ( Ale) ~annot be ~on.sldered ,a vent,

B- All building spaces should be provided with ,n~al ventilation and illumination. .If the ,sp~ depth ,is three times the width, the spa¢e should be provided with anciUIUY v.entilation.

C- In c,ase that passageways are prov.i,ded with natural ventilation from the adjacent rooms, the area of the passageway should be added to the rooms area when vents areas are measured.

D- Natural v,eo,tilation .and illumination can ~ replaced by artificial on!aS in toilets , bathrooms, passageways, balls 81).<1 some rooms 'which requit:e :that. A prior p.ennission should b~ ob~ed from the Building Md Housing Dept

E- mumination lev,el in the different parts ofthe Jmilding should J>e as ,per the adopted standard Levels, The amount afthe air in the building should b.e as per the regulation 'in the EmtrateofDubai, .

F~ Akitchen can be part of the li.ving room spa~ in condition .that Yentilation can'be provided to the living room ft(>l)1 the Side ofthe l6.tchen and the kitch~ should 'be provided with the proper'mechanical ventilation

G- No ventilation or illumination v.en,ts can be made on the adjacency side unless reqUired·setback is achieved as p~r Article"( II).

ARncu,13 VtN'F$:

A~ Win<lows ~

i - :every room ( r~denti,a1 or.noO, stairwell, kitchen, hall or passageway should be provided with avent. The vent area should be not less than 10% ofthe ground area of the residential room and 5% of the s~lVice room ( kitchen, toilet, bathroom, storeroom or staircase).

Page 11: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

2- The above vents can be made in the ceilingjILCQr:t.dition .iliat the room is not used as a bedroom. These vents should be provided with ntechanicaI opening _means.

3- SWr.caseshould be provide with a yent in every level starting from the first floor to the last OJ;l.e.

4- Stores ,and workshops should be provided with vents (5% of the gro\D1d area).Stor.edoors are considered as vents.

B- Doors

OOQf width -shoul d be as follows : Bedroom or office 90cm Kitchen 800m Bathroom 70cm Shop 100 em Workshop or store 300 em StaiT~e 100 em

c- The fol1.ow:ing should be-taken in consideration upon making vents : I- Handrails .should pe made ,on balc_onies, verandas and on the intersection of

different levels ( difference more than 3 f) 2- Main door of-the fl~ on the reoccurring floors should open to air or staircase

dir.ectly. 3- The bottom side height of a 'Window -should not be less than 3 fin ca:se 'Ut-ere

is no a balcony or a' veranda behind the window or ifhandrails are prpvic,ied ( height not less than3 f)

4- The engineer h~ to study the handrail height ( height should be in compliance with the window height ).

ARttCLE- 14 ~s

A- Vents that overlook.on the airshaft : 1- Bathroom: vent area should not be less than 9 sq f and width not less 3 f.

Natural v~tilation and illwninatipn can 'be replace.d by mechanical one ~ per regulations.

2... Kitchen ~ v$1t dimensions shouldn't beJess than 10 x 10 f. regardless of the building el<w_ation 'in condition that natural ventilation is provided as per regulations ifthe

3- Kitcben open to ball: it is -permitted to exempt thes-e kitchens from vents .overlooking on airshafts if theses kitch~ f~ the hall vents and mechanical'ventilation is provided.

4- Pfeparation kitchens: vent,minimum area: -9 sq f. mjnio'lum width; 3 f.

Page 12: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

B- Rooms overlooking on airshaft J- if all ,unit or office rooms are provided with nattrral .v~mtilation and ll1umination from th~ airshatl only. the minimum airshaft area =::

( building elevatiO~Y 2 (miniuuun. side length; 15 f., minimum ar~225 sq 'f)

2- If some rooms overlook on,street, lane or setback, themini mum ai.r$haft area"'"

(building elevation)2 3 (mini.mum side length: IO f., minimum a(ea 100 sq f)

3- ifone kitchen or lllOfe +04e motU 0,( more ,overlook on theairshaft, the minirn\lffi shaft ar~:;::: building elevation x building .elevation

, , 2 ' 3

( minimum airshaft area.= lOx 15 f)

4- For flats that ex.c~ds 1600 sqf, servant rooms c,an be provided with na:tural ventilation:and illumination ,through airshafts ( minimum: 1P x 10 f) regardless of th~ building elevanon in cpnditic:m that mechanical ventilation i,s provi~ed for building more than G+ 1 .

D- Airshaft in Arabian houses shouldn't be less tb.a.n I5 x 15 f. E- Every airshafhhould be provided with entrance for cleaning. 6 x 4 f or less

sha& 'should be provided wi~a metal stair for maintenance. F- Every ~l'llhaft should be ,P1"c:>vided with,necessary equip:ment for discharWng rain


Ow All ai.r$afl$ Sh9uld be unroofed. In cas~ that airshafts are ,roofed the following should apply ~

1.. If-the roof is transparent 9r semi-transp~ent, side vents sho.uld be provided with total area of1he airshaft area

2- If.the roofis not transparent, sid~ vents should ~ provided with total area : 1.5 x airshaft~ea

3- The roof can be extended to cov,er an area·more.than the -airshaft area in .condition that the extension is not longer than halfthe.side 'Vent elevation.

4- These vents should be pJ:'ovided with proper control means,


Page 13: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

A~ In case that patural ventilation and illumination are ,not provided in building like cinemas. malls, restaurants. halls. public buildings and specialized buildings. artificial ventilation Md illumination can be provided ,a$ follows:

1- Ifther:e is central air conditioning and ligbting systems in parts of the building.

2- 'The, Ye~til$onand air conditioning sys.temcomplies with the regulations and sp.~cations 'approved by Building & Ho,uSmg Dept.

3- The engineer has ttUi:e responsibility for the calculations of the illumination, airconditioning and mechanical ventilation.

4-- The areas of the aiJ'Shafts Should be as per Article 14 regarding kitchens provided with mechanical ventilation. '

5.. All regulations concerning thermal insulation should be apply when the ventilation and illwnination calculations are made.


A- A b.alcony is pennitted o~ the whole building side overlooking on a street as follows :

1.. 1l:J.e balco.ny~hould ,on the first flopr or higher 2· Minimum distance ,he:tween the balcony and the .stre.et floor is

lOf, 3- Minimum distance between the balCQny and,the adjacency 'is :3

f. 4- No b.alconies or projections are pennitted 9n,street or lanes with

width .less .than 30 f, 5- No struct!Jral projections are p~rmitted for the f9Qti,ngs and

boundary walls out of the plot bOWldaries.

B- Balcony area (that juts out of the plot boundaries) can be closed or added to the internal area as follows:

1- minimum street width; 30 f 2- balcony area not.more:~ 50% oOf .the wholc$ide facing

the street 3- Minim~~ of the rooms not less than ·the minimwn

aVtmlge 4- No '01ber projections are permitted on the closed or added

parts. 5- Projection should be on:th~ first floor or on ahigber floor. 6- Special projections should be pres~ted.

c- Projections are.permitted onJhe building f~ade as follows : 1- 6 f. projection if!he street width -is 60 for more. -Z- 5 f projection if the street -wid1h is 50J Qr more.

Page 14: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

3,. 4 f. ·.projection if the sn-eet wi,dth is 40'[ or more. 4~ 3 . p.rojection if.the street width is 30 f or more. 5~ If.and 6 inch ornament prajecti9n if the str~t width is 20 f

or more. ·6- 1(.ornament proj~on if the street width is 20 f or less. 7-- .3 f ornamental projection on :the roof of residential villas. 8~ If. omam~ 'projection on the villa setback. 9- 8 inch omamental projection on the airshafts that exceed

15 x 15 f. 10- Ornamental projection inside corridors as per Article 10.


A~ It is p~rmitted to con,stmet pergolas around the buildings on the unoccupied spaces. Maximum height: 10 f.

B- It is permitted Jo co~truet pergolas to cover swimming pools on tbe roof Minimum.5 f. is.required. The pergola shouldQ'tjut out more than 5 f from the swimming po.ottine. M3Xi.mum height; 10 f.

ARncLE 18: B~MltNT·:

A- Basement ~ting shouldn't be 3 f and 6 inclt~ higher than the street level for buildings and 4 f and 6inches for $i.dentiaI villas.

B- The basement·should ~ co.nnecte4 to the building with iriternal stair in addition to afire escape.

e- Basements should .be ·provided with the proper ventilation and illumination as per Articles 14 and 15.

D- It IS not.permitted to us.e the basement s~arately fh>m the .building. E- It.is not .permitted to use the .basettleD.t for residential, office or commercial usage.

Basements should be'util~ as follows: 1- Parking -spaces lUld buil~g Jlervices ( electrical room, telephone, pumps

etc.) 2- Resident s~rvices ( laundry room, drying rPO~ swjrnming pool, gym..

sports hall for kids etC)

F- No part ofth.e basem~t shall jut out.oftbe plot b9undaries,. G- It is nol penni~ tp u,se the adjacency land upon .constructing .the basement walls

unless awritten permission is obtained from the owner .and the Building 8{. Housing Dept.

Page 15: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

H- Upon.casting basement footings or·sucking water, safety conditions should be provided for th~ adjacency buildings.


A- It is permi1ted that th~ mezzanine .area js .100% of the groun.d floor area on plots where mezzanine floor is permitted.

B~ It is pemntted to use .the mezzanine floor -separately in accordance to ·the ~age of the first floor (office, residential) or for 'the building service usage.

e- It is ,permitted to ¢;e the mezzanine flom:' for cotnmercial purpos~ ifit used with the ground floor in ~ndition that they are conne~ed to each other by a'panoramic elevator or stair etc.

D- It is per;mitted to use the mez.Z?..ni.::l:;l floer complete!y.zs .park..ing spaces Qr for the main u.se ofthe buil~ng if 1he buil<U(lg 'is use.d fro one purpose.

E- It is not pennitted to make another mezzanine within the fitSt floor .if the original mezzanine floor is separated.

F- No projection, balconies or verandas are pe~tted on the mezzanine-floor,


A- It is pent).itWdto adp the roof floor above the last floor in aU buildings but residential villas, industrial buildings and labor CMlps.

B- The .rooffloor can be used for elevator room, water tanks. 'pump rooms•.electricity room, telephone room, pergolas, -swimniing- pools. gy~ and other building -services if the plot area exceeds 2500 sq f. Total ~ ofthe C9nstnlcti<;ms on the roof should not ~ceed 10% of the ~ota1.areas ofthe floors. MaximUJl1 area 10,000 .sq f and minimum setb.ack 5 f from the building line. Swimmio:gpools are W'empted from the setback condition and their areas are not included wi1h,other collStJuctions.

c~ Atwimming }>901 with pergolas are -,,~·tted on the roof$ld they are not included in the 10% areamention~ in B.

D.. The.maximum height for the .swimming pool is 3 f and (ro gym 12 f E- It is perm,itteP that the elevators reach the roof floor. F~ No conatructions are permitte<l above ,the roof Door ceiling or the

swimming pool level except elevator-room. stair JOOm. water tanks. air CQIlditioning equipment and other parts mentioned in Article 7..

G- n is Pt'fIlliued to put advertising boards on the roof as per regulations ofadvertistng boards.in the emirate ofDubai.

H- C~tructions on the roof cannot be used for any ,commercial Pwwses. They .are only assigned for the use of the residen.ts.

Page 16: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations


A~ Every building ( that consists ofmote than one floor .BUd _the maximum floor _area is not more- than 5000 sq for 15000sq f for1be total area ofthe building) should be provided with one stair at least. An additional st,air should be aQde(i if the floor 'area exceeds 5;OOO~ 10,000 sq for the total area of tile building is 1:;,000-:30,000 'sq f. and an additional stair should be 'proVided for the same increase9f areas. The distanc~ betwe~any flat entrance and the stair should not be more than )0 m

,B~ Minimum width _ofthe stair should not'be less than 3.5 fin residential and office buildings and 5 f in public ,us~ buildings. 111e stair landing width should _not be less than .the sWr width.

C~ Maximum stai r .flight steps not more than 14 . Maximum step height no_! more than 7 inches and minimum width 11 inches. Stair measurements as follpws : (step height i (step'widUl) ~ 60-65 em and circular stair are exempted from that.

O~ NI steps should be Identic8l. E- Minimum n~ height above every step is .8 f F~ All sU)ir:sjn residential, office and public buildings should be madeoffir,e

proof ~terials.N~ v~ntilation ~!! iUumin,ation should be provid~ to au stW.ln ,building higher than 10 floors, it is permitted to provide stairs with mechanical -tttl!! electrical ventilation and illUll)inlltion.

.G~ Handrails with minimum height of 3 f should be ,prpvid~d. Hole width in the handrails should not be wore than 13 em. Iftl)e stail: width ~ceeds 7 f. ,an. additional partition ·should be provided.

H- ,Stair IPc,ationsh<;>uld comply with following: 1- Stair should bl3 ~ed from any point 'in the building and It should be

close to streets and lanes 2- Maximum distance l>etween the staircase door and my flat dOQris 90 f

1- In case that a stair is n~ to afla.t dool:, the nUnill1UDl distance shouldbe no.t less than 3 fto 'a.void any (aIling acci~ent .

J.. All stair e'1rits should 'be provided with clear ,signs cLarifYing their locations. K- Fire escapes: the followJn.g should,apply :

1- ..the fire e8alpe should ,b.e separated by a fire proof wall ( mleast for one hour) and a smoke proof door.

Z- The fire escape should be:pro~ded with the natural and artificial jlhun.ination It also ~ould be provided with a vent ( minimUJil area ': -4.5 sq 1) in each £lOOT for natural venW-ation.

Page 17: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

L~ The emergency ,exits ,should be provided with -signs ~larifYing the location and they should comply with the following .:

Mimnt~A1 MinimuUl width Number of tile stair of exits

Maximum 200 people 2 3fand 6 inches MWmum300 pe<>ple .2 4£ Mwcim.lIID -SOD people 2 Sf Maximum750 people 3 5f MaximumlOOO people 4 Sf

M- Maximum number ofsteps in each flight .ofa fire escape should not be mOre than 20 an4 not less than 3. Maxhnumheigl;1t of.a st~p ; 20 em.

N- Fire fighti.:lg regulations must apply on fir.e .esc.apes.


A~ multi-storey buildings should be provided with elevators as follows: 1- In all buildings with DlO.re than 3 floors, elev-ators shoul~ ·b.e provided

with suitable capacity. 2- In public buildings, ehwators or escalators should be provided 3~ In commercial nuills, p.ano.ranlic elevators (capacity; 10 persons) or

escalators .should be provided.

B~ NumPer and capacity -of elev:~ors should match the number offloors and areas C,. Minimum capacity ofany ~levator: 4 -persons D- Elevator locanon should be .rea,ched easily from 8IlY 'point and they should be

.close to the stairs. ' E,. The eh~vator room on. the roof shotild be:

1- The room dimensions .should be as per the manufacturer specifications. 2- The room should be provided with·a .go.od air conditionin~ system 3- It should be provide4 with a door that can -be fu:mly locked and all other

vents should' be firmly ~osed. -4- All operating cabl~ and wires shoJdd be bidden and anti-:rust 5~ Covers ·should be p"ovided fot all pulleyJ; and moving'parts

F~ The lift ,shaft should be as follows : 1- the c:lin\ensi~ns should ~ as per the manufacturer specifications '2- the lift shaft parts that are subj,ectto water leak should-be treated with


G- The el!,vator should be provided with an el~callock.system and alarm system for overloading. It .also sho,utd .be .provided with the proper mechanical \Ventilation in ,wdition to illumination.

Page 18: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

fI- Waming signs ( regardiilg capacity an,d load, number of persons, no smoking) should be provided inside the elevator. A wammg sign (that should be placed near the door) stating the elevator sho.uIdn't be.use4 in case offire.

I- All elevators shoUld be t~e.d regularly and the owner should obtain a status certificate for ever elevator every year.


A~ Slopes can be calculated as part of the fire escapes 'B~ The slant of the stope for cars should be 1-10 and it can he 1-8 if the Building

and tIo~ing Pept ,finds r.easonable t.echoical justification. c- The slope ground should be.tough and not.slip,Pc--')'. The waH COi1l6ffi should bj;

covered with robber. D~ The .dimensions of the siopes should be as per Article 25. E- Mirrors should.~ provided to ,the slopes to give a clear vision at the curves. F· Minimum height starting from the slope ground should not be less than 8 f. G- Natural ventilation wd illumination should he provided to.all.slope parts.


A- parking spaces (roofed or,not) sho.uld be provided inside .the plot bOlmdaries. B- The nurnberand specifications of the parking spac.es should b,e.as per Article

~.5. . c- N9 $1len.dmenU (nUIPber, design, dimensions) ~ be madeto the parking

.space$ 'without a .pri9f written ,Permission from the flousjng & Building Dept The contractor.and the COl1S\I1tant shall bear full responsibility for any violating amendments. .

D~ The HoUSing & Building Dept. has the right to ask for .study regarding the tr~c effects that may arise from .the project ( projects that may auraet mahY people like shopping malls, complexes etc).

£.. 'the ~wneeof public plliking SPace$ adjacent tp any plot doesn't mean that the plot cannot be provided ,with its own p.arking spaces.

'F- Cat ,entranets and exits should be as per regulations and the site plan in (;SSe that they ~ assigned.on the site plan.

G· Car entr.ances .and exits shouldn't be on the lane side or plots assigned for publi~ pJUking \JIlless the access from .th~ meets cannot be atttiined.

H~ The basement ceiling l~~l ctu) be higher if the basement and the ground floot are used as parking spaces .in condition that the ground -flopr el~vation doesn't exceed the limit mentior,led.-in the regulations.

1- Road works plan .attached with the building permit application, sbo.uld.include the folloWing';

1- the se.tting ,out plan ,should clarify: the streets, lane, footways ,acljaoency, lane level, plot level, adjacency level, re(erentild level, tat exits and

Page 19: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

entranc~, traffic dir~tion on the streets, intersections and street.light poles. .

2- Parking spaces for all floors. 3- Trafficsigns and control equipment 4- Any other details requested by the concerned department 5.. Calculations of the parlQng·spaces 6- Trafflc effect ·study JifrM~ted)

J- In case, that it "is difficult to reach the parkins ,Spaces thro~gh the slopes~

lifts can be used in condition that the parking floor is only used for parking spaces

K- Mechanical veptilation and electric illuminat:i,on should be provid~ if natural ones cau. not be provided. .

L- The necessary piping should be.made for discharging ra,in water M- If it i$ known for the Department after the i,Ssuance of the building permit ~ the entrances .and c-.uts contradicts with the existing and entrances .of ~e adJacenCy or with the tI:affic movement in the adj abent streets, the Departm~nt has the right to req~est making amendnlents

N.. The parking spaces floor shoulq. be covered with 'washable ~erial.s. 0- Drawings clarifying the method pf pro~g the holes to the Depanment to

be ,approved in case that there are drilling works on the plot b<>1U1dary from the adjacency side or the str~ side

p. Drawing$ clarifying the public pavements .sPJTounding the plot; dimensions, levels, and tb.e ,survey -reference .

Page 20: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations


A- ParkingJloors should be provided with 1I1e prope.r signage showing exits and entrances and the direction of traffic. Also niirrors should be provided in spaces in which v,i:;ion isnot;e!w for driven;.

B.. Parking spaces should be provided with concrete restraints to ,prev.ent c,ars from crossing the front limits of ilie .space~

C- All willIs and columns adjacent to the traffic movement should be provided with rubber angles unless there are pavements.

D- Parking spaces ·should be nwnbered as per tne approved drawings. E- The ·minimum nt,uriber ofpar.king sp.ac.es in buildings is as follows :

1- Res.idential blJildings : • Residential villa: 1 No.. parking space for.each villa. !' RC'sii:k:ntial flat: .

1 No. p.arking space f:or ea¢h flat ( 1600sq f,orJess) - 2 Nos, parking spaces for each flat (more than1600sqf

1 No. parKing space for each studio. 1.2 Nos. parking space for each flat in areas with special pJanning.

2- Office: - 1No. parking space for each 750 sq f of·the total area 3- CommerCial Vsage:

1 No. parking space for each 750 sq f of the total'area of the commercjal usage. 1 No. parking space for each 500 sq f of the to.tal used area in commerc:ial centres

4- Commercial centr.es : b.uildings-which are used cQmpletely as commercial centres ( 1.0,000 sq f or more), should be provided with parking spaces not less than 300A! of the required padp.ng spaces. The ground floor can be 'used as..a parking flpor.

5,. Hptels: 1 No. parking sp~ for ~b 5 rooIDS. 1 Np..parking space for each 500 sq'f of the total area of restau(ants.

,. lNo. parki.n8 space,for each..200 sq f of the total area of lounges and halls. 1 No, parking space for each 2 suites 1No. parki.ngspace for each 500sq m ofthe ho~l

Qffl~ ~d shops. 1 No. parking space for eaclt hotel apartment. 1 No. parkin,g space f()I each hotelroom if it includes a kitchen or preparation room

6- Schools: 1 NQ. parking space for each classroom 1.NO. parking spaceJor ,ea~ 500 sq f of the a4miolstrative use areas.

,. 1No bus parking space for each 3 classroptns

Page 21: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

- Old schools ( built b.efore 1990) are exempted from the allove conditions .

7~ Mosques: l,\S 'per regUlations for mosques 8- group resid~ce : as per planning regulations 9- cinemas & theatre: 1 No. patking:space .for each 3 seats 10- Function hans: ,as per planning regulations 11- Recreational buildin&$ and labour camps : as per studies

F- Plots in Old Dub,ai are exempted from the parking regulations but the foHowing cases :

1- In case th~ th~ number of flo()~ exceeds what 'stated in the regulations, parking spaces should be ad\lc.d for the additional flo,ors.

2- Co'-'merciftf centres' nQrkin'" s"''''''- ,,\',,11 J., ......c..;~"'~ ",. ~cr .t.." :',,,,r.>",,­. ""u; .w ~ 4 " ..... ~ 9 t"',""V"IIhI ,.,.. Il1o ........... "'- y..&. '~~Iiwr ..... "'" }',.... Ul\J _IIII.I.M"vl.

area only.

G- If the plot overlooks on a main street and on a secondary street, ,parking spaces should 'be placed on the side of the secondlU)' stree.t.

H- Parking spaces ,tmtran~s and exits: 1- Separate exits and entrances -should be provided to the parking spaces. '

Ufts can be provided if it is possible. 2- The distance should not be less ,than 50 f from the pl~ gromJ4 and the

distan,ce can be minhnized to ),0 f. 3- There should b~a distance b,etween 'the exits and entrances and road

inteBections. They should not face any T inters.ection, 4~ The building exits ~d entrances shoUld not contradict any adjacent

existin~ on~. 5- Theysho~d be placed properly to provide safety for the adjacent

streets. 1- Exit &. entranc,6 width :

10 f pr 3 m for one sj~e path 20for 6 rofor two ~ide 'path

.. small plots can be provided with 3 In two side:pafu if the path provided with the necessary system to regulate traffic.

J~ Dimension ofplP"king spaces (for light vehicles) and routes: 1~ lJ;l Cl'Se 1I1at the parking space;s we p~el to the r-oute: 2.5 x 6m for

parking space$ ..3 m for the route. ~M 4~o patldng space : 2.5 x ,5.65 mior pfJrltingspaces ,and 3.2.5 mfor the

route. 3- 600 parking space: 2.5 x ,5.85 In fortbe parking space.and 3.75 fur

dIe route. 4- Vertical parking space: 2.5 x 5,.5 m for patlcing spaces and 5.5 m,for

the route.

Page 22: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

K- The D.ep.artment can give permission (ror special cases) to tninimize the 4epth of.the parking space not more than 40 em

L- Minimum elevation of the pa.r14ng space: 8 f. Maximum elevation offh,e parki,ng space: 10 f. In c~e that other activities are practiced in the same .t1oor of the parking ·spaces, the.eleyation can be:the same of the floor.


A- All environmental effects (air, SW), soil, adjacency, noise, pollution,etc) should b,e c.omplied with. .Also, the Thenncit Insulation rc~ations should be complied with,

B- The engineer has to get written approvai-for projects that cause pollution to the environment.

C- The Department has the right to request any amendments regarding pr.otecting the environment. It also has the rig4t the.to cancel any permit if the proj~

may cause-serioQS environmental pmblems. D- Thermal and Acoustic ins,ulation should beapplied as per regulations. E- The engineer ,has to study -the sun and wind directions. F- The engineer has to select the prope,r materials ,that do O,ot.cause any

env.ironin.ental hazards. G- The engin~r has to comply for the hygieni~ conditions 'inside and o\IfSide the

~uilding; sun, ventilation and shades . H- The engineer has to select the approved pesticides to kill ants in the ground

floor. 1M The engineer b~ to er~ wall~ to separate buildings or plots J- 1b~ engineer has to comply with the Bnrlrate.s laws regarding the

tmvironment~ recycling drain water, air pollution, swimming pools, safety for the children gam~.

'K:- Tree can not be cut Without,s prior written permission from the Agriculture Department

.L- Noise pmduce4 by ,gadgets should not exc.eed55 deci.beJ from 7:00'am to 8:'00 pm lUld 45 d~OOI.from 8,:00 pm to 7:00 am.

M- Heritage buildings ,can nQt be remov.ed -or demolished without ~ prior permission form the Department

N- The engineer has ,to stop all the works ifruins .arefound:or the work$ cause damages to the .service'•.

0- The engineer has to cpmply with the reguhltions 4uring the period of construeti01l :

1- To comply with the Department (egu1ations regarding wade 'timing 2- The nnling is from 6:00 am to 8:00 pm in the populated ar~. 3- Measures -should be taken to minimize the .Doise.level 4- Measur~ should be takeJ\ to prevent the sp,readofdust:

• Water should be sprinkled ifther.e-is.-possibility ,ofstlrring 4ust.

Page 23: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

• Vehicl,e {O,utes should be covered with ,special mat~rials to prevent stirring dust

• Taking necessary -measures during unloading or oonveying materials.

5- Taldi:J.g special rne$ute to prevent th4' sprea4 of smoke and g8$es. 6- Taking the n~sary m!'asure to keep the site clean,. 7- All building materials should be stored in a proper way. Chemical

materials or petrol should be stored-safely in small amounts. 8~ Garbage and debris should be sorted and taken away in proper ways.

p-I- Coefficient of heat transfer fOf the .ceilings and walls shouldn't exceed

the limits :stated in the tl)ennal insulation regulations. 2- Olas:; ( all types ) ~hould be u,sed as per the th-ermal ,insulation

rc.gu1atioilS . 3- All works regarding the thertJ;Uil insul.at:ion should be camed out as per

the thennal insulations regulatios.

Q- : All building (having large glaz~ ,areas ,and mOre than ,0+ 1 ) should be provided with the prop,er tools for cleaning-the glass.


A- In public-builditigs, com.merciaI malls, mosques, theatres, cinemas, S'POIt$ centr~, and public,parks the followU1B should be ~mplied with:

1- Slopes" inclination not more than 1/12)should be -made at pavements, cm.tem~ stairs.

2- Special parking spaces for .the special needs people; 1.3% Of the total number ofilie parking spaces (:fraction should be rounded to one). Maximum number of the special ~g .spaces .,: 10 .

3- These special parking spaces should be close as possible to the lifts and ni8in elltn\tlces. Maximum distancefrom lU\s and entrances : 60 In.

4- SQitabie spaces for the special nee4s people should be provided at the main entrances,

$- P.l{iin path#l ,should be.provided from the parking.spaces ·to the main entrances or lifts.

6- S~a1 w.e :should 00 provided as .per.Article 44. 7- The specifications ofone ofthe lifts -should b.e as per the Department

regulations for ilie special needs people. .8- All corridors and paths mould be ,as pet the Department regulations for

-the·special needs people. 9- In multi sJorey commercial centres, th~teshou1d be at least one lift

which complies with the s_pecial.needs ~ple requirements,.

Page 24: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

10- Safety requirements of the special,needs people shoul~ be compliedwith. .

B~ In Investment buildings (Area more than 50,000 sq f), the following should be provided: '

1- Slopes (,inclination not more than 1112)sholi1d be made at pavements, e~'1emal stairs.

2-- There should be at least one.lift which complies-with the spedat nef>.d~

people requirements. 3- Special parking spaces for the special needs people; 1% of the total

numb~ ofthe parking spaces ( fra-ction should be rounded to..one). Maximum number of the special parking ,spaces : 5 .

4- Parking space.s of the sp~ial need people .should he as per the Depar:tm~t re~ati.ons,. The parking .sp~ sh.ould IN CLv56 to the m~ ,entrans::es and lifts.

5- Signage leading to the parking spaces of the special needs people s.hould be inst3lled

6- Trac~ ofthe special needs people should be ditect and plain. They -should be ,also as per regulations.

c- In three star (.or Ql9re) hotels, the following'shoul4 be provided to the special need people :

1,.. One room for the special needs people if the number of the rooms in the hotel is less than 100 and 2 Nos. rooms lithe number exceeded 100.

2- The specifi.c.ations ofthe room should be as per the r~gu1ations; door aimensiQns, .door, area,around~e b,ed, window. desk, wanlrobe, ~ectric buttons. alarm , .and chair.

3- The blrthroo.m specifications ·should be ,as per the regu1~ons ; bathtub, toilet, ,basin. wardrobe, mirror, ftoor tiles, door measurements.

4- 'The room ,should ,be provided with M emergency exit that leads -,out of the building .or to ,8 balcony.

$- One of the lifts should.comply with the requirements ofthe sp~ial

needs people. 6- Special p$dcing spaces for the sp~al ,nee4s people; 1No parking

space out of7.5. Ma>dmum DUIUber ofth'" ~pecial parldng spaces: 5 . 7.. Special ~eds pl'Ople,spate at the main entrance should be provided. 8- stop,es (inclination .not more than 1/12)sho)ild be made at pavements. ~mal stairs.

,9.. -T.racks ofjhe special needs people shpuld be diroot and plain. They should ~ also as ,per regulations.

Page 25: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

D- Slopes should be as follows : 1- Pavement slope,should be an integral part of the pav.ement 2- Thete -should b.ea plain floor 'between .two consecutive.s.lopes. 3- All slopes should be prov,tded with warning signals; colors 4~ Slope ratio.: not more than 1/12 5~ No parking spaces in front of the slopes 6.. Slopes should be match pavements regarding the directioh 7- The slope should be smooth 8- Incase that the slope height is mote than 50 em, the slope shoUld be

provided with a handrail.. 9- No inlets shall be placed on the slopes 1().. Minimum width: 1.2 m 11- Slopes should be provided with the propersignaJ,s that .show di.rections 12- At tuni.ing 'points, ,.slopes should be provided with .preventive barriers l.3~ The liandrail should bte eY.tended for 30 em at the end of th~ .-slope


A- th.~ engineer h8$ to be fanilliar'witb all regu1atio~ .C9nc.eming tbe above services. The engineer has also to consult these departments to check the servi~ line:s,

B- Electricity rooms should·comply with the folloWing: 1- The electricity room specific.ations should be approved by DEWA 2~ The meter room door should not be flanunable and aJan,should be

provided inside 1h~ room 3~ Safety .conditions should.be complied with 4- Trausfonner room can be placed in .the setback area

c~ Ev.eIy r~dential unit should,have only one electri~ meter and one water meter. N.o additional meter for unitsshowd .be added without a prior pemiission fr()Jl1 ~e Department

D- All building .spaces .should W provi<Jed wi~ nec~sary outiets of ~I~ity, telephone and tv . All service rooms and wiring should be as per ,regulations.

£.. All materials used in service rooJl.1S and wir1,ng·should be.as per .regulati~ns,

F- AlI.buildings (more than 10 offi~ or flats) sh.ould have £l directive signage .at the n:Wn en~ce .ornear the lift

G- Signboa«ts of'1lll shops .and sho'M'oorns should be placed on special plaees, Minimum width of the signboard shouldnot be less 1han 3 f,

H- No signboard shall bl'htmg without'prior permission from the conceme<l department.

1- when water tanks or satellite <liShes arcinstaIled, an architeetura1.remedial sh(l11 be done to keep the &en" view of the buildilng.

J- Special spaces or.solutions -shoul.d be provided fothan.gi.n.g clothes 'in.or4er to lceep the building general view.

K... An architectural O'medial shoUld be done to hide air conditioning units. The distance ~tween MY Ale .and the adjacency should not be less than ;J f.

L- All thermal insulation regulations shall apply upon the desian works

Page 26: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations


A- All buildings should be provided with approved systems of fire ,alarm and fire fighUng ~ per regw.$ons.

B- The owner is responsible for keepi.D:g the fire·alarm and 'fire fighting.syswms. Tet:tants are resPQQsil>le for'keepitlg .all pathway~ -l}tld erne~gency exit$ cleat. Tenants are also responsible for keeping the fire alarm and fire fighting systems that are placed inside thelr units. '

c- It is not permitted to ins.~l ,any obstacles on the windows above the grolDld floor.

D- .All regJJ1,ations reg~din~ safety should 'be co.mplied with. E- Building ,entrances and exits are calculated as per the num.~r of the floors sod

their areas. F- All ~oors and tools should be firo-proof G- All stairs should be provided with the necessaxy natural and artificial

ventilation and illumination. H- All buildin,gs parts should be provided with the alannlights 1- AU high rise buildings ( more .than 20 storey~ ) should be provided with

heliports J- AU fire escapes should ,be clear


A- It is permitted to oonstruct ~~es (G only) for the us~es of garages. extemal kitchen or servant rooms as follows :

1~ The maximum height on the side of the adjacency ,should not ex~d 14 m and 1,5 rn on the side ,of the lane .\Uld streets

2~ Miniml~m-setback .between the villa and 'the ,annex should not 'beless than 10 f

3~ The axmex.should be parallel to the btl1mdaIy wall. EnoU8h setback should be between the annex ,and the bound8ry wall to provide the necessaiy ventilation

B- In case that the aun~ is built ,on Ute boundary Jin~. the air conditions unit -should 'be on intetnal side

C- It is permiued 10 build a.garage on 1he bound,ary line D- Annex. can not be used for any ,commercial use. 1he roof-Oftha annex can be

used to place water tanks or air conditioning,units .only. Stairs are not permitted for annexes close to the adjacency.

E-- If annexes a@joined with the main buildin& all setbacks .shall apply F- An annex can beJoined With main buildinBby a roofed pathway (maximum

width: 10 f) with elevation not high~ than of the annex. 0- The total areas of the ,annexes 'should not exceed 60% ofthe total area of the


Page 27: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations


It is pennitted to construct labour C$l1pS on plots assigne(i for that as per regulations : A~ Ar.eaQftbe camp should'oo ~ulated on the basis of30.sq ffor eachlabour.

Shower + .toilet + basin fo' ()8Ch JO la.bptUS, B,. It is permitted to .build the lab9ur camps without s.etbacks ( unless ·something

different is mentioned ). C- The number.offloots and setbacks sball be as per the Classification Plml

System in the Emirate. D- Minimum. setback between bwlding should not be less tban.20 f. The area of

the intemai yard should .not be less than. 20 x 20 f E- The first of the construction-should 8CromIDodate 50% of the total number

.assi.l;Pled for the .plot F- N.o doors or \\indows shan l>e on the str.~t or lane. All ?-o.tian~s shall b9

located ·within the plot G- It is pennitted to construct projections as lanes on thl'l first floor ( 4.5 f).Theses

projections should be op~ to air H- It is permitted to construct rooms with separate services ( 1 No. ro.om for·each

40.laboum). 1- A kitchen .ormore + .~g halls should be provided The dinging halls

capacity should not-be less than30% of the labours. The kit~hen should be as per regulations.

J- There should be a garhage ro.omor ~arbage contain~


Classification Miliimum. No. of W ..c.s

Minimum No. of basins

Ablution Accommodttti.on Parking spaces


~id~ntial , Areas .... :villas: Small


Capacity: 'up . to 150'p~pI6'

3 , 5

FIat for the Imam, room for the labour 8 2



people 4 4 8

Inmn, 'Flat for the mue.wn . . ..

Page 28: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

Big .Mosqu,es: 300.:500· people

5 5 10

Flat for the lmam, Flatfrolhe mueztiu rO,om for the labour

30 4

501-100 people 8 6 14

Flat for the Imam, Fiat fr.o the mu~zzin

room fOf the Illtour

40 5

701-1000 10 8 20

Flatfof the Imam, Flat fro .the muezzin room for·the labour

60 6

More than 1000 people; to be studied

by the Building Permit


City Centre ,

. Small mosques;

Capacity~ 150-300 .people

6 4 12

F1~forthe ~·.fiatfor 1hemuzzin rOOm for the labour

15 2

301-500 people

8 6 14

.Flat for the Imam, flat for themuzzin roomfortbe labour

25 3

Big M()S(Iu~:

Page 29: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

50.1-700 people

10 8 20

f1.al for the lniam, Flat fro the mue.zzin room for the labour

50 4

701-1000 people 12 10 24

Flat for the Imam, Flat fro the muezzin room for the .labour

70 5

Country .A.--ea::: Small

mosques: Less than

.150 pe.ople 3 2 6 Flat fortbe .I~

10 1­

BiR mosQues:

300,.500 p.eople

Picni~ sites







Flat for the (roam, Flat fro the muezzin room for the labour

.. Flat for the Imam




Mosques placed near highways:

Less 1han 150 p_ooPle


WOmeD. 2






Flat for the Imam


-.. -


Page 30: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

B- Mosques places in 1h.e central.areas of Dubai, are exempted from the conditi<:>Ds of the park.in8 spaces.

C- The number oftb.e w.orshipers in a mosque is .cal.cuJated as per 1 No. person for 8 sq f and that doesn't inc.ludeworshlpers outside the m.osque.

D- ThefoIlowing shomd becompUed with .; 1- All works of design, construet1ons, and supervision should be .carried

out·by Muslim-staff. The.manager of the engineen.ng consulting bureau should be a Muslim one, ­

2- A mosque is preferred to be .rectangular. The long side should face the Qibla ( di.rection toward Mecca). It is preferred ·not to make any doors or window on the side of the Mehrab ( platform where the Imam address.es worshipers ), It is also preferred not to have CQlunms in .the mi.ddle of.the IllQsqu~. .

3- It is pennitt.ed to add a Iibrnry, women prayer ar~a, store, classrooms for teaching Quran.

4- MO'sques are preferred to ha-ve yards. 5~ Toilets are preferred to be separate from the mosqu~ building and not

on .the same direction of Qibla Toilets are pr~fe.rred to be on the smrth­east di.rection. Toilets .are als,o preferred to be Asian ones and one of them can be European.

6- Ablution area is ne~essary for .any mosque 7- It is preferred t() .bwld a boundary wall; lhe upper part pJ'efen:ed to be

hollow 8- Any drawings or ornaments fum cl;>ntradiet the Islamic believes should

'b.eavoided 9- the materials used in the finishes works should match the status of the

building as a mosque. 10- Signage refereeing tathe movement, facilities,entrances., exits showd

be insU\lled

E- It is preferred to add a prayer -arel,l fo.t women in the following area: markets, grand ,mosques, country .ar~. highways and picnjc.sites. 'IRe minimum numper of facilities as follows:

- 'TOilets: 2 ~ B.aslns; 2 - Ablution taps: 3

M9Sques located near bi,ghways can be provided with haIfnumber offacilities for ,the prayer area of women

F· Prayer areas ( with all (acilities.> should be provided far men and women in all .commercial malls that their areas exeeea lOO.OOO.sq f.

G- lIlumiJ)ation, -sound and.air .conditi()J).ing should be careful~y studie4 upon the works o.rdesign. professional staff.should carry 'Out the design works of$ound systems.

H- DimensioIlS oia JnQsque should be as per regulations .and Islan.U.c .culture 1- MinaIl'tS shopld be designed"as per r~atiOns J- Approval from~y other con~ined department upon submitting building

permi~ Of doing amendments. K- Complete ·separation between women and men facilities.

Page 31: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations


A~ All <$hops or .restaurants dealing with food, foodstuff, or ~nks should be <J~gned as per 1he regulations issued. by the concerned department.

B- TheJlQO! snoll1d be made ofsmooth, W$bable, white, fi.re-proof materials. No crack between tiles or betweM the tiles and wall are allowed.

C~ Proper ventilation and illumination should be provided to all internal parts of ~~ .

D- Shelves, electrical appli~ces, basins, stpres, chimneys, service table and pesticides should be provided to the shop.

E- Restaurants, ,refreshment and foodstuff shops should be provided with the s.mtable sanit~uy piping

F- Kitchen areas should be as follows:

~Ctivhv Minimum arell ,(nsCl f. Restaurant 300 .or 40% of Ule

restaurant area Cafeteria ,200 Coffee shop lOO Refreshment shop 100 Sw~ts ,2~0 a,akerv 250 Seafood, 2.50 'Function ~s 500

G- Chimneys ShQllld be place on the side of the lane or through the airsh&ft. Chimneys should rise for 2 m ,abOv.e the btiildingrPQf.

H- Freering and refrigerating rooms should be proVided with thermostats that can be r~ from ,outside. The doors should be opened from.and inside and outside the room.

Page 32: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

I~ The minimum area of the shop should be as follows:

, A~"ty. MiDbnum area in sq f Green Rtocerv 200

150 100

150 and the preparation are{l. shoJJ1d be sepa~te from the show area

. ButcherY Refreshnients


Ro.as:tery .250 2000, .250 sq f of the area should be as a$re

130 300

2 Nos. rooms andhaH ( 12 sq mfor ~,one) + toilet


GroperY Phannacv Clinic


A~ Schools: I· The location of the school should be as per the classification plan 2- Schools should be desiBrted as per the international standards and the

Ministry ofEducation regulations. 3- Toilets: 1 Nos. toilet + basin for pupHs for each classro,om. Also co,ol

water taps ,showd be avail able in the school yard under shade 4- 1 No. toilet + basin for teacher fur each 10 classrooms. .5. Allhygienic.conditions shall be applied .6- Natw"al ventilation and illumination should be provided .to .all parts of

the school sp~ally the classrooms. 7- Artificial UluminationshouId b~ on ,the right side of-the pupils. 8~ Shelves 8lld curtains should ,be provided 1(;) aU classrooms. 9- There should be a epmplete -separation between the two genders;

classrooms, toilef$ ;yards, canteens etc. IO-A s'?hool sho,ull! ,contain a library ~ per th~ numb~r of pupils . ll-A school shou,ld. cor:tW:n Jl principal office, administration staff rooms

and teacher ro.oms as per the munber ofpupils . l~ A school should contain labs, computer labs and '.activity rooms IlS per

the number ofpupils . 13- A s~hopl.should contain ~ canteen as per regUlati()llS 14- A,school should cpntain a clinic; one room for the doctor tuld another

one for the nurse +toilet, The clinic area'should be as per regulations 15· A yard. should be provided ( area =2 x classrooms area). In the .yard

there should b.e .flagpole. 16- A school should contain play grounds as per the Ministry ofEducation

regulations, Also .liw -activity halls shoul4 be provided 17- AU labs ,sha.utd b.e provided withJans to discharge .air 18-1t is not permitted that any vehicle enters the yard; special ,entrances

and e~ts should be made for vehicles

Page 33: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

19- Parking spaces for cars and busses should be provided as p,er the number ofpupils. '

B- Kindergartens:

1- Kindergartens shall be .licensed as per regulatipns 2- Kindergartens shall be designed as per the international standards 3- Toilets should be provided: 1 No toilet + basin for each class room.

Tollet·shpuld be suitable for the 'use ,of-young children 4- Natur'al ventilation and iUumination + curtai,ns should be provided to

all parts of the kindergarten, 5- AIl hygi~c regulations sl1all ,he applied 6- A yard should be provided ( area =2 x classro,oms area). 1/3 ofthe

yard area should be shaded. Pushes and flowers should be planted in the yard. Also some games shOuld be installed.

7- A kinderg~en should be provided with one cant~n at least. 8- Toilet should be provided for teachers; 1 No.. toilet for each 10

classrooms. 9- It is ,not penni.tted that any vehicl~ .enters the yard; special entrances

and exits should be made for vehicles .1 0- Parking spaces for cars and busses ShoJJld be provided as per the

number ofpupils. 11- A kindergart~ shQuld co~tain a cUnic; one room for the doctor and

another one for the nurse + toilet. 'The clinic tu:ea.should·~ as per regulations..

12· A kindergarten should C<lhtain a4ministrationoffice, staff ramus. ,13- The kindergarten should,be independent; no other levels shall be

contained. All classrooms should be in the gro:pndfloor. 14-One hall shan be l!SSigned for the free activities

c- Ntp;series ;

1.. Nw:series shall be licensed·as per Jegulati.oDS 2- Nurseries ~l bedesign~.M per intemat.ional standards. 3- All,hygienic conditions-shall beappliM 4,. Natural ventilation and illumination should be pJovided to all parts ofthe

nunlery. s- I.No. toilet·should be'})rovidedfor each 2 rooms ofthe kids 6~ A ~~ed yard with pl~1s should be provide4 7- The minimum distance between b~s should not be less than 1 III 8- Parking ,spateS for £$'S .an<f. bus~ sh43md bepl'Qvided. 9- The nursery ,~bou1d be on the ground and first floors only. Space;s for children

moven:tent should be availabl~.

l()-. One room should be used as a clinic

Page 34: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations


A - Ho§pitals : 1- Hospital are licensed ~ per reIDllatiQns 2~ Health & Medical Service Dep,artment approval should be obtained before

submitting for the bui1~g permit 3- All works ofdes~goand construction should be ,asp.er the interQationa!

standards 4~ All the building components r( rooms, corridors, lift, doors, piping, wiring

~tc) shall be in accordance with medical ,gadgets that shall be used in the hospiW.

5- All iJtterior designs ,should indicate the medic,a! ,gadgets ~~t wi)! be used ,in the hospital.

6- Natural ventilation and illumination should be provided to all c,omponents of the hospital. MedumicaJ ventilation should be provided to the .P3.......s 'o',ihich C~ not be provided with natlt.ral ventilation.

7- Natural and artificial illumina,tion int~nsity should be as per the international sum-dards.

8- Patient rooms should be far from streets ,and park~spaces. 9~ There should bean electric generator 10-Parking spaces as per regUlations ll~ Providing garbage rooms and means ofdischarging garbage as per r,egulatipns


1· The location ofthe clinic ,should be as p,er regulations 2- Health & Me4ical Service De~ent approval ~hould be ,obtained bet:or¢

applying for a .building 'pennit 3- Clinic: 2 Nos. fQaInS ( 12 sq m ~h) +- h,an 4- There ,should be 1 No. .toil~t at least $;.. There :should be a diagnosis room + wailing 'room for men + waiting .room for

women 6- The tIoor should sJt100th and c1eaP-able

c- PhttwYwies :

1- Miriinuun area : ,300 sq f 2- Minlmum height; 9 f :J- ~e nearestpharmacy ·should 200 '01 away at least 4- Th~ .tl()Or should be smooth and ~leanable

c- Fitness & Message Centem 1- The building .should be provided wHit the proper hygi~c conditions:

natural ventilation + ,illumination 2- Th,e center should be provided with enough number of toilets and

sh9wers for both genders ,3- Changing rooms should be provid~ for both genders

Page 35: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

4- The center should be provided witb rest rooms to be used ~r bav'ing steam baths or sauna.

5- Steam ,generators should be isola.ted from·the steam bath 6- No heavy equipment sh,al! be installed on walls; only light equipment

can be ,installed 7.. Sports (leD.tres. that pro.duce noise like karate orwc.igbt Jifting centres,

should be on the gfO\Dld orm~zzanine flopr. The floor shouid be treated to be sound~proof.

Page 36: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations


A- Hotels areJicensed as per regulations B- Tourism Department approv.al should be obtained before applying for a

building permit c- The ,engin~r should consult the Tourism Depar1rrijmt regarding hotel

,classification. D- Providing parking spaces a$ per regulations E.. Minimum number of rooms for hotels and-motels:10

Minimum number of apartInents, villas Of studios fQI' horel apartments: 8

F- The minimum number ofseparate hotel (OOID$ should not be less th8J;l 50% of the total-number of rooms.


A- A reception counter + luggage store _should be provided at the ground ,floor B.. Waipng lounge·should be'provide.d C~ ,Dining' hall, cafet~ria, OJ kitchen should be provided for hotels and motels .D~ Small store in ,~h reo,cc,urring fJ09rs .& There should be a lift if the elevation is more than G + Z F~ In each dining hall and waiting 10OO$e,.men ,toilet ,and women toilet should.be

provided. .Each toilet should CQllt&n basin..rinsing pipe or chair, ,cold-and bot water.

G- In hotels the minimum. net area ofa morn( without the bathroom and the lobby ) should be as follows:

- single room : 9 sq m - do,uble room : 11 sq J11 - 3.person room: 13 sq m

H~ Every room should contain bathroom including shower~ toilet, b,9SID> ,j;;,old and hot water, and electric outlet fur a shaver

I~ In 'lllO~lll the mhlimum net area of a !09m( Without th~ .b~oom and the lobby) should be as follows:

- smgle room :,8-sq m - double room :10 sq .m - 3 person room; 12 -sq.m

J- In motels .bathrwms can'be ,priv,8te or ,common. bathroom should ,include shower. toilet. basin, cold aud,hotwateJ:, and electric outlet for a shaver. The number of bQthrooms sho,uld -be as follows:

- private bathrooms; 25% of the totall1wnber ofbathrooms - .common bathro,oms : 755 of1he total number of b.ooms

K- In a hotel.tglartment. the minimum net area -ofa bedroom( with,o.~ the bathrQ9m and 1he lobby) should be as foUows:

- bedroQni: 12 sq m - studio: 1'7 sq m

Page 37: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

L- In hotel apartments, . bathroom should 1n((lude ,shower, toilet, basin, cold and Qot water, and electric outlet for a shaver. '

M- Suitable ilhunination should be provided in corridors, rn..aio- entrance, stairs, rooms -and lmmges

N- Air conditioning should be provided to all·corridors,main entrance, stairs, rooms ,and lounges

0- Safety conditions shall be applied ,as per.regulations. p- Proper illun:rinated signage leading to stairS ,and fire escapes should be

installed in all corridors, 'main entrance, rooms and JOlmges Q~ Fire fighting eqUipment should be installed in reachable places R- A small plan clarifying the place oftha fire escapes should be bung behind

every room door.


A- The 'location ofa petrol stat:ion should ·b.e as per regu,lations B- Plots allocated for the us.e of petrol stations, can not be used for any other

purpose but some activities like car serv'ice, cafet~rias and mini markets (area not more than 1600sq f).

C- Parking sp,aces $ould be provided as follows: 1No. parking sp~ for each 7-50 sq f oftha mini market area. The parking spaces .should not_aff~ the movement of-the caJs in the .petrol ,stations.

0- It is permitted to con.structihe units on the boundary line on the side ofth~

-streets and lanes and fuere should -be 10-f setback on the side .of the adjacency. E- Safety conditions should be applied as per.regulations F- Shop or a.ntl~x elevation sho,~d not exceed 14 f. G- It is permitte.d to constr:uct 2 Nos. roo,ms for the wtrol station labl:>ufS if the

petrol station is inside the -city" ~d 3 Nos. rOQms ifthe petJ'ol station -is outsid.e 1he.city..

H;. The petrol stations sb,ould be provided-witht9ilets for,customem: 2 Nos. toilets for men and 1 No for ladies.

1- Petrol stations Sh.ould be provided with 'ne,c.essary eqUipment of filtering .drain wat!3l"; oil and sand traps.

J. The c.onsultant·has to submit a·site plan clarifying:the following; entrances and exits, ,entr-ance radius All facilities on the road ( 500 m before ·the petrol stations and 500 after the petrol·stations); boards, lighting poles,trees, l1U\Dhol~, pum,p rp~ms, electric.substations' Traffic directiqn, number of tracks and allQwed speed


A- the location of industrial establishments should be as per regulations B· [t is permitted to construct on the boundary line and on .the side of the street or

lane. On the side oftha adjacency 10 fsetba¢k shall apply

Page 38: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

c- It is permitted to construct a service annex on the boundary line ip condition 1hat-lhe .elevations shall be not more than 10 f. ­

.D- Stores and workshops doors should open ,to the Loading/unloading.spaces as per Article 40. Doors can not open directly to the streets or lanes,

E- Natural ventilation and iIlwnination should be provided; not less than 5% of the total ~;ofth.e floor.

F- M'.inimumnetelevation: 14 f Maxhnwn net elevation: 20 f

G- All stotes, workshops and other industrial establishments .should be provided with tile toilets as per ,Article 44.

H- Minimum constructions area out of th.e plot area: Store: 30% Workshops, contracting site, logistics site; 10% Factories; 35%

1- It is pell'Jlitted to make mezzanine floor in stores, wark,shops, and.fa.etories in condition that the entrance otth~ me~anine floor is from the G floor.

J- The elevations ofilie G'and mt'zzanine floors should be as per Article 7 K- !tis pennitf.ed. to construct additional offices in condition that the area of

offices should not exceed 10% ,of.the establishment ar~ .Parldng-spaces should be _provided for thes~offi.ces ; 1 No, parking sp~ for each 750·sq f.

L Building ratio, ele:vation, and oroce area sh$ll be deteII):Jjned as per regulations M~ All ~nvitonmental regulations .of Arti91e 26 shaU be .applied N- The window bottom side height sbould not be less man 6 f in case that'the

window o'Verls:x>ks a ~ or lane and there is not setback 0- No commercial activities arepermitted in the industrial establishments p. 6 ffences should be provided to aU industrial establishments. The main

entrance width should not b~ less than 14 f. Q~ The.n:tinimurn internal setback .should not be less th~ 10 f


A- Ali industrial establish,n1ents ancJ commercial ~D,~ sh.ould be provided with lQadingfunloadin8'spaces as the-following:

1~ 1Nos. stote or wol'kshop; JSx20 f 2- 2 Nos. stores or workshops: 20)( 30 f. 3- 3 or more ofstores or workshops : 30 x30

l)~ All ,~diti011$1hat _apply on pa.rlQngs.paces ( Arti~le 24 and 25) ~~oapply on the loading/UPloading spaces j

C~ Loading/unloading,Space can be covered or uncovered. IfC9vered, the ~levation should not be less than 14 f.

Page 39: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations


A- -swimming pools can not be constructed before the issuance ofa building permit

B- All enviro.nm.ental conditi.ons sb,aJ1 apply regarding running swinuning'ppols; permission from the Environment Department shoUld be obtained.

c- A swintrning pool should be provided with fOllowing: 1- Fil~g &. recycling sys~

2- Water sterilizatic:>,fl systems .3~ Oilier safety procedures

D- Swimmjn~ pools should be provided 'with ladders as follows: 1~ Swiinming pools shotild be provided with ladders ifthe depth

exceede4 O.6'm 2- 1 No. ladder should be provided at least for each 30 m of the

,swimming pool perimeter. 3- Ladders should be anti-erosion and provided with norte-slippery steps.

There should 90 rom distance from the walL 4w In case that the there are.hollow steps on the walls, these steps should

not b~ slippery and the minimum width ,should ,not ~ less than 150 Dim and minimum length not less than 3.50 mm

5- Every ladder sbouldb.e provided with hlUldniils .6- It is ~nnitted to construct swimming pools with steps only if the

swimming pool is shallow an~ the depth is not more than I.m.

E- SwitnnUng p.ools should be provided with gJtpwers ,and foot washing ~ ; 1 No shower ~d 1 No foot'washing'~fureach25 m of1he swimming popl perimeter..Also chengi,ng ,rooms and toilets should be prol'ided,

F- Diving platforms should 'b,eas.the following: I~' Theresbould be'a space above the diver's head ; 5.m 2- All diving platforms and boards should be covered by non..slippery

JIijlterials. ' . :3- Distance betw.een ,diving- board and thewatersurface:

If the board is 1mfrom the water·swface the depth of water should at least 2.5 m The depth rate will increase by O..3m for etlCb extra 1 m

4- The.tllinimum distan.~between two boards or between a board IUld 8­

wall $bould be 3 m

0- 1he swimming pool ,should be illuminated properly ; abpve water and underwater. The illumination system should be same and doesn't uuse any

.' harm. H- There should b<' a·circuit-breaker for each circuit

Page 40: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

I~ The'swimming p.ool should oe surrounded by rough surface slanted to the outside ( 1/40).

.1- Signs should 'be hung to clarify the deepest ppmts K- Swimming ppo]s ,should be pr.ovided with theS).ti:tabl~ drains, hair filters,

sterilization materials, .and safety equipment as 'pre regulations. L- There sho,uld be a special chair for the rescuer.


A- It is not permitted to C8.Q'Y out any -saWlaI)' work$ before the issuance .oftile building p~rmit

B- All materials used in the ,sanitaIy works shoUld be ,as per regulations C- The municipality is the only d~pJUtment which authorlz~ any.connection

between buildings and sewage network. D- No amendments can be done to the s.anitary drawings, after the Issuance of th¢

b.uildin:g permit, without a prior permissi<;m fr:om the Departmeot E- The Depeutmem approval on th~ connecting the building t.o sewage network,

upon the issl,UIDce pf the building permit, is merely preliminary approval and the Department has the right to reject cpnnectin,g the building to sewage r,tetwork ifit was clear for its engjueers that connection can'not-be achiev,ed. Th~ the department has the right to request amendn;Ients to sewage netwprk of,the b.uilding.


A- The following documents and drawings .should be s\lbmitted upon applying for a building pei'mit;

1.. Payment receipt ofconn.ection fees to .the public s,ewage network ~d

the connection point certificate (F.lC) 2- Specification & cpndition list..c;>fthe sanitary works as per regulations 3- Setting out plan clarifYing t1J.e public sewage netwoIb, manholes

inside th~ plot and theconnecti.on point, septic tank and thecesspo,ol -( if there is npt a public sewage n~rk)

4- Sanitary W~~ drawings and water piping drawing for all tloors 5- Any other d9Cwnents or·details requested by the D,epartment

B- All tJrinaJs, latrines and basins Should be :smooth ,and cleanable. The installationsb.Quld be effective ,to discharge mwte and water. Siphons should be ~so durable~d effediveto discharge waste and water.

c- 'In .buildings ( less than 2().sto~ elevation). the ground floor should be con,nected to the'public $eWage'oetwotk sepu:ately from~e upperfloors ,

D- In buildings ( more than 20 storey elevation), the ground and first flOOlS

should be conn~ to the public sewage network separately not with. upper floors

Page 41: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

E- Internal sanitary networks, shouIdbe provided With lhe necessary ventHation. pipes; minimum diameter ofilie internal ventilation pipes should not be less than 50 mm and 75 mm for the vertical opes. Th~ ventilation pi~ should be installed vertically and $hould be raised 1 m in minimum above the highest ventin the building.

F- Discharge water pipes should ,be directly,conne,ctea to the manholes. G- All sew~IS buried under the grouodsho.uld be durable and as per regulations. H~ There should be a manhole at p,oints where the pipes change dir.ections, or

change angle of slanting, or there is connection between two pipes. The distance between any two consecutive manholes should not be more than 15 m. AU manholes .should be as ~r regulations.

1- It is not permitted to make manholes in roofedbuildlngs but in light shafts, corridors" serv.ice .IO.oms, garages, and pathways with proper venti1~tio.n. All pipes laid und.er floor :should be prot~d and there .should be manbQIes ( maximum distance 10m).

J- All ~t1holes ~ould be iP~ide'the plot pound-aries. Th~ l~c~on ofthe las.t manhole should be chos.ento achieve the best c.onneetiot:l with the public sewage network.

K- All basements should be pr,ovided with :the proper equipment for discharging !U)d fjltering water (pwnps~ grease traps, sand traps).lfther~ is no need for the grease traps, the design should include connections for th~',use in the ·futUre.

L- SanitaIy pip~ can not be -I~d through colUD:!J1S, beams, :footings m: electricity rooms withollt ,8 prior pennis$i.Otl frQ111 the ,Department. If the Department approval obtained for that. holes should be -made upon casting conc~te .

.M- In case that a lot amounts ofgrea$e materials discharged from restaurants or kitchens, a Brease trap should be installed.

N- Waste produced- by industri,al ,or commeccia1 establishments can not .be discharged directly to the ,sew~ netw.ork without a prior permission from the concerned depadment. the permission will 'be issued after instJdJing ilie proper equipin$1t for treating waste. Hot water ,( abov~ 37' c) can not be disc1larged to the sewage network befQrecooling.

A)lncu44: SANITARV FACJlJ'l1'ES :

75% of the sanitaryfacilities in the public area should be Asian (latrines). The number ,of s,anitary,facUities should be·as the following:

1- Re.,idential Units: every residential unit shoJJ1d be provided witll all .n~sary sanitary facilities; bmhrooms, toilets ,and kitchens. There should be at lest 1:No toil~.t that can be accessed ti:omone repm.

2.. SmsJiqs: every studio B~ould ~ .provided with necessary sanitary facilities; 'bathrooms, toilets and plllCt' for preparing food

3.. Om21'S. ,shops. showrooms: A- Offices; 1 No. toilet should be provided for each office or for

each 2000 sq f of the:totaI.area of the office.

Page 42: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

B... Shops and showrooms: At least 1 No, toilet shoUld ~ provided for each area 1~ 3000 sq f 2 Nos, toilets for men and INo. toilet for women fOJ each area 3001~1O,OOO.sq f For,each .extra 10,000 -sq f. 1No, toiletsbould be provided.

4- Commercial and recreational, centres :&. i.-lO,OOO sqi::3 Nos. tollets'fur ~en and 2 Nos. for women. For

.each extra5,OOO sq t: 1 No. toilet for men and INo. for women should be added. The total nwnber of toilets for women should be .'50% of the total nwnber oftollets for men.

B- ;.z- Nos. toilets for $pecial needs ~pleshould be added ( one for men and one for women) if the commercial or recreational_area ~xce.eded 20.000 sq f

5~ Labpur camps ; A... S~ t~ faC:iHties should be provldeo. a,s per Article .31. B- Toilets should be separated from basins ands bathtubs if1he

facilities are common,

6w Kinderg~ens and schools: Sanitary facilities should be provided as per Article 34

1· Stores and workshops: 1 No. toilet and 1 No. basin sho.uld be ,proyided for eacIt store or workshop. In case ofilie,common facilities, 1 No. toilet ,and 1 No. basin should be provided fi)f eachS,OOO.sq f of the total area 1 No. tQil« and No. bJlSin should be pcoyided for each extra 15,000 sq fofthe area beyond the first 10,000 sq f

8~ Hotels, hotel restaurants and motels: sanitary facilities should be prov'ided.ail per ArtiCle.37 - .

9- Mosgu~: Sanitary facilities should be provided -as~,r Article 32 10- Other buildiD.gs : s.anitaty facilities should be provided as per the

,special studies of thes~ bUildings and as p.e,r interna.1ional standards



'In case that there is no public sewage network in the area -where the building will be ~eted, '$eptic tanks and cesspools should be provi,ded as per the following:

A- They should be inside 'the plot boundari~

-B" They $o,uld .be ~lose to the street·or the lane and far from the main building and the adjqcenCy. 1h~ also should be aceessible•.cleanable and easy to be llUlin1aUted and.$l1ptied. The Department appmval.should be obtain~ first. Also they -should be connectable to the future public ·sewage network.

.C. The ceiling -should be ma4e ,of reinforced conc~ to bear the movement of vehicles above them

D· There·shQuld be 11 proper lid 'J!.. The level oftheses pools or tanks should be ~ same of the plot level

Page 43: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

F- The capacity should be calculated.as per personal ~e

G- They should be'l m away from the 'adjacent buildings if made ofreinforced concrete ( not permeable) and at least 3 m from the .adjacent builcllngs if they .are p¢rtneable. The minimum depth from tb~ lowest feeding pipe should not:be less than 1.5 m

H- In areas where Wlde.rw:ater lev~l is high. special tanks should be provided to CQntaUt drain water,

1- The septic pool and the cesspool should be designed.as per regulations. They should be provided with ventilation pipes preventing the entry of insects.

J- Exe)uding.residential. buildings, grease and oil traps should be provided.


A- There should be the prop.er methods of assembling rain water B- Every roofshould be sl~ted ( 1/50 - 1170) in 9rd~r to make rain .water nul to

channels that lead to the ~ischarge pipes fQr thi.s p.urpose. C- The channels and pipes should be slanted (1/90) ap.d made of durable .

materials. D- Rain water should not .be discharged to th~ sewe(S or to the septic UlIlks .or

cesspools OJ to the adjacency; rain water should be d1sdtarged to the streets and lanes. 'Itjs permitt~·.to discharge the rain wat.er to the publ.ic sewage network or t9 the cessp.ools ifthe concem.ed .department pennission o.btained.

E- Water discharged from NCs or balconies shOuld he discharged dir.~tly to the public ·sewage netwodc·

F- Drain water should not'be discharged to rain water discharge network.


A- All materials used in the water .supply networks should be as ,per .specifications and regulations of the Emin,rte.

B~ Bvet)' building and !'Stablishment showd be connected to the publicwater supply unless there is .alternative D,le,ans appro'v~ by Jhe Department.

Page 44: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations


A- Water tanks should be.~e ofJUrti-rust materials. Water tanks should not aff~ the .quality of water, taste, smell, C910ur . Wmer ~s sholdd not ,be aff~.d Oy h~ or humidity. They also ,should,not 'light penneable and don nothave ,~y harmful effects onluunans.

B- Water tanks should have openings for cLeaning. Theses opening should be wide enough for people tP enter tht(lUgl).. Water tanks sb.ould be placed in places f!ll ,from the daily movement of people and far from ,any source of pollution.

c- Water ~ should not ,have any inside angles .thllt let dirt or germs to acelUllulate on.

0- Water tanks should '1>~ provlded with dis1ribution outlets ( not less than 6 cm from ·the tank bed,. Also U1ey should be pr!)Vided with opeI\jng to di~char~ the washing water. Wets.should be on the-top of the tank Also ventilation pipes should be installed. The pipes should not be permeable for insects. All inlets, outlets and connections should be made of anti-rustmaterials.

E- Tanks should be pl~ under shade and away from any -source of pollution. T~s also should .bepl~,on 20·cm high small bases. These bas~ shouldn't aff~ the Insulation m~ria1s on the mof.

p,.. Tanks should be cleaned ,on~ at least ev.ery six months. The materials used in cleaning should not capseany harmful effects on humans,

G~ W.~er t:;uiks should be placed away from sani.tary pipes" cesspo.ols ,or septic .tank,s.

H- Water tanks capacity shall be ,calculated in accordance with the building requirements of water.

1- The Departm<mt insp~Or$ .\las the"right to, ent~r the buildin~ to ,inspect the water -tanks.


A- Gas cylinders should:be placed in shaded places with gop,d ventilation and outside 'tb~ kitchen or the resid~~,

B- In public buildin,gs, gas .cylinders Should be stored in ventilated and accessible places. Th'" pl~ should be alsp e8$Y to be isolated if th.ere is fire

c- All gas piping,$hould 'b.e.as 'approved ~pecifi~ons D~ In. case there is common,store in ~ b.uilding, the OWl;le,r should clU'l)' ,out

annual ins~on to check all ,connections, pipes l~ to the residential units.

E- All gas cylinder stores should be provi.ded with ,alann and fire .fighting systems.

F- Any flammable materials shoulduot be stored with the cylinders

Page 45: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations


A· the floors ,ofbathrooms, tonets and kitchens shou1d,b~ Covered wit insul,ation materials,

B- The ,top roofshould be covered with insulating materi~s

c- The footings ofthe buildings should be insulated up to ,one foot above the groWld level.

D- 'AIl metals shouI4:00 painted with insuJation materials E-- All the Department Insulation Regulations ,shalt apply upon the design and

calculating .the thermal and electrical works; ceilings, walls, windows, doors, building .direction., landscaping and trees, electric mumin81i~m and mechanical ventilation.


A- All building should ~ provided with garbage rooms place.d inside the plot or in me first floor.

B- Specifications: 1- To be placed.close to the street or the lane, 2- The entrance 9f the garbage room ~ould be wide -enough to pull and

p,ush the contain~rs easily. The entrances should be provided 'with slopes .

3- The mea$Ufes and floor ar.eas should be as per Article 52 4- The floor and walls shol.J1d be covered with ceramics 5- It should be provided with water outlet 6- It should be '.connected with the sanitary networ~ 7.. To be illuminated and ventilated 8- All windows should be provided wilhscreen to preveJ1t rats and insects

.from entering 1he Joom 9- The door should be metallic ( aluminum) and opens to ,outside

dir~oo 10- the room -should be in the groun-d.floor and its level 'Should nO,t less

thJUl the referential level, The entnulee should be connected to the streetor1he lane with ,8 slope

c- The building $hQuld be provided with ach~ ·systemif1be buUding e.ievation i~ More than G +3 and the plot area is niOre than 2,500 sq f Mezzanine shall ~ot considered a. floor ifits use i,s relat~ to 1he use ofthe ground floor,

D- In plots, less than .5,OOOsq.(, it is permitted :to replace the chute system by ,smail garbage chamber ( 6 x4 £) ,in each floor. The door ofthe s1D4ll 88I'bage rpom sho.uld be ptpvid.ed with a door c}(>Ser.

B- The chute diam_ should not be less than 60 em. The opening in each floor should be preceded by a small chamber (3 x 3.0 and the minimum width of the chamber.door should oot be less than ,80 ,em supplied with door clo.ser.

Page 46: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

Fw In plots, mor~ than 10,000 sq f, it is pennitted to replac~ the chute sy·stem by small garbage chamber (6 x4 f) in each floor. The doot of the small garbage room should be porvided with a dOOf closer.

Gw A small service lift can be provided to collect garbage bags. Small chambers should be provided near the lift. ­

H~ The owner or hi$ repres~~ve is responsible for cltWring the building and -the surroUtl.,dings. He is ,also responsible ror CODveyJ.ng 8arhage froQ! the garbage room to the .nearest street.

I- A compactor is not an alternative for the nwnber of cootainers or the area of the garbage room

J. if the chute iffar fann the street. a garbage room can be IDa@ near 1hestreet K- It is strictly forbidden to dump chemical or poisonous material in the ,garbage


Lw To protect the enviromnent, it is recotnmended that gar,bage to be sorted and dumped in cllfferent cqntainers.


A- In buildings (area less than 2;000 sq f), ~ garbage room (6 x4 f) should be provided in the ground floor. Mechanical ventilation and a 90 em door should . be provided.

B.. In buildings ( area DlOre than 2,000 ,sq f), garb,age .fooms ,should be provided as ,the following:

Up to 100 kg of garbage Garbage room which contains I No. ~ntainer '( 1.1 ",l)

Up to 250 kg ,of garbage Garbage room which contains 1 No. ,container.( 2.5nh,or ZNos. COntainers ( 1.1 m3


Up to 500 kg of garbage Garbage room which contains 2 Nos. containers ( 2.5m3


Up to 750 kg of garbage Garbage room which contains 3 Nos. contaIDtn (2.5m3


Up to 1000 ~ of garbage Garbage room which contains 4 Nos. containers ( 2.5m3


Mote than 1000 kg of garbage The number .ofcontainers should be calculated as p~r -studies or as per the previous rateS on th~basis of the half of the.extra 8Illount more than lOOO kg

c~ 'The amount ofgarbage can be calculated as follows: 1- Resjdential use: 12 kg from each lOOOsq f 2.. Commercial use: 12 kg from each 1000 sq f 3~ Office use: 5 kg from each 1000 sq f 4- Hotel use : 3 kg from each room andS kg from eacll.$uite.

Page 47: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations


A- the floors ofbathropms, tollets and kitchens sho.uld be covered Wit'insul~tio.n materials.

B- The top roof should be ~v~re,d witb insulatingmatMais C- The fopt;lngs ofthe buildings should ,be insulated up t9 one foot above the

ground levet D- All metals sbould ~be painted with ins,ulation materials E- All the Department Insulation Regulations shall apply upon the design and

calculating the thennal and electrical works; ceilings, walls, windows, doors, building direction, land$caping and trees, electric illumination and mechijIlical ventilation.


A- Al.1 building .should be provid~ with garbage rooms pl.ac¢d inside the plot or 4l·the first floor. .

B~ SpeciIieations: 1- To be placed close to the street or the lane. 2~ The entrancepf the garbage roo.m sh,ould be wide 'enough to p~l and

p,ush the con~ers easily. The entrances should be provided with slopes.

3- The m~ures and floor areas should be as per Article 52 4- The tloor and waUs should :be covered with ceramics 5- It sllould be provided with water outlet 6- It should be'connected with the sanitary netwoIt 7.. T.o be illuminated aJ:J.d v~tilated

8- All windows should 'be provided wi1h .screen to prevent rats and insects ,from enWring theJ09m

9- The door,sho"nd be metallic (aluminum) aud opens to o.ut$ide dir~on

10-The room ~h()uld be in the ground floor and i~ level sb.ould not less than the referential level The entrance should be connected to the street or'the lane with a slope

C.,. The building .should be provided with ,a ,chutc,sy~em if1be building elevation is tnm'e than G + 3 and the plot area is more than 2,500 sq.t: Mei2$1ine sball pot considered. a floor ifits use is related 1() the use ofthe groWld floor.

J). In plots, less tIJ.ml.5,OOO·Sq t: it is permitted to replace the ,cbute system by small garbage chamber (6 x4 f) ,in $hfloor. The door of the ~ garbage room sho,uld be provided with a dooJ' closer.

E- The ~ute diameter should not be l~ Ulan 60 em. The opening in each floor should be'pr~ded by a,smaIl c1lamber (3 x 3 f) and the minimum width of the chamber.door .sho¢d not be less than ,80 em supplied with door closer.

Page 48: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations


A- Water tanks should be m$:le ofanti-rust materials. Water tanks should not affect the ·quality of water; taste, .$mel1, C9,tour . Water tank,s .should not be affecte.d by h~ or humidit)'. They also shouldnot light penneable and don not.have any b.an:nfuI effects onhWl1MS.

B~ Water tanks should have openings for cleaning. Theses opening should be wide enough for people ~ .enter tbrouglJ. Water tanks should be placed in places far from the daily movement ofpeople and far fr.om any source .of pollution.

C- Water tanks $bauld Dot.have aI1¥ in$ide angles that let dirt or germs to aecutnulate on.

0- Water tanks should 'b!3 provided with distriblltiQD outlets (not Less than 6 cm from the tank bed.. Also they should be pr9Vided with ope!\jng to discharge !he washing water. Inlets.should be on the·top oftha tank. Also ventilation pipes should be installed. The pipes should not be penneab1e for insects, All inlets, outle1S and connections should be'made .of anti-rust materials.

E- Ta,nks should be pl~ !H1der shade and away fr.om any source of pollution. Tanks also should be'placed on ;20 em high. small bases. These bas~ shouldn't affect the lnsUlation .materials on the mot

F~ Tanks should be cleaned. once.at least every six months. The materials used in cleaning should not C@Se .any harmful ~ects on humans,

Q.. W.~( -quiks should be placed away from sanitary pipes, cesspo,ols or septic tanks.

H~ Water tanks capacity shall be calculated in accor.dance with the building requirements of wtlter.

1- The Department inspectors bas the'right to·enter the building to .i,nspect the water tanks.


A- Gas cylinders should be pl~in shaded pllme$ with go.o.d ventilation and outside the kitchen or the residence,

B- In public buildings, gas ,cylinders should be stor.ed in ventilated and ~sibJe

places. The p1.~ should be also .~ to be isolated if there is fi~ c- AIl gas piping ~hould b:e.tlS approvM-specificanons D- In case there is comttlPn·stote in the building, th(:l own~ should.cwy .out

annwd inspection to check all connections, pipes l¢ading to the residential units.

E- All gas ,cylinder stores shollld be provisied with Juarm and fire fighting systems,

F- Any flammable materials should not be stored with the cylinders

Page 49: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations


A- 'Water tanks should Qe m~e of,anti-rust materials. Water tanks should not affect the quality of wat.er; taste, ~meI1, cplour . Water tank:s should not be affected.bY h~ .or humidity. They also should not light penn~le ood don nothave .any han:nt\d effects onhurnans.

B.. Water tanks .should h~ve openings foc cleatl.iug. Theses operung should be wide enough for poopl!:' to enter through. Water tanks should be placed in places far ·from the ciaily movement of people and far from any source of pollution.

C- 'Water tanks shOuld nothave any in.side ~gles .that let dirt or germs to accumulate On.

0- Water tanks should PI' provided with distrib/ltiQn -outlets ( not less than 6 em from 'the tank bed. Also they ·sho.uJd be provided with opwing to dis.charge t~e

washing w:ater. Inlets.should be on the top of the tank. Also ventilation pipes should be installe<l. The pipes should not be penneable for insects. All inlets, outlets and connections should b~made of anti-rust materials.

E- T-anks should be pl~ ~der shade and away from any source ofpollution. Tanks also should be pl~.on ~O em high small bases. These bas~ shouldn't affect the insulation tn1lterials \In the roof.

F~ Tanks-should be cle.aned once,at least every six months. The materials used in cleaning should not cause any hannful effects on humans.

a.. Water.tariks should be placed away from sanitary pipes, cessJXl.ols ,or s.eptic ,umks.

H~ Water tanks capacity shall be calculated in accordao.~ with the building requiremen~ of water.

1- The Departm~t inspectQ~ has the' right to·enter the building to .i.nspect the water tanks.


A- Gas cylinders should be pla~in shaded places with go.o,d ventilation and outside the kitdlen or the residence,

B- In public buildings, gas ,cylinders should be stored in ventilated and accessible phices, 'Ibli' place should be also my 10 be isolated if there is fi~

C- All gas pipingshouid 'be.as 'approvechpecifi~ons 1>- In cas~ 1hexe is common·store in the building, the o~er shoUld elm)' out

annual inspection to checkall.connections, pipes 1~ to the re$idential units.

E- All gas cylinder stores should be provided with ,alarm fmd fire fighting systems.

F~ Any flammable materials should.Dot be stored with the cylinders

Page 50: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations


A- the floors ofbaihrooms, toilets and ldtch~s should·be covered wit'insulation materials.

B- The .top .roofshould be ~vered With jnsu.latingmateri~s

c- The footings ofthe buildin~s should ,be insulated up to one foot above the groWld lev.el.

p- All metals should 'be painted'with ins.ulation:materials E~ All the Department Insl,l1ation Regulations .shall apply upon the design and

calculating the tbenn~ and electrical works; ceilingS, walls, windows, dooT:S, building direction, lands~ping and trees, electric illuminatipn and mechanical v~tilation


A- All building should be provided with garbage r.ooms plac~ inside the plot or ill the first floor.

B- Specificatio.ns: 1- To be placed close to the street or the lane, 2~ The entrance of the garbage rOQm shpuld be wide enough to pull and

push the containers easily. The entrances should be provided'with slopes .

3- The measures and floor areas should be as per Article 52 4.,. The noor and walls should be covered with ceram,ics 5- It should be.provided with water outlet 6- 1tshould be connected wi1h ilie sam18Iy network 7.. To be iIlwninated and v~ti1ated

8- All windows should be provided with $et'een to prev611t rats and insects .fr<ml entering the .room

9- The door should be metallic ( alwninwn) !Uld opens to .o,utside directi<m

10-The room .sh()~d be in the ground floor and its level sAouid not less th~ ~ r,eferentiallevel. The entr.ance should be connected to the ·street Duhe lane with ,a slope

C.. The buildins $bould be provided With ,a .ch~sy~em ifthe buildina eIev.ation is more than G + 3 and the plot area is more than 2,500 sq f. Mezzanine shall ~ot considered a tloof ifits use is related 1() :the use aftha groWld floor.

0-.. In plots, less thanS,OOO'$q (, it ispermitted:to replace the chute system by ,small garbage dwnber ( 6 x4 t) ,in.each floor~ The dOQr .of the small Satbag~ rpom should be provided with a doo,r c}()Ser.

Eo The Chute diameter should not be 1($S than 60 'em. The opening in each floor should bep~ded by a'small chamber ( 3 ,x 3 t) ,and the Illinimum width of the chamber door .shOllld not be less than ,80 CI)l supplied with door clo.ser.

Page 51: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

F- In plpts, more than 10,000 sq f, it is permitted to repl~ the chute system by stmill garbage ,chamber ( 6 x4 f) in each floor. The door of the small garbage room should be porvided with ~.door closer.

Q.. A small service lift can be provided to collect garb~e bags. Small chamher$ should be provided near the lift.

H- Utii' owner prhis repres~tative is responsible for cleaning the buiJdlng and thes!JlTouo.!lings. He is also responsible ror convey,ing 8~b~ from the garbage room to the _nearest street

1- A compactor is not an alternative for the number of containers or the area of the garbage room

J- lfthe chute if far form the street, a garbage room can be made near the street. K- It is strictly forbidden to dump chemical or poisonous material in the _garbage

,containers. L- To protect the enviromnent, it is recommended that garbage to be sort~ and

. dumped in different containers..


A- 'In buildings ( area less tl)an 2,000 sq f), a garbage room (6 x4 i) should be _provided in the ,groWld floor. Mechanical ventilation and a 90 em door should be provided.

B- In buildings ( ,area more than 2,000 sq f), _garbag" rooms .sl)ouJd be provided as ,the following:

Up to 100 kg of garbage Garbage ropm which contains 1 N9. wntainer ( 1.1 ~~)

Up to 250 kg of _garbage Garbage room which contai.ns 1No,. ,container ( 2.5PJ3.) ,or 2 N.os. containers ( 1.1 m3


Up to 500 kg of garbage Garbage room which contains 2 Nos. containers ( 205m3


Up to 750 kg of garbage Oar~e rooni which C9ntains 3 Nos. con~ers ( 2.5m3


Up to 1000 kg of garbage Garbage 1'0001 which contains 4 No~. conUiiners ( ~.5m3)

More than 1000 kg of garbage The number .ofcontainers should be calculated as pers.,tudies OJ' as per the previous rates on the ~is of the half of the ,extra amount more .than 1000 kg

c- The amount otgarbage CflIl be calculated as follows: 1- Residentill1 use: 12 kg from each '1000 sq f 2.. Commercial use: 12 kg from each 1000 sq f 3.. Office use : 5 kg from each 1000 sq f 4- Hotel use : .3 kg from each room and 5_kg from ,.suite,

Page 52: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

D- Calculating garb.age room area: 1- The garbage room should contain al.l container as the foUpWing:

• Area of 136 x 188 em for 1 No. container ( 1.1 m;3) • Area .of 148 x 208 cm for 1 Np. container ( 2.5 00


2~ There shoUld be a space left between the ,container,and the walU ; 1 f 3- There should b~ a-space left between thecont-ainars; 1 f. 4- There should be a space left between the container and the door side

of the room.; 2 f. 5- The minimwn width of-the internal path should not be less than 4 f

E- the ,garbage room door width -should not be less than 6 f. F- TIw .1lii.nimwu ~leva.tion offue garbage room shomd not b~ l~s than 8 f. G- Th~ measur.es of the garbage room ll.'1d th~ dpor depcn.4s ,on ilia woye;nan~ of

the conWners inside'the room. H- In hotels and some oilier establishmelJ,ts, a comp~tor can .be provided

31- In ~l,Ieatiotu!l.e_sU).bJishments,a spaceJor two containers (2.5 m ) should be provided; one contaiher for the paper waste ,and the other Que for garbage

.1- In medical eswhlishments, 2 Nos, containers (2.5 m3) should be provided. In

addition, containers shoUld be provided for the patient roOn1S, offices, and administration areas. 12 kg for each tOOO.sq f

K- In labour camp.s, CQntainer should be provided; 1No. container.(.2.5 m3) for

~h 10,000 sqfofthe used area. ' L.. In industrial areas ( stores 'and small wor~hops» a,sp~,should be provided

for garbage containers. The space ( lOx 10 f) 'floor should be wasbable and there should be a water ou-tIel. The number of container-s is determined as 1 No. container ( 2.5 mJ

) for each 20,000 'sq m of.the total area. In the ,site of heavy industry, big projects .and sports clubs, the pumber of conta:i.t\ers sho.uld be detenoined 'by special studi6!t

M-ln residential villas: 1· In investmeot villas, garbage rooms should,~ pr.ovided ,as 'p.er Article

-51 .and as :per the followin,g table: '

No. of ~llas

Container capacity .

No.of ,j;()ntaine~

1~1O 2,5mJ 1 11-20 2:5 nr 2 21~30 2,Sm" .3 ,3140 2.5m.t 4

2~ In case that the number.ofvi1tas ,exceeded 40, 1No. container (2.5 m~ for each 10 villas rate will not apply.ln addition. 'it is possible to submit a study ab:ou.t collecting garbage by a compactor containers.

3- InCfUle that the DllDlber ofCQtltain~rs increased, the number of rooms should be inc~ed.

Page 53: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

N- The capacity ~d type ofa container can be replaced by ot4er ones in htdustrlal areas ,and labour camps if the D.epariment appr9val obtained.


A- 1'1)e structural designs should be carried. out by a licensed and qualified struetura1 engiIl.eer.

B- ReqUirements for buildings : All build.iP.gs and tbei.r components ·should be protected and safe from the following effects.:

1- The greatest loads Jhat may lead to the collapse of the building 2- Any other ef(eets like rust and erosion t'IJ.~ !!!?)' affect ,th~ bl;ilding



AlI.buildings should be designed as pet the codes and sWtdard specifications pdopted in Britain lUld any .other adopted co4~ by the Dep~4IDt

A- Load Codes ~

1- Ltve loads and dead toads on buildings: as 6399- Part 1 1996 taking in oonsideration the following e~~p.tions :

1. 1- The minimum live load. .on ilie mezzanine floor ~KN1M2 in industrial and commercial buildings.

1.2- The Jninimum Jive load. should be 3.5KNM in parking huildiJl8s and parking floors in buildings.

J.3'" The .rninimutnJive load in designing the flat .slabs ar;td post :teusioning :sla'bs 3KNIM2 in ,all bUildings that may besubjected to Jive loads less than 3KN!M2

. Wall loads should be added to the live-loads.

k Wind Loads: BS 6399 Part 1. 1995 OJ CP:J Chapter V; );Jart Z: 1972. It should be tak~ 'in·consideration thllt the average wind speed in Dubai is 45 ,m/second

3- Live loads .on top roof: as .6399 Part 3 , 1988. The mechanical effects .and the 'Weights of the air ~nditipnjng units, watli'r tanks, the piles of sand .ac~ulated ,em th~ roof and the effect of a helicopteJ'S 1~d1n:& should be calculated

Page 54: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

4- Earthquake Loads: UBC~ uniform Building Code-USA·Chapter 16: Division III to V. The following figures regarcJjn~ the static forces opposite to the earthquake fO~f3 should be taken in the ACcount: 4.1- stress coefficient based on.2A 4.2-- soil coefficient based on (Se) for the coastal areas.andJ;rtb,er are~

where ~e wderwat.er level'is high and s,oiI i,s :$andy. This coefficient should be taken on the basis ( Sa to Sd) ,for the mountainous and rock)' areas.

a- Design Codes; 1- Footings: BS 8004:1986. 2- Structures of reinforced concrete, pr~~trc;sses concrete or normal.concrete

• 'Design and construction;as'811 0: Part .1; 1997 .. Design :BS 8110 ;Part 2:1985 • Tables .and drawings of design :BS 8110: Part 3: 1985

3- Steel Structures: as 449 ; Part 2 : 1969 or'aS 5950;

·~s 5950 :Part 1: 1985 • BS 5950 :Part 2.: 1985 • BS ,5950 :Part 4: 19.82 • BS 5950 :£.00 5:1987

4~ Compound Steel Structures: CP U7 ;.Part 1 : 1.965. 5- Concr~w block structures: as 5628; Part 1: 1978110858$ read with

as 56ZlkPan 3: 1985 And other loC41 prders issued regarding conCfete block

6- Almninum Structures: CP 11-8': 1969 7- TimberStruetures: as 5628: part 2:1989 and BS 5286: p,~ 3:1985

C~ Other design codes: It is p~rmitted to use other codes if'tlte Dep~ent per:mission .obtainea



A- To prevent,any coUapse in buildlngs (B+G+5 or higher), the following·shoUld be complie4 with :

Page 55: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

The basic ,components of the structures should bear external force up to 34KNfMz All the stnJ,cture components should be designed'~ a coll!\pse ( if any ) ~holl1d be restricted to 10 sq m or 15% of the area ,of the floor and the sam~ ·fur the upper and lower floors.

B- The requir.ements ,of (A) p.an be ,achieved by adopting the following: 1­ BS8J 10 ,Clause , Part 1 , 1997 ,and Clause 2.6 Part 2 1985 for

concrete and pre-stressed concrete constructions 2­ BS 5950 Clause 2.4..5.3, P,ax:l 1. 1990 for steel constructions 3­ as 5628, Clause 31, Part 1,1985. Complying witl1. above codes prevent any unbalanced and continuous collapse

c­ Anti-earthqW¢e designs: In order to achieve the requirements in (A) of ,this Article, builljings ( B + G + ; or hig..1J.el') should be designerl as per 2-1 ~D

D- Anti~ effects of horizontal forces designs: Designs should be for the greater forces of earthquakes. wind Of horizontal forces as defined in as 8110, Cluase, Part I, 1997. rebar details should bem.accordance the earthquake loads designs


A­ Bloc~s made of cement should.be as per ,regul.ations. Light blocks can not be us~ in bearing w~ls. When the light blO,cks are used in external w~s ( not bearing). they shoul4 be plastered orpainted. the block walls should'be made as per BS S6Z8. Part 1, 1978/1958. The block durability should ,match the wall thickness ,as follows :

1- The minimum resistance of'the bearing walls made ofsplid blocks should be 9 N/mmz .

2­ The minimum ~is.tance,pfthe bearin$ walls (in building not higher than two levels) mad.!Il ofhoUow blocks .should be6 N/mm2 and the minimum wall thickn~s sh~>uld be 200 mm

3- It is not permitted construct bearing walls ( made of'hoUow blocks) with thickness less than 150nun

4- 'Blocks with thickness less than 150 rom can be used in constructing singt~ bearing w.aIIs. BI~ks with thickness less.th~ 150 mm can b~ used in constructing ,double w~s

5- 'The above resistance for~ mea:Jured ,as the $verageforce of ,t~

blocks selected as per.aS 6073" Part 2

B- Cement: The .cemeat used in constructing w.alls.should have strength as the following ratip: 1: 1;6 ;.( Portland cement, lime ,'fine sand) pr as per ratio mentioned in as 5628, Part 1 , 1978/1985.

Page 56: Dubai Municipality Building Regulations

c. Wall joints -: ,BS 1243, 1978 for joints used in double wails or BS 5628, Part 3, 1985 for walls subjected to to,ugh climate effects.

D- Support Walls; the bearing wall,S shoUld ,bejoined by ,support wal.ls E- VeI1icaI ,cutting inwall $hoJddn't ~ceed 1/3 of the wall thickness.

Horizontal cutting should not exceed 1/6 of the wall tbicknes$.


The following points should be compl,ie<l. with upon designing the foundations ( except foundations of one level bl,lil4ings ):

A- Site soil investigations should be carried ,out by a licensed lab in the Emirate. The following aspects should be studied:

l~ Soillayer$ 2- Engineerina- recommendation regarding the soH resistance 3- Und~rwater level 4- The erosion effects ohoil and underwater on steel 5- tide.effects on the balance Qf foundations 6- Requirements of-supporting the drilling side 7- Recommendations re,garding fte type offoundation

B- The investigation holes and th~ir coordinates shoulc:l be,marked on the site plan

C- Recommended C9ncrete and cement types as per as 5;328, Part 1. 1997 and CIRIA Special Publication No.3 1. The br.eaking forcefor reinforced concreted should not be l~s .than 30 N/mm2

. '

D- The.foundations should be.inside·the plot boundaries. The min.imuro depth should not be less:than 90,0 rom.

'B- Underwat!3r disch~giri.g system (ifnecessary) should be providedJo vrev,ent dewatering to the building

F- Uppn drillmg fro the basements, supports sho1,1ld pe provided to supports the sides

0- Driven piles or vibro compaction c,annot .be:: 'used without aprior p.emrission from the Department.