-v^-v"wi» v> i:i ^^/^-^-^:' s ^^^'^^^^i5^^'F , i!i'^^ 7 ^^w<>?^i^.v*^ V! ''" I,J '"'"*' s****»»******»**»n*«««*n»aoanai VHP SIMCIISE K* b:>rtrflt*;i'| ->M' M *i«^'J> tt >**>'• OH' J. G. JK. TEUAIB «fc C O . " BE JUST A.ND FEAE 3STOT." PUBLISHERS AJSTD PROPRIETORS. VOLUME XV. MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 10, 1859. NUMBER 240. T H E SYRACUSE DAILY JOURNAL. offlClw-Coz*** Waaa*.i >3IP IUILMAP ftrnnrrf, A y yua iMf sat* or TH* N, Y. O. X. I. DKPOT. every afternoon, by JUNK O. X. TKVAIO •n't jEotmav L. A OAKS, a* tbe arm of J. a. K. TBUAIK ft CO. TMDM^-TO elty sabecrlbees. Id **n*t per w**lr, pay *bl* t.tbcOwrtar. M*llsubs«ribee>,»operanuoro,payab»* Jaadvaoo*. TII» or AnvaanaiMo i* TUB DAILY JQCSXAX. [12line*«« lea*, Nonpareil, make a square.] Oa* sonar* .1 day to do . 8 day* .... 75 tlo •' 8 - .... to© do 4 - .... 1 *> do l.fiHA.lM do * we***..* do » * ..8 00 Oeesqa*'*.! svmth.. 83© do .8 •• .. »«> do « - .. 7 SO do 4 • .. 900 d © ; i . • . . m o du 9 - ..1800 do la " ..woo TMOTT *dMOMMI MAMiv too flnt nonth,atth* •BOM ret*: »Nar on* Month, at tbree-foorlh* the above "Iftostae** Card*. p*r 7—"' •* V* MBO : ** A * mooth ** AdvwrU**a»*Bl*of Cooeert*, Kxhlbltlo«s.Lf«tar*».*m., 78 e*nt*p*r^eja*'« to/Ant toseruoo,and to cent* for ••an ad tit <wal Insertion. . m ^_ ^toJei.1 No«Jo**<**A rrtaplajod Ad**rtto*Mt*. arty MrVo«tM.addlttoatoth«r««nlarrai4a. .No advoru**- ro^*a***«dfor!«•» than OOoeata. ,,.,_, , , Kdllurwt HottoaawdoatgiMd p«wnpte W W d a i l t a . («»•*•, wheat adssawibie, 10 cents per llo* oaob Insertion. LOOM SetJ*** at in* raj** »reeerlb*d by law. Yearly Advertisers, occupying twoequare* or mor*. ar* •otUled to ea*ag* their matter tbras Umc* per *e»n wltaoat *xtra charge. T*»»try Advwrtleers are restricted *££^owiJaiaaaT»o*la«a, a.»d I* tb* p*rti*olar boat- »«e* wn»e* U iK* **njeei of contract. THE UNIVERSAL SPEAKER, -*• containing a collection of Dialogue*, Spotcrie* and Beeltallons—adapted lo tba uso of reboots, Academies and doeta! Circle*. By Caiklna and Adam*. MISS BI.IMKIN'S WINDOW, apd other papora By Mrs. Mark I'eabody. BKl'LAH. By Augusta J..Kvana. OUT OF TUB DKPTH»; the story of a Woman's T.llo. - • Vor fate by WYNKOOP «i BBO. WWmOH** HKVftCM S H O O T B I t TS ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE JL tha bast Pocket Piati>l yet Invented—carrlea aevao alia, and flan bo loaded and Of ed three ttmea tt minute •nairtus neither ramrod, flaik or oapa, ne tho powder buil and cap l» all complete In a water proof cartridge, Tbta P 5 tol •boote with aa moeh lore* aa any < iber arm twrloie all the good qualities of CooVe, oarrytog two mora bwllaToeln* ntoeb ngfitar, and at a lea* price. The pub no are Invited tocail and examinethla Platolbolorepor* okaaltur. order* by mall promptly attended to , Oeoeral Ageola lor Central N* »York AN o Y D YT"ii ;G I L AVA JEWELRY. HANDSOME Lara Betta, In On* aoHd gold of oar own mounting, very low , b\T0NK d» BA LL, 14 Booth ballna-it. : » T A T £ T A X S A L E . T HE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF landaaltuatod In tho County of Onondaga furnished by the otate Comptroller, which are Included In a gene, ral 1UI of lands advertised by bltn to be sold lor arrears or taxes, at the Capitol, in tho oily or Albaoy. at a aalo commencing ou the 10th day or November, ll&o. * PATK1GK H. rAOAlf, . Treasurer of unondaga County. ONONDAGA C O r a i T . F . T K B . SYEACTJSE WEEKLY J0U&VAL la laaned from the aam* 0 « o a erery Wedneaday at %IM per year, oayabl* la adraae*. or Ainraarianro w T»* WaamxT JotrawAfc. One aaaaro,ftmontha.|S-S0 do C M .. COO do o •• .. ».0Q do la ' '• ..MJOO ... too 1^50 Oa*aaaare,V t do 1 do a Caeh addlUoaal sqoar* per year tlO.00 AdrarttMowal* uwaeoatDpawled with written dlrfe- ttooa wlU be haairted ondl Ibrbid, aad •barged aocord- ^rawtent advertletitg to be paid In advance. VOOat AMD JOB nUKIZHO. FJTE FO^VJCK t»KEft»CX (Driven by steam.) ".HAND PRESSES, ' And a complete aswrtsnentof TTPX, XULZS, BORmOtS, ORSAJCEirW, *c' Xnabw Ink Oflo* to prlnf Poaterw, PruAT4Uimea,l Rmtn^ni Cards, Wedding CaMaJ steamboat Printing Faenpaleia, Ctreoiara, Oatatusnee, Bank Print! ithjf. LawCaaet, Law Pntma, Law blank*, ln«oraooe Drka, K. K. rMol'Og, AXD KVKEY OTflKB KWD Of PKWTUtu. l a *very Color, or In any nmnbar oCCofora, or In bron**, l a Stipwrior Stylo and at low aUtM. OOOa> WORK AND COKAP WORK Don* promptly and In the bort atyl* of th* art, are die- ttngotoaed Atiarea of ibl» OnVe. 8TR.VCU8K DYINO £8TABLI8nMS»lT . 44 West Water Street. OXOttOKMUltKAY, * : PBACTICAL DYKB AXD RXNOVATOU Lndlos 811k and Woolen Drosses Dyed aad flnlfhod In a proper manner; Crape .-bawls cleaned or lyed any, Color; Brocha nhawla cleaned and pressed -In such a manner aa cannot be equalled In this city. Klbboos, Pitrasout, Olwvea, Ao^ Died any oolo\ OectUemen^ ONtta, Pants, and Vesta Cieaaod, Dyed and Pressed In a tradesman-Ilk* style. MUBBAV* COLOB0 AUB WABBA3TED FAST DrED MURRAY smile* opon all competition, especially that of opatarta, who have not an experience or mon than roar nvtntlM In the boalness. l b s public may rest assored of having their goods properly Dyed,aebla wholoUfetfme baa been devoted to the bttslnws.and be baasnperlatendcd the largiMteatab>> Uahments both in thia country and hla natire Ia»d. Syracuse, Mry 11,18M.—dtt • • CI0BB0. (Lota Lot*. Acres, u 2, bd N by 0. Freeman, B. by Doane, 8. by Crawford. W. by A. Ingorsoll To 17, bdM. by Oneida riv- er, W. by ratriok •9*a iHKittniiKiiMMi •9, bd K, by lot Tl, 8. by Tlmotiiy Loomls, . W. by lot CS and Knlckerbooker ...... 100 70,84 and 86. BuaNXT STI'MKT. Block*. |174, lot 170. . 20 XJA large slock or very Finn Heal Lie* Point Laeef " ' CAM AX, BrnxaT. JXoohi. 1006179,101880. ' ••eea**s M.NEeor 98, ex 108a E. end LY8AX0SB. 49,bdB.byllnooraMd lot, 8. by btateslOoa, ' W. by lands or Web- ster, Clark, and Isaao ' Foster. N . by Burrw 60 and lands or Lewis fi Wright ....... t*tt »•«» * eawaw*"^^ 8YBAOU8X CITY. ITS 87 and 108. 487 PIAJTO FORTES. A SPLENDIULOrOFSlXAND *V. one-bair and 7 octave Piano Fortes, lrotri the best Boston makers, tot sale at wholesale prloea,var} log from 900 to 2 5 0 JDollavM. Persona wUhlng Pianos will find It for their Interest lo call and examine tfiese laslromeaia. Theite price* will last for one week only. A. 0. CHAfrB, aogfj 71 Booth Ballna street. r VO LET—DWXXLINO HOUBK» Nos. J. 04,00 and 80 West Wafer street, in the " Bayuor B'oek." Also, two Barna and Yard In the retroi said ol3ek, wall arrangedfora Boardlnff stable. Inqulro ol if. C. MEfiElMA.V, . Office in the bavlngs Bank, •• martldtr Corner of Noxon Block. '' ' * y T a t « a t O X ¥ P K *OVXDH-\. A •AefwMypr Foon<lry baa hewn eaUbllahed In con* with 'th* JovaMAL <>rvic«, tor the purpose »t BlaffantTi Insr Ikmk-Work and all other Jobs, which will bo done la the b»at manner, and at r*aaouwbi«» rates. BUSINESS CARDS. at n A B K H A l H , Law OnVe, J.o, T. Malcolm Bloek.-Syraonae.N. T. DK.CHAS. 1 tin remalne athkt old lag* . >. C H A N D L K B , •land. No. 8 Franklin Bolld- apraatf 1>. A, OB47VJTT, Attovaey A Coonaellor at Law, OnVe Xo.ll Wlellng Bbiek, Syraenae, M. T. ---..-•- ai*» LEW18 K. JOY, Arobtteetaiul 8op«r nt^odent of Batldlng. Oflce N». U A l t , 8d ,tory,Dlllaye BnlUMngs8yracnae. N. Y. *d«,< UOrao- apr8 Ju4l**oriiie)Pe*yw<.an<l Cnmmis*lon«r of Unaoa lo do badness at the Old BUod, No ger Block. AUorn^y* «• Connsell<wa at T^w, In Marble Boil-ling, No. 10 iMNitb nalina Street, Syracuse, N. " •"•—•" Brnrn, B. 9loenm. Y. Wm. V. febftdavw T. H. HINTON, Orgaftlaiof the-Flrat Wafd Pren'nrUrlan Chqrch.Tvach. er of th«t Piano ft*!* aod Org«n. AddreM, ear* of AUes> A»lnie<pe,aa8oou»*nn* street. JanlTdtf I . L B W I S , IMauitor. aCantttaetarer. and wnolasale dealer lo Ninety tr.Ktve per rent AloobokCamphene, ami Birnlug Flolda, saWral Water Street, »> raciyai. apll ly XichoiV Patent JXIelodoouM. T HESE BEAUTIFUL IxBTxuMzmH ar* to be had at retail, at Iho Muslo Store < f Phelps At Barnes. TAKE NOTICE! Thla la the only place In the oltv where they can b had, as the manufacturer does not retail hla Mflodeons' PHALLPO A BAKNJX, augoo No. 98 Booth Halloa btreeb LXTJIBEE. SHINGLES, PANEL DOORS, LATH, TIMBER, EAVE TROUGHS AND CEDAR POSTS AT REDUCED PRICES! 108 74. 174. JB*c*919. Itawunr '.TKXKT. . .BUck*. 170, lot 180, nowAAD Stxnrr. Bloekt. 168 and 179. HICKOBY BTXBBT. •^-.r-Jtoo**.*** 3T,lot88. •'•••_ WUUAX Srucrr. .; JUooks. - 178. nugo l*wtn*vlO COLTO* *. BAKER, Juneao AMZ8 BTBXXT. VERY I M P O R T A I f T ! ELECTBOPATIllC TCXATMXNT OF DISEASE A NEW DISCOVERY! / ! A DELICIOUS BEVERAGE. TO oxran -' ' BAD 8PIBIT8. DY8PBP8CA, ^BVODWNltBS, HEABT B4JBN. C B O U a PAIN8, WIND 1N W THlfi 8T0MA<5H,OB PAT^INjfHEBOW- EW. HXA DACHB. DB0W8INB88, KID- N i Y COMPLA1NT6V MELANCnOLY, DELIBIUaf TBBMKN8, IN- , TEliPEBANCE. '' WKAKAKDaiOKLYOOIItTXnmOIfSAkVSODDKMtT ' XZSTORCD TO UBAtTU AND n o o n . . DB. DAKIUS-UAU»8 AKOIHATIOINVXOOKATXNO COKl>IAE> 0B{ JDYSPEPTIC REITIEDY. ' TWa Inimitable and valuable Medicated Beverage having now enjjyed four 7«»™ of unexampled patrpu- age, by the faculty and poblto generally, may bo bad at most of tbe principal wholesale Druggist*. Intowuand oountry, and by them sold to th* trade generally. . Principal Agency Depot, « i 48 WATIH BTWMT, NOW York City, where it can be obtained" wholesale, with either English or Spanish lablea, ccrMfleates, Jso. Wholesale DrugglsU and othors who are still without a supply are Invited to cemmanleato to 48 Water street; when moat liberal ar- rangements will be entered Into for lis sale. Kir" Bold by all retail Druggists throughout tho Unl- tedi«tatf«; Canada and Central America Prlo* 81 X*r bottltf. ,: angSOdly . E. F. RICE, Dry Goods for the Fall of 1950. ; GOOD GOODS AND CHEAP ( J UST RECEIVED A LABOR STOCK of Fall Dress Goods. Fancy Dress Bilks. Bobes, '•• Double Bkirta, Plain BlaoicSUka, Mourning Btka Bopt Bilks, dec, __ -jirge stock of very Flno ttoal olnt Applloay l**n% Valencia Lace. Also, at great Bargains DOMESTICS, WHITE GOODS, WOOLEN CLOTHS, AC. And a very large stoolc! of LINENS. Llnon Table Damask, Napkins, and Irish Llnoos, all or which will tKisold c n X A P . NO. 6 FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, - " - " » 'R.F, EIOE; ! N. B.—All goo ^ arr.n ed as represented. augOl d8m UNPARALLELED ATTRACTIONS! "*»• i wo. -IN- N^EW FALL DRY GOODS! /"10FFEE.—HAVE YOIT TBIBD THE V ^ ORIENTAL COFFEE PO1 ? If not, try It, and If It don't give you the choicest cup of coffee you ever dtsnk, roiurn ft, "*~'~ "''" " ** Bi.tlna street, by Una Prloe$l,U6 to 88,60. s«p91 Sold at 14 Bouth C. B. BALL. <: l: WAITED. T WO OR TH«EE ACTIVE , Young Men, to sell a Beautiful Work of Art, which will meet with a rapid salo. To the right kind of men, wl.lh'small capital, thla Is a ohanoe seldom offered. A p* pi f immediately to Koom No. 84, Durnlord House. Bail- nicstroct, Syracuse, or addross the subsof iber. Aug. IB. Ir.OLOYXR. I F YOU WISH TO KILL ALL THE J. File* In your bouse,call at Dlllay* Bros*, and get the Ohlneso Fiy Papor. .... ... aug24 . SUBSCRIBERS HA VINO Wilson, Hard 4 Co-to take ctafce of a Water *Cur*. In'-DANBYILLE, EI VINO- B'rON COUNTY, N. Y^beg- • - are to say that we are r P IIE JL been enraged by F. now ready to give attention to to* slcknt" OUU U0ACE," atid to do the beat possibly to bo done by usfortheir sp oedy restoration to health. We 1 are plaovd In charge of a rery fine establlsbmeat, and foel that great a* baa boon our suoccss, It will be muoh greater In our new position. Circulars descriptive ot the establishment; with route, piloes, A c , will be sent on tbe transmission or a three oo at postago stamp BespoctAUlyforthe Proprietors, JAMES 0. JACKSON, M. D.. i DB. HABRIET M. AUSTIN, . J ... pa. LUCBETIA E /AOKBON oot8 Late of Olen Haven Water Cure. E ADER AttE YOU SUFFER- Rheumatism 1 If yon are, this 1* the <T. on are, this ir It ta FarulysU, D. n. 4c A . T . S.TIITH, Oa*Ukt..Offloe No. 1 and 2, Flke Blwk. Coeilnn ua data Work don* t.»Or«ler. Tewtb extracted with <hl«- nrform or the Oalvanlc Battery. f«bH dly anBAHI TYtKR, Broker, Bwya aad aeua Orurrmil Money, a fj**'"* Kate*, Negnllalaa ovutln—* Paper and markeUble ne* eorsBaa generally ma>8 dly IAB.G, 1>AINTKB,| rh^alelana and i«urgeoaa, OnVe No 8, Uealdence, No. a 17 hast Ocno- seo otreet, Byraoiae, N. Y. • j>Km. •. Boeacaopathlo Ph^alc root Oiuoe nnlbtlng. m 8 ilal Code**, Dlllaye Block. Booma open from Bk A. w.tiu *o l cMxk P.M. and' 'enntanahib. Book-Keeplng, Je«41y OtfOFIErAOA T K H F E B A N C E 8JOCJSE, •yraensO, N. T„ Corner of Ballna and Chitroh strreta Wahev Brotorm. Pmprletoiv. A C«rrlage> lo ourrver Oneeta to and troot th* Depot, free of charge*. ».'. K. Walter, O C. Walter. may31 8m , PAWN9BOKKB. hfuaey may be bad In email same, on conditional sale of Watehea and other Pevaonal Property, and Loans negotiated, by applying to Beymoor King, Keal Estate and Saoowy Broaer. over Dr. FuUer** Drug More, lo rroMo/taw City Hall. deol8 if BfiaVLAVS IIROTHEB8. Dracglets and Qrocem, -r/rr at whol#eal<*, to^ferahanta, ataaufaetarnra and PhyUelan*, tho Urgnet elock of guod* In their Une west of New York, And pledge laemeetvee lo sell at tbe Iow*>t New York prlcvs, ad* ding freight oo heavy gooda. The attention <>r pur eaaeera Isreqneated. MEAL KflTATK, LAND OFFICE, H'Mis* Agency aud Broken* Office. Special attention ta paid lo renting teneoienta aad farms, collecting rent*, patragtaxes, selling farm lends, booses and lota, and vaeaal tats In the elty. I/xine negotiated for any anwmot,forflrat-eliMsbaaxabl* paper. OtBee ovrr Dr. Fuller's Drug Store, In front of tho City HalL E. A. King. April** ly . SJ . ii " Large Property for Hale. 'FHE SUBSCRIBER OF»ERM FOR X sale hla extensive Hlanghler noose Property, and the Lands ami Dwelling* adjoining. Thla property Is foeatod Juet wee* of the c<ty line, lu the town of Oedrlee, and U very deelr^bleforthe parnoemforwhich It wee iMlended. There are two cm*! tiwetling* oo the preml- are and Fruit Tree* and buebe* ofsil klixls. The Blaughler Uoose le p.* op In the most oonvenlent •tyta. with all th* modern Improvements, end U not iur- paeaed for convenience by any aimilwr eeuhtUbment In ta* eooaUv. A large Refrigerator has been built, which will hold 80s) boga, and cool them down ready for pok- ing la 84 hoars, and koep meat during tbe whole soason If required. The aubeedber lateoda to ebang* hla business, and therefore, offers the above property at a bargain. aogOdt/ A. M. KVAN9._ BRIDGE IfOTICE. S EALED PROPOSALS WILL KK KK- eelvedforth* erection of a M Whipple Bridge n "[ wood with atone abatOKata aeroes the Llmrstooe Creek, at Fayettevllfo, nnttl a o'clock P. it.. *ep»cmber 8d. ""»nrvE< A 8. Plank XV tag from Rheumatism? If ONLY KKLIABLB TUfcATMEN this la your only remedy, Have yon any other pa'n or acbe. Disease of tlio Head, T.iroat, Lungs, Heart, Liver. 8toma--h, Bowels, Spleen KldoeyaT Any Eruption, Abeess, Chronlo (long stand- ing) Sore, Impurity or tbe Blood. Ac, Ac Or. like thousands of others, yon have the Piles, or Fistulas, and are left lo tblnk there la no cur*foryou-— There la a Balm and a Physician—evenforyou. Or. lUBTUt-EB, at tho ONONDAOA TUfFER- ANCE HOUSE, Boom No. 81. Dr. U. give*.but Jlttl* medicine, other than oatoro's own. " lUug&O IVortli Atlautic SteamMlilp Com- pany.* BEOCLABTUBOU0U LINE TO SAN FBANCI8C0, VIA PAXAMA BAILKOAD A ND CONNECTIiVG ONLY WITH * V Btaamer* ©olden date, Golden Age, John L. Bto* phens, and Sooora, of th* PACOPIO MAIL BTXAMSHIT COHTAWTAT YMAUK DIEJKJT TO AartwwALL. The splendid Steamships BALTIC, ADBIATIC, AND ATLANTIC, having been entirely re-fltted and adapted to the Call- fornla trade, will hereattor run aa above, leaving this port on tbo 0th and Soth of each month, from thofootor Canal street, North Klver. **• %W Pasjengf ra and Malta will be forwarded bv Pan< araa Ballroad, and oonaoet at Panama with tbe Haolfllo Mall Steamship Company'a magnlflcnt Btoamsblps which will be In readiness, aod leave Immediately tor Man Eranohvo. 'J hey »ill be embarked free of exponse from Ballroad, by Company** •teamboatTABOOA. An experienced Burgeon la aliaohed lo eash ship.— 8t«er«go passengers found In oooked priivlsloos, bed. ding, and attendance. It Is believed that tho accommo- dations afforded by the above ships are unsurpassed by any In tbo world. Tbo public aro iniormed that tho P. M.S. 8.Co., always have ONE OB MOBK EXTRA STEAMSB8 lying at Panama, readyforsea, to avoid any poailble detention of passaengarajor. Malla and ombark their passengers by Bteambont For passage apply at the only nfftee of the Company, on the Wharf, foot of Canal f-jert, North Blver, to f seplO d8m WILLIAM H. WICKBAM. ROGEHS; CITRATE OF JIAGIVESIA, (IN POWDEK.) ., T HIS VALUABLE AND POPU LAK Medicine is proparodrro conformity to Phar maoy, aod Is reoommeuded by tho Medlonl Fnoulty .for BILIOUS AND FEBBILE DISEASES GKNERALLY! SICK HEADACHE, HKAK'TBCUN, B10K- NEB0ATTHE8TOMACU. , r ESPh^ALLY ATTENDING LADIES WIZEN ENCJENTSy Acting; ffently on tho bowels, neutralising, all Irritative secretions, removing complaints Irom tbe system, Jec PBIOE, 2S Cento. For Sato by TOBBT'A SNOW, 40 East Goncsee SL Maoufactory, 1V8 Spring bt., N. Y. aug81 6m The attention or the public Is invited to the examination of an unprecedented supply or]' a NEW GOODS 4 , ATTnKSTOBE.OF JOHlf M£RRIA29f A CO., [LATX MKKBIAX *jM'oaAKX»*] Where may be found the most splendldj(L«iv)rtmeot.or DKY GOODS OF JBVKRY DESCHfPTION. R NEW FALL GOODS, "AT TUB afAXM0TH SftTABUIHICSHT -^>F- D. MCCARTHY & CO., ».i Voa. 42, 44%and 46 Globo Block, 8onth/SalBu Stroot, South oi Billroon, DR£SS GOODS. Of this description of <7oods we havoovorythlng from aslxpcnny Print to the Blohest and mostdoslrable Silks* Five CawcN PrlnU, 6 1-4 Cent*, * f ' - > i . ' , . ' . As good as sold olsewhore at 9 and 10 eonU. MANCHESTER AND HAMILTON D^LAINKS, , A t l a worth's*. Iiitcc Good*, Embrolderlew, T>rettw TrimuilnuM, Ac. Atteotlonjs oapeolally loritod to thla Department. I AVV BLANKS i-V scrlptlon, for sale by 8n*ei8eaUrtos caa be seen at the More'of Henrv Eeker. aad enqalrtee made of the Secretary of the F. I Co, •». D. Blsochard, at Fayettevllle. Contractore to furnish a 1 the material*, and keep tbe road way open, that the 'ravel upon tbe flank Boad may aot be obstructed durtog ih* balding tbereof. O 8. LOOM IS. auglT dawaw r«—^ of F. A 8. I'lank Koad Co. F OR SALE. THE WELL KNOWN Tavern Stand and Restaurant lately nrcuplml by Jnalah Taakev. on the corner of "arket and Water ats., Byvaruee. together with tbe stock, fixtures, and gnod will apperulalag thereto. Also, a Brick Kara nov need aa a Uvery Stable, adjoining th* earn.-, tognihar with the Harass, Harness, Carriages, Ac. The above property b*- lag In ta* moat business part ol the city, cannot fall or doing a lively trade. Too match other baalneee prevents the present proprie- tor from keeping the same. For further particular*. Inquire on th* premises, or at the onfe* of J. A 0 . Oreeuway A Co. No. 108 West Wa- ter street. 21. B>—Tao above property win be sold separately or together, to salt porrruuere, *»nd If not sold by tbeflrstof M*y the property will be rented. JOBN OBEENWAY. . Mareh 13.1K9.-U FINDEN'S MODERN ART GALLERY! ^PIIIS ^EW AND SPLENDID X susctmon of Art,tanow being eaavasasd la thl* etty by J. 8. Ban,forthe solo agentforWestern New York.X; E. Buff; Athenawm Building, Eoebeeter. Also, la* aww Amerlesn CyefooedU. Ta* ModagwiAct 4MsW7«*aiita« in «eeb ramberfoor Tngrathafi ol tbo. moot exqoUtt* 8aUa,by too ahtast ttvta^ Wdsn^-andfortoaarmoat beoaOfoi workforth* Drawtaff Bona or Library. ,n*«8?tf J. aV XAIX. AgML Cnre of Epll«rpfty or Falling; Siok- • • nen*. T HE UNDERSIGNED HAS, ON account of repeated request*toprocure tbe reat9» dy for tbe cure of the abovo mi mod disease, which Is prepared by Mr. J. It Ilojsoh, lu Cologne, on the Bhluc, Germany: not especially on icoount of a letter rroelrrd fr< in Kev. G. Deep ken. New UiHlford, Coshmtton <'o., Ofcio, dated April 2Sth, 1-C9, In which he orders the said remedyforaalt-k member of his congregation, nt tho same lime sa> lng: - (Mefifth*Ueo/o- mer pntlimU imiitrmt, th* othtr only imported ; n but can still, by tbo help of God. be cured ; felt himself induced "*> ordor a new supply of the remedy, which has now boon re* odved. I therefo*e Info-ro those who are nnfortonatery aflllcU eo by Ibis dreadful disease of Able fact, and that further Inioimation will gludly be given by . , f. W. WEISKOTTEN, Pastor of tho Ev.Luth. St. John's Ctiuirh, i»epL 2P. 1850. dtf Byraouse.N. Y^_ I O O K I N G GLASS STORE! -*-' 87 BASTABLE BLOCK, Opposite the Post Office. .• Whore can be found a large stock it RICH OHNAMKNTAL AND PL.VIN M1BROHM, For Piers, Mantles, and Walla. Also, KICK OVAL G X A SS E S For Mantlos or Mors. MIBROB AND TABLE BIUCKETB WITH MAEBLE DLABBI Solid and Mental Cornice*, Picture and Portrait FRAMES, Of OIU Rosewood and Black Walnut, of every variety LOOKING GLASSES Of every kind suitable or tbe trade. Looking Olasa, Picture and Window Olass of all sixes' on aa g*K*l terms aa any establishment In the Jtate. AICTIBTS MATEBIAM, A complete stock on band at all times. A large stock or GILT AND PAINTED WINDOW SHADJS G. W. CAUPENTEU,! formerly Burton A Carpnoter. Syracuse, April 1.1980. Fayette Street Female Meinlmary, DAY AND BOABDING SCHOOL. fix.. 32 Bant Fayette Mtreot. r r i I E FIRST QUARTER OF THE •a. Uth Acadcmlo year of this lustltutloo w .11 com. mono* on Wedneaday, September 7tn. Th* year Is divided Into four qnartars or eleven weeka each. Board and tulli >n ti the Engllah Course Is from $188 to $149 per year. K> tnt ohargjsforMusic, Paint- ing, Irrawlng and Gramma*. Three or four additional Boarders can be received Into the family wl«h the Principal. LAUUA J. HUNTINGTON. aog27 Principal. Crrr CLassTs Orrtov, > L Syracuse, August 9tb, 11190. J OCAL ASS KSSM EN 'i'S. -— *$UF- falo Pavement on South Sallna Street.—Notice la hereby given that tho Local Assessment Bollforthe un- paid portions of Buffalo Pavrmeat on South Balms atreet, from F*>eite street to the sonth side of < 'nondsgs street, baa been left with tbe Treasurer and Tax Uectlver for ^•reetlon, to whom every person,oorimratlon or utocls* tlon. may pay hla, h**r or their tax for **Xt/ days from I be date or this notice, as follows: For ten days without fee. for ten days thereafter at one p*r eem fee;fortwen- ty days succeeding at three per o* nt, and for tbe remain- ing twenty days at Ave per cent fee, and If audi assess* meets remain unpaid at the end or euld sixty drys, tbey will b* eoDocted aa provided bv the charter. * DO All S. MATUEW8, Cleric iVew Fancy Dyelus; and Scomrlng Entabliohneut, 89 XOBTB SAUNA.ST n SYRACUSE, [Next Door North of Corinthian Ball,} CHARLES FINCH, - - Proprietor. T^IIE SUBSCRIBER BEGS LEAVE -A to Inform the lobabltant* of Syracuse and vicinity, that he is now prepared to do all kinds or FANCY DYEING AND SCOURING, on every dearrlptlon of Goods, 8llk, Woolen snd Cotton, In a manner not to be surpassed In or out ol New York city. Give me a trial. (laving been many years In the bustnees In England, and during the pas'. Ave years In ltocheater, I am conn- dent I can give satisfaction. Crape, Hrochs, Hulls, Bilk and erery description of HbawJe scoured and j>rea»ed. Milk Velvets colored and finished rqaal to ner. fltik Oree*ea senure<t or dyed and watered Morten and Damank Window Oirtulna cleaned dyed and valered. Tuscan Straw and Chip Booneta, dyed any c«loi. Gen* Uemena* clothes oleaned or dyed whole and pretaed. Goods sont by Express will be promptly attended to OFFICE IN THE BASEMENT. N. B.—No connection with any other Shop ar Office. eu|;03 dtf C LOVER SEED.—CASH PAID FOR Ctav*rSe^e ( Tlmc4by8c*d,Ao. 8. E BABKIR, set •"•••* S^eceos^ to Foster, Bred Ptore. sfiAYETTy»» MEDICATED PAP^B, KA f^lh*WatarCJos*Veor**to*Plta*aodl8anar., tleioo/lturary. Brerybody oseo It._. told only «r •onlt : . DILLAYBIIBOB. OF EVERY DK- WTNK00P A BBO T HE UNDERSIGNED, SDTEBIN- indent of the tho Poor of Onondaga County, give* nntleo that bis otnoe Is in tho third story of the County Clerk's OiUce Building, and that Mondays nnd Tuesday* of each week, between the hours of 9 o'clock A, M. and 4 o'clock P. M., will bo devoted exclusively to offloo busi- ness. Wednesdays will bo nt the Counly Poor House. Thursdays, Frt ays, and Saturdays will attend to ofllce ami mlsoollanoous duties, asoceaalou may require, JAMES LONG»TltEI?r, : Syracuse, Jan. 4.185V. Superintendent of Poor. J ^ROF. McOMBER, THE GRKATKST . BENEFAOTOB OF THE AGE, the INVENTOR of MIOBBBT Hair Toole In tho world. Tbe ability of Prof. MOOMDXB to restore hitir to BALD 1IJ£AD« has l: ootrou flxud fact, having nadovor 18year* experience thbroforo, I say if yon have lost your hair, use Prof. MoOmber's Vegetable Hair Grower. It your hair has commence Hailing off, uso It, If you wish lo Improvo your eyebrows, uso Prof MoOmber's Vogotable Hair Grower. If yoo wish to grow or Improve your whlskors or Moustacho, use It. If you have aandruff, It will erad- icate It. , / - v r > « I wish it distinctly understood that I warrant this ortl- do to perform a 1 1 that I claimforIt: If It foils after a fair trial tho money will be refunded. NOP* genuine without the Inventors likeness and signature on each wrapper. Manufactured and sold wholesale, at 904 .Main tro* Buffalo, New York. For sale by Druggist* everywhere aud In Syracuse, tfepl. ?T.dlyr. SYRACUSE ;^UR0ERI£ft, _^ *.7 ^ i9Y^tAaasEVK. , t'-A?'^ - Vr / For tsae v Speelal AtteuUon of Nfikroory* **•!. h -'li.fc . men. B OOK BINDERY REMOVED! Tho subscribers haying removed their Book Blndury to NO. 7 EAST GENESEE BTBEET, Opposite, (North,) tho Syracuse Douse, Are now resdy to do all descriptions of BOOK BINDING on tho shortest notice and In tbo hott mannor t W BLANK BOOKS and BULING done to ordor, on short notice, ar* Also, Merchants* SHELF BOXK* made to order nay4 dtr WUITTBMOltE A MILLEU. H AVE YOU USED GAYETTY'S MEDI- CATED PAPEB for tbe Water ClosetY Tbo«o who use it never havo l'Hes—it both cures and proven ts the dlsesso. It Is also an article of comfort nnd luxury porfrotly pure aud free from all nold*. Sold only by sepl8 . DltXAYJt IlttOa.,only AgouU- The Best is the Cheapest 1 ! THOMSOIV^ Celebrated CROWN SKIRTS! THE INDESTfiUCTIBLE, THE CBOWN M'OVEN, * THE GOSSAMER, THE CBINOLINA, Bomodeled from the last Paris designs, and for Beauty of Proportion, Excellence of Material. Perfection or Manufacture, < And Durability, UKIVXOSALLY Paojtoc.vcxo UNEQUALLED BY ANY GOODS IN THE WOBIDI For sale by the prlnclpul Jobbers and Betallers every- where. 83F* lieware or counterfoils I Bee that our Name andTrade Mark, TBE CBOWN, aro stamped on every eklrt. W. S. A C. II. THOMSON A Co., N. Y. scp8 d4weow D BU GS! GROCERIES!! NEW STORES! NEW GOODS! V A N 8 L Y K E 4c C O . , Having loosed tho two Bn» stores, Nos. 33 and 25 NORTH 8ALINA BTBEET, Are now prcparod to show (he public a floor assort- ment than ever, of DRUGS, MEDICINES/ PERFUMERY, FANCY ARTICLES, SOAPS, BRUSHE8, PAINTS, OILS, do,, dV?., • And In their GROCERY DEPARTMENT! An ontlrely now and fresh stock of th* good things ot this life. CHOICE TEAS, SUGARS. SYHUPS, COFFEES SPICES, Alt the nloe CONDIMENTS, PICKLES, A c The best of Provisions, Butter, Cheese, A c , Ac Everything necessary for the Internal comfort of mankind. Choice Wines and Liquorsformedicinal use only. Goods delivered in any part of tho city. mayU VAN SLYKE A CO. 6 0 0 . 0 0 0 Apple Trees," 1 ygar old, comprising too - mow pophl ar • Western'varieties - • V 1 0 0 . 0 0 0 Pear, Xros*,Standard, 1 and.2,yeart old.' 1 5 0 , 0 0 0 Poor Trso*. Dwnn, 1 and il»osrs old; both those and the Standards are*of unstlrphss- 1 ablo quality. 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 Touch, Apricot, Nectarine, and Plum » Trees: strong and handtome. 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 Catawba, Clinton, and Isabella Grebes, and a large supply of Concord: all un- commonly vigorous and well rooted. ^^ 1 0 0 . 0 0 0 Houglitou's Seedling Ooosoborries. 5 0 . 0 0 0 Currants; flftoen varieties, romarkaWy strong. 2 0 0 * 0 0 0 Uaspoerrlos; fourteen variolic*, all dne f >lanta. '.buburb, Llnaasus. nnd Caboou's 'Mom. ' moth; unquestionably th* host two varie- ties. 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 Now Bochello fLawtoo) Blackberries. 6 0 , 0 0 0 Norway and American t*pruc«, Canada Bulaaoi and American Arbor Vila); splon. did ftr-es, from 8 to 8 feet high ; may bo ' had at a bargain. 5,000 Tulip Trees, one of the mort beautiful »viid hanly of American forest trees. 1,000,000 Apple Seedlingj, 1 and 2 yours old. 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 Pour do 1 and 2 " " 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 Plum do 1 aod 2 M " 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 Chorry do A particularly largo stock also, of Uoses, DahhTs, Paonles, Sptruvus, Honeysuckles, Japan Quince, (white nd red),Sophora Japonlca, Purple Fiiogo, SnowbulU, nd Box Edging. All these trees nnd plants aro of the floost growth, and will be sold at very low prices. SMITH A HANCHETT. Syraoaso, August 18.185»« STOVESi ; STOVES! STOVES! STOVES! STOVES! STOVESI STOVES STOVES 1 'PITE LARGEST STOCK AND MOST A. extensive variety of STOVE* over before offered for sale at Wholesale or iietsll, at lower prices decided. ly than heretofore sold In this market, (laving enlarg- ed our Htore ono-bslf, our fuollltlvs aro not excelled by auy. Clovt buyers mid all who oontomplnte purchustiig u clove should not fall to examine our stock. * Tlie Arbiter, Gas Burner Coal Cook, Is particularly prcscnteJ to tho attention of tlio public We claimforthis Stove supor). ortty In p >tntof oconomy,nnd warrant a saving of one- third tbo fuel—an Important Item. The metropolitan Ifeuter. The vory latest Improved Register Stove—It takes Ihvm all—wo like to show as woll as to sell Ihetn, Tlie Spartan, Purlor Cook,forCoul or Wood, is something that sur- passes all stoves oflU kind—bukos adnilrab!>. The IIercul<;s Wood Cook—a Farmers Stove ts something that will lit every time. Suffloo It to say that this stovo has .pvor failed. Lost year three hundred of them woro told In Onondaga county, and not one foil short of Its i cconmendutlon lu any particular. Sheet Iron Parlor Stove*, For Wood, COTTAGE PARLORS, fcr wood, HAR- LOtt COOKH, lor vrooil, togctbor wllb a largo ajtaort- ircntof small cylinder, und 11KD ROOM MTOVKH lo pleaso all, lu price nnd quality. Hardware «V Cutlery-. Our Stock in this Department was never moro com. pleic, which we offer at low prices. Tin, Jappaned. and Sheet Iron Ware. At Wholesale and 1'oMl. Country Morchanta and Pedlars supplied at New York In prices. Old Bags, Copper, Brsss, Brlltanla.and Old Iron, boughtforCash at the highest market prico. BBOWER, SURA TIER A CO., ' au 81 dAw8m No. 48 Month Sallna bt„ Syracuse. CABINET WABB C7IIEAFKR THAN BVEB. S. C. IIAYDEN & CO., jfiO. 45 South tSalina Street, A T THE OLD STAND OF ASIILY, Wllllstoti A White, have now ready for sale the meat extensive assortment of CABINET FUBNITUBE to be found in Western New York, consisting in part of all stylet or Kitchen Bedroom, Dining Loom, I'urlor Cham' or, Saloon, Hotel, Boarding Uouse, and Church Furniture. Those Good have boon manatactured under our personal supervision, and for style, durability aud fli-'-H, cannot be excelled. Our facilitiesformanufactur IIIK '.*« »uch that we can and will soil goodsforcash, cheaper than ny houso In tho city or country. B*7" Please call and examine our stock betoro pur« chasing olimwhero. oovlai I HOSIERY AND GLOVES. *.In this department we haven full assortmentforMAN WOMAN AND OMILD. . i Shawls and Cloak*. This classification or Goods embraces a complete Block or all that can bo found lo this market HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. This Depart merit comprises everything desirable, fmm the cheapest Crash to tbe richest and most splendid Damasks, Including a full assortment of Grara'BIeached Uuona, of our importations. BROADCLOTHS, DOESKINS, CASSIMEBE8. AND VESTINGS. - * , A very extensive assortment, particularly adapted to tbo City and Country Trade, DOMESTIC GOODS. SHEETING, SHIRTING,. TICKINGS, STBIPES' BAGS, YABN, TWINE, Ac., AH or which are purchased for Nett Cash, and will be •old from ouo tofourcent* per yard and pound less than othors buy them or sell them, CARPETING. OIL CLOTHS, DBUGGJCT8, . MATTINGS, : STAIR HODS, WINDOW SHADES, COBN1CJC8, AC., AC., AC. Having largely Increased this Department and made large additions to our Carpet Boom, w* present attrac- tion* which I' DEFY COMPETITION ! ? Wo wish It expressly understood that we possess ad* vantages lor purchasing Goods over any other Bouse in this violuity. aud tbo unparalleled lacrosse of our sales for the laat Ave years warrants our saying we We would oall special attention to our, THBEE LABOE bTUBEo, Ailed with the BEST AND MOST COMPLETE Assortment of Goods ever offeredforsale In this elty or county. We have jseven different departments, aa fol- lows:— JDeparttncnt No. 1. DRY GOODS AND DRESS GOODS OF EVEEY KIND AND BTYLE, Made of Cotton, Wool, and Silk, at moat astonishing low prioes. Also, Including 1ZMBROIDEBIES, . DRESS TRIMMINGS,' HOSIERY, OLOVErJ, WH1TK GOODS, - DAMASKS, AC., AC.. AC. Department No. 21. DRESS SILKS AND SHAWLS . This is a new addition tojoor]8torea, and with GBEAT BAHRAIN*; lu tho Goods, la well worth a visit from aU. Department! No. 3. HOUSEKEEPING GOODSo LINENS, ALL KINDS. BBOADCLOTUS, CASSIMEBES VESTINGS, TBIVIMINGS, JEANS, Ac All at vary low and uniform price*. Departmei}t No. 4. DOMESTIC GOODS, SHEETINGS, SHIBTINGS, DBILLINGS.I TIOKlNGft, YAENS. BATTING, Alt from on*-half cent to thre* eonta per yard «ad pound less than any 1 market. ^ytatu^ gatity $ouml Men Monkey* of Malacca. Acorrespunilvnt of tho Boston Traveler, writeafrom Shanghai tin inten'Vrlng account of the habito of the Jukoons, a barbarotiH peo- ple who inhabit the interior of Malacca.— Their language and Jcatures are unlike tbos« of the Malay* proper, ot whom they arc alto politically independent. Tbey have no his- tory, having been found by the early Portu- gese voyagers in the country in which they Btill reside. They are called tho ©ranj;-Beii- n«r, or*' men. of the grcut country;" the Orang-Ubi, or "men of tlie high rivers;" the Orang-Hulang, or *' men of tbe forests;" the Otang-Scmang, or "black men;" Uie JJcoons and the Kniats. Crnn is the Malay word for man ; aod Utau or Hutun, lor foreut, whence the word so common with u«, ouran-outang, or wild men, if men they may be called, when oommon opinion has assigned them a rank hardly above monkeys and baboon?*. They generally live in houses built of bam- boo sticks, and suspended to the tops of lofty trees, to which they sweend by rude ladder*. These cabins, suspended to the tops, are so narrow that a stranger cannot be admitted Department No. 6. CARPETS, ALL KINDS, DBCOGETS, OIL S-MITJ U CLOTHS. MATS, MATTING, CUKTAIN8,**. CHEAP I CHBAP 11 CHEAP! 11 Bought and told leas than any other Stor* here or else- wbero. K Department Mo. 6. CHOCK E R V , CHINA, GLASS WABE, '•" PLATED WAKE, ' ' CUTTLKBV, AC., *a NEVER WEBB AND NEVES UNDERSOLD! , WILL BE Wo hope to enjoy the undiminished ooafldenoo which has so long secured to us tbe most nattering success. JOHN ME RBI AM A CO., sopP daw . Wlellng Block. , SPECIAL PARTNERSHIP. N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that M A KSBNA BALLA R&andHOBACE WHITE who respectively reside In the city of Syracuse, In the county •or.GiKMdaga, and-Stat* o< Now York, have formed a limited partnership pursuant to *ho provisions of tbo Revised Statutes of the Stato ot New York, for the.buying and selling Cloth and Clothing, and the Munufectorlng of Clothing, and suob a-tllclo* aa aro gen- erally dealt In by Wholes*!© and Retail Clothing Mer- chants tn« business be carried on In the city of Syra- cuse. In which all tho parlies interested are the said Marsena Ballard and' Horace White. That the said Marsona itallard is the G«n>rnl Partner, and Horace White Is tbo Special Partner. That the said «*rao* White hss contributed the sum of s«ven thousand dol- lars In cash as capital towards tbe oommon stock. That tho said partnership la to eommenco 00 to* 1st day or Mentember, 1K80, aud la to terminate on the 1st day or February, 1EC8. Dated clept; 1, m o . • • .:. ' NOTICE. IRVING T. BALLARD. long known in connection with this establishment, will have tbe Supervision and managoinont or the Business. Mr. JOHN IT. BROOKS will, as heretofore, have tho entire ttuparvlsion of Uio Merchant Tailoring Depart- ment. . NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Tbo nrm of Ballard A Brooke Is hereby dissolved by mutual consonU Tbo bo ks and accounts will be sou tlt-l at tholr old pi-tee of business, aud eltbor party are suiliorlzcd to sign In s luemeuf, Dateu Sept. 1, 1&W. MARSENA BALLA KD. dAwOw JOHN 11. BBOOEi* . "ANFORP'R LIVER INV1GORATOR, r^KVEIt I)EBII.ITATli«. I T IS COMPOUNDED ENTIRETY FROM Gums, and baa becoroo an ostabllthed fact, a stand- ard modiolne, known andi . {approved by all that have It, snd Is now resort; M fed to with oonfldenco in 4|Wo Import Crockery from England. China from Franc*, ttlasswaro from Germany; also, direct from th* largest American manufactories.. WE CAN AND WE WILLI; Sell cheaper than any other H'us* In th* trad*. Department IVo. 7. GROCERIES, Woll Selected and Cheap. In fact, we are ablo and bound to say that no estaMiah- rrenl lu tbe oountry presents such GREAT INDUCEMENTS To the public for low prioes, good Goods, and honest dcsllng os ours. We have great experience, abllltr, facilities, system, mean*, industry. Integrity, quality, quantity and larg* sales by which we are able to give Entire SaUlaffcetioti To every man, woman and child who shall make their purchases at this establishment. < '.. . aug?7 AJt Y rs) Bcffklo, N. Y. used all tho diseases for which It boa cured thousands] 0 who had srlvon up alligst morous unsolicited certlfl- ^ show. ZJ The dose must be adap 9 the individual Ukitig lt,|5 w5 tics aa to act gently on the jV/TACKLEY <fc LUM'S NEW BOOK BINDERY. MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS, MUSIC, BLANK ISCBAP, PATTERN AND CHECK BOoKB, Done with Neatness and Dispatch. RULING DONE TO ORDER. No. 13 Courier Building Syraouse, N. Y. Fn*NK 8. MACKLKT Dvien I>. Luu. mart7 dfim FOR SALE. BLOCK NO. 9, S ALT JL5.L.LNJ.R. JNU, », WITH THE Store situate on tho north side or Sallna Street Bridge, over the Oswego oaoaL Also, a rery valuable vacant lot, at th* wort oad of tbo Tooyeko Block, East Ballroad stroet. Alto, a vaoaat lot No. 8 on OUve atroott 80 foot front and 180fooldeep. Th* above property win bo sold tl roaaonabl* pneoa, and tbo tormt of pay* moot mad* eagjr. Tor fortoor parnoojan enoniro oi,0 SYRACUSE HOUSE FURNISHING STORE, No. 49 East Gcnoseo Stroet. J UST RECEIVED ANOTHER lot or that celebrated and unequalled Cooking Bt0V *' THE ECONOMIST! und whlrb Is In fact what It Is In nam doing more work sutlsliictorlTy with Ins fuel—having a larger ovon and a belter broiling apparatus, than aay other stove In market- Also, a tine assortment of Parlor, Parlor Cook and Coiuige Stoves, bothti ogHiit lu dealgs aud eoVctlvn In operation. Also, Union Coal Grates, a beautiful open Stove. K. P. HOPKINSV NipL 14, lMv.—dAwlm It l« recommended, within tho last two years hope* of relief, as tbe no- cates in my posteaalon ted to the temperament of and used In such quantl- bowels. fo-JgmentguIde you in the VlTaOatA'lOM.and it Billions Attacks, Dyspop- Summer Complaint*, Dye- Stomach, Habitual Cos- Cbolera Morbus, Cholera Jaundice, Femal* Weak successfully aa an ordloa- wlll euro Sick Headache, In twenty minutes, If two taken at commenoamont Lot the dlotoles of your use of tbe L I V K B lf\ ^ will euro Liver Complaint, £ slu, Cbronlo Dlarrhma, iS entory, Dropsey, Sour tlveness, Ohollc. Cholera, I n ra n t u m, )< latulcnce. ^ nesses, and may bo used j B ry family medicine. Iti£ (as thousan<is can testify,) ^ or tiireo teaspooufuls arc Z* of attack. j All who use It are giving! m Ithelr testimony In it* fa von Mix WATCH IN TBK Mourn WITH m lxvooaaToa, AHOttwAixowaom TootTxaa. Prico One Dollar per Bottle. -ALSO— SANFOKD'S PAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS, ' "• ooMrooirpav raokt PUTE VEGETABLE SXTUACTS, AND PUT UP IN GLASS CASES. AM TIGHT. AND WILL KEEP IN ANY CLIMATE. Tho Family Cathartic t Pill is a gentlo but active cathartic which tbe pro- ^ [prictor bas used in his prtctlce more than twen-, 1 ** ity years. Tbo conatantly incroas aai jiog demand from those who huvo Ion* used the j ,Pi»s, snd the sjUnrscUon which all express in re- m 'gard to tbclr use, has In- duced mo to pIsco them *" |wlthin the reach of all, Tho p r o f e s s i o n w e l l * (know that different Ca- thartics act ou different 'portions of tlie bowels. The Family CuiImrUoj il'lll has, with due refer- ence to thia well establish! £) od (act.bOen compounded from a variety ol the pur 1 ^ jest Veeetubln Extracts, which act allko on every!" part of the alimentary ca- nal, uud arc good and salepi lit thurtio Is needed, such UP'^ Htomuch.ol*-l>lne*», Pains, aa Costlvoness, P a i n und!^ body, from sudtien Cold " leclod, end In a longlj" D ILL A YE JSK0>8, OFFEK AT TUB owest market prices, 5 ton* Kbit* Lead, 1C00 talloot Linseed Oil, and a full assortment of every d*a •riptl of Paints and Colors. •wider Mills. H ARD CIDER MILLS, TOBACCO Twloa, Straw Cutlers, New Tloothy Itod, Blri Catt*ra,N*ir Tloothy 8**d, Bli4 w Cagsa, Oak Baakoia. Largo Clofor Seed, AJthurt 8*lf- P. IViA 88 Fay*«* street, and GEO. STEVJtNS, , J Boaibf Can*. Boa In a*|8dtf MWatorvttW."; MB/ L X. BAEXXJL ". pctlto, a Creeping Sensa< hU'scloasness.Houclsche.or im < flammaiory D i s e a s e * Adu'u, Rheainallsm, a and many d Incases lo morous to mention In this all cases where a' Ca- Derangemvnt* o f t h e in the Back aad Loins, Soreness over tho whole which frequently, If nag- course of lever. Loss of Ap. lion of Cold over tho body, weight In tbe head, all in- Worms In Children or great Purifier of I ho blood which flosh Is heir, loo nu' tdvortlscment Dose 1 to 8 PRICK 30 OBNTN. The Liver Invlgorator and Faml'y Cathurtlo Pills are reullod by PruicKist* geuerally, and sold wholesale by the Trade In all tlio large towns. B. T. W. BANFOED, M. D., Manufaoturer and PrO'etovJ Julyl dawly 085 Broadway, Now yort. Plated Ware. R E C E I V E D , THI8 DAY, DIBFCT VBOM tho manufactorota, a ipUndld let of TEA SETTS, COFFEE U KN8. CASTORS. CAKE B tatUET*, *TB? UP CUPS aod PLATES, IPX PITCfl WW. WAITERS, BUGAB BASKKXAv CUrB and GOBLETS, TBA BELLS, BPOOttA, FOBKA and LADLES, Ao^«h*ap*r /l/M'K M than any other plaoo la thl* city. • -O'JOfi li 7. l!Ut /.ll'i.liiT-. '.iT 1 aVTAUtVIias. an EYE A N D E A R D I S P E N S Office 98 MaJn-sC, (8d door, up stain), 17STABLISHED HY THE CELKBBA- X~d TED DB, JOHNSON, late ot London, England. A great discovery in the scieno* of medicines, being a certain and speedy cureforrestoring th* sight and re- moving all d isesscs peculiar to tbo ere. This 1* univer- sally acknowledged tbo only safe and sure remedy now known. It bas been used with great sucoess by the most skillful physicians In Europo and America. Patients In any part of the oountry can treat themselves successfully at a moderato ex|>ense, thereby avoiding tbe danger and expanse or foiling into th* bands vT nnskttt- ful physicians, '('his oi*dicine( sufficient to care) will be sent by mall or Express, with all necessary directions OD receipt of Ten Dollars Dr. Johnson's Certain and Infallible Cure for Dcafo'A* and Singing Noises in tue Ears, Nervou* Head and Mind Complaint*, Affording instant relief to sufferers wn bav* been troubled with deafness for many y*ara. After aslng this remedy a few days the patient la sodden! t and almost miraculously enabled to h*ar ordinary toned conversa- tion ; in tho course ol a few week the most obstinate rase of deafness Is effectually eared. Patient*toonomenw* to mention have boon restored to porfcot hearing and forever rescued from the snare* of the numerous dangerous unqualified pretenders of the present day. Hospital and private teelunooiels and cer- tificates irom the most eminent physicians and surgeons In England,'in whose presence deaf persons bav* been cured, and many hundreds of private patients cored *aa b* seen or referred u>, A case of this medicine (enough to effect a core) will be forwarded to aay pan or the countryforFifteen Dollars. Address DU. JOBNSON, Drawer 404. IUD*15 dawlv OflJee 86 a5aln>sL. Buffalo, N. Y. *IGff OF THE BIG BOOT. TF YOU WISH TO OBTAIN KVEBY X nrticl* in our lino at unpreoodentedly low prlee*. you havo only to oall at the well-known stand of TUCKr 1 - DELL A WALLACE, No. 7 Franklin Hulldlegs, Bast Goneiee street. Our Goods are all NEW AND FBESH—not old and worthloss" shop keepers." We manufacture largely ourselves, and obtain tbe bal- ance ol our stock PIUECT from the BEST Manufactur. era at the East, thus saving lo our customers on* profit, which our competitors, who porches* in New York, MUST PAY. Call and oxsrnln* our GOODS AND PRICES, and be CONVINCED. We can show the BEST SELECTED, MOST COMPLETE, AND FAR THE CHEAPEST Assortment of Goods over displayed in Central New York. jy Every description of work MADE TO.OBDEB In tbe moat approved styles, and .Warranted. T e r m * — K x c l u » l v « l w C'a*I*. TUUKSDELL A WALLACE _ 8 m c u s c . July 8.1838.—daw SUITCIUER C O M P L A I N T S . Via: Diarrhea and Cholera Morbus, and Flatulent aud spasmodic Cbulioa. W E, THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVE forsnvoral years past sold B. FOSGATE^S AN- ODYNE COBDIAL. and during this period have wit. nossed its salutary elfoctt in curing th* diseases for which it Is reoommeuded, viz: ACUTE AND CIIUON1C DIARUUEA AND CHoLE :A MOUBUS, In our own, or In the families of our customers, anil have also seen its successful administration in cases of CltOLKBA IN- FANTUM. We do, therefore, confidently reeummend It lo all those who msy be afflicted with those distressing and dangerous complaints, aa offering one of the best meansfortheir cure or roller. W. BKISTOL, Utloa. T. M. nmrr. ,uburn. J. J. FOOT, Hamilton. J. Osaoax, Keneca Falls. ' L. PAOSOKS, Weatfleld. J* Kaxucr A Co-^Oeoeva. r>. WUITR A tM>K, Kredonla. I- KKDDV. I'enn Tan. A. P. Ccan*, Attica. PITCH A DILLAT*. Syracuse, W. SOAVKBAHOS-, Batavia. J. OWKW A Co..Detroit J. G. liAiii XUL, Loroy. li.A E GAT Loan, Cleveland, T. Br.AOLR. Elmlra. G. WIL AUD, Ashtabula. A. J MATTHEW*. Buffalo. G G Giujrr, Xio|svHI*. A. B. bw AX, Bochesler. CAKTXE A Bio.. Kne. N. B . - U is particularly useful to CHILDBKN whan TEE1IIING,** it allays Irriutlon, indnc** mod«nu* i>ersplratlon, and produces sleep. XiT bold by Druggists gecerully. Pmioa 88 Cxma, B. FOSOATE, ol»2 dawlm Proprtetor. Aoburo, g , T. CURE THAVTPAIH! M ORE * WILLIAMS 21 EAHT W A - t*r atr**t,wlU sett yon any quart* of Dy*r* Eia- broe*Jtoo, rot hair prto*. It la on* of th* b**tr*«j«4l** to tho world for Paltu. Brolaos, Barna, 9oalda, Shosmo* Thoy aro MUlng off a qaanttty s*i**d oo , aoflOdawU without annoyance to a member of the fami- ly or bis exclusion; for one must go down when a new .one comes up. Other*, who have no tastes for these aerial abodes—nests, not for birds, but for men—construct; hut*, raised two or tutc^ feet »bove the ground.— The first »tory scnes for lodging, where they **t aud sleep by the ride of a fire, always kept brightly burning, in order to frighten away the tigers and other wild beasts which fill the lorosto. In the second story they put their arms for safety, their provisions and kitchen utensils, all of which arc comprised in pikes, in earthern pots, and one or two great China bowls. ^ They eat whatever comes to hand, as wild boarr, apts nnd birds, which last are taken ei- ther in snares or shotjby arrows, and the roots and tubers which the earth produces in abun- dance. It they plant rice, it is only enough to meet their absolute wants. Instead of reg- ular labor, they prcter the fatiguing adven- tures of tbe chase, and running among tlie woods. Their <uwne is of the lowest order, the r fitvorite dish being slices of moat half cooked, and sUll reeking in blood. Their weddings are preceded by a moat singular and ludicrous ceremony. An old man presents the futuie hurband and wife lo a large assemblage of invited guests, whom ho conducts, followed by their respective ttmi- lies, mto a grand circle, around which tbe young lady, tbe bride, sets out running upon aU fours, and Uio young man, who it the- bridegroom, in the same style oiler her. If he succeeds ID overtaking her she becomes his wile; if not ho forfeits all his rights, and i'^ove's labor is lost." This often happens when the bridegroom fails of pleasing the young lady, who endeavors to escape from tbo embraces of adistaseful or odious husband by boating him in the queer trotting match. Upon the dcalh of one of their number, tbey wrap his body in a white winding sheet, ana then deposit it In a grave dug near his hutj sometimes in an erect position, sometimes sitting, and sometimes lying down. They aro careful to put a lance at h;a side, a '• jarang" and a u sumpiton," their instruments 01 hunt- ing and of war, but never use any religious ceremuuy. Still, three weapon* placed by the aide of tbe corpse indicates a shadowy beiiet in a future existence. Their religion is a coufuued mass of the grossest superstitious, propagated by thejxiy- ans, a kind of priest?, who ae half physicians and hah' juggleis. Their tungicul science is in great ernecm with the Muluys. Tbo sin- gular kind of lue they lead, the peculiarity ot their cottumo and the long intervals of their appearance among tho people, secure tor them a certuiu prestige und respect. Seen from alar, and through u mysterious veil, they pass for beings endowed with superhuman power, to whom tlie plants and roots of tho forests have revealed their most secret virtues. In a word, they ure believed to hold in their hands tbe power of confer, ing health or inflicting death. In accordance with this belief, Uio Malays are careful not to provoke their ill- will. Naturally, tho Jakoons are of ao open and ingenuous disposition, and witbal inclined to gaiety. To the uppeai-nncc of timidity tbey join the independence of a life without con- trol, spent in the midst, of thick forests and everlasting verdure. Kospeciful without be- iug servile, in conversation they UbC an abrupt and violent lone of voice, which sttongly con- tract* with their habitual geutlenecs and modesty. They love strong liquors, atd get intoxicated whenever they have au opportu- nity. It is honorably to tho zeal of tho Catholic priests, that they have a missionary, who, not- withstanding the low runic of these people in tho scale ol humanity, the wide territory over which they are scutbered, und the thick for- est* which it is ncce8rary to penetrate to reiich ihtm, and tbe absence of all roads, while ferocious wild bcusts aro thick at every step, is laboring among them, und makes his home with them. Such ore the people in whom originated the idea and the stories about the ouran out' ang ^-the mon of the forests. NEW FALL GOODS, , PER LAST HTEAMERl NOW OSI EXHIBITION AT PRICE & WHEELER'S No, SB Globo Block, Syracuao, W. Y. •AjAcu-Ae. agnootton.; W« ar* now receiving our Irst Fall Importations ot DUY GOODS! and the Ten Different Departments, all.ln ONE BTORB, ar* now full and complete. They are arranged aa fol- lows :— IK'partmciit Zto. 1. French. EncJ'sh an<1 American Prints, Ginghams, Cnrtelu Damasks, Window Shades, Ac, Ao. Department IVo. 2. ' noor SKIRTS, from tbo smslieat Misses to the 40 hoop Ladles'Skirt. To this Department we pay particular attention, and keep th* beat styles in Market, at tbe lowest possible price*, DcpartniciAt IVo* 3. Cloths, Casslmeres, Vetting*, Ac. Department IVo. 4. Plain and Printed Merinoes, Khawt Marines, Fan- Deltas, Web Ureas Good*, many or tho styles confined to us, and not to be had elscwht-re. Dcpartmcut Vio. 5. Wool and Drocho Shawls, "tells 8ha«rls, Cloaks, Kag- lans, bbawlets. Tbo celebrated Milan Cloak, Cheater- held Buvouee, Muslin and Lace Drapery, A«. D e p a r t m e n t IVo. «J. RICH SILK ROBES, Superb tjotis Drcrs Sitka Itlvhnfr Dlack PUk. Bawa- ders, Ac. I hi* department It tliv.l with the latest and most desirable stylos to b>* hsd. Department IVo. 7. Hosiery, Glove*, Lac**, Embroideries, White Goods, Ac Alexander's Kid Gloves.a full assortment of color a. New Parts Kmbroideriee In Collars, bloevea, feUa, Kdg» lags, Inserting, Flouncing*. Ae. Department IVo. 6. DeLalnea of all kinds, N< w Par's Printed Wool Do L*4n*tt, Klco Printed Cashimerea. Department IVo. 0. Iinooaaad PomaaUc*. Damaalt Tab** LIa*M,Lln*u Sheetings, Bosom Llnena, Towotlags, ot all kinds. Cot- ton Sheetings, DblrUng*, Ae,, which can be had or us cheaper loan of any other Uiwm tn Byraeuao. .. Department IVo. 10. Trlmaings and Yankee Notions, These Good* are all selected for * flrsWlass Retail Trad*, and or* of superior fabric, wblob we will sell at a bug* per oeuUg* tea* than an InOjriwr artlol* o«n b* boo«aiVU*wh*ri. Oor t^lJilAwa tor boylng and selling Goods cheap ar* not oxcoUsd by any Uouse In th* Unt- ^ I ^ S ^ M a r c h a n t s *upplb*d at U*w Tort Jobbers' , rriooa, •** '••'. i. r^ Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Dry Syracuse NY Daily Journal 1859 - 1106

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Page 1: Dry Syracuse NY Daily Journal 1859 - 1106

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b:>rtrflt*;i'| ->M' M * i « ^ ' J > t t >**>'• OH'

J . G. JK. T E U A I B «fc C O . " B E J U S T A.ND F E A E 3STOT." P U B L I S H E R S AJSTD P R O P R I E T O R S .



SYRACUSE DAILY JOURNAL. offlClw-Coz*** t» Waaa*.i >3IP I U I L M A P ftrnnrrf,

Ay yua iMf sat* or TH* N, Y. O. X. I . DKPOT.

every afternoon, by JUNK O. X. TKVAIO •n't

jEotmav L. A OAKS, a* tbe arm of

J . a . K. T B U A I K ft CO.

TMDM^-TO elty sabecrlbees. Id **n*t per w**lr, pay *bl* t.tbcOwrtar. M*llsubs«ribee>,»operanuoro,payab»* Jaadvaoo*.

T I I » or AnvaanaiMo i* TUB DAILY JQCSXAX.

[12line*«« lea*, Nonpareil, make a square.] Oa* sonar* .1 day to

do . 8 day*... . 75 tlo •' 8 - . . . . t o © do 4 - . . . . 1 *> do l . f i H A . l M do * we***..* o« do » * . .8 00

Oeesqa*'*.! svmth.. 83© do .8 •• . . »«> do « - . . 7 SO do 4 • .. 900 d© ; i . • . . m o du 9 - ..1800 do la " ..woo

TMOTT *dMOMMI M A M i v too flnt nonth,atth* •BOM ret*: »Nar on* Month, at tbree-foorlh* the above

"Iftostae** Card*. p*r 7—"' • * V* MBO : ** A* mooth**

AdvwrU**a»*Bl*of Cooeert*, Kxhlbltlo«s.Lf«tar*».*m., 78 e*nt*p*r^eja*'« to/Ant toseruoo,and to cent* for ••an ad tit <wal Insertion. . m^_ ^toJei.1 No«Jo**<**A rrtaplajod Ad**rtto*Mt*. arty MrVo«tM.addlttoatoth«r««nlarrai4a. .No advoru**-ro^*a***«d for !«•» than OOoeata. , , . , _ , , ,

Kdllurwt HottoaawdoatgiMd t« p«wnpte W W d a i l t a . («»•*•, wheat adssawibie, 10 cents per llo* oaob Insertion.

LOOM SetJ*** at in* raj** »reeerlb*d by law. Yearly Advertisers, occupying twoequare* or mor*. ar*

•otUled to ea*ag* their matter tbras Umc* per *e»n wltaoat *xtra charge. T*»»try Advwrtleers are restricted *££^owiJaiaaaT»o*la«a, a.»d I* tb* p*rti*olar boat-»«e* wn»e* U iK* **njeei of contract.

T H E UNIVERSAL SPEAKER, -*• containing a collection of Dialogue*, Spotcrie* and

Beeltallons—adapted lo tba uso of reboots, Academies and doeta! Circle*. By Caiklna and Adam*.

MISS B I . I M K I N ' S WINDOW, apd other papora By Mrs. Mark I'eabody.

BKl'LAH. By Augusta J..Kvana. OUT OF TUB DKPTH»; the story of a Woman's

T.llo. - • Vor fate by WYNKOOP «i BBO.


TS ACKNOWLEDGED TO B E JL tha bast Pocket Piati>l yet Invented—carrlea aevao alia, and flan bo loaded and Of ed three ttmea tt minute •nairtus neither ramrod, flaik or oapa, ne tho powder buil and cap l» all complete In a water proof cartridge,

Tbta P5 tol •boote with aa moeh lore* aa any < iber arm twrloie all the good qualities of CooVe, oarrytog two mora bwllaToeln* ntoeb ngfitar, and at a lea* price. The pub no are Invited tocail and examinethla Platolbolorepor* okaaltur. order* by mall promptly attended to

, Oeoeral Ageola lor Central N* »York •

A N o Y D YT"ii ;G I

LAVA JEWELRY. — HANDSOME Lara Betta, In On* aoHd gold of oar own mounting,

very low , b\T0NK d» BA LL, 14 Booth ballna-it.

: » T A T £ T A X SALE.

THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF landaaltuatod In tho County of Onondaga furnished

by the otate Comptroller, which are Included In a gene, ral 1UI of lands advertised by bltn to be sold lor arrears or taxes, at the Capitol, in tho oily or Albaoy. at a aalo commencing ou the 10th day or November, ll&o.

* PATK1GK H. rAOAlf, . Treasurer of unondaga County.

ONONDAGA C O r a i T .


. T K B .

SYEACTJSE WEEKLY J0U&VAL la laaned from the aam* 0«oa erery Wedneaday at %IM

per year, oayabl* la adraae*. or Ainraarianro w T » * WaamxT JotrawAfc.

One aaaaro,ftmontha.|S-S0 do C M . . COO do o •• . . ».0Q do la ' '• ..MJOO

. . . too 1 50

Oa*aaaare,V d» t do 1 do a

Caeh addlUoaal sqoar* per year tlO.00 AdrarttMowal* uwaeoatDpawled with written dlrfe-

ttooa wlU be haairted ondl Ibrbid, aad •barged aocord-

^rawtent advertletitg to be paid In advance.

VOOat AMD JOB nUKIZHO. F J T E F O ^ V J C K t » K E f t » C X

(Driven by steam.) " . H A N D P R E S S E S , '

And a complete aswrtsnentof TTPX, XULZS, BORmOtS, ORSAJCEirW, * c '

Xnabw Ink Oflo* to prlnf Poaterw, PruAT4Uimea,l Rmtn^ni Cards, Wedding CaMaJ steamboat Printing

Faenpaleia, Ctreoiara, Oatatusnee, Bank Print! ithjf.

LawCaaet, Law Pntma, Law blank*, ln«oraooe Drka, K. K. rMol'Og,

AXD KVKEY OTflKB KWD Of PKWTUtu. l a *very Color, or In any nmnbar oCCofora, or In bron**,

la Stipwrior Stylo and at low aUtM.

OOOa> WORK AND COKAP WORK Don* promptly and In the bort atyl* of th* art, are die-ttngotoaed Atiarea of ibl» OnVe.

8TR.VCU8K DYINO £8TABLI8nMS»lT . 44 West Water Street.

O X O t t O K M U l t K A Y , * :

PBACTICAL DYKB AXD RXNOVATOU Lndlos 811k and Woolen Drosses Dyed aad flnlfhod In a proper manner; Crape .-bawls cleaned or l y e d any, Color; Brocha nhawla cleaned and pressed -In such a manner aa cannot be equalled In this city. Klbboos, Pitrasout, Olwvea, Ao^ Died any oolo\ OectUemen^ ONtta, Pants, and Vesta Cieaaod, Dyed and Pressed In a tradesman-Ilk* style. MUBBAV* COLOB0 AUB WABBA3TED FAST

D r E D MURRAY smile* opon all competition, especially that

of opatarta, who have not an experience or mon than roar nvtntlM In the boalness.

l b s public may rest assored of having their goods properly Dyed,aebla wholoUfetfme baa been devoted to the bttslnws.and be baasnperlatendcd the largiMteatab>> Uahments both in thia country and hla natire Ia»d.

Syracuse, Mry 11,18M.—dtt • •

CI0BB0. (Lota Lot*. Acres,u

2, bd N by 0. Freeman, B. by Doane, 8. by Crawford. W. by A. Ingorsoll To

17, bdM. by Oneida riv­er, W. by ratriok

•9*a i H K i t t n i i K i i M M i

•9, bd K, by lot Tl, 8. by Tlmotiiy Loomls,

. W. by lot CS and Knlckerbooker...... 100

70,84 and 86.

BuaNXT STI'MKT. Block*.

|174, lot 170. .


XJA large slock or very Finn Heal Lie* Point Laeef P« " '

CAM AX, BrnxaT. JXoohi.

1006179,101880. '

• • e e a * * s M.NEeor 98, ex 108a E. end

LY8AX0SB. 49,bdB.byllnooraMd

lot, 8. by btateslOoa, ' W. by lands or Web­

ster, Clark, and Isaao ' Foster. N. by Burrw

60 and lands or Lewis fi W r i g h t . . . . . . . t*tt »•«»

* e a w a w * " ^ ^


ITS 87 and 108. 487


* V . one-bair and 7 octave Piano Fortes, lrotri the best Boston makers, tot sale at wholesale prloea,var} log from

900 to 250 JDollavM. Persona wUhlng Pianos will find It for their Interest

lo call and examine tfiese laslromeaia. Theite price* will last for one week only.

A. 0. CHAfrB, aogfj 71 Booth Ballna street.

rVO LET—DWXXLINO HOUBK» Nos. J . 04,00 and 80 West Wafer street, in the " Bayuor

B'oek." Also, two Barna and Yard In the retroi said ol3ek, wall arranged for a Boardlnff stable. Inqulro ol

if. C. MEfiElMA.V, . Office in the bavlngs Bank, • ••

martldtr Corner of Noxon Block.

'' ' * y T a t « a t O X ¥ P K *OVXDH-\.

A •AefwMypr Foon<lry baa hewn eaUbllahed In con* with 'th* JovaMAL <>rvic«, tor the purpose »t

BlaffantTi Insr Ikmk-Work and all other Jobs, which will bo done la the b»at manner, and at r*aaouwbi«» rates.


Law OnVe, J.o, T. Malcolm Bloek.-Syraonae.N. T.

D K . C H A S . 1 tin remalne athkt old lag* .

>. C H A N D L K B , •land. No. 8 Franklin Bolld-


1>. A, OB47VJTT, Attovaey A Coonaellor at Law, OnVe X o . l l Wlellng

Bbiek, Syraenae, M. T. - - - . . - • - ai*»

L E W 1 8 K . J O Y , Arobtteetaiul 8op«r nt^odent of Batldlng. Oflce N».

U A l t , 8d ,tory,Dlllaye BnlUMngs8yracnae. N. Y.

*d«,< UOrao-


Ju4l**oriiie)Pe*yw<.an<l Cnmmis*lon«r of Unaoa lo do badness at the Old BUod, No ger Block.

AUorn^y* «• Connsell<wa at T^w, In Marble Boil-ling, No. 10 iMNitb nalina Street, Syracuse, N. " •"•—•" Brnrn, B. 9loenm.

Y. Wm. V. febftdavw

T . H . H I N T O N , Orgaftlaiof the-Flrat Wafd Pren'nrUrlan Chqrch.Tvach.

er of th«t Piano ft*!* aod Org«n. AddreM, ear* of AUes> A»lnie<pe,aa8oou»*nn* street. JanlTdtf

I . L B W I S , IMauitor. aCantttaetarer. and wnolasale dealer lo Ninety

tr.Ktve per rent AloobokCamphene, ami Birnlug Flolda, saWral Water Street, »> raciyai. apll ly

XichoiV Patent JXIelodoouM.

THESE BEAUTIFUL IxBTxuMzmH ar* to be had at retail, at Iho Muslo Store < f Phelps

At Barnes. T A K E N O T I C E !

Thla la the only place In the oltv where they can b had, as the manufacturer does not retail hla Mflodeons'

PHALLPO A BAKNJX, augoo No. 98 Booth Halloa btreeb







174. JB*c*919.

Itawunr '.TKXKT. . .BUck*.

170, lot 180,

now AAD Stxnrr. Bloekt.

168 and 179.


•^-.r-Jtoo**.*** 3 T , l o t 8 8 . • ' • • • _

W U U A X Srucrr. .; JUooks. -

178. nugo l*wtn*vlO

COLTO* *. B A K E R ,




TO oxran - ' ' BAD 8PIBIT8. DY8PBP8CA, • ^BVODWNltBS,

HEABT B4JBN. C B O U a PAIN8, WIND 1NW THlfi 8 T 0 M A < 5 H , O B PAT^INj fHEBOW-






JDYSPEPTIC REITIEDY. ' TWa Inimitable and valuable Medicated Beverage having now enjjyed four 7«»™ of unexampled patrpu-age, by the faculty and poblto generally, may bo bad at most of tbe principal wholesale Druggist*. In towu and oountry, and by them sold to th* trade generally.

. Principal Agency Depot, « i 48 WATIH BTWMT, NOW York City,

where it can be obtained" wholesale, with either English or Spanish lablea, ccrMfleates, Jso. Wholesale DrugglsU and othors who are still without a supply are Invited to cemmanleato to 48 Water street; when moat liberal ar­rangements will be entered Into for lis sale.

Kir" Bold by all retail Druggists throughout tho Unl-tedi«tatf«; Canada and Central America

Prlo* 81 X*r bottltf. ,: angSOdly .

E. F. RICE, Dry Goods for the Fal l of 1950.


JUST RECEIVED A LABOR STOCK of Fall Dress Goods. Fancy Dress Bilks. Bobes,

'•• Double Bkirta, Plain BlaoicSUka, Mourning Btka Bopt Bilks, dec,

__ -jirge stock of very Flno ttoal olnt Applloay l**n% Valencia Lace. Also, at great Bargains


WOOLEN CLOTHS, AC. And a very large stoolc! of LINENS. Llnon Table

Damask, Napkins, and Irish Llnoos, all or which will tKisold cnXAP.

NO. 6 FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, - • " - • " » 'R.F, EIOE; !

N. B.—All goo ^ arr.n ed as represented. augOl d8m




/"10FFEE.—HAVE YOIT TBIBD THE V ^ ORIENTAL COFFEE PO1 ? If not, try It, and If It don't give you the choicest cup of coffee you ever dtsnk, roiurn ft, "*~'~ "''" " ** Bi.tlna street, by Una

Prloe$l,U6 to 88,60. s«p91

Sold at 14 Bouth C. B. BALL.

<: l: W A I T E D .

T W O O R TH«EE ACTIVE , Young Men, to sell a Beautiful Work of Art, which

will meet with a rapid salo. To the right kind of men, wl.lh'small capital, thla Is a ohanoe seldom offered. A p* pi f immediately to Koom No. 84, Durnlord House. Bail-nicstroct, Syracuse, or addross the subsof iber.


I F YOU WISH TO KILL ALL THE J. File* In your bouse,call at Dlllay* Bros*, and get the Ohlneso Fiy Papor. .... ... aug24 .

SUBSCRIBERS HA VINO Wilson, Hard 4 Co-to take

ctafce of a Water *Cur*. In'-DANBYILLE, EI VINO-B'rON COUNTY, N. Y^beg- • - are to say that we are

rP IIE JL been enraged by F.

now ready to give attention to to* slcknt" OUU U0ACE," atid to do the beat possibly to bo done by us for their sp oedy restoration to health. We1 are plaovd In charge of a rery fine establlsbmeat, and foel that great a* baa boon our suoccss, It will be muoh greater In our new position.

Circulars descriptive ot the establishment; with route, piloes, A c , will be sent on tbe transmission or a three oo at postago stamp •

BespoctAUly for the Proprietors, JAMES 0. JACKSON, M. D..


oot8 Late of Olen Haven Water Cure.

E A D E R AttE YOU SUFFER-Rheumatism 1 If yon are, this 1* the

<T. on are, this

ir It ta FarulysU,

D . n . 4c A . T . S .TIITH, Oa*Ukt..Offloe No. 1 and 2, Flke Blwk. Coeilnn ua

data Work don* t.»Or«ler. Tewtb extracted with <hl«-nrform or the Oalvanlc Battery. f«bH dly

a n B A H I T Y t K R , Broker, Bwya aad aeua Orurrmil Money, a fj**'"*

Kate*, Negnllalaa ovutln—* Paper and markeUble ne* eorsBaa generally ma>8 dly

I A B . G , 1 > A I N T K B , | rh^alelana and i«urgeoaa, OnVe No 8,

Uealdence, No. a 17 hast Ocno-seo otreet, Byraoiae, N. Y.

• j>Km. • . Boeacaopathlo Ph^alc

root Oiuoe nnlbtlng.

m 8

ilal Code**, Dlllaye Block. Booma open from Bk A. w.t iu *olcMxk P.M.

and' 'enntanahib. Book-Keeplng,


OtfOFIErAOA T K H F E B A N C E 8JOCJSE, •yraensO, N. T„ Corner of Ballna and Chitroh strreta

Wahev Brotorm. Pmprletoiv. A C«rrlage> lo ourrver Oneeta to and troot th* Depot, free of charge*. ».'. K. Walter, O C. Walter. may31 8m

, • P A W N 9 B O K K B . hfuaey may be bad In email same, on conditional sale

of Watehea and other Pevaonal Property, and Loans negotiated, by applying to Beymoor King, Keal Estate and Saoowy Broaer. over Dr. FuUer** Drug More, lo rroMo/taw City Hall. deol8 if

Bf iaVLAVS I I R O T H E B 8 . Dracglets and Qrocem, -r/rr at whol#eal<*, to^ferahanta,

ataaufaetarnra and PhyUelan*, tho Urgnet elock of guod* In their Une west of New York, And pledge laemeetvee lo sell at tbe Iow*>t New York prlcvs, ad* ding freight oo heavy gooda. The attention <>r pur eaaeera Isreqneated.

M E A L K f l T A T K , L A N D O F F I C E , H'Mis* Agency aud Broken* Office. Special attention ta

paid lo renting teneoienta aad farms, collecting rent*, pat rag taxes, selling farm lends, booses and lota, and vaeaal tats In the elty. I/xine negotiated for any anwmot, for flrat-eliMs baaxabl* paper. OtBee ovrr Dr. Fuller's Drug Store, In front of tho City HalL E. A. King. April** ly

• . SJ . i i • "

Large Property for Hale. 'FHE SUBSCRIBER OF»ERM FOR X sale hla extensive Hlanghler noose Property, and

the Lands ami Dwelling* adjoining. Thla property Is foeatod Juet wee* of the c<ty line, lu the town of Oedrlee, and U very deelr^ble for the parnoem for which It wee iMlended. There are two cm*! tiwetling* oo the preml-are and Fruit Tree* and buebe* ofsil klixls.

The Blaughler Uoose le p.* op In the most oonvenlent •tyta. with all th* modern Improvements, end U not iur-paeaed for convenience by any aimilwr eeuhtUbment In ta* eooaUv. A large Refrigerator has been built, which will hold 80s) boga, and cool them down ready for pok­ing la 84 hoars, and koep meat during tbe whole soason If required.

The aubeedber lateoda to ebang* hla business, and therefore, offers the above property at a bargain.

aogOdt/ A. M. KVAN9._


SEALED PROPOSALS WILL KK KK-eelved for th* erection of a M Whipple Bridge n "[

wood with atone abatOKata aeroes the Llmrstooe Creek, at Fayettevllfo, nnttl a o'clock P. it.. *ep»cmber 8d.

""»nrvE< A 8. Plank

X V tag from Rheumatism? If ONLY KKLIABLB TUfcATMEN this la your only remedy,

Have yon any other pa'n or acbe. Disease of tlio Head, T.iroat, Lungs, Heart, Liver. 8toma--h, Bowels, Spleen KldoeyaT Any Eruption, Abeess, Chronlo (long stand­ing) Sore, Impurity or tbe Blood. A c , A c

Or. like thousands of others, yon have the Piles, or Fistulas, and are left lo tblnk there la no cur* for you-— There la a Balm and a Physician—even for you.

Or. lUBTUt-EB, at tho ONONDAOA TUfFER-ANCE HOUSE, Boom No. 81.

Dr. U. give*.but Jlttl* medicine, other than oatoro's own. " lUug&O

IVortli Atlautic SteamMlilp Com­pany.*


A ND CONNECTIiVG ONLY WITH * V Btaamer* ©olden date, Golden Age, John L. Bto*


TO AartwwALL. The splendid Steamships BALTIC, ADBIATIC, AND ATLANTIC,

having been entirely re-fltted and adapted to the Call-fornla trade, will hereattor run aa above, leaving this port on tbo 0th and Soth of each month, from tho foot or Canal street, North Klver. • **• •

%W Pasjengf ra and Malta will be forwarded bv Pan< araa Ballroad, and oonaoet at Panama with tbe Haolfllo Mall Steamship Company'a • magnlflcnt Btoamsblps which will be In readiness, aod leave Immediately tor Man Eranohvo. 'J hey »ill be embarked free of exponse from Ballroad, by Company** •teamboatTABOOA. •

An experienced Burgeon la aliaohed lo eash ship.— 8t«er«go passengers found In oooked priivlsloos, bed. ding, and attendance. It Is believed that tho accommo­dations afforded by the above ships are unsurpassed by any In tbo world. Tbo public aro iniormed that tho P. M.S. 8.Co., always have ONE OB MOBK EXTRA STEAMSB8 lying at Panama, ready for sea, to avoid any poailble detention of passaengarajor. Malla and ombark their passengers by Bteambont

For passage apply at the only nfftee of the Company, on the Wharf, foot of Canal f-jert, North Blver, to f seplO d8m WILLIAM H. WICKBAM.



THIS VALUABLE A N D POPU LAK Medicine is proparodrro conformity to Phar

maoy, aod Is reoommeuded by tho Medlonl Fnoulty .for



ENCJENTSy Acting; ffently on tho bowels, neutralising, all Irritative secretions, removing complaints Irom tbe system, Jec

• P B I O E , 2S C e n t o . For Sato by TOBBT'A SNOW, 40 East Goncsee SL

Maoufactory, 1V8 Spring bt., N. Y. aug81 6m

The attention or the public Is invited to the examination of an unprecedented supply or]'a


JOHlf M £ R R I A 2 9 f A C O . ,


Where may be found the most splendldj(L«iv)rtmeot.or




- ^ > F -

D. MCCARTHY & CO., ».i

Voa. 42, 44%and 46 Globo Block, 8onth/SalBu Stroot, South oi Billroon,


Of this description of <7oods we havoovorythlng from aslxpcnny Print to the Blohest and mostdoslrable Silks*

Five CawcN PrlnU, 6 1-4 Cent*, * f ' - > i • • . ' , . ' .

As good as sold olsewhore at 9 and 10 eonU.


, A t l a w o r t h ' s * .

Iiitcc Good*, Embrolderlew, T>rettw TrimuilnuM, Ac.

Atteotlonjs oapeolally loritod to thla Department.

I AVV BLANKS i-V scrlptlon, for sale by

8n*ei8eaUrtos caa be seen at the More'of Henrv Eeker. aad enqalrtee made of the Secretary of the F.

I Co, •». D. Blsochard, at Fayettevllle. Contractore to furnish a 1 the material*, and keep tbe

road way open, that the 'ravel upon tbe flank Boad may aot be obstructed durtog ih* balding tbereof.

O 8. LOOM IS. auglT dawaw r«—^ of F. A 8. I'lank Koad Co.

F O R S A L E . — T H E W E L L K N O W N Tavern Stand and Restaurant lately nrcuplml by

Jnalah Taakev. on the corner of "arket and Water ats., Byvaruee. together with tbe stock, fixtures, and gnod will apperulalag thereto. Also, a Brick Kara nov need aa a Uvery Stable, adjoining th* earn.-, tognihar with the Harass, Harness, Carriages, Ac. The above property b*-lag In ta* moat business part ol the city, cannot fall or doing a lively trade.

Too match other baalneee prevents the present proprie­tor from keeping the same.

For further particular*. Inquire on th* premises, or at the onfe* of J. A 0 . Oreeuway A Co. No. 108 West Wa­ter street.

21. B>—Tao above property win be sold separately or together, to salt porrruuere, *»nd If not sold by tbe flrst of M*y the property will be rented.

JOBN OBEENWAY. . Mareh 13.1K9.-U


^ P I I I S ^EW AND SPLENDID X susctmon of Art, ta now being eaavasasd la thl*

etty by J. 8. Ban, for the solo agent for Western New York.X; E. Buff; Athenawm Building, Eoebeeter. Also, la* aww Amerlesn CyefooedU.

Ta* ModagwiAct 4MsW7«*aiita« in «eeb ramberfoor Tngrathafi ol tbo. moot exqoUtt* 8aUa,by too ahtast ttvta^ Wdsn -andfortoaarmoat beoaOfoi work for th* Drawtaff Bona or Library. ,n*«8?tf J. aV XAIX. AgML

C n r e o f Epll«rpfty o r F a l l i n g ; S i o k -• • nen*.

THE UNDERSIGNED HAS, ON account of repeated request* to procure tbe reat9»

dy for tbe cure of the abovo mi mod disease, which Is prepared by Mr. J. It Ilojsoh, lu Cologne, on the Bhluc, Germany: not especially on icoount of a letter rroelrrd fr< in Kev. G. Deep ken. New UiHlford, Coshmtton <'o., Ofcio, dated April 2Sth, 1-C9, In which he orders the said remedy for aalt-k member of his congregation, nt tho same lime sa> lng: - (Me fifth* Ueo/o- mer pntlimU imiitrmt, th* othtr only imported ;n but can still, by tbo help of God. be cured ; felt himself induced "*> ordor a new supply of the remedy, which has now boon re* odved.

I therefo*e Info-ro those who are nnfortonatery aflllcU eo by Ibis dreadful disease of Able fact, and that further Inioimation will gludly be given by . ,

f. W. WEISKOTTEN, Pastor of tho Ev.Luth. St. John's Ctiuirh,

i»epL 2P. 1850. dtf Byraouse.N. Y^_

I O O K I N G G L A S S S T O R E ! -* - ' 87 BASTABLE BLOCK,

O p p o s i t e t h e P o s t O f f i c e . .• Whore can be found a large stock it

RICH OHNAMKNTAL AND PL.VIN M1BROHM, For Piers, Mantles, and Walla. Also,

K I C K O V A L G X A S S E S For Mantlos or Mors.


Solid and Mental Cornice*, Picture and Portrait F R A M E S ,

Of OIU Rosewood and Black Walnut, of every variety

L O O K I N G G L A S S E S Of every kind suitable or tbe trade. Looking Olasa, Picture and Window Olass of all sixes'

on aa g*K*l terms aa any establishment In the Jtate.

AICTIBTS MATEBIAM, A complete stock on band at all times. A large stock or


formerly Burton A Carpnoter. Syracuse, April 1.1980.

Fayette Street Female Meinlmary, DAY AND BOABDING SCHOOL.

fix.. 3 2 B a n t F a y e t t e M t r e o t . r r i I E FIRST QUARTER OF THE

•a. Uth Acadcmlo year of this lustltutloo w .11 com. mono* on

W e d n e a d a y , S e p t e m b e r 7 t n . Th* year Is divided Into four qnartars or eleven weeka

each. Board and tulli >n t i the Engllah Course Is from $188 to $149 per year. K> tnt ohargjs for Music, Paint­ing, Irrawlng and Gramma*.

Three or four additional Boarders can be received Into the family wl«h the Principal.

LAUUA J. HUNTINGTON. aog27 Principal.

Crrr CLassTs Orrtov, >

LSyracuse, August 9tb, 11190. J

OCAL ASS KSSM EN 'i'S. -— *$UF-falo Pavement on South Sallna Street.—Notice la

hereby given that tho Local Assessment Boll for the un­paid portions of Buffalo Pavrmeat on South Balms atreet, from F*>eite street to the sonth side of < 'nondsgs street, baa been left with tbe Treasurer and Tax Uectlver for ^•reetlon, to whom every person,oorimratlon or utocls* tlon. may pay hla, h**r or their tax for **Xt/ days from I be date or this notice, as follows: For ten days without fee. for ten days thereafter at one p*r eem fee; for twen­ty days succeeding at three per o* nt, and for tbe remain­ing twenty days at Ave per cent fee, and If audi assess* meets remain unpaid at the end or euld sixty drys, tbey will b* eoDocted aa provided bv the charter.

* DO All S. MATUEW8, Cleric iVew Fancy Dyelus; and Scomrlng

Entabliohneut, 89 XOBTB SAUNA.ST n SYRACUSE,

[Next Door North of Corinthian Ball,} C H A R L E S F I N C H , - - P r o p r i e t o r .

T^IIE SUBSCRIBER BEGS LEAVE -A to Inform the lobabltant* of Syracuse and vicinity,

that he is now prepared to do all kinds or FANCY DYEING AND SCOURING,

on every dearrlptlon of Goods, 8llk, Woolen snd Cotton, In a manner not to be surpassed In or out ol New York city. Give me a trial.

(laving been many years In the bustnees In England, and during the pas'. Ave years In ltocheater, I am conn-dent I can give satisfaction. Crape, Hrochs, Hulls, Bilk and erery description of HbawJe scoured and j>rea»ed. Milk Velvets colored and finished rqaal to ner. fltik Oree*ea senure<t or dyed and watered Morten and Damank Window Oirtulna cleaned dyed and valered. Tuscan Straw and Chip Booneta, dyed any c«loi. Gen* Uemena* clothes oleaned or dyed whole and pretaed.

Goods sont by Express will be promptly attended to OFFICE IN THE BASEMENT.

N. B.—No connection with any other Shop ar Office. eu|;03 dtf

CLOVER SEED.—CASH PAID FOR Ctav*rSe^e(Tlmc4by8c*d,Ao.

8. E BABKIR, set •"•••* S^eceos^ to Foster, Bred Ptore.

sfiAYETTy»» MEDICATED PAP^B, KA f^lh*WatarCJos*Veor**to*Plta*aodl8anar., tleioo/lturary. Brerybody oseo It._. told only «r



THE UNDERSIGNED, SDTEBIN-indent of the tho Poor of Onondaga County, give*

nntleo that bis otnoe Is in tho third story of the County Clerk's OiUce Building, and that Mondays nnd Tuesday* of each week, between the hours of 9 o'clock A, M. and 4 o'clock P. M., will bo devoted exclusively to offloo busi­ness. Wednesdays will bo nt the Counly Poor House. Thursdays, Frt ays, and Saturdays will attend to ofllce ami mlsoollanoous duties, asoceaalou may require,

JAMES LONG»TltEI?r, : Syracuse, Jan. 4.185V. Superintendent of Poor.


of MIOBBBT Hair Toole In tho world. Tbe ability of Prof. MOOMDXB to restore hitir to BALD 1IJ£AD« has l: • ootrou flxud fact, having nadovor 18year* experience thbroforo, I say if yon have lost your hair, use Prof. MoOmber's Vegetable Hair Grower. It your hair has commence Hailing off, uso It, If you wish lo Improvo your eyebrows, uso Prof MoOmber's Vogotable Hair Grower. If yoo wish to grow or Improve your whlskors or Moustacho, use It. If you have aandruff, It will erad­icate It. , / - v r > «

I wish it distinctly understood that I warrant this ortl-do to perform a11 that I claim for It: If It foils after a fair trial tho money will be refunded. NOP* genuine without the Inventors likeness and signature on each wrapper.

Manufactured and sold wholesale, at 904 .Main tro* Buffalo, New York.

For sale by Druggist* everywhere aud In Syracuse, tfepl. ?T.dlyr.

SYRACUSE ;^UR0ERI£ft, _^ *.7^i9Y tAaasEVK., t'-A?'^ -Vr /

For • tsae vSpeelal AtteuUon of Nfikroory* * * • ! . h -'li.fc . men.

B OOK BINDERY REMOVED! Tho subscribers haying removed their Book Blndury to

NO. 7 EAST GENESEE BTBEET, Opposite, (North,) tho Syracuse Douse,

Are now resdy to do all descriptions of BOOK BINDING on tho shortest notice and In tbo hott mannor

t W BLANK BOOKS and BULING done to ordor, on short notice,

a r * Also, Merchants* SHELF BOXK* made to order nay4 dtr WUITTBMOltE A MILLEU.

HA V E Y O U U S E D G A Y E T T Y ' S M E D I ­C A T E D PAPEB for tbe Water ClosetY Tbo«o

who use it never havo l'Hes—it both cures and proven ts the dlsesso. It Is also an article of comfort nnd luxury porfrotly pure aud free from all nold*. Sold only by

sepl8 . DltXAYJt IlttOa.,only AgouU-

The Best is the Cheapest1!

T H O M S O I V ^ Celebrated



THE CBINOLINA, Bomodeled from the last Paris designs, and for

Beauty of Proportion, Excellence of Material.

Perfection or Manufacture, < And Durability,

UKIVXOSALLY Paojtoc.vcxo UNEQUALLED BY ANY GOODS IN THE WOBIDI For sale by the prlnclpul Jobbers and Betallers every­where. 83F* lieware or counterfoils I Bee that our Name andTrade Mark, TBE CBOWN, aro stamped on every eklrt.

W. S. A C. II. THOMSON A Co., N. Y. scp8 d4weow

D B U G S ! G R O C E R I E S ! !


Having loosed tho two Bn» stores, Nos. 3 3 and 2 5

N O R T H 8 A L I N A B T B E E T , Are now prcparod to show (he public a floor assort­

ment than ever, of DRUGS, MEDICINES/ PERFUMERY,



An ontlrely now and fresh stock of th* good things ot this life. CHOICE TEAS, SUGARS. SYHUPS, COFFEES


best of Provisions, Butter, Cheese, Ac , A c Everything necessary for the Internal comfort of mankind.

Choice Wines and Liquors for medicinal use only. Goods delivered in any part of tho city.


6 0 0 . 0 0 0 Apple Trees," 1 ygar old, comprising too - • mow pophl ar • Western'varieties - • V

1 0 0 . 0 0 0 Pear, Xros*,Standard, 1 and.2,yeart old.' 1 5 0 , 0 0 0 Poor Trso*. Dwnn, 1 and il»osrs old; both

those and the Standards are*of unstlrphss-1 ablo quality. 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 Touch, Apricot, Nectarine, and Plum » Trees: strong and handtome.

1 0 0 , 0 0 0 Catawba, Clinton, and Isabella Grebes, and a large supply of Concord: all un­commonly vigorous and well rooted. ^

1 0 0 . 0 0 0 Houglitou's Seedling Ooosoborries. 5 0 . 0 0 0 Currants; flftoen varieties, romarkaWy

strong. • 2 0 0 * 0 0 0 Uaspoerrlos; fourteen variolic*, all dne

f>lanta. '.buburb, Llnaasus. nnd Caboou's 'Mom.

' moth; unquestionably th* host two varie­ties.

1 0 0 , 0 0 0 Now Bochello fLawtoo) Blackberries. 6 0 , 0 0 0 Norway and American t*pruc«, Canada

Bulaaoi and American Arbor Vila); splon. did ftr-es, from 8 to 8 feet high ; may bo

' had at a bargain. 5 , 0 0 0 Tulip Trees, one of the mort beautiful »viid

hanly of American forest trees. 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 Apple Seedlingj, 1 and 2 yours old.

5 0 0 , 0 0 0 Pour do 1 and 2 " " 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 Plum do 1 aod 2 M " 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 Chorry do A particularly largo stock also, of Uoses, DahhTs,

Paonles, Sptruvus, Honeysuckles, Japan Quince, (white nd red),Sophora Japonlca, Purple Fiiogo, SnowbulU, nd Box Edging.

All these trees nnd plants aro of the floost growth, and will be sold at very low prices.

SMITH A HANCHETT. Syraoaso, August 18.185»«

S T O V E S i ;


'PITE LARGEST STOCK AND MOST A. extensive variety of STOVE* over before offered

for sale at Wholesale or iietsll, at lower prices decided. ly than heretofore sold In this market, (laving enlarg­ed our Htore ono-bslf, our fuollltlvs aro not excelled by auy. Clovt buyers mid all who oontomplnte purchustiig u clove should not fall to examine our stock. *

Tlie Arbiter, Gas Burner Coal Cook, Is particularly prcscnteJ to tho

attention of tlio public We claim for this Stove supor). ortty In p >tntof oconomy,nnd warrant a saving of one-third tbo fuel—an Important Item.

The metropolitan Ifeuter. The vory latest Improved Register Stove—It takes

Ihvm all—wo like to show as woll as to sell Ihetn,

Tlie Spartan, Purlor Cook, for Coul or Wood, is something that sur­

passes all stoves oflU kind—bukos adnilrab!>.

The IIercul<;s Wood Cook—a Farmers Stove ts something that will lit every time. Suffloo It to say that this stovo has

.pvor failed. Lost year three hundred of them woro told In Onondaga county, and not one foil short of Its i cconmendutlon lu any particular.

Sheet Iron Parlor Stove*, For Wood, COTTAGE PARLORS, fcr wood, HAR-

LOtt COOKH, lor vrooil, togctbor wllb a largo ajtaort-ircntof small cylinder, und 11KD ROOM MTOVKH lo pleaso all, lu price nnd quality.

Hardware «V Cutlery-. Our Stock in this Department was never moro com.

pleic, which we offer at low prices. Tin, Jappaned. and Sheet Iron

Ware. At Wholesale and 1'oMl. Country Morchanta and

Pedlars supplied at New York In prices. Old Bags, Copper, Brsss, Brlltanla.and Old Iron, bought for Cash at the highest market prico.

BBOWER, SURA TIER A CO., ' au 81 dAw8m No. 48 Month Sallna bt„ Syracuse.

C A B I N E T W A B B C 7 I I E A F K R T H A N B V E B .

S. C. IIAYDEN & CO., jfiO. 4 5 South tSalina Street,

AT THE OLD STAND OF ASIILY, Wllllstoti A White, have now ready for sale the

meat extensive assortment of CABINET FUBNITUBE to be found in Western New York, consisting in part of all stylet or Kitchen Bedroom, Dining Loom, I'urlor Cham' or, Saloon, Hotel, Boarding Uouse, and Church Furniture. Those Good have boon manatactured under our personal supervision, and for style, durability aud fli-'-H, cannot be excelled. Our facilities for manufactur IIIK '.*« »uch that we can and will soil goods for cash, cheaper than ny houso In tho city or country.

B*7" Please call and examine our stock betoro pur« chasing olimwhero. oovlai


*.In this department we haven full assortment for MAN WOMAN AND OMILD. . i

Shawls and Cloak*. This classification or Goods embraces a complete

Block or all that can bo found lo this market


This Depart merit comprises everything desirable, fmm the cheapest Crash to tbe richest and most splendid Damasks, Including a full assortment of Grara'BIeached Uuona, of our importations.


• - * , A very extensive assortment, particularly adapted to

tbo City and Country Trade,



AH or which are purchased for Nett Cash, and will be •old from ouo to four cent* per yard and pound less than othors buy them or sell them,





Having largely Increased this Department and made large additions to our Carpet Boom, w* present attrac­tion* which


? Wo wish It expressly understood that we possess ad* vantages lor purchasing Goods over any other Bouse in this violuity. aud tbo unparalleled lacrosse of our sales for the laat Ave years warrants our saying we

We would oall special attention to our, THBEE LABOE bTUBEo, Ailed with the


Assortment of Goods ever offered for sale In this elty or county. We have jseven different departments, aa fol­lows:—

JDeparttncnt No. 1.


Made of Cotton, Wool, and Silk, at moat astonishing low prioes. Also, Including




Department No. 21.

DRESS SILKS AND SHAWLS . This is a new addition tojoor]8torea, and with

G B E A T B A H R A I N * ;

lu tho Goods, la well worth a visit from aU.

Department! No. 3 .




JEANS, A c All at vary low and uniform price*.

Departmei}t No. 4.




BATTING, Alt from on*-half cent to thre* eonta per yard «ad pound less than any 1 market.

^ytatu^ gatity $ouml

M e n M o n k e y * o f M a l a c c a . Acorrespunilvnt of tho Boston Traveler,

writeafrom Shanghai tin inten'Vrlng account of the habito of the Jukoons, a barbarotiH peo­ple who inhabit the interior of Malacca.— Their language and Jcatures are unlike tbos« of the Malay* proper, ot whom they arc alto politically independent. Tbey have no his­tory, having been found by the early Portu­gese voyagers in the country in which they Btill reside. They are called tho ©ranj;-Beii-n«r, or*' men. of the grcut country;" the Orang-Ubi, or "men of tlie high rivers;" the Orang-Hulang, or *' men of tbe forests;" the Otang-Scmang, or "black men;" Uie JJcoons and the Kniats. Crnn is the Malay word for man ; aod Utau or Hutun, lor foreut, whence the word so common with u«, ouran-outang, or wild men, if men they may be called, when oommon opinion has assigned them a rank hardly above monkeys and baboon?*.

They generally live in houses built of bam­boo sticks, and suspended to the tops of lofty trees, to which they sweend by rude ladder*. These cabins, suspended to the tops, are so narrow that a stranger cannot be admitted

Department No. 6. CARPETS, ALL KINDS,





CUKTAIN8,**. C H E A P I C H B A P 1 1 C H E A P ! 11

Bought and told leas than any other Stor* here or else-wbero.

K Department Mo. 6.



' ' CUTTLKBV, AC., *a



Wo hope to enjoy the undiminished ooafldenoo which has so long secured to us tbe most nattering success.

JOHN ME RBI AM A CO., sopP daw . Wlellng Block.



who respectively reside In the city of Syracuse, In the county •or.GiKMdaga, and-Stat* o< Now York, have formed a limited partnership pursuant to *ho provisions of tbo Revised Statutes of the Stato ot New York, for the.buying and selling Cloth and Clothing, and the Munufectorlng of Clothing, and suob a-tllclo* aa aro gen­erally dealt In by Wholes*!© and Retail Clothing Mer­chants tn« business l» be carried on In the city of Syra­cuse. In which all tho parlies interested are the said Marsena Ballard and' Horace White. That the said Marsona itallard is the G«n>rnl Partner, and Horace White Is tbo Special Partner. That the said «*rao* White hss contributed the sum of s«ven thousand dol­lars In cash as capital towards tbe oommon stock. That tho said partnership la to eommenco 00 to* 1st day or Mentember, 1K80, aud la to terminate on the 1st day or February, 1EC8.

Dated clept; 1, m o . • • . : .

' N O T I C E . IRVING T. BALLARD. long known in connection

with this establishment, will have tbe Supervision and managoinont or the Business.

Mr. JOHN IT. BROOKS will, as heretofore, have tho entire ttuparvlsion of Uio Merchant Tailoring Depart­ment. .

N O T I C E O F D I S S O L U T I O N . Tbo nrm of Ballard A Brooke Is hereby dissolved by

mutual consonU Tbo bo ks and accounts will be sou tlt-l at tholr old pi-tee of business, aud eltbor party are suiliorlzcd to sign In s luemeuf,

Dateu Sept. 1, 1&W. MARSENA BALLA KD.

dAwOw JOHN 11. BBOOEi*

. " A N F O R P ' R

LIVER INV1GORATOR, r^KVEIt I ) E B I I . I T A T l i « .

IT IS COMPOUNDED ENTIRETY FROM Gums, and baa becoroo an ostabllthed fact, a stand­

ard modiolne, known andi . {approved by all that have It, snd Is now resort; M fed to with oonfldenco in

4|Wo Import Crockery from England. China from Franc*, ttlasswaro from Germany; also, direct from th* largest American manufactories..


Sell cheaper than any other H'us* In th* trad*.

Department IVo. 7.


Woll Selected and Cheap. In fact, we are ablo and bound to say that no estaMiah-

rrenl lu tbe oountry presents such

GREAT INDUCEMENTS To the public for low prioes, good Goods, and honest dcsllng os ours.

We have great experience, abllltr, facilities, system, mean*, industry. Integrity, quality, quantity and larg* sales by which we are able to give

E n t i r e SaUlaffcetioti To every man, woman and child who shall make their purchases at this establishment. < '.. . aug?7

A J t Y rs) Bcffklo, N. Y.

used all tho diseases for which It boa cured thousands] 0 who had srlvon up alligst morous unsolicited certlfl- ^ show. ZJ

The dose must be adap 9 the individual Ukitig l t , |5

w5 tics aa to act gently on the




Done with Neatness and Dispatch.

RULING DONE TO ORDER. No. 13 Courier Building Syraouse, N. Y.

Fn*NK 8. MACKLKT Dvien I>. Luu. mart7 dfim


Store situate on tho north side or Sallna Street Bridge, over the Oswego oaoaL Also, a rery valuable vacant lot, at th* wort oad of tbo Tooyeko Block, East Ballroad stroet. Alto, a vaoaat lot No. 8 on OUve atroott 80 foot front and 180 fool deep. Th* above property win bo sold tl roaaonabl* pneoa, and tbo tormt of pay* moot mad* eagjr. Tor fortoor parnoojan enoniro oi,0

S Y R A C U S E H O U S E F U R N I S H I N G S T O R E ,

No. 49 East Gcnoseo Stroet.

JUST RECEIVED — ANOTHER lot or that celebrated and unequalled Cooking

Bt0V*' T H E ECONOMIST! und whlrb Is In fact what It Is In n a m — doing more work sutlsliictorlTy with Ins fuel—having a larger ovon and a belter broiling apparatus, than aay other stove In market-

Also, a tine assortment of Parlor, Parlor Cook and Coiuige Stoves, bothti ogHiit lu dealgs aud eoVctlvn In operation. Also, Union Coal Grates, a beautiful open Stove. K. P. HOPKINSV

NipL 14, lMv.—dAwlm

It l« recommended, within tho last two years hope* of relief, as tbe no-cates in my posteaalon

ted to the temperament of and used In such quantl-bowels. fo-JgmentguIde you in the VlTaOatA'lOM.and it Billions Attacks, Dyspop-Summer Complaint*, Dye-Stomach, Habitual Cos-Cbolera Morbus, Cholera Jaundice, Femal* Weak successfully aa an ordloa-wlll euro Sick Headache, In twenty minutes, If two taken at commenoamont

Lot the dlotoles of your use of tbe L I V K B lf\ ^ will euro Liver Complaint, £ slu, Cbronlo Dlarrhma, iS entory, Dropsey, S o u r tlveness, Ohollc. Cholera, I n ra n t u m, )< latulcnce. ^ nesses, and may bo used j B ry family medicine. I t i £ (as thousan<is can testify,) ^ or tiireo teaspooufuls arc Z* of attack. j

All who use It are giving!m Ithelr testimony In it* fa von Mix WATCH IN TBK Mourn WITH m lxvooaaToa,

AHO ttwAixow aom TootTxaa. • Prico One Dollar per Bott le .

-ALSO— S A N F O K D ' S




Tho Family Cathartic t Pill is a gentlo but active cathartic which tbe pro- ^ [prictor bas used in his prtctlce more than twen-,1** ity years.

Tbo conatantly incroas aai jiog demand from those who huvo Ion* used the j ,Pi»s, snd the sjUnrscUon which all express in re- m 'gard to tbclr use, has In­duced mo to pIsco them *" |wlthin the reach of all,

Tho p r o f e s s i o n well* (know that different Ca­thartics act ou different 'portions of tlie bowels.

The Family CuiImrUoj il'lll has, with due refer­ence to thia well establish! £) od (act.bOen compounded from a variety ol the pur1^ jest Veeetubln Extracts, which act allko on every!" part of the alimentary ca­nal, uud arc good and salepi lit thurtio Is needed, such U P ' ^ Htomuch.ol*-l>lne*», Pains, aa Costlvoness, P a i n u n d ! ^ body, from sudtien Cold " leclod, end In a longlj"

DILL A YE JSK0>8, OFFEK AT TUB owest market prices, 5 ton* Kbit* Lead, 1C00

talloot Linseed Oil, and a full assortment of every d*a •riptl of Paints and Colors.

•wider Mills.

HARD CIDER MILLS, TOBACCO Twloa, Straw Cutlers, New Tloothy Itod, Blri Catt*ra,N*ir Tloothy 8**d, Bli4

w Cagsa, Oak Baakoia. Largo Clofor Seed, AJthurt 8*lf-P. IViA 88 Fay*«* street, and GEO. STEVJtNS, , J Boaibf Can*. Boa In

a*|8dtf MWatorvttW."; M B / L X. BAEXXJL ".

pctlto, a Creeping Sensa< hU'scloasness.Houclsche.or im

< flammaiory D i s e a s e * Adu'u, Rheainallsm, a and many d Incases lo morous to mention In this

all cases where a' Ca-Derangemvnt* o f t h e in the Back aad Loins, Soreness over tho whole which frequently, If nag-course of lever. Loss of Ap. lion of Cold over tho body, weight In tbe head, all in-Worms In Children or great Purifier of I ho blood which flosh Is heir, loo nu' tdvortlscment Dose 1 to 8

P R I C K 3 0 OBNTN. The Liver Invlgorator and Faml'y Cathurtlo Pills are

reullod by PruicKist* geuerally, and sold wholesale by the Trade In all tlio large towns.

B. T. W. BANFOED, M. D., Manufaoturer and PrO'etovJ

Julyl dawly 085 Broadway, Now yort.

Plated Ware.

RE C E I V E D , THI8 DAY, DIBFCT VBOM tho manufactorota, a ipUndld let of TEA SETTS,


/ l / M ' K M

than any other plaoo la thl* city.

• -O'JOfi li 7. l!Ut / . l l ' i . l i i T - . '.iT1

aVTAUtVIias. an


D I S P E N S Office 98 MaJn-sC, (8d door, up stain),


A great discovery in the scieno* of medicines, being a certain and speedy cure for restoring th* sight and re­moving all d isesscs peculiar to tbo ere. This 1* univer­sally acknowledged tbo only safe and sure remedy now known. It bas been used with great sucoess by the most skillful physicians In Europo and America.

Patients In any part of the oountry can treat themselves successfully at a moderato ex|>ense, thereby avoiding tbe danger and expanse or foiling into th* bands vT nnskttt-ful physicians, '('his oi*dicine( sufficient to care) will be sent by mall or Express, with all necessary directions OD • receipt of Ten Dollars

Dr. Johnson's Certain and Infallible Cure for Dcafo'A* and Singing Noises in tue

Ears, Nervou* Head and Mind Complaint*,

Affording instant relief to sufferers wn bav* been troubled with deafness for many y*ara. After aslng this remedy a few days the patient la sodden! t and almost miraculously enabled to h*ar ordinary toned conversa­tion ; in tho course ol a few week the most obstinate rase of deafness Is effectually eared.

Patient* too nomenw* to mention have boon restored to porfcot hearing and forever rescued from the snare* of the numerous dangerous unqualified pretenders of the present day. Hospital and private teelunooiels and cer­tificates irom the most eminent physicians and surgeons In England,'in whose presence deaf persons bav* been cured, and many hundreds of private patients cored *aa b* seen or referred u>, A case of this medicine (enough to effect a core) will be forwarded to aay pan or the country for Fifteen Dollars. Address

DU. JOBNSON, Drawer 404. IUD*15 dawlv OflJee 86 a5aln>sL. Buffalo, N. Y.

*IGff OF T H E BIG BOOT. TF YOU WISH TO OBTAIN KVEBY X nrticl* in our lino at unpreoodentedly low prlee*. you havo only to oall at the well-known stand of TUCKr1-DELL A WALLACE, No. 7 Franklin Hulldlegs, Bast Goneiee street.

Our Goods are all NEW AND FBESH—not old and worthloss" shop keepers."

We manufacture largely ourselves, and obtain tbe bal­ance ol our stock PIUECT from the BEST Manufactur. era at the East, thus saving lo our customers on* profit, which our competitors, who porches* in New York, MUST PAY.

Call and oxsrnln* our GOODS AND PRICES, and be CONVINCED. We can show the BEST SELECTED, MOST COMPLETE, AND

FAR THE CHEAPEST Assortment of Goods over displayed in Central New York.

j y Every description of work MADE TO.OBDEB In tbe moat approved styles, and .Warranted.

T e r m * — K x c l u » l v « l w C'a*I*. TUUKSDELL A WALLACE

_8mcusc . July 8.1838.—daw

SUITCIUER COMPLAINTS. Via: Diarrhea and Cholera Morbus, and Flatulent aud

spasmodic Cbulioa.

WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVE forsnvoral years past sold B. FOSGATE^S AN­

ODYNE COBDIAL. and during this period have wit. nossed its salutary elfoctt in curing th* diseases for which it Is reoommeuded, viz: ACUTE AND CIIUON1C DIARUUEA AND CHoLE :A MOUBUS, In our own, or In the families of our customers, anil have also seen its successful administration in cases of CltOLKBA IN­FANTUM. We do, therefore, confidently reeummend It lo all those who msy be afflicted with those distressing and dangerous complaints, aa offering one of the best means for their cure or roller. W. BKISTOL, Utloa. T. M. nmrr. ,uburn. J. J. FOOT, Hamilton. J. Osaoax, Keneca Falls. ' L. PAOSOKS, Weatfleld. J* Kaxucr A Co-^Oeoeva. r>. WUITR A tM>K, Kredonla. I- KKDDV. I'enn Tan. A. P. Ccan*, Attica. PITCH A DILLAT*. Syracuse, W. SOAVKBAHOS-, Batavia. J. OWKW A Co..Detroit J. G. liAiii XUL, Loroy. li.A E GAT Loan, Cleveland, T. Br.AOLR. Elmlra. G. WIL AUD, Ashtabula. A. J MATTHEW*. Buffalo. G G Giujrr, Xio|svHI*. A. B. bw AX, Bochesler. CAKTXE A Bio.. Kne.

N. B . - U is particularly useful to CHILDBKN whan TEE1IIING,** it allays Irriutlon, indnc** mod«nu* i>ersplratlon, and produces sleep.

XiT bold by Druggists gecerully. Pmioa 88 Cxma, B. FOSOATE,

ol»2 dawlm Proprtetor. Aoburo, g , T.


MORE * WILLIAMS 21 EAHT W A -t*r atr**t,wlU sett yon any quart* of Dy*r* Eia-

broe*Jtoo, rot hair prto*. It la on* of th* b**tr*«j«4l** to tho world for Paltu. Brolaos, Barna, 9oalda, Shosmo*

Thoy aro MUlng off a qaanttty s*i**d oo , aoflOdawU

without annoyance to a member of the fami­ly or bis exclusion; for one must go down when a new .one comes up. Other*, who have no tastes for these aerial abodes—nests, not for birds, but for men—construct; hut*, raised two or tutc^ feet »bove the ground.— The first »tory scnes for lodging, where they **t aud sleep by the ride of a fire, always kept brightly burning, in order to frighten away the tigers and other wild beasts which fill the lorosto. In the second story they put their arms for safety, their provisions and kitchen utensils, all of which arc comprised in pikes, in earthern pots, and one or two great China bowls. ^

They eat whatever comes to hand, as wild boarr, apts nnd birds, which last are taken ei­ther in snares or shotjby arrows, and the roots and tubers which the earth produces in abun­dance. It they plant rice, it is only enough to meet their absolute wants. Instead of reg­ular labor, they prcter the fatiguing adven­tures of tbe chase, and running among tlie woods. Their <uwne is of the lowest order, the r fitvorite dish being slices of moat half cooked, and sUll reeking in blood.

Their weddings are preceded by a moat singular and ludicrous ceremony. An old man presents the futuie hurband and wife lo a large assemblage of invited guests, whom ho conducts, followed by their respective ttmi-lies, mto a grand circle, around which tbe young lady, tbe bride, sets out running upon aU fours, and Uio young man, who it the-bridegroom, in the same style oiler her. If he succeeds ID overtaking her she becomes his wile; if not ho forfeits all his rights, and

i'^ove's labor is lost." This often happens when the bridegroom fails of pleasing the young lady, who endeavors to escape from tbo embraces of adistaseful or odious husband by boating him in the queer trotting match.

Upon the dcalh of one of their number, tbey wrap his body in a white winding sheet, ana then deposit it In a grave dug near his hutj sometimes in an erect position, sometimes sitting, and sometimes lying down. They aro careful to put a lance at h;a side, a '• jarang" and a u sumpiton," their instruments 01 hunt­ing and of war, but never use any religious ceremuuy. Still, three weapon* placed by the aide of tbe corpse indicates a shadowy beiiet in a future existence.

Their religion is a coufuued mass of the grossest superstitious, propagated by thejxiy-ans, a kind of priest?, who a e half physicians and hah' juggleis. Their tungicul science is in great ernecm with the Muluys. Tbo sin­gular kind of lue they lead, the peculiarity ot their cottumo and the long intervals of their appearance among tho people, secure tor them a certuiu prestige und respect. Seen from alar, and through u mysterious veil, they pass for beings endowed with superhuman power, to whom tlie plants and roots of tho forests have revealed their most secret virtues. In a word, they ure believed to hold in their hands tbe power of confer, ing health or inflicting death. In accordance with this belief, Uio Malays are careful not to provoke their ill-will.

Naturally, tho Jakoons are of ao open and ingenuous disposition, and witbal inclined to gaiety. To the uppeai-nncc of timidity tbey join the independence of a life without con­trol, spent in the midst, of thick forests and everlasting verdure. Kospeciful without be-iug servile, in conversation they UbC an abrupt and violent lone of voice, which sttongly con­tract* with their habitual geutlenecs and modesty. They love strong liquors, atd get intoxicated whenever they have au opportu­nity.

It is honorably to tho zeal of tho Catholic priests, that they have a missionary, who, not­withstanding the low runic of these people in tho scale ol humanity, the wide territory over which they are scutbered, und the thick for­est* which it is ncce8rary to penetrate to reiich ihtm, and tbe absence of all roads, while ferocious wild bcusts aro thick at every step, is laboring among them, und makes his home with them.

Such ore the people in whom originated the idea and the stories about the ouran out' ang ^-the mon of the forests.



PRICE & WHEELER'S No, SB Globo Block, Syracuao, W. Y.

•AjAcu-Ae. agnootton.;

W« ar* now receiving our Irst Fall Importations ot

DUY GOODS! and the Ten Different Departments, all.ln ONE BTORB, ar* now full and complete. They are arranged aa fol­lows :—

IK'partmciit Zto. 1. French. EncJ'sh an<1 American Prints, Ginghams,

Cnrtelu Damasks, Window Shades, Ac, Ao.

Department IVo. 2 . ' n o o r S K I R T S ,

from tbo smslieat Misses to the 40 hoop Ladles'Skirt. To this Department we pay particular attention, and keep th* beat styles in Market, at tbe lowest possible price*,

DcpartniciAt IVo* 3. Cloths, Casslmeres, Vetting*, Ac.

Department IVo. 4. Plain and Printed Merinoes, Khawt Marines, F a n -

Deltas, Web Ureas Good*, many or tho styles confined to us, and not to be had elscwht-re.

Dcpartmcut Vio. 5. Wool and Drocho Shawls, "tells 8ha«rls, Cloaks, Kag-

lans, bbawlets. Tbo celebrated Milan Cloak, Cheater-held Buvouee, Muslin and Lace Drapery, A«.

Department IVo. «J. R I C H S I L K R O B E S ,

Superb tjotis Drcrs Sitka Itlvhnfr Dlack PUk. Bawa-ders, Ac. I hi* department It tliv.l with the latest and most desirable stylos to b>* hsd.

Department IVo. 7. Hosiery, Glove*, Lac**, Embroideries, White Goods,

A c Alexander's Kid Gloves.a full assortment of color a. New Parts Kmbroideriee In Collars, bloevea, feUa, Kdg» lags, Inserting, Flouncing*. Ae.

Department IVo. 6. DeLalnea of all kinds, N< w Par's Printed Wool Do

L*4n*tt, Klco Printed Cashimerea.

Department IVo. 0. Iinooaaad PomaaUc*. Damaalt Tab** LIa*M,Lln*u

Sheetings, Bosom Llnena, Towotlags, ot all kinds. Cot­ton Sheetings, DblrUng*, Ae,, which can be had or us cheaper loan of any other Uiwm tn Byraeuao.

.. Department IVo. 10. Trlmaings and Yankee Notions, These Good* are all selected for * flrsWlass Retail

Trad*, and or* of superior fabric, wblob we will sell at a bug* per oeuUg* tea* than an InOjriwr artlol* o«n b* boo«aiVU*wh*ri. Oor t lJilAwa tor boylng and selling Goods cheap ar* not oxcoUsd by any Uouse In th* Unt-

^I^S^Marchants *upplb*d at U*w Tort Jobbers' , rriooa, • * *

' • • ' . i .


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