14 rant. .^.^P TIME" PRICE. **ÜflT iKVAItlAni.r ACCOMPANY TlfE ' " :W««Kff'«| Ü ^Jttt> .*,<* lo lit toteMotf « SUUaCJltl'TIONv': »flt>** A ;.r *** MW ': » ' ;#2 OO - ~xy~~~'r^~ ;t 1®?* Re feepretfafly request n\ir ^friends to. smd in their Advertisements {asrdrly '*« «r^#9& r©M,r«*>»if'; and if possible, let ttS'have them-hy- Thursday *p«nwff. f>y this nieaas^tee will bhallc'td:lssti6 41 tätiixliifr hwr on tfatttr- rfo.y, and «w*W,^vi^aJUe^^Mtgvre .Prf °f tne ¦Infest netct. w'to'ihet'hmh' of bur goiiig to press. READING MAJJKR ON EVERY PAGE. SATURDAY MORNING, NOV.* 21- 18G8. ."Next ilmrsdiiy. is our National "»d State ThankÄi».-.- Original Story. Wc will publish next week , an intensely in¬ teresting 4 "ÄL NÖU VALETTE Trouj the pert of 'our esteemed correspondent, .**DAl8ir Dale." Wc promise our readers quite a literary, treat, which we know they will appreciate and enjoy. Itev. A. £*Dick8on. Jftr"Village 5s about to suffer'h loss in the departure of this .esteemed aud accomplished Clergyman from our midst. Having been for many years, .tue pastor of the Presbyterian Church, ho has ,:bccu no less endeared to his «.bärge by his faithful ministration of Holy things,-than esteemed and respect*d in the community as a preacher of ability, and a scholar of tine attainments. He leaves us next week, in acceptance of a call to supply the pulpit of the Fourth Pres¬ byterian Church in New Orleans . His fare- Well* siShnon will bo preached at the Prcsbyte- run ChnroU iu this place, to-morrow morning, -' IM. . W - Light U> Artillery. '-A'fiue Yam Potato, from the plantation of* MY. Samuel T, Izlar, can be seen at our office. A line projectile fnr a piece of artillery, as it in a liix^^jtfrttler; and "we have calculated r its xatige,.the looking lv.ui-c. P.*»l '. r.., The Cotton Tax..We make the follow¬ ing froÄ5»e Columbia iWtceni c: The Comptroller General of the State bus in^vtuVHd.tax officers to include iu their qua* terly assessments all cotton purchased and sold by merchants, factors, brokers, bankers, or .Otherpersons buyiug or shipping on commis¬ sion,-or otherwise, which was grown this year, *ftd 'no'wjcxeüjpt from tax by the United States VjöVerüment by Act of Congress aud to collect twenty cents'on every hundred dollars worth of it, the same as on other merchandize, con¬ sidering cotton sold whenever It id shipped. Ws W New York are coming down, and. it, is eastcr for people in want, of houses to get them. How thau it has been at any time for year* past. A Mississippi colored, preacher has com¬ menced publishing the Colored C/itixeus' Monthly. The Be^Jpj Jwtiscript is afraid if all the Sutea thisyo.ar have Thanksgiving Day ou November 261 tlmt "there may not be turkeys^ enough to go round." ' Gene^Di ^. Butler has written a letter in whicli.he says: "The South has no firmer lrlchd' than I am nhd bavo ever beeu j" aud lieYurthcr declares lie bears no hatred to the South, o^outliern uiou as such. A Now Yoik paper suggests as a means of Wjj tho'national debt, that every office- iijr'a' dollar a week towards its liqujduj he gets an offieo. iacres»irj Fairfax. County, Va., were Tfew day i/go for the sum of Si00 an prLt»ö<t>adjoining is uow held at 8150 au »* »ttlvr U ..' .''* ..-..:. ;r ... . ^''T^i^dön Phetfie Railroad Company are -about to lay out a town at the. mouth of the M'tgcf; ,Rtyer» seventy-five miles east of Salt York, have ^pure^ased eighty thousand acres oi hind nea^i'yititKäi Florida, and are about to colonize if rAiU people froni;thaf>State. John Quiucy Adams, the Dumocratio ean- didate for Governor iu Massachusetts, ran ten thousand ahead of ..his ticket at the recent ^tMg^mil Mi&M M M sti ; The shu.l) of a tuustodon, mcusuriug thrco lyot «n longth, two feet eight inches iu width, .and two feet across the nostrills, aud weighing ^iieiiundrcd pounds, it is reported, has been %M$4;<tt'T4k« County, Ohio. *2IiT* The New York Evening Mail says that hun¬ dreds of "uix-o ynurig men" iu that city, many »f "ttfe "Boeiety fellows," live entirely upon borTOwedBrn(nie\yv Consignees per South Carolina Railroad J(cnn»ining in tho Depot to. Date* 11. H. Knotts. B.C. Rowc, J.*A. Keller, V. M. smith, j. QYshxiütffi 'In accordance with orders received from the Su-1 t'perintcnrtGB» ^'fil^^VH^^^^i* CV^^d °° Good* remaluiiig In the Depot for an unreasonable length of time. 1^ ME1JIKDIT1!,- Agent. Orrtcs or'Trii: OnANOKnnno Nxws, N \0y : , .5 November 20, 1PÜ8V ' ! e'ÖTTOlt.^Sitlrs ibr tho week, 220 bales. W e I -at -- r»l*i« I.. tsith i h ¦>: ' ..-. Ordinary.....:.v......s Good Ordinary........19 L jw Middling.»»J Middling,..,,*......~^204 Stiict Middling.....2.1 Good Middling. Rocnn Rick.It In good demand at $1.60 per oushel. ; Corn 80 cts. Pcaa 80 cts. ; Pinders, 281bs to bushel, $1 25. .¦- GOLD...... SO silver.22 Report of (lie Charleston Cotton Market For the Week ending November 10. Reported Jbr the Oraugehurg News by W. WAtT(jtN SMITH, COTTON FACTOR. There has boon little or no change in our market during tho past week, except that holders were more willing to meet the tIcwb of buyeis, and more has been done.: Tho sales of tho week foot up some 8800 bales. We quote i Low Middling.22 v Middling.22$ StHet Middling. . ',;-j-J-!-:'.-'-.¦.-'-' Sheriff's Sales. Ry virtue of sundry writs Of fl. fa., to mo direotcd I will sell to the highest bidder, at Ornngeburg Court House, on the first' Monday in December next, for cash tho following property, vil : One tract of land containing nine hundred Seres more or less, bounded by lands of Brandenburg, Mrs. e. Thompson and estate of W. S. Thompson. Levied on as tho property of A. r. Tabor at the Buit of J. M. Crosswell. ALSO » I .... ... Another tract containing seventy-five acres more or less, (known as the Daniel Kar rick tract,) bound¬ ed by lands of D. J. Zeigler and estate lands of W. 6. Thompson. Levied on aa the property of A. r. Tabor at the suit of J. M. Crosswell. ALSO A tract containing fifty acres more or less, bounded by lands of D. J.Zeaglcr and Mrs. Thomp¬ son. Levied on as the property of A'« r. Tubor at the suit of J. M. Crosswell. ALSO' One tract of land containing eight hundred and fifty acres more or less, lying on the waters of Ro¬ bert Swamp, bounded by lands of A. C. Zeigler, J. P. Pearson, Edwyn Rutland and Jacob Mack. Levied on as the property of John C. Kcnnerly at the suit of Daniel Rifoy. ALSO One tract of bind containing one hundred nnd four acres more or less, bounded by binds of Salina Till, Zimmerman and Alburt Patrick. Levied on as the property of r. D. Carson at the suit of (leered D. Smith. ALSO ' ,t")ne tract of TamF containing two hundred and twenty-five' acres more or less, lyiug on Penn Iranch, bounded by lands of Win, Livingston, Wm. Knotts, Jacob Wgll'e, and by lands formerly owned by John Huffman. Levied on as the property of William Hooker a't the unit sf Ellis & Rrewstcr.* ALSO All lite undivided right, title and interest or rimrlcs S. Dull iu the house nnd lot on Russell Street, lately occupied by Ohas. Bull Sc Co., bound¬ ed by lauds of Oliveros, J. 0. Pike, trustee, and D. Louis. Lovied on us the property of Charles S. Bull at the suit of Wm. M. Bird & Co. ALSO 4. tract of land containing three hundred nnd thirteen acres' more or less, known as the Wanna- htaker plantation, bounded by lands ef Mary L. Stoudemiro, D. C. Stoudcmire, Wm. Watts aud Elli sou Gales. Levied ou as tho property of Ann e. IUlglcr and J. A. V- Haigler at the suit of D J. Zeigler aud Dr. J. A. Keller. ALSO A tract of land containing-three hundred acres more or less, known as the Haigler plantation, bounded by landa of tho estate of G. T. I rick. Levied on as the property of Ann e. Haigler and J. A. M, Haigler at ihe suit oi D. J. Zeigler and Dr. J. A. Keller. ALSO Three Mules, one Wagon, two hundred bushels of corn more or less, two thousand pounds' of Fodder and five bushels of Rioc, and one Buggy. Levied 'en as the property of Ann e. Haigler and J. A. M. Haigler at the suit of D. J. Zcaglcr and Dr. J. A. Keller. ALSO Three hundred acres more oi less bounded, by landa of David Fersner, Samuel Rickenbaker and L. H. Zimmerman. Le>icd on as tho property of W. Zimmerman at the suit of Joan Sellers, Admin¬ istrator for another. ALSO A tract of land containing lfi acres more or less, bounded by lands of C. Arant, e Etckiel and W. T. McKewu. Levied on as the property of C. Arant at the suit of D. Louis, ALSO One Wagon two Ox Carts, one old Timber Cart, (one Sportsman Hunting Buggy,) one Dirt Cart, the Body and Irons of an old ILookaway, and a quanti¬ ty of other Irons, such as Axlctrccs, Tires, and Cart Chain«. Levied on as the property of A. r. Tabor at the suit of J. M. Crosswell. nov 21 td ALSO 200 bushels of Corn, 2000 lbs Fodder, 1 Stack Potatoes of 20 bushels. Levied on as the property of Peter e. Gibson at the sub of Daniel Davis, nov 21 Ul * H. RIOOS, . Orangcburg 0. iL, S. C, \ S. O. C. Sheriff's Office, ) rangeburg 0. ft., S. C, V Nov. ll, 1868, j - ALSO SOUTH CAROLINA, 1 Vrnhmtn rMlrt ORAVosbunu County, J ProbRto Court' Ex parte F. Wi Foi'rcy, Adm'r. Estate of Jess© Pat¬ rick.Petition for sale of Real Estate. By virtue of a decretal order to me directed from the Honorable, the Probate Court of tho said Coun¬ ty, I will sell at public outcry at Orangcburg on salesday in December next, (being the 7th Deo.) AH that tract of land containing one hundred acres, inoro or less, situate on Cattle Creek, and bounded by lands ef John P. Berry, the same being a part q! the estate of Jesse Patrick. Terms.One-half cash, balance on a credit of twelve, months, purchaser to give bond and mort¬ gage for credit portion, nnd to pay for 'papers and stamps. tlctohor 10, 18<50. II. RU1Q8, nhvM.td S. O. C. pov II td 3 '-. -t v.- . CO M MlSwrON,' M-BRtAl aiVts , AOKNTS CHAIRLESTON A$I> LIVERPOOL STEAMSHIP XINE. . Advances, iwla on shipments ;vf Cotton, ntec, und Navnl Stores to Foreign und Domestic Ports. [oot 24 *V ^ >?fT< - .iJ-.: 4t -E-j-.-,r. r>. .-- NOTICK TO PLANTERS. Soluble Pacific Guano, rpHERIOliLY SATISFACTORY ANDdtEMARK- JL able effects of this OUANü in producing very largely Increased crops of Cotton, Corn*and other staple crop?, has attracted the general attention of planters ami, farmers. In order to confirm public confidence, in the contrnyrd ezctJlevct of thin Ouano and ftvnil of the best scientific ability in the prose¬ cution of thin important business, the PACIFIC OUANO COMPANY hna consummated & profusion>-J engagement) with Dr. ST. JULIAN RAVENEL, of Charleston, 8. C, as scientific adviser and conaul- tlng Chemist to the Company. Dr. RAVENEL Is conversant with the composition and qualities of' the Uuano,- as well as with the character, policy and unusual resources of the PACIFIC GÜÄNO COMPANY, and will communicate full information on these points to planters who may call on him or address bim by letter at Charleston, 8. C. JXO. S.REESE & CO., General Agents, Pacific Guano Company, Baltimore, Md. J. N. ROBSON, Agent for South Carolins, Charleston, S. C. oct 81 4t \ MILLINERY OF THE MOST 91 O p E R N STYLES .AT MRS. C. OLDENDORFF^ Who would respectfully inform the Ladies of Ornngcburg and vicinity that she has .opened a FULL aiid HAND80ME ASSORTMENT of FALL ami WINTER MILLINERY of tho most MODERN STYLES and FASHION. ner usual PROMPT ATTENTION and MODE- RATE PRICES, she hopes will elicit a share of the Public patronage. Please call ahd examine her STOCK at the well Known Old Stand on Main Street, opposite Mr. Jos. McNuinnm'a. ocl 24 lm IX PROBATE COURT, ORAXOEBURG COUNTRY. Ex parto Robert M. Argoe, 1 In re Lost Will of V Robtrt Argoe, Sr. j On hearing the petition in this case, am) on mo¬ tion of T. 11.- Cooke, Solicitor for petitioucr, it is or¬ dered : That all persons interested he end arc hereby notificd to appcur at the Judge of Probate's Office at Orangehurg Court House, ou the second Monday in February A. lb, 1809. for the purpose of shew¬ ing cause if any they can, why the will of Robert Argoe, Sr., late af said County, should not he re¬ established, and to that end to produce such wit¬ nesses as they may desire, and cross examine those produced by the petitioner. Judge of Probate's Office. 1 THAI) C. ANDREWS. Oniiigeburg, S. C, V Judge of Probate. November 2, 1808. J nov 2 , td I) OVCIU RICE, ROVOII RICE, Wanted nt tho COURT HOUSE STORE, where the highest prices in Cash or Barter will be allowed for it. PEAS, GROUNDNUTS, &c, bought in any quuu- tit v. NEW HULLED BUCKWHEAT FLOUR just re¬ ceived, also a lot of Extra and Family FLOUR, (new). Table SYRUP, SUGARS, TEAS, &c, Ac, fclwnyjj 0U ll»Ud, PERUVIAN GUANO and WANDO FERTILI¬ ZER on consignment. A lot of CHOICE CHEWING TOBACCO in whole aud half boxes, which will be sold low to close out the lot. Also a full supply of first rate CHEWING TO. BACCO, which is going off at low prices. BLACK SEED OATS for whiter planting. RED SEED WHEAT a choice article, and other seasonable goods to be had at the COURT HOUSE STORE. JOHN A. HAMILTON, nov 7 c Iv M EETIXG OF UO VItl) or COUNT 1* CO31 MISSIONKHK. The Annual Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners for TJrangeburg will take place in the Court House of said County on the 4th Monday of November, inBt., at 10 o'clock A. M. All per¬ sons having bills ugainst the County aro required to deposit the same with the Clerk of said beard on or before Saturday the 21st day of November, iust., and in default thereof sueh bills will not be audi¬ ted at said annual meeting. T. If. COOKE. Clerk Board County Commissioners, nov 7 td SALE, RENT "< OR LEASE. " THE FINE PLANTATION Belonging to the Estatcof the late Coloucl KEITT, and well krowu as tho Dftrbj' lMtt«e. These LANDS arc among tho BEST in the Dis¬ trict, being situated on Lyou's Creek, commanding A FINE WATER-POWER, aud of a Rich Red Clay Soil. They arc offered at ONE-HALF their Vuluution in 1806. Said Tract contains 600 acres. Ccndilions.$5,500.one-third cash, the balance in two yearly instalments. Address MUS. LAURENCE KEITT. uov 7.tf Charleston, S. C. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, \ . Orangcburg County. / By THAD. C. ANDREWS, Esq., Judge of Probate WHEREAS, John M. Aycrs, fanner, hath made suit to roc to grant him Letters of Admiuistta tion of the Estate and effects of John Aycrs, de¬ ceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular tho kindred and creditors of the said John Ayers, deceased, that they he. and appear before me, in the Court of Ordinary, to be held at Probate Office, Orangcburg C. IL. on Monday, 28d day of November iust., after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in tho forenoon, to shew cause if any they have, why tho Baid Administration should not begvartted Given uno'er ny hand-Ibis 7th day of November Anno Domint, 1SJ8. THAD. C. ANDREWS, Judge of Probate, nov 14-.2t Orangeburg County. M U1.ES FOR SALE. Several very FINE MULES, At reasonable rates, for Cash. Apply AT THIS OFFICE, oct 17^-tf . , .BUYING AS TJSTJAI; »?,!..". ." * i»' lj .."'* v -I/;-:' I -»?r*-i!r ?*! I .*ruh>t»'» dlliOfl t- <iNNl -I.>.).>./> talj IuiqT) --¦»tj i'> j* 'r.Inu.. i} >!. i'lit lOJv .J/toir ."..'.trj-o'.t lit'f nil r.rlfnof. «« ."»iv. .i : i«. .>!¦ .. -vt i»o i .: U .'.1 11/. )-; .)<.. *. ;«*.-_ to.. '.. /f ;;hfdHii '¦'II.* ,.;.) .>. - i > ..' ..! ...'-' ) '. !: > | »ÜL»! wnn, AT THE HIGHEST PEICES FOE CASK. COB-NELSON, KRAMER & CO. Öct n BUYING COTTON AT TIT K HIGHEST MARKET RATES, AS USUAL. THEY HAVE ON HAND A COMPLETE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CLOTHING, HARDWARE, &CL Special attention is invited to our Selec¬ tion of LADIES DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, &c, &c. GOODS purchased exclusively for CASH and will be sold at Lowest Market Rates. BULL, SCOYILL & PIKE. fcb L'3 STOCKERS HEAP CASH STORE. At the Red Sign near the Old Court House*, OHANGEIiUKfi. S. ('.. OCTOBER 10m, 18G8, 1?u\.ta\j a/ntu wiisrr3<Hfc goods. »vt?* into a _ much Larger Storr, wo urc enabled to keep a* good assortment in our line as any Storo in Town. Our slock consists of Prints, Donicstics Fall and Winter Dress Goods. Shawls, (tents Clothing, Notions, and a good pclcctioit »f Boot*, Shoos, llatp, kc. Also a good Assort¬ ment of Groceries; Liquors, and Hardware, Which we offer to the Citizons of Orangohürg Din. trict at very low prices for cash. Respectfully soliciting your patronage, and hoping you will call oh us soon, we remain, Yours, truly, PiT Messrs- JOHN A. Ti*t$?\fe^lä witotw au^Pwfll bo hap^ty to Heo their friends. aujj 2ii.ly IN. . I i'! ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦. a- , Williatti T. UgMbot & Co., * A UK CONSTANTLY" IVKC KI And nil article* suited to. this fnttket. sell för(?ASll, «töi&irtt* tH8 IWrrWWSt.A 'Xhej f/try nil kind* of Coun^TOoducV^d^ pay highe^, pricey $ Cfl«h or Be^f&t A fin© fleloctioB 'Of' b?n*3 mwS na*!* l i ö'^jr^ Cohsuotlj' on hand, Witbotit ttn^'c^ötHÖn^lok from tbö' ; . . -i Call st rife tetno bnildinp kfidwn ao well aa Willoock's Tib and &t^.$jfc$j.,. ^ ^^jj WM UV ljG&*mOX ,fc«pfVia 0(Jt3i «« c .: lj rV ; ¦" n ~~ -.-../ Housekeepers Attention. Pi YOU WOUUD SAVB^cm« ^ftBüMtWIt'« hire. cbinc to WILLgOC^'B ,aud BEACON LIÖHT, ri^i'l BOl'TJitiRX STATES, of "\ im» wftjümw. GOOÜIIIä STi Those und other patterns a 1 way ft off-: hind, tindj warranted to eoiuc up to rjeprrfientation^f R' V>\ .'Ulwiauj L.;r.;;tt--;ft wm. OTIUSQGm t>et5*_. i.-.f IS-t^I Afr>-n 1 yt?h '..iiiym. t.AT >'1"!W .IT' (1 i d iahjis & cö.; .. j. .' ' 1) H tV. ai -w»in vixl . >i'!l l)£lft tSUHW : A a It K T ö,^h ^ y ... »..luIifcWl j^tbli» i AHB '; wit it. iv! .'. .. aj.d ..' .. 1 ¦. liUid?» «oln buying cöi^m .." -ti I .»... U ..'it..* ...;.. <! ^hftVM» ,>^>l -jlJf»«tU ^ ojfl ..i.'i ^ e£* ^itfu riin r>d> »j*»Jt*>v<J ^oiionrd A;|; ...».*i *'". tti ?. id«'/'.. övhiT 'nfT OF Til 15 feb 1^ ixn mW\ u 1! Di LOUIS & CO; Agbüt8.. : d- dti !Vja. bux fe\.>ir»f»b ..vli^i.- \{ t'i.T ,-. F. H. W. fiRIGÖittANK ^ raJi| RESPECTFULLY INFORM ÖÜK ttRiNO^ burg Friends Ihut w'c hare moved in <iur NBW 8TOBEv Wliero wo arc reedy ßirpply oof Priendl tä4 <St\' Public in gcUeral with a full and frcab suppW «f drV «oölis. !', : ~ 'ivftfl oA AUo all kinds, of , . liouor*. VnrNEsj roRtsh, ALE. ETC..ai reduced Priceoi' ./>.'' We have a tine lot of FAMILY FLOt'R frtfÄ, .Too. CAMPSLN & CO'S Mill, Charleston, put uj» in small Sacks, very !ow< j ttj ifjijiattiii Wc offer for aale the RECIFE fdr making JACK¬ SON'S UNIVERSAL ;WA8llfNÖ CÖ»iaOÜ5l*, and JACK SON'S LAUNDRY SÖArf« Öfe l)*it«£t which has given satisfaction to alt to WbbotWa hat* Wc wdl buy COTTON'and all.oilier bktjUilC.te;, giving the highest market pr'io'er of Ibip'Rfr^'anr ono, FREE of CHARGE and make LIBERAL klh VANCES on the same. u a'dl - " oct 3.ly F. II. W. BRIGGmAKN Ä tfT 1 -[ .i^r ntvo%t.»rrY R£9KOV«l>» -V .1.. ;tu yuhhwh* The Subscriber . would Kh spectfully inform his friends and custolaera loHt He* has moved his BAR to tlie rein-of his StORE bit Russell-Street, whero he will\kccp , conaUntlj eft HI LIQUORS of tba BEST hand a good strpply RANDS SEO sept 10.6m 3, Y .~ JJ CtLEBBAT£t> blftLL AND fever cure. uto if*. otavfeKos' bilious cathartic or . .. / -?liv IiVer HUb; Way 2.1 y' u' '. iwtsvvej -..k..*.;.. .,. .... .»wtij In Equity. ÖRANGEBURG DISTRICT: Mclebcf K. Hblmab, Adm'f Elizv Stromau, et. al; »t batdu*{ By order of the Court of Equity in tba fAtova stated caeo, the crcdltbrn 6T the laic Nicholas Ktrc roan, (loccaucd, are hereby required to. establish their demands before mc, on or before the tcuth dav of Deoembor next. Commbeioncr'e Office,) v. D. v.' JAMISON, Orangeburg c. JL. r Commissioner. Octbber 27, 1B6B. j ''.!.>!; oct 3l td -..i,.^, :,h-1.1. ATOTICK..All I*ore6n* who U&r* \\ not paid their TAXES, will find EXECU¬ TIONS for the same in my office, and will do weH to call and settle the sanic, as (bey Will aava coma of thu cost by so doing. II. BIGGS, oct 17.tf" $ 8. 0. C. TVHT KECEIVfch. »f A frosh tu|rtfly of UHCiiCE FAMILY FLOl'R, LARD, SODA, WIS8 sad LEMON CRACKER?, CANDIES, kc, at

DRY GOODS, GROCERIES,14 rant..^.^PTIME" PRICE. **ÜflT iKVAItlAni.r:W««Kff'«|ACCOMPANYTlfE ' " Ü^Jttt>.*,** A;.r ***MW ':

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Page 1: DRY GOODS, GROCERIES,14 rant..^.^PTIME" PRICE. **ÜflT iKVAItlAni.r:W««Kff'«|ACCOMPANYTlfE ' " Ü^Jttt>.*,** A;.r ***MW ':

14 rant.


**ÜflT iKVAItlAni.r ACCOMPANY TlfE ' "

:W««Kff'«| Ü ^Jttt> .*,<* lo littoteMotf « SUUaCJltl'TIONv': »flt>** A ;.r

***MW ': » ' ;#2 OO- ~xy~~~'r^~ ;t1®?* Re feepretfafly request n\ir ^friends to.

smd in their Advertisements {asrdrly '*««r^#9& r©M,r«*>»if'; and if possible, let ttS'havethem-hy- Thursday *p«nwff. f>y this nieaas^teewill bhallc'td:lssti6 41 tätiixliifr hwr on tfatttr-rfo.y, and «w*W,^vi^aJUe^^Mtgvre .Prf °f tne¦Infest netct. w'to'ihet'hmh' of bur goiiig to press.



."Next ilmrsdiiy. is our National "»d StateThankÄi».-.-

Original Story.Wc will publish next week , an intensely in¬

teresting4 "ÄL NÖUVALETTE

Trouj the pert of 'our esteemed correspondent,.**DAl8ir Dale." Wc promise our readers

quite a literary,treat, which we know they willappreciate and enjoy.

Itev. A. £*Dick8on.Jftr"Village 5s about to suffer'h loss in the

departure of this .esteemed aud accomplishedClergyman from our midst. Having been for

many years, .tue pastor of the PresbyterianChurch, ho has ,:bccu no less endeared to his

«.bärge by his faithful ministration of Holythings,-than esteemed and respect*d in the

community as a preacher of ability, and a

scholar of tine attainments.He leaves us next week, in acceptance of a

call to supply the pulpit of the Fourth Pres¬

byterian Church in New Orleans . His fare-Well* siShnon will bo preached at the Prcsbyte-run ChnroU iu this place, to-morrow morning,

-' IM. .W -

Light U> Artillery.'-A'fiue Yam Potato, from the plantation of*

MY. Samuel T, Izlar, can be seen at our office.A line projectile fnr a piece of artillery, as itin a liix^^jtfrttler; and "we have calculated r its

xatige,.the looking lv.ui-c.P.*»l '. r..,The Cotton Tax..We make the follow¬

ing froÄ5»e Columbia iWtceni c:The Comptroller General of the State bus

in^vtuVHd.tax officers to include iu their qua*terly assessments all cotton purchased and soldby merchants, factors, brokers, bankers, or

.Otherpersons buyiug or shipping on commis¬sion,-or otherwise, which was grown this year,*ftd 'no'wjcxeüjpt from tax by the United StatesVjöVerüment by Act of Congress aud to collecttwenty cents'on every hundred dollars worthof it, the same as on other merchandize, con¬

sidering cotton sold whenever It id shipped.Ws W New York are coming down, and.

it, is eastcr for people in want, of houses to getthem. How thau it has been at any time foryear* past.A Mississippi colored, preacher has com¬

menced publishing the Colored C/itixeus'Monthly.The Be^JpjJwtiscript is afraid if all the

Sutea thisyo.ar have Thanksgiving Day ou

November 261 tlmt "there may not be turkeys^enough to go round." '

Gene^Di ^. Butler has written a letter inwhicli.he says: "The South has no firmerlrlchd' than I am nhd bavo ever beeu j" audlieYurthcr declares lie bears no hatred to theSouth, o^outliern uiou as such.

A Now Yoik paper suggests as a means of

Wjj tho'national debt, that every office-iijr'a' dollar a week towards its liqujdujhe gets an offieo.

iacres»irj Fairfax. County, Va., were

Tfew day i/go for the sum of Si00 an

prLt»ö<t>adjoining is uow held at 8150 au

»* »ttlvr U ..' .''* ..-..:. ;r ... .

^''T^i^dön Phetfie Railroad Company are

-about to lay out a town at the. mouth of the

M'tgcf; ,Rtyer» seventy-five miles east of Salt

York, have ^pure^ased eighty thousand acres

oi hind nea^i'yititKäi Florida, and are aboutto colonize if rAiU people froni;thaf>State.John Quiucy Adams, the Dumocratio ean-

didate for Governor iu Massachusetts, ran tenthousand ahead of ..his ticket at the recent

^tMg^mil Mi&M M M sti; The shu.l) of a tuustodon, mcusuriug thrco

lyot «n longth, two feet eight inches iu width,.and two feet across the nostrills, aud weighing^iieiiundrcd pounds, it is reported, has been%M$4;<tt'T4k« County, Ohio. *2IiT*

The New York Evening Mail says that hun¬dreds of "uix-o ynurig men" iu that city, many»f "ttfe "Boeiety fellows," live entirely uponborTOwedBrn(nie\yv

Consignees per South Carolina RailroadJ(cnn»ining in tho Depot to. Date*

11. H. Knotts. B.C. Rowc, J.*A. Keller, V. M.smith, j. QYshxiütffi'In accordance with orders received from the Su-1t'perintcnrtGB» ^'fil^^VH^^^^i* CV^^d °°

Good* remaluiiig In the Depot for an unreasonable

length of time. 1^ ME1JIKDIT1!,-Agent.

Orrtcs or'Trii: OnANOKnnno Nxws,N \0y :

, .5 November 20, 1PÜ8V' ! e'ÖTTOlt.^Sitlrs ibr tho week, 220 bales. W eI -at -- r»l*i« I.. tsith i h ¦>: ' ..-.

Ordinary.....:.v......sGood Ordinary........19L jw Middling.»»JMiddling,..,,*......~^204Stiict Middling.....2.1Good Middling.Rocnn Rick.It In good demand at $1.60 per

oushel.; Corn 80 cts. Pcaa 80 cts.; Pinders, 281bs to bushel, $1 25. .¦-


Report of (lie Charleston CottonMarket

For the Week ending November 10.ReportedJbr the Oraugehurg News by

W. WAtT(jtN SMITH, COTTON FACTOR.There has boon little or no change in our market

during tho past week, except that holders weremore willing to meet the tIcwb of buyeis, and morehas been done.: Tho sales of tho week foot upsome 8800 bales. We quote i

Low Middling.22 vMiddling.22$StHet Middling.

. ',;-j-J-!-:'.-'-.¦.-'-'

Sheriff's Sales.Ry virtue of sundry writs Of fl. fa., to mo direotcd

I will sell to the highest bidder, at OrnngeburgCourt House, on the first' Monday in Decembernext, for cash tho following property, vil :

One tract of land containing nine hundred Seresmore or less, bounded by lands of Brandenburg,Mrs. e. Thompson and estate of W. S. Thompson.Levied on as tho property of A. r. Tabor at theBuit of J. M. Crosswell.

ALSO» I .... ...Another tract containing seventy-five acres moreor less, (known as the Daniel Kar rick tract,) bound¬ed by lands of D. J. Zeigler and estate lands of W.6. Thompson. Levied on aa the property of A. r.Tabor at the suit of J. M. Crosswell.

ALSOA tract containing fifty acres more or less,bounded by lands of D. J.Zeaglcr and Mrs. Thomp¬son. Levied on as the property of A'« r. Tubor at

the suit of J. M. Crosswell.ALSO'

One tract of land containing eight hundred andfifty acres more or less, lying on the waters of Ro¬bert Swamp, bounded by lands of A. C. Zeigler, J.P. Pearson, Edwyn Rutland and Jacob Mack.Levied on as the property of John C. Kcnnerly atthe suit of Daniel Rifoy.

ALSOOne tract of bind containing one hundred nnd

four acres more or less, bounded by binds of SalinaTill, Zimmerman and Alburt Patrick. Levied onas the property of r. D. Carson at the suit of(leered D. Smith.


,t")ne tract of TamF containing two hundred andtwenty-five' acres more or less, lyiug on PennIranch, bounded by lands of Win, Livingston, Wm.Knotts, Jacob Wgll'e, and by lands formerly ownedby John Huffman. Levied on as the property ofWilliam Hooker a't the unit sf Ellis & Rrewstcr.*

ALSOAll lite undivided right, title and interest orrimrlcs S. Dull iu the house nnd lot on RussellStreet, lately occupied by Ohas. Bull Sc Co., bound¬ed by lauds of Oliveros, J. 0. Pike, trustee, and D.Louis. Lovied on us the property of Charles S.Bull at the suit of Wm. M. Bird & Co.

ALSO4. tract of land containing three hundred nndthirteen acres' more or less, known as the Wanna-htaker plantation, bounded by lands ef Mary L.

Stoudemiro, D. C. Stoudcmire, Wm. Watts aud Ellisou Gales. Levied ou as tho property of Ann e.IUlglcr and J. A. V- Haigler at the suit of D J.Zeigler aud Dr. J. A. Keller.

ALSOA tract of land containing-three hundred acres

more or less, known as the Haigler plantation,bounded by landa of tho estate of G. T. I rick.Levied on as the property of Ann e. Haigler and J.A. M, Haigler at ihe suit oi D. J. Zeigler and Dr.J. A. Keller.

ALSOThree Mules, one Wagon, two hundred bushels of

corn more or less, two thousand pounds' of Fodderand five bushels of Rioc, and one Buggy. Levied'en as the property of Ann e. Haigler and J. A. M.Haigler at the suit of D. J. Zcaglcr and Dr. J. A.Keller.

ALSOThree hundred acres more oi less bounded, bylanda of David Fersner, Samuel Rickenbaker and

L. H. Zimmerman. Le>icd on as tho property ofW. Zimmerman at the suit of Joan Sellers, Admin¬istrator for another.

ALSOA tract of land containing lfi acres more or less,bounded by lands of C. Arant, e Etckiel and W.

T. McKewu. Levied on as the property of C.Arant at the suit of D. Louis,ALSO

One Wagon two Ox Carts, one old Timber Cart,(one Sportsman Hunting Buggy,) one Dirt Cart, theBody and Irons of an old ILookaway, and a quanti¬ty of other Irons, such as Axlctrccs, Tires, andCart Chain«. Levied on as the property of A. r.Tabor at the suit of J. M. Crosswell.nov 21 td

ALSO200 bushels of Corn, 2000 lbs Fodder, 1 StackPotatoes of 20 bushels. Levied on as the propertyof Peter e. Gibson at the sub of Daniel Davis,nov 21 Ul *


Orangcburg 0. iL, S. C, \ S. O. C.Sheriff's Office, )rangeburg 0. ft., S. C, VNov. ll, 1868, j

- ALSOSOUTH CAROLINA, 1 Vrnhmtn rMlrtORAVosbunu County, J ProbRto Court'

Ex parte F. Wi Foi'rcy, Adm'r. Estate of Jess© Pat¬rick.Petition for sale of Real Estate.By virtue of a decretal order to me directed from

the Honorable, the Probate Court of tho said Coun¬ty, I will sell at public outcry at Orangcburg onsalesday in December next, (being the 7th Deo.)AH that tract of land containing one hundredacres, inoro or less, situate on Cattle Creek, andbounded by lands ef John P. Berry, the same beinga part q! the estate of Jesse Patrick.Terms.One-half cash, balance on a credit of

twelve, months, purchaser to give bond and mort¬gage for credit portion, nnd to pay for 'papers andstamps.

tlctohor 10, 18<50. II. RU1Q8,nhvM.td S. O. C.

pov II td~« 3 '-. -tv.- .

COMMlSwrON,'M-BRtAlaiVts ,


. Advances, iwla on shipments ;vf Cotton, ntec,und Navnl Stores to Foreign und Domestic Ports.[oot 24 *V ^ >?fT< - .iJ-.: 4t-E-j-.-,r. r>. .--


Soluble Pacific Guano,

rpHERIOliLY SATISFACTORY ANDdtEMARK-JL able effects of this OUANü in producing verylargely Increased crops of Cotton, Corn*and otherstaple crop?, has attracted the general attention ofplanters ami, farmers. In order to confirm publicconfidence, in the contrnyrd ezctJlevct of thin Ouanoand ftvnil of the best scientific ability in the prose¬cution of thin important business, the PACIFICOUANO COMPANY hna consummated & profusion>-Jengagement) with Dr. ST. JULIAN RAVENEL, ofCharleston, 8. C, as scientific adviser and conaul-tlng Chemist to the Company. Dr. RAVENEL Isconversant with the composition and qualities of'the Uuano,- as well as with the character, policyand unusual resources of the PACIFIC GÜÄNOCOMPANY, and will communicate full informationon these points to planters who may call on himor address bim by letter at Charleston, 8. C.

JXO. S.REESE & CO., General Agents,Pacific Guano Company, Baltimore, Md.J. N. ROBSON,

Agent for South Carolins, Charleston, S. C.oct 81 4t \


MOST91 O p E R N


MRS. C. OLDENDORFF^Who would respectfully inform the Ladies of

Ornngcburg and vicinity that she has .opened aFULL aiid HAND80ME ASSORTMENT of FALLami WINTER MILLINERY of tho most MODERNSTYLES and FASHION.ner usual PROMPT ATTENTION and MODE-

RATE PRICES, she hopes will elicit a share of thePublic patronage.

Please call ahd examine her STOCK at the wellKnown Old Stand on Main Street, opposite Mr. Jos.McNuinnm'a.

ocl 24 lm


Ex parto Robert M. Argoe, 1In re Lost Will of VRobtrt Argoe, Sr. j

On hearing the petition in this case, am) on mo¬tion of T. 11.- Cooke, Solicitor for petitioucr, it is or¬dered :

That all persons interested he end arc herebynotificd to appcur at the Judge of Probate's Officeat Orangehurg Court House, ou the second Mondayin February A. lb, 1809. for the purpose of shew¬ing cause if any they can, why the will of RobertArgoe, Sr., late af said County, should not he re¬established, and to that end to produce such wit¬nesses as they may desire, and cross examine thoseproduced by the petitioner.Judge of Probate's Office. 1 THAI) C. ANDREWS.

Oniiigeburg, S. C, V Judge of Probate.November 2, 1808. Jnov 2 , td


the highest prices in Cash or Barter will be allowedfor it.PEAS, GROUNDNUTS, &c, bought in any quuu-tit v.NEW HULLED BUCKWHEAT FLOUR just re¬ceived, also a lot of Extra and Family FLOUR,(new). Table SYRUP, SUGARS, TEAS, &c, Ac,fclwnyjj 0U ll»Ud,PERUVIAN GUANO and WANDO FERTILI¬

ZER on consignment.A lot of CHOICE CHEWING TOBACCO in whole

aud half boxes, which will be sold low to close outthe lot.

Also a full supply of first rate CHEWING TO.BACCO, which is going off at low prices.BLACK SEED OATS for whiter planting.RED SEED WHEAT a choice article, and otherseasonable goods to be had at the


nov 7 cIv



COUNT1* CO31MISSIONKHK.The Annual Meeting of the Board of CountyCommissioners for TJrangeburg will take place inthe Court House of said County on the 4th Mondayof November, inBt., at 10 o'clock A. M. All per¬

sons having bills ugainst the County aro requiredto deposit the same with the Clerk of said beard onor before Saturday the 21st day of November, iust.,and in default thereof sueh bills will not be audi¬ted at said annual meeting.

T. If. COOKE.Clerk Board County Commissioners,

nov 7 td


THE FINE PLANTATIONBelonging to the Estatcof the late Coloucl KEITT,and well krowu as tho

Dftrbj' lMtt«e.These LANDS arc among tho BEST in the Dis¬trict, being situated on Lyou's Creek, commanding

A FINE WATER-POWER,aud of a Rich Red Clay Soil. They arc offered atONE-HALF their Vuluution in 1806. Said Tractcontains 600 acres.Ccndilions.$5,500.one-third cash, the balance

in two yearly instalments. AddressMUS. LAURENCE KEITT.

uov7.tf Charleston, S. C.


Orangcburg County. /By THAD. C. ANDREWS, Esq., Judge of ProbateWHEREAS, John M. Aycrs, fanner, hath made

suit to roc to grant him Letters of Admiuisttation of the Estate and effects of John Aycrs, de¬ceased.These are therefore to cite and admonish all and

singular tho kindred and creditors of the saidJohn Ayers, deceased, that they he. and appearbefore me, in the Court of Ordinary, to be held atProbate Office, Orangcburg C. IL. on Monday, 28dday of November iust., after publication hereof, at11 o'clock in tho forenoon, to shew cause if anythey have, why tho Baid Administration should notbegvartted

Given uno'er ny hand-Ibis 7th day of NovemberAnno Domint, 1SJ8.

THAD. C. ANDREWS, Judge of Probate,nov 14-.2t Orangeburg County.

M U1.ES FOR SALE.Several very

FINE MULES,At reasonable rates, for Cash.

Apply AT THIS OFFICE,oct 17^-tf .



»?,!..". ." * i»' lj .."'* v -I/;-:' I -»?r*-i!r ?*!I .*ruh>t»'» dlliOfl t- <iNNl -I.>.).>./> taljIuiqT) --¦»tj i'> j* 'r.Inu.. i} >!. i'litlOJv .J/toir ."..'.trj-o'.t lit'f nil r.rlfnof. «« ."»iv.

.i : i«. .>!¦ .. -vt i»oi .: U .'.1 11/.

)-; .)<.. *. t» ;«*.-_ to.. '.. /f ;;hfdHii'¦'II.* ,.;.) .>. - i > ..' ..! ...'-' :¦ ) '. !: > | »ÜL»!


Öct n







Special attention is invited to our Selec¬tion of LADIES DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS,SHAWLS, &c, &c.GOODS purchased exclusively for CASH

and will be sold at Lowest Market Rates.



HEAP CASH STORE.At the Red Sign near the Old Court House*,

OHANGEIiUKfi. S. ('.. OCTOBER 10m, 18G8,

1?u\.ta\j a/ntu wiisrr3<Hfc goods. »vt?* into a_

much Larger Storr, wo urc enabled to keep a* good assortment in our line as anyStoro in Town. Our slock consists of Prints, Donicstics Fall and Winter Dress Goods. Shawls,(tents Clothing, Notions, and a good pclcctioit »f Boot*, Shoos, llatp, kc. Also a good Assort¬ment of Groceries; Liquors, and Hardware, Which we offer to the Citizons of Orangohürg Din.trict at very low prices for cash. Respectfully soliciting your patronage, and hoping you willcall oh us soon, we remain, Yours, truly,

PiT Messrs- JOHN A. Ti*t$?\fe^lä witotw au^Pwfll bohap^ty to Heo their friends. aujj 2ii.ly


. I i'! ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦. a-,

Williatti T. UgMbot & Co.,* A UK CONSTANTLY" IVKC KI

And nil article* suited to. this fnttket.sell för(?ASll, «töi&irtt* tH8IWrrWWSt.A

'Xhej f/try nil kind* of Coun^TOoducV^d^pay highe^, pricey $ Cfl«h or Be^f&t

A fin© fleloctioB 'Of' b?n*3 mwS na*!*

l i ö'^jr^Cohsuotlj' on hand, Witbotit ttn^'c^ötHÖn^lokfrom tbö' ; . .-i

Call st rife tetno bnildinp kfidwn ao well aaWilloock's Tib and &t^.$jfc$j.,.^ ^^jj

WM UV ljG&*mOX ,fc«pfVia0(Jt3i «« c.: lj rV

; ¦" n ~~


Housekeepers Attention.Pi YOU WOUUD SAVB^cm« ^ftBüMtWIt'«

hire. cbinc to WILLgOC^'B ,audBEACON LIÖHT, ri^i'l

BOl'TJitiRX STATES, of "\im» wftjümw.

GOOÜIIIä STiThose und other patterns a 1way ft off-: hind,

tindj warranted to eoiuc up to rjeprrfientation^fR' V>\ .'Ulwiauj L.;r.;;tt--;ft

wm. OTIUSQGmt>et5*_. i.-.f IS-t^I Afr>-n

1 yt?h '..iiiym. t.AT>'1"!W

.IT' (1


d iahjis & cö.;.. j. .'


1) H tV. ai -w»in vixl. >i'!l l)£lft tSUHW

:A a ItK T ö,^hy

... i« »..luIifcWl j^tbli»

i AHB '; witit. iv! .'. .. aj.d ..' .. 1 ¦. liUid?» «oln

buying cöi^m.." -ti I .»... U ..'it..* ...;.. <! ^hftVM»

,>^>l -jlJf»«tU ^ ojfl..i.'i ^ e£* ^itfu riin r>d> »j*»Jt*>v<J


A;|;...».*i *'". tti ?. id«'/'.. övhiT 'nfT

OF Til 15

feb 1^

ixnmW\ u 1!

Di LOUIS & CO; Agbüt8.. :d- dti !Vja. bux fe\.>ir»f»b

..vli^i.- \{ t'i.T ,-.

F. H. W. fiRIGÖittANK ^ raJi|RESPECTFULLY INFORM ÖÜK ttRiNO^burg Friends Ihut w'c hare moved in <iur

NBW 8TOBEvWliero wo arc reedy tö ßirpply oof Priendl tä4 <St\'Public in gcUeral with a full and frcab suppW «f

drV «oölis. !', :~ 'ivftfl oA

AUo all kinds, of, .liouor*. VnrNEsj roRtsh,

ALE. ETC..ai reduced Priceoi' ./>.''We have a tine lot of FAMILY FLOt'R frtfÄ,.Too. CAMPSLN & CO'S Mill, Charleston, put uj»in small Sacks, very !ow< j ttj -» ifjijiattiiiWc offer for aale the RECIFE fdr making JACK¬SON'S UNIVERSAL ;WA8llfNÖ CÖ»iaOÜ5l*,

and JACKSON'S LAUNDRY SÖArf« Öfe l)*it«£twhich has given satisfaction to alt to WbbotWa hat*

Wc wdl buy COTTON'and all.oilier bktjUilC.te;,giving the highest market pr'io'er of Ibip'Rfr^'anrono, FREE of CHARGE and make LIBERAL klhVANCES on the same. u a'dl - "

oct 3.ly F. II. W. BRIGGmAKN Ä tfT 1

-[ .i^r ntvo%t.»rrY

R£9KOV«l>» -V .1.. ;tu yuhhwh*The Subscriber . would Khspectfully inform his friends and custolaera loHt He*has moved his BAR to tlie rein-of his StORE bitRussell-Street, whero he will\kccp , conaUntlj eft

HI LIQUORS of tba BESThand a good strpplyRANDS SEOsept 10.6m

3, Y.~

JJ CtLEBBAT£t> blftLLAND fever cure.uto if*. otavfeKos'

bilious cathartic or . .. / -?livIiVer HUb;Way 2.1 y' u' '. iwtsvvej

-..k..*.;.. .,. .... .»wtij


Mclebcf K. Hblmab, Adm'f

Elizv Stromau, et. al;»t batdu*{

By order of the Court of Equity in tba fAtovastated caeo, the crcdltbrn 6T the laic Nicholas Ktrcroan, (loccaucd, are hereby required to. establishtheir demands before mc, on or before the tcuthdav of Deoembor next.Commbeioncr'e Office,) v. D. v.' JAMISON,Orangeburg c. JL. r Commissioner.Octbber 27, 1B6B. j ''.!.>!;oct 3l td

-..i,.^, :,h-1.1.ATOTICK..All I*ore6n* who U&r*\\ not paid their TAXES, will find EXECU¬TIONS for the same in my office, and will do weHto call and settle the sanic, as (bey Will aava comaof thu cost by so doing. II. BIGGS,oct 17.tf" $8. 0. C.