DRS BETTS BETTS FlnrsiGlans Surgeons ana Specialists L005 MAIN STREET DALLAS TEXAS The most widely end favorably tnown special- ists ¬ In the United States Their long experi- ence ¬ remarkable skil and universal success in the treatment and cure of Nervous Chronic and Surgical diseases entitle these eminent phy- sicians ¬ to the fall confidence of the afflicted everywhere They Guarantee A CERTAIN AND POSITIVE CURII for the awful effects of early vice and the nujoerfljJSi that follow In in train Tils isdffiES PRIVATE BLOOD AND iP WaEASES- antedllv romplctelv ansJ Jark iitly cured NEuvouavbisnizVirJr Avn sexual dis- OIUlSieyd readily to their skillful trcat < riLES FISTULA AND RECTAL ULCERS guaranteed cured without pain or detention from business HYDROCELE AKD VARICOCELE perms tently and successfully cured in every case SYPHILIS GONORRHEA GLEET Sper- matorrhea ¬ Hemlnal Weakness Lost Manhood Night Emissions Decajed Faculties Female Weakness and all delicate disorders peculiar to either sex positively cured as well as all func- tional disorders that result from youthful follies or the err s if mature year CTDTPtTIDP Guaranteed permanently cured LUlUul Ufiii lernoval complete without cut- ting ¬ caustic or dilatation Cures effected at home by patient without a moments pain or an- noyance ¬ TO Y0U1IG AND MIDDLEAGED MEN pflDT TIl ° awJul effects of early ACTIDT ullfilj nee which brines organic weakness destroyinj both mind and body with all its dreaded ills permanently enred- Tjpn BFtrfntl Adnress those who have lrn- JJiiU Dill 10 paired them elves by improper Indulgence and solitary habits which ruin mind and body unfitting them for business study or- morrluge MARRIED MEN or those eute g on that hsptiy life aware of physical debility quickly assisted Consultation free In person or by mail If you are afflicted and cannot call write to us enclosing stamp for reply Call upon or address Drs Betts Betts 1005 Main strEJl Opposite Fostofflsj DALLAS TEXAS Health is Wealth Pr I C Writ 5en nJ Rraia Treatdoat a- rnareuteed sppciflc for HyRt nn lHzznict3tCon- Tmsion I its Krrroui Neuralgia lltpAarii- oNrrous Prostiation cansed by tli uaiicf aldo ol- ct tobacco aiefuqesavJqatai Depression FotrmriK of tbe UrainM tJTHnsln insanity and IfB lnr iOnItrytJer T and death Ireraatur- otidAr t 33itrl > nno8v Loss of Pout in cither fexT Involuntary Insei and Spermatorrhea caasrrt by orerexertlon of lha brain selfabuia cr ovcrIndulccnce Kach box contains ona months treatment 1 n box or six bites forjj- itnt bi mail prepaid on receipt of pries WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To curt any caie Slith each order recere3 by- us Icr m hnzcf RCCoinpunleU with 55 we will rend the purchaser our written guarantee to re- fund ¬ the monev if the treatment does not effect- s cure Uuarantecs issued ouly by- EJ AX W X Xy- Drupgist Sole Agent CCO IlOLalOK ST IT iiUAtiil TEX n K wjUtrajiiKellisbo iki MAN AND WOirM P PP will purify anil vitallx your blood create a good appetite and give jour wholobystemtone and strength A prominent railroad cupsrintendent at- Stvannahsuffering with Malaria Dyspop M isia and Rheumatism sari After taking Kj I P P he neer felt so wll in his life and u foeiscalf bucnula UroforbTur if he could M alwajseetP 1 I If you are tirnl out from orerT ork and close confinement lriie P PP sf If you are feelinc badly In tho spruSgf p and out of soru take j H P P P w yotSdiceetlTe P If wft take If you suffer fith nervous nerres unstrun and a fenexul let down of the sjstom take P P P For Blood Poison Scrof- ula ¬ Old Bores Malaria Chronic Female take I P P P eitlon Ash The best blood in the world UPrilAS BROS WhfWnle Bloce Savannah Ga n sijicutl by IliouiasWs ilted leflulbejfjId iJocti neoqtoning up sufrerwlthlicadaclielcal dcbiltjtaud weaLnqlif prostration nhfumstlsm Complaints Prickly Poke Root and Potassium Dmscista- SolePropriet rs- LirruxMs THE OLD DOCTCIES sarUculars red reCL Sl iaciiJj ioverin tfnto fall remedy by SB DTt tVARD CO- HI crUi Set euta 8L St Louis for tho V H J J8 purifier 8 fiW W 11L1AMS CO Fr WOUTU TKX ontTE rfectabCofe Tr w maBsU over t fcrtTSW i tlceijTor350313aii nuf sr StElSl Ils I5PKN3MtIB TOVAT Hrfjfrttuniei tfstct as rtpresenleil Sen Ued Subscribe Weekly GaxeitS ayv XST JJJ i p f vdV n nv ON WALL STREET The Stock JIarket Was More Active Yesterday and Stronjrer rrleei Advanced Without interruption an3 Closed Hlcbsr Than Saturdays Final Flrnrci COMMERCIAL RESUME Special to the Gazette 2 ew York Doc 29 Money closed easy at C per cent the lowest of the day the highest was 8 Exchange Steady posted rates Si 80- Zi 8i- Sueur Raw dull refined quiet and unchanged Silver 51 02r per ounce Coffee Spot lots steady air Rio 20c Cotton Spot lots closed Arm mid- dling ¬ uplands 9c Futures closed quiet Wheat Options dull and weak olns- lnji 4M ° lower Spot lots closed dull Wool Dull and Arm at previous prices Hides Firm IJOenos Ayers dry 12 c dry Texas 9jXo- Stooks were a little more active to- day ¬ 172180 aliurea changing hsuds Prices stronger and values advanced with but little or no interruption throughout Lackawanna was a feature being freely bought on cold weather and improved prospects of the coal trade Prices closed to 3jjJ per cent above Saturday Atchison 2SJg Dry goods The market continues dull so far as general business is concerned values have not been disturbed ItAILHOAD BONDS AND CERTIFICATES Unuds Dull Deuver Texas nnd Fort Worth cer- tificates ¬ 37 Fort Worth and Denver la 091 Atchison general mortgage Atchison Incomes 48 Kansas and Texas ls 72ljj Kansas and Texas 2s 3 S Missouri Kansas and Texas Missouri Kansas and Texas ls St Louis Arkansas and Texas 4s 80U 2s 30 Id Missouri Pacillols 85 Texas Iacilio 2s 29- COTTOV FUTUKCS AND 8POT- 8Sjrrlst tothe Gsretts- Nkw Jilkax8 La Dec 20 At- wood Violett Co sav Futures Our Liverpool friends ay prices there improved owlns to ttie re- duitiou of crop estimates it ml small inte- rior ¬ towns movement Our New York friends say they have little faltu hi hinher prices We anticipate a vrideulnc of the Xew York and New Orleans markets whether the markets advance or decline therefore we ndvlse buyinp there and selling here An effort is evidently tje- lni made to create a bullish sentiment in Liverpool hut our information is that New York cenerally is bearish Every- thing ¬ Indicates a very lame crop port receipts oG100 acatnst 40700 last year F o b Good offering in tine s very few cnod colors for hlch grades uono Sales 1750- bpots As much as could be desired iu quantity but of very poor style The bulk ot sales today were tirice spotted aud stuined Amount 7000 ules- GOViUXMnVT8 STOCKS AND IIONOS New Yokk Dec 20 The stock mar- ket ¬ today presented a stroncer front tbun It bus for the past week and at the same time showed more activity than for saverat days The opening was strong and while the temper of the room was not liullitli they showed a disposition to cover as evinced by the shorts aud good buying for long account aud by Lon- don ¬ which kept the movement advanc- ing ¬ here was consideruole opposition to the upward movement in the first hour but the pressure to sell was then withdrawn and ufter money became easier the advance was accelerated the market closing uctive and strong at the highest prices of the day Fiuulchanges are all advnuces- Kallroad bonds more native Government bonds dull Statu bonds steady FINANCIAL An Clf Week in Vail Street Nothing Occurred to Break the liouotony Tims Necessary Before a Spirited Improve- ment of Trlcns Can b Expected Money Easy Nkw Yokk Deo 27 Owing to tho Intervention of the holidays the past has been an oft week In Wall street Nothing has occurred to break the dull- ness ¬ and monotony of a market in which nobody sees any particular ohanoss on either buying or selling nnd prices have drifted from hour to hour according to the transactions of room traders satis- fied ¬ with fractional advantages But whilst there has been no spirit la busi- ness ¬ and the tendency has seemed to be i6Wards the stagnant indifference that is Rfijf to follow such experiences as we- mtto recently witnessed yet there has bin a perceptible improvement in the ttwe of the market it passes for some- thing ¬ that the banks are recovering their rrServes that they ore returning their certificates to the clenntig house that they are more disposed to lend on time and are discounting more freely that failures are becoming much less fre- quent ¬ and that generally we seem to be reaching the end or the unsettling imme- diate ¬ aftereffects of the financial crisis and can see the way clear to a recovery of confidence In comraen ial circles These ore i ubstuntial gains in the situa- tion ¬ Of course they are not sufllcleut- of themselves to create any Important tmvtng movement m stocks but they do- go very fur towards giving assurance thnt stocks taken us a whole have reached u solid and safe botom and present a good bmis of investment to those able to buy them for more oe less permanent holding und that class are steadily taking n certain amount of stocks out of the Moating supply lime nnd certain conditions are neces- snrv before anything like a spirited im- proveraentot prices and activity cau be expected Ihere must be a recovery of the cosh resources necessary for specula- tion ¬ which hare been variously scat- tered ¬ and tied up by recent events there must be a more certain feeling than nt present exists about the general recovery of trade to a healthy and prosperous basis there must be more light upon the prospects of financial legislation in re- spect ¬ to which confidence ts greatly dis- turbed ¬ by the proposed further Inflation of the silver circulation and by the ab ¬ THE GAZETTE FOBT WORTH TEXAS TUESDAY DECEMBER 30 sence ot any really sound measures for putting monetary and banking affairs upon a basis of roundness and stability It is also neoessary that there shall be some deliverance from the uncertainties growing out of the politioitl situation wbioh is so perplexingly confused by the senseless issues Into which a largo por- tion of onr farmers have been misled Moreover there bancs over the country a marked probability that within the next thrae years tho country may be started upon an Important change ot commercial policy whioh is a question Involving more or less directly every In- terest whether industrial mercantile or financial and which considering the differences of opinion on tho question must produce a good deal of ferment and hesitation of enterprise It is also a matter upon which an important class of people will wnit for future light as to whether the New York banks are likely to remain subject to the severe periodic monetary druins which have become an Increasingly disturbing element for the last three years and which are disqualifying the banks from adequately meeting large local re- quirements In short the Impres- sion is becoming quite general that the enterprise of the country is gaining at a rate much more rapid than the financial facilities upon which it is dependent aud this impression is calculated to promote caution in all undertakings requiring large credit support Indeed it is one peculiarity of the future of the stock market that It will have to deal not only with the latter effeots of the crisis and with an uncertain situation In the great railroad interest but that we ar9 enter- ing upon an era which will require some considerable experimenting iu the way of extending ami Improving the instru- mentalities for transacting business and this probability is confirmed by the fact that the late crisis if not largely caused by was certnluly much aggravated through tho Imperfeotion of suoh ar- rangements In view of so many impor- tant contingencies affecting the future It seems reasonable to anticipat that speculation may have to encounter many influences of an unusual character it Is not Impossible however that those In- fluences may prove the ocoasion of wide fluctuations In stocks and thcreforo a stimulus to activity on the stock ex- change the more so as suoh a state of things would be calculated to enlist long heads and long purses The considerations nbovo mentioned mainly relate to the future of the mar- ket some however are already begin- ning to affect the present esoecialiy those connected with current legislation The immediate course of business will be chiefly dependent on the investment de- mand usually Incident to the opening of the year Ordmurlly the effect of that demand Is anticipated so that when It actually comes prices are little uffecte- dIhlsyear however there has not been the usual prospective buving and as It is estimated that about 120000GOO will be disbursed early in January in interest and dividends much of which will be reinvested it seems reasonable to expect a trmer feeling aud some recovery in prices early next month Money is comparatively easy to call borrowers but ttie rates on time loans remain toothigf taut transv- ing the wee terior currnnc which week we t exejt 4 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ of any Impor The banks lost dur t81000000 on the in movement of New The if the bunks with the sublreusur about balance IIlnuv Clews Syphilis is a virus In the blood and can be cured only by properJnJLjrgglasgBlffieSi- diesv SajteJ ijEliniwfiwato cure all blood diseases Buy your groceries at Tur nerJ4e iPli gees next nionth f gg T SPECULATIVE London Prlc R for Amerr iis Were Tetter- Ni W Yort Jtnrtet Op ned anl Closid stronger and Higher Special to the Gazette New Yokk Deo London showed more disposition to take bold this morn- ing ¬ Prices for Americans were better and our market opened stronger Their brokers were conspicuous buyers even the bears expect a rite duo to January investment Buying was important enough to justify them in covering their short oontructs now Lickawanna was stronger and the most aotive feature of the speculation aud the price was ad- vanced ¬ by the bull pool Cold weather Is the ostensible excuse for operation The generul market olosed strong and active The net result of tho days business wns a sharp advanoe in prices Net changes for the day Advanced Atch- ison ¬ 1 Chicago Burlington and Qulnoy 1J Chicago gas i Paul lif Rock Island Northwest 1J Delaware and Hudson 1Z Lackawanna 3 Lake Shore J Louisville and Nash- ville ¬ i Manhattan 1J Missouri Pa- cific ¬ 1 Jersey Central New York Crntral 1 New Euglnnd North Amerlcan Northern PaoitlcJ north- ern ¬ Paoiflo preferred 1 Reading sugar refining trust and Union Piicitlo- 1J6 Uuion Paciflo Denver and Gulf J Western Union li Wheeling and Lake Erie 23J Wheeling and Lake Erie pre ferred A IHien Why suffer by nlnht when a few Balm ill relieve by most Tb 29 St Trill Bo Jr the Pectoral your groceries at aextjawU ii A Fire nt Corslcana- Steclal tothe Gazette Coksicaxa Tex Deo 29 caught in the offices over store last night The offices were nnd the drug henvily damieed tire nnd water Loss nearly 10000 fully Insured admit Orleans coughing entire Marsdcns Buy Iatftfec eeej W- t Shoaks pletly wrecked Flro drug oom store by n morbid ccuAil 0i > t f S blood Saxet reinOvoa ttiPcuuso aud effect a Mnniipnx at Lodu- ftrccial to tbe Gazette San Antonio Tex Deo 29 There are three cases of smallpox at Lodi Wil- son ¬ county All are convalescent State Health Officer Rutherford li ex- pected ¬ to arrive today and place them under quarantine cr ii aa swv OiN CHANGE Spot Cotton Unchanged Futures in- Cases Hisher and Lower Wheat Opened lower flactnuted Narrowly and Closed at an Advance reSee and Wool Uarktts Unchanged Dally Ttevlnw Office op tub Oazetti J Poet Worth Tax Dec xa 18W i Trade yesterday and today was brisk Dealers in holiday goods are y8t busy In faot trade has diminished but little from the commencement The weather is pleasant and there is nothing to keep people Indoors So far the holiday trade has been very satisfactory The general family supply dealers have had a great run the past few days but have met all demands and today there are but few changes to note in quota- tions ¬ All commodities are firm at the prices given MASDFACIUKKBS IN TIIE SOUTH The Illstory of the Industrial Development of this S ctlon The January number of tho Chatta- nooga ¬ Tradesman has the following The greatest improvement In the South during the past decade has been in man- ufactures ¬ It was mainly an agricultural country at the end of the war although it had every advantage for numerous manufactures Slavery rendered this inevitable for slave labor was illsuited for tho factories aud moreover agri- culture ¬ made such good returns that other lines of business were at a dis- count ¬ After the war the South lucked capital good transportation facilities and labor For the capital It bud to look elsewhere to a large extent It Is true thnt it bad some capital with which it built up many smaller industries but generally money was scarce in these days and enterprises which promised well and would have succeeded with sufficient backing failed for lack of It- Iloginning nbout 1875 some Northern capital was placed In the South Most of it nt first went into railroads but fac- tories ¬ soon secured somu of it As early as 1870 the New York Herald esti- mutej that Northern capital was being invested in the South nt the rate of 525000000 a year Beginning about 1883 soon alter the Piedmout exposition at Atlantn whioh attracted a number of Northern capital- ists ¬ to the South and more particularly during the New Orleans exposition of- lo85 which broucht still larger numbers of them in this direction the value of the Souths mineral resources began to- be recognized This was the greutest boom Southern manufactures had There were large purchases of coal and- iron lands the establishment of Iron furnaoes foundries etc and with ibem enme the development of a host of other Industries The lumber business got a boom be- ginning ¬ about 1882 when it became evi- dent ¬ that tho Western tlmbersupply wns running short and that the country would have to depend to a large extent on the wellwooded lands of the South Within a comparatively short pprlod nearly all the United Stales pine lands in the Southwest were purchased by- peculutors as well as large bodies of jfrlvote lands and sawmills sprang up on nil the streams and railroads The great boom in the cottonseed oil business dates from about the same period the cottonseed oil entering into the manufacture of Inrd and coming more generally Into demand Numerous other industries mentioned elsewhere sprang up gradually ex- tended ¬ themselves and proved the ad- vantages ¬ of the South for manufactures TIIE FORT WORTH MARTCET fAll quotatious below are revised daily by lead ¬ ing dealers and will be found reliable whole- sale ¬ and retail as specified COTTON Buyers ate paying from 7 to SVlc PROVISIONS AND SUNDRIES Fresh fish Retailing Catsb gulf 10c per E buffalo ulf 10c per 15 Following quotations ara on the basis of lob lots Fish New mackerel half bbls No 1 D 609 10 00 hair bbls No 2 3 00 codfish 2H briclcs- Gi lfTc per Il loose codfish eQS o per lb pickled herrings per bucket 1 SO Holland hernnts Kegs 15031 75 Dried herrings Per box tOc Bologna sausage 9010c Meat Standard S O hams 0 4ailc do breakfast bacon fc short clear bacon sides 7c short clear dry salt 6iac shoul- ders ¬ SaOjC dried beef c- Homlnv New per bbl 1 2- 5OrltsPer bbl 125 Oatmeal New per half barrel 1005s S3 753 4 00 per barrel 7 25 Cracked whest Percaso 72tfcs J1 6a Crackers XXX soda 7 c cream do Sic lemon cream S eiOc ginger snaps S aiOo Sugars Standard granulated 7c powdered in bbls ic do in half bbls 3 c cut loar- bbls lc do half bbls 7ic fancy yellow clarified 6c choice yellow clarified 6c prime yellow clarified 0c fancy seconds Eic Coffee Wholesale quotations Rio 223- 22JJc prime 20VaC choice ll i322Hc fancy 2Sie2Hc Java Mo Cordova 2isa2 ilc Pea Berry 23Ve2 ijC Aroucklas Ariosa- KUc Maple syrnp Old time onegallon cans per dozen 112 halfgallon per dozen SO 23 quarter gallon per dozen J 50 Molasses Fancy open kettle 55c choice open kettle Oe prime open kettle ioc choice cen- trifugal ¬ oc prime centrifugal 33c Lard refined Tierces Gc fiftypound cans Gic twentypound cans Gc tenpound cans e c fivepound cam 6c threepound cans 7c Rice New crop prune 6c choice c head 7c- Cheese Fancy full cream Unbox lc fancy full cream 2 in box 12 4c Young Americas i- In box lJUc Pickles Medium bbls 11 00 med halves 6 25 small bbs 12 00 small halves 57 25 mixed bhls 12 50 mixed halves 7 00 half bbl Chow Chow J3 50 small 10 gal 4 CO Gherkins per bbl 12 50 Floor Wholesale quotations Best patents S3 1093 25 per 100 pounds half patents Si 903 3 00 third grade S3 JSJ 75N fourth grade 3 0- 0es 00 SUNDRIES Starch pevl 4e lump c Herring Imported 1 23 per keg Cider erab apple 4Uc Missouri 30c per 14 bbl 4 0034 25 vinegar 15325c Concamratea lye 2 75 four dot in case per case Jugs glazed 10c per gal crocks glazed 10c per gal Indico 75o f 9 blueing 3oc2Slou v doz Colemans mustard V4b125 v doz Maccaroni imported 119- ll 4c v n American 6ue V 4 box Tabs No 1 oak grain 9 50 No 2 3 W No 4 7 00 V- doz No 1 Fiber 17 60 No 2 13 50 No 4 RheumatNm gout eto areorodjfiE4 5lf 50 v doz Redwood No 2 a 50 No- s r3 j < 50 three TQjto cedar 325 n neatf eight in ne ° t oak grain Si S5 Buckets two hoops 1 65 v doz Bakintr powders bulk lie I fii caas 250 Vermlcella smalt box 65c Catsup iu bulk V gal b5c Worcester sauce in bulk gal 1 25 Rope Grass Inch basis l c cotton 15c 515 16c Sassafras root 12c V B Butcher paper 2 < A- c4fc Candles Wholesale quotations Stick fall weight 25 boxes S aio c light weight 25 boxes Satjiic fancy canaies 113 15c Nuts Wholesale quotations Peanuts new crop choice white l ctfc roasted peanuts 12ic pecans 8c choice 12c almonds ISitiOc Brazil nuts lS320cper ft filberts lto per fc new English walnuts 15c Chili wal- nuts ¬ lie California No I lsa20c Canned Goods Prices per dozen Prices are up and advancing Pine apples standard 2B s SI 6 al 75 peaches standard 2fes 1 85- 3S s 2 C5 seconds 21 s 1 0 32 s 52 40 strawberries libs 153 blackberries 2B s 13S > green gages S raspberries 21s 1 mar- rowfat ¬ peas 2s 1 5 ovsters full weight IK 1 SSei 4026s 2 4032 53 tomatoes standard 2Ibs 1 ooai 05 Stts It loat 15 irreen corn II ISeai 50 salmon IB 1 l 4t Columbia river salmon Si 7531 85 sardines Vtt domes- tic ¬ 5 25d5 M imported 1 oj 15 uO Eagle condensed milk 3 00 California canned ceods standard brands Apricots 2fe3 2 13 peaches yellow tree 3 Tool 60 peaches white cling R 7332 IM plums 2 OOSi 10 pears 2 5032 75 grapes 2 0 J 13 Oils Brilliant bbls 10c Eupion Bril- liant ¬ 2 15 cases 3 15 Brilliant 12 15 cases 4 It Eupion 2 15 cases 1 15 Gasoline S3 15 Whisky BectlSed Jl 10 J1 30 as per proof our mash two years old 1 7031 SO three years old S3 0032 25 fancy ntra old whisky 4 0033 00 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Wholesale quotations Apples fancy Missouri perbbl 5 7536 00 Oranges Florida per box 4 25 S to 10 box lots 4 00 Lemnna fancy Messina 300 and 3 0s and iT z CO 5 to 10 box lots 5 75 Bananas f3 2033 00 Cocoanuts per sack of 50 to 100 5 Jc per doz 75c Malaga gripes 7 SO per bbl Cranberries Fancy Bell and cherry 12 00 half bbl K 00 Potatoes California and Utah stock extra large 1 33 5 to 10 bag lots 1 23 Greely potatoes extra 135 per > bu Onions Choice Cali- fornia ¬ yellow per B 3Jc 5 to 10- lb bag lots SKc fancy red S c 5 to 10 bag lots S4c Krout 14 bbl premium S3 75 Cabbage Northern per ciate 53 bulk 2 50 y 100 Navy Beans small Cali- fornia ¬ 4yc 5 to 10 bag lots 4c Lima Beans new crop c Bayou Beans new crop 4 c Pea blacxeyed asout 2bu bas per 2- 5c Garlic double string new extra 1 23 Chili penper 20Q27cper lb Preserves Jellies Etc Jellies asserted 20 a woon pails extra quality per fi 6 4c Preserves 5lb tins perdoz 4 53 assorted 1CS wood palls 4 doz in case per doz 13 10 assorted 20 and 40 Si pails 2 in case extra per fb 12c Apple Butter 10tb wood pails 14 doz- in case per aoz 10 00 10gal kegs extra per > > 4c Mince Meat 5S palls 4 doz in case per doz Si 00 10B pails 4 doi ia case per doz 10 50 kegs per tb Stfc Dried Fruits Itaistns Etc Raisins Lon- don ¬ layer California new crop per box 2 5032 75 London layer Vis per box ic loose Muscatels California 3 25 Grapes new Cali- fornia ¬ SOIb bags per ft 6V43GV4c Applesevapo ¬ rated in ring 15ii 316c fancy in boxes choice l 015cAppricots halves evaporated 224c Peaches evaporated new peeled S0c new nspealed 25c Blackberries dried lier c per lb Dried apples New York sliced per bbl 12 Sc per tb No 1 in bbls ll c per B T Q new Alden in boxes lCc Turkish prunes 103- Wi French prunes box M ftlSc Currents in cask 6 ic V cask 7c box 7ic HIDES AND WOOL Bjyers are giving Dry bntchers hides firstclass 7 o per tb lights 435c dry faleu 5c lights 4c damaged 293c pelts 20340c Dry salted heavy S3Uo light 4c bull hides 4c green salted 8e3c butchers preen S c shearings 10c horn hoofs and hones per ton 9 00 delivered Wool Light medium lua21c light fine 15a 16 heavy fine 12315c FORT WORTH BUTCHER MARKETS Fort Worth batchers are paying the follow- ing ¬ prices for cows calves mutton and hogs Fat cows 1 2531 53 per 100 lbs fat calves 2324c per B fat steers cornfed 2 22 per 103 lbs fat sheep shorn 7 5033 50 per 100 Bs hogs 3 5533 70- or hogs weighing 170 and over 1 2533 40 for hogs weighing 153 to 170 Bs goats 75c3l 60 per head PACKING HOUSH PRODUCTS Following are wholesale quotations for Fort Worth packing house products corrected at the close of each days business Fresh beef Steers 4c steer hinds c steer fores 2ic cows ic cow hinds 5c cow fores 2c Beef pieces Rounds 435c livers each 15c chucks 2 32 > c beef loins SQllc beet ribs 6fe9c brains lec fresh beef tongues 35c Fresh pork Pork loins TUc pork tender loius 10c fresh shoulders 5c green hams 8c brains Cc spare ribs 7c back bones 3c feet 25c pork tongues 5c livers 7c Sausages Pork sausage 8c liver sausage 7c head cheese 7c bologna 7c Vienna sausage 10c FUEL AND FEEDSTUFFS McAllister coal carload delivered from four tons up r 00 McAllister coal single ton delivered 7 00 McAllister coal two to four tons delivered 6 50 cars 56 00- McAllister nut coal for cooking one ton delivered 6 00 McAllister coal one half ton delivered t 75 McAllister coal one fourth ton delivered 2 00 McAllister coal less than onefourth ton per 103 45c Brier creek coal carload lots on track S3 59 deliv- ered ¬ two tons 3 25 Victor Colorado lump coal carload on track > 50 ner ton nut 3 75 Pennsylvania hard coal one ton delivered Sli 00 Pennsylvania hard coal one half ton 7 00 blacksmith coal oneton 12 50 Pittsburg coal one ton 7 50 2 to 4 tons 7 50 Palo Pinto mines Newcastle screened lump coal carload on track 4 0 per ton Cameron Cow lumD G 00 ner ton on track carload lots de- livered ¬ single ton 7 00 twoton lots i 75 half ton 3 75 quarter ton 2 00 Robinson Col lump on track 5 75 carload lots Quotations are on yard sales except where otherwise expressly stated Delivery is made at 50c per ton or half ton extra Cord wood 1 cord dry delivered 4 50- gleen 1 75 cord wood 4 cord delivered 2 75 stove wood 1 cord delivered 5 SO V cord de- livered ¬ 2 75 Grain and Feedstuffs Quotations below are on gram from store Com Toe per bu In shucks In sacks 70c Wheat Choice Texas 1 0031 10 Panhandle 15 Oats Sacked 30c Bran 110 per 100 in carload lots f o b 1 25 per ICO In sacks delivered Cotton seed Per bushel 25c retail Hav Loose local 6 03 best prairie hay baled Si 003I2 00 per ton incarload lots f o- b 9 00 small bales best 75c best Forney- li 00 per ton- POULTRY EGGS AND BUTTER Chickens Commission men are getting SI 5032 23 per doz for hens retailers are getting 2 1032 7 per doz good supply and dull commission men get 1 5032 25 per doz for spring chickens retailers get 2 0032 75 per doz Good supply and dull For turkeys retail hens 50330 gobblers 1 00 com- mission ¬ menare getting S 00312 00 per doz- tbe latter for extra demand good Commission mail are getting 2 25 for ducks Slow sale Eggs Commission men are getting 2532714c per doz for Texas eggs retailers are getting 3e per doz Better supply and in good de- mand ¬ Butter Commission men are getting 1S322C per pound for good country retailers are get- ting ¬ 30335c per pound for countryMc for strictly choice scarce supply and good sale Choice creamery sic retail DRUGS Quotations based on small lots to retail deal- ers ¬ Acetanlid for 10c acetio acid No 8- VB 8c carbolic acid cryst vB 40c muriatic acid C P V B 2tc nitric acid C P V B- 2ic sulphuric acid C P if tb 25c tannic acid bulk v B 133 alcohol 95 per cent V gal 2 35 alum V fe 4c antifebrine V ot- 23c antipyrlne v oz Si 40 ammonia car- bonate ¬ V B 15 biuo vitrol V B 10c bine mass V B CO blue ointment V B 60 borax V B 12c camphor gum if B 60 capsicum powo if B 22c copperas f B 233c Dovers powder tf B 1 20 ether sulphnric U S P- V B T c gum arable first pick 4f B 1 gum shellac VB 35c glue brown if B 12c glue white if B 20c mace VB 93c mercury V B 00 morphine sulpb P W Vis tf oz- Si 70 morphine sulpb P W oz bottle if oz 2 43 nutmegs if B 70c castor oil if gal 1 2531 30 olive oil f gal 1 20 lin- seed ¬ oil V gal 70375c sperm oil W B if gal SI 20 opium if B 3 03 opium po V B 4 50 black pepper f B ISc potash bromide VB 44c potash chlorate if B 20c potash iodide if B 2 b532 V0 quinine P W oz bottle if oz 4tc quinine P W oz cans if oz 42c quinine P W 5oz cans if oz- nc qniniue Brunswick oz bottle if oz 36c quinine Brunswick 5oz cans 31c sal soda v- lb 3c saltpetre refined if B 10c saltpetre- commorcial if B Cc salts Epsom V B 3 > 4c salts Rochelle 33c Bicarb soda kegs if B- 24c sulphur Flowers 5bbl lot 2 ic sulphur Flowers small lots 4c spirits turpentine market rates per gal whitelead 8 P if B- Ec cream tartar B 32c FINANCIAL BRITISH CONROLi Special to the Gazette London Dec 29 Consols closed 95 1316 for money tor silver 47- EXCHANGE AT NEW YORK Special to the Gazette NEwYottsr Dec 23 Sterling Bank 60 days 4 73 Commercial 60 days 4 7 Si34 Reichmarks Commercial 93 FrancvBank 60 days S 24 Commercial SO days 5 K EXCHANGE AT NEW ORLEANS Special to the Garette New Orleaxs La Dec 23 Sterling Commercial 60 days 4 75 > 4 Francs Commercial 60 days 5 29 New York Sight Bank par Commercial 153 dis EXCHANGE AT GALVESTON Bpeclai to the Gazette Galvestox Tax Dec 29 Sterling 60 days Nomnlal New York Sight V dUct New Orleans Sight y disct American Silver Par MEXICAN SECURITIES Boston Mass Dec 23 Mexican is Common 63VJ iosyei9 BTOCKS AND BONDS New Yobk Dec 23 Bonds and stocks closed at the following prices bid- BOOTS TJ S s registered 131U- U B 4s coupon exlnt 122Vi- TJ S Pis coupon IS Central Paciflo la 11U FORT WORTH GROCER CO 510u 51 ti iTH0UST0N STREET S3f Writc us for prices on Bagging and Tics Sf Denver and Rio Grande 4s sv Missouri Pacific consolidated 6 1 Missouri Kansas and Texas general 6a 7i- SU Louis and Iron Morntain generalSs 91- St Louis and San Fain general mortgage lf 4 Texas and PacISc land grants 5 Texas and Paciflo Bio Grandes 33i Union Pacific ls 111 4 STOCKS Central Pacific 26i 4 Chicago and Alton Ex Div 124 Chicago Burlington and Quirtcr S8 < Delaware and Lackawanna exdv 13- 2Denverand Rio Grande 17 Erie common lS i Fort Worth and Denver Houston and Texas Central l Illinois Central S3 Kansas and TexasEx 2d mtg bonds 12 lake Shore 10s Louisville and Nashville 73 Missouri Pacific 61 Northern Paciflo 21SJ Northwestern 104- 1NeTYork Central exdiv 131 Pacific Mail 32 Heading 32 Rock Island Ex Div 7S- St Louis and San Francisco 32- St Louis and San Francisco preferred M- St Paul common 50J St Paul nreferred lil Tennessee Coal and Iron 30 Texas and Paciflo 134 Union Paciflo 3 Wabash St Louis snd raclflo certiflcatsv 91Vi abash St Louis and Paciflc preferred 1- 7WellsFargo Express lto Western Union Telegraph 76 American Cotton Oil 16y Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe S Denver Texas and Fort Worth certificates 20Vt Denver and Iiio Grande preferred 56 COTTON MARKETS LIVERPOOL FUTURES Special to the Gazette Liverpool Dec 29 Cotton futures closed at 2 to 4 points decline December 5 CO bid January 5 00 bid DecemberJanuary 5 163 5 0- 7JanuaryFebruary 5 103 5 1- 1FebruaryMarch 3 14 bid MarchApril 5 173 5 1- 9AprilMay 5 Jl asked MayJune 3 23 bid JuneJuly 3 23 bid JulyAugust 5 IS NEW YORKFUTURE3- Srccial to the Gazette New York Dec 29 Cotton futures closed firm at 7 to 13 points advance December January 8 fl 8 96 February a OS 9 09 March 9 223 9 21 April 9 373 9 39 May 9 43 9 49 June 9 5S3 9 51 July 9 673 9 68- Auisuat 9 K73 9 69 September 9 463 9 49 bales 107000 bales NEW ORLEANS FUTURE Special to the Gazette Nnw Orleans La Dec 23 Cotton futuros steady 5 to 8 points decline December 8 63 8 70 January 8 7 asked February 8 643 8 S3 March 8 973 8 99 April 9 073 l OS May 9 173 9 19 June 9 273 9 29 July 9 873 9 39 August 9 39 asked September 9 103 9 14 Sales 29600 bales LIVERPOOL SPOT Special to tbe Gazette Liverpool Dec 29 Spot cotton markets closed firm- Ordinary 4 718 Good ordinary 4 1116 Low middling 41 Middling Good middling J Total sales 12000 American 9100 bali Imports GCouu American 61100 NEW YORK SPOT Special to the Gazette Nrtv York Dec 23 Spot cotton closed easier Ordinary Good ordinary Low middling Middling Good middling Middling fair Bales 199 bales NEW ORLEANS SPOT Special to the Gazette New Orlkans La Dec 29 Spot cotton closed steady Lowonlinary 6 915 Ordinary 7 116 Good ordinary 1l t Low middling M < Middling 8 1310 Good middling 9- Middlingfair 1j Sales b730 bales GALVESTON SPOT Special to the Gazette Oalvrstos Tex Dee 23 Spot cotton closed firm- Ordinary 7 916 Good ordinary 7 1516 Low middling 8 1116 Middling 9 316 Good Middling 9 i Middlingfair 10 316 Sales 1037 Stock 122350 bales- COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF THD SPOT MARKLT3 Special to the Gazette Galveston Trx Dec 23 Ths following are tho closing quotations for cotton on ths spot to- day ¬ at the leading markets toefier with tbj closing tor middling Saturday with todays sales s 6 7bf 9 316 9 916I- U 616 ItECEIPTa AND EXP0RT3 AT ALL UNITED STATES PORTS Galveston Tax Dec 29 Special to the Gazette EecefpU thus far this weai 10131 Receipts same time last year 86717 Receipts this day 56164 Receipts this day last year 40770 Total receipts thus far this season 4313951 Total receipts thus far last season 4180911 Difference 133040 Exports to Great Britain 40207 Exports to Franco 15051 Exports to continent 35917- STOCE3 AT ALL UNITED STATE3 POETS Galveston Tax Dec 29 Special to the Gazette Stocks this day Cf593 Stocks this day last year 774003- RECEIPT3 ATTTNITED STATE3 PORTS Galveston Tax Dec 23 Special to the Gazette Galveston New Orleans Mobile Savassn ah- Charleston Wilmington Norfolk Baltimore New York Boston Philadelphia West Point Other ports Total this day Total this day last year 916 13647 22892 2123 3443 1490- 51S 6918 1173 1219 150 74 1542 C61S4- 4077J GENERAL MARKET FREIGHTS FROM GALVESTON Special to the Gazette Galveston Tex Dec 23 By teamshlf from Galveston Tex ToIJverpooL 932J WSJ5j ATTFOOD TIOLETT C CO ISO GraTier Street Hott 0resasr j B AND FUTURE CONTRACTS Private wire In oSico To continent To New York F O 516d- 10c if 130 3 GALVESTON WOOL MARKET Special to the Gazette Oalveston Tex Dec 23- No sales Spring twelve months clip Fine Medium Fall Fine Medium Mexican improved Mexican carpet Ea t Texas twelve mouths Medium Spring six to eight months Fino 7 Medium Mexican improved Mexican carpet Scoured spring twelve months XX- No X Spring six months XX- No V ir i i r Fall X No 1 GALVESTON COFFEE MVBCSr Special to the Oazette Galveston Tex Dec 23 Coffee fctaJy Ordinary 1 U Good ordinary 20 TJ Fair Aiuil Prime 21 ajl 4 Choice 21 > ai Cordova lt rti3- OALVESTON SUGAR MARKET Special tothe Gazette Galveston Tex Dec 29 Sugar Quiet and firm New York standard granulated P Confectioners 6 Crushed and cut loaf 7 Cubes 65 Powdered 6i Louisiana granulated nonj Louisiana choice white 3 j Louisiana off white 5 Fancy yellow elarifled 4 Choice yellow claritied 44 Prime yellow clarified t 4 Off yellow cllrlfied 4 t Choice second I3 Prime seconds 41 Wholesale grocers quotation li3 Jc higher OTHER PRODUCE AND PROVIdlO UVt- KET3 St Loch Mo Dec 23 FlourDull XXX- S3 9033 0J family 3 1033 23 choice J VX3 3 60 fancy < C034 10 patent 4 7U34 80 Wheat Market opened o dowu for May and unchanged for July and though there was soma sttength shown soon after opeuing values weak- ened ¬ in sympatuy with lower outsiao markets Later there was a reaction on tho report of heavy clearances from the seaboard aud higher Chicago market and tbe market continued drm- to the clos4 which was at the highest point ot- tho day and l ciip for May and IVic for July as compared with Saturdav LaUst sales No 2 cash 92393c January 921ic May Wtc July Sic Corn Opened 4c below Saturdays close and market was dull and easy until soon after- noon call when there was an advance and prices ruled stirf to close No 2 cosh 45c jaau- arv < Cyc May 43c July 50c nomin I Oats Quiet but firmer No 2 cash 4114c May 434c- Bagging 5 Iron cotton ties SI 33B1 49 Corn meal Steady Whisky 1 11 Provisions Qnlet and essentially unchan3 for spot offering Light business was trans- acted ¬ Pork J10 00312 50 Lard 5 53 Dry saltoeats Boxod25330 days shoulders 4 23 longi and ribs 3 37Vi clear 5 SO Bacon llozed shoulders 4 67i longs aad ribs 5 OVshort clear S3 SJ33 6- 0Bugari red hams 10 00312 50 Kansas Crrr Mo Dec 29 Wheat Easier No red cash b6c bid ComHigher No 2 cash 43 o- CntCAGO III Dec 29 Wheat Opened quiet and steady and around Saturdays closing quotations Market ruled active aud wheat was 97397 < c Corn llarket was firmer and higher Close was near top last siles which took place having becnat51 435is c Pork May steady and closed about 20 points over opening price and at an advance of JO points since Saturday Lard The May delivery closed at 6 4526 47 4 for which was highest price of the day ltibn Close was up 10312lc respectively for the day and tbe near deliveries Leading futures closed as follows Wheat December t9c January t3 Jc May 97c Corn December 49c January 43ic May elc Pork December J8 00 January S10 224 May 11 12y Lard January 3 93 February 6 02 May 6 47H Cash quotations were Flour Steady and uncharge Whoat Spring No 2 bc Corn No 2 49 4c Pork 9 1038 12 4 Lard 5 SO Short ribs sides Loose 1 Ml 80 Dry salt shoulders boxed SI 231 37 Short clear sides boxed 5 0035 50 New Orleans La Deo 21 Bngar Choice yellow clarified 4 13163 4 4c prime yellow clar- ified ¬ 4i 4 1316C Molasses Steaay Open kettle choice to fancy 30c strictlv prime 26327c good prime 23 t24c prime 21323c centrifugal strictly prime 15c316c good prima 12313c prime He good common to good fair 9310c New Yore Dec 29 Wheat Spot irregular dull No 2 red 1 nt Options down De- cember ¬ 1 0J i January 1 W = i May 1 014 July 9Uc Corn Spot stronger moderatively active No 2 KrfCSVjC Options up strong Jauu- arv 5SVc May b ite Coffee Options steady 10 up to 15 down Sales 2250 hags December S17 25317 3t January S15 43316 50 May 13 30 Spot Rio quiet easy 19i4c Sugar Refined quiet and lower C 633 1lSc extra C 6 111663 1316c white extra C 6 43- 6516c yellow 4aV34 1316c off i 335 13Ijc cubes A 6c tandard A 5c confectioners A 6 l16c cut loaf 614c crumbed 6c powdered 614c granulated 5 1316c cubes BOSTON WOOL MARKET Special to the Gazette Boston Mass Dec 23 Wool Moderate de- mand ¬ at last weeks prices ST LOUIS WOOL MARKET St LoursMo Dec23 Wool ReceiptsI1S0 Market quiet and unchanged LIVESTOCK MARKETS St Locis Mo Dec 29 Cattle Receipts 1100 shipments 200 Market steady Good to fancy native steers S4 3 35 00 fair to good native steers S < 0034 50 stockers and feeders Si 2033 13 Texans and Indians 2 2333 40 Hogs Receipts 3000 shipments 2110 Mar- ket ¬ lower prices ranged J 2033 75 Sheep Receipts 100 hlpmeuts 403 Markat steady Qoodio choice SI 25 cS S3 Kansas City Mo Dec 23 Cattle Receipts 3403 shipments 200 Market lower Steers S3 6034 60 stockers and feeders 1 7533 25 Hogs Receipts KtO shipments 703 Mar- ket ¬ higher All grades 3 80 Sheep Receipts 330 shipments none Mar- ket ¬ steady good to choice muttons 1 1594 SO stockers and feeders 2 0jS3 80 Chicago Ili Dec 23 Cattle Receipts 160uO shipments 3000 Market lowerfirstclass- stcsrs S4 8735 10 others JJ 0033 75 Stock- ers ¬ S3 0032 50 Hogs Receipts 3000 shipments 5000 Market about steady packing heavy 3 50S13 65 light 1 5533 60 Sheep Receipts 5000 shipment 2000- MLr et active and higher Westerns 4 10a 6 12 4 natives S3 235 2- 5ForfofJte Liver Trou- ble ¬ or Ir jlgestion use BROWNSjrS BITTERS J mi Sim s < h

DRS BETTS BETTS FORT WORTH GROCER CODRS BETTS BETTS FlnrsiGlans Surgeons ana Specialists L005 MAIN STREET DALLAS TEXAS The most widely end favorably tnown special- ists ¬ In the United

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    FlnrsiGlans Surgeons ana Specialists


    The most widely end favorably tnown special-ists


    In the United States Their long experi-ence


    remarkable skil and universal success inthe treatment and cure of Nervous Chronic andSurgical diseases entitle these eminent phy-sicians


    to the fall confidence of the afflictedeverywhere They Guarantee

    A CERTAIN AND POSITIVE CURII for theawful effects of early vice and the nujoerfljJSi

    that follow In in trainTils isdffiESPRIVATE BLOOD AND iP WaEASES-

    antedllv romplctelv ansJ Jark iitly curedNEuvouavbisnizVirJr Avn sexual dis-

    OIUlSieyd readily to their skillful trcat< riLES FISTULA AND RECTAL ULCERSguaranteed cured without pain or detentionfrom business

    HYDROCELE AKD VARICOCELE permstently and successfully cured in every case



    Hemlnal Weakness Lost ManhoodNight Emissions Decajed Faculties FemaleWeakness and all delicate disorders peculiar toeither sex positively cured as well as all func-tional disorders that result from youthful folliesor the err s if mature yearCTDTPtTIDP Guaranteed permanently curedLUlUul Ufiii lernoval complete without cut-ting


    caustic or dilatation Cures effected athome by patient without a moments pain or an-noyance


    TO Y0U1IG AND MIDDLEAGED MENpflDT TIl° awJul effects of earlyACTIDT ullfilj nee which brines organic

    weakness destroyinj both mind and body withall its dreaded ills permanently enred-Tjpn BFtrfntl Adnress those who have lrn-JJiiU Dill 10 paired them elves by improperIndulgence and solitary habits which ruin mindand body unfitting them for business study or-morrluge

    MARRIED MEN or those eute g on thathsptiy life aware of physical debility quicklyassisted

    Consultation free In person or by mail Ifyou are afflicted and cannot call write to usenclosing stamp for reply Call upon or address

    Drs Betts Betts1005 Main strEJl Opposite Fostofflsj


    Health is Wealth

    Pr I C Writ 5en nJ Rraia Treatdoat a-rnareuteed sppciflc for HyRt nn lHzznict3tCon-Tmsion I its Krrroui Neuralgia lltpAarii-oNrrous Prostiation cansed by tli uaiicf aldo ol-ct tobacco aiefuqesavJqatai DepressionFotrmriK of tbe UrainM tJTHnsln insanity andIfB lnr iOnItrytJer T and death Ireraatur-otidAr t 33itrl> nno8v Loss of Pout in citherfexT Involuntary Insei and Spermatorrheacaasrrt by orerexertlon of lha brain selfabuiacr ovcrIndulccnce Kach box contains onamonths treatment 1 n box or six bites forjj-itnt bi mail prepaid on receipt of pries

    WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXESTo curt any caie Slith each order recere3 by-us Icr m hnzcf RCCoinpunleU with 55 we willrend the purchaser our written guarantee to re-fund


    the monev if the treatment does not effect-s cure Uuarantecs issued ouly by-

    EJ AX W X Xy-Drupgist Sole Agent

    CCO IlOLalOK ST IT iiUAtiil TEX



    wjUtrajiiKellisbo iki

    MAN AND WOirMP P P will purify anil vitallx your

    blood create a good appetite and give jourwholobystemtone and strength

    A prominent railroad cupsrintendent at-Stvannahsuffering with Malaria Dyspop

    M isia and Rheumatism sari After takingKj I P P he neer felt so wll in his life andu foeiscalf bucnula UroforbTur if he couldM alwajseetP 1 I

    If you are tirnl out from orerT ork andclose confinement lriie

    P PPsf

    If you are feelinc badly In tho spruSgf pand out of soru take j H

    P P Pw yotSdiceetlTe


    If wfttake

    If you suffer fith nervousnerres unstrun and a fenexul let downof the sjstom take

    P P PFor Blood Poison Scrof-


    Old Bores Malaria Chronic Femaletake

    I P P P



    The best blood in the world

    UPrilAS BROS WhfWnleBloce Savannah Ga

    n sijicutl by IliouiasWsilted leflulbejfjId iJocti

    neoqtoning up

    sufrerwlthlicadaclielcaldcbiltjtaud weaLnqlif




    Prickly Poke Rootand Potassium

    Dmscista-SolePropriet rs-



    sarUculars red reCLSl iaciiJj ioverin tfnto fall remedy by SB

    DTt tVARD CO-HI crUi Set euta 8L St Louis

    for tho








    ontTErfectabCofe Tr

    w maBsU over tfcrtTSW i

    tlceijTor350313aii nuf sr StElSlIls I5PKN3MtIB TOVAT

    Hrfjfrttuniei tfstct as rtpresenleil SenUed

    Subscribe Weekly GaxeitS


    XST JJJ i p f vdV n nv


    The Stock JIarket Was More ActiveYesterday and Stronjrer

    rrleei Advanced Without interruption an3Closed Hlcbsr Than Saturdays

    Final Flrnrci

    COMMERCIAL RESUMESpecial to the Gazette

    2 ew York Doc 29 Money closedeasy at C per cent the lowest of the daythe highest was 8

    Exchange Steady posted rates Si 80-Zi 8i-

    Sueur Raw dull refined quiet andunchanged

    Silver 51 02r per ounceCoffee Spot lots steady air Rio 20cCotton Spot lots closed Arm mid-


    uplands 9c Futures closedquiet

    Wheat Options dull and weak olns-lnji 4M ° lower Spot lots closed dull

    Wool Dull and Arm at previousprices

    Hides Firm IJOenos Ayers dry12 c dry Texas 9jXo-

    Stooks were a little more active to-day


    172180 aliurea changing hsudsPrices stronger and values advancedwith but little or no interruptionthroughout Lackawanna was a featurebeing freely bought on cold weather andimproved prospects of the coal tradePrices closed to 3jjJ per cent aboveSaturday

    Atchison 2SJgDry goods The market continues dull

    so far as general business is concernedvalues have not been disturbed

    ItAILHOAD BONDS AND CERTIFICATESUnuds DullDeuver Texas nnd Fort Worth cer-


    37Fort Worth and Denver la 091Atchison general mortgageAtchison Incomes 48Kansas and Texas ls 72ljjKansas and Texas 2s 3 SMissouri Kansas and TexasMissouri Kansas and Texas lsSt Louis Arkansas and Texas

    4s 80U

    2s 30

    IdMissouri Pacillols 85Texas Iacilio 2s 29-

    COTTOV FUTUKCS AND 8POT-8Sjrrlst tothe Gsretts-

    Nkw Jilkax8 La Dec 20 At-wood Violett Co sav

    Futures Our Liverpool friends ayprices there improved owlns to ttie re-duitiou of crop estimates it ml small inte-rior


    towns movement Our New Yorkfriends say they have little faltu hi hinherprices We anticipate a vrideulnc of theXew York and New Orleans marketswhether the markets advance or declinetherefore we ndvlse buyinp there andselling here An effort is evidently tje-lni made to create a bullish sentiment inLiverpool hut our information is thatNew York cenerally is bearish Every-thing


    Indicates a very lame crop portreceipts oG100 acatnst 40700 last year

    F o b Good offering in tine svery few cnod colors for hlch gradesuono Sales 1750-

    bpots As much as could be desired iuquantity but of very poor style Thebulk ot sales today were tirice spottedaud stuined Amount 7000 ules-

    GOViUXMnVT8 STOCKS AND IIONOSNew Yokk Dec 20 The stock mar-


    today presented a stroncer fronttbun It bus for the past week and at thesame time showed more activity than forsaverat days The opening was strongand while the temper of the room wasnot liullitli they showed a disposition tocover as evinced by the shorts aud goodbuying for long account aud by Lon-don


    which kept the movement advanc-ing


    here was consideruole oppositionto the upward movement in the firsthour but the pressure to sell was thenwithdrawn and ufter money becameeasier the advance was accelerated themarket closing uctive and strong at thehighest prices of the day Fiuulchangesare all advnuces-

    Kallroad bonds more nativeGovernment bonds dullStatu bonds steady


    An Clf Week in Vail Street NothingOccurred to Break the liouotony

    Tims Necessary Before a Spirited Improve-ment of Trlcns Can b Expected

    Money Easy

    Nkw Yokk Deo 27 Owing to thoIntervention of the holidays the past hasbeen an oft week In Wall streetNothing has occurred to break the dull-ness


    and monotony of a market in whichnobody sees any particular ohanoss oneither buying or selling nnd prices havedrifted from hour to hour according tothe transactions of room traders satis-fied


    with fractional advantages Butwhilst there has been no spirit la busi-ness


    and the tendency has seemed to bei6Wards the stagnant indifference that isRfijf to follow such experiences as we-mtto recently witnessed yet there hasbin a perceptible improvement in thettwe of the market it passes for some-thing


    that the banks are recovering theirrrServes that they ore returning theircertificates to the clenntig house thatthey are more disposed to lend on timeand are discounting more freely thatfailures are becoming much less fre-quent


    and that generally we seem to bereaching the end or the unsettling imme-diate


    aftereffects of the financial crisisand can see the way clear to a recoveryof confidence In comraen ial circlesThese ore i ubstuntial gains in the situa-tion


    Of course they are not sufllcleut-of themselves to create any Importanttmvtng movement m stocks but they do-go very fur towards giving assurancethnt stocks taken us a whole havereached u solid and safe botom andpresent a good bmis of investment tothose able to buy them for more oe lesspermanent holding und that class aresteadily taking n certain amount ofstocks out of the Moating supply

    lime nnd certain conditions are neces-snrv before anything like a spirited im-proveraentot prices and activity cau beexpected Ihere must be a recovery ofthe cosh resources necessary for specula-tion


    which hare been variously scat-tered


    and tied up by recent events theremust be a more certain feeling than ntpresent exists about the general recoveryof trade to a healthy and prosperousbasis there must be more light upon theprospects of financial legislation in re-spect


    to which confidence ts greatly dis-turbed


    by the proposed further Inflationof the silver circulation and by the ab ¬


    sence ot any really sound measures forputting monetary and banking affairsupon a basis of roundness and stabilityIt is also neoessary that there shall besome deliverance from the uncertaintiesgrowing out of the politioitl situationwbioh is so perplexingly confused by thesenseless issues Into which a largo por-tion of onr farmers have been misledMoreover there bancs over the countrya marked probability that within thenext thrae years tho country may bestarted upon an Important change otcommercial policy whioh is a questionInvolving more or less directly every In-terest whether industrial mercantile orfinancial and which considering thedifferences of opinion on tho questionmust produce a good deal of ferment andhesitation of enterprise It is also amatter upon which an important class ofpeople will wnit for future light as towhether the New York banks are likelyto remain subject to the severe periodicmonetary druins which have become anIncreasingly disturbing element forthe last three years and whichare disqualifying the banks fromadequately meeting large local re-quirements In short the Impres-sion is becoming quite general that theenterprise of the country is gaining at arate much more rapid than the financialfacilities upon which it is dependent audthis impression is calculated to promotecaution in all undertakings requiringlarge credit support Indeed it is onepeculiarity of the future of the stockmarket that It will have to deal not onlywith the latter effeots of the crisis andwith an uncertain situation In the greatrailroad interest but that we ar9 enter-ing upon an era which will require someconsiderable experimenting iu the wayof extending ami Improving the instru-mentalities for transacting business andthis probability is confirmed by the factthat the late crisis if not largely causedby was certnluly much aggravatedthrough tho Imperfeotion of suoh ar-rangements In view of so many impor-tant contingencies affecting the futureIt seems reasonable to anticipat thatspeculation may have to encounter manyinfluences of an unusual character it Isnot Impossible however that those In-fluences may prove the ocoasion of widefluctuations In stocks and thcreforo astimulus to activity on the stock ex-change the more so as suoh a state ofthings would be calculated to enlist longheads and long purses

    The considerations nbovo mentionedmainly relate to the future of the mar-ket some however are already begin-ning to affect the present esoecialiythose connected with current legislationThe immediate course of business will bechiefly dependent on the investment de-mand usually Incident to the opening ofthe year Ordmurlly the effect of thatdemand Is anticipated so that when Itactually comes prices are little uffecte-dIhlsyear however there has not beenthe usual prospective buving and as It isestimated that about 120000GOO willbe disbursed early in January in interestand dividends much of which will bereinvested it seems reasonable to expecta trmer feeling aud some recovery inprices early next month

    Money is comparatively easy to callborrowers but ttie rates on time loansremain toothigftaut transv-ing the weeterior currnncwhichweek

    we texejt














    of any ImporThe banks lost dur

    t81000000 on the inmovement ofNew Theif the bunks with the

    sublreusur about balanceIIlnuv Clews

    Syphilis is a virus In the blood and canbe cured only by properJnJLjrgglasgBlffieSi-diesv SajteJ ijEliniwfiwato cure allblood diseases

    Buy your groceries at TurnerJ4e iPligees next nionth f gg TSPECULATIVE

    London Prlc R for Amerr iis Were Tetter-Ni W Yort Jtnrtet Op ned anl Closid

    stronger and Higher

    Special to the GazetteNew Yokk Deo London showed

    more disposition to take bold this morn-ing


    Prices for Americans were betterand our market opened stronger Theirbrokers were conspicuous buyers eventhe bears expect a rite duo to Januaryinvestment Buying was importantenough to justify them in covering theirshort oontructs now Lickawanna wasstronger and the most aotive feature ofthe speculation aud the price was ad-vanced


    by the bull pool Cold weatherIs the ostensible excuse for operation

    The generul market olosed strong andactive

    The net result of tho days businesswns a sharp advanoe in prices Netchanges for the day Advanced Atch-ison


    1 Chicago Burlington andQulnoy 1J Chicago gas i Paullif Rock Island Northwest 1JDelaware and Hudson 1Z Lackawanna3 Lake Shore J Louisville and Nash-ville


    i Manhattan 1J Missouri Pa-cific

    ¬1 Jersey Central New York

    Crntral 1 New Euglnnd NorthAmerlcan Northern PaoitlcJ north-ern


    Paoiflo preferred 1 Readingsugar refining trust and Union Piicitlo-1J6 Uuion Paciflo Denver and Gulf JWestern Union li Wheeling and LakeErie 23J Wheeling and Lake Erie preferred A

    IHienWhy suffer by

    nlnht when a fewBalm ill relieve






    Trill Bo Jrthe


    your groceries ataextjawU

    iiA Fire nt Corslcana-

    Steclal tothe GazetteCoksicaxa Tex Deo 29

    caught in the offices overstore last night The offices were

    nnd the drughenvily damieed tire nnd waterLoss nearly 10000 fully Insured



    coughing entireMarsdcns

    Buy Iatftfeceeej W-



    pletly wrecked



    by n morbid ccuAil 0i> t f S bloodSaxet reinOvoa ttiPcuuso aud effect a

    Mnniipnx at Lodu-ftrccial to tbe Gazette

    San Antonio Tex Deo 29 Thereare three cases of smallpox at Lodi Wil-son


    county All are convalescentState Health Officer Rutherford li ex-pected


    to arrive today and place themunder quarantine


    ii aa swv


    Spot Cotton Unchanged Futures in-

    Cases Hisher and Lower

    Wheat Opened lower flactnuted Narrowlyand Closed at an Advance reSee and

    Wool Uarktts Unchanged

    Dally TtevlnwOffice op tub Oazetti J

    Poet Worth Tax Dec xa 18W iTrade yesterday and today was brisk

    Dealers in holiday goods are y8t busyIn faot trade has diminished but littlefrom the commencement The weatheris pleasant and there is nothing to keeppeople Indoors So far the holiday tradehas been very satisfactory

    The general family supply dealers havehad a great run the past few days buthave met all demands and today thereare but few changes to note in quota-tions


    All commodities are firm at theprices given


    The Illstory of the Industrial Developmentof this S ctlon

    The January number of tho Chatta-nooga


    Tradesman has the followingThe greatest improvement In the South

    during the past decade has been in man-ufactures


    It was mainly an agriculturalcountry at the end of the war althoughit had every advantage for numerousmanufactures Slavery rendered thisinevitable for slave labor was illsuitedfor tho factories aud moreover agri-culture


    made such good returns thatother lines of business were at a dis-count


    After the war the South luckedcapital good transportation facilitiesand labor For the capital It bud to lookelsewhere to a large extent It Is truethnt it bad some capital with which itbuilt up many smaller industries butgenerally money was scarce in thesedays and enterprises which promisedwell and would have succeeded withsufficient backing failed for lack of It-

    Iloginning nbout 1875 some Northerncapital was placed In the South Mostof it nt first went into railroads but fac-tories


    soon secured somu of it Asearly as 1870 the New York Herald esti-mutej that Northern capital was beinginvested in the South nt the rate of525000000 a year

    Beginning about 1883 soon alter thePiedmout exposition at Atlantn whiohattracted a number of Northern capital-ists


    to the South and more particularlyduring the New Orleans exposition of-lo85 which broucht still larger numbersof them in this direction the value ofthe Souths mineral resources began to-be recognized This was the greutest

    boom Southern manufactures hadThere were large purchases of coal and-iron lands the establishment of Ironfurnaoes foundries etc and withibem enme the development of a host ofother Industries

    The lumber business got a boom be-ginning


    about 1882 when it became evi-dent


    that tho Western tlmbersupply wnsrunning short and that the countrywould have to depend to a large extenton the wellwooded lands of the SouthWithin a comparatively short pprlodnearly all the United Stales pine landsin the Southwest were purchased by-peculutors as well as large bodies of

    jfrlvote lands and sawmills sprang upon nil the streams and railroads

    The great boom in the cottonseed oilbusiness dates from about the sameperiod the cottonseed oil entering intothe manufacture of Inrd and comingmore generally Into demand

    Numerous other industries mentionedelsewhere sprang up gradually ex-tended


    themselves and proved the ad-vantages


    of the South for manufactures


    fAll quotatious below are revised daily by lead ¬ing dealers and will be found reliable whole-sale


    and retail as specifiedCOTTON

    Buyers ate paying from 7 to SVlcPROVISIONS AND SUNDRIES

    Fresh fish Retailing Catsb gulf 10c per Ebuffalo ulf 10c per 15

    Following quotations ara on the basis of loblots

    Fish New mackerel half bbls No 1 D 60910 00 hair bbls No 2 3 00 codfish 2H briclcs-Gi lfTc per Il loose codfish eQS o per lbpickled herrings per bucket 1 SO

    Holland hernnts Kegs 15031 75Dried herrings Per box tOcBologna sausage 9010cMeat Standard S O hams 0 4ailc do

    breakfast bacon fc short clear baconsides 7c short clear dry salt 6iac shoul-ders


    SaOjC dried beef c-Homlnv New per bbl 1 2-5OrltsPer bbl 125Oatmeal New per half barrel 1005s S3 753

    4 00 per barrel 7 25Cracked whest Percaso 72tfcs J1 6aCrackers XXX soda 7 c cream do Sic

    lemon cream S eiOc ginger snaps S aiOoSugars Standard granulated 7c powdered

    in bbls ic do in half bbls 3 c cut loar-bbls lc do half bbls 7ic fancy yellowclarified 6c choice yellow clarified 6cprime yellow clarified 0c fancy secondsEic

    Coffee Wholesale quotations Rio 223-22JJc prime 20VaC choice ll i322Hc fancy2Sie2Hc Java Mo Cordova 2isa2 ilcPea Berry 23Ve2 ijC Aroucklas Ariosa-KUc

    Maple syrnp Old time onegallon cans perdozen 112 halfgallon per dozen SO 23 quartergallon per dozen J 50

    Molasses Fancy open kettle 55c choice openkettle Oe prime open kettle ioc choice cen-trifugal


    o c prime centrifugal 33cLard refined Tierces Gc fiftypound cans

    Gic twentypound cans Gc tenpound canse c fivepound cam 6c threepound cans7c

    Rice New crop prune 6c choice chead 7c-

    Cheese Fancy full cream Unbox lc fancyfull cream 2 in box 12 4c Young Americas i-In box lJUc

    Pickles Medium bbls 11 00 med halves6 25 small bbs 12 00 small halves 57 25

    mixed bhls 12 50 mixed halves 7 00 half bblChow Chow J3 50 small 10 gal 4 CO Gherkinsper bbl 12 50

    Floor Wholesale quotations Best patentsS3 1093 25 per 100 pounds half patents Si 9033 00 third grade S3 JSJ 75N fourth grade 3 0-0es 00

    SUNDRIES Starch pevl 4e lump cHerring Imported 1 23 per keg Cider erabapple 4Uc Missouri 30c per 14 bbl 4 0034 25vinegar 15325c Concamratea lye 2 75 fourdot in case per case Jugs glazed 10c pergal crocks glazed 10c per gal Indico 75o f9 blueing 3oc2Slou v doz Colemans mustardV4b125 v doz Maccaroni imported 119-ll 4c v n American 6ue V 4 box Tabs No1 oak grain 9 50 No 2 3 W No 4 7 00 V-doz No 1 Fiber 17 60 No 2 13 50 No 4

    RheumatNm gout eto areorodjfiE4 5lf 50 v doz Redwood No 2 a 50 No-s r3 j< 50 three TQjto cedar 325n neatfeight in ne ° t oak grain Si S5 Buckets twohoops 1 65 v doz Bakintr powders bulk lieI fii caas 250 Vermlcella smalt box 65cCatsup iu bulk V gal b5c Worcester saucein bulk gal 1 25 Rope GrassInch basis l c cotton 15c 515 16cSassafras root 12c V B Butcher paper 2 green gages S raspberries 21s 1 mar-rowfat


    peas 2s 1 5 ovsters full weight IK1 SSei 4026s 2 4032 53 tomatoes standard

    2Ibs 1 ooai 05 Stts It loat 15 irreen cornII ISeai 50 salmon IB 1 l 4t Columbiariver salmon Si 7531 85 sardines Vtt domes-tic

    ¬5 25d5 M imported 1 oj 15 uO Eagle

    condensed milk 3 00 California canned

    ceods standard brands Apricots 2fe3 2 13peaches yellow tree 3 Tool 60 peacheswhite cling R 7332 IM plums 2 OOSi 10pears 2 5032 75 grapes 2 0 J 13

    Oils Brilliant bbls 10c Eupion Bril-liant


    2 15 cases 3 15 Brilliant 12 15 cases4 It Eupion 2 15 cases 1 15 Gasoline S3 15Whisky BectlSed Jl 10 J1 30 as per proof

    our mash two years old 1 7031 SO threeyears old S3 0032 25 fancy ntra old whisky


    Wholesale quotations Apples fancy Missouriperbbl 5 7536 00 Oranges Florida per box

    4 25 S to 10 box lots 4 00 Lemnnafancy Messina 300 and 3 0s and iT z CO 5 to 10box lots 5 75 Bananas f3 2033 00 Cocoanutsper sack of 50 to 100 5 Jc per doz 75c Malagagripes 7 SO per bbl Cranberries Fancy Belland cherry 12 00 half bbl K 00 PotatoesCalifornia and Utah stock extra large 1 335 to 10 bag lots 1 23 Greely potatoes extra

    135 per> bu Onions Choice Cali-fornia


    yellow per B 3Jc 5 to 10-lb bag lots SKc fancy red S c 5 to 10 baglots S4c Krout 14 bbl premium S3 75Cabbage Northern per ciate 53 bulk2 50 y 100 Navy Beans small Cali-


    4yc 5 to 10 bag lots 4c LimaBeans new crop c Bayou Beans new crop4 c Pea blacxeyed asout 2bu bas per 2-5c Garlic double string new extra 1 23 Chilipenper 20Q27cper lb

    Preserves Jellies Etc Jellies asserted20 a woon pails extra quality per fi6 4c Preserves 5lb tins perdoz 4 53 assorted1CS wood palls 4 doz in case per doz 13 10assorted 20 and 40 Si pails 2 in case extra perfb 12c Apple Butter 10tb wood pails 14 doz-in case per aoz 10 00 10gal kegs extra per

    > > 4c Mince Meat 5S palls 4 doz in caseper doz Si 00 10B pails 4 doi ia case perdoz 10 50 kegs per tb Stfc

    Dried Fruits Itaistns Etc Raisins Lon-don


    layer California new crop per box2 5032 75 London layer Vis per box ic loose

    Muscatels California 3 25 Grapes new Cali-fornia


    SOIb bags per ft 6V43GV4c Applesevapo ¬rated in ring 15ii 316c fancy in boxes choicel 015cAppricots halves evaporated 224cPeaches evaporated new peeled S0c newnspealed 25c Blackberries dried lier c perlb Dried apples New York sliced per bbl12 Sc per tb No 1 in bbls ll c per B T Qnew Alden in boxes lCc Turkish prunes 103-Wi French prunes box M ftlSc Currents incask 6 ic V cask 7c box 7ic

    HIDES AND WOOLBjyers are giving Dry bntchers hides

    firstclass 7 o per tb lights 435c dryfaleu 5c lights 4c damaged 293cpelts 20340c Dry salted heavy S3Uolight 4c bull hides 4c green salted 8e3cbutchers preen S c shearings 10c hornhoofs and hones per ton 9 00 delivered

    Wool Light medium lua21c light fine 15a16 heavy fine 12315c

    FORT WORTH BUTCHER MARKETSFort Worth batchers are paying the follow-


    prices for cows calves mutton andhogs Fat cows 1 2531 53 per 100lbs fat calves 2324c per B fatsteers cornfed 2 22 per 103 lbs fat sheepshorn 7 5033 50 per 100 Bs hogs 3 5533 70-or hogs weighing 170 and over 1 2533 40 forhogs weighing 153 to 170 Bs goats 75c3l 60per head

    PACKING HOUSH PRODUCTSFollowing are wholesale quotations for Fort

    Worth packing house products corrected at theclose of each days business

    Fresh beef Steers 4c steer hinds c steerfores 2ic cows ic cow hinds 5c cowfores 2c

    Beef pieces Rounds 435c livers each 15cchucks 2 32 > c beef loins SQllc beet ribs6fe9c brains lec fresh beef tongues 35c

    Fresh pork Pork loins TUc pork tenderloius 10c fresh shoulders 5c green hams 8cbrains Cc spare ribs 7c back bones 3c feet25c pork tongues 5c livers 7c

    Sausages Pork sausage 8c liver sausage 7chead cheese 7c bologna 7c Vienna sausage10c

    FUEL AND FEEDSTUFFSMcAllister coal carload delivered

    from four tons up r 00 McAllister coalsingle ton delivered 7 00 McAllister coaltwo to four tons delivered 6 50 cars 56 00-McAllister nut coal for cooking oneton delivered 6 00 McAllister coal onehalf ton delivered t 75 McAllister coal onefourth ton delivered 2 00 McAllister coalless than onefourth ton per 103 45c Briercreek coal carload lots on track S3 59 deliv-ered


    two tons 3 25 Victor Colorado lumpcoal carload on track > 50 ner ton nut 3 75Pennsylvania hard coal one ton deliveredSli 00 Pennsylvania hard coal one half ton

    7 00 blacksmith coal oneton 12 50 Pittsburgcoal one ton 7 50 2 to 4 tons 7 50 PaloPinto mines Newcastle screened lump coalcarload on track 4 0 per ton Cameron CowlumD G 00 ner ton on track carload lots de-livered


    single ton 7 00 twoton lots i 75half ton 3 75 quarter ton 2 00 RobinsonCol lump on track 5 75 carload lotsQuotations are on yard sales except whereotherwise expressly stated Delivery is madeat 50c per ton or half ton extra

    Cord wood 1 cord dry delivered 4 50-gleen 1 75 cord wood 4 cord delivered 2 75stove wood 1 cord delivered 5 SO V cord de-livered


    2 75Grain and Feedstuffs Quotations below are

    on gram from storeCom Toe per bu In shucks In sacks 70cWheat Choice Texas 1 0031 10 Panhandle

    15Oats Sacked 30cBran 110 per 100 in carload lots f o b

    1 25 per ICO In sacks deliveredCotton seed Per bushel 25c retailHav Loose local 6 03 best prairie hay

    baled Si 003I2 00 per ton incarload lots f o-b 9 00 small bales best 75c best Forney-li 00 per ton-

    POULTRY EGGS AND BUTTERChickens Commission men are getting

    SI 5032 23 per doz for hens retailers aregetting 2 1032 7 per doz good supply anddull commission men get 1 5032 25 per dozfor spring chickens retailers get 2 0032 75 perdoz Good supply and dull For turkeysretail hens 50330 gobblers 1 00 com-mission


    menare getting S 00312 00 per doz-tbe latter for extra demand good Commissionmail are getting 2 25 for ducks Slow sale

    Eggs Commission men are getting 2532714cper doz for Texas eggs retailers are getting3 e per doz Better supply and in good de-mand


    Butter Commission men are getting 1S322Cper pound for good country retailers are get-ting


    30335c per pound for countryMc for strictlychoice scarce supply and good sale Choicecreamery sic retail

    DRUGSQuotations based on small lots to retail deal-


    Acetanlid for 10c acetio acid No 8-VB 8c carbolic acid cryst vB 40c muriaticacid C P V B 2tc nitric acid C P V B-2ic sulphuric acid C P if tb 25c tannicacid bulk v B 133 alcohol 95 per cent Vgal 2 35 alum V fe 4c antifebrine V ot-23c antipyrlne v oz Si 40 ammonia car-bonate


    V B 15 biuo vitrol V B 10c binemass V B CO blue ointment V B 60 boraxV B 12c camphor gum if B 60 capsicumpowo if B 22c copperas f B 233c Doverspowder tf B 1 20 ether sulphnric U S P-V B T c gum arable first pick 4f B 1 gumshellac V B 35c glue brown if B 12c gluewhite if B 20c mace V B 93c mercury V B

    00 morphine sulpb P W Vis tf oz-Si 70 morphine sulpb P W oz bottleif oz 2 43 nutmegs if B 70c castor oilif gal 1 2531 30 olive oil f gal 1 20 lin-seed ¬oil V gal 70375c sperm oil W B ifgal SI 20 opium if B 3 03 opium po V B

    4 50 black pepper f B ISc potash bromideV B 44c potash chlorate if B 20c potashiodide if B 2 b532 V0 quinine P W ozbottle if oz 4tc quinine P W oz cansif oz 42c quinine P W 5oz cans if oz-nc qniniue Brunswick oz bottle if oz 36cquinine Brunswick 5oz cans 31c sal soda v-lb 3c saltpetre refined if B 10c saltpetre-commorcial if B Cc salts Epsom V B 3 >4csalts Rochelle 33c Bicarb soda kegs if B-24c sulphur Flowers 5bbl lot 2 ic sulphurFlowers small lots 4c spirits turpentinemarket rates per gal whitelead 8 P if B-Ec cream tartar B 32c


    BRITISH CONROLiSpecial to the Gazette

    London Dec 29 Consols closed 95 1316 formoney tor silver 47-

    EXCHANGE AT NEW YORKSpecial to the Gazette

    NEwYottsr Dec 23Sterling Bank 60 days 4 73Commercial 60 days 4 7 Si34Reichmarks Commercial 93FrancvBank 60 days S 24Commercial SO days 5 K

    EXCHANGE AT NEW ORLEANSSpecial to the Garette

    New Orleaxs La Dec 23Sterling Commercial 60 days 4 75 > 4Francs Commercial 60 days 5 29New York Sight Bank parCommercial 153 dis

    EXCHANGE AT GALVESTONBpeclai to the Gazette

    Galvestox Tax Dec 29Sterling 60 days NomnlalNew York Sight V dUctNew Orleans Sight y disctAmerican Silver Par

    MEXICAN SECURITIESBoston Mass Dec 23

    Mexican isCommon


    BTOCKS AND BONDSNew Yobk Dec 23 Bonds and stocks closed

    at the following prices bid-BOOTS

    TJ S s registered 131U-U B 4s coupon exlnt 122Vi-TJ S Pis coupon ISCentral Paciflo la 11U


    510u 51 ti iTH0UST0N STREET

    S3f Writc us for prices on Bagging and Tics SfDenver and Rio Grande 4s s vMissouri Pacific consolidated 6 1Missouri Kansas and Texas general 6a 7i-SU Louis and Iron Morntain generalSs 91-St Louis and San Fain general mortgage lf 4Texas and PacISc land grants 5Texas and Paciflo Bio Grandes 33iUnion Pacific ls 111 4

    STOCKSCentral Pacific 26i 4Chicago and Alton Ex Div 124Chicago Burlington and Quirtcr S8 <Delaware and Lackawanna exdv 13-2Denverand Rio Grande 17Erie common lS iFort Worth and DenverHouston and Texas Central lIllinois Central S3Kansas and TexasEx 2d mtg bonds 12lake Shore 10sLouisville and Nashville 73Missouri Pacific 61Northern Paciflo 21SJNorthwestern 104-1NeTYork Central exdiv 131Pacific Mail 32Heading 32Rock Island Ex Div 7S-St Louis and San Francisco 32-St Louis and San Francisco preferred M-St Paul common 50JSt Paul nreferred lilTennessee Coal and Iron 30Texas and Paciflo 134Union Paciflo 3Wabash St Louis snd raclflo certiflcatsv 91Vi

    abash St Louis and Paciflc preferred 1-7WellsFargo Express ltoWestern Union Telegraph 76American Cotton Oil 16yAtchison Topeka and Santa Fe SDenver Texas and Fort Worth certificates 20VtDenver and Iiio Grande preferred 56


    LIVERPOOL FUTURESSpecial to the Gazette

    Liverpool Dec 29 Cotton futures closedat 2 to 4 points declineDecember 5 CO bidJanuary 5 00 bidDecemberJanuary 5 163 5 0-7JanuaryFebruary 5 103 5 1-1FebruaryMarch 3 14 bidMarchApril 5 173 5 1-9AprilMay 5 Jl askedMayJune 3 23 bidJuneJuly 3 23 bidJulyAugust 5 IS

    NEW YORKFUTURE3-Srccial to the Gazette

    New York Dec 29 Cotton futures closedfirm at 7 to 13 points advanceDecemberJanuary 8 fl 8 96February a OS 9 09March 9 223 9 21April 9 373 9 39May 9 43 9 49June 9 5S3 9 51July 9 673 9 68-Auisuat 9 K73 9 69September 9 463 9 49

    bales 107000 bales

    NEW ORLEANS FUTURESpecial to the Gazette

    Nnw Orleans La Dec 23 Cotton futurossteady 5 to 8 points declineDecember 8 63 8 70January 8 7 askedFebruary 8 643 8 S3March 8 973 8 99April 9 073 l OSMay 9 173 9 19June 9 273 9 29July 9 873 9 39August 9 39 askedSeptember 9 103 9 14

    Sales 29600 bales

    LIVERPOOL SPOTSpecial to tbe Gazette

    Liverpool Dec 29 Spot cotton marketsclosed firm-Ordinary 4 718Good ordinary 4 1116Low middling 41MiddlingGood middling J

    Total sales 12000 American 9100 baliImports GCouu American 61100

    NEW YORK SPOTSpecial to the Gazette

    Nrtv York Dec 23 Spot cotton closedeasierOrdinaryGood ordinaryLow middlingMiddlingGood middlingMiddling fair

    Bales 199 bales

    NEW ORLEANS SPOTSpecial to the Gazette

    New Orlkans La Dec 29 Spot cottonclosed steadyLowonlinary 6 915Ordinary 7 116Good ordinary 1l tLow middling M <Middling 8 1310Good middling 9-Middlingfair 1j

    Sales b730 bales

    GALVESTON SPOTSpecial to the Gazette

    Oalvrstos Tex Dee 23 Spot cottonclosed firm-Ordinary 7 916Good ordinary 7 1516Low middling 8 1116Middling 9 316Good Middling 9 iMiddlingfair 10 316

    Sales 1037Stock 122350 bales-


    Special to the GazetteGalveston Trx Dec 23 Ths following are

    tho closing quotations for cotton on ths spot to-day


    at the leading markets toefier with tbjclosing tor middling Saturday with todayssales




    9 3169 916I-

    U 616


    Galveston Tax Dec 29Special to the GazetteEecefpU thus far this weai 10131Receipts same time last year 86717Receipts this day 56164Receipts this day last year 40770Total receipts thus far this season 4313951Total receipts thus far last season 4180911Difference 133040Exports to Great Britain 40207Exports to Franco 15051Exports to continent 35917-


    Special to the GazetteStocks this day Cf593Stocks this day last year 774003-


    Special to the GazetteGalvestonNew OrleansMobileSavassn ah-CharlestonWilmingtonNorfolkBaltimoreNew YorkBostonPhiladelphiaWest PointOther ports

    Total this dayTotal this day last year








    FREIGHTS FROM GALVESTONSpecial to the Gazette

    Galveston Tex Dec 23 By teamshlffrom Galveston TexToIJverpooL 932J



    ISO GraTier Street Hott 0resasr jB


    FUTURE CONTRACTSPrivate wire In oSico

    To continentTo New York

    F O

    516d-10c if 130 3

    GALVESTON WOOL MARKETSpecial to the Gazette

    Oalveston Tex Dec 23-No sales

    Spring twelve months clipFineMedium

    FallFineMediumMexican improvedMexican carpet

    Ea t Texas twelve mouthsMedium

    Spring six to eight monthsFino 7MediumMexican improvedMexican carpet

    Scoured spring twelve monthsXX-


    Spring six monthsXX-

    No V ir i i rFall

    XNo 1

    GALVESTON COFFEE MVBCSrSpecial to the Oazette

    Galveston Tex Dec 23 Coffee fctaJyOrdinary 1 UGood ordinary 20 TJFair AiuilPrime 21 ajl 4Choice 21 > aiCordova lt rti3-

    OALVESTON SUGAR MARKETSpecial tothe Gazette

    Galveston Tex Dec 29 Sugar Quiet andfirmNew York standard granulated PConfectioners 6Crushed and cut loaf 7Cubes 65Powdered 6iLouisiana granulated nonjLouisiana choice white 3 jLouisiana off white 5Fancy yellow elarifled 4Choice yellow claritied 44Prime yellow clarified t 4Off yellow cllrlfied 4 tChoice second I3Prime seconds 41

    Wholesale grocers quotation li3 Jc higherOTHER PRODUCE AND PROVIdlO UVt-

    KET3St Loch Mo Dec 23 FlourDull XXX-

    S3 9033 0J family 3 1033 23 choice J VX33 60 fancy < C034 10 patent 4 7U34 80

    Wheat Market opened o dowu for May andunchanged for July and though there was somasttength shown soon after opeuing values weak-ened


    in sympatuy with lower outsiao marketsLater there was a reaction on tho report ofheavy clearances from the seaboard aud higherChicago market and tbe market continued drm-to the clos4 which was at the highest point ot-tho day and l ciip for May and IVic for July ascompared with Saturdav LaUst sales No 2cash 92393c January 921ic May Wtc JulySic

    Corn Opened 4c below Saturdays closeand market was dull and easy until soon after-noon call when there was an advance and pricesruled stirf to close No 2 cosh 45c jaau-arv < Cyc May 43c July 50c nomin I

    Oats Quiet but firmer No 2 cash 4114cMay 434c-

    Bagging 5Iron cotton ties SI 33B1 49Corn meal SteadyWhisky 1 11Provisions Qnlet and essentially unchan3

    for spot offering Light business was trans-acted


    Pork J10 00312 50Lard 5 53Dry saltoeats Boxod25330 days shoulders

    4 23 longi and ribs 3 37Vi clear 5 SOBacon llozed shoulders 4 67i longs aad

    ribs 5 OVshort clear S3 SJ33 6-0Bugari red hams 10 00312 50

    Kansas Crrr Mo Dec 29 Wheat EasierNo red cash b6c bid

    ComHigher No 2 cash 43 o-CntCAGO III Dec 29 Wheat Opened

    quiet and steady and around Saturdays closingquotations Market ruled active aud wheat was97397 < c

    Corn llarket was firmer and higher Closewas near top last siles which took place havingbecnat51 435is c

    Pork May steady and closed about 20 pointsover opening price and at an advance of JO pointssince Saturday

    Lard The May delivery closed at 6 4526 47 4for which was highest price of the day

    ltibn Close was up 10312lc respectively forthe day and tbe near deliveries

    Leading futures closed as followsWheat December t9c January t3 Jc May

    97cCorn December 49c January 43ic May

    elcPork December J8 00 January S10 224

    May 11 12yLard January 3 93 February 6 02 May

    6 47HCash quotations wereFlour Steady and unchargeWhoat Spring No 2 bcCorn No 2 49 4cPork 9 1038 12 4Lard 5 SOShort ribs sides Loose 1 Ml 80Dry salt shoulders boxed SI 231 37Short clear sides boxed 5 0035 50New Orleans La Deo 21 Bngar Choice

    yellow clarified 4 13163 4 4c prime yellow clar-ified


    4i 4 1316CMolasses Steaay Open kettle choice to

    fancy 30c strictlv prime 26327c good prime23 t24c prime 21323c centrifugal strictlyprime 15c316c good prima 12313c prime Hegood common to good fair 9310c

    New Yore Dec 29 Wheat Spot irregulardull No 2 red 1 nt Options down De-cember

    ¬1 0J i January 1 W=i May 1 014July 9Uc

    Corn Spot stronger moderatively activeNo 2 KrfCSVjC Options up strong Jauu-arv 5SVc May b ite

    Coffee Options steady 10 up to 15 downSales 2250 hags December S17 25317 3tJanuary S15 43316 50 May 13 30 Spot Rioquiet easy 19i4c

    Sugar Refined quiet and lower C 633 1lScextra C 6 111663 1316c white extra C 6 43-6516c yellow 4aV34 1316c off i 335 13Ijccubes A 6c tandard A 5c confectioners A6 l16c cut loaf 614c crumbed 6c powdered614c granulated 5 1316c cubes

    BOSTON WOOL MARKETSpecial to the Gazette

    Boston Mass Dec 23 Wool Moderate de-mand

    ¬at last weeks prices

    ST LOUIS WOOL MARKETSt LoursMo Dec23 Wool ReceiptsI1S0

    Market quiet and unchangedLIVESTOCK MARKETS

    St Locis Mo Dec 29 Cattle Receipts1100 shipments 200 Market steady Goodto fancy native steers S4 3 35 00 fair to goodnative steers S < 0034 50 stockers and feedersSi 2033 13 Texans and Indians 2 2333 40

    Hogs Receipts 3000 shipments 2110 Mar-ket


    lower prices ranged J 2033 75Sheep Receipts 100 hlpmeuts 403 Markat

    steady Qoodio choice SI 25 cS S3

    Kansas City Mo Dec 23 Cattle Receipts3403 shipments 200 Market lower SteersS3 6034 60 stockers and feeders 1 7533 25

    Hogs Receipts KtO shipments 703 Mar-ket


    higher All grades 3 80Sheep Receipts 330 shipments none Mar-


    steady good to choice muttons 1 1594 SOstockers and feeders 2 0jS3 80

    Chicago Ili Dec 23 Cattle Receipts160uO shipments 3000 Market lowerfirstclass-stcsrs S4 8735 10 others JJ 0033 75 Stock-ers


    S3 0032 50Hogs Receipts 3000 shipments 5000

    Market about steady packing heavy 3 50S13 65light 1 5533 60

    Sheep Receipts 5000 shipment 2000-MLr et active and higher Westerns 4 10a6 12 4 natives S3 235 2-

    5ForfofJte Liver Trou-ble


    or Ir jlgestion useBROWNSjrS BITTERS


    mi Sim s <
