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Drow Names

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A table of Drow names and meanings as well as house names. Suitable for any D&D setting with dark elves.

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Drow Names

Page 2: Drow Names

Drow Names

Drow, like their Elven cousins prefer names that flow off the tongue, however their names tend to

have a harsher sound to them. One of the most common problems GMs and players alike have

when playing non-human characters is naming them. Most non-human characters can’t be named

from a list of historic names, forcing DMs to make up totally new names. It is difficult to come up

with names that are appropriate for non-human characters and consistent with one another. This is

especially true for a GM who may find himself trying to come up with a large number of such

names on short notice, yet without appropriate names, non-human characters often loose their

unique flavor. Especially in the case of Drow, it is important that names represent and reflect the

race’s special attitudes and philosophies.

The drow name generator below has been presented to assist with this daunting task. Although

this could not possibly represent all the possible names for a race as old and diverse as the Drow,

this list can serve as a starting point and quick reference to create a large and consistent list of


How it Works: Each Drow name consists of a prefix (from Table 2) and one or more suffixes

(from Table 3),and then a house name consisting of a prefix (from table 4) and one or more suffixes

(from table 5). Definitions have been included in these tables to help determine what a name means

once it has been generated. In the case of suffixes, male and female endings have been included

where appropriate. Alternate spellings have also been provided in some cases.

You may randomly generate an Drow name by rolling on Table 1. If you prefer, it is also possible

to pick a set of definitions you like and assemble the name that matches them. If your character is a

Wizard who is fond of spiders, you might decide her name should reflect this. Looking at the

definitions, you decide her name will mean “Spider-Mage.” This results in the name “G’eldriina" or


If you don’t like a particular combination, try some of the alternate suffixes listed, or add an “a,”

“e,” “i,” “l,” “r,” “s,” “sh,” or an apostrophe. Although not every combination of prefixes and

suffixes will sound right, usually only a minor change is called for. If you can’t make a particular

name work, try one with a similar meaning. If you didn’t like “G’eldriina,” try a name that means

“Spider-Sister” instead. If you have randomly generated a name and don’t like it’s definition, try

altering the order of the words. It is also possible to use the definition as just a starting place for the

name’s meaning. Often the definitions can be combined in a poetic way for better results. In the

case of a three or more syllable name, try dropping one or more of the definitions.

Table 1 (D10)

1-3 Roll once on Table 2 and once on Table 3

4-5 Roll once on Table 2 and twice on Table 3

6-7 Roll once on Table 2 and once on Table 3, add an

apostrophe, then roll again on Table 3.

8-9 Roll once on Table 2 and once on Table 3 for a first

name, then roll on Table 1 again for a second name.

10 Roll once on Table 3, add an apostrophe, then roll once

on Table 2 and once on Table 3

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Table 2 Prefixes (D100)

1 Akor/Alak : Beloved, best, first 51 Lua/Lyme : Bright, crystal, light

2 Alaun/Alton : Lightning, powerful 52 Mal/Malag : Mystery, secret

3 Aly/Kel : Legendary, singing, song 53 May/Mas : Beautiful, beauty, silver

4 Ang/Adin : Beast, monstrous, savage 54 Micar : Lost, poison, widow

5 Ardul/Amal : Blessed, divine, godly 55 Min/Ran : Lesser, minor, second

6 Aun/Ant : Crypt, dead, deadly, death 56 Mol/Go : Blue, storm, thunder, wind

7 Bae/Bar : Fate, fated, luck, lucky 57 Myr/Nym : Lost, skeleton, skull

8 Bal/Bel : Burned, burning, fire, flame 58 Nath/Mer : Doom, doomed, fate

9 Belar/Bruh : Arrow, lance, pierced 59 Ned/Nad : Cunning, genius, mind,


10 Briz/Berg : Graceful, fluid, water, wet 60 Nhil/Nal : Fear, horrible, horror, outraged

11 Bur/Bhin : Craft, crafty, sly 61 Neer : Core, root, strong

12 Chal/Chasz : Earth, stable 62 Null/Nil : Sad, tear, weeping

13 Char/Kron : Sick, venom, venomed 63 Olor/Omar : Skin, tattoo, tattooed

14 Chess/Cal : Noble, lady/lord 64 Pellan/Relon : North, platinum, wind

15 Dhaun : Infested, plague 65 Phaer/Vorn : Honour, honoured

16 Dil/Dur : Cold, ice, still 66 Phyr/Phyx : Bless, blessed, blessing

17 Dirz/Div : Dream, dreaming, fantasy 67 Qualn/Quil : Mighty, ocean, sea

18 Dris/Riz : Ash, dawn, east, eastern 68 Quar : Aged, eternal, time

19 Eclave/Elk : Chaos, mad, madness 69 Quav/Quev : Charmed, docile, friend

20 Elvan/Kalan : Elf, elven, far, lost 70 Qil/Quil : Foe, goblin, slave

21 Elv/Elaug : Drow, mage, power 71 Rauv/Welv : Cave, rock, stone

22 Erel/Rhyl : Eye, moon, spy 72 Ril/Ryl : Foretold, omen

23 Ethe/Erth : Mithril, resolute 73 Sabal/Szor : Amber, yellow

24 Faer/Selds : Oath, sworn, vow 74 Sab/Tsab : Abyss, empty, void

25 Felyn/Fil : Pale, thin, weak, white 75 Shi`n/Kren : Fool, foolish, young

26 Filf/Phar : Dwarf, Dwarven, treacherous 76 Shri/Ssz : Silk, silent

27 Gauss/Orgoll : Dread, fear, feared, vile 77 Shur/Shar : Dagger, edge, stiletto

28 G’eld : Friend, spider 78 Shynt : Invisible, skilled, unseen

29 Ghaun : Accursed, curse, unlucky 79 Sin/Szin : Festival, joy, pleasure

30 Gin/Din : Berserk, berserker, orc, wild 80 Ssap/That : Blue, midnight, night

31 Grey/Gul : Ghost, pale, unloving 81 Susp/Spir : Learned, skilled, wise

32 Hael/Hatch : Marked, trail, way 82 Talab/Tluth : Burn, burning, fire

33 Hal/Sol : Deft, nimble, spider 83 Tal/Tar : Love, pain, wound, wounded

34 Houn/Rik : Magic, trail, way 84 Triel/Taz : Bat, winged

35 Iliv/Dip : Liege, war, warrior 85 T’riss/Teb : Blade, sharp, sword

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36 Ilm : Life, living, spirit, soul 86 Ulviir/Uhls : Gold, golden, treasure

37 Illiam/Im : Devoted, heart, love 87 Umrae/Hurz : Faith, faithful, true

38 In/Sorn : Enchanted, spell 88 Vas/Vesz : Blood, body, flesh

39 Ilph : Emerald, green, lush, tree 89 Vic : Abyss, deep, profound

40 Irae/Ilzt : Arcane, mystic, wizard 90 Vier/Va l : Black, dark, darkness

41 Irr/Izz : Hidden, mask, masked 91 Vlon/Wod : Bold, hero, heroic

42 Iym/Ist : Endless, immortal 92 Waer/Wehl : Deep, hidden, south,


43 Jhan/Duag : Shield, warded 93 Wuyon/Wruz : Humble, third, trivial

44 Jhael/Gel : Ambitious, clan, kin, family 94 Xull/Url : Blooded, crimson, ruby

45 Jhul/Jar : Charmed, rune, symbol 95 Xun : Demon, fiend, fiendish

46 Jys/Driz : Hard, steel, unyielding 96 Yas/Yaz : Riddle, spinning, thread, web

47 Lael/Llt : Iron, west, western 97 Zar/Zakn : Dusk, haunted, shadow

48 Lar/Les : Binding, bound, law, lawful 98 Zebey/Zek : Dragon, lithe, rage, wyrm

49 LiNeeer/Mourn : Legend, legendary,


99 Zes/Zez : Ancient, elder, respected

50 Lird/Ryld : Brand, branded, owned, slave 100 Zilv/Vuz : Forgotten, old, unknown

Table 3 Suffixes (D100)

1 -a/-agh : Breaker, destruction, end, omega 51 -nitra/-net : Kicker, returned, risen

2 -ace/-as : Savant, scholar, wizard 52 -nolu : Art, artist, expert, treasure

3 -ae/-aun : Dance, dancer, life, player 53 -olin : Ascension, love, lover, lust

4 -aere/-d : Blood, blood of, heir 54 -onia/-onim : Rod, staff, token, wand

5 -afae/-afein : Bane, executioner, slayer 55 -oyss/-omph : Binder, judge, law, prison

6 -afay/-aufein : Eyes, eyes of, seeress/seer 56 -qualyn : Ally, caller, kin

7 -ala/-launim : Healer, priestess/priest 57 -quarra/-net : Horde, host, legion

8 -anna/-erin : Advisor, counsellor to 58 -quiri/-oj : Aura, cloak, hide, skin

9 -arra/-atar : Queen/prince, queen of/prince of 59 -ra/-or : Fool, game, prey, quarry

10 -aste : Bearer, keeper, slaver 60 -rae/-rar: Secret, seeker, quest

11 -avin/-aonar : Guardian, guard, shield 61 -raema/-orvir: Crafter, fist, hand

12 -ayne/-al : Lunatic, maniac, manic, rage 62 -raena/-olvir: Center, haven, home

13 -baste/-gloth : Path, walker 63 -riia/-rak: Chaos, storm, tempest

14 -breena/-antar : Matriarch/Patriarch, ruler 64 -ril: Bandit, enemy, raider, outlaw

15 -bryn/-lyn : Agent, assassin, killer 65 -riina/-ree: Enchanter, mage, spellcaster

16 -cice/-roos : Born of, Child, young 66 -ryna/-oyn : Follower, hired, mercenary

17 -cyrl/-axle : Ally, companion, friend 67 -ryne/-ryn : Blooded, elder, experienced

18 -da/-daer : Illusionist, trickster 68 -shalee/-ral : Abjurer, gaze, watch,


19 -dia/-drin : Rogue, stealer 69 -ssysn/-rysn : Artifact, sorcerer, spell

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20 -diira/-diirn : Initiate, sister/brother 70 -stin/-trin : Clan, house, merchant, of the


21 -dra/-zar : Lover, match, mate 71 -stra/-tran : Spider, spinner, weaver

22 -driira/-driirn : Mother/father, teacher 72 -tana/-ton : Darkness, lurker, prowler

23 -dril/-dorl : Knight, sword, warrior 73 -thara/-tar : Glyph, marker, rune

24 -e : Servant, slave, vassal 74 -thrae/-olg : Charmer, leader, seducer

25 -eari/-erd : Giver, god, patron 75 -tree/-tel : Exile, loner, outcast, pariah

26 -eyl : Archer, arrow, flight, flyer 76 -tyrr : Dagger, poison, poisoner, scorpion

27 -ffyn/-fein : Minstrel, singer, song 77 -ual/-dan : Speed, strider

28 -fryn : Champion, victor, weapon, weapon


78 -ue/-dor : Arm, artisan, fingers

29 -iara/-ica : Baron, duke, lady/lord 79 -uit/-dar : Breath, voice, word

30 -ice/-eth : Obsession, taker, taken 80 -une/-dinn : Diviner, fate, future, oracle

31 -idil/-imar : Alpha, beginning, creator of,


81 -uque : Cavern, digger, mole, tunnel

32 -iira/-inid : Harbinger, herald 82 -urra/-dax : Nomad, renegade, wanderer

33 -inidia : Secret, wall, warder 83 -va/-ven : Comrade, honour, honoured

34 -inil/-in : Lady/lord, rider, steed 84 -vayas : Forge, forger, hammer, smith

35 -intra : Envoy, messenger, prophet 85 -vyll : Punishment, scourge, whip, zealot

36 -isstra/-atlab : Acolyte, apprentice,


86 -vrae/-vyr : Mistress/master, overseer

37 -ithra/-irahc : Dragon, serpent, wyrm 87 -wae/-hrae : Heir, inheritor, princess

38 -jra/-gos : Beast, biter, stinger 88 -wiira/-hriir : Seneschal of steward

39 -jss : Scout, stalker 89 -wyss/-hrys : Best, creator, starter

40 -kacha/-kah : Beauty, hair, style 90 -xae/-zaer : Orb, rank, ruler, sceptre

41 -kiira/-raen : Apostle, disciple 91 -xena/-zen : Cutter, gem, jewel, jeweller

42 -lay/-dyn : Flight, flyer, wing, wings 92 -xyra/-zyr : Sage, teller

43 -lara/-aghar : Cynic, death, end, victim 93 -yl: Drow, woman/man

44 -lin : Arm, armour, commander 94 -ylene/-yln : Handmaiden/squire,


45 -lochar : Messenger, spider 95 -ymma/-inyon : Drider, feet, foot, runner

46 -mice/-myr : Bone, bones, necromancer,


96 -ynda/-yrd : Captain, custodian, marshal,


47 -mur’ss : Shadow, spy, witness 97 -ynrae/-yraen : Heretic, reel, riot, void

48 -na/-nar : Adept, ghost, spirit 98 -vrae: Architect, founder, mason

49 -nilee/-olil : Corpse, disease, ravager 99 -yrr : Protector, rival, wielder

50 -niss/-nozz : Chance, gambler, game 100 -zyne/-zt : Finder, hunter

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Table 4 – House Name Prefixes (D100)

(1-3) Alean : The noble line of (51-53) Helvi : Those above

(4-6) Ale : Traders in (54-56) Hla : Seers of

(7-10) Arab : Daughters of (57-60) Hun : The sisterhood of

(11-13) Arken : Mages of (61-63) Ken : Sworn to

(14-16) Auvry : Blood of the (64-66) Kil : People of

(17-20) Baen : Blessed by (67-70) Mae : Raiders from

(21-23) Barri : Spawn of (71-73) Mel : Mothers of

(24-26) Cladd : Warriors from (74-76) My : Honoured of

(27-30) Desp : Victors of (77-80) Noqu : Sacred to

(31-33) De : Champions of (81-83) Orly : Guild of

(34-36) Do’ : Walkers in (84-86) Ouss : Heirs to

(37-40) Eils : Lands of (87-90) Rilyn : House of

(41-43) Everh : The cavern of (91-93) Teken' : Delvers in

(44-46) Fre : Friends to (94-96) Tor : Mistresses of

(47-50) Gode : Clan of (97-100) Zau : Children of

Table 5 – House Name Suffixes (D100)

(1-3) -afin : The web (51-53) -ndar : Black hearts

(4-6) -ana : The night (54-56) -neld : The arcane

(7-10) -ani : The widow (57-60) -rae : Fell powers

(11-13) -ar : Poison (61-63) -rahel : The gods

(14-16) -arn : Fire (64-66) -rret : The void

(17-20) -ate : The way (67-70) -sek : Adamantite

(21-23) -ath : The dragons (71-73) -th : Challenges

(24-26) -duis : The whip (74-76) -tlar : Mysteries

(27-30) -ervs : The depths (77-80) -t’tar : Victory

(31-33) -ep : The Underdark (81-83) -tyl : The pits

(34-36) -ett : Magic (84-86) -und : The spider’s kiss

(37-40) -ghym : The forgotten ways (87-90) -urden : The darkness

(41-43) -iryn : History (91-93) -val : Silken weaver

(44-46) -lyl : The blade (94-96) -virr : Dominance

(47-50) -mtor : The abyss (97-100) -zynge : The ruins