Driver Performance Feedback (“How’s My Driving?”) The key to improving productivity and safety results

Driver Performance Feedback (“How’s My Driving?”) The key to improving productivity and safety results

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Page 1: Driver Performance Feedback (“How’s My Driving?”) The key to improving productivity and safety results

Driver Performance Feedback(“How’s My Driving?”)

The key to improving productivity and safety results

Page 2: Driver Performance Feedback (“How’s My Driving?”) The key to improving productivity and safety results

Did You Know?



Employee Injuries

Down Time

Lost Customer


There are many crash related costs beyond what your insurance covers

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Out of Pocket Costs

• Uninsured costs are estimated to range from 4 to 7 times the actual settlement– These costs come out of a company’s

profits unless they are specifically budgeted

– Down time, customer upset, employee morale and investigations add up quickly

Any reduction in crashes will save a lot of money for your company

Page 4: Driver Performance Feedback (“How’s My Driving?”) The key to improving productivity and safety results

These crashes are unusually expensive and can lead to lawsuits or criminal charges

Some Crashes Cost More…

• Rear End Collisions

• Merging/Passing Collisions

• Intersection Collisions

• “Speed-Aggravated” Collisions (fatalities)

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You need an Early Warning System to spot behaviors before crashes happen

Key Behaviors tied to Costly Crashes

• Tailgating

• Improper lane changes

• Running red lights or stop signs

• Traveling too fast for conditions

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Decals = Early Warning System

• Risk taking behavior leads to accidents; so

• If you identify risk taking behaviors, and

• Take action to assist drivers, then

• Crash rates will go down

Its is about helping drivers do their best

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Attitude Not Ability

• Most commercial vehicle accidents are a result of the driver’s behavior--not ability

• SafetyFirst provides the opportunity to change behavior before it results in a costly accident

• Plain talk with drivers about their performance will make a difference – they’ll recognize it, too

Coaching can improve driver motivation and retention

Page 8: Driver Performance Feedback (“How’s My Driving?”) The key to improving productivity and safety results

Here’s how the program works to reduce the number

of crashes

$ and their associated costs $


Page 9: Driver Performance Feedback (“How’s My Driving?”) The key to improving productivity and safety results

The Program at a Glance• Decals are placed on rear of commercial

vehicles (vans, pickups, delivery trucks, tractor trailers, etc.) that encourage motorists to report risk taking behaviors.

• Calls are checked for accuracy and sent to the fleet for investigation.

• Drivers who need help are coached or trained.

Accidents are avoided – 20%-60% reductions in crash frequency!

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A unique vehicle number is used to identify each A unique vehicle number is used to identify each car/truck in the programcar/truck in the program

We say “Safety is My Goal” not “Check Up On Me”We say “Safety is My Goal” not “Check Up On Me”

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SafetyFirst’s Call Center

• 24hr, 7 day, 365 days per year

• Staffed by trained professionals

• Screen out “crank calls” or calls without caller identity

Some other programs use voicemail, automated messaging systems or

contracted “tele-marketers”

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SafetyFirst Provides:

• Timely, credible information that highlights risk taking by drivers before accidents happen.

• Careful review of each call to ensure credibility – we politely “interrogate” each caller to learn precisely what happened on the road.

Other vendors simply repeat the caller’s allegations without investigation

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Immediate Notification SafetyFirst is live on the Internet We provide immediate notification to

companies of incident reports - - either electronically (e-mail), or by fax

SafetyFirst can transmit reports to multiple locations

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Detailed Reporting

L o c a t io n O ne L o c a t io n T w o L o c a t ion T h ree

D ivis io n A - 1 D ivis io n A - 2

R e g io n 'A ' R e g io n 'B '

C o rpora teCorporate reports give an overview of performance

Location Reports pinpoint performance

at the source

Regional reports compare the company’s divisions

Division reports allow managers to monitor a variety of locations within their area

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Statistically . . .

• 80% of drivers never receive a complaint• 10% will receive one incident report• The remaining 10% of drivers receive two

or more incident reports

Drivers who get multiple complaints are at much higher risk to be in a crash

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Reports are Returned

• After discussion with the driver, it is critical that reports are sent back to us

• This enables us to construct your management summary reports and identify drivers who’ve had repeat complaints

Documenting the action taken may help “defend” your commitment to safety

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Why the Program Works...• The program singles out drivers who

need the most help from management• The program highlights specific risk

taking behaviors that lead to costly crashes

• Coaching aids/tools are provided to help modify drivers’ behaviors

Drivers pay attention to their performance

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SafetyFirst Enables You To:

• Train, as needed, the right drivers at the right time on the right topics

• Select at-risk drivers for follow up Driver Abstracts (MVRs)

• Identify at-risk drivers prior to losses

• Instill accountability while helping drivers to perform their best

Coaching drivers helps lower costs

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Cost & Financial Impact• Cost covered by insurer provides:

– Enrollment by SafetyFirst staff– Implementation and support materials– Coaching tools for managers– Accident avoidance fact sheets for drivers– Report Analysis by SafetyFirst– Real time data at website (ad hoc reporting)

Some vendors have hidden costs

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Cost & Financial Impact• Six insurance carriers have studied the

financial impact of this type of program• The studies suggest a range of 20% to

40% reduction in frequency• The most recent study also concluded

that vendor selection makes a difference – SafetyFirst scored #1 in all categories: service, savings, etc.

SafetyFirst – Because Results Count

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Contact Us for More Information

Contact Paul FarrellDir. Of MarketingSafetyFirst201.816.9200

www.safeteefirst.com & www.oscersystem.com

SafetyFirst – Because Results Count