Drilling High Grade Uranium in Canada’s Athabasca Basin IsoEnergy.ca TSXV: ISO OTCQX: ISENF June 2019

Drilling High Grade Uranium in Canada’s Athabasca Basin€¦ · Drilling High Grade Uranium in Canada’s Athabasca Basin IsoEnergy.ca-TSXV:’ ISO-OTCQX:-ISENFJune 2019

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Page 1: Drilling High Grade Uranium in Canada’s Athabasca Basin€¦ · Drilling High Grade Uranium in Canada’s Athabasca Basin IsoEnergy.ca-TSXV:’ ISO-OTCQX:-ISENFJune 2019

Drilling High Grade Uranium in Canada’s Athabasca Basin

IsoEnergy.ca     TSX-­‐V:  ISO  OTCQX:  ISENF  June 2019

Page 2: Drilling High Grade Uranium in Canada’s Athabasca Basin€¦ · Drilling High Grade Uranium in Canada’s Athabasca Basin IsoEnergy.ca-TSXV:’ ISO-OTCQX:-ISENFJune 2019





Informa5on  Contained  In  This  Presenta5on    

This  presenta4on   is  a   summary  descrip4on  of   IsoEnergy  Ltd.   (“IsoEnergy”  or   the  “Company”)  and   its  business  and  does   not   purport   to   be   complete.   This   presenta4on   is   not,   and   in   no   circumstances   is   it   to   be   construed   as,   a  prospectus,  an  adver4sement,  or  a  public  offering  of  securi4es.  No  securi4es  regulatory  authority  or  similar  authority  has   reviewed   or   in   any   way   passed   upon   the   document   or   the   merits   of   the   Company’s   securi4es   and   any  representa4on  to  the  contrary  is  an  offence.    

Except  where  otherwise   indicated,   the   informa4on  contained   in   this  presenta4on  has  been  prepared  by   IsoEnergy  and  there  is  no  representa4on  or  warranty  by  IsoEnergy  or  any  other  person  as  to  the  accuracy  or  completeness  of  the  informa4on  set  forth  herein.  Except  as  otherwise  stated,  informa4on  included  in  this  presenta4on  is  given  as  of  the  date  hereof.  The  delivery  of  this  presenta4on  shall  not  imply  that  the  informa4on  herein  is  correct  as  of  any  date  aNer  the  date  hereof.    

This  presenta4on  shall  not  cons4tute  an  offer  to  sell  or  a  solicita4on  of  any  offer  to  buy  any  securi4es,  nor  shall  there  be   any   sale   of   any   securi4es   in   any   jurisdic4on   in   which   such   offer,   solicita4on   or   sale   would   be   unlawful.   The  securi4es   referenced  herein  have  not   been,   nor  will   they  be,   registered  under   the  United   States   Securi4es  Act   of  1933,  as  amended  (the  “U.S.  Securi5es  Act”),  and  such  securi4es  may  not  be  offered  or  sold  within  the  United  States  absent   registra4on   under   the   U.S.   Securi4es   Act   or   an   applicable   exemp4on   from   the   registra4on   requirements  thereunder.  

All  dollar  amounts  referenced  herein,  unless  otherwise  indicated,  are  expressed  in  Canadian  dollars.    

Cau5onary  Note  Regarding  Forward-­‐looking  Informa5on    

The   informa4on  contained  herein   contains   “forward-­‐looking   statements”  within   the  meaning  of   the  United  States  Private  Securi4es  Li4ga4on  Reform  Act  of  1995  and  “forward-­‐looking  informa4on”  within  the  meaning  of  applicable  Canadian  securi4es  legisla4on.  “Forward-­‐looking  informa1on”  includes,  but  is  not  limited  to,  statements  with  respect  to   the  ac1vi1es,   events   or   developments   that   the  Company   expects   or   an1cipates  will   or  may  occur   in   the   future,  including,   without   limita1on,   planned   explora1on   ac1vi1es   and   comple1on   of   the   acquisi1on   of   the  Property.   Generally,   but   not   always,   forward-­‐looking   informa1on   and   statements   can   be   iden1fied   by   the   use   of  words   such   as   “plans”,   “expects”,   “is   expected”,   “budget”,   “scheduled”,   “es1mates”,   “forecasts”,   “intends”,  “an1cipates”,  or  “believes”  or  the  nega1ve  connota1on  thereof  or  varia1ons  of  such  words  and  phrases  or  state  that  certain  ac1ons,  events  or  results  “may”,  “could”,  “would”,  “might”  or  “will  be  taken”,  “occur”  or  “be  achieved”  or  the  nega1ve  connota1on  thereof.  Such  forward-­‐looking  informa1on  and  statements  are  based  on  numerous  assump1ons,  including  among  others,  that  the  results  of  planned  explora1on  ac1vi1es  are  as  an1cipated,  the  price  of  uranium,  the  an1cipated  cost  of  planned  explora1on  ac1vi1es,  that  general  business  and  economic  condi1ons  will  not  change  in  a  material  adverse  manner,  that   financing   will   be   available   if   and   when   needed   and   on   reasonable   terms,   and   that   third   party   contractors,  equipment   and   supplies   and   governmental   and   other   approvals   required   to   conduct   the   Company’s   planned  explora1on  ac1vi1es  will  be  available  on  reasonable  terms  and  in  a  1mely  manner.  Although  the  assump1ons  made  by   the   Company   in   providing   forward-­‐looking   informa1on   or   making   forward-­‐looking   statements   are   considered  reasonable  by  management  at  the  1me,  there  can  be  no  assurance  that  such  assump1ons  will  prove  to  be  accurate.

 Forward-­‐looking   informa1on   and   statements   also   involve   known   and   unknown   risks   and   uncertain1es   and   other  factors,  which  may  cause  actual  events  or  results  in  future  periods  to  differ  materially  from  any  projec1ons  of  future  events  or  results  expressed  or   implied  by  such  forward-­‐looking  informa1on  or  statements,   including,  among  others:  nega1ve  opera1ng  cash  flow  and  dependence  on  third  party  financing,  uncertainty  of  addi1onal  financing,  no  known  mineral   reserves   or   resources,   the   limited   opera1ng   history   of   the   Company,   the   influence   of   a   large   shareholder,    alterna1ve   sources   of   energy   and   uranium   prices,   aboriginal   1tle   and   consulta1on   issues,   reliance   on   key  management  and  other  personnel,  actual  results  of  explora1on  ac1vi1es  being  different  than  an1cipated,  changes  in  explora1on   programs   based   upon   results,   availability   of   third   party   contractors,   availability   of   equipment   and  supplies,  failure  of  equipment  to  operate  as  an1cipated;  accidents,  effects  of  weather  and  other  natural  phenomena  and   other   risks   associated   with   the   mineral   explora1on   industry,   environmental   risks,   changes   in   laws   and  regula1ons,  community  rela1ons  and  delays  in  obtaining  governmental  or  other  approvals.  Although  the  Company  has  aMempted  to  iden1fy  important  factors  that  could  cause  actual  results  to  differ  materially  from   those   contained   in   the   forward-­‐looking   informa1on  or   implied  by   forward-­‐looking   informa1on,   there  may  be  other   factors   that   cause   results   not   to   be   as   an1cipated,   es1mated   or   intended.   There   can   be   no   assurance   that  forward-­‐looking  informa1on  and  statements  will  prove  to  be  accurate,  as  actual  results  and  future  events  could  differ  materially   from   those  an1cipated,   es1mated  or   intended.  Accordingly,   readers   should  not  place  undue   reliance  on  forward-­‐looking   statements  or   informa1on.    The  Company  undertakes  no  obliga1on   to  update  or   reissue   forward-­‐looking  informa1on  as  a  result  of  new  informa1on  or  events  except  as  required  by  applicable  securi1es  laws.


Technical  Informa5on  

All   of   the   scien4fic   and   technical   informa4on   in   this   presenta4on   has   been   reviewed   and   approved   by  Mr.   Steve  Blower,   P.Geo.,   Vice   President   –   Explora4on  &  Development   for   IsoEnergy.  Mr.   Blower   has   verified   the   sampling,  analy4cal,   and   test   data   underlying   the   informa4on   or   opinions   contained   herein   by   reviewing   original   data  cer4ficates  and  monitoring  all  of  the  data  collec4on  protocols.  Mr.  Blower  is  a  qualified  person  for  the  purposes  of  Na4onal  Instrument  43-­‐101  –  Standards  of  Disclosure  for  Mineral  Projects  (“NI  43-­‐101”).  

For   addi4onal   informa4on   regarding   the   Company’s   Radio   project   please   refer   to   the   Technical   Report   en4tled  “Technical  Report  for  the  Radio  Project,  Northern  Saskatchewan”  dated  effec4ve  August  19,  2016  prepared  by  Tim  Maunula,   available   under   IsoEnergy’s   profile   on   www.sedar.com.   Mr.   Maunula   is   a   “qualified   person”   under   NI  43-­‐101,  

For   addi4onal   informa4on   regarding   the   Company’s   Thorburn   Lake   project   please   refer   to   the   Technical   Report  en4tled   “Technical   Report   for   the   Thorburn   Lake   Project,  Northern   Saskatchewan”   dated   effec4ve   September   26,  2016  prepared  by  Tim  Maunula,  available  under  IsoEnergy’s  profile  on  www.sedar.com.  Mr.  Maunula  is  a  “qualified  person”  under  NI  43-­‐101.  


IsoEnergy.ca      2   TSXV:  ISO  OTCQX:  ISENF  

Page 3: Drilling High Grade Uranium in Canada’s Athabasca Basin€¦ · Drilling High Grade Uranium in Canada’s Athabasca Basin IsoEnergy.ca-TSXV:’ ISO-OTCQX:-ISENFJune 2019

Hurricane Zone Drilling

IsoEnergy.ca      3   TSXV:  ISO  OTCQX:  ISENF  

Drilling  High  Grade  Uranium  !  11  of  12  drill  holes  in  expanded  winter  2019  

program  intersected  significant  uranium  mineraliza4on  

!  2019  Highlights:  

!  LE19-­‐02:  3.5m  @  10.4%  U3O8  

!  LE19-­‐03:  3.0m  @  2.7%  U3O8,  2.3%  Ni  and  0.1%  Co  

!  LE19-­‐06:  4.0m  @  3.8%  U3O8  

!  LE19-­‐09:  4.5m  @  4.2%  U3O8,  1.1%  Ni  and  0.8%  Co,  including  2.0m  of  6.8%  U3O8,  1.9%  Ni  and  1.3%  Co  

!  LE19-­‐12:  8.5m  @  3.2%  U3O8,  2.1%  Ni  and  0.2%  Co  

!  Follow-­‐up  drilling  to  start  in  June  2019  

LE19-­‐09  Assay  Results  4.5m  @  4.2%  U3O8  (325-­‐329.5  m)  

2.0m  @  6.8%  U3O8  (327.0-­‐329.0  m)  

“Results  of  the  winter  drill  program  at  the  Hurricane  Zone,  in  our  view,  represent  the  most  interes5ng  and  promising  uranium  explora5on  results  we’ve  seen  from  a  new  discovery  in  any  jurisdic5on  in  some  5me.”  Colin  Healey,  Research  Analyst  -­‐  Haywood  Securi5es  

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Athabasca  Basin  

Strong  technical  focus  and  background  –  all  full-­‐4me   employees   are   geologists,   with   a   track  record  of  uranium  explora4on  success  

Timing  Take   advantage   of   asset   availability   and   low  acquisi4on   costs   ahead   of   an   expected  improving  uranium  price  environment  

Leveraging  Strengths  Use   our   capabili4es   in   capital   markets   and  explora4on   to   posi4on   the   company   as   the  partner  and  investment  vehicle  of  choice  

Size  of  the  Prize,  Cost  of  the  Test,  Chance  of  Success  Uranium  explora4on  in  the  Athabasca  Basin  checks  all  three  boxes.  

Start  with  the  area  most  prospec4ve  for  quality/high  grade/high  margin  mines  and  which   is  also  the  best  mining  jurisdic4on  on  the  planet  

IsoEnergy.ca      4   TSXV:  ISO  OTCQX:  ISENF  

Our Approach

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!  IsoEnergy  founded  and  backed  by  the  team  behind  NexGen  Energy.  

!  NexGen  currently  holds  the  largest  undeveloped  uranium  deposit  in  the  Athabasca  Basin  with  the  Arrow  Deposit  (Indicated  Mineral  Resource  of  256.6  M  lbs  of  U3O8  contained  within  2.89  M  tonnes  grading  4.03%  U3O8,  and  an  Inferred  Mineral  Resource  of  91.7  M  lbs  of  U3O8  contained  within  4.84  M  tonnes  grading  0.86%  U3O8)*.  

!  NexGen  Energy  is  a  suppor4ve  shareholder  with  C$90  million  cash  on  hand.  

!  NexGen  share  price  has  increased  740%  in  past  4  years.  

Explora5on  and  discovery  of  Uranium  in  the  Athabasca  Basin  has  the  poten5al  to  deliver  strong  shareholder  returns!  

*For  details  of  the  Rook  I  Project  including  the  quality  assurance  program  and  quality  control  measures  applied  and  key  assump4ons,  parameters  and  methods  used  to  es4mate  the  mineral  resource  set  forth  above  please  refer  to  the  technical  report  en4tled  “Technical  Report  on  the  Rook  1  Property,  Saskatchewan,  Canada”  dated  effec4ve  March  31,  2017  (the  “Rook  1  Technical  Report”)  prepared  by  Mark  B.  Mathisen  and  David  Ross,  each  of  whom  is  a  “qualified  person”  under  NI  43-­‐101.  The  Rook  I  Technical  Report  is  available  for  review  under  the  Company’s  profile  on  SEDAR  at  www.sedar.com.  











2013   2014   2015   2016   2017  

NexGen  Energy  Share  Price  and  Events  

NexGen  Energy  discovers  

mineraliza5on  at  the  Arrow  zone  

Arrow  Maiden  Resource  Es5mate  released  

showing  201.9  million  lbs  U3O8  

U3O8  Spot  begins  to  rise  from  $18/


Kazatomprom  announces  10%  

produc5on  cut  for  2017  

Kazatomprom  announces  20%  

produc5on  cut  over  next  3  years  

Cameco  announces  10  month  closure  of  McArthur  River  mine  beginning  


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Why Exploration in the Athabasca?

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2  Year  Spot  vs  Equity  Performance      

Spot  Price  (UXXc1)    Global  X  Uranium  ETF  (URA)    

!  Spot  price  now  up  $5/lb  or  26%  from  April  2018  low  of  $20.25  to  $25.50  

!  Over  the  past  3  years  equi4es  have  been  strongly  correlated  with  the  spot  price  

!  Major  divergence  has  emerged    

!  Equity  correc4on  to  the  upside  is  inevitable    

!  Addi4onal  gains  to  come  from  end  of  year  contrac4ng  which  will  put  further  upward  pressure  on  uranium  price  

Spot  prices  rising  strongly  and  supply  demand  dynamics  are  in  place  to  drive  Uranium  prices  upwards  

As  of  December  31,  2018  

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Uranium Market Divergence

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Simple  Strategy  in  the  Home  of  High-­‐Grade  Uranium  1.  Punng  our  foot  on  as  much  of  the  eastern  Athabasca  as  possible.  

2.  Drill  around  mineralized  intercepts  that  were  found  but  never  adequately  followed  up  post  2011.  

3.  Drill  for  basement  hosted  mineraliza4on  in  an  area  that  is  highly  prospec4ve  but  has  never  been  effec4vely  explored  for  this  style  of  deposit  –  i.e.  most  of  the  eastern  Athabasca  Basin.  

High  quality  porlolio:    !  Larocque  East  and  Geiger,  newly  acquired  from  Cameco  with  a  new  discovery  

of  high  grade  uranium  at  the  Hurricane  Zone  

!  Thorburn  Lake  7km  east  of  the  Cigar  Lake  Mine.  Several  drill  holes  have  hit  uranium  mineraliza4on.    Numerous  target  areas  remain.  

!  Radio  located  2km  east  of  and  along  strike  of  the  Roughrider  deposit,  which  Rio  Tinto  acquired  for  $587M  in  February  2012.  

!  North  Thorburn    located  12km  northeast  of  and  along  strike  of  the  Cigar  Lake  mine,  hosts  a  number  of  high  priority  targets.  

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Eastern Athabasca Portfolio

Hurricane  Zone  

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Hurricane Zone Discovery IsoEnergy.ca      8   TSXV:  ISO  OTCQX:  ISENF  

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Larocque  East:  First  Follow-­‐up  Drill  Program  Expands  the  Hurricane  Zone  Discovery  !  100%  owned  by  ISO,  acquired  in  May,  2018  

!  Discovery  hole  drilled  July  2018:  8.5m  @  1.26%  U3O8,  including  2.5m  @  3.58%  U3O8,  and  including  a  subinterval  of  off-­‐scale  radioac4vity*  of  1m  @  6.45%  U3O8.  

!  First  follow-­‐up  drilling  program  was  expanded  and  is  now  complete  with  11  of  12  drill  holes  intersec4ng  significant  uranium  mineraliza4on.  

!  2019  Highlights:  

!  LE19-­‐02:  3.5m  @  10.4%  U3O8  !  LE19-­‐03:  3.0m  @  2.7%  U3O8,  2.3%  Ni  and  0.1%  Co  !  LE19-­‐06:  4.0m  @  3.8%  U3O8  !  LE19-­‐09:  4.5m  @  4.2%  U3O8,  1.1%  Ni  and  0.8%  Co,  including  2.0m  of  6.8%  

U3O8,  1.9%  Ni  and  1.3%  Co  !  LE19-­‐12:  8.5m  @  3.2%  U3O8,  2.1%  Ni  and  0.2%  Co  

!  Hurricane  zone  is  shallow,  only  330  metres  below  surface.  

!  Numerous  other  prospec4ve  targets  exist  on  the  property,  including  several  kilometres  of  underexplored  conductors  immediately  east  of  the  Hurricane  zone.  

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New Discovery – Larocque East

*>15,000  cps  on  an  SRAT  SPP2  scin4llometer  (the  “SPP2”)    

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Larocque East - Winter 2019

Key  Features  of  a  Significant  Discovery  !  High  grade  mineraliza4on  over  widths  and  

thicknesses  seen  at  major  deposits  i.e.  5m  thick  x  40m  wide  

!  Known  uranium  mineraliza4on  extends  over  1km  of  strike  length  

!  Tenor  and  volume  of  altera4on  in  the  sandstone  and  basement  is  strong    

!  Elevated  uranium  geochemistry  extends  to  the  top  of  the  sandstone  

!  Mineraliza4on  occurs  on  a  major  basement  tapping  fault  system  that  has  caused  a  ridge  in  the  sub-­‐Athabasca  unconformity  

!  Rela4vely  shallow  depth  of  330m  below  surface  

!  40km  from  Orano’s  McClean  Lake  mill  

!  No  lake  or  water  cover  

!  New  low-­‐cost  mining  techniques  emerging  for  unconformity  hosted  uranium  deposits  

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Larocque East - Winter 2019

2019  Winter  Drilling  Results                                      Hole-­‐ID   From  (m)   To  (m)   Length  (m)   Radioactivity1,2  (CPS)                Chemical  Assays     Location                       U3O8  (%)   Ni  (%)   Co  (%)      LE19-­‐023   316.5   320.0   3.5   >1,000   0.2   0.1   0.2   Section  4560E  

and   326.5   330.0   3.5   >1,000   10.4   0.8   0.0      incl.   328.5   330.0   1.5   >20,000   23.6   1.6   0.0      incl.   329.0   329.5   0.5   >50,000   38.2   1.5   0.1      

LE19-­‐033   324.0   324.5   0.5   >1,000   0.2   0.1   0.0   Section  4560E  and   326.5   329.5   3.0   >1,000   2.7   2.3   0.0      incl.   328.5   329.5   1.0   >5,000   7.6   6.6   0.1      incl.   329.0   329.5   0.5   >20,000   13.3   11.8   0.1      

LE19-­‐043   329.0   329.5   0.5   >1,000   0.1   0.0   0.0   Section  4560E       333.0   333.5   0.5   >1,000   0.4   0.2   0.0      LE19-­‐053   No  significantly  elevated  radioactivity               Section  4560E  LE19-­‐063   328.0   330.0   2.0   >1,000   0.4   0.1   0.1   Section  4585E  

and   332.0   336.0   4.0   >5,000   3.8   1.1   0.0      incl.   333.5   335.5   2.0   >10,000   5.5   0.7   0.0      incl.   333.5   334.0   0.5   >20,000   13.7   1.2   0.0      

LE19-­‐073   325.0   331.0   6.0   >1,000   0.4   0.8   1.4   Section  4585E  incl.   328.0   328.5   0.5   >5,000   1.0   4.9   9.3      

LE19-­‐083   326.5   327.0   0.5   >1,000   0.4   0.1   0.1   Section  4535E  and   333.0   336.5   3.5   >1,000   0.8   1.5   0.4      incl.   335.5   336.0   0.5   >10,000   3.7   8.3   1.3      

LE19-­‐093   325.0   329.5   4.5   >1,000   4.2   1.1   0.8   Section  4535E  incl.   327.0   329.0   2.0   >20,000   6.8   1.9   1.3      

LE19-­‐103   331.5   333.0   1.5   >1,000   0.6   1.7   1.9   Section  4535E  LE19-­‐113   333.0   333.5   0.5   >5,000   2.1   0.1   0.1   Section  4485E  LE19-­‐124   320.5   329.0   8.5   >1,000   3.2   2.1   0.2   Section  4485E  

incl.   326.0   327.0   1.0   >20,000   14.3   1.1   0.0      and  incl.   328.5   329.0   0.5   >20,000   12.8   15.0   0.4      LE19-­‐134   320.0   320.5   0.5   >1,000   0.2   0.0   0.0   Section  4635E  

and   321.5   324.0   2.5   >1,000   0.6   0.2   0.5      incl.   322.5   323.0   0.5   >10,000   1.6   0.4   1.1      

Notes:   1.    Radioactivity  is  total  gamma  from  drill  core  measured  with  an  RS-­‐125  hand-­‐held  spectrometer.     2.    Measurements  of  total  gamma  cps  on  drill  core  are  an  indication  of  uranium  content,  but  may  not  correlate  with  chemical  assays.  

  3.    Radioactivity  and  chemical  assays  previously  disclosed.     4.    Radioactivity  previously  disclosed.  

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Larocque East - Winter 2019

LE19-­‐02  !  Substan4al  uranium  mineraliza4on  was  intersected  in  LE19-­‐02,  

demonstra4ng  good  con4nuity  on  sec4on.    

!  Mineraliza4on  includes  a  3.5m  long  zone  of  stronger  uranium  mineraliza4on  that  straddles  the  sub-­‐Athabasca  unconformity  and  averages  10.4%  U3O8.  

!  Within  the  lower  interval  is  a  1.5m  long  subinterval  of  strong  radioac4vity  from  328.5-­‐330.0m  that  averages  23.6%  U3O8.  Within  the  1.5m  subinterval  is  a  0.5m  long  zone  of  dark  grey  to  black  semi-­‐massive  uranium  mineraliza4on  that  contains  38.2%  U3O8.  

LE19-­‐03  !  LE19-­‐03  intersected  two  intervals  of  significant  uranium  

mineraliza4on,  demonstra4ng  substan4al  across-­‐strike  width  for  the  zone  (38m)  

!  Includes  a  3.0m  intersec4on  immediately  above  the  sub-­‐Athabasca  unconformity  that  correlates  with  the  main  intersec4ons  in  drill  holes  LE18-­‐01A  and  LE19-­‐02  and  averages  2.7%  U3O8  over  3.0  m.    This  includes  a  0.5m  interval  of  strong  radioac4vity  at  the  base  of  the  intersec4on  that  contains  13.3%  U3O8  and  11.8%  Ni  

Sec5on  4560E  (Discovery  Sec5on)  

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Larocque East - Winter 2019

LE19-­‐12  !  Completed  75m  along-­‐strike  to  the  west  of  the  discovery  sec4on  of  the  

Hurricane  zone  

!  The  drill  hole  intersected  an  8.5m  interval  of  pitchblende  uranium  mineraliza4on  that  averages  3.2%  U3O8,  2.1%  Ni  and  0.2%  Co  including  a  1.0m  sec4on  that  averages  14.3%  U3O8  and  1.1%  Ni,  plus  another  0.5m  sec4on  that  averages  12.8%  U3O8,  15.0%  Ni  and  0.4%  Co.    

!  Zone  remains  open  along  strike  to  the  west  to  the  property  boundary  and  on  sec4on  to  the  south  

Sec5on  4485E  (LE19-­‐12)  

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Larocque East - Summer 2019 Plans

Summer  Drilling  Plans  !  Explora4on  Vectors  

!  Mineraliza4on  is  open  along-­‐strike  in  both  direc4ons,  and  historical  drill  hole  KER-­‐07  is  mineralized,  

!  Sandstone  altera4on  is  increasing  toward  the  east,  

!  Sandstone  trace  element  geochemistry  is  strong  in  easternmost  drill  hole  LE19-­‐13,  

!  Sandstone  illite  anomaly  con4nues  east  beyond  historical  drill  hole  KER-­‐07,  

!  Preliminary  DC-­‐Resis4vity  geophysical  results  support  the  premise  that  historical  drill  hole  KER-­‐07  was  drilled  too  far  to  the  south.  

Preliminary  DC-­‐Resis4vity  Results  100mASL  (Upper  Basement)  

Drilling  Will  Evaluate  ~1km  of  Eastern  Along-­‐strike  Extension  with  12-­‐13  Drill  Holes  Targe5ng  Both  Basement  

and  Unconformity  Hosted  Mineraliza5on    

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Larocque East - Summer 2019 Plans

Summer  Drilling  Plans  !  Drilling  is  expected  to  begin  in  late  June  

!  16  drill  holes,  6,700m  of  core  drilling  planned  

!  Primary  objec5ve:  

!  Evaluate  eastern  strike  extension  with  up  to  13  drill  holes    

!  Will  be  accomplished  with  a  series  of  2-­‐3  drill  hole  fences  spaced  100-­‐200m  apart  

!  Will  cover  up  to  900m  of  addi4onal  strike  length  

!  Secondary  objec5ve:  

!  Evaluate  the  current  drilling  pauern  for  the  presence  of  thicker  and  higher  grade  mineraliza4on  with  up  to  three  drill  holes  

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Larocque East - Summer 2019 Plans Discovery  Sec4on   Easternmost  Sec4on  

Strong  Sandstone  Geochemistry  

Increasing  Sandstone  Altera4on  

Moving  East  

Drilling  will  Evaluate  Gaps  in  the  Current  Drilling  Papern  for  Thicker  and  Higher-­‐Grade  Mineraliza5on  

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Hurricane  Zone  is  Open  for  Expansion,  Plus  5  Other  High  Priority  Walk-­‐up  Drill  Targets  and  Many  Kilometres  of  Underexplored  Conductors  are  Present  

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Other Targets – Larocque East

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Other High Priority Properties IsoEnergy.ca      18   TSXV:  ISO  OTCQX:  ISENF  

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!  Newly  expanded  in  March  2018  with  the  Dawn  North  acquisi4on  

!  A  total  of  ~135  kilometres  of  graphi4c  conductors  

!  Several  mineralized  intersec4ons  are  present  on  the  property  including  high  grade  basement  mineraliza4on  up  to  2.74%  U3O8  over  1.2  m  in  drill  hole  HL-­‐50  

!  Numerous  underexplored  por4ons  of  conductors  

!  Poten4al  for  a  completely  undrilled  4  km  conductor  on  the  east  side  of  the  property  

!  Recently  completed  a  9  hole  drilling  program  Jan-­‐Mar  2018  

8  High  Priority  Walk-­‐up  Drill  Targets    IsoEnergy.ca      19   TSXV:  ISO  OTCQX:  ISENF  

Drill-Ready Targets - Geiger

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!  Located  2km  east  of  Rio  Tinto’s  Roughrider  uranium  deposit  (acquired  for  $587m  by  Rio  Tinto  via  the  acquisi4on  of  Hathor  Explora4on  in  2012)  

!  Now  100%  owned  by  IsoEnergy  !  Unconformity  depth  is  shallow:  ~150m  

!  Within  6  km  of  the  McClean  Lake  uranium  mill  

!  Property  hosts  what  is  believed  to  be  the  metasedimentary  corridor  and  structure  associated  with  the  Roughrider  deposit  

!  Numerous  other  uranium  deposits  in  the  area  including  Dawn  Lake,  Midwest  and  the  newly  discovered  Huskie  zone  1.6  km  from  Radio  

!  ISO  completed  23  drill  holes  totalling  8,859  metres  in  2016  and  2017  

5  High  Priority  Walk-­‐up  Drill  Targets    

Drill-Ready Targets - Radio

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!  Prior  to  discovery  of  Arrow  this  was  NexGen’s  highest  priority  property  

!  Unconformity  depth  is  shallow  (less  than  300  m)  !  Cigar  Lake,  Thorburn  Lake  and  Sand  Lake  uranium  deposits  are  all  within  7  km  

!  Cigar  Lake  Mine  haul  road  runs  through  the  property  

!  2011  drilling  intersected  0.43%  U3O8  over  0.6  metres  

!  ISO  has  completed  7,100  metres  of  drilling  in  16  drill  holes  in  2016  and  2017  

!  Targets  in  the  area  of  previous  drilling  remain  

!  New  geophysical  survey  completed  in  late  2017  on  southwest  half  of  the  property,  which  is  essen4ally  unexplored  

!  Several  new  drill  targets  have  been  generated.  

7  High  Priority  Walk-­‐up  Drill  Targets    

Drill-Ready Targets – Thorburn Lake

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!  Historical  inferred  mineral  resource  of  8.2  million  lbs.  U3O8  with  an  average  grade  of  0.23%  

!  High  grade  mineraliza4on  is  locally  present,  with  drill  intersec4ons  returning  up  to  5.19%  U3O8  over  0.9m  

!  Located  in  the  Hornby  Bay  basin  in  Nunavut,  acquired  by  staking  

!  190  historic  drill  holes  totaling  22,000m  prior  to  2005  on  project  

!  30  addi4onal  drill  holes  by  Triex  Minerals  and  Pitchstone  Explora4on  between  2005  and  2008  

!  Shallow,  sandstone  hosted  uranium  mineraliza4on  1,300m  long  by  320m  wide  with  thickness  ranging  from  1.0  to  6.5m  

!  Shallow-­‐dipping  (5-­‐10˚)  tabular  zone  of  strata-­‐bound  mineraliza4on  that  extends  from  the  top  of  the  bedrock  (10-­‐30m  below  surface)  down  to  180  metres  below  surface  at  its  deepest  point  

Leveraging  the  Team’s  Knowledge  to  Create  Shareholder  Value  at  Low  Cost  

Mountain Lake Opportunistic Acquisition

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Work  Program  Overview  and  News  Flow  


Larocque  East    Hurricane  zone  drilling  results  –  Completed  Hurricane  zone  assay  results  –  Completed  Larocque  East  summer  drilling  plans  –  Completed  Larocque  East  summer  drilling  begins  –  Planned  Hurricane  zone  drilling  results  -­‐  Planned  

 Q1  2019  Q1/2  2019  Q2  2019  Q2  2019  Q2/3  2019  


Larocque  East  Ground  DC-­‐Resis4vity  Results  –  Planned  

East  Rim  and  Full  Moon:  Airborne  EM  Results  –  Planned  

 Q2  2019    Q3  2019  

Other   $5.5M  bought-­‐deal  financing  –  Completed  Con4nue  to  aggressively  pursue  acquisi4on  and  staking  opportuni4es  

Q4  2018  Stay  Tuned  

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Work Program and News Flow

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Share  Structure1  

Issued  &  Outstanding  Shares   68,363,868  

Stock  Op4ons   6,320,000  

Warrants   2,953,774  

Fully  Diluted  Shares     77,637,642  

Cash  on  hand   ~C$4.2  Million  

1  Year  Stock  Chart  |  TSXV:  ISO  

1.  Share  structure  and  cash  as  at    March  31,  2019  IsoEnergy.ca      24   TSXV:  ISO  OTCQX:  ISENF  

Capital Structure

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Craig  Parry  Director,  President  &  CEO  

₋  Ex-­‐Rio  Tinto,  Oxiana,  G-­‐Resources,  Tigers  Realm  Group  and  EMR  Capital  

₋  Led  geology  and  resources  for  Rio  Tinto’s  Kintyre  uranium  project  and  advised  on  sale  to  Cameco  

₋  Co—founder  and  former  head  of  Business  Development  for  Tigers  Realm  Group  

₋  Former  founder  and  CEO  of  Tigers  Realm  Coal  

₋  Co-­‐founder  and  former  Senior  Advisor  of  EMR  Capital  

₋  Founding  and  former  Director  of  NexGen  Energy  Ltd.  

Steve  Blower  VP,  Explora7on  

₋  Professional  Geologist,  M.Sc.  

₋  +20  years  in  the  minerals  industry,  including  explora4on,  mine  geology  and  resource  es4ma4on  

₋  +10  years  of  Athabasca  Basin  uranium  explora4on.    Most  recently  as  VP  –  Explora4on  for  Denison  Mines  

₋  Led  the  team  that  added  75M  lbs  of  U3O8  to  Denison’s  mineral  resource  at  Gryphon  and  Phoenix    deposits  

₋  Formerly  President  and  CEO  of  Pitchstone  Explora4on  Ltd.  un4l  its  sale  to  Fission  Energy  

Janine  Richardson    Chief  Financial  Officer    

₋  Chartered  Professional  Account  

₋  +30  years  experience  in  accoun4ng  prac4ce  including  CFO  and  financial  controller  roles  with  corporates  and  the  big-­‐four  accoun4ng  firms  

₋  CFO  of  NxGold  Ltd.  

₋  Former  CFO  of  Hillsborough  Ltd.,  former  Senior  Finance  Specialist  of  Rio  Alto  Mining  and  former  Director,  Group  Accoun4ng  with  Placer  Dome  Inc.  

₋  Former  Audit  Manager  with  E&Y  

Andy  Carmichael  Senior  Geologist  

₋  Professional  Geologist  with  +15  years  in  mineral  explora4on,  including  +11  years  in  uranium  explora4on  in  the  Athabasca  Basin,  Hornby  Bay  Basin,  Colorado  Plateau  and  Namibia  

₋  Previously  worked  on  the  Triple-­‐R,  Phoenix,  Gryphon  and  J-­‐Zone  uranium  deposits  

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Board of Directors

Leigh  Curyer  Chairman  

₋  Chartered  Accountant  with  +20  years  experience  and  former  CFO  of  Southern  Cross  Resources  (now  Uranium  One)    

₋  President  and  CEO  of  NexGen  Energy  Ltd.    

Trevor  Thiele  Director  

₋  Chartered  accountant  with  +30  years  experience  in  capital  markets  including  CFO  of  major  Australian  Agribusiness  (Elders  and  Viterra)    

Richard  Patricio  Director  

₋  Lawyer  with  +15  years  capital  market  experience  

₋  President  and  CEO  of  Mega  Uranium  Ltd.  

₋  Former  CEO  of  Pinetree  Capital  

Chris  McFadden  Director  

₋  Chairman  of  NexGen  Energy  Ltd.  

₋  President  and  CEO  of  NxGold  Ltd.  

₋  Layer  with  +20  years  experience  in  explora4on  and  mining  

₋  Former  Commercial  General  Manager  and  Head  of  Legal  for  Tigers  Realm  Group  and  Tigers  Realm  Coal  

₋  Former  Commercial  General  Manager  for  Rio  Tinto    

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IsoEnergy  Ltd  Investor  Highlights  

1.   The  only  junior  drilling  a  new  high-­‐grade  uranium  discovery  in  the  prolific  Athabasca  Basin  at  the  early  stage  of  an  emerging  bull  market  

2.   The   team   -­‐   responsible   for   or   involved   in   the   discovery   of   three   uranium   deposits   and  +400Mlb  of  U3O8  

3.   Tightly   held   with   NexGen   at   53%   and   strategic   investors   at   25%   =   huge   leverage   to  discovery  and  drill  results    

4.   Investors  gain  access  to  high   impact  explora5on  targets   in  the  prolific  Eastern  Athabasca  Basin  -­‐  home  to  McArthur  River  and  Cigar  Lake  opera5ng  mines  


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Investor Highlights

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Craig  Parry  –  Chief  Execu4ve  Officer  Email:  [email protected]  Direct:  +1.778.379.3211  

Kin  Communica5ons  Email:  [email protected]    Direct:  +1.604.684.6730  


Investor Relations

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Contact Information

Investor  Rela5ons  Europe:  Swiss  Resource  Capital  AG  Jochen  Staiger  info@resource-­‐capital.ch    www.resource-­‐capital.ch    

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Appendix Uranium Market Update


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2015  Total  Cost  Curve  (US$/lb)  

Current  spot  price  US$/lb  

Spot  price  at  start  2016  US$/lb  

Source:  BMO  Capital  Markets  

At  risk  of  closure  

Produc4on  Suspended  *Not  mine  specific,  but  20%  of  Kazatomprom  being  curtailed  

**  *   *   *  

**  In  care  and  maintenance    

!  At  current  spot  price  all  global  produc5on  is  loss  making  on  an  all-­‐in  sustaining  cost  (AISC)  basis  !  Drama5c  supply  cuts  are  now  happening  

Supply Side

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Curtailment  and  mine  closures  have  started  to  happen  

!  Major  uranium  miners  have  suspended  produc4on  including:  !  Cameco  –  Shutdown  of  US  assets,  Rabbit  Lake  and  now  McArthur  River/Key  Lake  !  Kazatomprom  –  the  world’s  largest  U  producer  cut  produc4on  by  10%  in  2017  and  20%  un4l  2021  !  Paladin  –  Langer  Heinrich  to  go  on  care  and  maintenance  !  ERA  –  Released  mine  closure  plan  for  Ranger  with  produc4on  from  processing  plant  to  cease  in  2020  

!  Much  of  world’s  produc4on  is  at  risk  in  current  price  environment  

!  Kazatomprom  IPO  in  November  2018  !  Rio  Tinto/ERA  produc4on  declining    !  All  producers  coming  off  long  term  contracts  !  Closure  of  several  Africa  opera4ons  owned  by  other  companies  is  likely  in  the  near  term  

!  By  our  es4mates  30%  of  supply  is  now  coming  out  of  the  market  !  These  produc4on  cuts  are  not  likely  to  return  to  the  market  un4l  the  spot  prices  reach  ~$70  or  long-­‐term  contracts  reach  $60/lb  !  30%  of  u4lity  demand  is  uncovered  by  supply  contracts  by  2020  !  U4li4es  must  pay  more  to  secure  supply  going  forward  

Supply Side

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Major  Disrup5ons  

Cameco  and  Kazatomprom  con5nue  produc5on  curtailments  !  Cameco’s  McArthur  River/Key  Lake  mine  to  remain  suspended  un4l  

higher  spot  and  long-­‐term  prices  are  seen.    Combined  with  the  closure  of  Rabbit  Lake  and  their  U.S.  opera4ons  this  represents  >20  Mlbs  U3O8  per  year  (13%  of  global  mined  produc4on)  

!  Kazatomprom  –  20%  reduced  produc4on  remains  in  effect  

Spot  Market  !  Cameco  recently  stated  it  is  s4ll  to  buy  10Mlbs  of  U3O8  in  the  spot  

market  in  2019  to  meet  deliveries  

!  New  investment  vehicle  “Yellow  Cake  Fund”  will  use  its  US$200mil  IPO  proceeds  to  purchase  8  Mlbs  U3O8  from  Kazatomprom  with  the  op4on  to  purchase  an  addi4onal  $100mil  each  year  for  9  years,  and  another  900,000  lbs  from  the  spot  market  in  2018  

!  Uranium  Trading  Corp  to  sequester  another  2  Mlbs  U3O8  from  the  spot  market  

!  Financial  players  emerging  as  source  of  buying  as  happened  in  2005/6/7  


Cumula5ve  Supply  Cuts  2016  -­‐  2020  

Market Moving into Undersupply

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Supply/Demand Balance

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