Dream Big!

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Project for Health Science Technology II

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Page 1: Dream Big!
Page 2: Dream Big!

My Dream would not be possible if it weren’t for Mr. and Mrs. Laniel Lanaux. And the things that my parents have accomplished would have never happened if they did not have parents who, like

themselves, care about the future. God put two people together that definitely belong together. There so different but it is true that opposites attract. My Father was born and raised in New Orleans, lived with his mom and brother, and graduated from Southern University. My mother was born and raised in Houston, lived with her mom and brother, and graduated from University of Phoenix. Their backgrounds may seem very similar, but their personalities show the differences in them. My mom is more

traditional, thoughtful, and involved. She considers us in everything she does and is always trying to help someone. My dad is the breadwinner. He does job well and treats the family. He laughs and jokes a lot, but he can become very serious. They were both married and divorced before they met each other, but my dad had two sons from his previous marriage. Chris is 13 years older than I am and Jarred is 9 years older than I am. Through the years we have grown a special sibling bond. My completed the family when I was 4 years old. My parents have showed us that we can beat the odds. They have given us everything we need to be successful people. I feel like I have the family everyone dreams about. We have had this same house since I was born and we have real family dinners from time to time. We’re always together on the holidays and we don’t have much drama. Our family has always been happy and will hopefully stay that way.

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My home is the North side of Houston. For my entire life, I have lived in the same house in

Cranbrook off of Ella Blvd. Since I was born the ratings of my neighborhood has drastically changed. The

neighborhood its self is not bad in most ways, but it has declined. There is still a presence of friendliness

and family, but there is also a greater deal of negativity too. I have always felt really safe in my

neighborhood. I jog at night and can walk my dog whenever I want. I’m so glad I have that freedom in

my area. I grew up with my next door neighbor named Matthew. We camped in my back yard and

learned how to ride bikes the same time. I was always at his house when I wasn’t at my friend Brittany’s

house. I loved my childhood.

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Education is very important in my family. So finding schools that would best help me stay ahead in life was critical. I started my education at Bright Futures which is a private school located off of Veterans Memorial. When I went there it ranged from a mini class for 2 year olds to 1st grade. I started my education in the Pre-K 3 class which was a class for 3 year olds. We learned how to read basic words and write our names. I met my first best friend there in my first class. Her name just happened to be Brittany. We did a lot together. We saw Rugrats live. We visited each other

houses. We even moved from Bright Futures to Two Dimensions Charter School at the same time in Kindergarten. Our parents had no choice but to become best friends. But when I had to move to Clark Elementary in Spring District in the second grade our relationship became a little long distance. At Clark Elementary I met all of my future best friends but only really stuck to one which was Brandon Arnett-Pickens. We were the closest in 2nd and 3rd grade, but our relationship was different when I moved to Tier 4 classes and he went to Tier 3 classes in 4th grade. But that’s when I met befriended Lydia, Roselyn, and Asia. We had such great imaginations and together we were trouble. We were smart, funny, and creative. We thought we would never split. But in middle school Roselyn and I stayed close, Lydia began to hang out with her volleyball friends and Asia stuck close to her neighbor and my future best friend, Jasmine. Claughton Middle school wasn’t as fun for me as it was for others. I was in Band and in Cheerleading. Those activities brought me great joy, but when I wasn’t doing one of them I was quiet and depressed like. At Dekaney High School, my personality changed a little. I still felt like I was in middle school, but I found my friends again. My main crew was Asia, Jasmine, and Roselyn, but in between the first and second semester of Freshman year, Asia had to move to St. Pius. We were and still are very good friends. But now in my senior year in high school, Im at Carl Wunsche Sr. High School and Dekaney High School is my home school. I’m in the Dekaney Band and the top 7% of Dekaney’s class of 2012. I feel success coming out of my school days.

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“Okay, I know exactly what I want to do as a career now.”

“Don’t tell me, it’ll be different next month.”

Let’s just say I have never stuck with a career. When I was a child I wanted to lots of things a beautician, teacher, and a firefighter are some examples. As I grew into a teenager, I saw that I should do something related to science because it’s the most interesting to me. I wanted to be a pediatrician and an oncologist. But now that I’m closer to being done with high school and starting to consider the life after, I know going to medical school is not for me. So there goes my Dr. title. I still want to be involved in hands on science but I don’t necessarily have to be working directly with clients and patients. I have considered being a Forensic Scientist and a Chemist.

Every since I have been in Forensic Science, I have been really interested in the topics we have discussed and practice with. I can see myself doing the type of things I see on Law & Order and Crime Scene Investigation. But I know everything I see on television is not accurate. My knowledge of a Forensic Scientist, or a Crime Lab Analyst, is that they are very involved with the Police and crime scene investigations. They analyze the data scientifically and what they find help to convict or prove the innocence of a person accused of a crime. They analyze special items that are considered evidence with steps that they have learned in training. Most employers prefer doctoral or masters, but only the Bachelors degree is required.

I’m considering being a Chemist because I know a great successful Chemist that loves her job. From her I have learned that a Chemist makes about 60,000 a year and actively works with chemicals and drugs. Chemists’ uniforms consist of business casual with a white scientist coat. They work in plants, offices, and laboratories. Most chemists work for research and development. They study the new innovative things about chemicals and drugs and experiment. To be a Chemist I must get a Masters or Doctoral degree.

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Choosing a college has been difficult. There are a lot of things to consider when choosing schools. Location, cost, majors, scholarships, size, sports, entertainment, and organizations are important things I have considered. My number one choice for college is Texas State University. I visited this college during the summer before my junior year with a group from my school and was very impressed with the student life and the living. We were

given the opportunity to live in TSU’s quad dorms with other students from my high school (one being my best friend). I liked having more than one person there, but since we didn’t have to study or anything I don’t know well that part is going to work out.

Texas State’s Stats:

• It’s a 4 year public university • Its in a suburban setting with 10 to 49 K

population • Regionally accredited • It offers the master’s, bachelors, and doctoral • 27,448 undergrads • 19 to 1 Students to Teacher • 6% Africans American • $8,322 per year for in state students

When I attend Texas State University, I will be majoring in Clinical Laboratory Science so I can go on to be a chemist. I plan to go on to get my Master’s so have a better chance of getting a job. I think Texas State would provide an excellent background for me.

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The city of Houston isn’t a bad one and I do want to live outside of my hometown for a few years. But that’s why I’m going to college out of the city. I like being around my friends and family, and I rather stay in Houston after I graduate college. If my job required for me to move somewhere outside of Houston, I feel most comfortable living in a place like Austin, Texas or San Marcos, Texas. In both examples, the weather is more predictable than Houston’s and the city is just big enough for me.

In Austin, I have found a house that rounds to about $235,000 that has 3 bedrooms and 3 baths. It has a nice location and a classy upscale look. The house is not my ideal dream, but it is reasonable for the salary I plan on making without a spouse included.

In San Marcos, I have found a house a little more expensive but a little more like me. The house is a one story with 4 bedrooms and 2 ½ baths priced at 350,000. This house is the ideal house for a family because it rest on a decent amount of land. Its not located in average subdivision. It would have a mortgage at $1,385 a month and $89 insurance and the monthly property tax would be $677. So this house is only realistic if I have a spouse making more money than I do.

Both of the cities outside of Houston I chose to live in are little bit more expensive to live in compared to Houston. Both cities are also ranked higher on the Safest Cities in the US list. It would take longer to drive to work living in San Marcos because the house is located in a more rural area.

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Throughout my life many things have happened to me that have brought about life lessons. When I look back at life, I see that it’s the tragedies in life that makes us triumphant.

One tragedy that has affected my family and many others is the massive hurricane in 2005 called Hurricane Katrina. My Father’s father died two weeks before the storm hit New Orleans. So on our way back to Houston during a very depressing trip we got word that there was a “tropical storm” coming soon. Our only thought was that our New Orleans family should evacuate and all will be well. All of our family left New Orleans and stayed at various “safe” places while they watched their city drown. The storm was way worst than what anyone expected. Lots of stubborn people that doubted the storm would be anything but a little rain and wind later regretted their decision when they were standing on the roof praying to God that the storm would cease. I used to Thank God everyday that my family had the sense to evacuate because if I lost my entire family in that storm I don’t know what would have happened. We hosted many family members in house for weeks at a time. The house was very uncomfortable and crowded at one point. My grandmother stayed the longest. From 2005 (my sixth grade year) until 2009 (the end of my eighth grade year), my grandmother lived in my sister’s room causing my sister and I to share a room. At one point, it was perfectly fine for her to go back to New Orleans but she stayed. I think she was a little lonely and depressed which was very sad, but I also feel as though she overstayed her welcome purposely. I love my grandmother, but where ever she goes there is arguments and disruption. When she moved she told us she was visiting New Orleans, but then she ended up staying there. After she left there was peace and happiness. We still visit her four times a year and call on the holidays. We got through everything with a smile on our faces. I’m proud of us.

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In my lifetime, I have learned many things that could be help out the youth of today. But there is one thing that I think the generations to come could use some advice on. I don’t see many young people showing gratification to adults. I have strong feelings about showing appreciation to people because of how I feel when I think someone appreciates me. When I am nice or I help someone, I feel like I really did something good when they say “Thank You.” Or “I appreciate it.” Considering this, I appreciate the things people do for me and everything that I have. Simple gratification in general is important. When I think about how my parents lived or how their parents lived, I think about how much I have and how much I should be thankful for. My Words of Wisdom to the generations to come is: “Be grateful. As time passes and we get more of the things we want, we begin to think that these are things that we NEED and have to have. Adding grateful words to your vocabulary will make people feel important and may make them want to do more nice things for you since you show genuine appreciation. Sometimes showing appreciation through your actions will make a person feel special as well.”

I think if every youth of today and tomorrow actually considered my words of wisdom, our elders will look at our generations with more respect.

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Our family is always laughing. My friends and associates love being around our optimistic energy. My dad is the “funny bone” of our house. I think all of our happy energy feeds from his sarcasm and jokes. He has a magical way making the whole house laugh when he’s happy. His sense of humor could take some getting used to if you’re new, but once you know how playful my father is you’ll be laughing right with him. I don’t think I would want to be a part of my family as much as I do without my dad. If he was serious all of the time my home life would be pretty boring.

Our Family has too many stories that would be very entertaining and hilarious. An appropriate one, would be the time Dekaney High School hosted a Senior Ring Ceremony for the DHS graduates and my parents decided to attend without invitation. I liked them being there and they were happy to be there. My mom must have sent my dad across the gym to take pictures of all us because he came dancing across the gym. Gliding, sliding, and smiling he came over to us having too much fun and trying to get a reaction from the seniors. It was funny. We laughed, made fun of him, and begged him not to do it again.

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I am grateful for life itself,

The air I breathe, the ability to see,

And everything that makes me happy.

The God I serve,

Things I don’t deserve,

And everything I have learned.

I thank my parents for their hard work,

For letting me eat with a spoon and fork,

And for being in Houston and not New York.

I’m glad we live in a world of technology,

That I always feel free,

And that there are people looking out for me.

I am grateful for life itself.

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Thinking about the things I have received, gave, and accomplished, I feel successful. At this point of my

life, success is the perfect mood. I know I could have done some things better. I could have practiced my

flute more. Maybe even spent more time away from television and Facebook. But even with my flaws I

still feel like I have come out on top. I am grateful for my mother making me read over and over again

when I was little. She made me practice writing stories when all of my other friends were outside

playing. I remember being in school, piano lessons and in soccer all at the same time when I was four.

Then being in gymnastics, cheerleading, and school when I was ten. I’m used to being busy and I thank

my parents for never really letting me be lazy. Being able to work continuously is helped get me grades

and gratification high. I’m glad to have good examples come before me. Hopefully I can be a good

example for my younger sister and cousins. I hope they can see the good things I am trying to make out

of my self and strive for success.

I feel as though God has smiled on my entire life. All of the bad and good things that have happened in

my life time had a life lesson in it somewhere. I have always heard that God put you through anything

you can’t handle. This has been demonstrated time after time my family and I as we have gotten through

many deaths and loss. We have depended on God and each other, and in the end we were stronger and

closer. My life has been kissed by God and I will be forever grateful for the state of happiness he has put

us in even though we don’t deserve


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