The slogan could mean that a terrible thing happens but the people stick together  The man and the woman might tell us it’s a bit of romance  The title is named after a famous ship  T wo A rated actors

Drama poster analysis

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3 drama posters

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The slogan could mean that a terrible thing happens but the people stick together The man and the woman might tell us its a bit of romance

The title is named after a famous ship Two A rated actors

Her hair is shaggy and messy which could mean she spends most of her time out side and docent have a wash because her face is a bit dirty as well A rated actor Its comes out Christmas day which could say its a Christmas film The girl bright blue eyes could tell us she is very innocent and maybe miss leading

A rated actors

The orange back ground could indicate that there might be fires The tribal man could mean it has some beliefs in it The poster shows us there is love and war in the film by the military planes and the two people kissing