Drama Ma Mama

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  • 7/31/2019 Drama Ma Mama



    (Angel walks in)

    Angel: I am angel. I am assigned to keep people on the right track. I speak

    to them from within. There are a number of them who listen to me. These

    people are always secured from bad deeds. However, there are some who

    get astray from this path when they are conned by my sister, the DEVIL!

    (Devil walks in, adjusting her hair, clothes)

    Devil: Oh hey sister! Hey people. I am the Devil, your Devil. Come with me

    and I shall give you the pleasures of the world.

    Angel: See, I told you! Sister, do not do this. It is not right.

    Devil: Ahh! Just shut up angel. You bore me, always. I have to hurry now tolook for my next prey. Haha, I can feel it to my bones that this will be fun.


    Angel: Oh dear! I should hurry! I have to save devils next target!

    (Lari keluar)

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    (A couple comes in, admiring their new born baby)

    Father: You have to grow up to be a noble person.

    Mother: Grow up to serve the people and God himself.

    Father: That is enough to bring us joy.

    (Puts baby in cradle)

    (Couples leave, Devil enters)

    Devil: Well, here is someone, someone very new to this world. She could be

    a good client of mine. You, seek the pleasures of this world. Do not ever

    bother of your parents advice. Parents are the one who destroys your

    happiness. They will tie you up with the rules in every single way they could.

    Never listen to them, ever

    Angel: No, wait Devil! Your intentions will never work on her as long as I am


    Devil: Ahh, you and your plans to ruin my intentions. Whatever you say, I

    dont care! This time I will win. Lets have a deal!

    (Angel looks confused)

    This is how it goes. If I win in taking over this girls mind, I will take control

    of you. You have to bow all my orders. If you win, do the opposite exact

    thing. So, what do you say?

    Angel: (monologue)

    If she wins, she will be in control of me. That will be deadly. But, if I win,

    then I can save all her other future preys, and I need to stop her. Deal, it is a


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    Devil: Well okay, I never expect such courage from you, haha. Let us just

    go back to work, all the best, I know you will lose, haha! Now, let us see

    what will happen to this girl, 16 years later.

    (Exits stage)

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    Mother: Anne, honey! Come and help me with the chores!

    Anne: (walks in lazily)

    Mother, how could you ask me to do all these stupid chores? It will spoil my

    hands, plus I am just tired.

    Mother: No darling, you are not tired, you are lazy.

    (Giving a friendly smile)

    I am tired darling. I havent even had my breakfast yet. Help me please?

    Anne: Oh, come on mother! These are all problem of yours, your chores.

    Dont include me in this. If you are tired, just leave all the chores aside. I got

    something better to do than scrubbing plates and such.

    (Exits without bothering)

    Mother: But Anneoh, how I wish she had just been kind enough to

    understand me.

    Nick: Whats wrong mother?

    Mother: Its your sister, as usual. I just dont know what have got into her.

    Nick: Geez, I just cant believe her. Its okay mom, I will help you with the


    Mother: Thank you my son.

    (Mother exits, devil and angel enters)

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    Devil: Haha, this is all going according to my plan. It seems that I am going

    to win.

    Angel: Do not get excited devil. This is just the beginning. There is still long,

    long way to go.

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    (Anne is with her friends in her friends house)

    Steph: Anne, whats wrong? Are you disturbed about something? Tell us, we

    can help you.

    Anne: Well, you see, my mother, she keeps telling me what to do. Today

    she asked me to help her with chores. I refused, saying that I was tired, I

    felt bad though.

    Jothi: Your guilt shows that it is your fault.

    Anne: But she doesnt understand that I am tired and stressed with all the

    homework and studies. She kept nagging me, not just yesterday, everyday.

    And I have to fight her, she dont get it that I need time for myself.

    Steph: Your mom is getting older, she could not bear to do all chores

    herself, and of course she needs your help. You should never act that way

    towards her. You should help her.

    Anne: But how can I, a 16 year old girl withstand that much pressure? I

    would rather hangout with you guys than doing some tiring chores.

    Shi Lin: Shes right! I totally agree with her. My parents act the same way

    towards me. I cant stand the fact that they are just super annoying. Parents

    are too strict; this is so not the way it has to be.

    Jothi: You two! How could you say that? Parents are parents, you should not

    disobey them.

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    Anne: What? Well all this while I thought you are my best friend. You should

    have support me, not my parents. Only Shi Lin here knows what I am

    feeling, you two robots just dont have a pity towards what I have been

    through. Thank you, my true friend

    (Hugs shi Lin)

    Shi Lin: You see? Have some pity towards her.

    Steph: OMG, I just could not believe you two. You will regret not disobeying

    your parents.

    Anne: Whatever you say, fakes.

    (Looks at her watch)

    Goodness! I am late! I have to rush home, my dad will kill me. Bye people!

    (she exits stage, Steph and Jothi was staring at Shi Lin)

    Shi Lin: What are you two staring at? I was just trying to understand her.

    Jothi: Never mind, let us just hope that she parents wont nag her when she

    gets home.

    (Everyone leaves the stage)

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    (Anne rushes back home, panting and sweating)

    Father: Where have you been?

    Anne: I was at Jothis house, studying.

    Father: What? And you havent even asked permission from us your

    parents? You just went out like that. And it is already 7 pm, it is late, I

    expect you to be home at five. What were you thinking?

    Mother: You make us worry darling. You are out for too long, since morning.

    Father: Another thing, you wont help your mother with the chores but you

    would rather went out the house to see your friends? I couldnt believe you.

    What kinds of daughter are you? And you even forget to pick your brother up

    from tuition.

    Anne: Oh my god! I forget about him. I have to fetch him now.

    Father: Dont even bother, he walks home, all because of you spending time

    with your friends and ignoring us.

    Anne: But Father, even I was tired! (Shouted angrily)

    Father: how dare you raise your voice towards us!

    Anne: I hate you guys, you guys just never understand.

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    (Talk to nick)

    Anne: hey kid, sorry I forgot to pick you up just now.

    Nick: yeah, you and your stories.

    Anne: what is wrong with you?

    Nick: look here, what is wrong with you? You went out of house, you didnt

    even tell mom, you left her with that workload of chores and dont even

    bother helping. You scolded dad, you even forget to pick me up. And all you

    care about is your stupid girlfriends.

    Anne: have some respect, I am your sister! You dont even know what I feel,

    and you just come and talk to me this way.

    Nick: you didnt even bother about mom and dads feeling, why should I

    bother yours?

    (Leave the stage)

    Annie: so this is the way you want it to be? You wont talk to me forever?


    (Leave stage)

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    (Next day in school, balik time)

    Anne: hey! There you are!

    Shi Lin: Anne! Come, I would like you to meet someone. She is from the

    next class, this is Jill.

    Jill: hello, I am Jill. Oh, so you are the kid. Yeah, I understand, parents are

    lame, definitely.

    Shi Lin: I told her about your parents problems.

    Anne: oh, no wonder you know. Yeah, they are now. I dont know, they just

    wont le me do stuff I want to do.

    Shi Lin: yeah, true right. The thing is we all have the same trouble. We can

    definitely clique along well.

    Anne: yeah, but I still have that guilt though.

    Shi Lin and Jill: you what?

    Jill: oh please, you are being lame now. Parents? Let them be. My parents

    did worse, chill. Lets go have fun. Avvi is doing a party tonight, at the

    nightclub. He invited me just now in class, you want to come?

    Anne: a party! Wow, that is so cool. I have never even been in a party

    before. But, seriously? You are definitely kidding me. I am going to be slayed

    by my parents if they ever finds out.

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    Shi Lin: dont tell them. Plus, think darling, will your parents ever let you

    out? No right? So, you have the chance, grab it!

    Jill: just say tonight you want to come to my house, for, umm, for, tuition,

    oh yes, tuition. Tell your dad I am going to teach you biology, or something.

    Anne: you are asking me to lie? Oh, okay, I really want to go to the party

    after all. Okay, pick me up at 8 tonight?

    Shi Lin: see? Thats my best friend. Okay, will do. Just dont tell your family

    anything about it. Youll be slayed remember?


    Anne: okay, bye guys!

    Shi Lin: come, lets go.

    (Pulls Jill, keluar the other way)

    (Exits stage)

    (Devil and angel enters)

    Devil: haha, see those two girls there? My secret weapon. My very, very

    powerful secret weapon. This plan of mine is certainly running smoothly.

    Angel: ahh, what am I to do now? Devil, you are so going to regret, I am so

    going to fail your plans.

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    (In home)

    Anne: should I go to the night club? (Cari baju, fit in, as in, finding the best

    dress to wear)

    (Devil n angel are whispering to her ears)

    Devil: Yes, you should!

    Angel: No, do not go. Your parents will be mad at you!

    Devil: Who cares about parents?

    Angel: They took care of u. they love u. doesnt do this!

    DEVIL: They dont love you. if they do, they wont scold you, they let you have

    all the fun in the world. Its your life. They dont have the rights to instruct you.

    ANGEL: no! You have to honour your parents, they are your life. Dont go there;

    it will break their heart for sure.

    DEVIL: go!

    ANGEL: no!

    DEVIL: dont listen to her, go! GO TO NIGHTCLUB, HAVE FUN!

    ANGEL: no, stay home. Help your brother with homework, mother with her

    chores and help your dad with his work.

    DEVIL; go to the nightclub!

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    ANGEL: dont!

    Devil: go! Go! Go! Go! Go!

    ANNE: hmmm, yes, I make up my mind, I am going! Hihi.

    (Anne walks out)

    Devil: well, well, well. She listened to me! Haha, you are going to lose, you are

    going to lose.

    Angel: hmpph, well see. I know she is a good girl. Trust me, you wont win.

    Shell know her path, and believe me, its the good one. Aww!

    (Lari keluar, macam frust a bit sebab plan tak jadi sangat)

    Devil: haha, darling sister, you will lose. Tralalalala! (Leave the stage)

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    (At the night club, entrance door, Anne, shi lin went out, giggling)

    Anne: (singing, still drunk).

    Shi Lin: haha, girl, cant believe you are this drunk.

    Jill: wow, just go easy on the drinks next time.

    Anne: this is so much fun, woo hoo!

    Harvin: girls, come again next time. Free entrance for you guys.

    Avvi: hey, thanks for coming to my party. Whoa, you sure shes going to be


    Lingkesh: your friend here looks dreadful.

    Jill: she will be fine, just a little bit crazy, you now, the drinks.

    Shi Lin: come, Anne, let me walk you, home.

    Jill: bye boys! Thanks for the great party!

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    (She reaches home without any sign of guilt. Family are waiting for her


    Anne: oh, hi people.

    Father: what were you thinking girls your age roaming around at night? It is

    already 1 in the morning. Dont you even have a brain to think that it is way


    Nick: And I cant believe you went home drunk. Mom is so worried about

    you, she has been crying all night.

    Anne: now, this is my life. Who are you to interfere?

    Nick: I am a part of your family. And this two people here are the ones you

    should respect. Who are you calling people?

    (Both the siblings were arguing)

    Mother: Stop the fight. Oh dear, where exactly you have been?

    Anne: well, finally, you talked. Umm, then I went for a party, at the night


    (Somebody slaps her, father or mother)

    Anne: why did you slap me?

    Nick: ask yourself.

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    Father: you what? A nightclub? How could you go to places like that? We

    have never taught you to be this way.

    Anne: this is my life, my way of living. Do not interfere!

    Nick: look, you cant go around and yell at my family. How dare you?

    Anne: how dare you? Yeah, exactly, your family! Both mom and dad never

    seem to love me at all. It is just like I am not your child! Wait; just wait; now

    I get it. This kid right here, is your only child. I am not your child. That is

    why you people are treating me this way!

    Mother: honey, dont say that again. You are our child. Both your father and

    mother love you more than our life.

    Anne: just stop with that dialogues from Bollywood movies, I am not buying


    Father: just get the hell out of this house; you have hurt us enough and


    Father: mom, you okay? What happen to you?

    Nick: mom, you okay?

    Mom: Anne dear, I just want to say, we love you, I always hoped the best for

    you. I must have been greatly wronged in nurturing you.

    Nick: no mother, hold on, dont say things like that.

    (The mom nak pengsan, and there she goes, pengsan already)

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    Anne: urghh, what is all these chaos now? Mother, mother?

    (Picks up phone, trying to call)

    Nick: ahh, just give me the phone! (Calling) hello, 911 emergencies.

    Anne: mother, mother!


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    (At the hospital)

    Anne: (talked to doctor) what happened to my mother doctor?

    Doctor: She is fine. Just need plenty of rest.

    (Leaves stage)

    Anne: father, doctor has said that mother will be alright soon. Dont worry.

    Lets go get some coffee.

    Father: you proceed Anne, I need sometime to think.

    Anne: think? Of what?

    Father: of where have I gone wrong in nurturing you. (Leaves stage)

    (anne, sedih, devil and angel masuk, stand besides her, she couldnt see

    them lah kan)

    Angel: Anne, see! Your father is so sad, he is in a dilemma. Realise your

    mistakes, beg for forgiveness, they are your family Annie.

    Devil: go on Anne. Be that way. You will attain joy. Dont be a miser thinking

    about your family. Your life would be so much better without them.

    Angel: dont do this.

    Devil: go on!

    Angel: dont do this.

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    Devil: go on!

    Angel: dont do this.

    Devil: go on!

    Anne: STOP! Ill make my own decision.

    (Walk away)

    Angel: what? She can see us?

    Devil: this is your entire fault angel! Hmpphh!

    (Angel and devil exits)

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    (Father enters)

    Doctor: mister, your wife has regain consciousness, you can visit her now.

    Nick: thank you doctor.

    (keluar, then Anne walks in and ask the receptionist)

    Anne: excuse me, have you see two male, sitting at the chairs, just now?

    Recept: he just went inside

    Anne: oh, thank you.

    (Rushes in, props, beds, were brought in)

    (Anne found the mother, kneel down)

    Anne: mother! I am glad you are safe. I need the chance, to apologize. Yes

    mother, I have realized my mistakes that everything you have done is for me

    and only for me. My desires kept my eyes closed for all the sacrifices you

    have done for me. I am so sorry mother.

    Mother: oh sweetheart!

    Anne: I have been selfish enough to only bother of myself and not my family.

    I regret it. I am just very sorry.

    (They hug)

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    Anne: father, nick! I am just so sorry for being rude to you guys, I beg

    forgiveness; promise I will never repeat it again.

    Father: Anne, we have never been mad at you. I cant be mad at you. You

    are my little princess. Even I had been very stern towards you. I thought

    yelling was supposed to help, but it really didnt. I swear, I was never wanted

    to hurt you. I thought it was the best way to keep you safe.

    Nick: I was never mad at you, I am just mad about the way you acted

    towards us, your family.

    Anne: I should thank all of you for always being by my side. I am very sorry

    for not abiding you. I wont do that ever again, ever...

    (Family hug, aww! Okay, sedih2 happy2 apa semua, the devil masuk,

    storming off like crazy)

    Devil: no, no, no! This is not the way how it was supposed to be! Erghh! This

    is not true, this is not happening!

    Angel: in your plan! (Giggle) I told you. Your plan wont work on Anne, and so

    does everybody else.

    Devil: oh golly! Another failure! Ill have to go look for another prey.


    Angel: hey wait, wait, wait just wait. Dear sister, forgotten our deal?

    Devil: (gelabah) umm, deal? What deal?

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    Angel: ahh, she forgot it, on purpose, for the sake of not obeying my orders.

    Oh well, zippidy, mippidy, wippidy do! I command you to stay good and

    follow the good path, and stop leading people to the wrong way!

    Devil: no, no dont!

    Angel: pheww, what a chore!

    Devil: aww, now I am same as you. All nice, and good, and ergghh, good ol

    goody two shoes.

    Angel: who cares what you say, now just go, after this I am going to train

    you how to be good!

    (face the audience)

    Angel: thats certainly a change! Both for Annie, and my darling sister, devil.

    Now, I am really sure that Anne could stand on her own. She has realised

    her mistakes, and since that day, she has been honouring her parents every

    single day. What? Oh her friends? Anne is no longer friends with shi Lin and

    Jill, realising that they are the bad companies. As for the family, they are

    really close now; the mother really does get better. She is not that sick

    anymore and is forever contented having a daughter like Anne. Well, I guess

    thats it. Well, me? Oh, you see that my sister, devil? She is my chore now. I

    am going to turn her, both inside and out. Shes going to be lovely and not

    mean anymore. Well, what a story, tootles, see ya!