Dragons' Dark Moon Ritual of the Night by: Athauliz "Dragon's Eye" Firestorm, Apr 2010 for May 13th, 2010 ( Please credit this work for where it is due! ) This Ritual is intended to be conducted on the night of a Dark Moon. It's purpose, as is the usual for many Dark Moon Rituals, is to help cleanse and remove obstacles to growth, and those negative influences that are often the source of pain, discontent, and distraction from our spiritual growth. This Ritual calls upon Leviathan, the Dragon/Serpent of the deep seas. This is a good ritual for one to "face one's fears" and for absolutions ( dispensing of the feelings of guilt of past "failings" ). Can be called as masculine and/or feminine entity. Astrological Alignments: Sun 23 Deg. in Taurus, Moon 23 Deg. in Taurus. Materials: The Quarters: West South East North Candles : Dark Blue Dark Red or Maroon Yellow Deep or Forest Green Herbs : Thyme Yarrow Mint Mugwort Stones : Amethyst Citrine Fluorite Petrified Wood Sigils/Runes : w h r & Tarot? : Other : Bowl of Salt Water Drum Flute, Bell, or Chime Bowl of Soil, Sand, or Sea Salt Page 1 of 12

Dragons Dark Moon Ritual - 3 (Final)

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My first, group-performed Dark Moon Ritual, Right HERE!The Meditation is in another document also.

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Dragons' Dark Moon Ritual of the Nightby: Athauliz "Dragon's Eye" Firestorm, Apr 2010 for May 13th, 2010

( Please credit this work for where it is due! )

This Ritual is intended to be conducted on the night of a Dark Moon. It's purpose, as is the usual for many Dark Moon Rituals, is to help cleanse and remove obstacles to growth, and those negative influences that are often the source of pain, discontent, and distraction from our spiritual growth. This Ritual calls upon Leviathan, the Dragon/Serpent of the deep seas. This is a good ritual for one to "face one's fears" and for absolutions ( dispensing of the feelings of guilt of past "failings" ). Can be called as masculine and/or feminine entity.

Astrological Alignments:

Sun 23 Deg. in Taurus, Moon 23 Deg. in Taurus.


The Quarters: West South East North

Candles: Dark Blue Dark Red or Maroon

Yellow Deep or Forest Green

Herbs: Thyme Yarrow Mint Mugwort

Stones: Amethyst Citrine Fluorite Petrified Wood

Sigils/Runes: w h r &


Other: Bowl of Salt Water

Drum Flute, Bell, or Chime

Bowl of Soil, Sand, or Sea Salt

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Center Altar:

Some Elder herb ( to be scattered upon the main Altar ),

Sandalwood Incense (East),

Black Candle (South),

Bowl of Salt Water (West),

Black Tourmaline (North),

Fireproof bowl ( like stoneware or porcelain ) to use as a cauldron (Center), ( Can be Placed just South of the Altar - if it is large enough and there is room for it. ),

Offering dish (East of Center),

Goblet or chalice (West of Center),

Portrait of Leviathan (North of Center – Optional),

Center Mat using theSigils/Runes:







Saturn Ceres

Other Supplies: ( Not necessarily part of Altar setup. )

Dark Moon Anointing Oil in an Olive Oil base, ( See: Making of Oils for recipe. ),

3" X 3" Pieces of Purple-colored or Parchment paper, ( enough for all attendees/participants to have at least one piece, to be anointed with two drops of the Patchouli Oil. ),

Pens and/or pencils, ( if possible, red-ink pens or, even better, quills, with Dragon's Blood ink ),

Jasmine Incense,

Red Wine ( or some kind of Dark Red Fruit Juice ),

Bread or other type of pastry made from grain,


Altar set up facing to the North,

Anoint the Black candle on the center altar with three drops of the Dark Moon Oil,

Rehearsal for those who are assisting with the ritual,

Meditation to clear the mind and enhance focus on the intent of the ritual. ( If desired and/or warranted. - This could also be a good time to prepare for the summoning! )

Prior to Circle casting, the are should be first smudged followed by the use of a bell.

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The Ritual:

( Before starting this Ritual, be sure all in attendance are aware that this Rite will involve calling in Dragons and Dragon Spirits, in case there are those who are "leery" or uncomfortable around Dragons! This is VERY IMPORTANT as neglecting this sound advice can become the source of much trouble and tension during the Rite. )

Step 1: Perform the Circle Casting:

Light the Cinnamon Incense and waft or wave ( NOT "blow out" ) the flame out when it is ready to smolder.

Starting at the Western Quarter of the Circle, go around the Circle, Widdershins ( counter-clockwise ), slowly while wafting the incense in small Sunwise circles ( imagine building a "chain" around the Circle ).

Suggested Chant:

" This Circle be cleansed of Illness, This Circle be cleansed of Negativity, This Circle be closed to all Harm, This Circle be dedicated so,

Therefore, Be It So! "

( Do the above until the Circle has been rounded once. )

With the Sea-Salt purified Water, start from the West Quarter and round the Circle Widdershins and lightly-sprinkle the Water.

Suggested Chant:

" This Circle be Our Sacred Space, This Circle be Our Dedicated Place, This Circle be Our Bridge between Worlds, This Circle begins Our Place of Work,

Therefore, Be It So! "

( Do the above until the Circle has been rounded once. )

With everyone joining hands with their neighbors, one-at-a-time, round the Circle reverse while chanting:

" Hand to Hand, Heart to Heart, The Circle is cast, And We are One! "

( Do the above until the Circle has been rounded once and all should have hands joined. )

" It Is Done! Blessed Be! "

Group: " Blessed Be! "

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The Priest/Priestess will now say aloud:

" We declare this Circle, Our Sacred Space, Consecrated, and Dedicated, For this Work!

Let NONE, that seek to do Us Evil or Harm, Ever Enter here, for They are banished from Us, So that They shall NOT harm nor deter Us! This Circle is now sealed from All Negative Energies!

Be It So! "

Group: " So Be It! "

Step 2: Calling the Dragon Charges of the Quarters. ( This is done widdershins here. )

Light the Candle of the West and take it to the Western Quarter. While facing, chant:

" O' Great Ancient Dragons of the West, Of Thee I summon, the Dragon Goddess and Charge of the Water! Please lend Us your Power of Clarity, Discernment, and Wisdom! Please show Us how to Accept that which is certain in Our Presence, We honor Your Presence to Our Circle and this Ritual. O' Great Dragon Goddess of Water, We welcome and honor Thee! "

Light the Candle of the South and take it to the Southern Quarter. While facing, chant:

" O' Great Ancient Dragons of the South, Of Thee I summon, The Dragon God and Charge of the Fire! Please lend Us Your Power of Passion, Creativity, and Growth! Please show Us how to Surrender Our Inhibitions, and Release Our Fears to Growth, We honor Your Presence to Our Circle and this Ritual. O' Great Dragon God of the Flame, We welcome and honor Thee! "

Light the Candle of the East and take it to the Eastern Quarter. While facing, chant:

" O' Great Ancient Dragons of the East, Of Thee I summon, the Dragon God and Charge of the Air! Please lend Us Your Power of Intuition, Imagination, and Tranquility! Please show Us how to Wonder what is to be known by moving beyond Our Own Limitations, We honor Your Presence to Our Circle and this Ritual. O' Great Dragon God of the Winds, We welcome and honor Thee! "

Light the Candle of the North and take it to the Northern Quarter. While facing, chant:

" O' Great Ancient Dragons of the North, Of Thee I summon, The Dragon Goddess and Charge of the Earth! Please lend Us Your Power of Skill, Knowledge, and Endurance! Please show Us how to Resonate Our Inner Manifestations and Spirituality to the Cosmos, We honor Your Presence to Our Circle and this Ritual. O' Great Dragon Goddess from Mountains High, We welcome and honor Thee! "

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Once the Calling of the Quarters is complete, say aloud:

" We hath now called for the Guardians of the Quarters and welcomed Them. Be It So! "

Group: " So Be It! "

" Blessed Be! "

Group: " Blessed Be! "

Step 2b: Calling the Guardian Dragons of Darkness, Light, and Spirit. ( Optional )

Step 3: Group Meditation of preparation. ( Optional, but recommended. )

The main goal of this meditation is for everyone to clear their minds of the day's distractions and focus on the one issue that needs to be resolved. There may be one or a few who may wish to resolve multiple issues. However, it would probably be better if each would focus primarily on the one issue that needs immediate attention now.

This should begin with a grounding and centering meditation to help set the tone of the ritual.

Step 4: Summoning the main deity ( Leviathan ).

Light the Black candle and say aloud:

( For Polarity-calling – optional )

Priest: Priestess:

I stand in the Gateway of Darkness, I stand at the Edge of the Abyss,

I beckon Thee, Leviathan, as the Strength and Force of God,

I hail to Thee, Leviathan, with the Wisdom of the Goddess,

I call upon Thee for Thy Strength, Courage, and Passion,

I call upon Thee for Thy Great Knowledge and Ancient Wisdom,

" O' Mighty LEVIATHAN, of Thee We summon, Of Times Ancient and the Oceans Deep. We stand here at the Edge of the Gateway, That Gateway of and into the Darkness, And of the Mysteries that stand before Us!

We stand on the Edge of the Seas, This Dark and Moon-less Night, We dare to tread where others fear. We dare to step through, the Gateway of Darkness. Let fear have NO hold upon Us any longer!

We summon Thee - with Our Hearts, We summon Thee - with Our Minds, We summon Thee - with Our Souls, Be Thou welcomed and honored, this Dark Night!

Hail and Welcome! "

Group: “ Hail and Welcome! “

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Step 5: Meditation to focus on what negative issue(s) to present and sacrifice.

Imagine standing before a great tree. It is night time and there is a very faint light from the moonless night sky glowing around you. This is a very large tree with a very wide trunk with a very rugged appearance. Its bark is very rough-looking and coarse. Its canopy ( top ) stretches across the sky high above you while obscuring your view of the stars and the sky. This tree looks like it is very ancient and has the air of a long-lasting permanence.

As you turn your attention back to the tree trunk, you see a doorway, an opening, materialize right before your eyes. At first, you feel an uneasiness, a tense feeling of foreboding. The opening presents itself as a dark emptiness with no recognizable features present within. Yet you feel an urging to enter.

Finally, curiosity gets the best of you and eggs you on to go inside

Just as you enter, you notice a faint, pale glow of light that is just bright enough for you to see your way around. You notice there isn't much to look at inside. You survey your surroundings and marvel at how roomy this chamber appears, even though it looks wider than the trunk appeared from the outside. You wonder how this chamber could be so much larger than is possible.

Then you notice what appears to be a stairwell at the opposite side of the chamber that leads downward. As you approach the stairwell, you see that it leads down to an endless-looking darkness. As you begin to descend the stairs, some torches set on the wall begin to self-ignite to a pleasant, soft, fiery glow – revealing a spiraling set of stairs along a stone wall. You slowly descend the stairs, counting each step as go down.

You soon have reached the bottom and twelfth step into yet another wide expanse. This time, you see there is a stone table in the center of the chamber with a silver chalice, a black candle that is lit, and a black-colored bowl with a dark, shiny liquid in it. You also notice that there are four statues against the walls around the chamber. They seem to be placed at even intervals surrounding the table. Each statue is holding a different-colored candle that is already burning brightly.

You approach the table in the center of the room. It appears to be set up as some kind of altar or something similar. Beneath it you find a small urn made of clay. Strange is that this urn has your name on it! When you pick it up from the floor ( again, beneath the altar ), you find a piece of parchment in it, folded and a little dusty. You take the piece of parchment out of the urn and open it to see what is possibly written on it. To your surprise, at first you see nothing written on it. Then, mysteriously, you see something of a form of writing begin to appear on its own. As you read it to yourself, you begin to realize that it is what you were thinking about when you first entered the opening in the tree! This was apparently the reason you came here for in the first place!

Then you notice a faint glow of Violet light emanating from the bowl of water on the altar. As you look into the water and see your own reflection, you see that an image appears in the water as if you were looking through a window.

You then hear a deep, ever-present voice speak to you :

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“ Be-eth Thou who seeketh an answer to Thine burning desire. What shalt Thou do when Ye learn of Thine destiny? Shalt Thou be as the heart of a Lion, courageous and stolid in Thine quest? Or wilt Thou wither and scurry away, at the first sign of trouble along the way? What say Ye along Thine Path Thou has trod thus far? Ist Thou prepared to face Thine self in truth and without fear? Ist Thou prepared to face the travails and trials Thou mayest encounter?

If Thou ist prepared to step through the Gates of Death, In confidence that Ye be reborn anew, And free of Thine present concerns, Then let Thine journ begin here and now! Take Thee unto Thine hand, the Chalice of New Life, And drinkest Thou all, until none be there left! “

And so you take the silver-colored chalice and ponder for a moment what may lie ahead. You anxiously take a deep breath and drink all there is in the chalice. There is a noticeable bitter taste to the dark fluid, but you finish off what is left. When you set the chalice back where you had taken it from, you begin to feel a slight dizziness and light-headed feeling as a pale-blue mist begins to swirl around you. You begin to feel like you are almost floating, but are actually beginning to descend down a cavern that opens up beneath you. As you begin the descent,

the deep voice speaks once again :

“ Be Thou committed to Thine Path in new ways. For once be it, Thou choose Thine way, There be-eth NO return to that of the old!

Mark and remember well these lessons of Ancient Wisdom! Thine way be paved and awaits Thee, o' seeker! “

Soon, your descent slows to a very soft landing on firm ground. Your mind begins to clear as you survey your new surroundings. The blue haze clears and reveals to you that you are standing on a rocky cliff at the edge of the ocean. You estimate that the water is only a few feet below you. The scenery is very gray and misty, almost a dreary quality to it. The seas look almost calm for the moment, as if there was no life stirring within it.

Then, you see the waters stir violently as if to cough up something long submerged beneath its tranquil surfaces. A few feet into the water, before where you stand, you see bubbling and churning of the water as something appears ready to reveal itself. It is a serpentine creature of such magnitude as to dwarf any living creature you know of. It is covered in a multitude of small scales and possessing the head of a horned serpent. It is a dark, deep blue color with blackened points and accents, and a pale grayish-blue underside. At first, you feel startled and fearful of this enormous creature as it slowly advances toward you.

You here it say :

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“ Stand Thou, brave and strong, o' seeker of knowledge and wisdom. For Thou wished to see of me, in the beginning of Thine journ. Thou hast sought for me, for a purpose as ingrained, in Thine desire and wish. Wilt Thou yet abandon Thy quest now, for how far Ye hath traveled thus?

I stand before Thee as Thine Sage, and guide in this quest! I be known to some, of times ancient, as Leviathan, the Serpent of the Darkness Deep. Fear Thee me not, but of Thine own self, be fearful of failing, Thine Path! I stand here as testament to the Darkness! That which all fear, and all fears in abide! Thine fears they befall Thee, from Thine OWN unknowing, and unfamiliarity, of Thine shadow! Walk with Thine shadow, and take it to be Thine own, - for All Things cast-eth a shadow, in the wake of its own Light!

Those that come to know, their shadow selves, and of their shadows in ALL worlds, Shall they fear them no more, but as a familiarity of themselves, never to be cast off!

Come Ye now, and face that which Ye fear, for the LAST time shall it hold, and bind Thee! Shall Ye no more fear, THINE unknown, for it becomes soon, as familiar to THEE!

Come! Share with me, that which troubles and travails Thee. Thine willingness to acknowledge and express it, Shall it be, dis-empowered over Thee, forever more!

Come! Seek Ye Thine Courage, and Strength to challenge, Thine fearful moment, For shall it NOT be, Thine adversary any further! “

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Step 6: Presenting our pains, troubles, sorrows, and other negatives to Leviathan for their disposal.( Spiritual Cleansing for group service. )

Starting from the West and going reverse around the Circle:

A Priest/Priestess should now be prepared to anoint each of the participants with the anointing oil. Then anoint the participant on the forehead with either the chosen Sigil or the Pentagram ( if preferred for this Ritual ) while saying:

" May Leviathan help guide You and help dispel Your Inner Fears to greater Understanding and Growth, Be the Knowledge of the Cosmos and of God vested within Thee, for as long as You shall live. "

A second Priest/Priestess can hand out a piece of the Parchment or Purple-colored paper and a pen or pencil ( consecrated, if possible ) to each of the participants while saying:

" May Leviathan deliver You FROM That which pains and troubles You, Shall there be None to stay You from Your Path, for as long as You shall live. "

A third Priest/Priestess should light the Jasmine Incense and follow behind the other two. He/She should do a vertical, clockwise circle in front of the participant while saying:

" May Leviathan open Your Eyes and Your Heart, to the new Beginnings You seek, May Your Path constantly reveal to Thee Higher Knowledge, Wisdom, and Thine Divine Self, for as long as You shall live. "

When all of the Priests/Priestesses have rounded the Circle and blessed each participant, they are to place all of the items they used back into their respective places about the Altar. Prepare the "Cauldron" for receiving the parchments. ( If prepared on a separate Altar, should have been be placed at the South-facing side of the main Altar. :: Again if this possible due to space considerations. )

The Priest/Priestess will then say aloud:

" May We All have the Courage and Strength to disavow, That which troubles and tries Us, That which is no longer of use to Us, That which only hinders and stays Us, That which belongs in the Forgotten-Past, That which no longer serves Our Higher-Purpose, That which no longer sustains Life, We give to Thee Our Travails and Our Pains, That They trouble Us no longer, forever more!

May the Will of the Dragons' Your Will be Our Drive! May the Will of the Dragons' Your Courage be Our Strength! May the Will of the Dragons' Your Confidence be Our Inspiration! May the Will of the Dragons' Your Wisdom and Knowledge be Our Light!

Blessed Be! "

Group: " Blessed Be! "

Have the participants quietly write down those troubles or issues that each was revealed to or wishes to remove from his/her life. Each participant should then fold the paper in half and then half again. With the folded paper between both hands, Sigil facing up, each participant should meditate on each negative, one at a time, and imagine experiencing that negative feeling for the last time, before absorbing it into the folded paper. ( This part of the Ritual may take a few minutes - with or without Guided Meditation ).

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When all are ready, starting from the East corner, each participant ( always working in a sunwise direction );

1) Stand and approach the Altar ( in a reverse rotation, if need be ), to be standing on the South side of it,2) Light his/her paper on the flame of the Black Candle,3) Place the burning paper into the Cauldron,4) Watch and visualize his/her troubles being destroyed while the piece of paper is burning,5) Then return to his/her position ( walk in a reverse direction, if needed ).

When all participants have visited the Cauldron and dispelled his/her burdens, and returned to his/her place, the Priests/Priestesses will then offer up their negatives.

Now, you regain your composure, and offer up the parchment with the writing on it to Leviathan. The piece of parchment floats out of your hand and toward the being. It looks over the writing on the parchment floating before it, in a moment of silent interest. Then you see the parchment burst into a flash of flame as it burns quickly into nothingness. Leviathan then says :

“ Let this trouble be a thing, of forgotten memory, but NOT, its lesson taught Thee! As Thou maketh Thee free ,Thine Soul from this, that Thou had once feared and toiled, Fill it up with understanding, and wisdom in all things more!

Thine journ continues, into other realms, and other experiences! Thine experiences, prove to be Thine own Sages, and guides as Thine Divine within! Take Ye heart, with courage and fortitude, that Thine Path tarries onward! There be many more lessons to learn, and greater things, still, to be gained!

See Thou off, and remember this day and ev'n, that Thou mayest return, to unfold Thine self more! Thine Divine Light, shall grow brighter, and wax greater, in the times ahead! Thou shalt become closer, to the One of all things, and become one WITH all things! Now! Return Ye to whence Ye came! For Thine Spiritual Path, beckons of Thee, other matters of import! “

In a flash, you are once again enveloped in a pale-blue mist and feel yourself floating, but this time, upward. After a few moments, you feel like you are standing on firm ground again as the blue mist clears. You are now back in front of the altar, only this time, where you saw the silver chalice before, there is a shimmering Gold-colored one with a pale-pinkish-colored liquid in it instead.

You decide to take the Gold chalice into your hands and you feel its gentle warmth as it shimmers. You think for a moment and then drink the fluid down to the bottom of the chalice. You remember a light, sweet taste as it begins to flow a warm and lively energy throughout your being.

When you feel refreshed and reinvigorated, you decide it's time to leave and make your way to the stairs. As you ascend the stairs, you remember that there were twelve steps to go down. Therefore, there should be twelve steps to go back up. Once you reach the upper floor, you notice that this time, the upper chamber has a soft, golden ambiance and a feel of peace about it.

Soon, you find your way outside again, in front of the great tree that you just exited from. The hollow opening now fades from existence, right before your eyes, to leave behind only the appearance of a solid trunk. You reflect on the experiences you just had, as you begin to walk away from the tree. Soon, a thin, white mist surrounds your being and you are completely enveloped in it.

As the mist begins to clear away, you slowly return to your present body at the present time you left. You slowly regain your physicality and sense of place in the here and now. You should now feel more energized and less of the tension you had when you started this voyage. You have returned to where you started from.

Step 7: Offering of the First Fruits of Cakes and Ale to Leviathan, and Gratitudes.( Can also be conducted with a quiet meditation. )

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Step 8: Sealing any spells and Final release of Intentions to the Cosmos..

Step 9: Giving Thanks to Leviathan and the bidding of farewell.

The Priest/Priestess will then say:

" May Our Burdens be lifted from Us, By the Blessings of Leviathan and the Great Dragons! Please take Ye Our Sorrows, Pains, and Troubles, Please take Ye Them Away from Us this Night, And with Them, do as Ye will!

Let Us be reminded of Them not, So that We may grow spiritually, Without Distraction, Without Hesitation, Without Fear, And with Your Blessings!

We thank Thee, O' Mighty Ones, For releasing Us of Our Burdens and Sorrows!

We thank Thee, O' Mighty Ones, For Your wondrous Blessings and Divine Wisdom!

Blessed Be! "

Group: " Blessed Be, O' Great Ones! "

The Priest/Priestess says aloud:

" O' Great Leviathan, Denizen of the Oceans Deep, We thank Thee for Your Presence, And willingness to be with Us this Night! We thank Thee as Ye go Thine separate Way! We wish Thee in Peace, Love, and Light, As Ye return to whence Ye came! Hail, and fare Thee well!

Blessed Be! "

The Priest/Priestess then snuffs the Black candle.

Group: " Blessed Be! "

Step 10: Improvised Healing and recharging ritual, if desired/needed. ( Optional )

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Step 11: Dismissing the Guardian-Dragons. ( This is for all of the other Dragons summoned as guardians. )

Step 12: Dissolving the Sacred Circle.

Step 13: Regrounding and Centering Meditation. ( Optional, but highly recommended. )

Social activities, as suggested by the Clan or its members' input. ( Optional, but can be a further-enriching experience for the attendees and/or participants. )


This Ritual favors those in alignment with Dragons and their Kin. This Ritual can be conducted in the presence of those who are not antagonistic toward Dragons ( IE: "Dragonkin", Friends of, and those who are Priest hopefuls ). If there are ANY who fear Dragons or are otherwise uncomfortable in the presence of Dragons, those individuals may not wish to attend this Ritual, but instead, find another group doing a different Dark Moon Ritual more to their liking. ( Very Important! )

Date Performed: / / Time: : ( am / pm ) By:

Location: How many attended?:

Clergy Comments? :


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