(Draft THE STANDARD LIBRARY P.J. Plauger Prentice Hall PTR Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458


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P.J. Plauger

Prentice Hall PTR Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458


Preface The Code Acknowledgments

Chapter 0: Introduction Background What the Draft C++ Standard Says Future Directions Using the Library Implementing the Library Testing the Library Exercises

Chapter 1: Standard С Library Background What the Draft C++ Standard Says Future Directions Using the Standard С Library Implementing the Standard С Library Testing the Standard С Library Exercises

Chapter 2: < d e f i n e s > Background What the Draft C++ Standard Says Future Directions Using <def ines> Implementing <def ines> Testing <def ines> Exercises

Chapter3: < e x c e p t i o n > Background What the Draft C++ Standard Says Future Directions Using <except ion> Implementing <except ion> Testing <except ion> Exercises

Chapter 4: <new> Background What the Draft C++ Standard Says Future Directions Using <new> Implementing <new> Testing <new> Exercises

Chapters: < t y p e i n f o > Background What the Draft C++ Standard Says Future Directions Using < t y p e i n f o > Implementing < t y p e i n f o> Testing < typein£o> Exercises

Chapter 6: < i o s > Background What the Draft C++ Standard Says Future Directions Using < ios> Implementing < ios> Testing < ios> Exercises

Chapter 7: < s t r e a m b u f > Background What the Draft C++ Standard Says Future Directions Using <streambuf > Implementing <streambuf > Testing <streambu£> Exercises

Chapter8: < i s t r e a m > Background What the Draft C++ Standard Says Future Directions Using < istream> Implementing < ist ream> Testing < ist ream> Exercises

Chapter 9: <ostream> Background What the Draft C++ Standard Says Future Directions Using <ostream> Implementing <ostream> Testing <ostream> Exercises

Chapter 10: <iomanip> Background What the Draft C++ Standard Says Future Directions Using <iomanip> Implementing <iomanip> Testing <iomanip> Exercises

Chapter 11: < s t r s t r e a m > Background What the Draft C++ Standard Says Future Directions Using <st rs t ream> Implementing <s t rs t ream> Testing <s t rs t ream> Exercises

Chapter 12: <sstream> Background What the Draft C++ Standard Says Future Directions Using <sstream> Implementing <sstream> Testing <sstream> Exercises

Chapter 13: <f stream> Background What the Draft C++ Standard Says Future Directions Using < f stream> Implementing <f stream> Testing <f stream> Exercises

Chapter 14: < ios t ream> Background What the Draft C++ Standard Says Future Directions Using < iostream> Implementing < iostream> Testing < iostream> Exercises

Chapter 15: < s t r i n g > Background What the Draft C++ Standard Says Future Directions Using < s t r i n g > Implementing < s t r i n g > Testing < s t r i n g > Exercises

Chapter 16: < w s t r i n g > Background What the Draft C++ Standard Says Future Directions Using <wstr ing> Implementing <wstr ing> Testing <wstr ing> Exercises

Chapter 17: < b i t s > Background What the Draft C++ Standard Says Future Directions Using < b i t s > Implementing < b i t s > Testing < b i t s > Exercises

Chapter 18: < b i t s t r i n g > Background What the Draft C++ Standard Says Future Directions Using < b i t s t r i n g > Implementing < b i t s t r i n g > Testing < b i t s t r i n g > Exercises

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Chapter 19: < d y n a r r a y > 473 Background 473 What the Draft C++ Standard Says 474 Future Directions 480 Using <dynarray> 480 Implementing <dynarray> 483 Testing <dynarray> 487 Exercises 487

Chapter 20: < p t r d y n a r r a y > 491 Background 491 What the Draft C++ Standard Says 491 Future Directions 495 Using <p t rdynar ray> 495 Implementing <p t rdynar ray> 495 Testing <p t rdynarray> 495 Exercises 497

Chapter 21: <complex> 501 Background 501 What the Draft C++ Standard Says 502 Future Directions 515 Using <complex> 515 Implementing <complex> 517 Testing <complex> 535 Exercises 535

Appendix A: Interfaces 541

Appendix B: Names 547 Appendix C: Terms 567

Appendix D: References 579

Index 581