Draft Great West Corridor Local Plan Review and Draft Brentford East Supplementary Planning Document Alan Hesketh, Head of Regeneration, Spatial Planning & Economic Development, LBH Justin Kliger, Principal Urban Design Officer, LBH Vilhelm Oberg, Senior Planning Policy Officer, LBH

Draft Great West Corridor Local Plan Review and Draft ...... · Adoption Spring/Summer 2019 Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) Appendix –West of Borough Infrastructure Schedule

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Page 1: Draft Great West Corridor Local Plan Review and Draft ...... · Adoption Spring/Summer 2019 Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) Appendix –West of Borough Infrastructure Schedule

Draft Great West Corridor Local Plan Review


Draft Brentford East Supplementary

Planning Document

Alan Hesketh, Head of Regeneration, Spatial Planning &

Economic Development, LBH

Justin Kliger, Principal Urban Design Officer, LBH

Vilhelm Oberg, Senior Planning Policy Officer, LBH

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Local Plan Review

Great West Corridor

West of Borough

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Local Plan Review

Policy SV1:

Great West



Policy SV2:

West of the



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Hounslow Local Plan Policy SV1

Identify the extent of the Great West Corridor;

Determine the location and sustainable quantum of additional employment and residential development

Coordinate the delivery of public and private investment in transport infrastructure

Progress the designation of the Great West Corridor as an Opportunity Area through the review of the London Plan;

Support the growth of the media and digital sectors in line with the London Plan’s identification of the area as a Strategic Outer London Development Centre;

Improve linkages with Brentford town centre through public realm enhancements and improved connectivity and access to amenities and facilities for the businesses and workforce in the area;

Identify sites with suitability for tall buildings following further urban design work;

Review existing employment designations, including the Locally Significant Industrial Sites, through an Employment Land Review and other appropriate evidence;

Explore opportunities for mitigating and reducing the impact of noise and air pollution for existing and future residents;

Review local infrastructure requirements through the preparation of an area-specific Infrastructure Delivery Plan

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Local Plan Timetable

Local Plan - Review Activity Date

First consultation on the draft Local Plan


(Issues consultation)Closed

Second Consultation on the draft Local Plan

Review (Preferred Options) on policies

options and draft site allocations (Regs 18)

16th Oct- 24th Nov 2017

Third consultation on the draft Local Plan

(Publication) that the Council intends to

submit to Secretary of State (Regs 19)

Early summer 2018

Submission of the draft Local Plan to the

Secretary of StateWinter 2018

Independent Examination in PublicEarly 2019 (subject to


Adoption Spring/Summer 2019







ry P




Appendix – West of

Borough Infrastructure


Appendix – Great West

Corridor Infrastructure


Appendix – Whole Borough

Infrastructure Schedule

Hounslow is delivering two Local Plan Reviews in order to carry out an in depth policy review of the

WoB and GWC. An updated IDP is being delivered in conjunction with the two Local Plan Reviews. The

IDP will deliver three infrastructure delivery schedules, one for each of the plan review areas, along

with a complete schedule for whole of the Borough.

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Hounslow Housing Market Assessment (2016)

Objectively Assessed Need (Borough wide)

1,898 dwellings per annum from 2015-2035.

This compares to a figure of 1,350dpa used for the adopted Local Plan (2015)

Affordable Housing Need

911 net annual need

50% social rented sector

Housing Zones

Feltham was designated Housing Zone in March 2016

Proposed increase to London Plan Targets approx. 21820 over 10 years (current target of 811 per annum)

Hounslow Employment Land Review (2016)

Borough Wide Need to 2030:

• Industrial floor space need: 170,000m²

• Office floor space need: 151,000m²

West of Borough

• Demand for campus style office development

• Intensification of industrial sites would only accommodate 30% of need

Great West Corridor

• Job growth in digital and media sectors, along with wider ranging employment opportunities

• Transport infrastructure needed to support growth

Consultation and Member engagement

• Issues consultation

• Members working Group

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Great West Corridor Area Boundary

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Slide 7

VO1 This map is not greatVilhelm Oberg, 21/09/17

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Main Issues

• Car dominated environment

• Significant air and noise pollution

• Poor walking and cycling

connectivity and fragmented

urban environment

• Strong international company


• Strong car showroom presence

• Development pressure for tall

buildings, particularly in

Brentford East

• Threat of conversion of old office

stock into residential units

through permitted development

• Heritage Assets and sensitive


• Lack of amenities, vitality and

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Great West Corridor -

Development reliant on transport improvements

Lionel Road

Upgrades to Existing Rail Line between South Acton and Hounslow

Introduction of London Overground Service on upgraded line

New station at Lionel Road, adjacent to 27 Great West Road

Upgrade and of existing freight rail line from Great West Road to Southall to provide passenger shuttle service to the Crossrail line at Southall.

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Great West Corridor Places

• Great West



• Great West



• Great West



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Sky Campus

Supporting the Sky Campus as a major employer and asset to the area and

Working to increase its pedestrian permeability and public transport accessibility, in order to

strengthen its attractiveness as a hub for the broadcasting and digital industries.

West Cross Campus

Promoting the redevelopment and intensification of the West Cross Campus to deliver a mixed-use

quarter of light industrial uses with residential above. Alternatively, the area could be redeveloped but

with its predominant industrial employment use retained.

Tesco Extra Osterley

Supporting new housing on the Tesco Osterley site, either through the complete redevelopment of the

site with a new Tesco store with integrated parking or retaining the existing store and adding new

residential development to the north and wrapping around the rear of the store.

Makers Village

Promoting the area south of the Great West Road into an area of higher-density affordable office and

manufacturing spaces, the Makers Village, through conversion, retention or redevelopment of existing

building stock.



Place Policy



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The Brent River Quarter:

New office buildings along the Great West Road to re-provide existing

commercial floor space in a more efficient and modern format and will

also buffer residential developments behind from the impact of the road.

A new bridge across the river connects the two sides and provides a direct

walking route through the area from the Golden Mile Station to Brentford


- tenure residential development within proximity to leisure,

restaurants and retail.

The London Gateway:

Strengthening the role of this area as an office destination

Development opportunities at infill sites around intersection of A4 and

Boston Manor Road including on GSK land, next to the Great West House,

options to redevelop the tired appearance of the Mille Building

The London Showroom area along the elevated section of the M4:

The central section of the elevated M4 corridor is already home to a

number of car retailers. Opportunity to expand the concentration of car


Could also benefit from well designed passive brand advertisement on the

Place Policy Preferred


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Gunnersbury Park View

Mix of uses – with commercial fronting the Great West Road shielding residential

behind from road noise and pollution

Exploring new pedestrian connections to Gunnersbury Park to open up access for

residents of Brentford East and from Chiswick

New station at Lionel Road for a new Overground service that will link with HS2 and

Crossrail at Old Oak Common. To include a new station gateway plaza with a mix of

New pedestrian bridge across the railway connects the area with Brentford and the

River Thames to the south

Two Squares

New residential led mixed-use quarter Centred around new internal public spaces,

Fountain Square to the south and Gunnersbury Square to the north.

residential and commercial frontage development along the surrounding

strategic roads provide a protective edge that shelters internal residential spaces

from traffic impacts.

Public squares and public realm improvements such as planting trees to soften the

impact of traffic and to connect with the lush and green character of surrounding

areas and the riverside.

Power Road

Place Policy

Preferred Approach

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Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs):

• used to provide more information and guidance on the policies in an adopted Local


• produced quicker than a Local Plan

• not subject to independent examination.

• Do not have the same status as DPDs, but are still material considerations when

assessing development proposals.

Brentford East SPD:

• Brentford East SPD study area is in the east of the London Borough of Hounslow

between the Brentford and Chiswick, directly south of Gunnersbury Park and north of

the River Thames at Kew Bridge.

• Brentford Capacity Study document forms evidence base document to inform the


Brentford East Development and Design SPD

Task Date/Milestone

Cabinet for consultation 19th Sept 2017

Consultation (6 weeks) Oct – Nov 2017

Review consultation responses and

amend SPD

Dec- Jan 2018

Draft consultation statement Jan 2018

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Identified important views and locations with where

the heritage setting is particularly vulnerable.

Views from or to designated heritage assets and their


Need to protect assets from development that has a

negative effect on their heritage value.

Cooperation between LB Hounslow, Historic England,

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Views have been used to test and model different

height scenarios, allowing for qualitative assessment

of the impact of development heights

Evidence Base – Views Analysis

Coordinated approach:

Accepts taller buildings form part of development.

Heights limited to a tested appropriate threshold.

Minimise impact on sensitive views.

Placemaking through design.

Rejects randomness of one-off development.

Scattered approach:

• Accepts tall development at sites almost

anywhere across a broad area.

• Modelling shows a skyline of scattered towers.

• Would lead to significant change to a number of

sensitive views.

• Change deemed unacceptable harm.

�Two alternatives to development:

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General maximum height of 24

metres (6 commercial/8 residential


Eastern Gateway Building – up

to 60 metres (no more than 18

storeys, depending on uses*)

2) Corridor Landmarks – up to

48 metres (no more than 16

residential/12 commercial


Adjacent to Lionel Road


Capital Interchange Way.

Maximum Threshold

Up to 48 metres for cases where

additional sites excel beyond the

blanket height.


Height concentrated along Great

West Road

Create passive barrier to M4

Alleviating noise and pollution

towards the interior.



Building Heights

* Floor to floor heights measured at 4m for commercial uses and 2.9m / 3m for residential.

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Employment led, mixed-use location

Employment uses along the

Great West Road and Northern

and Southern Circular Roads.

Employment in multi-storey

buildings (in accordance with

height guidance) to establish

passive buffer from noise and

pollution along the roads.

Sensitive uses, including housing

to be provided at site’s interior.

Land Uses

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Capital Interchange Way To Power Road

New Entrance Into Gunnersbury Park

Enhanced Lionel Road And Impoved Access Into Gunnersbury Park

Carville Hall Park Link

Capital Interchange Way To Lionel Road Station And Gunnersbury Park


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Public Consultation on 16th October – 24th November

Engagement Method :

• Emails and letters

• Press notices/ releases

• Social Media

• Paper copies in libraries

• Electronic copies on website

• Drop in events, such as


[email protected]