Competitors and experts see that the entry of the brand of Seattle will help expand consumption. At coffee shops like Juan Valdez , Dunkin 'Donuts and OMA , the arrival of Starbucks does not take them by surprise. All have networks in several cities that have ridden for years and feel they have to do to compete. Likewise, in the business map also affect bakeries and cafes neighborhoods. Knowing the industry are clear that entry 'heavyweight' global business , with 42 years of experience, it is of little , and agree that the effect will be positive. The multinational explains how in Mexico , for example , was able to increase in a decade the per capita consumption of coffee, 600 grams to 1.3 kilograms. " We always felt that the success of the company is fundamentally about coffee quality and experience. Our customers in the world have found great value, even though we are a little more expensive than the competition. " So said Howard Schultz , Starbucks' world president , told El Tiempo , when asked about their pricing strategy in Colombia and plan to conquer the local consumers, in the midst of consolidating more than 10 years of various brands. "We care about providing our customers with a personal and enjoyable experience in an environment where they can relax with a good cup of coffee. Our goal is to offer a variety of high quality products and experience that appeal to all our customers, "said company to be inquired into on the environment to be found in their stores. After a week of the announcement, the company says it has

Draft Devorah

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Competitors and experts see that the entry of the brand of Seattle will help expand consumption.

At coffee shops like Juan Valdez , Dunkin 'Donuts and OMA , the arrival of Starbucks does not take them by surprise.

All have networks in several cities that have ridden for years and feel they have to do to compete. Likewise, in the business map also affect bakeries and cafes neighborhoods.

Knowing the industry are clear that entry 'heavyweight' global business , with 42 years of experience, it is of little , and agree that the effect will be positive.

The multinational explains how in Mexico , for example , was able to increase in a decade the per capita consumption of coffee, 600 grams to 1.3 kilograms.

" We always felt that the success of the company is fundamentally about coffee quality and experience. Our customers in the world have found great value, even though we are a little more expensive than the competition. "

So said Howard Schultz , Starbucks' world president , told El Tiempo , when asked about their pricing strategy in Colombia and plan to conquer the local consumers, in the midst of consolidating more than 10 years of various brands.

"We care about providing our customers with a personal and enjoyable experience in an environment where they can relax with a good cup of coffee. Our goal is to offer a variety of high quality products and experience that appeal to all our customers, "said company to be inquired into on the environment to be found in their stores.

After a week of the announcement, the company says it has not even clear where installed in mid- 2014 , the first of the 50 stores that aims to have in five years.

speak competitors

Hernán Méndez , president of Procafecol - shops that handle brand Juan Valdez argues that the chain is well positioned in the market and that Starbucks will contribute to the expansion of this . Expected to close the year with Local 175 in the country and another 63 in the world. Its sales in 2012 reached 119.566 million pesos.

The other coffee shop chain is strong market OMA , which was acquired by the fund Mesoamerica , in 2011. Today has 200 cafes and 15 restaurants in the country . Sell a year 90,000 million pesos.

Ricardo Ospina , who is the head of the chain, says that the category of

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specialty shops is still incipient in the country , so there is room to grow.

"We believe that the entry of a competitor of these features invigorate the sector is challenging , and we put others to improve our products, efficiency and service levels ," he said .

The other protagonist is Dunkin 'Donuts , which has 150 stores in the country , with growth of 6 percent. Today looking to grow on the coast.

For Miguel Merino , head of the firm in Colombia , Starbucks is not a competition , but an aid to the development of domestic consumption.

Signs of increased consumption outside the home

Ana Maria Sierra , Executive Coordinator Toma Café , which promotes the consumption of the drink , quite possibly believes that the arrival of Starbucks is because finds fertile ground coffee consumption .

" Clearly, when you enter a competent player , what happens is that it does is drive further consumption growth . That , in market terms , is very favorable , "he says .

It also highlights the tendency to take the drink outside the home, according to various indicators.

For example , an analysis of the firm Euromonitor International says the service channel specialty shops going " full steam ahead " .

The statistics show that growth in sales of major brands of specialty shops has been promoting consumption outside the home between 17 and 20 percent in the past two years .

On the other hand , the market intelligence company Mintel estimated English , to 2011 , that in the country there are 6,200 coffee shops ( derived more than 50 to 60 percent of their income to serve coffee).