Draft Agreement Perm Staffing

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  • 8/11/2019 Draft Agreement Perm Staffing


    Resource Agreement

    This Agreement for the Placement Services is between M/s S2Infotech Pvt. Ltd.havingtheir registered office at Basement Process House , Kamala Mills Compound, owerParel, Mumbai ! "## #$% &hereinafter referred to as the 'S()* and M/s. Client , acompan+ having its office at - &hereinafter referred to as the 'Client*

    This agreement represents the entire agreement and supersedes all previousagreements and understandings between the parties relating to the sub.ect matterhereof, and ma+ be changed onl+ in writing, signed b+ both parties- The agreementstands valid for one +ear from 1stNovemer 2!1" to "!th#ctoer 2!1$-

    Re%uirement Initi&tion/ All the manpower re0uirements should be communicated to

    S2infotech with the necessar+ details such as ! Profile of the candidate&s*, 1ob2escription, Time frame within which the evaluation of the candidates will be completed,ocation, 3emuneration 4 Benefits that the candidates can e5pect, etc-

    '&lidit( of C&ndid&te)s*/ 6or all candidates referred b+ S2infotech our chargesbecome pa+able if the selected candidates .oin their duties an+time within a period of +months of being referred-

    Prior Rel&tionshi,/ 6or candidates referred b+ S2infotech if the+ have alread+ beenreferred b+ an+one else our charges will be applicable if we coordinate the interview andother proceedings- Prior relationship should be intimated to S2infotechwithin 7 da+s ofthe candidate being referred else our charges would become applicable-

    Profession&l -ees/ S2infotechwill charge Professional 6ees .""0per associate ofthe annual cost to compan+ of the selected candidate&s*- The CTC will include all thedirect8indirect salar+8remuneration components i-e- annual salar+, statutor+ 4 otherbenefits, bonus, reimbursements, cash rewards, 9S:P, etc- The Service Ta5 and8or an+other Ta58evis enforced b+ the ;overnment from time to time will be charged e5tra-

    P&(ment erms/ The invoice for the candidate will be raised on the date of thecandidates .oining and the pa+ment is to be made within %# da+s from the date of .oiningof the candidate&s*- ation or forced to leave, b+ the Client-

  • 8/11/2019 Draft Agreement Perm Staffing


    Confidenti&lit(/ 9ach part+ ac=nowledges that all information it ma+ ac0uire during itsrelationship with the other part+ is confidential-

    ermin&tion/ This agreement would be valid for a period of $ +ear from the date ofsigning the agreement- And will continue to be in operation in same terms and conditiontill either parties give a one month notice for the termination of the agreement-S2Infotechor the Clientma+ not at an+ point of time terminate this agreement withoutthe e5press written consent of both the parties involved- ?n the event of a termination b+either part+ the Client will be bound to pa+ S2Infotech the amounts due to it and

    S2infotechwill bound to render the pending service due to the client

    Aritr&tion Cl&use/ Both the parties agree that the+ will abide b+ the terms andconditions set out in this Agreement and if there is an+ breach or violation of the termsand conditions of this Agreement, it will be settled b+ Arbitration in accordance with theprovisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, $@@-

    -or S2 Infotech Pvt. Ltd. -or Client

    Authori4ed Sign&tor( Authori4ed Sign&tor(