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Dr. Saroha

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Dr. Saroha

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Page 1: Dr. Saroha

Dr. Saroha

Question under consideration – Marriage life

In the Rasi chart, Thula lagna rising with lagna lord Venus in the 10th. This generates a Raja Yoga called

Siddha yoga, which means a blessing of god with regard to accomplishments due to the native’s own

efforts. The 10th lord is Moon who is placed in the 7th house along with the 5th lord Saturn. Hence there

is a link between 10th lord (Work) and 5th lord (god’s blessings of the past karma and children). This link

generates a second powerful Raja yoga centered in the 7th house of Marriage. The only problem is the

5th lord Shani is retrograde and hence the Raja yoga will be delayed or denied. Completely delayed or

denied will depend on the 5th house. Hence the native should not go in the path of Shani. (Please

refer to this when you call me for further clarifications).

Marriage matters are seen in the 7th house primarily. As mentioned above, there is a potential raja yoga

waiting to function in the 7th house. This 7th house has an aspect of Rahu, Mars, Sun and ketu. While

Sun’s aspect on the 7th house is good (promotes long married life), the very same Sun can give very

authoritarian behavior as far as the spouse is concerned. 7th house having Shani also points to a spouse

who can be strict disciplinarian with not-so-flexible views. The aspect of Rahu, Ketu and Mars are NOT

good as far as marriage is concerned. Rahu can give the native idea’s and thoughts which are

unconventional or those which society will not approve. Mars placed in the 2nd house and aspecting 7th

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house generates a strong Kuja Dosha, not conducive for marriage as Mars gives a lot of arguments in


The divisional chart that is to be seen for Marriage is Navamsa. The 1st and 7th houses of Navamsa have

an axis of Rahu-Ketu. This indicates the native will be dragged into too many associations. Venus the

karaka for marriage is well placed in the Rasi chart (10th house), but in the Navamsa, the same Venus is

debilitated. Since Venus is placed in the 10th house, Venus will have a say in not only marriage, but also

profession matters. Venus well placed in the Rasi chart (10th), but debilitated in Navamsa, shows that

this raja yoga has every chance of getting spoilt. Hence Sukra marriage is a must (remedy section later

in this document).

Upadesa – Marriage house of the 7th house has mixed influences. There are 2 forces acting here. First

force is the powerful raja yoga waiting to fructify, but Shani is holding this back. The second force in

play is the malefic dristi of Rahu, Ketu and Mars.


The best remedy for a relatively happy married life is always fasting on the day ruled by the Upapada.

In this chart, the Upapada is Gemini and hence the native should fast from Sunrise to Sunset on

Wednesday. On every Wednesday, the fast should be from Sunrise to sunset with NO solid food.

Every Friday, the native should perform a Lakshmi puja, either at home or at a Lakshmi temple. This

will make Venus stronger and Shani’s interference will gradually go away. This will enable a path to be

clear so that the Raja yoga can function. The current dasa in operation Mars-Ketu and this dasa is not

conducive for a good married life. It is advised that the remedies mentioned above need to be started

immediately. I have already given a few remedies on the phone and it is strongly advised that these

remedies need to be continued without fail.

Page 3: Dr. Saroha

Question under consideration – When will the native start a hospital of his own

As mentioned earlier in this document, there is a very high raja yoga that is waiting to fructify, but is

being blocked by a retrograde Shani. Retrograde Graha always shows reversal and/or denial of fruits.

Having said this, I see this Raja yoga can be made to function since Venus is powerfully stationed in the

10th house.

The Dasamsa (D10) chart is to be seen for all matters of professions. Lord of the 10th is Mars, showing a

surgeon, with moon and ketu in the 11th house. Chandra is exalted which shows a high level of

compassion of the healer. The native has a very high level of compassion and kindness. This Chandra

has an association of Ketu and this is where the problem starts. Ketu shows all aspects of impulsive

decision making that later the native will realize it was a mistake. The A7 in the Dasamsa chart shows

people who will associate with the native in his work place. This again is shown by Chandra and Ketu.

(Please refer to this point when you call me)

Upadesa – Both matters of marriage happiness and profession have the effect of Shani retrograde.

Please do not wear any gemstones of mercury (Emerald) and Shani (Neelam). If any gemstone has to

be worn, then pearl (Moti) can be worn on the little finger of the right hand. No other gemstones are


The dasa of Mars-Venus will bring multiple things, both good and bad. This mars-Venus will start

2015-June to 2016-Aug. This period will put pressure on married life, but at the same time, matters

related to profession will be very good. I reiterate again that the remedies I have mentioned should

start as soon as possible.

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Please note that this document from my side is only Part 1. I will be sending my analysis on the second

chart soon. The reason I am not sending the second chart is I need this document understood before

we proceed. Jyotish consultation is a step-by-step process, just like any other form of consultation.

Please read this document and email me. There is a reason why I have mentioned In this document

statement like please refer to this when you call/email me. If you are busy to call, please send me an

email after you have read this part 1.

Please also remember that Jyotish is a science of predictions and trends and only God almighty knows
