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Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr. 4/2011

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 4/2011



Lector univ. dr. George MGUREANUFacultatea de DreptUniversitatea Romno-American, Bucureti

Abstract: Lucrarea i-a propus ca obiectiv general, o tem de actualitate i de un real interes pentru satisfacerea nevoilor populaiei de trai decent, prin accesul la piaa muncii.Cercetarea realizat, reuete s identifice dimensiunea i principiile generale ale interveniei statului pe piaa muncii, n contextul reglementrilor naionale dar i a celor din Uniunea European.Acest concept, care nu este nou, intervine astzi, ca o necesitate tot mai mare a implicrii statului n procesul de asigurare a bunstrii generale, promovrii securitii sociale, ca ndatorire a statului fa de cetenii lui.Va fi fcut o analiz a obiectivelor care s conduc la identificarea i punerea n aplicarea, a unor politici sociale privind inseria pe piaa muncii, mecanisme de rspuns la probleme precum srcia, inegalitatea, discriminarea, omajul, marginalizarea unor categorii sociale, politici prin care s se asigure un nivel de trai decent pentru cetenii statului.Considerm c aplicnd msuri corespunztoare privind: locuri de munc, calificarea i recalificarea, ajutor de omaj pentru cei care nu pot gsi loc de munc, statul i va ndeplini una dintre cele mai importante funcii ale sale, aceea de ocrotire a membrilor comunitii.

Cuvinte cheie: Piaa muncii, loc de munc,omaj, protecie social, securitate social.

CUPRINSSe cunoate c prestarea muncii, se asigur prin intermediul pieei muncii, aceasta ocupnd un rol central n sistemul economico-social1. Problema care se pune ns, este aceea a modului n care statul se implic n asigurarea locului de munc pentru cetenii si i care sunt limitele THE ROLE AND LIMITS OF STATE INTERVENTION IN THE LABOR MARKET

Lecturer George MGUREANU, Ph.D.Faculty of LawThe Romanian-American University, Bucharest

Abstract: The general objective of this paper is a very appealing topic, of present interest to meet the populations needs regarding its decent living standard, through the access to the labor market.The undertaken research succeeds to identify the dimension and the general principles of state intervention in the labor market, in the context of the national regulations and the European Union regulations, too.This concept is not new, it has interfered nowadays, as a even greater necessity of the state intervention in providing general welfare, promotingsocial protection, considered the states responsibilitytowards its citizens.We make an analysis of the objectives which lead to the identification and enforcement of certain social policies regarding the access to the labor market, policies considered answering mechanisms to the to the following problems: poverty, inequality, discrimination, unemployment, marginalization of a certain social category; these policies provide a decent living standard to all the citizens of the state.We believe that by enforcing adequate measures regarding jobs, training and retraining, unemployment aids for the persons that cannot find jobs, the state will carry out one of its most important functions: protecting the community members.

Keywords: labor market, job, unemployment, social protection, social security

CONTENTSIt is known that labor is provided through the labor market, which has a central role in the economic-social25 system. But one of the arising problems is the way the state engages to provide jobs to its citizens and

acestei implicri, pentru a asigura un mers normal al relaiilor economice i sociale n economia de pia.Influena direct a pieei muncii asupra altor subsisteme i ramuri economice, determin, cu certitudine, diverse aciuni asupra componentelor vieii sociale, economice, politice prin politicile din domeniul dreptului muncii.Piaa muncii nu poate exista n afara unor norme juridice care s o instituie, s organizeze cererea i oferta de locuri de munc. Funcionarea ei presupune intervenia statului, n ceea ce privete, n special, stimularea ocuprii forei de munc i respectarea normelor juridice n domeniu i a drepturilor salariailor2.Aa cum s-a afirmat n literatura de specialitate, legislaia muncii este o legislaie de protecie, adic normele sale au un caracter minimal, cu excepia drepturilor personalului din sectorul public, care este prestabilit de lege3.Cadrul legal general cu privire la piaa muncii se afl, ca de altfel n toate domeniile vieii social-economice, n Constituia Romniei.Potrivitprevederilorart.135dinConstituie, economia Romniei este economie de pia bazat pe libera iniiativ i concuren, iar statul trebuie s asigure: libertatea comerului, protecia concurenei loiale, crearea cadrului favorabil pentru valorificarea tuturor factorilor de producie.Aa spre exemplu, potrivit prevederilor art. 41 din Constituie4Dreptul la munc nu poate fi ngrdit. Alegerea profesiei, a meseriei sau a ocupaiei, precum i a locului de munc este liber. Cu privire la protecia social, alin. (2) al aceluiai articol prevede c Salariaii au dreptul la msuri de protecie social. Acestea privesc securitatea i sntatea salariailor, regimul de munc al femeilor i al tinerilor, instituirea unui salariu minim brut pe ar, repausul sptmnal, concediul de odihn pltit, prestarea muncii n condiii deosebite sau speciale, formarea what are the limits of this engagement, also to guarantee the normal operation of the economic and social relations in the market economy. The direct impact of the labor market on other subsystems and economic branches, has obviously various influences on the components of the social, economic, political life through the labor law policies.The labor market cannot operate without certain legal norms which have to set it up, to establish and organise the demand and supply of jobs. Its operation requires the state intervention, mainly concerning the stimulation of the labor force occupation and the obedience of the legal norms, specific to this field and the rights of salary earners26.As it is mentioned in the speciality literature, labor legislation is a protective legislation, meaning its norms have a minimal feature, except the rights of the staff in the public sector, which are pre- established by law27.The general legal background regarding the labor market is included in the The Constitution of Romania, as in all the social - economic fields.According to the provisions of the article 135 in The Romanian Constitution, the economy of Romania relies on a market economy that deals with free initiative and competition and the state must provide: the liberty of trade, the protection of fair competition, a favourable climate to use all the production factors.For instance, according to the provisions in the art. 41 of The Constitution28 The right to work must not be restricted. The choice of a profession, job or calling, as well as the choice of the workplace is free. Concerning the social protection, the 2nd paragraph of the same article provides that Salary earners have the right to social protection measures. These include: the salary earners protection and health, the establishment of the womens and youngsters working regime, minimum gross salary per country, weekly breaks, paid rest vacation, work in special or unusual

profesional, precum i alte situaii specifice, stabilite prin lege, iar aliniatele urmtoare stabilesc durata normal a zilei de lucru care este, n medie, de cel mult 8 ore, faptul c la munc egal, femeile au salariu egal cu brbaii i de asemenea, c dreptul la negocieri colective n materie de munc i caracterul obligatoriu al conveniilor colective sunt garantate.Art. 42 din Constituie se refer la interzicerea muncii forate, sens n care se prevede c munca forat este interzis, fiind artate i cazurile n care nu se consider munc forat5.De asemenea, art. 43 reglementeaz dreptul la grev6 , iar art. 47, prevederile referitoare la, nivelul de trai, statul fiind obligat s ia msuri de dezvoltare economic i de protecie social, de natur s asigurecetenilor un nivel de trai decent. Cetenii au dreptul la pensie, la concediu de maternitate pltit, la asisten medical n unitile sanitare de stat, la ajutor de omaj i la alte forme de asigurri sociale publice sau private, prevzute de lege. Cetenii au dreptul i la msuri de asisten social, potrivit legii. Problema care se pune este ns, n ce msur statul poate s se implice i s asigure realizarea acestor cerine n condiiile unei economii de pia i a unei crize generalizate la nivel mondial.Ca de altfel i celelalte domenii ale vieii economice i sociale, piaa muncii nu poate s existe n afara unui cadru care s o instituie i care s organizeze cererea i oferta forei de munc. Adaptarea automat a ofertei i a cererii fiind astzi dezminit de fapte, statul intervine masiv pe aceast pia cu scopul principal de a ine sub control omajul, de a reduce rata acestuia7.n toate ornduirile sociale, cu att mai mult n economia de pia, piaa muncii se bazeaz pe ntlnirea i confruntarea cererii cu oferta de munc, componente ale raportului dintre producie i consum, cuprinde ntreaga gam de aciuni prin care vnztorii i cumprtorii intr n contact pentru a schimba bunuri i servicii, indiferent conditions, training, as well as other specific activities, provided by law and the next paragraphs establish the normal duration of a working day which is 8 hours on the average, in case of equal work, women have the same salary as men and furthermore, the right to collective bargaining agreements related to labor and the compulsoriness of collective agreements are guaranteed.The Article 42 of The Constitution refers to the prohibition of forced labor, it provides that labor force is prohibited, also mentioning the cases it is not considered forced labor29.Moreover, article 43 regulates the right to go on strike30, while art. 47, contains the provisions which refer to the standard of living, the state being obliged to take measures for the economic development andsocial protection, measures which have to provide citizens a decent standard of living. The citizens have the right to pension, paid maternity leave, medical assistance in the state medical units, unemployment aid and other forms of public or private social insurance, provided by law. Furthermore, the citizens have the right to measures for social assistance, according to the law. But the question is to what extent the state involves itself and guarantees the meeting of these requirements under the conditions of market economy and worldwide crisis.As other fields of economic and social life, the labor market cannot operate without a background that must institute it and organise the demand and supply of the labor force. The self-acting adaptation of the supply and demand is nowadays contested by facts, the state is greatly interfering in this market having the major goal to keep the unemployment under control, to reduce its rate31.In all the social systems, even more in the market economy, the labor market is based on the intersection and comparison of the labor demand with the labor supply, known as components of the relation between production and consumption,

de locul unde se desfoar aceste aciuni .Declaraia de la Philadelphia, adoptat de Conferina general a Organizaiei Internaionale a Muncii, din 10 mai 1944, a statuat c, munca nu poate fi considerat o marf. Ca urmare, spre deosebire de celelalte piee, care au ca obiect diverse categorii de bunuri materiale sau anumite valori, piaa muncii are n centrul su omul, ca purttor de aptitudini fizice i intelectuale, ce constituie componente ale potenialului su de munc.Piaa muncii este considerat un sistem de structuri i procese sociale n care, ntr-o prim accepie, sunt evaluate, intermediate i apoi vndute i cumprate servicii economice de natur tehnic, organizatoric, informaional, i ntr-o alt accepie sunt evaluate i apoi nchiriate servicii oferite de persoane individuale n calitate de for demunc sau mn de lucru8Exist mai multe piee: piaa bunurilor i serviciilor, piaa capitalurilor, piaa resurselor naturale, piaa muncii. Ele acioneaz simultan, asigurnd funcionarea mecanismului economic i social, reglarea proceselor i fenomenelor n condiii de eficien9.Se poate, de asemenea distinge: piaa local a muncii subdiviziune geografic cu particularitile ei; piaa extern a muncii, subdiviziune care privete un anumit numr de lucrtori, fiecare fiind disponibil sau potenial disponibil pentru a ocupa locurile de munc ce se ofer prin competiie; piaa interna a muncii, subdiviziune n care cererea i oferta de munc sunt interne fiecrei firme i accesibile direct pieei externe a muncii, nsa o percepie diferit a celor din interior n raport cu cei din afar. Aceasta privete ocuparea diferitelor funcii prin avansare, transfer, concurs pentru ocuparea posturilor scoase pe piaa muncii.Pieele, n general, pot fi clasificate dup o varietate de criterii. Dup spaiul geografic de desfurare a tranzaciilor pieele sunt: locale, regionale, naionale, mondial (internaional). Dup natura bunurilor tranzacionate pieele se clasific containing the entire range of actions the sellers and buyers meet in order to exchange goods and services, regardless of the place these actions take place.The Philadelphia Declaration, adopted by The general Conference of The International Labor Organization, May 10,1944, stated that labor must not be considered merchandise. As a consequence, unlike other markets, which have as a target various categories of material goods or certain values, the human being is the core of the labor market, having physical and intellectual skills, which are components of its working potential.The labor market is considered a system of structures and social processes in which, according to a prior opinion, economic services having a technical, organisational and informing character are evaluated, mediated, sold and bought afterwards and according to another opinion, services offered by individuals which have the quality of labor force or working hand are evaluated and hired afterwards32.There are many markets: the market for goods and services, the capital market, the natural resource market, the labor market. They operate simultaneously, providing the operation of the economic and social mechanism and the adjustment of processes and phenomena under conditions of efficiency33.One can also distinguish: the local market of labor as a geographical subdivision with its peculiarities; the external market of labor, as a subdivision aiming at a certain number of employees, each being available or prospectively available to occupy the job vacancies offered through competition; the domestic market of labor, as a subdivision in which the labor demand and supply for each firm is directly accessible to the external labor market, but there is a different perception of the internal ones in comparison with the external ones. This issue concerns the occupation of various positions through promotion, transfer,ntruct cu privire la piaa muncii, nproducing and consuming economic units,Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 4/2011


n: piaa bunurilor i a serviciilor, piaa factorilor de producie (care cuprinde: piaa muncii, piaa pmntului, piaa capitalului) i piaa financiar valutar, important este ns, ca ele s ofere locuri de munc pentru cei care, prin calificarea i competenele lor s satisfac cerinele economice dar i cerinele sociale ale lor i familiilor lor .Pieele forei de munc sunt rspndite n toat lumea, fapt ce se explic prin costul mai redus al realizrii de activiti economice n interiorul pieei dect n afara ei. Considerm c, n acest mod fora de munc nu este nevoit s se deplaseze pe distane mari, s fac fa i altor cerine privind transportul, necesarul de locuine .a.Piaa muncii este cea mai sensibil pia, de cele mai multe ori confruntarea dintre cerere i ofert, are loc cu direct implicare a puterii de stat: legislativ, executiv, judectoreasc, este o pia contractual, n care negocierea i contractul sunt instrumente fundamentale de reglare a cererii i ofertei de for de munc i are n funcionarea sa o anumit predispoziie spre conflict, ceea ce determin un echilibru relativ fragil10, mai ales n condiiile crizei mondiale, care nu se putea s ocoleasc aceast pia.Mai mult, inevitabil, piaa muncii este subordonata legilor economice, ct i celor demografice, fiind n acelai timp dependent i de: vrst, sex, stare de sntate, psihologia celor care i ofer serviciile pe piaa muncii.Considerm c, spaiul economico- geografic unde acioneaz agenii economici, locul de ntlnire al cererii cu oferta, al agenilor economici productori i consumatori, locul unde se manifest concurena, se formeaz preurile, se ncheie tranzaciile, sunt tot atia factori ce trebuie avui n vedere n procesul de analiz a problematicii forei de munc.Curente diferite n economie precum economia neoclasic i cea instituional prezint definiii deosebite ale pieei. competition for the occupation of the jobs advertised on the labor market.Generally, markets can be classified according to various criteria. According to the geographical space of transactions, the markets are local, regional, national, international. According to the nature of the transactioned goods, the markets are divided into: the market for goods and services, the market for the production factors (which contains: the labor market, the land market, the capital market) and the financial and currency market; but, it is important for them to offer jobs to the persons which through their qualifications and abilities meet the economic requirements and the social requirements, too. The markets of the labor force are spread worldwide, fact explained by the more reduced costs to carry out economic activities inside the market and not outside the market. We believe that this way the labor force is not obliged to move over long distances, to cope with other requirements regarding transportation, the need for houses, so on and so forth.Labor market is the most sensitive market, most of the times the comparison between supply and demand takes place with the direct involvement of the state power: legislative, executive, judicial; it is a contractual market, in which the bargaining and contract are fundamental instruments to adjust or improve the labour demand and supply and it has a certain bent for conflict while operating, which determines a relatively fragile balance34, especially under conditions of international crisis, which cannot avoid this market.Furthermore, the labor market is inevitably subordinated to both the economic laws and the demographic ones, depending at the same time on: age, gender, health state, psychology of those offering their services on the labor market.We believe the economic-geographical space the economic units operate, the intersection between demand and supply concerning themunc i structura lor, mai ales atunci cndsellers, in which the labor demand andAnnals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 4/2011


literatura de specialitate, au fost exprimate nelesuri diferite11, ne propunem s stabilim care este noiunea care, n condiiile actuale socio-economice corespunde cel mai bine unei instituii cu asemenea implicaii sociale.ntr-un prim sens, dat de teoria economic, piaa reprezint un loc unde se ntlnesc oferta i cererea de produse, sens ce nu desemneaz un loc fizic, ci un mecanism autoreglator de schimb a produselor, bunuri i servicii.Cererea de munc reprezint nevoia de munc salariat care se formeaz la un moment dat ntr-o economie de pia. Ofertade munc este format din munca pe care opot depune membrii societii n condiii salariale .Societile cu economie de pia sunt cele care fac din acest mecanism principiul de baz al vieii lor materiale12Potrivit unei alte opinii, piaa reprezint un proces, are un caracter dinamic, i este pus n legtur cu fenomenul de diviziune a muncii i cu proprietatea privat, sau c piaa este un teritoriu unde vnztorii i cumprtorii negociaz n vederea schimbului de mrfuri.Curentul neoinstituionalist definete piaa ca sistem de instituii sociale, instituii care faciliteaz i structureaz schimbul; sunt importante mai ales acele instituii care contribuie la comunicarea informaiilor necesare pentru realizarea schimbului13.Potrivit unei alte opinii, la care ne alturm, piaa muncii reprezint spaiul economic n care tranzacioneaz n modliber utilizatorii de munc n calitate de cumprtori i posesorii resursei de munc, n calitate de vnztori, unde prin mecanismul preului muncii, al concurenei libere, ai altor mecanisme specifice, se ajusteaz cererea i oferta de munc.Pentru analiza privind piaa muncii implic i limitele implicrii statului n ocuparea forei de munc, am avut n vedere o serie de elemente, referitoare la: raportul dintre muncitorii i angajatorii, locurile de where the competition takes place, the prices are established, the transactions are done, there are so many factors to be taken into account in the process of analyzing the problems of labor force.Different trends in economy such as the neoclassical and institutional economy give special definitions to the term market.Since various meanings35 have been expressed in the speciality literature concerning the labor market, we would like to establish what notion corresponds better to an institution with similar social implications.Accordingtothefirstmeaning,expressed by the economic theory, the market is a place where the supply product meets the demand product, meaning that it does not designate a physical place, but a self-regulating system for the exchange of products, goods and services.The labor demand is represented by the need for employed labor which appear at a certain moment in the market economy. The labor supply consists of the labor society members performing under conditions of remuneration.The societies having a market economy make this mechanism turn into the essential principle of their material life.36According to another opinion, the market represents a process, it is dynamic and connected to both the phenomenon of labor division and the private property, or the market is a territory where sellers and buyers negotiate in order to exchange goods.The neo-institutional trend defines the market as a system of social institutions, institutions that facilitate and divide the exchange; especially those institutions which contribute to the communication of the information needed to make the exchange37 are relevant.According to another opinion we share, the labor market is the economic space the working users trade freely, as buyers and owners of the working resources, also asAnnals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 4/2011


angajator este statul, reelele i legturile de comunicare ntre posibili ocupani ai locurilor de munc i angajatori, indiferent dac acetia sunt de stat sau din domeniul privat i contracte sau acordurile cu privire la nivelul salariului, condiii de munc .a.Indiferent din ce domeniu este angajatorul, piaa muncii sau a forei de munc, se ntemeiaz pe ntlnirea i confruntarea cererii cu oferta.Literatura de specialitate, consider piaa muncii, un sistem de structuri i procese sociale n care, ntr-o prim accepie, sunt evaluate, intermediate i apoi vndute i cumprate servicii economice de natur tehnic, organizatoric, informaional, n care sunt evaluate i nchiriate servicii oferite de persoane individuale n calitate de for demunc sau mn de lucru14.Confruntarea dintre cele dou componente: cererea de for de munc, adic totalul persoanelor apte de munc disponibile s se angajeze i s devin salariai i oferta de for de munc, care reprezint piaa muncii, nu este ns o confruntare panic. De cele mai multe ori, oferta nu poate acoperi cererea privind locurile de munc, confruntarea dnd natere la conflicte individuale sau colective ale forei de munc cu angajatorii, de stat sau din domeniul privat, ceea ce frecvent se ntmpl la noi i n general n lume.Spre deosebire de celelalte piee, care au ca obiect diverse categorii de bunuri materiale sau anumite valori, piaa muncii are n centrul su omul, ca purttor de aptitudini fizice i intelectuale, ce constituie componente ale potenialului su de munc.Ceea ce nu s-a neles sau nu se dorete a se nelege, este faptul c omul, este nainte de toate o fiin social, nu doar un factor de producie care, n afara nevoilor sale de existen, are o anumit valoare i personalitate este contient de rolul su n familie i societate, pasionat de profesia sau meseria ce o exercit.Cererea de for de munc reprezintnecesarul de munc salariat la un anumit supply is adjusted by the mechanism of the working price, the free competition and other specific mechanisms.For the analysis regarding the labor market, also involving the limits of the state intervention in the occupation of labor force, we took into account a series of elements, referring to: the connection between employees and employers, jobs and their structure, especially when the state is the employer, networks and communication relations between prospective employees and employers, regardless of their state or private status and contracts or agreements regarding the salary level, working conditions, so on and so forth.Regardless of the employers field, the labor market or the labor force relies on the intersection and comparison between supply and demand.The argument between the two components is not peaceful: the demand for labor force means all the persons able to work, available to get employed and become employees or salary earners and the supply of labor force represents the labor market. Most of the times, the supply cannot cope with the demand for jobs, therefore this aspect triggers individual or collective conflicts of the labor force with the state or private employers, often happening in our country and generally worldwide.What was not understood or not desired to be understood is the fact the human being is above all a social being, not just a factor of production, besides his living needs, he has a certain value and personality, being aware of his role in family and society and keen on the profession and calling, work he practices.The demand for labor represents the need for salaried labor at a certain given moment to carry out the activity of employers, corporate bodies or non- corporate bodies. Its synthetic expression is represented by the existing number of job vacancies38.According to another meaning, the

moment dat pentru desfurarea activitii, angajatorilor, persoane juridice sau persoane fizice. Expresia ei sintetic o constituie numrul de locuri de munc existent15.ntr-un alt sens, cererea de munca este reprezentata de nevoia de munca salarizat, de munca necesar desfurrii activitilor economico-sociale dintr-un spaiu teritorial la un moment dat. Are ca punct de plecare nevoia de munc, dar nu este egala cu acesta, ntruct din cererea de munca nu fac parte muncile nesalarizate, cum ar fi: munca femeilor casnice, a elevilor i studenilor, altor persoane care nu vor s munceasc,avnd alte venituri. Satisfacerea nevoii demunca se realizeaz, prin utilizarea disponibilitilor de munc existente n societate, adic cantitatea de munc ce poate fi depus de populaia apt a rii respective ntr-o unitate de timp16. i n acest caz trebuie avut n vedere faptul c nu toate disponibilitile de munc se constituie n oferta de munc ci numai cele care urmeaz, aa cum am mai menionat, s fie salarizate.Desfurarea activitii economice, necesita factorul munca, care este determinant, alturi de ceilali factori de producie. Dac se au n vedere: volumul productivitii muncii i timpul legal de munc pentru o perioad determinat, putem stabili nevoia de munc, deci fora de munc necesar n perioada respectiv. Piaa muncii sau a forei de munc reprezint spaiul economic n care are loc confruntarea liber a cererii de munc i a ofertei de munc.Din studiile realizate, care nu sunt recente dar care nu i-au pierdut actualitatea, a rezultat o concluzie ngrijortoare i anume, criza forei de munca din Romania se va nruti treptat, accentundu-se probabil ctre sfritul anilor 2020, fiind necesare masuri care s contracareze lipsa din ce n ce mai evident de personal, mai ales n domenii precum construciile, industria textil i cea care se refer la activitatea din domeniul hotelier, restaurant .a., domenii unde fora de munc este solicitat i mai bine pltit n strintate. Studiul la care ne demand for labor is represented by the need for salaried labor, the labor needed to carry out the economic-social activities in a territorial space at a certain moment. It has as a starting point the need for labor, but this is not equal to the demand for labor, because the non-salaried labor is not part of the demand for labor, such as: the work of housewives, pupils and students, other persons that do not want to work, because they have other incomes. The coverage of labor force is achieved using the working availabilities existing in the society, meaning the labor quantity made by the skilled population of the respective country in aperiod of time39. Moreover, in this case, one must take into account the fact that not all theworking availabilities make up the supply of labor, but only the ones we have already mentioned and they must be salaried.Carrying out the economic activity, requires the labor factor, which is decisive, together with the other production factors. If one takes into account the volume of labor productivity and the legal working time for a fixed period, we can establish the labor need, therefore the labor force necessary in the respective period. The labor market or labor force represents the economic area where the free comparison between the demand for labor and the supply of labor takes place.According to the undertaken studies, which are not recent and did not miss their present interest, it resulted a worrying conclusion, namely the crisis of the labor force in Romania will get worse gradually, probably increasing by the end of 2020, being necessary measures to counteract the more and more increasing lack of personnel, especially in fields such as construction, textiles and the one referring to the field of hospitality, restaurants, etc., fields in which the labor force is required and better paid abroad. The study we refer to, focuses on two of the socio-demographic solutions that would solve the ploblem concerning the lack of labor force: the return of the Romanian migrants and the immigration40.

referim pune accent pe dou dintre soluiile de tip socio-demografic care ar putea rezolva problema lipsei forei de munc: ntoarcerea migranilor romni i imigraia17.Oferta de for de munc este constituit din totalul persoanelor apte de munc disponibile s se angajeze i s devin salariai, fiind reprezentat de totalitatea resurselor de munc disponibile ntr-o ar, la un moment dat, care apar pe piaa muncii ca oferta de munc salarizat.n implicarea statului pentru a stabili oferta de for de munc, trebuie s se in cont de faptul c, din populaia apt demunc trebuie s se scad: numrul femeilorcasnice, al militarilor n stagiu, al elevilor i studenilor, al celor care nu vor s se angajeze deoarece au alte venituri care s le asigure condiii decente de trai.Cererea i oferta de munc, trebuie analizate ca i categorii economice dependente, de structura i dinamica activitilor economico-sociale i de procesele socio-demografice. Oferta de for de munc se formeaz ntr-un ndelungat timp, n care noua generaie ajunge la vrsta legal de munc i nivelul de pregtire profesional. n timp ce, oferta de munc i pune amprenta asupra modului de satisfacere a cererii de munc, avnd n vedere gradul ei de pregtire general i profesional.Pe piaa muncii, cererea i oferta se stabilesc pe domenii de activitate, nivele de pregtire, vrste, specialiti i meserii, zone i localiti, uniti economico-sociale.Cel mai pregnant rolul al statului n relaiile de munc, se manifest n activitatea legislativ, prin:-norme juridice care reglementeazraporturile colective de munc;-norme juridice care reglementeazraporturile individuale de munc;-dispoziiile care privesc administraia muncii,cum ar fi ageniile de ocupare a forei de munc, inspecia muncii i organele de jurisdicie a muncii,organizaiile profesionale, sindicatele i patronatele. The supply of labor force consists of all the persons able to work, available to get employed and become employees or salary earners, being represented by all the labor resources, available in a country which appear at a certain moment, on the labor market as a salaried supply of labor.Regarding the state intervention to establish the supply of labor force, one must take into account that the population able to work must be reduced: the number of housewives, soldiers on probation, pupils and students, the number of the persons not wanting to get employed because they benefit from additional incomes which assures them decent living conditions.The demand for labor and supply of labor must be analyzed as economic categories depending on the the structure and dynamics of the economic-social activities and the socio-demographic processes. The supply of labor force takes a long time, because the new generation must reach the legal age for getting a job and the required level of professional training, whereas the supply of labor influences the modality of covering the demand for labor, taking into account its degree of general and professional training.On the labor market, the demand and supply are established according to the fields of activity, training levels, ages, specializations and professions, areas and localities, economic and social units.The most obvious role of the state in the working relations, is shown clearly by:-Legal norms which regulate the collective labor relations;-Legal norms which regulate the individual labor relations;-Provisions regarding the labor administration, such as the agencies for the occupation of labor force, labor inspection and the institutions for labor jurisdiction, professional organizations,unions and patronages.Regarding the analyzed problems, The

n ceea ce privete problematica analizat, Codul muncii care este cel mai important act normativ cu privire la raporturile de munc18 structurat diferit, comparativ cu cele dou coduri anterioare, reglementeaz instituiile referitoare la contractul individual de munc, timpul de odihn, salarizarea, sntatea i securitatea n munc, formarea profesional, dialogul social, contractele colective de munc, conflictele de munc, Inspecia Muncii, rspunderea disciplinar, patrimonial, contravenional i penal.19Prin msuri legislative statul acordatenie proteciei sociale a salariailor. n acest sens, adopt normele imperative privind: salariul minim brut pe ar garantat n plat20, stabilirea duratei maxime a timpului de munc, a durate minime a timpului de odihn, reglementeaz concedierea individual i colectiv21. Totodat, garanteaz dreptul angajatorilor de a-i organiza activitatea, de a da ordine i dispoziii obligatorii, de a-i sanciona disciplinar pe salariaii care au svrit abateri disciplinare etc.Prin Ordonana de urgen a Guvernului nr. 9/1997, care a reglementat msurile de protecie pentru persoanele ale cror contracte individuale de munc vor fi desfcute ca urmare a concedierilor colective prin aplicarea programelor de restructurare, privatizare, lichidare, abrogat i nlocuit de Ordonana de urgen a Guvernului nr.98/199922, s-a introdus pentru prima dat n legislaia muncii din Romnia, noiunea sau instituia concedierii colective care reprezint o desfacere a contractului individual de munc din iniiativa angajatorului i privete un grup de salariai.Printre msurile de protecie social a persoanelor disponibilizate, stabilite de actele normative din domeniu, enumerm: acordarea plilor compensatorii i a altor compensaii; acordarea indemnizaiei de omaj; msurile active de combatere a omajului; sprijinirea societilor comerciale, aflate n restructurare, pentru crearea de noi Labor Code is the most important normative document related to the labor relations41; it is differently structured, in comparison with the two previous codes and regulates the institutions referring to the individual labor market, rest period, remuneration, health and labor security, professional training, social dialogue, collective labor contracts, labor conflicts, labor inspection, disciplinary, patrimonial, contraventional and penal liability42.

Through the legislative measures, the state gives a close attention to the social protection of the employees. In this respect, it passes the imperative norms for establishing the minimum gross salary at thenational level43, establishing the maximum duration of the working hours, the minimum duration of resting hours, also settling the individual or collective dismissal44. Concomitantly, it guarantees the employers right to organize their activity, give orders and obligatory provisions, give penalties to the employees that had disciplinary misbehavior, etc.Through the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 9/1997, that regulated the protection measures for the persons whose individual labor agreements are cancelled, after the collective layoffs enforcing programs of organization, privatization, cancellation; this Emergency Ordinance was abrogated and replaced by the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 98/199945 and it was introduced, for the first time in the Romanian labor legislation, the notion or institution of collective layoff that represents the cancellation of the individual labor agreement at the employers initiative concerning a group of employees.Among the measures of social protection for the pople affected by layoffs, measures established by the normative documents, we enumerate: granting compensatory payments and other compensations; granting unemployment indemnity; taking active measures to fight

locuri de munc .a.De asemenea, prin norme juridice au fost reglementate i asigurate drepturi pentru persoanele cu dezabiliti ori cu venituri mici, sau care i ntrerup activitatea n perioada de iarn, ca msuri de protecie social23.Un principiu fundamental care a stat la baza proiectului de integrare european i care trebuie s se regseasc n toate legislaiile rilor membre, pentru a asigura eliminarea discriminrilor ntre cetenii statelor membre pe teritoriul crora acetia i desfoar activitatea i ceteniicelorlalte state membre ce stau sau muncescpe teritoriul acelui stat, este libera circulaie a forei de munc. Se ncearc eliminarea n mod concret a discriminrilor privind condiiile de intrare, studiu, deplasare, munc, angajare sau remuneraie. Un aspect important al legislaiei comunitare l reprezint libera circulaie a persoanelor, acest principiu constituind o problem mai sensibil pentru statele membre dect libera circulaie a mrfurilor, datorit implicaiilor ce in de ordinea public i de sigurana naional sau de sistemul de asigurri sociale.Potrivit Tratatului de la Maastricht: "Fiecare cetean al Uniunii are dreptul de a circula i dreptul de sejur nengrdite, pe teritoriul statelor membre, dar, sub rezerva limitelor i condiiilor prevzute de prezentul Tratat i de dispoziiile privind aplicarea lui".Libera circulaie a lucrtorilor a fost nfptuit prin Regulamentul numrul1612/68 al Consiliului la 5 octombrie 1968 i prin Directiva nr. 68/360 din 15 octombrie1968 a Consiliului privind abolirea restriciilor asupra circulaiei i rezidenei n cadrul Comunitii pentru lucrtorii din statele membre i familiile lor. Libertatea de circulaie a persoanelor implic nlturarea oricrei discriminri bazate pe naionalitate ntre lucrtorii statelor membre n ce privete remunerarea, angajarea i alte condiii de munc i de angajare ( art. 39, paragraf 2).Regula tratamentului egal n contextul against unemployment; supporting the companies, under reorganization, in order to create new job positions, so on and so forth.Moreover, according to legal norms there have been settled and guaranteed rights for the disabled persons and low-incomed persons, or persons that stop their activity in the winter period, as well as social protection measures46.A fundamental principle of the European integration project must be also found again in all legislations of the member states, to eliminate the discriminations among the citizens of the member stateswhere they carry out their activity and thecitizens of the other member states that live or work in that state, is the free mobility of the labor force. Thus, the elimination of discriminations has definitely been attempted regarding the trespassing, study, delegation, work, employment or remuneration. An important aspect of the European legislation is represented by the persons free mobility, this principle being a more delicate problem for the member states than the free mobility of goods, owing to the implications related to the public order and national security or the social insurance system.According to The Maastricht Treaty: "Every citizen of the European Union has the right to free mobility and vacation, over the territory of the member states, under the limits and conditions provided by the present Treaty and also the provisions regarding its enforcement".The free mobility of workers was materialized through the Regulation no.1612/68 of The European Council, on the 5th of October, 1968 and the Directive no.68/360 of The European Council, on the 15th October 1968, regarding the restrictions on the mobility and residentship in the European Community for the workers of the member states and their families. The free mobility of persons implies the elimination of any discrimination related to citizenship among the workers of the member states regarding the remuneration, employment and

liberei circulaii a lucrtorilor, cuprins n art. 48, poate fi invocat ca atare nu numai de ctre lucrtori, ci i de ctre un angajator n scopul de a angaja, ntr-un stat membru n care este stabilit, lucrtori care sunt naionali ai altui stat membru. Drepturile lucrtorilor de a fi angajai fr discriminare implic n mod necesar, ca un corolar, ndreptirea angajatorilor de a-i angaja conform regulilor ce crmuiesc libera circulaie a lucrtorilor.Strns legat de principiul liberei circulaii a forei de munc, este i principiul egalitii de tratament i interzicerii discriminrii, care oblig statul s ia msuri corespunztoare pentru aplicarea i respectarea lui.Dac analizm principiul din punct de vedere legislativ, nsi Constituia la art. 16 alin. 1 stabilete Cetenii sunt egali n faa legii i a autoritilor publice fr privilegii i fr discriminri".n acelai sens, art. 5 alin. 1 din Codul muncii prevede c n cadrul relaiilor de munc funcioneaz principiul egalitii de tratament fa de toi salariaii i angajatorii".Pentru a stabili modul de implicare a statului n asigurarea respectrii principiului menionat, trebuie s avem n vedere: reglementarea raporturile de munc n condiiile asigurrii egalitii juridice a prilor: angajatori i angajai; respectarea cerinei ca autoritile publice s trateze de pe aceleai poziii de egalitate sindicatele i patronatele ca reprezentani ai salariailor; dac se asigur respectarea cerinei ca angajatorul, s nu svreasc nici-o discriminare direct sau indirect fa de un salariat, bazat pe criterii de sex, religie, stare social, apartenen politic, vrst, apartenen naional, ras, origine etnic, religie, opiune politic, origine social, handicap, apartenen ori activitate sindical i alte asemenea criterii ce ar putea fi considerate discriminri24.Statul trebuie s stabileasc reglementri legislative, astfel nct salariaii, indiferent de sex, opiune politic i sindical, origine social, vrst, etc. s se bucure de other working and employment conditions(article 39, paragraph 2).The rule for equal treatment concerning the workers free mobility, included in article 48, can be invoked as such not only by workers, but also by an employer who intends to hire workers from another member state, in the member state he lives. The workers rights of being employed without discrimination necessarily implies, as a corollary, the employers right to hire them according to the regulations for the workers free mobility.Also, the principle of equal treatment and prohibition of discrimination is tightly related to the principle of free mobility related to the labor force. This principle forces the state to take adequate measures that must be enforced and obeyed.If we analyse the principle from a legislative point of view, in article 16, paragraph 1 of the Constitution provides that: "The citizens are equal in front of the law and public authorities without privileges and discriminations".In the same direction, article 5, paragraph 1 of The Labor Code provides that "the principle of equal treatment towards all employees and employers must operate within the working relations ".In order to establish the states implication modality to guarantee the obedience of the mentioned principle, one must take into account: regulating the working relations under the conditions of legal equality for the involved parties employers and employees; respecting the requirement that public authorities must treat equally the unions and patronages, known as representatives of the employees; the employer must not make any direct or indirect discrimination approach towards any employee, the discrimination relying on criteria such as: gender, religion, social status, political affiliation, age, national affiliation, race, ethnic origin, religion, political option, social origin, disability, union affiliation or union activity and other similar criteria that

egalitate de tratament, angajatorului fiindu-i interzis s-i dezavantajeze pe unii n favoarea altora, n ceea ce privete: ncheierea, suspendarea, modificarea sau ncetarea raportului juridic de munc; stabilirea atribuiilor de serviciu; cuantumul salariilor; promovarea profesional; aplicarea sanciunilor disciplinare i altele.Egalitatea de tratament se refer i la atitudinea organizaiilor sindicale (n special federaii i confederaii) fa de diferite categorii de angajatori i a organizaiilor patronale fa de diferite categorii de sindicate.n ceea ce privete dreptul Uniunii Europene, din momentul n care o persoan are statutul de "lucrtor", i confer acesteia o serie de beneficii, ntruct odat acceptat ca lucrtor migrant, se poate bucura fr excepie de aceleai drepturi ca orice alt lucrtor care are cetenia rii respective. Legiuitorii Uniunii au anticipat n mod corect apariia anumitor probleme n acest sens, probleme ce trebuiau rezolvate prin procedurile complicate din faa Curii Europene de Justiie. n acest sens, instituiile Uniunii au elaborat o serie de instrumente de legislaie derivat care dau substan principiului nediscriminrii. Acestea acoper dreptul de a intra n ar i dreptul la rezident, accesul egal la condiiile de ocupare a forei de munc, dreptul de edere pe teritoriul rii gazd dup ncheierea perioadei de angajare, etc.Tratatul de la Maastricht instituie prin art. 8 principiul nediscriminrii pe criterii de naionalitate ntre muncitorii statelor membre, n ceea ce privete locurile de munc, remuneraie i alte condiii care se refer la desfurarea activitii.Interzicerea discriminrii privete orice form sub care aceasta s-ar prezenta, indiferent de importana i sfera ei, ea incluznd i domeniul dreptului muncii. Principiul egalitii de tratament interzice nu numai discriminarea fi bazat pe naionalitate ci i formele ascunse de discriminare. Articolul 48 se opune adoptrii are considered discriminations47.The state must settle legislative regulations, so that the employees could have an equal treatment regardless of gender, political option, trade union option, social origin, age, etc.; The employer is prohibited to hamper certain employees for the benefit of other employees, regarding: closing, adjourning, modifying or eliminating the legal framework; settling the working tasks; the quantum of salaries; professional promotion; enforcing the disciplinary penalties and others.The treatment equality refers to the attitude of the trade unions (especially federations and confederations) concerning various types of employers and the attitude of patronages concerning various types of unions.Regarding the European Union Law, once a person gets the status of "a worker", the law offers him a series of benefits, because as a migrant worker he can benefit without exception from the same rights as any other worker having the citizenship of the respective country. The legislators of The European Union have fairly anticipated the occurrence of certain problems in this respect, problems that must have been solved according to the complicated procedures enforced by The European Court of Justice. Therefore, the European Union institutions drafted a series of documents based on a derived legislation which emphasize the non- discrimination principle. These documents include the right to enter a country, residentship, the equal access to the conditions of labor occupation, the right to stay on the territory of the host country after the closing of the employment period, etc.The Maastricht Treaty provides in article 8 the non-discrimination principle on citizenship criteria among workers of the member states, regarding the job positions, remuneration and other conditions related to the undertaken activity.The prohibition of discrimination concerns each form it occurs, regardless of

de ctre un stat membru a unor prevederi care rezerv resortisanilor lor dreptul de a munci n cadrul unei ntreprinderi a acelui stat. n cazul n care n legislaia unui stat membru se prevede c numai resortisanii acestuia, deintori ai autorizaiei corespunztoare, pot fi angajai ca i grzi de securitate privat sub jurmnt, lucrtorii din celelalte state membre fiind mpiedicai s dein astfel de funcii, se consider c statul n cauz nu i ndeplinete obligaiile sale ce decurg din art. 48 CE.Interzicerea discriminrii pentru motive de naionalitate, care este formulat n art. 48 n termeni generali nu este considerat a se adresa n mod specific statelor membre, ea se aplic i condiiilor de angajare fixate de persoanele private. Aadar articolul respectiv mpiedic un patron s pretind persoanelor care solicit s ia parte la un concurs pentru angajare, s furnizeze proba cunotinelor lor lingvistice exclusiv prin intermediul unei diplome determinate emise ntr-o anumit provincie a statului membru; aceast cerin i situeaz pe resortisanii altui stat membru n dezavantaj, ntruct persoanele nerezidente n aceast provincie au o ans redus de a dobndi diploma, un certificat de bilingvism, i le va fi dificil sau imposibil ca s dobndeasc accesul la funcia n cauz.Odat cu adoptarea Regulamentului nr.1612/68 a fost consacrat irevocabil principiul nediscriminrii i al egalitii de tratament, cu o clauz de salvgardare pentru piaa naional a forei de munc. Aceast clauz poate fi utilizat, conform art. 20 din Regulament, atunci cnd un stat membru este supus ori prevede perturbri pe piaa sa ce privete fora de munc, care ar putea amenina serios standardul de via ori nivelul de utilizare al ei ntr-o regiune sau profesie dat. Statul respectiv poate s cear Comisiei s declare c, n scopul de a readuce la normal situaia n acea regiune sau profesie, funcionarea mecanismului de certificare a posturilor vacante s fie suspendat total sau parial. its importance and sphere, including the labor law field, too. The principle of equal treatment prohibits not only the open, direct discrimination but also the hidden forms of discrimination. Article 48 prohibits the adoption by a member state of certain provisions that give their adopters the right to work in an enterprise of that state. Should the legislation of a member state provides that only its adopters, as holders of an adequate permit, can be hired as private security guards under oath, while the workers from other member states are not allowed to get such job positions, it is considered that the respective state does not fulfil its obligations resulting from the article48.The prohibition of discrimination on citizenship grounds is drafted in the article48 in equal terms and it is not considered it addresses to the member states particularly, it also applies to the employment conditions established by private persons. Therefore, this article prohibits the private employer to require the applicants for a job competition to show they have linguistic skills, exclusively by bringing a diploma issued in a certain province of the respective state; this requirement disadvantages the prospective applicants of another member state, because the persons non-resident in this province have minor chances to get a diploma, a certificate of bilingualism, and it will be difficult or even impossible for them to get the respective job position.Once The Regulation no. 1612/68 was passed, it irrevocably dealt with the non- discrimination and equality of the treatment principle, with a salvgardation clause for the national market for the labor force. This clause can be used, according to article 20 of the Regulation, when a member state notices perturbations on its market regarding labor force, aspect that could surely threaten the living standard or its using degree in a given region or profession. The state is entitled to ask The Commission to assert that the operation of the certification mechanism for

Comisia va decide asupra suspendrii ca atare i asupra duratei acesteia, dar oricare stat membru poate s cear Consiliului anularea sau modificarea unei astfel de decizii. Dac se produce acea suspendare, oficiile de munc dintr-un alt stat membru care au indicat c ele au lucrtori disponibili nu vor aciona n nici un fel spre a se ocupa posturile vacante ce le-au fost notificate direct de patronatul din statele membre n cauz. Dar, o regul de raiune nu mpiedic angajarea de negocieri ntre patroni i lucrtori care pot fi concretizate chiar n ncadrri pe timpul acestei suspendri, ceea ce face ca principiul liberei circulaii a persoanelor s fie activ.Exist i excepii de la principiul nediscriminrii, acesta neavnd o valoare absolut. Este cazul aa-numitelor discriminri obiective", admise de Curtea de Justiie, dar cu respectarea proprietii. Ele constau n ndeplinirea unor condiii care nu sunt cerute naionalilor, cum ar fi posibilitatea autoritilor competente ale statului membru de a cere cetenilor n cauz s i raporteze prezena autoritilor pe teritoriul acelui stat, dar o asemenea obligaie este contrar dreptului comunitar, dac este excesiv de restrictiv sau dac sanciunile prevzute pentru nendeplinire sunt disproporionate.O alt situaie derogatorie este cea a funciilor din administraia public, prevzut de art. 8 alin.4. din care reiese existena interesului legitim al statelor membre de a rezerva propriilor ceteni o serie de funcii care au legtura cu exerciiul puterii publice. Se consider ca acestea presupun din partea titularilor o relaie special, de solidaritate fa de stat i o reciprocitate de drepturi i obligaii, care au ca fundament legtura cu naionalitatea. Art.8 alin.4 este inaplicabil dac, din natura ndatoririlor i responsabilitilor pe care le presupun anumite posturi, nu reiese c ele ar constitui o angajare n serviciul public. Statele membre pot invoca rezerva de ordine public, sntate i securitate public, the vacant jobs must be suspended entirely or partially, for this situation to become normal in that region or profession.Therefore, the Commission will decide on its suspension and duration, but every member state is entitled to ask the Council the annulment or modification of its decision. In case of suspension, the placement agencies from another member state which announced the availability of certain national workers, must not act in no sense to occupy the vacant jobs which were directly sent to them by the patronage of the respective member states. Yet, a rational regulation does not hinder the negotiation between employers and workers, which can lead to employment during suspension, demonstrating that the principle concerning the workers free mobility is active.There are also exceptions from the non-discrimination principle, because it does not have an absolute value. It is the case of the so-called "objective discriminations", admitted by The European Court of Justice, yet respecting the property. They consist of meeting certain requirements for non national people, for instance the competent authorities of the member state are allowed to ask the citizens to draft a report in which they must mention the presence of its authorities on the territory of that state, but such an obligation is opposed to the community law, if it is exceedingly restrictive or the sanctions established for non fulfilment are disproportioned.

Another derogatory situation concerns the job positions in the public administration, provided by the article 8, paragraph 4, which mentions the existence of the legitimate interest of the member states to give their own citizens a series of job positions related to the practice in the public sector. It is considered that the holders of these job positions must give them a special attention, prove solidarity towards the state and reciprocity of rights and obligations, based on the relation to their citizenship. The

nlturnd astfel aplicarea principiului nediscriminrii. Simpla nendeplinire, de ctre un cetean al unui stat membru, a formalitilor privind intrarea, circulaia i sejurul strinilor nu constituie, n sine, o conduit care amenin ordine i securitatea public.Concluzionnd, considerm c, intervenia statului trebuie s fie mai energic pentru a asigura n continuare: modificrile legislative ce se impun, cunoscut fiind c n materia dreptului muncii sunt frecvente modificri legislative, uneori chiar de substan; intervenia i controlul realizrii msurilor privind activiti de combatere a omajului; sprijinirea societilor comerciale aflate n restructurare, pentru crearea de noi locuri de munc; msuri de protecie social a persoanelor disponibilizate; protecia persoanelor cu dezabiliti ori cu venituri mici, sau care i ntrerup activitatea n perioada de iarn, n cazul crora se impun msuri de protecie social. n prezent, situaii deosebite se ntlnesc i n cazul migraiei internaionale, care reprezint un fenomen greu de gestionat, prin alinierea la tendinele comune ale politicii de migraie a forei de munc a Uniunii, n condiiile n care cele mai multe dintre statele vechi din Uniune sunt mai degrab interesate de controlul strict al intrrii n propriul spaiu dect de atragerea de imigrani.Reguli generale i stabile pe piaa forei de munc, impun intervenia i responsabilitatea statului, n ceea ce privete politica economic pentru a asigura locului de munc, a promovrii nvmntului sau a asigurrilor sociale.Intervenia statului se impune cu privire la: activitatea legislativ, stimularea dezvoltrii economice, formarea profesional, stimularea ocuprii forei de munc, protecia cetenilor romni care lucreaz n strintate .a. article 8 paragraph 4 is unforceable if analyzing the duties and responsibilities concerning certain job positions, it does not result they would turn into employment in the public service. The member states are entitled to invoke the reserve of public order, health and public security, thus the enforcement of the non-discrimination principle is eliminated. The simple non fulfilment, by a citizen of a member state, of the formalities concerning the foreigners entrance, mobility and vacation is not considered a conduct threatening the public order and security.In conclusion, we consider that the state intervention must be more energetic, so as to assure: the needed legislative modifications, taking into account that these legislative modifications, sometimes the relevant ones are frequent in the field of labor law; intervening and controling the achievement of the measures that concern activities for the fight against unemployment; supporting the companies on the verge of bankruptcy, to create new jobs; taking measures for social protection of the laid-off persons; giving protection to disabled, low-incomed persons or to the persons that stop their activity during the winter period, in their case the social protection measures being necessary. Currently, special situations are met in the case of international migration, which is a phenomenon hard to be administrated, by adopting the common trends of the migration policy concerning the labor force in the European Union, provided that most of the member states are rather interested in controlling strictly the trespassing on their territory than attracting immigrants.General and stable regulations on the labor market, enforce the state intervention and responsibility, concerning the economic policy, providing jobs, promoting the education or social insurance.The state intervention is a must in the legislative activity, because it aims to enhance the economic development,


- Constituia Romniei

- Codul muncii

- Legea nr. 448/2006 privind protecia i promovarea drepturilor persoanelor cu handicap.

- Ordonana Guvernului nr. 137/2000 privind prevenirea i sancionarea tuturor formelor de discriminare

- Hotrrea Guvernului nr. 1225/2011 pentru stabilirea salariului de baz minim brut pe ar garantat n plat

- Sanda Ghimpu, Alexandru iclea, Dreptul muncii, Ediia a II-a, Editura All Beck, Bucureti 2001

- Liliana Grigore, Piaa muncii pe plan mondial, Teorii, realiti i perspective, Editura Lumina Lex, Bucureti, 2000

- Pantilimon Manta, Vasile Ghimi, Dreptul muncii i securitii sociale, Ed. Academica Brncu, Trgu Jiu

- George Mgureanu, Dreptul muncii i securitii sociale, Ed. Universul Juridic, Bucureti, 2010

- Alexandru iclea, Tratat de Dreptul muncii, Editura Rosetti, Bucureti 2006

- Ion Traian tefnescu, Tratat de dreptul muncii, Ed. Wolters Kluwer, Bucureti, 2007- Jean Pelissier, Alain Supiot, Antoine Jeammaud, Droit du travail, 23 edition, Dalloz, Paris, 2006

- Monica erban, Alexandru Toth , Piaa forei de munc n Romnia i imigraia, studiu realizat n cadrul Fundaiei Soro n anul 2007. professional training, labor occupation, protect the Romanian citizens working abroad, so on and so forth.


- The Constitution of Romania

- The Labor Code

- The Law no. 448/2006 regarding the protection and promotion of the rights of disabled persons

- The Government Ordinance no.137/2000 on preventing and sanctioning of all forms of discrimation

- TheGovernmentDecisionno.1225/2011 for establishing the minimum gross salary at the national level guaranteed for payment

- Sanda Ghimpu, Alexandru iclea, Labor law, 2nd edition, All Beck Publishing House, Bucharest, 2001

- Liliana Grigore, Labor law worldwide, theories, realities and perspectives, Lumina Lex Publishing House, Bucharest, 2000

- Pantilimon Manta, Vasile Ghimi, Labor and social protection law, Academica Brncu Publishing House, Trgu Jiu

- George Mgureanu, Labor and social protection law, Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2010

- Alexandruiclea,LaborLawTreaty, Rosetti Publishing House, Bucharest2006

- Ion Traian tefnescu, Labor Law Treaty, Wolters Kluwer Publishing House, Bucharest, 2007- Jean Pelissier, Alain Supiot, Antoine Jeammaud, Droit du travail, 23 edition, Dalloz, Paris, 2006

- Monica erban, Alexandru Toth, The labor market in Romania and immigration, study made in 2007, within The Soros Foundation.

1 A se vedea i numeroasele lucrri n domeniul analizat: Alexandru iclea, Tratat de Dreptul muncii, Editura Rosetti, Bucureti 2006, pag. 41 i urm.; Ion Traian tefnescu, Tratat de dreptul muncii, Ed. Wolters Kluwer, Bucureti, 2007, p. 33 i urm.; George Mgureanu, Dreptul muncii i securitii sociale, Ed. Universul Juridic, Bucureti, 2010, p. 55 i urm.; Jean Pelissier, Alain Supiot, Antoine Jeammaud, Droit du travail, 23 edition, Dalloz, Paris, 2006, p. 139.2 Jean Plissier, Alain Supiot, Antoine Jeammaud, op. cit., p. 141-142.3 Alexandru iclea, op. cit., p. 64. A se vedea i Pantilimon Manta, Vasile Ghimi, Dreptul muncii i securitii sociale, Ed. Academica Brncu, Trgu Jiu, p. 23 i urm., George Mgureanu, op. cit., p. 12 i urm.4 Publicat n Monitorul Oficial, Partea I nr. 767 din 31 octombrie 20035 Potrivit prevederilor art. 42 alin. (2) din Constituie, nu se consider munc forat cazurile n care:a) activitile pentru ndeplinirea ndatoririlor militare, precum i cele desfurate, potrivit legii, n locul acestora, din motive religioase sau de contiin;b) munca unei persoane condamnate, prestat n condiii normale, n perioada de detenie sau de libertate condiionat;c) prestaiile impuse n situaia creat de calamiti ori de alt pericol, precum i cele care fac parte din obligaiile civile normale stabilite de lege.6 Referitor la dreptul la grev, art. 43 alin. (1) prevede Salariaii au dreptul la grev pentru aprarea intereselor profesionale, economice i sociale, iar alin. (2) Legea stabilete condiiile i limitele exercitriiacestui drept, precum i garaniile necesare asigurrii serviciilor eseniale pentru societate.7 Pentru mai multe detalii, a se vedea Alexandru iclea, op, cit., p. 118 i urm.8 Sanda Ghimpu, Alexandru iclea, Sanda Ghimpu, Alexandru iclea, Dreptul muncii, ediia a II-a, Editura AllBeck, Bucureti 2001, p. 60.9 loan Done, Salariul i motivaia muncii, Editura Expert, Bucureti, 2000, p. 19.10 Ioan Done, op. cit., p. 21 - 22.11 Alexandru iclea, op. cit., p. 6412 Jean Pelissier, Alain Supiot, Antoine Jeammaud, Droit du travail, 23 edition, Dalloz, Paris, 2006.p. 139.13 A se vedea i: Jean Pelissier, Alain Supiot, Antoine Jeammaud, Droit du travail, 23 edition, Dalloz, Paris, 2006,.p. 139.14 A se vedea Ion Traian tefnescu, Tratat de dreptul muncii, Editura Wolters Kluwer, p. 132.15 Ion Traian tefnescu, Tratat 2007, p. 164; Alexandru iclea, op. cit., p. 117; Liliana Grigore, Piaa muncii pe plan mondial, Teorii, realiti i perspective, Editura Lumina, Bucureti, 2000, p. 3.16 George Mgureanu, op. cit., p. 36.17 A se vedea studiul intitulat Piaa forei de munc n Romnia i imigraia realizat de Monica erban, Alexandru Toth din cadrul Fundaiei Soro n anul 2007.18 Codul muncii a fost republicat n Monitorul Oficial, Partea I nr. 345 din 18 mai 2011.19 A se vedea i erban Beligrdeanu, Ion Traian tefnescu, Repere privind noul Cod al muncii, Revista Dreptul nr. 3/1998, p. 5.20 A se vedea: Hotrrea Guvernului nr. 1225/2011 pentru stabilirea salariului de baz minim brut pe argarantat n plat, publicat n Monitorul Oficial, Partea I nr. 922 din 27 decembrie 2011.21 A se vedea Contractele colective de munc la nivel de ramur, exemplu Contractul colectiv de munc la nivel de grup de uniti din reeaua medical a Ministerului Transporturilor i Infrastructurii pe perioada 2009 2011nregistrat la Ministerul Muncii, Familiei i Protecei Sociale sub nr. 225/05/15 aprilie 2009 nr. 225/2009,publicat n Monitorul Oficial, Partea V nr. 9 din 18 mai 2009.22 Publicat n Monitorul Oficial al Romniei, Partea I, nr. 303 din 9 iunie 1999, modificat, inclusiv prinOrdonana de urgen nr. 49/2002, publicat n Monitorul Oficial, Partea I nr. 292 din 30 aprilie 2002.23 A se vedea n acest sens: Legea nr. 448/2006 privind protecia i promovarea drepturilor persoanelor cu handicap, republicat n Monitorul Oficial, Partea I nr. 1 din 03 ianuarie 2008, completat inclusiv prin Legeanr. 207/2009, publicat n Monitorul Oficial, Partea I nr. 391 din 10 iunie 2009.

24 n acelai sens, a se vedea i: Ordonana Guvernului nr. 137/2000 privind prevenirea i sancionarea tuturor formelor de discriminare, republicat n Monitorul Oficial al Romniei, Partea I, nr. 99 din 8 februarie 2007, modificat, inclusiv prin Legea nr. 76/2009, publicat n Monitorul Oficial, Partea I nr. 231 din 08 aprilie 2009.25 See also the numerous books in the analysed field: Alexandru iclea, Labor Law Treaty, Rosetti PublishingHouse, Bucharest 2006, pag. 41 and the next one; Ion Traian tefnescu, Labor Law Treaty, Wolters Kluwer Publishing House, Bucharest, 2007, p. 33 and the next one; George Mgureanu, Labor and social protection law, Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2010, p. 55 and the next one; Jean Pelissier, Alain Supiot,Antoine Jeammaud, Droit du travail, 23th edition, Dalloz, Paris, 2006, p. 139.26 Jean Plissier, Alain Supiot, Antoine Jeammaud, op. cit., p. 141-142.27 Alexandru iclea, op. cit., p. 64. See also Pantilimon Manta, Vasile Ghimi, Labor and social protection law, Academica Brncu Publishing House, Trgu Jiu, p. 23 and the next one, George Mgureanu, op. cit., p. 12 andthe next one.28 Published in The Official Gazette, Part I no. 767, October 31, 200329 According to the provisions in art. 42 paragraph (2) of the Romanian Constitution, the following cases are not considered forced labor:a) the activities for carrying out the military duties, as well as those activities achieved in their turn, for religious or conscience reasons, according to the law;b) the labor of a charged person, made in ordinary conditions, during the period of detention and conditioned liberty;c) The activities imposed in the situation caused by disasters or any other danger, as well as the activities included in the civil ordinary obligations, provided by law;30 Making reference to the right to go on strike, art. 43 paragraph (1) provides Salary earners have the right togo on strike to defend their professional, economic and social interests and paragraph (2) The law provides the conditions and limits for the exertion of this right, as well as the guarantees necessary to offer the services useful to the Romanian society.31 For more details, see Alexandru iclea, op, cit., p. 118 and the next one.32 Sanda Ghimpu, Alexandru iclea, Sanda Ghimpu, Alexandru iclea, Labor law, 2nd edition, All BeckPublishing House, Bucharest 2001, p. 60.33 loan Done, Salary and labor motivation, Expert Publishing House, Bucharest, 2000, p. 19.34 Ioan Done, op. cit., p. 21 - 22.35 Alexandru iclea, op. cit., p. 6436 Jean Pelissier, Alain Supiot, Antoine Jeammaud, Droit du travail, 23 edition, Dalloz, Paris, 2006., p. 139.37 See also: Jean Pelissier, Alain Supiot, Antoine Jeammaud, Droit du travail, 23 edition, Dalloz, Paris, 2006, p.139.38 Ion Traian tefnescu, Treaty 2007, p. 164; Alexandru iclea, op. cit., p. 117; Liliana Grigore, Labor market worldwide, theories, realities and perspectives, Lumina Publishing House, Bucharest, 2000, p. 3.39 George Mgureanu, op. cit., p. 36.40 See also the study entitled Labor market in Romania and immigration made in 2007, by Monica erban, Alexandru Toth from The Soros Foundation.41 The Labor Code was republished in the Official Gazette, Part I no. 345, May 18, 2011.42 See also erban Beligrdeanu, Ion Traian tefnescu, Benchmarks regarding the new Labor Code, The LawMagazine, no. 3/1998, p. 5.43 See: The Government Decision no. 1225/2011 for establishing the minimum gross salary at the national level, guaranteed for payment, published in the Official Gazette, Part I no. 922, December 27, 2011.44 See the collective labor agreements at the branch level, for instance The Collective labor agreement for agroup of units in the medical network within The Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure during 2009-2011, registered at The Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection, no. 225/05/15, April 15, 2009 no. 225/2009, published in the Official Gazette, Part V, no. 9 May 18, 2009.45 Published in The Romanian Official Gazette, Part I, no. 303 of June 9, 1999, modified through TheEmergency Ordinance no. 49/2002 inclusively, published in The Official Gazette, Part I no. 292, April 30, 2002.46 See in this respect: The Law no. 448/2006 regarding the protection and promotion of the rights of disabled persons, republished in The Official Gazette, Part I no. 1, January 3, 2008, completed through The Law no.207/2009 inclusively, published in The Official Gazette, Part I no. 391, June 10, 2009.

47 See also: The Government Ordinance, no. 137/2000 on preventing and sanctioning of all forms of discrimination, republished in The Official Gazette, Part I, no. 99, February 8, 2007, modified through Law no.76/2009 inclusively, published in The Official Gazette, Part I no. 231, April 8, 2009.