210 S. Wayne Street Milledgeville, GA 31061 478-452-9394 www.fpchurch.org [email protected] We seek to glorify God through: Inspiring worship in Word and music, Inquiring study for adults and youth, Inclusive hospitality locally and globally, Industrious outreach for social justice and environmental stewardship. church staff: Pastor, Rev. Susan Balfour, [email protected] (828-289-9656)Cell Children & Youth, Gloria Burns, [email protected] Admin. Asst., Amy Snowden, [email protected] Music Director, Dr. Jennifer Flory, [email protected] Organists, Kate Phillips and Jenny Moore Child Care Providers, Charis Andrews, Kathleen Green and Sarah Patrick OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm PASTOR OFFICE HOURS Monday 11am - 4pm, Tuesday 10am - 3pm, Wednesday 2pm - 4pm, Thursday 10am - 12pm or by appointment “Like” us on FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/ First.Presbyterian.Church.Milledgeville. GA *DOXOLOGY Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below; Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! *PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING AND DEDICATION Almighty God, we have opened our hands to you, and our hands have been filled with good things. Receive the gifts we bring in gratitude for your care for us, and help us to bless you with dedication of our lives; through Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen. BEARING GOD’S WORD INTO THE WORLD *HYMN (insert) Spirit, Spirit of Gentleness *CHARGE AND BENEDICTION Go in peace. AMEN! *CHORAL BENEDICTION Spirit of Life and of Power Ralph Vaughan Williams *POSTLUDE Come, Holy Ghost, Our Lord and God Old Latin, Old German 1524, Harm. by J.S. Bach Elder for the month of June is Doris Moody. Deacon for the month of June is Donna Gautier.

*DOXOLOGY Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise ...€¦ · 6/5/2012  · EASTER READING Acts 2:1-21 NT P. 119 PSALM Psalm 104:24-34 OT P. 555 NEW TESTAMENT 1 Corinthians

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Page 1: *DOXOLOGY Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise ...€¦ · 6/5/2012  · EASTER READING Acts 2:1-21 NT P. 119 PSALM Psalm 104:24-34 OT P. 555 NEW TESTAMENT 1 Corinthians

210 S. Wayne Street

Milledgeville, GA 31061



[email protected]

We seek to glorify God through:

Inspiring worship in Word and music,

Inquiring study for adults and youth,

Inclusive hospitality locally and globally,

Industrious outreach for social justice

and environmental stewardship.

church staff: Pastor, Rev. Susan Balfour, [email protected] (828-289-9656)Cell

Children & Youth, Gloria Burns, [email protected]

Admin. Asst., Amy Snowden, [email protected] Music Director, Dr. Jennifer Flory, [email protected]

Organists, Kate Phillips and Jenny Moore

Child Care Providers, Charis Andrews, Kathleen Green and Sarah Patrick OFFICE HOURS

Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm


Monday 11am - 4pm, Tuesday 10am - 3pm, Wednesday 2pm - 4pm, Thursday 10am - 12pm

or by appointment

“Like” us on FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/First.Presbyterian.Church.Milledgeville. GA

*DOXOLOGY Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

Praise God, all creatures here below;

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Praise God, the source of all our gifts!

Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts!

Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit!

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!


Almighty God, we have opened our hands to you, and our hands have been filled with

good things. Receive the gifts we bring in gratitude for your care for us, and help us to

bless you with dedication of our lives; through Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Amen. BEARING GOD’S WORD INTO THE WORLD *HYMN (insert) Spirit, Spirit of Gentleness *CHARGE AND BENEDICTION Go in peace.

AMEN! *CHORAL BENEDICTION Spirit of Life and of Power Ralph Vaughan Williams *POSTLUDE Come, Holy Ghost, Our Lord and God Old Latin, Old German 1524,

Harm. by J.S. Bach

Elder for the month of June is Doris Moody. Deacon for the month of June is Donna Gautier.

Page 2: *DOXOLOGY Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise ...€¦ · 6/5/2012  · EASTER READING Acts 2:1-21 NT P. 119 PSALM Psalm 104:24-34 OT P. 555 NEW TESTAMENT 1 Corinthians

June 4, 2017


PRELUDE We Pray Now to the Holy Spirit Dietrich Buxtehude



We are delighted that you have joined us this Lord’s Day. If you are interested in membership,

we invite you to speak to Rev. Susan. Thank you for being with us!

GRADUATE RECOGNITION ~ William Burns, Mollie Ritchie, Anna Smart, Noah Smith GATHERING AROUND GOD’S WORD

CHORAL INTROIT Bright and Likeness of Fire Ralph Vaughan Williams


Leader: Come to Jesus, you who are thirsty.

Congregation: Hallelujah!

Leader: Drink deeply of the Holy Spirit.

Congregation: Hallelujah!

Leader: Let your heart overflow with the living water that renews the face of the earth.

Congregation: Hallelujah! Thanks be to God.


Holy God, like a rushing wind your Spirit moved upon the first disciples on the day of Pente-

cost, and like a purifying fire your Spirit seared their hearts and minds with the message of

salvation. Send your Spirit upon our church in this time and place, stir up our courage and

rouse us for prophetic witness, that we may join with them to proclaim to the world your

mighty deeds of power in Jesus Christ. Amen.


God has promised that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Therefore, let us

call upon the Lord, confessing our sins. PRAYER OF CONFESSION

God of new creation, we confess that we have failed to trust your bountiful goodness. By the

power of the Holy Spirit you brought forth the earth and its creatures in abundance. Yet, we

hoard earth’s resources and refuse to share your gifts. We dishonor your generosity by with-

holding our charity to those in need. We betray your kindness by dealing harshly with our

enemies. We disregard your compassion by severely judging the sins of others. Forgive us. By

the power of your Spirit renew our hearts and free us from sins that we may enjoy the fullness

of your blessing upon all creation. Amen.

CHORAL RESPONSE God the Almighty Ralph Vaughan Williams *Please stand as you are able


Sisters and brothers, God offers forgiveness of our sins and the grace of repentance. Accept God’s

grace, repent of your sin, and be restored to abundant life. *GLORIA PATRI HYMN NO. 579

Glory be to the Creator, and to the Christ and to the Holy Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, is now and always shall be, world without end!

Amen, amen. THE PEACE

Leader: Let us now share the peace which Jesus made possible.........Peace be with you.

Congregation: And also with you.

Leader: Please greet those near to you with the peace of Christ.

ANTHEM Spirit, Come! arr. Evelyn R. Larter


Almighty God, by the power of your Holy Spirit, speak to us in the language of our hearts,

that we may hear your Word with understanding and answer your call with confidence.



EASTER READING Acts 2:1-21 NT P. 119

PSALM Psalm 104:24-34 OT P. 555

NEW TESTAMENT 1 Corinthians 12:3b-13 NT P. 174

GOSPEL John 20:19-23 or John 7:37-39 NT P. 115/100 SERMON Rev. Susan Balfour THE LORD’S SUPPER

*HYMN 516 Lord, We Have Come at Your Own Invitation





Communion will be served via intinction. Please approach the Lord’s Table down the

center aisle; take a piece of bread and a little cup; you may return to your pew via the

side aisles.



Jesus said to the Father, All mine are yours, and all yours are mine. Therefore, let us offer to God

this day our lives and labors in service of Christ’s love.

OFFERTORY O for the Wings of a Dove Felix Mendelssohn, Arr. Alan Ridout

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CHURCH FAMILY: Harry Beck, recovering from cardiac procedure

Bryan Dempster, Green Acres

Tom Lucik, recovering from back surgery

Peter Piro, cancer, chemotherapy treatment

John Sallstrom, prostate cancer EXTENDED FAMILY: Hayden Adams, Don & Terri Glover’s 13 yr old granddaughter,

large cell leukemia, lives in New York State Judy deGrandcourt, Sandra Balfour’s sister, advanced MS

Kyle Dennis, Anne’s husband, Multiple Myeloma, kidney issues

Russell & Kathleen Edwards, Marianne’s parents, numerous health problems

Marty Flory, Jennifer’s mother-in-law, ongoing health issues

Dr. Tina Holmes-Davis, Jennifer Flory’s friend, recovering at home following a stroke

Leigh Humphrey, friend of Bill & Ruby Werts, kidney failure

Helen Kelley, Craig Callender’s mother, liver cancer

Arthur & Julie Montemayor, Becky Henderson’s parents, ongoing health concerns

Tom Murphy, Kathy Carroll’s brother, colon cancer

Betty Owens, Joe & Charlotte’s sister-in-law, cancer

Chris Pearson, Sunda Coleman’s son, under heart specialist care

Roy & Runette Pound, Sunda Coleman’s parents, recovering at home

Suzy Smith, Lois Callender’s mother, prayers for improved physical & mental health

Gayle Wood, Donna Gautier’s sister, treatment for pre-Leukemia

Sue York, cancer treatment

IN ASSISTED LIVING Marguerite Owens, Gloria Burns’ mother, Savannah Court 61 Marshall Rd.

Laurette Smith, c/o Russell Smith, 52 Cherry Hill Drive Aiken, SC 29803

Reba Vaughan, Green Acres, 313 Allen Memorial Drive Sw



radio ministry WKZR (102.3FM)


Martha Chappell

Mrs. Gerry Califf

Helen Danuser

Bob & Eloise Lamb

Jo Ann Manley

Polly Morrison

Joe & Charlotte Owens

Gloria Smith

Ruth Treptow

THIS WEEK AT OUR CHURCH: JUNE 4 ~ JUNE 11 Today: 9:45 Sunday School 10:00 Puppets 11:00 Worship Monday: 6:30 Game Night Tuesday: 9:30 Food Pantry 12:00 Kiwanis Luncheon Wednesday: 5:15 Long Range Planning 6:30 Potluck Dinner 7:15 Bible Study Thursday: 2:00 FPC Book Club 7:00 Choir Sunday: 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Worship 3:00 Deacons Meeting

Questions for Reflection: What prophetic word for the community has God given to you? In what ways do

you struggle with conflicts between your way of life and the prophetic word God

would have you proclaim to others? How are the acts of God manifest in your

life and witness?

Household Prayers


Spirit of God, source of life, refresh my spirit, reshape my desire,

and re-create my heart, that I may show forth your enduring

glory; through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Join us after worship in the Fellowship Hall for refreshments and fellowship

The Fellowship Hall is to the right of the front of the Sanctuary.

Restrooms are to the left of the front of the Sanctuary.

Evening Spirit of God, you sustained me during the work of day; sustain me as I

rest this night. Let my evening meditations be pleasing to you, that I

may rise in the morning to rejoice in your goodness. Awake or asleep, I

will sing your praise while I have being; through Jesus Christ. Amen.

**Deacons Meeting has been rescheduled to next Sunday

June 11th at 3:00pm **Long Range Planning will meet this coming Wednesday

and on the 21st. The "normal" schedule will resume when

Susan returns in July. **Presbyterian Women will be on their summer break until

late August or early September. **After Church Receptions, greatly appreciate members

willing to volunteer for June. Please sign up in the kitchen.

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Leader: The Lord be with you Congregation: And also with you Leader: Lift up your hearts. Congregation: We lift them to the Lord. Leader: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. Congregation: It is right to give our thanks and praise. Leader: It is truly right and our greatest joy... ... Therefore we praise you, joining our voices with angels and with all the faithful of every time and place, who forever sing to the glory of your name:

You are holy, O God of majesty... ... Great is the mystery of faith:

According to Christ’s commandment: We remember his death, we proclaim his resurrection, we await his coming in glory... ...Through Christ, with Christ, in Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor are yours, almighty God, now and forever. Amen. LORD’S PRAYER Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. Leader: The gifts of God for the people of God. Congregation: Thanks be to God.

Page 5: *DOXOLOGY Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise ...€¦ · 6/5/2012  · EASTER READING Acts 2:1-21 NT P. 119 PSALM Psalm 104:24-34 OT P. 555 NEW TESTAMENT 1 Corinthians