-. page 1 printed 4:7 92 (Product Label Booklet) DowElanco Surflan 75W Wallr Soluble package A selective pre.mergence surface-applied herbicide for control of annual grasses and many broadleaf weeds In: Lands .. ape Ornamentals Container Grown Ornamentals FI.ld Grown Ornamentals Dralnag. Araas Under Grllnhousa B.nches Orname,ltal Bulbs " Ground Covers A"Uv. Ingredient: Christmas Tree Plantations Noncropland Non-bearing Trees and Vines Industrial Sites Establlshea Warm Season Turf (Including Bahlagrass, 6crmudag rass, Buffalograss, Centlpedegrass, St. Augustln.grass, Tall Fescue and ZoyslagraSS) oryzalin: 3,5-dinitro-N'fN"-dipropylsulfanilamide. . ..................................... 75% Inen Ingr.dl.nts.. ... ....... ....... ....... ........................... ....................... .... 25% Total....................... . ... ................... .. ................ ................. 100% Contains 0.75 pounds of acttve Ingreaient per pound of product. Keep Out of Reach of Children CAUTION See .. dditional precautionary information, First Aid and Directions for Use inside label booklet. Notice: Read the entire label before using. Use only according 10 label directions. B.fore buying or using thl. product, r.Mi "Warranty Dlsclalm.r" and "Limitation of R.m.dl ..... ls.\O'here on this label. In Casa of Emergency endangering heahh or the environment involving this product, call collect 517·636·4400 Speciahy Chemical: Do not ship or store with food, feeds, drugs or clothing. EPA Reglstratl:»n No. 62719-110 "Trademark of DowElanoo EPA Est. OOOOO-XX-OO DowElanco " Indlanapoll., IN 4626B, U.S.A. Herbicide Net Weight 45.5 Ib (Conlalns 35 x 1.3 Ib ... ____ ---:-':""''''::, waler soluble packets) ACCEPTED U::-iflf Fe,feral :I':!c .. .,,'vi A,:,t, os k.1 \ne \,)esucide un EPA r :.;:N:;:Jo

DowElanco Surflan 75W

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Page 1: DowElanco Surflan 75W


page 1 printed 4:7 92

(Product Label Booklet) DowElanco

Surflan 75W Wallr Soluble package

A selective pre.mergence surface-applied herbicide for control of annual grasses and many broadleaf weeds In:

Lands .. ape Ornamentals Container Grown Ornamentals FI.ld Grown Ornamentals Dralnag. Araas Under

Grllnhousa B.nches Orname,ltal Bulbs

" Ground Covers

A"Uv. Ingredient:

Christmas Tree Plantations

Noncropland Non-bearing Trees and Vines

Industrial Sites

Establlshea Warm Season Turf (Including Bahlagrass,

6crmudag rass, Buffalograss, Centlpedegrass, St. Augustln.grass, Tall Fescue and ZoyslagraSS)

oryzalin: 3,5-dinitro-N'fN"-dipropylsulfanilamide. . ..................................... 75% Inen Ingr.dl.nts.. ... ....... ....... ....... ........................... ....................... .... 25% Total....................... . ... ................... .. ................ ................. 100% Contains 0.75 pounds of acttve Ingreaient per pound of product.

Keep Out of Reach of Children CAUTION See .. dditional precautionary information, First Aid and Directions for Use inside label booklet.

Notice: Read the entire label before using. Use only according 10 label directions. B.fore buying or using thl. product, r.Mi "Warranty Dlsclalm.r" and "Limitation of R.m.dl ..... ls.\O'here on this label.

In Casa of Emergency endangering heahh or the environment involving this product, call collect 517·636·4400 Speciahy Chemical: Do not ship or store with food, feeds, drugs or clothing.

EPA Reglstratl:»n No. 62719-110

"Trademark of DowElanoo


DowElanco " Indlanapoll., IN 4626B, U.S.A.

Herbicide Net Weight 45.5 Ib (Conlalns 35 x 1.3 Ib ... ____ ---:-':""''''::, waler soluble packets)


U::-iflf th~ Fe,feral Jns~cticde. F\J,n~1 :I':!c .. .,,'vi R~1':muelde A,:,t, os '..lUr,:!6~1. k.1 \ne \,)esucide r~ls·~.Etd un

EPA r .~~~. :.;:N:;:Jo 1i(i;;I~'-"~.I-l"'"

Page 2: DowElanco Surflan 75W

page 2

Table of Content page

Precautionary Statements ..... . 3 Directions for Use .................................... . ........... .J

Storage and DisposaL....... 3 General Information... ..... .. .... .... ...... .... .... 4

General Ust= .o'ecautions.. ............. 4 S011 Preparation... ............................. .............. ............. 4 Mixing DirectIOns.. ....... .... ...... ... .. 4

Surflan 75W Alone........ ... ......... ............... ........ 4 Surflan 75W Tank-Mix Combinations ................. 4

M;.ing Order. ........ 4 Premixing .... :...... . .... ... 5

Application Metnods... ... .......... .... .... .. ... ... ..... .... ...... ..... 5 Ground Application............ ...... ........ .... ........ ... ..... 5 Aerial Application.... .... ..... ...... ... ...... 5 Equipment Cleaning... .............. . ........... ....... 5 Activation and CuHivation. . ....... ............ 5

Weeds Controlled by Surflan 75W ..................... 5 Weeds SuppreSSed by Surflan 75W..... .. ........... ........ 7

Appro .oed Uses......... ............... .............................. 7 Ornamental Plantings... ...... ... ....... ..... ............. ... 7

Precautions................. ........... ...... ............... .... 7 Broadcast Application Rates..... .... ...... ... ... ... ... 8 Recommended Species InCluding FrUit

Plant Nursery Liners. .... ............... . Field- and Liner-Grown Species ................... . Container Grown Species ............................ . Field Grown Fruit Plant Nursery Liners ........... .

Tank-Mix Combinations.................. . ................... .

7 8 11 12 13

Ornamental Bulbs.......................... ...................... 1 ':! Precautions ........................... ' ............... ......... .... 13

Greennouse Areas... ... ....... .... ....... .... ... ... ....... .... ... ...... .... 13 Christmas Tree Plantations...... ..... ....... ...... ... ....... ............ 14

Tank-Mix Combinations.... .... .... ......... ....... ...... ... 14 Noncropland Areas and Industrial Sites

Noncropland Areas--Tank-Mix Combinations .............. 14 Industnal SHes-- Tank-Mix CombinatIOns.. .................... 1 5

Warm Season Turfgrass......... ............ ....... .... ...... ....... ...... 15 Precautions... ...... ......... ........... ...... ..... .............. .... ..... 15 Grasses Controlled by Surflan 75W................. ... ..... .... 15 Broadleal Weeds Controlled by Surflan 75W... ............ 16 Broadleat Weeds Partially ContrOlled by Surflan 75W.... 16 Application Rates. Frequency and

Timing 01 ApplicatIOn............... ................ .... 1 7 Summer Mlllal Grasses and Broadleal Weeds...................... ................. 17 Single AppliCation Program...... ... ....... ....... ..... 17 Split Application Program. ........ ..... ..... .... ... ..... 16 AllIlJal Sklegrass (Poa annual and Winter Annual Broadlea' Weeds.. ..... 17

Weed Control in FI-rida............................ 1 7 Application Equipment...................................... 1 7 ReSeeding............ ............... ..... ................ 18

Warranty Disclaimer.. ..... ...... .......... ... ...... ..... .... ....... 18 Inherent Risks of Use................... ........ .......... ............ 18 Limitation of Remedies.. .............. ..... ............ .... .... 18

printed 417 32

Page 3: DowElanco Surflan 75W

page 3 p"nlea 4.'7 92

Precautionary Statements Hazarda to Humans and Domestic Animals

CAUTION PRECAUCION Precauclon al usuarlo: Si usted no lee Ingles. no use este producto hasta que la euqueta Ie haya sida explicada ampliamente.

Caue.s Ey. Irritation • Harmlul " Swallow.d, Inhal.d Or Absorbed Through Th. Skin

Avoid breathing spray mist and contact with skin, .yes or Clothing. Mlx.r/loader/appllcators must wear .. ye protection. Protective Clothing such as coveralls and/or a long-steeved Shirt, shoes, and Imp..:rm.abl. glOVes should be worn when handling this prOduct. Wash thoroughly with soap and ~ ... ter after handling. R.move contaminated Clothing and wash before reuse.

First Aid If In eyes: Flush wnh plenty of water. Get medical allen:ion illrritation develop' If swallowed: Do nol induce vomiting. Call a physiCian or Poison Conlr:)1 Center. If available, administ~r activated charcoal (6-8 heaping teaspoonlulS) with a large quantity of water. Do not give anything by n'IOuth to an unconscIous person. Immediately lranS~Xlrl to a medical care facility ar j see a phySician. !I Inhaled: Remove individual to fresh air. Get medical attention d breathing difficulty occurs. If not breatning. give arldicial respiratIOn. preferably cardiopulrl'lOnary resuscrtatlOn and get medical attention immediately If on Skin: Wash wrth plenty 01 soap and water Get medical a!lention rt Irrnation develops.

Envlronm.ntal Hazards Do not apply directly to water. to areas where surtace water IS present, or to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark. Do not contaminate water when dispoSing of equrpment washwaters Cover or incorporate spills.

Directions for Use • II is a VIOlation 01 Federat Law to use this prowct In a manner inconsistent wrth ~s labeling . • Read All Directions Carefl'lty Before ApplYing

Handling Precautions lor Water S,luble Pack.ts Do not rerl'lOve water soluble packet from fori overpack except for Immediate use. Do not allow water soluble packet to corne in contact wrth water prior to use. Do not handle water soluble packet wrth wet hanUs. Carefully reseal package containing unopened loil pouches aHer use and protect package from n'IOisture.

STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Do not contaminate 'IIater, fOOd or feed by storage .Jr d;S\'IOsal. StOI'8lJ': Store in original container only. In case of leak or spIN, use adsorbe~t materials to contain llqulcil and d.se as waste. P •• lelde ~ ... : Wastes resulting from the use of this produCt may be used according to l;me! directions or disposed 01 at an approved waSle diSposal facility . ConUIIner DIepoIlI: Dispose Of overpack In a saMary landlill or by Incineration, or. if allowed b staI. or local authorities b burnl If burned sta out 01 smoke.


Page 4: DowElanco Surflan 75W

page 4 p!'1n!ed 4/7'92

General Information

Surflan 7'!;W herbicide is a preemergence surface· applied herbicide lor Ihe control of annual grasses an<! many broadleaf weeds In ornamental planllngs. bulbs. ground covers. eSlablishe~ warm·season lurfgrass. Christmas tree plantatIOns. non· bearing trees and vines. non<ropland and industri(ll srtes.

Genetal Use PteCLutions Surflan 75W Will r.ot control emerged weeds Poor weed control may resun rt directions are not followed. Over·application may resun in crop Injury or excessIve sod reSidue.

Surflan 75W is orange in color and may cause temporary alSCOloration of sprayed surfaces. If thIS discoloration IS undesirable. rt inay be anered by using a commercially avadable colorant such as Blazon or removed by spraying surface With water or washing wrth an Industrial cleaner irr.mediately after appliCatIOn. So.;rflan 75W may al5<) be applied WIth mulch colorants. such as Mulch Magic or Nu·Mulch.

Users who wish to use Surf Ian 75Won plant species not recommended on this labet may determine the surtabitity for such uses by treatinr, a small number of such plants at a recommended rate. Prior te Ir('atment of larger areas. Ihe Ireated plants ShOuld be observed fer any sign of herbicidal injury for 30 to 60 days 10 determone if the treatment IS selective to the targel plant species. The user assumes respcnsobllrty for any crop damage or other liability resuning from use of Surflan 75W on plant o;pI!Cles nOI recommended on Ihis labet.

Ch.mlgatlon: Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system.

Soli Preparation Surf tan 75W will not control emerged weeds. Therefore. areas to be trealed shOuld be free of emerged weeds. Weed residues. prunongs and trash shOuld be thOroughly nllx&d into the 5011 or removed prior to treatment In field applications. Ihe sod should be in good IIhh and free of clods althe lime of apptication.

Mixing Directions

Surtlan 75W Alone Make sure spray ta"1k is clean and use only clean water. Fill spray tank 1/2 10 31C full. Start agitation. Add the required number of water soluble pack~t~ !~ t~":1 spray tank. Allow time for coflllieli. mixing 01 Surflan 75W after packets have disintegrated. Continue agrtalion and fill spray tan': to required spray volume. *Intaln continuous agitation from mixing through application.

Surflan 75W Tank·Mlx Combinations Prior to mixing, read and carefully follow all label instructions and precautions for each prOduct added to the tank mixture. Vigorous, continuous agitation is required for all Surflan 75W tank· mixes. Spatger pipe agitators generally provide the best agrtation in Spray tanks.

Prec:autlor: 00 1101 allow the spray mixture to siphon baCk into Ihe water source.

MIlling Orter: FHI the tank 31C full wrth clean water. Start agitation and add different formulation types in the order indicated below. allowing time for comptete mixing and dispersion alter add_ion 01 each product. Allow extra mixing and disper,-;!U,l!or,,, for J,) flowable products.

Add different formulation types in the following order: dry flowables (DF); ~urfldn 75W and other wettable pOWders (WP); aqueous suspensions (AS). flowables (F) and :":juidlo :L): solutions (5); and emuls~iabIe concentrates (EC).


Page 5: DowElanco Surflan 75W

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Continue agilation and fin:dh filling the spray tank with clean water, Maintain agnation until application is oompleted, If spraying and agitation must be stopped before the spray tank IS empty, the materials may settle to the bottom Settled materials rrust be completely resuspended before spraying is continUed, A sparger agnator IS partICularly useful for this purpose,

Premixing: When tank mixing, ionial mixing and dispersion of certain dry flowable or wettable powder produds may be ImprOVed by premixing With water (slurrying), Adding the slurried material to the spray lank through a 20 or 35 mesh wetting screen will help assure good IOltial dispersion, Line screens In the tank should be no liner than 50 meSh (t 00 mesh is liner than 50 mesh),

ApplicatiCin Methods

Ground Appllcatlcn: Apply Surflan 75W as a directed spray to the soil surface or overtop 01 plants using a vehicle-mounted or pull-type sprayer, Apply the appropriate rate of Sunlan 7'SW as outlined in "Approved Uses· section of this label. In all cases, use sufficient water volume to obtain uniform coverage and deliver the desired rate of Surflan 75W to the treated area, The volume of water used Is not critical, as long as the deSired rite of Surflan 75W is delivered unllonnly across the are. treatld, Whan callbrltlng, determine the volume of water dellverld by the sprayer to a given area (1,000 sq ft, acre, etc,). Than mix the daslree rate of Surflan 75W In the amount 01 water required to cover the entire ar .. to ba treated. Use only a properly calibrated, lOw-pressure herbicide sprayer that will apply the spray uMormly, Use herbICide tips wrth s::reens no finer than 50 mesh in nozzles dnd in-line strainers, As the amount 01 water used (spray volume) decreases, the importance of ac...-urate calibration and uniform applicaiion increases, Check the sprayer daily to ensure proper calibration and uniform application, Maintai'. oontinuous agitation from muung through application, Avoid spray pattern SkipS and o"enaps that may result in inoomplete coverage or over-application,

Aerllt Application: Use a standard aerial herbicide boom sprayer, Aerial spray equipment should be calibrated to apply the prope.' amount of Surflan 75W alOne or in tank-mix combinatIons in 2 to 10 gallOns of spray mixture per acre, Nozzle screens and in-line strainers should be no finer than 50 mesh. Surflan 75W mixes readily wilh water for concentrate aerial sprays; however. constant vigorous agitation that sweeps the contents from the bottom of the spray tank up Into the main body 01 the iiquid is required to maintain a uniform suspension until the spray tank IS empty, Avoid spray pattern skips and overlaps that may result in incomplete ooverage or over­application, Do not apply when wrnd condrtions favor drill from the target area.

Equipment Cleaning: If a buildup of material OCQJrs on the walls of the spray tank, ~ should be removed between fillings by waShing wrth soap and water and rinSing thoroughly, Tanks, lines. screens and nozzles should be cleaned thoroughly atter each use,

Activation Ind CuHlYatlon: Surflan 75W wiN remain stable on the soil surface up to 21 days 10Ucwing application, In the absence of timely ra.nfaH, Irrigation can be used to adivate Surflan 7SW A rnininI.Im of one-hal (112) inch of rain or .s equivalent in spnnkler irrigation is necessary to ad.vate Surtlan 7SW. If weeds begin to emerge due to lack 01 rainfall or irrigation, shallow QJ"ivate 1 to 2 incheS deep to destroy existing weeds or remove tt"oem by hand, Shallow QJltivation to a depth 01 1 to 2 inches wiIIlnhance herbicidal effectiveness, If Surflan 7SW is not aaivated by rainfall, imgatlon or QJllvation within 21 days of application or existing weeds have not been removed, erratIC weed control may result.


Page 6: DowElanco Surflan 75W

Weeds Controlled by Surflan 75W Annuel Gre., ••• : QgmmgD N.m. Barley, little "Iarnyaragrass

(Walergrass) Bluegrass, annual Crabgrass, large Crabgrass, smooth Crowlootgrass Cupgrass, Southwestern Foxtail, bristlegrass Foxtail, giant Foxtail, green

(Pigeongrass) Foxtail, robust Foxtail, yellow Goosegrass

(S~ver crabgrass) Johnsongrass

(seedling only) Junglence Lovegrass, Mf:xican Lovegrass, orcutt Oat, wild PaniCum, browntop Panicum, fall

(Spre~ing paniCgrass) Panirum, -, exas

(BulfalOgrass) (Coloradograss)

Ryegrass, "a1ian Sanctbur, field Signalgrass (Brachialla) Sprangletop, red Wnchgrass

Broedl •• ' W •• ds: CAmmA" Nt'"' Bitlercress Carpetweed ChiCkweed, COITllToJn Fiddleneck, coast Filaree. redIIem Filar ... whIIell.m GroundHl. c:omn'ICII1 Henbil KnotwHd, prostrate LarrGlqualters Pigweed, prostrate Pigweed, redroot Pigweed, SPring Pigweed, tumble Puncturevine Purslane, convnon Pusley, Florida

(Florida purslane)

Scl.ntlflc N,m. Hordeum pusilium Echinochloa c1us-galli

Poaannua Digrtaria sanguinaJis Digitana ischaemum Dactyloctenium aegyplium Eriochloa gracilis Setaria magna Setaria fabe,; Setaria vlfidis

Setana robusta Setaria glauca Eleusine indica

Sorghum ha/epense

Echinochloa colonum Er3grostis rnexicana Eragrostis orcunizna " vena fatua Panicum fasciCUtatum Panicuftl dichvtorrllflorum

Panicum texanum

LOlium muniflorum Cenchrus incertus Brachiaria spp. L eptochloa filiformis Pamcum capi/tare

Sel,ntlflc Nlm, Catr1amine o/igOsperma Mo/1ugO verticil/ata Sle/laria media Amsincl<ia intermedia Erodium cicutanum Erodium moscnatum Senecio vu/gans L amium arTJ)lexicaule Polygonum avicu/are Chenopodium al1um Amaranthus blitoit1es Amarantnus felro/lexus Amarantt,us hybriQis Amarantflus albus Tribulus terrestriS PortlJlacfI olerace. Richafr1ia sca./JfI

, ~ / .. /

Page 7: DowElanco Surflan 75W


(MexiCan clover) (PUEley)

Rocket. London ROCkpurslane, desert Shepherdspurse Spurge, prostrate Woodsorrel, yellow

$isyni:1rium iria Calandrinia ciliata Capsella bursa-pastoris EuphOrbia humlstrata Oxali5 strlCta

Weeds Suppressed by Surflan 75W Control 01 the 101lowing weeds may be erratic, ranging Irom poor to excellent. depending upon soil te.nperature, lime ot germination, depth ot seed in the sOil. and amount and timing 01 sool moisture:

Commg" Ham. Horseweed Ladysthumb Lettuce, prickly Mal;ow. common Milkweed. climbing Morningglory Mustard, black Mustard, Wild Nightshade, black Ragweed, common Smartweed Sowthistle, annual Spurge, spotted Teaweed (pnckly sida) Velvetleaf Wheat. volunteer

Scllntlflc Nama Conyza canadenSIS Polygonum persicaria Lactuca serriola Malva negl6cta Sarcostemma cynanchoides Ipomoea spp. BrasslCa nigra Brassica /caber Solanum n;grum Ambrosia artemiSlifolia Polygonum pensylvanicum Sonchus olerac:eus EuphOrbia maculata SieJa spinosa Abutilon theophrasti Triticum spp.

Approyed Uses

Ornamental Plantings

Precautions: Apply only to established pllntings. Established plants are defined as those that have been ' transplanted into their growing location tor a sufficient period of time to allow the soil to be linnly settled around lhe roots trom packing and rainfall or irrigation.

To avoid possible injury, do not apply Surflan 75 W to: • enher nursery $eedbeds or forest or Chrtstmas tree seedling transplant beds. • Unrooted nners or cuttings that have been planted in pots for the tirst time. • Pots less \han four inchM wide. • Ground COVIll'S unlM they are established and well rooted. • O~aI pIanItngs where there is likelihood of runoff onto laWn areas. • Areas OOI1ailling dichondra or cool season turfgrass species.

Rooted lInenI should be removed from their original growing containers and placed in new containers alleast two weeks pric,r to trealrnent or i~ry may occur.

For soils freated wMh Surflan 75W during the previous season, plant only tha ol.la.nantal species listed on this label or i,.,.ry may occur.

ICe Plant: When establishing unrooted ice plant (Mesembryanthemum cryst.Jilin.Jm and CatpObrutus «Julis Ion coarse SOils in landscape plantings, use only the 2 packet per ac:e :ate of Surflan 75W or crop injUry may occur. Alter the ice plant is weH established. a 3~nd applICatIOn maybe made.

" 'f I

Page 8: DowElanco Surflan 75W


Broadca.t Application Rates

Lel1Qth of Control ShOrt term

1-_.:(:2:.,:to 4 months long term

,-_",,[,4,-,to 8 months

Surflan 75W

Recommended Speci.s Including Fruit Pllnt Nursery Lin.rs

printed 417'92

Surtlan 75W is recommended lor use on cenaln contamer- ana field-grown eSlablished ornamental plants, trees and shrubs: established ground covers: field grown fruit tree and shrub nursery liners; and In the prc.dUction of ornamental bulbs (See ·Ornamental Bulbs" for special use directions).

Do not apply Surtlan 75W to the :ollowing plant species when :ontainer grown -::r field grown or inlury may occur:

Deutzia gracilis (slender deulZia) Pseudot~uga menziesli (Oouglas-fir) Thuja occidentalis 'Techry (Techny arborvitae) Tsuga canadensis (eastern hemloCk)

Surflln 75W May b. Used on the FollOWing flAlIl- and UJlH'- Grown Plants and Plants In Landscap. Plantings:

-Plants transplanted for additional growth before transplanting to final growing location.

CAmmgn N.m. Abelia. glossy Acacia, prostrate Agavl Andromeda Apple Arborv~ae, American Arborvitae. Oriental Ash Aster, stokes Astilbelfalse spirea

Azalea Baby's breath Barberry, Japanese

v Bellflower Birch. river Birch. while

/8'trd of paradise Blazing star Bleeding heart Bottlebrush, lemon Boxwood. eomrr"ln Boxwood. Japant e Brush cherry Caldaiurn, fancy leafed Callomla IaLtel CafT'4)alllla (bellllower)

/ Cape marigOld CarpetbuOte Cassia. feathery

Scl.ntlllc Nlm. Abelia grandlflora Acacia redO lens Agave fTl3crocu/mis Pieris japonica Malusspp, Thuja occidentalis Platycladus orientalis Fraxinus spp. Stokesia laevis Astilbe chmensis and A. chinensls hybrids Rhododendron spp. Gypsophlla partlculata Bemeris thunbergii Campanula lIlatines Betula nigra Betula peridula Strelitzia reginae Liams 5p1C1Jta Dicentra spectabilis Callistemon CltrinuS Buxus sempeNirens Buxus microphylla japonica Syzygium partlculata Caladium oicolor Umbellulana cali/amica Carll)anulb spp, Dimorphott.eca spp. Ajuga spp. Cassia artemiSioides


Page 9: DowElanco Surflan 75W



EIA1A- ana iJ.DAJ:- Grown Cherry. Mahaleb Cherry. sweet ChrysantMmum. florist3 Cleyera. Japanese Coneflower. purple Coreopsis Cotoneaster. be<!rberry Cotoneaster. bngntbead Cotoneaster. cranberry Cotoneaster, pamey Cotoneaster. Pyrenees Cotoneaster. rock Cotoneaster. rockspray Cottonwood

(grown for pulp) Coyotebush. dwarf Crape Myrtle. common Cryptomeria. Japanese Cypress. Arizona CyprQSs. Italian Dalsy. gloriosa

(black-eyed Susan) Daisy. painted Daisy. Shasta Daisy. trailing African

AayUIy . Dogwood. flowering

Dogwood. kOUH Eastercac!us Escallonta Eucalypti,s, mealy EucalyptJS, narrow-leaved EucaiYJ:tus. red Euon\·rnus, evergreen Euonymus. stringybark Euonymus, winged Falsecypress. Lawson Fatshedera Fir. alpine Fir, balsam Fir. fraser Fir, grand Fir. Vielch Fir. while Firelhorn Firelhom. formosa Firethom. scarlet Forsythia. border Geum Gan:lenla Gazania. truing

L Geranium (Pelargoniumj Geum Ginkgo Garden gladiolus Goldenrain tree Heavenly bamboo (Nandina)

Species, continued Prunus mahaleb Prunus aVlum Chrysanrnemum mof/folium Cleyera laponlca EchlOacea purpurea Coreopsis lanceolata Cotonei/ster dammef/ Cotoneaster buxlfolius Cotoneaster aplcula/us Cotoneaster lacteus Cotoneaster congeS/us Cotoneaster hOf/zonralls Cotoneaster microphyllus Populus deltoldes

Baccharis pi/ulam Lagerstroemla 10 1ica Cryptomer;a japo,1rca Cupressus arlZonlCa (glabra) Cupressus sempervrrens Rudbeclcia /'"na

Chrysant.'lemum coccineum Chrysanthemum maxImum Osteospermum fruticosum Hemeroca/lls spp. Comus florida Comus !causa Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri Escallonra exon,ensis Eucalyptus cmerea Eucalyptus nicholii Eucalyptus sideroxylon Euonymus japonica Euonymus fortunei Euonymus alata Charnaecypans /awsoniana FatShedera lizei Abies /asioCarpa Abies ba/samea Ables fraseri Abies grandis Abies vedCh; Abitls (X)ncolor Pyracantha, fortuneana Pyracantha skoidzumi pyracanrna coccinea Forsythia IOtermedia Geum quel/yon Gatr1enra lasfTllnoides Gazanra rrgens /eu(X)laef12 Pelargoniur.J tIortorum Geum quel/yon Ginl<go bflOba Gladiolus hOrtulanus Koelreutefla panrculata Nandina dOmestica

pnnted 4; 7 92

, . ,

, T1P P LRBELS US . - -

Page 10: DowElanco Surflan 75W

',age 10

f.I.IJA. and 1..IJlK. Grown Species, contlnu.d Hibiscus, Chinese Hibiscus rosa·smesis HOlly. I':hinese /lex comuta Holly. English /lex aquifolium Holly, Japanese /lex crenata Honeysuckle, Japanese Lonlcera ,aponica Honeysuckle, MexiCan Justlcla spicigera Hopseedbush. clammy Dodonaea viscosa

/ Ice plant Mesembryanrhemum crystal/inum (See precautions lor ornamental plantings)

Ice plant, largelea' Carpobrutus eduli$ (Se~ precautions lor ornamental plantings)

. Impatiens (Busy hzzie) Impatiens INallerana Iris. bearded Iris spp. Ivy, Algerian Hedera canariensis Ivy. English /-Ieaera helix Jerseytea, redroot Ceanothus americanus Juniper Jumperus spp Kumquat FortuneJJa spp. Laurel. mountain Kalmia lat/tolla Laurelcherry, Carolina Prunus carolimana LaurelCherry, English Pnmus laurocerasus LeucothOe, coast Leucothoe ax/JJafls Leucothoe. drooping ~ euco/hoe fontanesiana Lilac, common Sy .• nga vulgaris Lily, plantain Hosta spp. Lllyturt, bigblue LirlOf)IJ ff'lJscari Lily-of-the-Nile Agapanthus africanus Linden, little leat Tilia cordata Magnolia, Southem Magnolia granc1if/ora Manzanita. Stanford Arctostaphylos stanfordiana Maple Acer spp.

Jo.1arigold Tagetes spp. Mockorange Phlladelphus spp. Moss. rose Portulaca grandif/ora Myoporum, prostrate Myoporum parvlfolium Myrtle. true Myrtus communis Oak Ouercus spp. Oleander Nerium oleander Orange. omamental CitfIJS spp. Oregon grape Mahonia aquifolium Osmar.tl'1Us, holly·leaf Osmanthus heterophyllus Palo Verde, blue Cercidium floridum Pansy Viola wlftrod<iana Pear pYfIJs communis Pecan, ornamental Carya spp. Periwinkle, bigleal Vinca major Periwinkle, dWart Vinca mmor Petunia Petunia spp. Photinla Photinia fraseri Pine Pinus spp. Pinosporum PittospofIJm spp. Privet, alTlJr Ligustrum alTlJrense Privet, gloSSY LigustfIJm lucidum Privet, go'den L.gustfIJm vicaryi Privet, Japanese LtgustfIJm japomcum Protea Protea neMolia Aanunculus, Persian Ranuneulus aSlaticus

') { ,

plln1ed 4. i 92

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Elald- and UJlII- Grown Redbud Redcedar, Eastern Red Cedar, Western Redwood, coast Rhaphiolepsis (India hawthorn) Rhododendron

Sp.cles, contlnu.d Cercls canadensis Juniperus virgintana Thlija pllCata

Rose Rose-ot-Sharon (Shrubahhea) Russian olive Sage Shrimp plant Snapdragon Sotol, des en spoon Spruce, black Spruce, Colorado Spruce, Englemann Spruce, Norway Spruce, white Star lasmine, Chinese StonEocrop Sumac, African Sweetgum, American Sweet WilUam Tobira Trumpet viDe, violet Viburnum, Laurustinus Virbumum, Sandankwa Welgela, oldfashioned Wintercreeper Xylosma, Japanese Yarrow Yaupon YfNt Yew, Japanese Yewpine Yucca, pendulous Yucca, soaptree Zinnia, common

SequoIa sempervirens Rhaphiolepsls indica RhOdOdendron spp. Rosaspp. Hibiscus syriacus Elaeagnus angustifolia Salvia spp. Justicia brandegeana Antirrhinum majus Dasylirion wheeleri Picea manana Picea pungens Picea englemanni PlCea abies Picea glauca Trachelospermum lasminoides Sedum brevdolium Rhus lancea Liquidambar styraciflua Dianthus barOatus PittosponJm tobira Clytostoma callistegioides Viburnum tinus VirOunum suspensum Weigela florida Euonymus fortunei Xylosma congestum Achillea spp, /lex vomitoria Taxusmedia T axus Cl./spidata PoeJocarpus macrophyllus Yucca recurvtolia Yucca elata Zinnea elegans

Surflan 75W Mly be USed on the Following COnt.IDar-Grown Plan,s:

Camman NlrDt Andromeda Arborvitae, Amertcan Arborv"', Oriental Astilbelf .... spirea Barberry, JIP8MIe Bellflower Blazing star Bleeding heart Bottlebrush, lemo~, BoXWood, colT1r1'lt.n Brush cherry Cleyera, Japanese Cotoneaster, bearberry Cotoneaster, cranberry Cotoneaster, parney

Scl.ntlflc Him. Pieris japonica Thuja occidentalis PlatycladuS olientalis Asti/be chinensis and BerOeris thunbergii Ca~l'IJla elatines Liatlis spicata Dicentra specfabiliS Calliste;non citrinus Buxus sempervirens Syzygium paniculata Cleyera japonica Cotonea.ster dammeri Cotoneaster apiculatus Cotoneaster lacteus


printed 4/7'92


Page 12: DowElanco Surflan 75W

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Conlllntr·Grown Sp.el •• , Cotoneaster. rOCl< Crape Myrtle. common Cryptomeria. Japanese Cypress. Arjzon~ Cypress. Italian uayijly Dogwood. kousa Eastercactus Escallonia Euonymus. evergreen Euonymus. stringybark Fatshedera Firethorn Firethorn. formosa F: thorn. scarlet Gardenia Ginkgo Holly. Chinese Holly. Japanese Jerseytea. redroot Juniper Kumquat lilac. common lilytur1. bigblue lily-Qf-ttle-Nile linden. little leaf Mockorange Myrtle. true Oak Oleander Orange. omamental Pecan. omamental PhAtinia Pine Pittosporum Privet. amur Privet. glossy Privet. golden Privet. Japanese Redbud RhaphiOlepsis (India hawthom) Rhododendron Russian olive Shrimp pIarC Spruce. CoIonIdo Sumac. AIrIcan Swe.~. AmeriCaD Trumpet vIDe. viOlII Viburrllm. Laurustlnul Wloterctleper Yaupon Yucca. soaptr"

continued Cotoneaster horizontalis Lagerstroamia indica Cryptomeria japonica Cupressus arlZonlCa (glab',,) Cupressus semperolirens Hemeroca/lis spp. Comus kousa RhipsalidopslS gaertnefl Escallon,a exo(!/ensis Euonymus lapomea Euonymus lortun61 Fatshedera 'i~ei Pyracantha. fortuneana Pyracantha skoidZumi Pyracantha coccinea Gardenia jaSminoides Ginkg(, jiloba /lex comuta /lex crenata Ceanothus americanus Juntperus spp. Fortunella spp. Syringa vulgaris Liriope mJ5cari AgapanthuS afriCanus Ti~a corolla Philldelpllus spp. Myrtus communis Quercus spp. Nerium oleander Citrus spp. Caryaspp. Pflotinta fraseri Pinus spp. Pittosoorum spp. Lig Istrum amJrense Ligustrum lucidum ~igustrum vicaryi Ligustrum japonicum Cereis canadensis Rhaphio/apsis indica RfIodocJendron Spp. Elaeagnus angustdolia Justicia brandegeana Picea pungens Rhu~/ancea Liquida""a, styraciflua Clytostoma ca/listegioides Vibumum linus Euonymus fortune; /lex vomitoria Yucca eaJa


r"nled 4.7 92

Page 13: DowElanco Surflan 75W

page 13

Surflan 75W May be Used on the Following Field Grown Fruit Plant Nursery Liners': Almond . Grapefrurt ..... ear Apple Kiwi Pecan Apricot Lemon Pistachio Avacado Macadamia Nut Plum

· Cherry Nectarine Pomegranate Fig Olive Prune Filbert Orange , Walnut, English

, Grape

Small Fruits: · Blackt'dry · Blueoerry

/ Boysenberry

·..currant "Dewberry Elderberry

. Gooseberry Loganberry

_ RasOberry

printed 4,7 92

, Plants transplanted lor addnional growth before transplanting to final growing location.

rank·Mlx Combination. Tank-mix corTtJinations 01 Surflan 75W plus Roundup, and many other labeled herbicides may be used to control undesirahle vegetation In ornamental areas. Surflan 75W may also be tank mixed w1h Gallery' herbicide (Cal~omia registration pending) and applied preemergence to hroaden the s!Jectrum of broadleal weed control in ornamental areas. Applied as directed, these Surflan 75W tank-mixes will provide control 01 susceptible weed species listed on the respective labels. ReIer to tank mix prow::! labels lor specific use direct:ons, precautions and limitations belore use,

Surflan 75W/Rounl:lup: Tank-mix combinations 01 Surf!an 75W/ROUndup are recommended to coritrol existing undesirable vegetatic.n. Applied as directed, Surflan 75W plus Roundup will provide postemergence control 01 susceptible weed species listed on the Roundup label and reSidual preemergence control 01 susceptible 'Need species listed on the Surflan 75W label. Refer to the Roundup label lor srecific use directions, precautions and limitations befere use.

for,cautlon.: Do not apply sprays containing Roundup oller the top 01 omamerital plants, Extreme care must be exercised to prevent contact 01 Roundup-containing sprays with loliage and stems 01 turfgrasses, trees, shrubs, or other desirable vegetation since severe damage or death may resu., Nota: II spraying with Roundup in areas adjacent to desirable plants, use a shield to prevent spray lrom contacting loliage and Siems 01 desirable plants.

Ornam,n'al BUlbs

Surflan 75W :;:!l: applied for control of susceptible annual weeds in ornamental I 'tlbs. e.g., \ )Xlfbous irIS. (narcissus), hyaeinth and tUlip. App/'J ::iUrflan 75W to the soil sunace 2 to 4

weekS aftar planting. but prior to the emergence of annual weeds. For lall planted bulbs, apply Surflan 75W again in late winler or early spring to weed-free soil surfaces.

Pr,cautlon.: Do not apply to tu.., plants that have emerged to a height greater than 3/4 inch. Do not &ppIy to gIadioM corms prior to emergence or less than one inch in diameter,

/. ')


Page 14: DowElanco Surflan 75W

page 14 printed 4 7 92

Sreldel" ADolleltton Rates Time of

ADolieation 5011 Texture Surflan 75W FaJ Coarse 1 packet !ler 1 .3 acre

11.0 poun1 per acrel Fat Medium and Fille 1 packet ;Jer 0.S7 acre

(2.0 Ibjler acre) Feb. - March All Soil Te~tures 1 packet per 1 .3 acre

. (1 a Ib per acrel

Greenhouse Areas

Surflan 75W may be applied to drainage areas under benches in open greenhouse-type structures. Do not apply in enclosed gre~nhouses or in enclosed shade house-type structures Do not apply within three weeks prior to e'lclosure in greenhouse"ipe structures.

Christmas Tree plantations

Surtle" 75W Alone Apply Surllan 75W as .. directed spray to the soil surface or as an overtop spray to establishea plantings offield grown Christmas tree species. including fir (Abies spp.). pine (Pinus spp.), and spruce (Picea spp.). Do not apply to Douglas·fir (Pseudotsuga menZ/esll). Do not apply to seedbeds or seedting transplant beOs. Apply only to established plantings. Established plants are Jefined as those that have been transplanted into their final growing location for a sufficient period of time to allow the soil to be lirmly ~enled around the roots from packing and rainfall or irrigation. Follow all instructiOns provided in the -General Information- section of this label.

Broadea" Appl' 'atlon Aates

Lenath ot Control Surflan 75W ShOrt term 2 packets per acre

(2 to 4 month$l (2.6 poundS oer acre) Long term 4 packets per acre

(4 to 8 months) (5 2 pounds oer acre)

Tank-Mix Combinations Tank-mix COmbinations Of Surllan 75W plus other labeled hertlicides may be used as directed or overtop sprays in established Chr'~fmas tree plar.tings. When applied according to use directions, these tank-mixes will I ovide control 01 susceptible weed specieS listed on the resp&ctive product labels. Refer ) tank-mix productla'>els lor specifiC use directions, precautions and limitations before use.

Surf"n 75W/Roundup: Apply tank·mix combinations of Surllan 75W pluS Houndup only as directed sprays in Chrlatrnas tree plantings. When applied according to use dirJC\ions, Surflan 75W plus Roundup will provirJe postemergence control 01 susceptible weed species listed un the RourDlp label and residual preemergence control ot susceptible weed species listed on the Sl./flan 75W IabfJl. Reier to the Roundup label tor specifiC use directions, precautions and limitatIOns before use.

Precautions: Do not apply sprays containing Roundup over the top 01 Christmas tree plar.trG~. Extreme care must be exercised to avoid contact of spray containing Roundu~ wit' foliage and stems Of Christmas trees or severe damage or death may resu •.

Page 15: DowElanco Surflan 75W

pag .. 15 pnnlOO 4· 7 92

Npncropland Areas and Industrial Sites

Noncropland Area ••• Tank·Mlx Combinations Tank·mix combinations 01 Surflan 75W plus Roundup and many olner labeled herbICides may be used to control undeSirable vegetation In noncroplano areas. When applied according to use directions, these tank·mixes will provide control 01 susceptible weed species listed on the respective product labels. Reier to tank·mix prOduct !abels lor speCific use directions. precautions ana limitations before use.

Lenoth of Control Surflan 75W Short term 2 packets per acre

(2 to 4 months) (2 6 pounds Der acre) Long term 4 packets per acre

i 4 to 8 months) (52 DOundS oer acrel Long term 6 packets per acre

(8 to 12 months) (8.0 pounds per acre)

Industrial Site ••• Tank·Mlx Combinations Tank·mix combinations of Surflan 7SW plus Roundup, Spike and many other labeled herbiCides may be used as overtop sprays to connol existing vegetatIOn on industrial sites such as util~y substations, highway guard ralls, sign posts and delineators. When applied according to use directions, these tank·mixes Will provide control of susceptible weed species listed on the respective product labels. Refer to tank mix product labels for specdic use directions, precautions and limitation before use.

Warm SIIson Turtgrasses

General I, formation Surflan 75W may be applied as a preemergence treatment lor control of annual grasses and certain broadleal weeds in established warm season turf including bahiagrass, berrnudagrass. bUffalograss, centipedegrass. SI. Augustinegrass and zoyslagrass or established tall fescue growing in warm season areas. Established turf is defined as a dense turf having a well· anchored root system and heahhy, vigorous top growth. Surflan 75W may be tank mixed wrth Gallery herbICide (Camornia registration pending) and applied preemergence to broaden the spectrum of broadleal weed control in warm season turt. Refer 10 Ihe Gallery label for spectfic use directIOns, precautions, and limitations belore use.

Successful preemergence control 01 weeds listed on this label requires thaI Surtlan 75W be applied prior 10 weed germination and be activaled by alleaS! one·han (1/2) Inch 01 rainfall or irrigatiOn within 21 days of appIicalion.

Prec,utlona: To avoid possible injury. do nol apply Surflan 7SW to:

• Cool season turfgrass spectes. • Gol course putting greens or tees or lawns cornaining dichondra or cool season

turfgrau species. • NIWIy sprigged or sodded areas of bermudagrass, St. Augustinegrass,

cet.lpeclegrass, or zoysiagrass unttl these turfs are well-establiShed and have well· anchored root systems.

• .. ewty hydrorrulctled areas of berrrudagrass until su::h areas are well-es:abl'sl'9d. • Bermudagrass variety "Sun Turf" when tank mixed with atrazine.

Surflan 75W will not control emerged weeds

Any cu~ural practices that disturb the ~"tI, such as aenlication or verticul\ing, s"lOU'a be done prtor to application 01 Surtlan 75W.


Page 16: DowElanco Surflan 75W

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Surflan 75W may injure turf that IS not well-established or IS stressed or weakened c1Je to unfavorable winter climatic conoHions, droug:tt, nematodes, or other factors whi<:l1 damage or weaken turf. Apply Surflan 75W only to heaHhy, well-established turf Ihat is well-anchored.

Use Surflan 75W only as a part of a totallurt management program that includes good fertilization practices.

Do not apoly Surflan 75W in the spring or early summer to tall fescue tUrfgrass reseeded the prevIOUS fall. In such cases, apply Balan' 2.SG granular herbicide at 60 to 80 pounds per acre in early summer (Round 1) and Surflan 75W at a rate of 1 packet per 0.67 acre (2 poundS per acre) approximately eight weeks later (Round 2). Do not apply Surflan 75W at the Single application rate of 1 packet per acre (2.6 poundS per acre) to established tall fescue: in such cases, apply 1 packet per 0.67 acre (2 poundS per acre) of Surflan 75W in aI' 1itial application, followed by a second application 01 t paCket per 0.67 acre 8 to 10 weeks latE

In bermudag.ass areas that have been overseeded with winter grasses, a spring application of Surfl, . 75W will thin the overseeded grasses.

Annuat Grasses Controlled by Surflan 75W

Summer Annuets:

Comma" N,m. Bamyardgrass

(Watergrass) Crabgrass, large Crabgrass, smooth Crabgrass Crowfootgrass Foxta~, blistiegrass Foxtail, giant Foxta~, ureen

(Pigeongrass) Foxtail, robust Foxtad, yellow Goosegrass

(Silver crabgrass) Johnsongrass

(Seedling only) Ryegrass, Italian Sandbur, field

SCientific N,ml EchinochJoa crus-galli

Digitaria sanguina/is Digitana IschaOfTlJm Digitana spp. DactyJoctonium aogyptium Sotatia magna Sotatia fabeti Sotaria viridiS

Setatia robusta Sotaria g/IWca Elouslno Indica

Sorghum haloponso

Lofium multif/orum Conchrus incortus

Winter Annuals:

CommA" NeIM BluegraSl. lIfIflIai

Ie'.n."" Him. Poaannua

Annual 8ro*,I .. , WHds Controlled by Surf Ian 75W

Summer Annuals:

Cpmmon Ntg Carpetweed Knotweed, prostrate Purslane. common

Seltntl'" Him. MoliJgo vorticlilata Polygonum aviculare Portulaca olsracoa

Page 17: DowElanco Surflan 75W

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Winter Annuals:

Common N,m. ChICkweed, common Henblt

Scl.nUlic N.m. Siel/ana media Lamium ample)(,caule

Broadleaf WeedS Suppressed by Surflan 75W

Common Ham. Groundsel, common Spurge, prostrate Woodsorrel, yellow

Scj.ntlflc H.m. SenecIO vulgans Euphorbia hum/slrata Oxali, stneta

Application Rates, crequency and Timing of Application

pflmed 4,7·92

Surf Ian 75W can be applied in the spring for summer annual grass and broadleaf weed control, and in the fall for annual bluegrass (Poa annual and wllller annual Oroadleaf we~ contrOl.

1. Summer Annual Grasses and Broadleaf Weeds

Single Application program: Apply 2 to 3 packets '2.6 to 3,9 pounds) of Surflan 75W per acre in late winter or earty spring. prior to "'e onset of cond~ions favorable for annual weed germination, Apply at a rate of 3 packets (3.9 pounds)per acre in areas with a longer growing season or where control of weeds is required for a longer period 01 time

SpIH ApplicatIon Progrllll: As an alternativ~ to a single application program, Surflan 75W may be applied in a spl~ applicatIOn. This program is desirable when the in~ial application is made well in advance 01 weed germination and where weed control is desired lor a longer period of time. Apply ar a rate 01 1 packet (2 pounds par acre) per 0.67 acre in an initial application, followed by a second application of 1 packet per 0.67 acre 8 to 10 weeks later

The second treatment 01 the split application may follow application 01 a different preemergence grass herbicide in place of the Indial Surflan 75W application.

2. Annual Bluegrass (POI annual Ind Winter AnnUli Broldilif Welds

In areas 01 heavy aM'Jal bluegrass infestation, its elimination will resun in temporary thinning of turfgrass cover. Proper lerti~zatlOn, irrigation and soli incorporated reseeding should be employod to speed the restoration 01 deSirable turfgrass cover in areas previously occupied by annual bluegrass (See section on reseeding).

Apply Surflan 75W as a preemergence treatment in late summer or earty lal, prior to the eKpected germination period 'or annual bluegrass and winter annual bIOadleal weeds, II annual bklegrass infestation is severe and rts elimination wiN result in thinning 01 turfgrass cover, apply SurfIan 75W at a rate 01 1 packet per 0.67 acre (2 pounds per acre). n thinning 01 turfgrUa cover is IlOl a potential problem, Surflan 75W may be applied at a rate of 2 packets per acr8 (2.6 pounds per acre)

Bl'08Idcaat Aj)pIlc.tlon Rltl.




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Page 18: DowElanco Surflan 75W

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Weed COntrol In Florida: In Fionda, apply at a rate 0; 1 pac~et per 0,67 acre (2 pounds per acre) 01 Surflan 75W three IIrnes per year, or every 90 to 100 days, In the !all, earty spring, and early summer. Do not ~pply more than 1 packet per 0 61 acre (2 poundS) of Surtlan 75W In any single application.

Application Equipment Apply Surtlan 75W evenly over the turtgrass area. Avoid spray panern skIPs and overtaps that may result IrI incomplete coverage or over·applicatlOn. For best results use appliCation equipment designed to uiliformly broadcast liquid herbicides. Calibrate applICation equipment prior to u~e, according to manutacture(s dlfections. Chec" equlpmer.t trequentl'! to make sure It IS WOrkl:1g property and distributing spray undormly.

Reseedfng HerbICides that oontrol annual weejs may also al1ect estatlishment at desirable turfgrass seedlings. Reseeding sllOuld be delayed for at least 90·120 days following applicatIOn of Surflan 75W. When reseeding, It is essential tnat proper cunural practices such as soil c:univation and seedbed preparation, irrigatIOn and fertilization be followed. For satisfactory reseeding resuns follOWing Surflan 75W use, the seeding rate should be Increased and eqUipment designed to place seed in full oontact with so~ (SUCh as the Rogers Aero Seeder) SllOuld be employed.

WARRANTY DfSCLAIMER DowElanco warrants that this product conforms to It ,J chemICal dGscription on the label ana IS reasonably fn for the purpo~es stated on the label when used In strict accordance w~h the directions. s;Jbjectto the Inr-erent risks set forth below. DowElanco makes no other express or Implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a pa, "cutar purpose or any other express or Implied warranty.

fNHERENT RISKS OF USE It is if1'1lOssible to eliminate all risks associated with use of this prO<iJct. Plant injury, lack 01 performance, or other unintended conssquences may result because 01 such factors as use of the product comrary to the fabel instructions (including cond~ions noted on thlt label, such as unlavorable temperatures, soil cond~ions, etc.)' abllOrmal conditions (such as excessive rainfall, drought, tornadOes, hurricanes), presence of other materials, the manner 01 application. or other factors, aU 01 which are beyond the oomrol of DowElanco or the seller. All such risks shall be assumed by the buyer.

LIMITATION OF REMEDIES The exclusive remedy lor losses or darnages resulting from the use 01 thiS product (including claims based on comrae!, negligerr.e, strict liabtf~, or other legal theories), shall be limited to, at DowElaoco's election, one 01 the following:

(1) Refund 01 pu;chase price paid by buyer or user lor product bought, or (2) Replacement 01 arrtOUnt of product used.

DowElanoo shaM not be liable lor losses or damages resuning from handling or use of this product unless DowElanoo is pro"",1y notdied 01 such loss or damaoe in wming. I ,10 case shall COwEIanoo be liable lor consequemial or Incidental damages or bsses.

The terma oIlhe Warranty OIsdaimer above and this Limitation 01 Remedies cannot be varied by any wrIIIen or verbal statemems or agreements. No emplOyee or sales agent of DowElallCC' ~. !he seller II authDI1ztd to vary or exceed the terms 01 the Warranty DiSClaimer or !!"t '-'mrtaticr '). Remedies in any manner.

Copyright tC - 1992

DowElanco Indianapolis, Indiana 462f:1 1189, U. SA

Revised 2125/92


Page 19: DowElanco Surflan 75W

page 19

R.vlslons: 1) Revised protective equipment requirements. 2) New wetlands statement added to ·'Envlronmental Hazards" section. 3) General editing to Clarity ;.Jse dlre-C110IlS 4) "To prevent toamlng .. " Slatemer.t deIP,,~d tram "MIxing DirectIOns" 5) Equipment cleaning Inst;'UC1lons added. 6) Revised preCautiOns tor ornamentals and warm season turf. 7) Addltionat species added to "dO not treat tist" for ornamentals. 8) Added Instructions tor cleaning treated surtaces and use ot masking colorants 9) Added Instructions to determine plant tOlerance tor treatment of species not IIsteCl on label 10) Added detailed Clefinrtion ot what constitutes "estaOnshed planllngs" I 1) Use on nursery seedbed~ and forest and Christmas tree nursery transplant beds prohlbrted 12) Added prohlbrtlOn of use ?n Douglas-fir, slender duetzla, techny arborvitae and eastern

hemlock. 13) Added cottonwOOd tree~ grown for pulp to species list for treatment. 14) Revised weeds controlled list 15) Revised ornamental species lists and provided separate lists for field and liner grown versus

container grown species. 16) Tank mix with Gallery herbicide added. 17) ReVised use direC1lOns tor Chnstmas tree ptantatlons 18) Added use arounCl "Greenhouse Artlas". 19) ReVised definition of "established turt". 20) Use on god course putting greens and tees and lawns containing dichondra prohibited. 21) ReviSed use directions and application rates tor warm season turtgrasses.