DOUBLE OPERATIVE: Language/Making · their forms-and not only their textual and iconographic content have informed original architectural ideas. 11 Even though book making and architecture

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Page 1: DOUBLE OPERATIVE: Language/Making · their forms-and not only their textual and iconographic content have informed original architectural ideas. 11 Even though book making and architecture
Page 2: DOUBLE OPERATIVE: Language/Making · their forms-and not only their textual and iconographic content have informed original architectural ideas. 11 Even though book making and architecture
Page 3: DOUBLE OPERATIVE: Language/Making · their forms-and not only their textual and iconographic content have informed original architectural ideas. 11 Even though book making and architecture
Page 4: DOUBLE OPERATIVE: Language/Making · their forms-and not only their textual and iconographic content have informed original architectural ideas. 11 Even though book making and architecture
Page 5: DOUBLE OPERATIVE: Language/Making · their forms-and not only their textual and iconographic content have informed original architectural ideas. 11 Even though book making and architecture
Page 6: DOUBLE OPERATIVE: Language/Making · their forms-and not only their textual and iconographic content have informed original architectural ideas. 11 Even though book making and architecture
Page 7: DOUBLE OPERATIVE: Language/Making · their forms-and not only their textual and iconographic content have informed original architectural ideas. 11 Even though book making and architecture
Page 8: DOUBLE OPERATIVE: Language/Making · their forms-and not only their textual and iconographic content have informed original architectural ideas. 11 Even though book making and architecture
Page 9: DOUBLE OPERATIVE: Language/Making · their forms-and not only their textual and iconographic content have informed original architectural ideas. 11 Even though book making and architecture

The Anatomy of the Architectural Book


Industrial crossovers

Architectural bookmaking has been exposed to disciplinary debates,

just as building construction has been exposed to the charms of

book culture. By examining the transverse relationship involved in

this double exposure and dissecting the anatomy of architectural

books, I argue that, despite their being independent, the forms gen­

erated by building and bookmaking are interconnected and affect

books just as much as they affect buildings. Examining the cross­

overs between book culture and building culture makes visible the

axes along which architectural knowledge circulates through books

into buildings and back, from the celebration of specific architectu­

ral practices to the production of unique books, using pages and

print to convey architectural ideas.

My aim is to demonstrate how architectural books attempt to

materialize knowledge specific to the field. To do so, I focus on the

processes of making books, rather than on architectural or book his­

tory, and explore the limits of one hypothesis: that the book forms

produced by architects derive from a reasoning that is more archi­

tectural than editorial. It is not a one-way relationship: books and

their forms-and not only their textual and iconographic content­

have informed original architectural ideas. 11 Even though book­

making and architecture have little professional parallels, the mate­

rial qualities of books-their weight, size, texture, etc.-are close

enough to architecture to make a parallel between the two material

cultures possible.

11 Recent approaches to design history

have stressed the forms m which conrnnt

is dellvered. Sara De Bondt and Fraser

Muggendge, eds., TheFonn of the Book

Book, (2009; repr, London: Occasional

Papers, 2010); Kevin G Barnhurst and

John Nerone, The Fonn of News: A

History (New York: The Guilford Press,

2001); Architecture & typographie:

Quelques approches historiques (Paris:

Ecttt10ns B42, 2011).

Page 10: DOUBLE OPERATIVE: Language/Making · their forms-and not only their textual and iconographic content have informed original architectural ideas. 11 Even though book making and architecture
Page 11: DOUBLE OPERATIVE: Language/Making · their forms-and not only their textual and iconographic content have informed original architectural ideas. 11 Even though book making and architecture
Page 12: DOUBLE OPERATIVE: Language/Making · their forms-and not only their textual and iconographic content have informed original architectural ideas. 11 Even though book making and architecture
Page 13: DOUBLE OPERATIVE: Language/Making · their forms-and not only their textual and iconographic content have informed original architectural ideas. 11 Even though book making and architecture
Page 14: DOUBLE OPERATIVE: Language/Making · their forms-and not only their textual and iconographic content have informed original architectural ideas. 11 Even though book making and architecture
Page 15: DOUBLE OPERATIVE: Language/Making · their forms-and not only their textual and iconographic content have informed original architectural ideas. 11 Even though book making and architecture
Page 16: DOUBLE OPERATIVE: Language/Making · their forms-and not only their textual and iconographic content have informed original architectural ideas. 11 Even though book making and architecture
Page 17: DOUBLE OPERATIVE: Language/Making · their forms-and not only their textual and iconographic content have informed original architectural ideas. 11 Even though book making and architecture
Page 18: DOUBLE OPERATIVE: Language/Making · their forms-and not only their textual and iconographic content have informed original architectural ideas. 11 Even though book making and architecture